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ObjectDetection Tutorial PYNQ

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Object Recognition

Tutorial Using
PYNQ Z2 Board
A detailed guide for object detection using deep learning approach on
PYNQ Z2 board

Sarala Kumari Surapally

Id: 1952794
December 2020
Object Detection and Recognition is one of the most demanding and challenging jobs in various
applications such as autonomous vehicles, Crowd Counting, Face recognition etc. Object
Detection involves classifying the objects in an image and localizing them by drawing bounding
boxes around the objects in an image.
Object Detection can be done using Machine Learning based techniques and Deep Learning
based techniques. In the Machine learning-based approach, the main focus is on various features
of an image like color histogram or edges in order to identify the group of pixels that may belong
to an object. These features are then passed to a model to predict object location and its label.
However, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are used to achieve object detection in the
case of Deep Learning-based approaches.
PYNQ is Python Productivity for Zynq. It is an open-source project from Xilinx that facilitates
the design of systems integrated with Zynq All Programmable Systems on Chips (APSoCs).
PYNQ-Z2 is an FPGA-based development platform that belongs to the ZYNQ XC7Z020 FPGA
family, specifically designed to support PYNQ. Taking advantage of ARM programming and
sophisticated software at ZYNQ, designers can build more powerful systems with it.
Additionally, SoCs can be processed in Python using jupyter notebook and the code can be
developed and implemented directly in PYNQ-Z2. Programmable programs are introduced as
tool libraries and program libraries are imported and programmed in the same way as
programmed APIs.
In this tutorial, we implement the object detection on the PYNQ Z2 board. This tutorial explains
the basic concepts of the PYNQ Z2 board and some of the open-source examples of object
recognition available on pynq website. The report is prepared with an assumption that the reader
has knowledge of the basics of jupyter notebook and no prior knowledge on the pynq board.
To continue with the project, we need to have a PYNQ Z2 board, SD card preloaded with pynq
image, Ethernet cable, USB cable, and web camera to capture images at run time.
PYNQ-Z2 board integrates USB and Ethernet to connect to internet, HDMI Input/Output, MIC
Input, Audio Output, Arduino interface, Raspberry Pi interface, 2 Pmod, user LED, push-
buttons, switches, MicroSD Slot, Power In port for direct power connection, a Jumper for power
source selection and another jumper to select Boot Mode.
It is intended to be easily extensible with Pmod, Arduino, and peripherals, along with general-
purpose GPIO pins.
You can download the pre-compiled PYNQ-Z2 image using the link
http://www.pynq.io/board.html. Connect the microSD card to a PC/Laptop. Open Win32Disk
Imager application, select the downloaded pynq image, and click on the write button. This will
transfer the pynq image to SD card.

Setup the board by following below steps.
1. Set the boot jumper to SD card.
2. Set the power jumper to power the board from USB.
3. Insert the SD card loaded with pynq image.
4. Connect MicroUSB cable to PROG-UART port of the board and USB port to your
5. Connect Ethernet cable to a PC or to a Router.
6. Turn ON the board which will immediately glow the Red LED to indicate that the board
has power and then the Done LED will turn ON to confirm that the device is working.
Finally, 2 Blue LEDs and four Green LEDs will light up to show that the device is booted
and ready to use.

Set the IP address of your PC in the same range as the board by following the below steps:
• Open Control Panel -> Select Network and Internet -> Network and Sharing Center and
then click on Ethernet (highlighted below)
• Select Internet Protocol Version 4 and click on properties.

• Set the IP Address to and Subnet mask to and click ok
Open a web browser and navigate to to connect to jupyter notebook. You
will be navigated to a login screen if the board setup is completed successfully. Enter Username
xilinx and password xilinx.
Jupyter Notebook opens as below:


Example projects can be accessed from pynq website http://www.pynq.io/examples.
Install the example packages on pynq board by following below steps:
• Download the source code of the example project from github.

• Upload the code to jupyter notebook using UPLOAD option. Select the downloaded zip
folder and click open.
• Open a new notebook and unzip the file using below code:

• Then open a new terminal in jupyter notebook and run the setup.py file using “python3
setup.py install” command.

