Indoors Tedium Bill of Quantity
Indoors Tedium Bill of Quantity
Indoors Tedium Bill of Quantity
Page 2
SOR Item
S. No. Particulars Of Item Quantity Unit Rate Amount
752.04 Sqm 190.60 143339.00
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SOR Item
S. No. Particulars Of Item Quantity Unit Rate Amount
12 Making plinth protection 50mm thick of cement concrete
grade M10 over 75mm bed of dry metal ballast 40mm nominal
4.17 size well rammed and consolidated and filled with sand
including finishing the top smooth (with 20mm nominal size
graded stone aggregate.)
125.59 Sqm 351.00 44083.00
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SOR Item
S. No. Particulars Of Item Quantity Unit Rate Amount
4 Reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening,
cutting, bending, placing in position and binding including
cost of binding wire all wastages and overlaps, couplers
(overlaps shall be provided as per requirement of IS 13920 for
ductile detaling IS 456 RCC Design & SP 34 Reinforcement
detailing ) etc. complete .
1. Spacer bars (chairs) shall be paid separately as shown in the
5.16.6 drawing and as per direction of engineer in charge.
2. No extra payment shall be done for overlaps and/or
3.Couplers shall be conforming to IS code on “Reinforcement
Couplers for Mechanical Splices of Bars for Concrete
Reinforcement - Specification”) Thermo-Mechanically
Treated bars. (TMT/TMX) FE 500 or more conforming to IS
1786 (SOR ITEM NO. 5.16.6)
17737.28 Kg 80.00 1418982.00
6 Half brick masonry with fly ash lime Gypsum bricks (FALG
bricks) conforming to IS: 12894, in super structure above plinth and upto floor two level.Having 50 kg/cm2 average
compressive strength. Cement mortar 1 : 4 (1 cement : 4 sand)
Fixing with adjustable lugs with split end tail to each jamb.
60.60 Kg 472.00 28603.00
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SOR Item
S. No. Particulars Of Item Quantity Unit Rate Amount
9 Providing and fixing factory made single extruded
WPC(Wood Polymer Composite) solid
door/window/ceosetory windows and other frames/chowkhat
comprising of virgin polymer of K value 58-60 (Suspension
Grade), calcium carbonate and natural fibers (wood powder/
rice .husk/wheat husk) and non toxic additives (maximum
toxicity index of 12 for 100 gms) fabricated with miter joints
after applying PVC solvent cement and screwed with full body
threaded star headed S.S. screws having minimum density of
750 kg/m3 and screw withdrawal strength of 2200 N (Face) &
9.169 900 N (Edge), minimum compressive strength 58 N/mm2,
modulus of elasticity 900 N/ mm2 and resistance to spread of
flame of Class A category with property of being termite/borer
proof, water/moisture proof and fire retardant and fixed in
position with M.S. hold fast/lugs/S.S.dash fasteners of
required dia and length complete as per direction of Engineer-
in-Charge. (M.S. hold fast/lugs or S.S. dash fasteners shall be
paid separately)
9.169.2 Single rebate (100 mm X50 mm) 40.80 Metre 720.00 29376.00
9.201.2 28 to 30 mm thick plain solid PVC flush door shutter 14.76 sqm 3229.00 47660.00
14 Providing and Fixing decorative high pressure laminated sheet
of plain / wood grain in gloss / matt / suede finish with high
9.134 density protective surface layer and reverse side of adhesive
bonding qualityconforming to IS : 2046 Type S including cost
of adhesive of approved quality.
9.134.2 1.0 mm thick. 77.31 sqm 691.00 53421.00
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SOR Item
S. No. Particulars Of Item Quantity Unit Rate Amount
15 Steel work welded in built up sections/ framed work including
cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming
coat of approved steel primer using structural steel etc. as
In gratings, frames, guard bar, ladder, railings, brackets, gates
and similar works.
600.00 Kg 105.00 63000.00
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SOR Item
S. No. Particulars Of Item Quantity Unit Rate Amount
22 For shutters of doors, windows and ventilators including
providing and fixing hinges/ pivots and making provision for
21.1.2 fixing of fittings wherever required including the cost of
EPDM rubber / neoprene gasket required (Fittings shall be
paid for separately).
