Chemistry Question Bank 2024
Chemistry Question Bank 2024
Chemistry Question Bank 2024
Std XI Subject-Chemistry
Questions for 1 mark
1) Define radioactivity.
2) State Le-Chatelier's principle.
3) Define molar mass.
4) What is covalent bond?
5) Draw shapes of P orbitals.
6) What is the temperature at absolute zero?
7) Write electronic configuration of an element with atomic number 8.
8) Which alkene is used in the manufacturing of polythene bag ?
9) Define a) mole fraction.b) molarity
10) Find the no.of neutrons present in 714N, 816O, 1531P,1735Cl etc.
11)Which elements are known as representative elements?
12)Write any two examples of nucleophiles
13)Write any two examples of electrophiles.
14)Define adsorption.
15) Which type of hybridization is observed in carbon of acetylene?
16) Correct functional group of aldehyde/ketone/acid/ether/ester/amino/nitro/amide/cyanide
17) State Huckel’s rule
18)What are the maximum number of electrons present in 3p and 3d orbitals?
19) Define -drug
20)Write any two examples of Antiseptics.
21)Elements which belongs to group 17 are
a) b)
38) How will you prepare Ethyne from a) 1,2-dibromoethane b) Calcium Carbide?
39) Explain Nitration of Benzene.
40) Distinguish between a) aromatic and aliphatic compounds. B) adsorption and absorption
41) How will you convert a) ethane to bromoethane b) Phenol to benzene?
42) Hydrogen shows similarity with alkali metals as well as halogens. Explain
43) Write a note on Homologous series.
44)Write a note on a) Friedel-Craft’s alkylation. B) Markovnikov’s rule.
45) Explain Sulphonation of Benzene.
46) Alkyne shows more acidity than alkenes and alkanes. Explain.
47)Give any four postulates of VBT.
48) Write a note on Hydroboration Oxidation of alkene.
49) Explain ozonolysis of alkenes with suitable example.
50) Write electronic configuration of a) 13Al b)8O c) 24Cr d) 18Ar e) 30Zn
51) Define -Free radical. Write a note on Metamerism.
52) How will you convert a) Methyl bromide to ethane or ) Methyl iodide to Ethane b) Methyl
magnesium iodide to methane c) Methane to chloromethane d) Phenol to Benzene .
53) How will you prepare a) Ethene from bromoethane b) Benzene from acetylene
54)Propane 1,2 diol from Propene 4) Bromobenzene from Benzene c) Toluene from benzene
55) Name the isotopes of hydrogen.
56) What is the action of a) sodium metal and b) dioxygen on dihydrogen.
57) Write the structures of the following compounds
a) 5-ethyl-3-methylheptane b) hept-2-ene c) pent-1-en-3-yne
59) Define Heterolytic fission. How will you prepare 1)Propene from Bromopropane
2) Propane 1,2 diol from Propene 3) Bromobenzene from Benzene
60)Give IUPAC names of the following structures.
1) 2) 3)