Field Capacity and Efficiency of A Turmeric Rhizome Planter in Response To Machine Speeds and Some Selected Crop Parameters
Field Capacity and Efficiency of A Turmeric Rhizome Planter in Response To Machine Speeds and Some Selected Crop Parameters
Field Capacity and Efficiency of A Turmeric Rhizome Planter in Response To Machine Speeds and Some Selected Crop Parameters
Turmeric (Curcuma longa linn) belongs to the same A turmeric rhizome sample and a demonstration plot at the
Department of Agricultural and Bioresources Engineering,
family as ginger (Zingiberaceae). It grows in the same hot and Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria were used
humid tropical climate. The rhizome is deep bright yellow in for the study.
colour. Turmeric was derived from Latin word terra merita
(merited earth) [1]. India is the largest producer, consumer Equipment
and exporter of turmeric. Indian turmeric has been known to A turmeric rhizome planter (Figure 1) developed at the
the world since ancient times. It has been used as a dye, Department of Agricultural and Bioresources Engineering,
medicine and flavouring since 600 BC [2]. In spite of Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria, was used
increasing demand for derived products of turmeric in Nigeria in the study. The planter consists of the ground drive wheel,
which makes its large-scale production attractive, it is still hopper, metering system furrow opener, residue cutting edge,
cultivated mainly in small plots around homes. In Nigeria, furrow closing device press wheel and power transmission
turmeric has not gained the desired attention that will boost its mechanism. A 75mm x 75mm x 6mm angle iron was used for
large-scale production. According to [2], turmeric has little or the construction of the frame and also the 3-point hitching
no mechanization in its production processes from planting to linkages system. The hopper was made from 1.5 mm thick
mild steel sheet. It has a trapezoidal shape (340 mm x 340
mm) top and (70 mm x 40 mm) lower end. A rubber seal was
Manuscript received on 11 June 2021 | Revised Manuscript fixed round the lower end to avoid bruising of the rhizomes.
received on 29 July 2021 | Manuscript Accepted on 15 August The metering device was constructed in a circular disc. The
2021 | Manuscript published on 30 August 2021. circular disc has six grooves of 70 mm x 60 mm x 50 mm. The
* Correspondence Author disc is slightly touching the hopper which is standing
Gbabo Agidi*, Department of Agricultural and Bioresources vertically above the metering device. This is to ensure that the
Engineering, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria. Email:
rhizomes fall into the grooves of the metering system. The
Chukwudi Muogbo, Engineering Section, N National Root Crops power generated by the ground wheel rotates the metering
Research Institute, Umudike, Nigeria system through a chain transmission system.
Gana Ibrahim Mohammed*, Department of Agricultural and
Bioenviromental Engineering, Federal Polytechnic, Bida, Nigeria. Email:
The metering disc on rotation drops the rhizome into the teeth) fitted to the shaft of the drive wheel and a smaller
delivering system. The delivery system is made up of lower sprocket (15 teeth) connected to the shaft that was fastened to
and upper parts. The upper part of the delivery system was the frame of the planter with two pillow bearings. From that
made of flat stainless plate curved in a frustum shape. The point, power was taken to the metering device shaft with the
upper end of the plate was fastened to the frame and passed aid of chain and two sprockets (34 teeth). Chain and sprockets
through to the metering system. The lower end of the flat plate are used to transmit power in the drive so as to prevent power
was fastened into a 3 inches PVC pipe. The 400mm length loss during transmission.
PVC terminated behind the furrow opener and was suspended
B. Design of experiments
by a circular metallic ring formed with 8 mm rod. The design
of the furrow opener of this planter has height adjustable The experimental design was designed as a function of the
length. The adjustment was provided to ensure control of 5 – tractor speed, rhizome length and diameter (independent
10 cm planting depth as recommended in the agronomic variables) using Box-Behnken design. In order to obtain the
practice of turmeric production. It was made from 8mm thick required data, the range of values of each of the three
mild steel flat bar and has horizontal V shape with a sharp variables (k) was determined as reported by [4] and is
edge attached to serve as residue cutting device. The V shape presented in Table 1.
of the furrow opener prevents soil from falling back into C. Statistical analysis
created furrow. It is fastened to the machine frame using
A Minitap software package was used for the regression and
17mm size standard bolts and nuts. The furrow closing device
graphical analysis as reported by [5]. Analysis of variance
was designed from a 6mm thick mild steel flat bar to form an
(ANOVA) was carried out to estimate the effects of main
expanded horizontal U – shape. A 6mm thick mild steel
variables and their potential interaction effects on the field
angular bar with holes at the lower end for height adjustments
capacity and efficiency.
