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#diagonse system session clear

#get system session list

#get router info routing-table static/ospf
#get system session list
#get system arp
#execute log display
#excute ping
#excute reboot
#execute shutdown
#execute ping source <port1>
#config firewall vip
#show "DMZ-server1"
#config system interface
edit "port1"
set vdom "root"
set mode dhcp
set distance 1
set allowaccess ping ssh http telnet
set type
set snmp-index 1
set status down/up
#diagonse ip address list

by default fortigate choose one best path

#config system setting

#set v4-ecmp-mode weight-based

by default static AD value is 10

C:\Windows\system32/ cd
C:\Windows\system32>netsh interface ipv4 set subinterface "Ethernet" mtu=352

how to check MTU

"netsh interface ipv4 show subinterface".

for dhcp static route ad value is 5

config router bgp

set multipath enable

#backup and restore tftp

# execute backup config tftp fw1-backup passwd 1234

# execute restore config tftp fw1-backup passwd 1234

reset factory
#execute factoryreset

#fireware upload
#HA configuration
overide ride HA - it allow firewall higher priority should be primary
config system HA
#set override enable

#config system HA
#set load-balance-all enable

#config system global

#set hostname - fw

#show system interface


#diagnose packet sniffer packet port2

#dia sys ha history read

#Nmap –A praction.in
#nmap -A ( -A option to find the target OS, version of services ex-
http version , ports)
#nmap - scan ports
#nmap -sn 192.168.0.* scan hosts * wildcard - asterik to scan all hosts (-n
is used to disable DNS Resolution)
nmap -sn 192.168.*.* full segment
#nmap www.praction.in

Hping3 is a DOS and DDOS attack software , it used for scan network

#hping3 -c 15000 -d 120 -S -w 64 -p 80 --flood --rand-source - syn


-c packet count
-p port
-d data size 120 byte
-S sync scan
-w win is
--rand source - random source
--flood - replies will be ignored and flood packet asap

#hping3 -1 --flood -1 - icmp flood

-1 icmp
-2 udp
default TCP

dan.me.uk - lookup tool

#hping3 --traceroute -1

how to filter with (ICMP,HTTP,tcp, tcp.flag.syn==1, ip.addr==,
ip.src_host==, ip.dst_host==

tcp.port==443, tcp.analysis.flags, view to zoom in or out , color change ,, i

filter packets with website name - tcp contains gmail.com , frame contains

check TCP/UDP/TLS stream - select the packet - right click - flow - TCP stream
( to check the application data)

statices to check i/o map and protocol map

it will cause the firewall to change

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