Rle116gep - Git
Rle116gep - Git
Rle116gep - Git
Technique: Place one hand on the abdomen, and the o A medical device used to help patients improve the
other on the chest. Inhale deeply through the nose, functioning of their lungs.
focusing on expanding the abdomen while keeping the o It consists of a clear plastic chamber connected to
chest relatively still. Hold air in your lungs for five counts. a tube with a mouthpiece or a facemask. Inside the
Exhale slowly, while the abdomen hand moves inward chamber, there's a piston or a ball that moves up as
and the chest hand remains still. the patient inhales.
• Patients on bedrest or those who have undergone
any surgical procedure (e.g. abdominal or chest
• Patients prone to pulmonary problems.
by: 元美安
by: 元美安
• Wound dressings are materials applied to wounds to o Sterile forceps, Sterile Water, Pick up forceps, Kidney
promote healing, protect them from infection, and Basin, Sterile cotton balls, OS Micropore, Cidex
prevent further injury. Solution, Betadine, Hydrogen Peroxide, NSS Cotton
• They come in different forms and types; each with its applicator, Antibacterial ointment, Bandage scissors
purposes and benefits.
2 TYPES OF SURGICAL WOUNDS o Assess the wound's size, appearance, and any
1. Incisional Wounds drainage.
• Are made by cutting through skin, muscle, and fat so o Choose the right dressing based on the wound's
that a body part can be repaired or removed. Small condition.
incisions are also created during laparoscopic and o Clean the wound using sterile techniques.
robotic surgery o Manage pain during and after wound care.
o Watch for signs of infection like redness or pus.
2. Excisional Wounds o Teach patients and caregivers how to care for the
• Are made for removal of cyst or other type of tissue wound.
o Check the wound regularly and adjust care as
1. Primary Dressing o Ensure patient comfort during wound care
• Placed directly over the wound procedures.
→ To promote fast healing of the wound
→ To prevent debris/damaged cells
→ To prevent bacterial growth from mechanical injury
→ To absorb drainage or debride a wound or both
1. Assess clients condition
2. Assess for signs of complication (hemorrhage,
infection, and dehiscence).
3. Assess wound appearance, drainage, swelling, odor,
dehiscence, and pain.
4. Gather data from patients about the level of comfort,
pain, and tenderness.
• Open wounds
• Infected wounds
• Removal of stitches, staples, or clips while
removing drains
by: 元美安
1) Assemble all equipment. This saves time and energy.
by: 元美安
SURGICAL DRAINAGE infection or development of granulation tissue. This
• Surgical drains are tubes placed near surgical can cause pain and trauma upon removal.
incisions in the post-operative patient, to remove o Pain should be assessed whilst the drain is in situ.
pus, blood, or other fluid, preventing it from Appropriate analgesia should be provided when
accumulating in the body. necessary. Please refer to the pain assessment and
• The type of drainage system inserted is based on management guideline for more information.
the needs of patient, type of surgery, type of
wound, amount of drainage expected and surgeon EQUIPMENTS
preference o Measuring Container, Gloves, Alcohol Prep
• A soft pliable tube with multiple perforations and a 1. Have all the supplies you need in front of you
bulb that can recreate low negative pressure 2. Explain the procedure to the client.
vacuum, designed so that body tissues are not To obtain trust and cooperation.
sucked into the tube, decreasing risk of bowel 3. Perform proper hand hygiene
perforation. 4. Milk the tubing before emptying the drainage bulb
Milking helps you move clots through your tubing and
OBJECTIVES keep drainage flowing.
→ To make sure drains do not clot or clog. 5. Pinch the tubing close to where it goes to your skin.
→ To maintain proper hygiene. 6. With your thumb and forefinger of your other hand,
pinch the tubing below your other fingers.
ASSESSMENT 7. Keeping your fingers pinched, slide them down the
INITIAL PHASE tubing. Keep doing this until any clots are out of the
o Surgical drains should be assessed 1-4 hourly tubing into the bulb.
throughout the shift. 8. Unplug the stopper
o Assess drain insertion site for signs of fluid or air 9. Turn the bulb upside down and gently squeeze it,
leakage, redness or irritation to the skin. pouring the contents into a measuring container.
o Document site conditions and notify the treating 10. With your thumb and forefinger of your other hand,
team if any concerns arise. pinch the tubing below your other fingers.
o Assess if the drain is maintaining suction. 11. Turn the bulb right side up and squeeze the bulb
o Assess securement type and document on line enough.
drains and airway (LDA). For air to come out.
o Assess patency of drain. Ensure drain is located 12. Keep squeezing the bulb until you plug in the stopper.
below the insertion site and free from kinks or knots. For the bulb to remain compressed.
o Document amount, output appearance, type of fluid 13. Secure the drain, not letting it dangle.
in drain bottle/receptacle and drain status on LDAs 14. Check the color and the amount of drainage in the
measuring container
ONGOING PHASE 15. Write both in the Jackson Pratt drainage record.
o Monitor for infection. 16. Note the measurements in the container are in
o Signs of infection include redness, tenderness at milliliters.
the drain site, warmth at the site, increased ooze, or 17. Empty the drainage down the toilet.
a change in collection fluid to purulent, or if the 18. Do aftercare of equipment. Wash hands.
patient is febrile.