was braced perpendicular to the planter frame downward. A
similar angular bar was braced to the U – shape closing device D. Determination of parameters
and fastened to the perpendicular angular bar with bolts and The performance parameters were determined based on
nuts. The press wheel was constructed in the shape of a car field capacity and efficiency
tyre rim. It has a diameter of 200mm with the two edges
rolling on the ground. The centre of the rim was designed to Effective Field Capacity
curve inward. The inward curved allow some quantity of soil The effective field capacity was the actual average time
to be packed and pressed on top of the turmeric rhizome for consumed during planting operation (lost time + effective
good sprouting. It also ensures that the air spaces around the time). It was determined as reported by [6] and is given in
seed inside the soil are covered. The ground drive wheels are equation 1.
made up of larger diameters in order to reduce rolling
resistance especially in the case of traction wheels [3]. The
circumference of the drive wheel was formed with 12mm mild where, is the effective field capacity (ha/hr), is the
steel rod. An angular mild steel of 4mm was used to brace the actual area covered (m2), is the total time (hr)
two circular flat bar at an interval of 50mm round the drive
wheel. A 12mm rod was used to design the spokes. These Field Efficiency
spokes are used to support the center bushing or hub. The This was calculated by using the values of the theoretical
spokes are arranged in such a way that they braced the field capacity and effective field capacity rates as reported by
circumference and also give it necessary radial support. [6].
Table- I: Matrix transformation of three levels- three factors factorial design of the experiment
Std Run Coded Value Tractor Length Diameter Field Efficiency
Order Order Speed (mm) (mm) Capacity (%)
(km/hr) (ha/hr)
X1 X2 X3
9 1 0 - - 10 30 25 1 90.83
2 2 + - 0 12 30 30 1.06 96.29
14 3 0 0 0 10 45 30 0.95 86.3
12 4 0 + + 10 60 35 1.05 95.38
15 5 0 0 0 10 45 30 0.98 89.02
5 6 - 0 - 8 45 25 0.63 57.23
7 7 - 0 + 8 45 35 0.63 57.23
11 8 0 - + 10 30 35 1.00 90.84
10 9 0 + - 10 60 25 1.05 95.38
6 10 + 0 - 12 45 25 0.96 87.2
1 11 - - 0 8 30 30 0.75 68.13
4 12 + + 0 12 60 30 1.08 98.12
3 13 - + 0 8 60 30 0.74 67.22
13 14 0 0 0 10 45 30 0.95 86,23
8 15 + 0 + 12 45 35 0.96 87,20
Turmeric rhizome length and diameter of 45 mm and 25 the experimental was presented in Table 2.
mm respectively. The efficiency ranges from 57.23% to The value of Probability > F less than 0.0500 indicated that
98.12%. The highest efficiency of 98.11% was obtained from model terms were significant. In this case A, A2, and B2 were
combination of tractor speed of 12 km/hr, turmeric rhizome significant model terms with P-values of < 0.0001 each. It can
length and diameter of 60 mm and 30 mm respectively while be clearly observed that only A (speed of the tractor) had
the low value of 57.23% was obtained from combination of significant effect on field capacity. The regressed model
tractor speed of 8 km/hr, turmeric rhizome length and equation to predict the field capacity was presentenced in
diameter of 45 mm and 25 mm respectively. equation 4, the insignificant terms were removed and the
regressed model was reduced to equation 5 [7]. The
coefficient of determination R value of 0.9975 indicated that
Effects of the tractor speed and rhizome length on field the model was able to predict 99.75 % of the variance and
capacity only 0.25 % of the total variance was not explained by the
The result of statistical analysis of variance (ANOVA) of model [8].
The effects of the tractor speed on field capacity indicated that hand the field capacity remains constant with variation
the capacity increased significantly from 0.75 ha/hr to 1.05 turmeric length, this indicated the length have no any
ha/hr as the speed increases from 8 km/hr to 10 km/hr and significant effects on the field capacity
then remain constant with further increased in speed to 12
km/hr (Figure 2).
Published By:
Retrieval Number:100.1/ijde.B8002081221
Lattice Science Publication (LSP)
DOI: 10.54105/ijde.B8002.081221
4 © Copyright: All rights reserved.
Journal Website:
Indian Journal of Design Engineering (IJDE)
ISSN: 2582-8584 (Online), Volume-1 Issue-2, August 2021
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Fig.7. Contour Plot for Field Efficiency for Tractor Speed Dr. Gbabo Agidi, B.E., M.E., MNIAE, MNSE,
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The regressed field efficiency model equation is given
equations 6 and 7
The regressed field efficiency model equation is given as Chukwudi Muogbo, B.ENG., M.ENG., a Principal
Research Officer, National Root Crops Research
Institute, Umudike, Nigeria.
= 0.
00000 0.000001
Dr. Gana, Ibrahim Mohammed, B.ENG., M.ENG.,
MNIAE, MNSE, R-COREN, Ph.D, a Senior Lecturer,
(6) Department of Agricultural and Bio-environmental
Engineering, Federal Polytechnic Bida, Niger State,
Where, is the field efficiency (%), A is the speed (rpm), B Nigeria.
is the length (mm), C is the diameter (cm)
= (7)
The result of this study provides the best condition under
which the tumeric planter could perform optimally. This
would increase production, save planting time, utilization,