Powder coated aluminium (minimum thickness of powder
coating 50 micron)
439.50 Kg 484.00 212718.00
25 Providing and fixing fly proof stainless steel grade 304 wire
gauge, to windows and clerestory windows using wire gauge
with average width of aperture 1.4 mm in both directions with
wire of dia. 0.50 mm all complete.
9.124.2 With 12 mm mild steel U beading.
23.87 Sqm 1370.00 32695.00
Page 8
SOR Item
S. No. Particulars Of Item Quantity Unit Rate Amount
30 Providing & Laying Vitrified floor tiles Multi/Double
Charged(Minimum Top Layer thickness 2.00mm) nano
polished self designed, in different sizes with water absorption
less than 0.05% and conforming to IS 15622 of approved
11.78 make in all colours & Shades, 1st quality premium in flooring
laid on 20mm thick cement mortar 1 : 4 (1 cement : 4 sand)
including grouting the joints with white cement & matching
pigment etc complete.
11.78.1 Light shade Glossy/rustic/satin
(a) size 600x600mm thickness 9-10mm
237.00 Sqm 1104.00 261651.00
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SOR Item
S. No. Particulars Of Item Quantity Unit Rate Amount
33 Providing and laying Ceramic glazed floor tiles 300x300 mm
or more (having thickness 6 to 7mm) of 1st quality
conforming to IS : 15622 of approved make in any colours
and shade laid on 20 mm thick Cement Mortar 1:4 (1 Cement :
4 sand) including pointing the joints with white cement and
matching pigment etc., complete
34.50 sqm 644.00 22218.00
34 Providing and fixing Ceramic glazed wall tiles 300x450 mm
or more (having thickness 6 to 7 mm) of 1st quality
conforming to IS : 15622 of approved make in all Colours
shades, Except burgundy, Bottle green, Black, laid on 12mm
11.52 thick bed of Cement Mortar 1:3 (1 Cement : 3 sand) jointed
with grey cement slurry @3.3 kg per sqm including pointing
the joints with white cement and matching pigments etc.,
133.56 Sqm 698.00 93225.00
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SOR Item
S. No. Particulars Of Item Quantity Unit Rate Amount
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SOR Item
S. No. Particulars Of Item Quantity Unit Rate Amount
45 Providing and laying Antiskid floor tiles of any sizes, 12 mm
thickness with water absorption less than 0.08% and
conforming to IS:15622 of approved make in all colours and
shades, laid on 20mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4
sand) including grouting the joints with white cement with
matching pigments etc., complete.
28.50 SQM 880.00 25080.00
49 Providing and fixing 1mm thick M.S. sheet door with frame of
40x40x5mm angle iron and 3mm M.S. gusset plates at the
junctions and corners, all necessary fittings complete,
including applying a priming coat of approved steel primer.
Using M.S. angels 40x40x6mm for diagonal braces
50 Providing and fixing glass panes/ steel sheet/ Fibre sheet with
putty and glazing clips in steel doors, windows, clerestory
windows all complete. With 4.0 mm thick glass panes. (SOR
ITEM NO. 10.27.1) (FR=792.00)
3.15 SQM 792.00 2495.00
Internal Water Supply & Sanitary Fitting
1 Providing and fixing unplasticised Rigid PVC soil and waste
pipes conforming to IS: 13592 Type B including jointing with
seal ring conforming to IS : 5382 leaving 10mm gap for
thermal expansion. Single socketed pipes for working pressure
of 4 kg/sqcm. (minimum wall thickness 3.2mm)
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SOR Item
S. No. Particulars Of Item Quantity Unit Rate Amount
2 Providing and fixing unplasticised PVC moulded fittings/
accessories forunplasticised Rigid PVC soil andwaste pipes
conforming to IS: 13592Type A including jointing with seal
ring conforming to IS : 5382 leaving 10 mm gap for thermal
expansion. 75 mm FR@117/EACH 30.00 EACH 117.00 3510.00 110 mm FR@154/EACH 30.00 EACH 154.00 4620.00
Bend 87.50
75 mm bend FR@117/EACH 10.00 EACH 117.00 1170.00 110 mm bend FR@172/EACH 15.00 EACH 172.00 2580.00
17.3.1 W.C. pan with ISI marked white solid plastic seat and lid. 4.00 EACH 4613.00 18452.00
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SOR Item
S. No. Particulars Of Item Quantity Unit Rate Amount
One urinal basin with 5 litre white
P.V.C. automatic flushing cistern. 2.00 EACH 2754.00 5508.00
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SOR Item
S. No. Particulars Of Item Quantity Unit Rate Amount
Providing and fixing on wall face Unplasticised -
UPVC moulded fittings/ accessories for Unplasticised Rigid
PVC rain water pipes conforming to IS : 13592
Type A including jointing with seal ring conforming to IS :
5382 leaving 10 mm gap for thermal expansion.
