1. This paper consists of sections A, Band C with a total of eleven (11) questions
2. Answer all questions in section A and B and any two (2) questions from section C
3. Section A carries sixteen (16) marks, section B carries fifty four (54) marks and section C
carries thirty (30) Marks
SECTION A (16Marks)
1. For each of the items (i) – (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and
write its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet(s) provided.
i) Which of the following is not true about literature?
A. It involves creativity
B. It involves characters and characterization
C. It involves plotting
D. It employs ordinary language
E. Setting or context
ii) The following are the key terms in the definition of literature EXCEPT
A. Art
B. Setting
C. Creative language (Diction)
D. Social realities
iii) It is in this part where dramatization, the participation of the audiences is seen, and the
detailed narration to reveal the intention of the performer is noticed
A. Context
B. Narration phase
C. Performing art
D. Ending phase
E. Pre – narration phase
iv) Which are the correct genres of oral literature among the following?
A. Oral poetry, ballads and epics
B. Oral poetry, war songs and narratives
C. Oral narratives, short stories and oral poetry
D. Oral narratives, short forms and oral poetry
E. Oral narratives , short forms and proverbs
v) Are the songs which aims to encourage the initiates and ridicule cowards
A. War songs
B. Work songs
C. Sacred songs
D. Circumcision songs
E. Panegyrics
vi) It is the artistic arrangement of incidences and events in a literary work
A. Setting
B. Style
C. Art
D. Plot
E. Creativity
vii) It is a lesson which a reader derives from a literary work
A. Theme
B. Relevance
C. Philosophy
D. Message
E. Conflict
viii) It is stored or preserved in human mind and delivered through the word of mouth
A. Oral poetry
B. Novels
C. Plays
D. Oral literature
E. Poetry
ix) When talking about the context of oral literature, we refer to two things which are
A. Audience and performer
B. Performer and place
C. Place and time
D. Place and duration
E. Setting and event
x) Which among the following is correct about the aspects of oral literature?
A. Pre – narration phase, narration phase and context
B. Narration phase, context and audience
C. Performer, context and conclusion phase
D. Performer, audience and context
E. Performer, audience and duration
2. Match the descriptions in List A with their corresponding term in List B by writing the letter of
the correct answer beside the item number in the answer sheet provided below.
(i) A poem sung to soothe a baby or put it to sleep A. Creativity
(ii) Sung to praise lovers. It expresses emotions of B. Message
happiness and rot t mance C. Art
(iii) The lesson learnt from a literary work D. Setting
(iv) The use of skills, techniques and imagination to create E. Aesthetics
characters, language and events in literary work F. Courtship songs
(v) The use of beautiful language in literary work to G. Lullabies
entertain or amuse the readers or the audience H. Style
(vi) Provides the writer with ideas, culture, characters, I. Diction
language and issues to portray
3. List and provide short explanations on the sub – genres of oral poetry ( 6 points)
A. Costume B. Rehearsal
E. Mime F.Aside
7. Provide the literary term for each of the description provided below:
I. A female character that composes a poem is called…………….
II. A play with funny and humorous action with happy ending is a…………………
II. An account of someone’s life and experiences written by himself/herself........................
IV. A story of someone’s life and experiences written by another person............................
V. A brief story or poem usually with animal characters that teaches a lesson or a moral about life.......................
VI. A literary genre that tells a story through actions and dialogue and is written to be performed on stage by
8. Read the following poem and then answer the questions that follows;
My angel, my queen
My treasure, my life
Nothing is missing
Keep me awake
My eyes close
Soon I wake up
Let’s be quick
Shake hands
Deny me not
Take my hand.
(i) What is the subject matter of this poem?
(ii) Who is the persona? Why?
(iii) Who is the audience? Why?
(iv) During which occasion is the poem sung?
(v) What is the mood of the persona? Why?
(vi) What lesson have you learnt from the poem above?
9.Literature is said to be valueless in our current society, that it has nothing to do with what is taking
place in our society. With six (6) points, discuss this statement.
10. Literature is quite different from other branches of art and even other subjects learnt at school like
mathematics and chemistry among others. What is its uniqueness? Six (6) points.
11. With six (6) points, discuss how oral literature has been affected by science and technology
i. Fairy tales, short stories with fearful or terrifying characters such as gods, demons e.t.c. They are
aimed for children.
ii. Fables, short stories with animal characters. Human beings are also really used as characters.
Their target is to teach a moral lesson.
iii. Anecdotes, short stories about real people or events.
iv. Biography, one's life history written by someone else.
v. Autobiography, one's life history written by himself/herself.
vi. Idioms, are expressions whose meanings are different from the meanings of their individual
words. They should be learned as a whole.
NOTE: The examiner should award any other relevant sub- genre of oral literature.
QN 4. 1.5 marks @, total = 09 marks.
The candidate is required to explain the meaning of the following literary terms:-
The candidate is required to explain the meaning of 'art' and explain six elements
of art.
The candidate is required to read the poem and respond to the question that
follow it.
i. Love/Courtship.
ii. The man, because he is addressing the woman, praising her beauty. Refer
to the first verse, '' My angel, my queen.''
iii.Any body, a man or woman who is in courtiship (engaged), because the people in courtiship
need to love one another.
iv. During courtiship/marriage ceremonies
v. The mood is happy and so romantic, because he is very eager to have that woman as his wife.
vi. I learn that human beings are naturally lovers (plus any other relevant lessons).
NB, The responses for this question are not limited/fixed, the examiner should award any other
relevant response therefore.
QN 08. 15 marks
The candidate should write an essay to present six points that discuss the values of literature in the
Introduction (2marks).
The candidate should introduce the essay by defining the term 'literature.'
The candidate should discuss six values of literature in the society. E.g,
i. Literature is the mirror of the society, that is to say, it reflects our society.
ii. It helps us to improve our language through reading, writing, listening.
iii. Literature can make us become teachers and critics.
iv. It is one of the means for preserving and transmitting our culture from one generation to
v. another.
vi. It can serve as a tool for criticisn.
vii. Literature also entertains people through comedy, poetry as well as oral narrations.
Conclusion: (1 mark).
NOTE: The examiner should award any other relevant value of literature.
10. 15 marks
The candidate should write an essay on the differences between literature and other works of art or
ntroduction (2marks).
The candidate should introduce the essay by defining the term 'literature.'
The candidate should discuss six differences between literature and other works of art. E.g,
i. Literature uses creative language but other works of art never.
ii. Literature has characters but other works of art don't have.
iii. Literature has plot but other works of art don't.
iv. Literature involves creativity but other subjects don't.
v. Literature uses creative language but other subjects uses specialized language.
vi. Literature involves form and content but other works of art don't.
Conclusion: (1 mark).
QN 12. 15 marks
The candidate should discuss six ways through which/how oral literature is affected by science and
ntroduction (2marks).
The candidate should introduce the essay by defining the term 'oral literature.'
The candidate should discuss six ways through which/how oral literature is affected by science and
technology, e.g,
i. Oral literature is stored in flash disks, CD's, memory cards etc insteadof the brain.
ii. It has lost activeness since the narrator and the audience never seat together sometimes e.g the
audince listens to the narator on radio.
iii. Due to the invention of writing, most of the oral literatures are changed into written forms.
iv. Oral literature has no life / not allowed today because of lacking live performance before the
v. Oral literature is a property of an individual instead of the community nowadays, i.e it belings to
the owner of the film, Tv programme etc.
NB: Any relevant point is acceptable.
Conclusion: (1 mark).
.................THE END..............