ARTC 4G 5G Remote Integration MOP PA10
ARTC 4G 5G Remote Integration MOP PA10
ARTC 4G 5G Remote Integration MOP PA10
PA10 2023-05-24
1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................
1.1 Scope........................................................................................................................................
2 Revision Information.................................................................................................................
3 Pre-requisites...............................................................................................................................
4 Solution Architecture.................................................................................................................
4.1.1 Solution 76 (2217 B28 L700 radio + 2212 B5 W850/N850 mixedmode
radio + DUW30 + BB6630)...............................................................................................
4.1.2 Solution 70 (4480 B28 + B26 L700 + N850/W850 Up The Pole +
DUW30 + BB6630)..............................................................................................................
4.1.3 Solution 71 (4480 B28 + B26 L700 + N850/W850 Down The Pole +
TMA’s+ DUW30 + BB6630)..............................................................................................
5 Software........................................................................................................................................
6 Preparation..................................................................................................................................
6.1 Use PCI tool to generate Script........................................................................................
6.2 Import the LKF into ENM...................................................................................................
7 Remote Procedure......................................................................................................................
7.1 Perform Remote Integration of the Baseband...........................................................
7.1.1 CMART Validation................................................................................................................
7.2 Zero Touch Integration......................................................................................................
7.2.1 Import the LKF in ENM....................................................................................................
7.2.2 Import the End Entity (EE) in ENM (ZT automates this process)......................
7.2.3 Update the hardwareSerialNumber in the NodeInfo.xml in the
Auto_Provisioning_Standard zip file...........................................................................
7.2.4 Drag and Drop the Updated Auto_Provisioning_Standard zip file into
workspace area..................................................................................................................
7.2.5 Order the node integration using the ap order command....................................
7.2.6 Use the provided ap status command to ensure the order = completed.........
7.2.7 Bind the node (Late Binding).........................................................................................
7.2.8 Unlock the Router Port.....................................................................................................
7.2.9 Switch on the node to start integration......................................................................
7.2.10 Confirm node integration................................................................................................
7.3 Remote Integration Script..............................................................................................
7.3.1 Create CV backup..............................................................................................................
7.3.2 Continue loading the PCI Configuration_Files.........................................................
7.3.3 Configure the Qos..............................................................................................................
7.3.4 Execute NSD alignment script.......................................................................................
7.3.5 Set SyncRiPortCandidate................................................................................................
7.3.6 Lock Unused/Disabled Riport & Unlock the Used/Enabled Riport....................
7.3.7 Set nbiot cellrange.............................................................................................................
7.3.8 Create CV Backup..............................................................................................................
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8.4.1 ZT............................................................................................................................................
8.4.2 BB has ptp sync issue.......................................................................................................
1 Introduction
This document describes the steps involved in the remote integration of ARTC 4G/5G
Baseband node.
1.1 Scope
This MOP will cover the remote integration of ARTC sites where a 4G/5G Baseband (BB)
will be scratch installed using Zero Touch (ZT).
2 Revision Information
Revision Comment Author Date
PA1 First Draft Steven Weng 20/03/23
PA2 NSD script updated to PA2 Steven Weng 29/03/23
PA3 Add 7.37 to set cellrange to nbiot Steven Weng 05/04/23
PA4 Add to for NSD alignment Steven Weng 06/04/23
PA5 Add 8.3 to monitor ZT progress using EM Steven Weng 12/04/23
Add & for 5G_SA_NSD and 5Gqi loading
PA6 Steven Weng 28/04/23
Add 8.4 Troubleshooting
Update link in the
PA7 Steven Weng 09/05/23
Update 7.3.16 to set dcntype before post PA
Update to ARTC_delta_alignment_PA3.mos
Update to run
Add 7.4.8 mfi command to measure interference
PA8 Steven Weng 15/05/23
Add 7.8.1 to lock W850 while doing L700 intersite HO
tests. Also mention FE should band lock UE to L700 and
select 4G only.
Update to 4G_5G_Delta_S1S3S4_NSD_PA3.mos
PA9 Steven Weng 17/05/23
This can be used for all solution types.
Update 7.4.4 to check iuantsectorid, installersid and
PA10 Steven Weng 24/5/23
basestationid in RET
3 Pre-requisites
Onsite and Remote Integration of DRAN Router 6471 has been completed.