12a Coupler
110 mm (minimum wall thickness 2.2mm) SOR ITEM No
12a(i) 8.00 each 102.00 816.00
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SOR Item
S. No. Particulars Of Item Quantity Unit Rate Amount
External Water Supply
1 Boring/drilling bore well of required dia perfectly vertical to
receive casing/ strainer pipe, by suitable method prescribed in
IS: 2800 (part I), including collecting samples from different
strata, preparing and submitting strata chart/bore log,
16.1 including hire and running charges of all equipments, tools,
plants and machineries required for the job, all complete as
per direction of Engineer –in-charge, upto 90 meter depth
below ground level.
16.1.1 All types of soil 150 mm dia. 30.00 Rmt 413.00 12390.00
16.1.2 Rocky strata including Boulders. 150 mm dia. 40.00 Rmt 625.00 25000.00 150 mm dia 10.00 Rmt 428.00 4280.00 150 mm dia 10.00 Rmt 656.00 6560.00
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SOR Item
S. No. Particulars Of Item Quantity Unit Rate Amount
7 Providing and fixing Bail plug/ Bottom plug of required dia to
the bottom of pipe assembly of tubewell as per IS:2800 (part
SOR 16.10.2 150 mm dia 1.00 Each 242.00 242.00
1 Providing and laying below ground unplasticised PVC pipe to
with stand working pressure of 4 kg/cm2 soild waste pipes
confirming to IS:13592 and IS:4985 including jointing with
seal ring confirming to IS :5282 leaving 10mm gap for thermal
19.4 expansion all necessary fittings etc. complete. Excavation to
be paid eperataly.19.4.2 160 mm diameter OD (min. wall
thickness 3.2mm SOR ITEM NO 19.4.2FR@234/M
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SOR Item
S. No. Particulars Of Item Quantity Unit Rate Amount
3 Constructing brick masonry manhole in cement mortar 1:4 ( 1
cement : 4 sand ) R.C.C. top slab with Cement Concrete 1:2:4
mix (1 cement : 2 sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm
nominal size), foundation concrete 1:4:8 mix (1 cement : 4
sand : 8 graded stone aggregate 40mm nominal size) inside
19.9 plastering 12mm thick with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3
sand) finished with floating coat of neat cement and making
channels in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 sand : 4
graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) finished with a
floating coat of neat cement complete as per standard design :
Page 18
SOR Item
S. No. Particulars Of Item Quantity Unit Rate Amount
110 mm (minimum wall thickness 2.2mm 15 EACH 102.00 1530.00
Single push fit Coupler 0
75 mm (minimum wall thickness 1.8mm 5 EACH 121.00 605.00
110 mm (minimum wall thickness 2.2mm 5 EACH 94.00 470.00
Single tee with door 0
75x75x75 mm (minimum wall thickness 1.8mm 5 EACH 106.00 530.00
110x110x110 mm (minimum wall thickness 2.2mm 5 EACH 176.00 880.00
Single tee without door 0
75x75x75 mm (minimum wall thickness 1.8mm 10 EACH 106.00 1060.00
110x110x110 mm (minimum wall thickness 2.2mm) 5 EACH 163 815.00
Bend 87.5° 0
75 mm bend (minimum wall thickness 1.8mm) 15 EACH 78 1170.00
110 mm bend (minimum wall thickness 2.2mm) 10 EACH 112 1120.00
Septic Tank
1 Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic
excavator) / manual means over areas (exceeding 30cm in
depth. 1.5m in width as well as 10 sqm on plan) including
dressing of sides and ramming of bottom disposal of
2.6 excavated earth, lead up to 50m and lift up to 1.5m, disposed
earth to be levelled and neatly dressed. (No extra lift is
payable if work is done by mechanical means) All kinds of
soil SOR ITEM NO 2.6 FR @129/CUM
20.00 CUM 147 2939.00
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SOR Item
S. No. Particulars Of Item Quantity Unit Rate Amount
5 Providing and laying in position specified grade of reinforced
cement concrete (with 20mm nominal size graded stone
aggregate) excluding the cost of centering, shuttering,
finishing and reinforcement - All work up to plinth level :M-
20 Grade Concrete SOR ITEM NO 5.1.1FR@5796.0/CUM
4.96 QTY 85 /CUM 495.95 KG 80 39676.00
Total 14116432.00
Page 20
Item Item Name Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Point wiring Point wiring (excluding metallic switch box & sheet but including
concealed switches, sockets, lamp holders/ceiling roses etc) with 1.5sq. mm.