• This will install the project package on board and create a directory in the jupyter home
Source Code: https://github.com/Xilinx/BNN-PYNQ/
This example recognizes input image with a binarized neural network emphasizing 6
convolutional layers, 3 max pool layers, and 3 fully connected layers. It uses a German road-sign
dataset and can classify 42 classes of road signs. The example has successfully identified the
road signs from the given input images.
Input images are:

Launching BNN in hardware:

Inference took 4840.00 microseconds, 537.78 usec per image
Classification rate: 1859.50 images per second
Identified classes: [ 1 27 27 19 14 1 4 3 41]
Identified class name: 30 Km/h
Identified class name: Pedestrians in road ahead
Identified class name: Pedestrians in road ahead
Identified class name: Bend to left
Identified class name: Stop
Identified class name: 30 Km/h
Identified class name: 70 Km/h
Identified class name: 60 Km/h
Identified class name: End of no-overtaking zone

Launching BNN in Software:

Inference took 14312376.00 microseconds, 1590264.00 usec per image

Classification rate: 0.63 images per second
Identified classes: [ 1 27 27 19 14 1 4 3 41]
Identified class name: 30 Km/h
Identified class name: Pedestrians in road ahead
Identified class name: Pedestrians in road ahead
Identified class name: Bend to left
Identified class name: Stop
Identified class name: 30 Km/h
Identified class name: 70 Km/h
Identified class name: 60 Km/h
Identified class name: End of no-overtaking zone
From the results, we can clearly notice that the time taken to identify road signs in input images
in hardware is less than in software.

The below code snippet searches if there is any stop sign in the input image and locates if found.
In this example, a webcamera is connected to the USB port of the board. The webcam captures
the runtime images to which open cv face detection will be applied. The example detects and
locates face and eyes from the image.

In this project, the USB camera is connected with the PYNQ USB Port. A Monitor is attached to
the HDMI output port of the PYNQ board. Computer Vision-based edge detection algorithm like
Canny Edge algorithm is applied to the real-time video using Python Programming. The result
will be displayed on the monitor with edge detection applied.

Source Code: https://github.com/Xilinx/QNN-MO-PYNQ
In this project, a kind of Tiny-Yolo model was developed based on the Darknet network to
recognize multiple objects. Each input image is associated with a single neural network. This
network works by diving the image into multiple regions and predicting bounding boxes and
probabilities for each region. The object is recognized and labeled as shown below with the
The project classifies multiple objects in the input image with the respective probability as
shown in the below images:
1. Xilinx. PYNQ: Python Productivity for Zynq. url: http://www. pynq.io
2. TUL Corporation, “TUL PYNQ-Z2 Board Based on Xilinx Zynq SoC.” 2020, url:
3. BNN-PYNQ PIP INSTALL Package. url: https://github.com/Xilinx/BNN-PYNQ/
4. QNN-MO-PYNQ PIP INSTALL Package. url:https://github.com/Xilinx/QNN-MO-
5. OpenCV Face Detection HDMI
6. OpenCV Filters Webcam. Url: https://github.com/Xilinx/PYNQ/blob/v1.4/Pynq-
7. OpenCV Team. About OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library). url:
8. Joseph Redmon et al. “You Only Look Once: Unified, Real-Time Object Detection”. In:
CoRR abs/1506.02640 (2015). arXiv: 1506.02640. url: http://arxiv.org/abs/1506.02640.
9. T. Wu, Y. Wang, W. Shi and J. Lu, "HydraMini: An FPGA-based Affordable Research
and Education Platform for Autonomous Driving," 2020 International Conference on
Connected and Autonomous Driving (MetroCAD), Detroit, MI, USA, 2020, pp. 45-52,
doi: 10.1109/MetroCAD48866.2020.00016.
10. Xilinx Inc., “Zynq-7000 SoC product.” 2020,
11. V. Y. Çambay, A. Uçar and M. A. Arserim, "Object Detection on FPGAs and GPUs by
Using Accelerated Deep Learning," 2019 International Artificial Intelligence and Data
Processing Symposium (IDAP), Malatya, Turkey, 2019, pp. 1-5, doi:

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