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4 Solution Architecture
4.1.1 Solution 76 (2217 B28 L700 radio + 2212 B5 W850/N850 mixedmode radio + DUW30 +
top 2 Port Antenna 2 Port Antenna NOTES
- I O +
- I O
2 Port antenna (T1000L3R011 SRET)
NR850/W850 LTE700
2212 2217
B5 B28
(S2) NR850
(S3) NR850
(S2) W850
(S3) W850
DUW 30/31 IDL GPS BB6630 (LTE Site) IDL GPS
Design Drawing 76
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4.1.2 Solution 70 (4480 B28 + B26 L700 + N850/W850 Up The Pole + DUW30 + BB6630)
Tower/pole New LTE700 omni configuration to
2 Port Antenna 2 Port Antenna
top allow the tail lengths to be the same
+ - I O + - I O for the correct operation of 4x4
Design Drawing 70
Note: CPRI config indicative only – refer to LCR0120 for CPRI L700 + NR850 (4Rx) + W850
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4.1.3 Solution 71 (4480 B28 + B26 L700 + N850/W850 Down The Pole + TMA’s+ DUW30 +
Tower/pole New LTE700 omni configuration to
2 Port Antenna 2 Port Antenna
top allow the tail lengths to be the same
+ - I O + - I O for the correct operation of 4x4
Design Drawing 71
Note: CPRI config indicative only – refer to LCR0120 for CPRI L700 + NR850 (4Rx) + W850
5 Software
SW Product SW SW Product SW
Number Product Number Product
Revision Revision
22.Q4 CXP9023291 R29AA0 CXP9024418/15 R64D15
6 Preparation
Populate the SSIS with IP data from MTAT for the BB, then upload the SSI to the PCI tool to
generate the ZT Project zip file.
4G_5G Script
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7 Remote Procedure
On the actual day of integration cutover (connecting the radios to the new baseband):
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Open the CMART by clicking on the Change ID. At the bottom of the CMART verify Number
of Breaks and Duration of Breaks.
For ZT to proceed, the router needs to have DHCP configured. Check How to Check if a
Router is Ready for ZT Integration (Web view). This configuration should now be standard
on all routers.
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If LKF is unavailable, ensure sitebasic xml has integration unlocked and nodeinfo xml
updated to set install license to false. (this step is already done by PCI tool)
7.2.2 Import the End Entity (EE) in ENM (ZT automates this process)
It is NOT required to manually import the EE into ENM. ZT automates this process.
7.2.4 Drag and Drop the Updated Auto_Provisioning_Standard zip file into workspace area
Open up ENM CLI and add the project zip fie (scripts) by drag and drop
4G Gen2 (BB): run “ap order file:” on CLI to create project in Auto-Provisioning
7.2.6 Use the provided ap status command to ensure the order = completed.
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Note: if order is failed, go to “Auto-provisioning” tool and check relevant project. Under
project there will be the relevant site and here you can export logs which can provide
information on why the order failed. Generally, it is due a fault in the script which does the
pass the ENM initial parser.
• If the serial number was not known during script creation then a “Late Hardware
Bind” is required. Once the serial number has been received by the field technical
you may perform late binding by the following two methods:
Note: It is critical that the correct serial number get sent to the NIC.
We must always use the serial number marked as KRK 101 05/11 for the Zero
Touch process, and the bracketed “(S)” is not part of the serial number but was
included in the attached list.
Method one in auto provisioning tool click on relevant project and relevant node and select
Bind. You will be prompted for a serial number at which point you enter the serial number
and continue
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Method two you can run the following bind command in CLI, for example:
FT connects the TN port of the BB, to the prepared port of the pre-commissioned
ENIC opens the required port on the router, to enable BB to have acces to the
Now on site the field technician just needs to (A) power on the unit and/or (B) factory reset
unit if hardware has pre-existing config on it
• If pre-existing config on the node the node will need to be factory reset. There are two
methods to do this à
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At this point the BB6630 should boot up and automatically scan for a VLAN. The DHCP will
be configured to a specific VLAN which when scanned by the BB6630 will provide an IP
allocation. The Node will then connect to the AIWS which will trigger downloading the
config and software for the node.
Use the ap status command to view the node integration status, for example:
ap status -n Enb610
It is assumed that remote connectivity to the node is available before executing this step. If
a DRAN site is being integrated and there is no remote connectivity to the node, perform
following checks:
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2. If the port is unlocked and there is no remote connectivity to the node, request tech to
swap the fibres on the TN port and confirm if connectivity is established.
3. If above steps do not restore connectivity to the node, confirm with the site tech that a
correct SFP type is used in line with the distance between BB and R6471. That is, a long
range SFP may need to be used in cases where the distance between the BB and R6471
is large.
