2017-Dec CS201-316 325
2017-Dec CS201-316 325
2017-Dec CS201-316 325
0 0 0
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(ii) Given a binary tree T maintained in memory by a linked representation (5)
ROOT, INFO, LEFT and RIGHT. Write an algorithm to traverse T in
(iii)What is a B-tree? Build a B-tree of order 3 for the following elements: (3)
2, 7, 8, 37, 46, 55, 86, 96, 104,110
Q.4 (i) Find a shortest path from node a to node f using Dijkstra's algorithm: (4)
b d
8 f
a 2
2 '3
10 e
(ii) Given a graph G, write an algorithm to execute Depth First Search on G. (3)
(iii)What is a minimum spanning tree? Deduce a minimum spanning tree for (3)
the following graph using Kruskal's algorithm:
4110111.4 l 11A
4,410pr CO
Q.5 (i) Write an algorithm to perform Bubble Sort on an array ARR with N (4)
(ii) Apply Quick sort on the following set of elements: (3)
57, 13, 23, 66, 76, 5, 90, 21, 55, 89
What is the Complexity of the same?
(iii)Write an algorithm to perform Binary Search on an array ARR with N (3)
Q.6 Explain the following terms briefly: (10)
(i) Hashing
(ii) Strong Components
(iii)AVL trees
(v) Data Structures