rigid P.V.C. PVC insulated cable FRLS with copper multi strand conductor
conduit ISI marked in concealed rigid P.V.C. conduit (HMS) ISI
marked of suitable size and 1.5sq. mm. PVC insulated FRLS Using
copper earth continuity conductor of green colour inside conduit, modular
screwless connector for joints etc. as required as per accessorie
4.1 specification for :- s
Light/Fan Light point/fan points.
4.1.1 primary Short Primary short point Each 10 451 4510 Medium Primary medium point Each 35 830 29050 Long Primary long point Each 109 1300 141700
Socket 6A 3 Pin 6 Amp socket outlet on separate board
4.1.3 sep. board Long Long point Each 20 1515 30300
Call bell Call bell/buzzer points
4.1.4 point Long Long point Each 2 1183 2366
Twin control Twin control light points
4.1.5 Long Long point Each 2 1453 2906
Socket same Point wiring (excluding metallic switch box & sheet but including
board 6A switches, sockets) for 3 pin 6 Amp. socket outlet point with 1.5sq.
mm. PVC insulated cable FRLS with copper multi strand
conductor ISI marked in concealed rigid P.V.C. conduit
(HMS) ISI marked of suitable size and 1.5sq. mm. PVC insulated
copper earth continuity conductor of green colour inside
conduit with required materials as per specification on same
4.2 board. Each 30 265 7950
Circuit Wiring for circuit wiring with PVC insulated cable FRLS
wiring with copper multi strand conductor ISI marked in concealed
2.5Sq. Mm rigid P.V.C. conduit (HMS) of ISI marked suitable size etc. as
4.3 required as per specification
2 Wire 2x2.5 Per
4.3.1 Meter 250 139 34750
4 Wire 4x2.5 Per
4.3.2 Meter 25 224 5600
6 Wire 6x2.5 Per
4.3.3 Meter 20 288 5760
8 Wire 8x2.5 Per
4.3.4 Meter 15 353 5295
Power point Point wiring (excluding metallic switch box & sheet) for 3
wiring Pin 16 Amp. socket outlet point with 4sq. mm. PVC insulated
concealed cable FRLS with copper multi strand conductor ISI marked in
rigid P.V.C. concealed rigid P.V.C. conduit (HMS) ISI marked of suitable size
conduit etc. with 20/16 Amp. F.T. switch & socket/S.S. combined 20/16/6
Amp. of ISI marked and 4sq. mm. PVC insulated FRLS copper
earth continuity conductor of green colour inside conduit,
screwless connector for joints as per specification for :-
9.1.1 Power point On separate board Medium Medium point Each 1 1749 1749 Long Long point Each 1 2612 2612
Page 1
Item Item Name Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Extra Long Extra long-I –I Each 4 3648 14592