But to prevent the system created cv getting removed at node escalated restart, manually
create a cv backup and make it startable.
Use netconf command to load sequentially each of the netconf files in the directory.
netconf 03_TN_[xxx].xml
netconf 04_RN_ENBF_[xxx].xml
netconf 05_RN_CUUP_[xxx].xml
netconf PostInstall_[xxx].xml
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If any command fails, please record the details log and seek support.
Note: After executing 09_RN xml file, a node restart will create a system cv
netconf Delta_NetConf_[Node_Name].xml
lpr qos Use diff command to generate a delta load file and load it
The above script should align the node as if Post PA has been loaded. This will allow post
PA to be done at a later time (< 3 business day from integration)
run 5G_SA_NSDv3_ENIC_PA1.mos
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set Transport=1,Synchronization=1,RadioEquipmentClock=1,NodeGroupSyncMember=1
syncRiPortCandidate Equipment=1,FieldReplaceableUnit=DU-1,RiPort=D
set Transport=1,Synchronization=1,RadioEquipmentClock=1,NodeGroupSyncMember=1
syncRiPortCandidate Equipment=1,FieldReplaceableUnit=DU-1,RiPort=D
st riport
bl riport=[B,E]
deb riport=[A,C,D,F]
If RRU is 2217,
If RRU is 4480
cvms Post_delta_alignment
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st sector
st ret
st tma
st gnb
st sctp
st mme
st ru-
get . syncRiPortCandidate
For G2:
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For SA, G2
7.3.14 [Solution 70 & 71] Configure VSWR Supervision for each band
set FreqBandData= vswrsupervisionactive true
Due to over subscription(again) of the NTP servers in NSW and VIC, we have deployed a
second set of references in these regions.
We have used a script with an inbuilt algorithm to balance the load between these servers
and would like Ericsson to use the same script to ensure consistency across the network.
Going forward can you please run the following script from enm1/3 on all G2 LTE nodes to
ensure you are pointing to the latest set of ‘correct’ servers:
run /home/shared/common/TNIC/G2_NTP_Configuration.mos
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DON’T FORGET THIS STEP: As part of the 5G network build the DÉCOR feature has been
GAR’d and we now have XXX 5G MME’s online. These are defined on the DNS and the
termPointToMme links from the eNodeB are automatically configured with default
parameter settings. To control how traffic is assigned within the network we need to ensure
that the dcnType attribute on these XXX MO’s are set to SPECIFIC (1).
For WA/SA:
Note: Dibbler post PA will set the dcntype automatically but these should be set prior to
uv use_nolock=0
bl idl_A
uv use_nolock=1
cvms Post_UpgradeScript_time_ntp
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On the actual day of integration cutover (connecting the radios to the new baseband
deb rru
st rru
st imf
7.4.3 [Solution 71] Check TMA KA-1033 is Correctly Defined & Enabled
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RET should have already been configured by the PCI scripts. Note the Ret naming
convention where AntennaUnit_Number in RET must match the AntennaUnitNumber of the
associated MO AntennaUnit.
AntennaNearUnit = RET-<LRD>-<AntennaUnit_Number>[-<AntennaSubunit_Number>]
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If still NOT NOT (RNT_TIME_LOCKED) after running the above commands, log in to the
router and check the ptp sync status:
show synchronization tod input
show synchronization equipment-clock
show synchronization ptp-port
If you see Signal fail, 1pps (Major) or Equipment Clock Loss Reference 1 (Major), raise a CT
to build team to install the missing GPS/TOD cables.
If ptpPacketsRx or ptpPacketsTx are not pegged, then try to re-run the above mos file to
delete and redefine, then check the counters again. Also try blocking the remote TN port
and check the local TN port is disabled to confirm the plumbing is correct.
For local links over Hybrid feeder (ie R503 to Radio up pole or BB6630 DRAN to
radio 2212/2217/4480):
For local links within hut (ie BB6630 DRAN to Radio4480 inside the hut):
It should be -120 dbm for L700 and the delta should be < 3db
Result: SystemFunctions=1,SysM=1,Snmp=1,SnmpTargetV3=ENMFM
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del SnmpTargetV2C
Activate counter profile (this should have happened automatically while loading scripts)
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Eg: [d625449@scp-1-scripting(enm1)
ManagedElement=NSW_LAXJ15_Larmer_Silver_Ave_520754]$ ls -l
If xml files still do not appear, please delete and recreate the NE in ENM as per node
creation step in the MOP, then check again.
