3-2 It Mean Stack Lab QP
3-2 It Mean Stack Lab QP
3-2 It Mean Stack Lab QP
1. Write a javascript code create a homepage.html for providing description of IEKART on-
line shopping site?
2. Write a javascript code creation of signup page & adding tables of media content to
3. Write a JavaScript program to find the area of a circle using radius (var and let - reassign
and observe the difference with var and let) and PI (const)?[Type of Identifiers]
4. Write JavaScript code to display the movie details such as movie name, starring, lan-
guage, and ratings.?[Primitve and Non primitive data types]
5. Write JavaScript code to book movie tickets online and calculate the total price, consider-
ing the number of tickets and price per ticket as Rs. 150?[Types of operators]
6. Write a JavaScript code to book movie tickets online and calculate the total price ?[types
7. Write a JavaScript code to book movie tickets online and calculate the total price ?[types
of loops]
8. Write a JavaScript code to book movie tickets online and calculate the total price?[Based
on functions]
9. Write a javascript code to Create an Employee class extending from a base class Person.?
Hints: (i) Create a class Person with name and age as attributes.
10. Write a JavaScript code to book movie tickets online and calculate the total price?[In
built events and Handlers]
11. Write a JavaScript program to give if a user clicks on the given link, they should see an
empty cone. ?
12. Write a Javascript code Create an array of objects having movie details. The object
should include the movie name, starring, language, and ratings. Render the details of
movies on the page using the array .?
13. Write a Javascript code to stimulate a perodic stock price change and display on the con-
sole ?
14. Write a Javascript code to validate the user by creating a login module?
15. Write a javascript code Verify how to execute different functions successfully in the
Node.js platform. ?
16. Write a javascript code to show the workflow of JavaScript code executable by creating
web server in Node.js.?
17. Write a Node.js module to show the workflow of Modularization of Node application.?
18. Write a javascript code to show the workflow of restarting a Node application.?
19. Write a code to Create a text file src.txt and add the following data to it. Mongo, Express,
Angular, Node.
20. Write a code to Implement routing for the AdventureTrails application by embedding the
necessary code in the routes file?
21. Write a javascript code In myNotes application: (i) we want to handle POST submissions.
(ii) display customized error messages. (iii) perform logging. ?
22. Write a javascript code to Mongoose schema to connect with MongoDB.?
23. Write a javascript code to wrap the Schema into a Model object. ?
24. Write a javascript code to perform various CRUD (Create-Read-Update-Delete) opera-
tions using Mongoose library functions. ?
25. Write a code In, include APIs based on the requirements provided. (i) API should fetch
the details of the notes based on a notesID which is provided in the URL. Test URL -
http://localhost:3000/notes/7555 (ii) API should update the details bas ?
26. Write a code to explain session management using cookies.?[Session management,cook-
27. Write a program to explain session management using sessions.?[sessions]
28. Why and What security, Helmet middle ware implement security features in myNotes ap-
29. Write a javascript to display the price of the mobile based in three different colors?
30. Write a javascript to Define an arrow function inside the event handler to filter the prod-
uct array with the selected product object using the productId received by the function.?
31. Write a javascript code to Consider that developer needs to declare a function - getMo-
bileByVendor which accepts string as input parameter and returns the list of mobiles.?
32. Write a code Consider that developer needs to declare a manufacturer's array holding 4
objects with id and price as a parameter and needs to implement an arrow function ?
33. Write a code Declare a function - getMobileByManufacturer with two parameters name-
lymanufacturer and id, where manufacturer value should passed as Samsung and id pa-
rameter should be optional while invoking the function, if id is passed as 101 then this
function should?
34. Write a code to Implement business logic for adding multiple Product values into a cart
variable which is type of string array.?
35. Write a javascript code to Declare an interface and implement a logic to populate the
product details.
36. Write a javascript code to Declare an interface named - Product with two properties like
productId and productName with a number and string datatype and need to implement
logic to populate the Product details.?
37. Write a javscript code Declare an interface with function type and access its value. ?
38. Write a code to Declare a productList interface which extends properties from two other
declared interfaces like Category?
39. Write a javscript code to Consider the Mobile Cart application, Create objects of the
Product class and place them into the productlist array ?
40. Write a code to Declare a class named - Product with the below-mentioned declarations:
(i) productId as number property (ii) Constructor to initialize this value (iii) getProductId
method to return the message "Product id is <>". ?
41. Write a code to Create a Product class with 4 properties namely productId, product-
Name, productPrice, productCategory with private, public, static, and protected access
modifiers and accessing them through Gadget class and its methods.?
42. Write a javascript code Create a Product class with 4 properties namely productId and
methods to setProductId() and getProductId(). ?
43. Write a javascript code Create a namespace called ProductUtility and place the Product
class definition in it. Import the Product class inside productlist file and use it.?
44. Write a javscript code to Consider the Mobile Cart application which is designed as part
of the functions in a module to calculate the total price of the product using the quantity
and price values and assign it to a totalPrice variable.?
45. Write a javascript code to Create a generic array and function to sort numbers as well as
string values.?