Extra Long Extra long-II –II Each 1 4771 4771
Extra Long Extra long-III –III Each 3 5986 17958
Same board Same board switch & socket 16 Amp./S.S. combined 20/16/6
9.2 Amp Each 5 437 2185
Concealed Supply and fixing PVC conduit ISI marked FRLS along
PVC conduit with the accessories in concealed system etc. as required
16.1.2 25 mm HMS PVC. conduit 25 mm (HMS) Metre 30 74 2220
Modular Supplying and fixing of approved make modular type G.I. metal
G.I. metal box 1.2mm minimum thick and depth 50mm for single row boxes
box and 60mm depth for two/three
(concealed) row boxes earth terminal stud with nut and washer with modular
base and cover plate including fixing in concealed etc. as required
18.2 for:-
G.I box 1 Or 1Or 2 Module metal box
18.2.1 2 module 4 182.00 728
G.I box 3 3 Module metal box
18.2.2 module 5 216.00 1080
G.I box 6 6 Module metal box
18.2.4 module 17 309.00 5253
G.I box 8/9 8/9 Module metal box
18.2.5 module 4 373.00 1492
G.I box 12 12 Module metal box
18.2.6 module 3 502.00 1506
G.I box 18 18 Module metal box
18.2.8 module 8 642.00 5136
Single core Supplying and drawing single core PVC insulated cable FRLS
PVC with copper multi strand conductor ISI marked in existing rigid
insulated PVC casing and capping/conduit in surface or concealed as per
19.1 FRLS cable specification.
19.1.1 1.5 sq. mm. 1.5 sq. mm. wire 1 wire 1 X 1.5 sq. mm. Per Mtr 15 19.00 285 3 wire 3 X 1.5 sq. mm. Per Mtr 31 56.00 1736
19.1.2 2.5 sq. mm. 2.5 sq. mm. wire 1 wire 1 X 2.5 sq. mm. Per Mtr 310 30.00 9300
19.1.3 4.00 sq. mm. 4.00 sq. mm. wire 3 wire 3 X 4.00 sq. mm. Per Mtr 10 134.00 1340
Sub mains in Wiring for sub-mains with PVC insulated cable FRLS with
recessed/con copper multi strand conductor ISI marked in recessed/concealed
c ealed rigid rigid PVC conduit (HMS) FRLS ISI marked of suitable size
PVC conduit (conduit included) including 2mm thick accessories, connection
(HMS) etc, as required as per specification. (Refer General Notes for
Classification of Conduit Wiring Point No.11)
23.1.4 4 Wire 4 Wire sub main
6.0 sq mm 6.0 sq. mm. cable cable Metre 20 398.00 7960
10.0 sq mm 10.0 sq. mm. cable cable Metre 10 601.00 6010
Porcelain Supply & fixing of I.S.I. marked porcelain rewireable fuse unit of
rewireable approved make or conforming to I.S. 2086-1982
25.2 fuse unit
63A/415 63Amp/415 Volts
25.16.4 Volts Each 3 309.00 927
Page 2
Item Item Name Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
MCB 'C' Supply of ISI marked and accepted standard of miniature circuit
Series, breaker (MCB) of 'C' series with short circuit indication, suitable
240/415V, for 240/415 Volts,50 Cycle, 10 kA/15 kA Value AC supply
50 Cycle, conforming to IS : 8828 : 1996, IEC : 60898 :2002 & 60947-2
27.8 10kA/15kA but without enclosures :-
27.8.1 Single pole Single pole
MCB SP 6A MCB SP 6Amp to 32Amp 10kA rating
to 32A, 10kA Each 17 263 4471
MCB Supplying of MCB Isolators suitable for 240/415 Volts, 50 Hz
Isolators AC supply with kA value rating 10 kA of approved make
conforming to IS:13947-Part III :1993 & IEC:60947- 3:2001
#### (without enclosures ) :-
27.10.4 Four pole Four pole Upto 63A Current rating upto 63Amp Each 1 1398 1398
TPN MCB Supplying of approved make TPN MCB DB
DB double metal double door IP 43 protection with provision for FP MCB/
door Isolator/ RCCB/ RCBO as incomer and SP MCBs as outgoing
inclusive of busbar, neutral bar, earth bar, connection copper wire
not less than 16 & two earth terminals etc. complete as per
27.12 IS:13032(exclusive of MCB & isolator):
4 Way 4 Way (8+12)
27.12.2 (8+12) Each 1 4444 4444
Industrial Supplying & fixing of approved make Industrial type metal
type metal plug & socket DBs (without MCB) SPN sheet encloser (dust
plug & protected) inclusive of 2 pole and earth metal plug and socket and
socket DBs, space to incorporate SP MCB complete as per specification as
SPN sheet required.
