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19BT40401 - Analog Communications

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: 19BT40401 SVEC-19
Roll No.
(An Autonomous Institution, Affiliated to JNTUA, Ananthapuramu)

II B.Tech II Semester (SVEC-19) Supplementary Examinations July - 2022

[ Electronics and Communication Engineering ]
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 60
Answer One Question from each Unit
All questions carry equal marks

1. a) Obtain a relationship between carrier and side band powers in an 6 Marks L2 CO1 PO2
SSBSC wave and explain how power distribution takes place in
SSB SC system.
b) The peak amplitude of an amplitude modulated signal varies 6 Marks L2 CO1 PO2
from 2V to 10V. Determine the modulation index, carrier power
and sideband power.
2. a) Derive an expression for AM wave and sketch its frequency 6 Marks L2 CO1 PO1
b) A carrier signal c(t)= 10cos[2π106t] is modulated by a message 6 Marks L3 CO1 PO2
signal having spectral components 5KHz, 10KHz and 20KHz.
The corresponding modulation indexes (µ) are 0.4, 0.5 and 0.6
respectively. Sketch the spectrum and determine bandwidth and
power of the signal.

3. a) Define angle modulation and illustrate the frequency spectrum of 6 Marks L1 CO1 PO2
narrow band FM with neat diagram.
b) An FM signal is represented in time domain as 6 Marks L2 CO1 PO2
s(t)=10cos[2π106t+5sin8π103t]. Determine the modulation index,
power and band width.
4. a) Illustrate the working principal of PLL demodulator with neat 6 Marks L2 CO1 PO2
b) A 100 MHz carrier is frequency modulated by a sinusoidal signal 6 Marks L2 CO1 PO2
of amplitude of 20V and frequency of 100KHz. The frequency
sensitivity of the modulator is 25KHz. Determine the modulation
index and bandwidth of the signal.

5. a) Interpret the figure of merit (FOM) of AM, DSBSC, SSC and 6 Marks L2 CO2 PO2
b) Derive the expression of S/N for coherent AM receiver. 6 Marks L3 CO2 PO2
6. a) Define white noise and explain its effect when it passes through a 6 Marks L3 CO2 PO2
band pass filter.
b) Derive the value of FOM of SSB receiver. 6 Marks L3 CO2 PO1

7. a) Draw the block diagram of Super heterodyne receiver and 6 Marks L2 CO3 PO2
Explain the function of each block in detail.
b) A Super heterodyne receiver having no RF amplifier and tuned to 6 Marks L2 CO3 PO2
1000KHz. The intermediate frequency is 455KHz. The Q value
of the tuned circuit is 100. Determine the image frequency and
image rejection ratio.
8. a) List out the different Classification of Transmitters and explain 6 Marks L1 CO3 PO1
any one type in detail.
b) Explain automatic gain control (AGC). What are merits of 6 Marks L2 CO3 PO2
delayed AGC over simple AGC?

9. a) Interpret how a Pulse Position Modulation (PPM) signal can be 6 Marks L3 CO4 PO2
generated from Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) signal along
with circuit diagram.
b) Illustrate the working principle of Time Division Multiplexing 6 Marks L2 CO4 PO2
with neat diagram.
10 a) Describe the synchronization procedure for PAM, PWM and 6 Marks L2 CO4 PO2
. PPM signals in detail.
b) Illustrate the generation of PPM signals, with a neat circuit 6 Marks L2 CO4 PO2
diagram and wave forms.


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