o Drain patency and insertion site should be observed NURSING CONSIDERATIONS
at the beginning of your shift and before and after 1) Milking your tubing to help move clots.
moving a patient. A kinked, disconnected, dislodged 2) Emptying your drains 2 times a day. Do this once in
or blocked drain tube can lead to formation of the morning and once in the evening.
hematoma, increased pain and risk of infection. 3) Write down the amount of drainage on your Jackson-
o Drainage needs to be documented at a minimum 4 Pratt drainage log at the end of this resource. If you
hours and more frequently if output is high. This have more than 1 drain, measure and write down the
needs to be documented in flowsheets in the drainage of each one separately. Do not add them
sections “Output in previous hours” and “Chamber together.
reading” so an accurate fluid balance is maintained 4) Caring for your insertion site.
o Suction needs to be assessed throughout the shift. 5) Checking for problems.
Suction will no longer be maintained once the drain
becomes full. This drain will need to be emptied, EVALUATION
changed or suction reapplied. The drain will remain patent, the wound is not
o Discuss removal plans with the treating team. contaminated during care, no trauma is caused to the
Drains should be removed as soon as practicable, wound, and the client did not experience pain or
the longer a drain remains in situ, the higher risk of discomfort.
by: 元美安
ABDOMINAL BINDER watch for. Emphasize the importance of reporting
• Application of Abdominal binder is the application of any discomfort or changes in sensation promptly.
support or protection to the abdomen o Preparation: Ensure the appropriate size and type of
abdominal binder are selected based on the
TYPES patient's needs and condition. Prepare the
Straight Abdominal Binder necessary supplies, including any additional
• Is a rectangular piece of cotton or elasticized dressings or padding that may be required.
material that has a long extension on each side to
surround the abdomen. DURING:
o Application: Carefully apply the abdominal binder
Scultetus (many-tailed) Binder according to the manufacturer's instructions and
• Has many tails attached to the two longer sides to the healthcare provider's recommendations.
provide support to the abdomen and retain Ensure proper alignment and snugness without
dressings. excessive tightness that could compromise
circulation or breathing.
OBJECTIVES o Assessment: Continuously assess the patient's
→ To support large abdominal incisions that are comfort, breathing, and skin integrity while wearing
vulnerable to tension or stress as the client moves or the binder. Monitor for any signs of discomfort, skin
coughs. irritation, or difficulty breathing, and adjust the
→ To hold dressing in place. binder as needed.
→ To apply pressure. o Monitoring: Regularly monitor vital signs,
particularly respiratory rate and depth, to ensure the
ASSESSMENT binder is not impeding breathing. Observe for any
• Observe clients with need for support of the thorax or signs of complications such as increased pain,
abdomen. Observe the ability to breathe deeply and swelling, or changes in skin color or temperature.
cough effectively.
• Review medical records if a medical prescription for
o Reassessment: After application, reassess the
a particular binder is required and reasons for
patient's abdomen and overall condition to ensure
the binder is providing the intended support and
• Inspect skin for actual or potential alteration in
comfort. Evaluate any changes in pain level,
integrity. Observe for irritation, abrasion, skin
mobility, or respiratory status.
surfaces that rub against each other or allergic
o Patient Comfort: Address any discomfort or
response to adhesive tape used to secure dressing.
concerns the patient may have related to wearing
• Inspect any surgical dressing.
the abdominal binder. Provide appropriate pain
• Assess the client's comfort level, use analog scale of management and assist with repositioning or
0 to 10 and noting any OBJECTIVE signs and adjustment of the binder as needed for optimal
symptoms. comfort.
• Gather necessary data regarding size of client and o Education and Follow-up: Provide thorough
appropriate binder. discharge instructions, including how long to wear
the binder, when to remove it for activities such as
INDICATIONS bathing, and signs of complications to watch for.
o Abdominal binders are often recommended for Schedule follow-up appointments as needed to
various conditions like post-surgery, hernias, or back monitor the patient's progress and adjust the
support. treatment plan accordingly.
o Indications for using one include providing support,
reducing pain, and promoting healing in the EVALUATION
abdominal region. Always follow your healthcare Scultetus and straight abdominal binder keeps dressing
provider's advice for proper usage. in place and supports the abdomen.
o Assessment: Conduct a thorough assessment of
the patient's abdomen, including any wounds,
surgical incisions, or hernias. Assess for any
contraindications to using an abdominal binder,
such as compromised circulation or respiratory
o Patient Education: Educate the patient about the
purpose of the abdominal binder, how to properly
wear and adjust it, and potential complications to
by: 元美安
by: 元美安
ASSISTING IN LUMBAR PUNCTURE → Identify the anatomical structures, indications, and
• The insertion of a large needle through the contraindications of lumbar puncture.
intervertebral space in the lumbar region of the spine → Describe the equipment, personnel, preparation,
to enter the spinal canal, subarachnoid space below and technique in regards to lumbar puncture.
the level of termination of the spinal cord between → Review the potential complications and clinical
L3-L4 or L4-L5 region for the purpose of studying significance of lumbar puncture.
cerebrospinal fluid. → Outline interprofessional team strategies for
• Other names of Lumbar Puncture: Spinal Tap, CSF improving care coordination and communication to
Examination, Spinal Puncture advance lumbar puncture and improve outcomes.