27.2 encloser
27.18.2 20A 20 Amp Each 2 1095 2190
Fixing of Fixing of MCB/MCCB/Isolator in sheet steel
MCB/MCC enclosure as required as per accepted practice, including
B mounting on busbar and cable connection etc. complete (labour
/Isolator, only)
28.4 only)
MCB/Isolato MCB/Isolator SP/DP
28.4.1 r SP/DP Each 17 22 374
28.4.2 TP/TPN/FP Each 1 28 28
Labour Labour charges for fixing sheet steel
charges enclosures, MCB/MCCBDB flush mounting type, as per accepted
practice, duly embedded and end plate completely flushed in
28.8 wall, cable connection etc. complete :-
For item For item no :-
Item SOR 27.11.1 to 27.11.7 ; 27.12.1 to 27.12.3 & 27.13.1
28.8.1 no. Each 1 268 268
Call bell Supply and fixing as per specification call bell/buzzer of
29.3 approved make with necessary materials complete.
Ding Dong Ding dong bell
29.3.3 bell Each 1 185 185
LED lamp Supply and fixing in position LED lamp
29.7 of approved make
15W 15 Watt250Volt
29.7.7 250Volt Each 8 223 1784
Page 3
Item Item Name Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Modular Supply and fixing of approved make step type modular
electronic electronic fan regulator including connection etc. as required on
fan regulator existing board
29.25.2 2 module 100 Watt(2 module) Each 15 484 7260
Electric Supplying, erection and testing of approved make electric Ceiling
ceiling fan fan of double ball bearing complete with standard down rod,
canopy, hanging shackle, Aluminium blades, without regulator,
A.C. 230-250 volts including Connections with all necessary
material complete of approved as required confirming to IS
30.1 :374/2019 with upto date amendments.
1200 mm Ceiling Fan (ISI marked)-1200 mm Sweep, with minimum air
30.1.2 sweep delivery 210 m³/min and service value ≥ 4.00 as per BEE.. Each 15 2292 34380
Wall Supplying,erection and testingof approved make wall
mounting mountingfan oscillatingtype with base, blades, guard, speed
fan regulator etc. AC 230-250 volts with connections and
includingraw bolt/anchor hole fastener etc. complete finishedand
30.2 as required.
30.2.2 400 mm 400 mm sweep Each 14 2810 39340
Exhaust fan Supplying, erecting and testing of approved make exhaust fan
heavy duty heavy duty with mounting frame, blades AC 230-250 complete
connection and including, frame bolt/anchor hole fasteners etc.
30.6 complete finished and as required.
30.6.1 300 mm 300mm sweep RPM 900 / 1400 Each 3 2571 7713
LED tube Supply and fixing Led tube rod comprising of LED tube with
rod fixture non-integral/integral driver, upto 6500K color temp having 40000
burning hrs life with minimum @ L 70, system lumen output
should be minimum with system efficacy> 100 lm/Watt. LED
driver PF> 0.95 & THD < 20%. The colour rendering index of
LED light should be more than 70. Submission LM 79-
08/IS16106 (2012), IEC60598, IEC61347i/c connection wire,
31.3 testing etc. to complete the job.
Tube light Tube light LED 1 X 20/22Watt, Integral i/c batten aluminium
LED 1 X body, PC diffuser.
31.3.4 20/22W Each 55 782 43010
Supply and fixing surface mounting LED down lighter, LED of 1
to 3Watt each assembled on single MCPCB, having color temp
upto 6500K & having 50000 burning hrs. life with minimum @
L 70, system lumen output should be minimum with
efficacy>100 lm/Watt. LED driver PF > 0.95, THD <
20% & surge protection 4KV. The colour rendering index of
LED light should be more than 70. Housing made of pressure
LED down
die cast aluminium/CRCA powder coated frame with glare free
diffused polycarbonate cover. Submission LM 79-08/IS16106
(2012), IEC60598, IEC61347i/c connection wire, testing etc. to
31.7 mounting)
complete the job..
31.7.4 14/15W 14/15 Watt, color temp 3000-6500k as required. Each 15 1400 21000
31.7.5 18/20W 18/20 Watt, color temp 3000-6500k as required. Each 15 1783 26745
Street light Supply and fixing street light with high power LED of 3 to 6 Watt
with high each on existing bracket assembled on single MCPCB and
power LED additional unique peanut lens on each LED, system lumens
system output with efficacy>120 lm/Watt. luminiare having color temp
upto 6500K & 50000 hrs. burning life with minimum @ L 70,
The colour rendering index of LED light should be more than 70.
Luminiare comprises of driver, PF> 0.95 & surge protection
10KV. Housing made of pressure die cast aluminium with heat
resistant flat glass, IP65 protection. Submission LM 79-
08/IS16106 (2012), IEC60598, IEC61347 i/c connection wire,
testing etc. to complete the job.
