MAGI Approval
MAGI Approval
MAGI Approval
LOS ANGELES, CA 90068-3307
Dear FRANZ GREY, State Hearing: If you think this action is wrong, you can ask
We have reviewed your eligibility for health coverage. for a hearing. The back page tells you how. Your benefits
We used the information you gave us and state and may not be changed if you ask for a hearing before this
action takes place. You have only 90 days to ask for a
federal data to make this decision.
hearing. The 90 days started the day after the county sent
you this notice.
a person moves into or out of your home; or you
You qualify for Medi-Cal because your household
change who will be on your tax return.
income is below the Medi-Cal limit. Your eligibility for
• You qualify for other health insurance.
Medi-Cal begins 05/01/2024. Your Medi-Cal coverage
• You move. If you move to a new county, you can
will continue unless you are found no longer eligible.
report your change to your old or new county.
This could happen at the time your eligibility is renewed
or when your situation changes.
You may report changes to your local county office in
We counted your household size and income to make person or by mail, fax, phone, or electronically. The
our decision. For Medi-Cal, your household size is contact information is on the first page of this notice.
1 and your monthly household income is $0.00. The
monthly Medi-Cal income limit for your household size
is $1,732.00. Your income is below this limit, so you
qualify for Medi-Cal.
Over the next year, you must report any life changes
that affect your eligibility for Medi-Cal. You must report
within 10 days after the change happened. For example,
you must contact us if:
• Your income changes.
• Your household changes, such as you marry,
divorce, become pregnant, or have or adopt a child;
California Health & Human Services Agency California Department of Social Services