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Edpm Lesson Plan - 4th Form - Ethics

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Godfrey Stewart High School

Theme for the Academic Year: “Reinventing tomorrow’s success-one school, one vision”

Lesson Identification

Teacher’s Name Mr. Tyrese Taj Barrett

Subject Electronic Document Preparation and Management

Lesson/Unit Title Computer Ethics

Lesson Type New Continuation √ Re- Revision Assessment/

teach Test

Date January 23 – 27, 2023 Term Easter

Lesson Duration 2 ½ & 4 hours per week, respectively

Grade Level Ten (10) Class(es) 4 4 G/O

Class Demographics 16 Males; 16 Females

19 Males; 19 Females

Lesson Delivery

At the end of the topic students should be able to:

General Objective
1. demonstrate the ethical standards and attributes of work.

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

Instructional Objectives
Cognitive Domain:
1. define the term “ethics” after handout.
2. organize priorities to ensure acceptable standards of work.

Affective Domain:
3. demonstrate awareness of desirable habits and work attitudes.

Psychomotor Domain:

4. Type manuscript at least 15 wpm.

Content Outline KEY VOCABULARY:

Standards, attitudes, integrity, time management, team spirit, deadlines,

procedures, courtesy, punctuality
Godfrey Stewart High School
Theme for the Academic Year: “Reinventing tomorrow’s success-one school, one vision”


Ethics is moral principles that govern a person's behaviour or the way they
conduct an activity. The world of work is far more demanding than school.
Students are expected to continually produce high standards of work. There
are far fewer allowances for errors. Students should therefore start to develop
the skills, ethics and moral values that will make them a valuable member of
Textbooks, Marker, Whiteboard, computer, hand out
Instructional Resources

Independent Activities Pairing √ Whole Group Instruction

Instructional Strategies
Cooperative Learning Hands On Visuals
√ Technology Integration Simulation Lecture √
Peer Tutoring A Project Other

Business Letter
Lesson recap (previous)
Developmental Activities Synchronous Asynchronous (online)

The student will be introducing the topic with
a song, as the students will join in by creating 1. Students will complete
a rhythm for the lyrics. their blog

EXPLORATION 2. Make short notes

The student will receive some the guidelines explaining each of the
that will assist in developing the skill, ethics desired standard and attitude
and moral values that will make them a of work above
valuable member of society

The students will be asked to further
brainstorm and tell some habits and work
attitudes. They should give answers such as:
 Team spirit
 Working without supervision
good grooming
 Cooperation
Personal integrity
 Willingness
Respect for others
 Meeting deadline
Godfrey Stewart High School
Theme for the Academic Year: “Reinventing tomorrow’s success-one school, one vision”
 Recognition of diversity

The teacher will have the students explain each

concept, and then clarify any misconception.

The students will be placed in groups and each

group will demonstrate a different aspect of
work habit and attitude.

The students will be asked to write notes in
their notebooks as the teacher writes important
points on the whiteboard.
This can be done by using a concept map, a
song, a role play etc.


For homework student will be ask to do online worksheet

Lesson Recap
The link for the online worksheet: Internet ethics worksheet
Godfrey Stewart High School
Theme for the Academic Year: “Reinventing tomorrow’s success-one school, one vision”

1. Complete blog
Home Work
2. Make short notes explaining each of the desired standard and attitude of
work above

Teacher reflection

Lesson Evaluation

Supervisor’s review

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