31.13.1 40 W 40Watt to 48Watt, color temp 3000-6500k as required. Each 5 6105 30525
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Item Item Name Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
31.13.2 60 W 60Watt, color temp 3000-6500k as required. Each 1 9791 9791
Supplying and fixing flood light with high power LED of 3 to 6
Watt each assembled on single MCPCB and additional unique
peanut lens on each LED, system lumens output with
efficacy>120 lm/Watt. luminiare having color temp upto 6500K
LED & 50000 hrs. burning life with minimum @ L 70, The
flood light colour rendering index of LED light should be more than 70.
Luminiare comprises of driver, PF > 0.95 & surge protection
10KV. Housing made of pressure die cast aluminium
with heat resistant flat glass, IP65 protection. Submission LM 79-
08/IS16106 (2012), IEC60598, IEC61347i/c connection wire,
testing etc. to complete the job.
31.14.5 120W 120Watt, color temp 3000-6500k as required. Each 10 16022 160220
31.14.6 150W 150Watt, color temp 3000-6500k as required. Each 8 21572 172576
Providing and fixing circular/hexagonal cast iron or M.S. sheet
box for ceiling fan clamp of internal dia 140mm, 73mm
height, top lid of 1.5mm thick M.S. sheet with its top surface
hacked for proper bonding, top lid shall be screwed into the cast
iron/M.S. sheet box by mean of 3.3mm dia. round headed
Fixing for screws, one lock at the corners. Clamp shall be made of
Ceiling fan 12mm dia M.S. bar bent to shape as per standard drawing.
32.3 clamp Each 15 90 1350
Providing and fixing T.W. board of suitable size (maximum 12"
Fixing of X 18") for fixing of house service Metre with necessary materials
T.W. board and connection testing etc. complete as per specification :
32.10.2 3 Ph Metre Three phase Metre Each 1 195 195
Earthing Earthing with copper earth plate 600mm X 600mm X 3mm thick
with copper including accessories and providing masonry encloser in cement
earth plate mortar, cover plate having locking arrangement on the top and
600x600x3 G.I. watering pipe 20mm dia 2.7 metre long etc. (but without
37.4 mm charcoal or coke and salt) complete as required Each 1 16341 16341
Add extra Add extra for using salt and charcoal/coke for G.I. plate or copper
for using salt plate earth electrode as required including excavation and
and refilling the pit in all type of soil, murrum
coke for G.I
/copper plate
37.5 Each 1 1655 1655
Supply and laying 4mm dia. copper wire at 0.5 metre below
Cu wire
ground level as conductor earth electrode including soldering etc.
37.7 as required. Meter 10 114 1140
25mm X Providing and fixing 25mm X 5mm copper strip on surface or in
5mm Cu recessed for connection etc. as required
strip on
37.2 Surface Meter 5 1137 5685
PVC Supply and drawing PVC insulated copper cable (earth continuity
insulated cu. conductor) of green colour FRLS with copper multi strand
cable earth conductor ISI mark in existing conduit along with other wires as
continuity required as per specification :
37.39.2 6 Sq mm. 6 sq. mm. Meter 20 71.00 1420
37.39.3 10 Sq mm. 10 sq. mm. Meter 10 102.00 1020
Supplying and drawing co-axial T.V. cable RG-6 Grade, 0.7
Co-axial mm solid copper conductor PE insulated, shielded with fine
T.V. cable tined copper braid and protected with PVC sheathed in existing
surface/concealed, steel/PVC conduit as required. Metre 20 30 600
Page 5
Item Item Name Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
T.V. outlet Supply, fixing and testing of T.V. outlet modular (1Module)
modular each 1 175 175
1 Phase deep Supplying &installation of required capacity of single phase, 50
well Hz, 220V, deep well submersible pump stainless steel body, as
submersible per IS of approved make, suitable for 4"/6 " tube well with
pump control panel starter suitable for submersible pump with dry run
stainless protection, connections, including clamp, bore cap etc. as
steel body required as per specifications but excluding pipe, SS/Nylon wire
39.1 rope and connection cable.
2 HP, 25 2 HP with 25 stages, head metre 163-58, discharge LPM 10-45
39.1.13 stages Each 1 35854 35854
Submersible Supplying and laying of submersible flat cable ISI marked 3 core
flat cable 3 copper wire of suitable size with proper clamping of approved
core cu. make.