Keep this file, you will need to upload it (and the pre-tilt snapshot taken in earlier in) to
DRAKE after integration is completed.
hget ret label|prod|serial|iuantSectorId|elec
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7.6.1 Unlock L700 & NR850 cells/sectors to see cells are enabled
deb sector
Deb cell
st cell
7.6.3 save a CV
cvms Cells_L700_Unlocked
Check system constants is properly defined per Software level and node type (LTE anchor,
Check if any external alarms have been created on kget. If yes, load the external alarm mos
file. Many sites would have external alarms defined on ESC already.
Perform call test for LTE cells only. Keep NR850 cells locked after call test.
Event B2 = PCell becomes worse than threshold1 and inter RAT neighbour becomes better
than threshold2
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Due to b2Threshold1Rsrp at -130 dbm and b2Threshold2RscpUtra at -108 dbm, the volte
call will be handed over to 3G if the LTE is worse than -130 dbm and the 3G RSCP is better
than -108. For solution 76, this SRVCC (volte to CSFB) release is often observed at between
9 to 12 km from the site if both 3G and 4G are on air.
Therefore, to allow L700 intersite handover to occur, we have to lock W850 to allow the FE
to travel more than 9 to 12 km without SRVCC, so he can reach the cell border (around
20km) to detect the neighbour L700 for handover to occur.
Alternatively, if the FE can band lock the UE to B28 and select 4G only, then he should be
able to avoid a SRVCC to reach the cell border for handover to occur.
7.9 Post-Check
IMPORTANT : Go through the Check List to audit configuration after remote integration/call
test is completed.
st cell
st ret
st tma
st gnb
st ru-
ue print -admitted
mfagr -m 0.25
VSWR check with commands (RL > 11.6 dB, see VSWR In Telstra network):
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If call test is successful, partial RFU email can be sent. Proceed to update DRAKE.
IMPORTANT (on same day) : Update DRAKE and set "Cells On Air" date. Ericsson will
perform a Post PA within 3 business day of the cells are put on air & SOA in Ericsson tool
Site Handler will trigger Ericsson RF team to update the QUOLL to put "cells in service not
Perform 24 Hrs once all the pending issues are cleared and upload the results in SH.
If site passes 24 hr alarm check with no outstanding issues, send the Full RFU email.
Update Whisper once the node has passed 24 Hrs, including the full RFU email.
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Update CMS425 and upload post logs, tick off "Site Alarm Free" and "SOA"
Remote Integration log is stored on OSS under
VSWR check with commands (RL > 11.6 dB, see VSWR In Telstra network):
Please tick alarm free boxes if applicable
Please tick Site on air for all technologies if applicable
Ensure CMS425 is actualized
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8 Reference:
For 3G:
For 4G:
With these tools, we can check 3G 000 call on LAC level, so we need to make sure the cells
we are to soft lock do not fall into one of these LAC.
For 4G, the tools give us 000 on cell level, so we can check if our cell is one of the listed 000
cells. If not, hard lock the cell is the current Telstra procedure.
1. If ZT fails to complete (TN port down/no OAM to BB), request FE to obtain the AI
2. During ZT AI, login to the router and issue command: show arp-cache all to find the
DHCP IP address allocated to the BB
3. Select another NE already integrated in ENM, right click and select "Launch Element
4. A browser will pop up.
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5. Modify the url by typing https://[enter the dhcp address] to open the following page
then select Autointegration tab to check the failure reason
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e. Drag and Drop the Project zip file into workspace area (follow the MOP 8.2.1)
f. 5G Gen3 (BB 6648) + AIR 1281: run “ap order -nv file:” on CLI to
create project in Auto-Provisioning tool. Note: due to limitation with current
ENM use of option ‘-nv’ required to disable validation
g. Run “ap status -n <nodeName>” to check status complete
h. Do late binding ap bind -n <nodename> -s <serial number>
i. Power on the BB
8.4 Troubleshooting
8.4.1 ZT
pget bcoc ptpPackets show rx is not stepping but tx is stepping on the enb
Missing config on tod-a on the router, apply the following changes:
wait-to-restore 0
input-source 1 external tod-a
priority 100
force quality-level ql-prc
ptp-clock g8275-1 t-bc
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local-priority 32
holdover-time-error-budget 10000
ptp-port 16 virtual
description GPS clock reference
local-priority 32
no shutdown
attach tod-a
save config