Appendix A Conversion Factors and Values of The Gas Constant
Appendix A Conversion Factors and Values of The Gas Constant
Appendix A Conversion Factors and Values of The Gas Constant
Because standard reference books contain data in diverse units, we include Tables A.1 and
A.2 to aid in the conversion of values from one set of units to another. Those units having no
connection with the SI system are enclosed in parentheses. The following definitions are noted:
The conversion factors of Table A.1 are referred to a single basic or derived unit of the
SI system. Conversions between other pairs of units for a given quantity are made as in the
following example:
1 bar = 0.986923 (atm) = 750.061 (torr)
1 (atm) = _________
= 760.00 (torr)
APPENDIX A. Conversion Factors and Values of the Gas Constant 649
Quantity Conversion
Length 1 m =
100 cm
= 3.28084
(ft) = 39.3701 (in)
Mass 1 kg 3
= 10 g
= 2.20462 (lb m)
Force 1 N = 1 kg·m·s−2
= 105 (dyne)
= 0.224809 (1b f)
Pressure 1 bar = 105 kg·m−1·s−2 = 105 N·m−2
= 105 Pa = 102 kPa
6 −2
= 10 (dyne)·cm
= 0.986923 (atm)
= 14.5038 (psia)
= 750.061 (torr)
Volume 1 m3 = 106 cm3 = 103 liters
= 35.3147 (ft)3
= 264.172 (gal)
Density 1 g·cm−3= 103 kg·m−3
= 62.4278 (lb m)(ft)−3
Energy 1 J = 1 kg·m2 ·s−2 = 1 N·m
= 1 m3 ·Pa = 10−5 m3 ·bar = 10 cm3·bar
= 9.86923 cm3·(atm)
= 107 (dyne)·cm =
10 7 (erg)
= 0.239006 (cal)
= 5.12197 × 10−3 (ft)3(psia) = 0.737562 (ft)(lb f)
= 9.47831 × 10−4 (Btu) = 2.77778 × 10−7 kW·h
Power 1 kW = 103 W = 103 kg·m2 ·s−3 = 103 J·s−1
= 239.006 (cal)·s −1
= 737.562 (ft)(l
b f)·s −1
= 0.947831 (Btu)·s−1
= 1.34102 (hp)
= 1545 (ft)(lb f)(lb mol)−1