39.3 Wire
39.3.2 4.0 4.0 multi strand Metre 150 205 30750
Supplying and laying of approved make HDPE pipe as per
IS:4984 and IS:14333 with latest amendment for installation of
HDPE pipe submersible pump with necessary connection, socket/couplings,
tees, etc. as required (PE-63 & working pressure 6 kgf/sq cm)
39.4.2 32 mm 32 mm Outer Dia. Metre 120 120 14400
Nylon rope Supplying and laying of approved make nylon rope 12 mm
39.5 12 mm thick thick complete with binding for support of pump and motor. Metre 125 76 9500
XLPE Supply of XLPE insulated power cable (conforming IS-7098 Part-
insulated I) 1100 Volt grade, 1 core/2 core/3½ core/4 core ISI marked with
power cable, alu. stranded /solid conductor
41.1 conductor
4 core 4 core armoured
41.1.10 armoured 16 sq. mm 16 sq. mm. Metre 50 218 10900
Supplying and fixing crimping type alum. lugs as per I.S.S.
Crimping specification suitable for following size of cable with alu./copper
41.7 type solid/stranded conductor evenly crimped with high/pressure tool
alum.lugs and connected to switch gear/bus/M.C.C.B./M.C.B. etc. as
required complete.
For For conductor size-
41.7.1 6 -16 sq. 6mm to 16 sq. mm Each 8 8 64
mm Laying of underground cable armoured./unarmoured as per
Laying of
specification in air suspended on existing approved type of iron
41.2 undergroun
clamp, G.I wire 7/1.6mm & shackle insulator/insulated strip
d cable
41.20.1 16 sq. mm 1/2/3/4 Core cable upto 16 sq. mm Metre 50 25 1250
Total 1059028
Split AC (non inverter) :- Supply installation testing and
commissioning of split type wall mounted air conditioning unit of
following capacity including indoor, outdoor unit fitted with
rotary compressor, copper condenser and first charge refrigerant
Split AC R410A. The condensing unit working range should be capable of
#### (non providing cooling between +/-5deg.C to 50 deg. C including
inverter) connection of copper pipe of required size upto 3 mtr., insulation,
cordless remote control, auto air swing louvers, wall stand for
outdoor unit, connection copper lead wire, condense water outlet
pipe 2 mtr. complete etc as required. Outdoor/indoor units should
be of same make (brand).
Page 6
Item Item Name Description of Item Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1.8/2 TR, 3 1.8/2 TR star rating 3 star
star Each 2 53029 106058
AC installation: - Installation of split type ceiling cassette air
AC conditioning unit including indoor, outdoor unit fitted with rotary
installation, compressor, condenser and first charge refrigerant
wall R410A/ecofriendly green gas only including connection of copper
mounted pipe and material supplied with complete unit etc as
required.(excluding cost of copper pipe) Each 2 1500 3000
4 Pair Supplying and drawing 4 pair shielded twisted pair (STP), 0.5
shielded mm PVC insulated copper conductor unarmoured Cat-6
twisted pair computer cable FRLS in existing surface/concealed, steel/PVC.
38.12 (STP) conduit/ casing-ncapping as required. Metre 50 104 5200
4MP IP 4MP IP fixed rugged dome camera
54.7 fixed rugged
dome cam.
Supply, installation testing and commissioning of the IP
rugged dome camera shall be equipped with a 1/3″ 4 MP
progressive scan CMOS imager to capture full HD 1080p (25/30
fps)/2688 × 1520 images, a 2.8 mm fixed lens, and a waterproof
IP rugged (IP66) IK10 impact-resistant camera housing, as a true
54.7.1 dome day/night solution, the camera shall use smart IR technology
camera and provide up to 98 ft (30 m) of IR illumination. The camera
shall accept PoE (802.3af) or 12 V DC power input. min.
illumination:-0.08 lux color @ F2.0 (color, 1/3s, 30 IRE),0 lux
B/W with IR LEDs on @ F2.0) video compression :-H.265 +,
noise reduction: 3DNR,backlight compensation :- True WDR
Each 2 19553.00 39106
120 DB, angle of view 104°/87° (H), 57°/48° (V) ,UL listed
4MP IP 4MP IP fixed IR bullet camera
fixed IR
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