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Final Project IFS

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A. Final Project (20 marks)

· Group Report Presentation (20 marks)

· Upload all group assignments on the Facebook page of

your group

Project Final Report Guidelines

A Final Project Report must be submitted by each group.

The report must have adhered to the following format:

Double-spaced, 12-point, Times New Roman font, with
1” margins (left and right).

1. Cover Page must include

· Course Title: Introduction to Futures Studies (IFS)

· Course Facilitators Names:

· Name of all Group Members and Registration IDs:

· Social Media Page/Group Link:

2. Lessons Learned (20 marks)

What did you learn in this course? Each member must

Share their journey.
Please Use the following expected Learning Outcomes to
Self-assess your actual Learning Outcomes.
Learning Outcomes

This table lists the learning outcomes (LOs) for the subject.
LO The student should be IU Graduate
Categories able: Qualities

Knowledge Los LO1: Students learn the Thinking,

history, importance, key Brainstorming,
concepts, and current Learning
discussions in future studies
and develop a systematic
approach to the field.

Comprehension LOs LO2: Students understand that Understanding,

the future is not Knowledge
predetermined, it cannot be based goals,
predicted, and humans can Emotional
design their desired future. intelligence

Application LOs LO3: Students learn that we Research

live in an interconnected and
interdependent world, and Skills, Futures
create alternative future
scenarios considering Literacy
sustainable development goals
and values underlying UN
human rights.
Analysis LOs LO4: Students can examine, Analytical
analyze, and articulate Thinking,
alternative futures, including
expected and preferred future Innovation
stories and roadmaps skills,
considering emerging trends
analysis and possible Well-Being
disruptions. skills

Synthesis LO5: Students can apply future studies’ Creativity,

Los approaches, methods, and techniques to
construct expected and preferred future Originality,
stories and develop roadmaps.

Evaluation LO6: Students develop their reflective, Futures

Los introspective, and creative skills. Literacy,




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