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B. Sc. H Computer Science Ope DbzyR6h

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6505 8 [This question paper contains 8 printed pages.]

Your Roll No.......,.......

moving towards track 99 and the disk request queue
contains readlwrite requests for the sectors on tracks Sr. No. of Question Paper: 6s05 HC
184, 55, 103, 96 and 197 respectively. What is the total t
Unique Paper Code : 3234t302
number of head movements needed to satisfy the
requests in the queue using: ( I\' ne of the Paner : Operating Systems

(D FCFS I Name of the Course : B.Sc. (E) Computer Science

(iD LOOK (3+2) I

Semester : III
Duration : 3 Hours Maxirnum Marks : 75
(b) What is the critical section problem? What are the three
requirements for a solution to the critical sectionl' I r^nstructions for Ca nd id atc s

problem? (2+3)
1. Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of
this question paper.
2. Q. 1is compulsory.
3. Attempt any 4 questions out of the questions from Q.2 to
( ( tarts of a question must be answered together.

I rl (a) Give one word answers for the following : (0.5x6)

(i) the mode in which operating system executes

(ii) A software generated interrupt

(iii) the path name that begins at the root and follows
a path down to the specified frle
(1400) P.T.O.
6505 2 6505 7

(iv) excessive number of page faults that results in' (b) Consider the following page reference string
degradation of the system performance
(v) this type of file allocation allows only sequential
access of the file How many page faults would occur with FCFS and
( ( optimal page replacement algorithms assuming three
(vi) a way of interprocess communication frames? All frames are initially empty. (6)

(b) Consider the following code segment :

5 (a) Consider a logical address space of 128 pages with
int a = 10, p: fork0; 2-KB frame size mapped onto a physical memory of
512 KB.
if (p == 0) (r
a++; (i) How many bits are there in the logical and physical

else {
addresses? (2)

wait(NULL); (ii) How what is the breakup of offset and page number
in the logical address? (2)
(iii) What is the maximum number of entries in the
) ( ( conventional page table and in the inverted page
cout << a << endl;
table? (2)

(i) What will be the output of the code segment?

tl (b) What is a Process Control Block? Explain any of its
four components. (4)
(ii) What are the possible outputs if wait0 statement
is removed and why? (2)
6 (a) Suppose a disk drive has 200 cylinders numbered from
(c) What is Processor Affinity? 0 to 199. The request for 62 is being serviced and is

6505 6 6505 3

3 (a) A system has 3 processes Pl, P2 and P3, and 3

(d) Differentiate between the following: (3x2)
resources Rl, R2 and R3. There are 2 instances each
(i) Free space management using grouping and
of Rl and R2, and one instance of R3. Given the edge
set E = {Rl --+ Pl, R2 + P2, Pl -+ R3, Ri -+ P2,
P3 -+ Rl, R2 -+ P3, R3 -+ P3). ( ( (ii) Data parallelism and Task parallelism in threads

(i) Draw the resource allocation graph. (3) (iii) Long term scheduler and Short term scheduler

(ii) Is the system in a deadlock? If the answer is (e) What is the difference between the following two
yes, then mention the processes in the deadlock cases? (2)
else identify the sequence in which the processes
Case 1: renaming a file
can execute. (2) 1r I
Case 2: copying a file and deleting the original file
(b) What is file-open count? When does its value become
(f) Consider the following segment table:
zero2 (2)

Segment Basc L cn gth

(c) Explain any three challenges in programming for
0 200 600
multicore systems. (3)
I 1200 20
( (
2 40 150
4 (a) Consider a file system on a disk that has both logical
and physical block sizes of 1-KB. If we are currently
What are the physical addresses for the following logical
at logical block 15 aod want to access logical block 6, r,
how many physical blocks must be read from the disk
for the following access methods and why? (i) 1,30 (ii) 2,100 (2)

(i) sequential (g) If the total number of frames in main memory is 60 and
there are 4 processes in the system with the demand as
(ii) direct (4)
6s05 4 650 s 5

30, 10, 100 and 60 frames, respectively. What wilt be I

Process Arrival 'l'intc Burst'I'ime Priority
the number of frames allocated using the following 0
5 2
allocation strategies? P2 2 3 I (l{ighest)

(i) l) 3 5 6 3
equal allocation
t ( J) 6 2 4
(ii) proportional allocation (2)
(i) Draw Gantt chart for Shortest Job First algorithm
(h) What is busy waiting in semaphores? How can it be
and calculate turnaround time for every process.

removed? (3) (ii) Draw Gantt chart for Priority based (preemptive)
algorithm and calculate waiting time for every
(i) What is the main advantage of the layered approach to, process. (6)
system design? What are the disadvantages of using
(b) Suppose there is a system with 128KB of memory with
the layered approach? ( 1+2)
no memory initially allocated. Given the following
sequence of requests by the processes, show the memory
0) Why command interpreter is usually placed separate
layout at intermediate stages for best-fit allocation
from the kernel? (2)
algorithm. (4)

(k) What are real time embedded systems? (2) Process Naturc of Amount of memory
( ( Numtrer Request requested (in KB)
(l) How can timer be used to protect CPU? (2) PO Allocation 20
P1 Allocation l5
(m) Compare indexed and linked allocation schemes. (3). P2 Allocation 10
P3 Allocation 25
2 (a) Consider the following set of processes, with the length PO Deallocation
of CPU burst time given in milliseconds : P2 Deallocation
P4 Allocation 8

P5 Allocation 10


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