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ACKNOWLEGMENT …………………………………………………………………………

ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………………………......................

CHAPTER NO. 1 ………………………………………………………………………………

1. INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………..........




1.3 ARDUINO DATA TYPES………………………………………………

ASCII char table………………………………………………………………………
Unsigned char………………………………………………………………………..
Unsigned int……………………………………………………………………………
Unsigned long…………………………………………………………………………
CHAPTER NO 2……………………………………………………………………..................................

2.1 FRAMEWORKS ………………………………………………………………………………………….

Biometric Security System using Arduino and Fingerprint Sensor……………………….

Circuit explanantion…………………………………………………………………….
Program explanation……………………………………………………………………
Future scope………………………………………………………………………………..

ARDUINO BASED SMART CART……………………………………………………………………………..

System architecture……………………………………………………………………..
How it works ……………………………………………………………………………….
Future scope…………………………………………………………………………………


HARDWARE REQUIREMNTS………………………………………………………….
Software Requirements……………………………………………………………….
CIRCUIT AND WORKING……………………………………………………………….
FUTURE SCOPE…………………………………………………………………………….


FUTURE SCOPE…………………………………………………………………………….

Arduino Based Digital Thermometer……………………………………………………………………..

HARDWARE REQUIRMENT: ………………………………………………………….


HARDWARE REQUIRMENTS: …………………………………………………………


This is a report about arduino board and programming environment. It contains

basic working of arduino, different types of arduino boards, interfacing with
arduino programming environment, how to program basic instructions regarding
that and interfacing of few sensors is shown in the content.

In second chapter different projects based on arduino are explored, framework of

the projects is provided.

Outcome of this report is learning to program in arduino programming

environment and understanding concepts behind its working. Interfacing different
sensors, modules with arduino is also included.

We would like to express our special thanks of gratitude to whom guidance lead
us to accomplished this respected instructor Sir Fahad Nazir Bhatti as well as our
respected supervisor Dr.Prof.Qamar-ul-Arfeen, who gave us the golden
opportunity to do this wonderful research on the topic “Arduino” which also
helped us in doing a lot of research and we came to know about so many new
things that we are really thankful to them.

Secondly we would like thank to our parents and team members who helped us a
lot in finalizing this project report within the time frame and achieve our
Chapter 1-Introduction:
Arduino is a open source platform supported associate in easy-to-use hardware and software. It
consists of a board, which might be programed (referred to as
a microcontroller) and a ready-made software package referred to as Arduino IDE (Integrated
Development Environment), that is employed to jot down and transfer the pc code to the
physical board [20].
Arduino provides a customary type issue that breaks the functions of the micro-controller
into a additional accessible package.

The key features are:

 Arduino boards are able to scan analog or digital input signals from completely different
Sensors and switch it into associate in nursing output like activating a motor, turning
diode on/off, connects to the cloud and plenty of alternative actions. You can control
your board functions by sending a set of instructions to the microcontroller on the
board via Arduino IDE (referred to as uploading software)[21].
 Unlike most previous programmable circuit boards, Arduino doesn't would like an
additional piece of hardware (called a programmer) so as to load a brand new code onto
the board. You’ll merely use a USB cable.
 Additionally, the Arduino IDE uses a simplified version of C++, creating it easier to
Learn to program.
 Finally, Arduino provides a customary type issue that breaks the functions of the
Micro-controller into a a lot of accessible package[15].
After learning concerning the most elements of the Arduino UNO board, we tend to area unit
able to learn the way to set up the Arduino IDE. Once we tend to learn this, we'll be able to
transfer our program on the Arduino board.
In this section, we'll learn in straightforward steps, the way to started the Arduino IDE on our pc
and prepare the board to receive the program via USB cable.

Step 1:
Initial you need to have your Arduino board (you will select your favorite board) and a USB
cable. just in case you employ Arduino UNO, Arduino Duemilanove, Nano, Arduino Mega
2560, or Diecimila, you'll want a customary USB cable (A plug to B plug), the type you would
hook up with a USB printer as shown within the following image.

In case you use Arduino Nano, you will need an A to Mini-B cable instead as shown in the
following image.

Step 2: Download Arduino IDE Software.

You can get totally different versions of Arduino IDE from the transfer page on the Arduino
Official web site. you want to choose your software package, that is compatible together with
your operational system (Windows, IOS, or Linux). once your file transfer is complete, unfasten
the file.

Step 3: Power up your board.

The Arduino Uno, Mega, Duemilanove and Arduino Nano mechanically draw power from either,
the USB association to the pc or associate degree external power provide. If you're exploitation
an Arduino Diecimila, you've got to create positive that the board is designed to draw power
from the USB association. the ability supply is chosen with a jumper, atiny low piece of plastic
that matches onto 2 of the 3 pins between the USB and power jacks. Check that it is on the 2
pins nighest to the USB port.
Connect the Arduino board to your laptop exploitation the USB cable. The inexperienced power
(labeled PWR) ought to glow.

Step 4: Launch Arduino IDE.

After your Arduino IDE package is downloaded, you wish to unfasten the folder. Inside the
folder, you'll be able to realize the appliance icon with associate time label (application.exe).
Double click the icon to begin the IDE.
Step 5: Open your first project.
Once the software starts, you have two options:
 Create a new project.
 Open an existing project example.
To create a new project, select File --> New.
To open an existing project example, select File -> Example -> Basics -> Blink.

Here, we tend to choose only 1 of the example with the name Blink. It turns the diode on and off with
your time delay. You’ll be able to choose the other example from the list.

Step 6: Select your Arduino board.

To avoid any error whereas uploading your program to the board, you want to choose the right
Arduino board name, that matches with the board connected to your pc.
Go to Tools -> Board and select your board.

Here, we have selected Arduino Uno board according to our tutorial, but you must select the
name matching the board that you are using.
Step 7: Select your serial port.
Select the serial device of the Arduino board. head to Tools -> interface menu. This is likely to
be COM3 or higher (COM1 and COM2 area unit typically reserved for hardware serial ports). To
seek out, you'll disconnect your Arduino board and re-open the menu; the entry that
disappears ought to be of the Arduino board. Reconnect the board and choose that serial port.
Step 8: transfer the program to your board.
Before explaining however we are able to transfer our program to the board, we have a
tendency to should demonstrate the function of every image showing within the Arduino IDE

A- Used to check if there is any compilation error.

B- Used to upload a program to the Arduino board.
C- Shortcut used to create a new sketch.
D- Used to directly open one of the example sketches.
E- Used to save your sketch.
F- Serial monitor used to receive serial data from the board and send the serial data
to the board.

Now, merely click the "Upload" button within the atmosphere. Wait many seconds; you'll see
the RX and Texas LEDs on the board, flashing. If the transfer is triple-crown, the message "Done
uploading" can seem within the standing bar.
Arduino Program structure
In this chapter, we'll study full, the Arduino program structure and that we can learn
more new terminologies utilized in the Arduino world. The Arduino software system is ASCII
text file.
The ASCII text file for the Java surroundings is discharged underneath the GPL and therefore the
C/C++ microcontroller libraries square measure underneath the LGPL[16,17,18].

Arduino programs may be divided in 3 main parts: Structure, Values (variables and constants),
and Functions. during this tutorial, we'll study the Arduino software package program, step by
step, and the way we will write the program with none syntax or compilation error.
Let us begin with the Structure.
Software package structure contains 2 main functions:
• Setup( ) operate
• Loop( ) operate
 PURPOSE: The setup() operate is termed once a sketch starts. Use it to initialize the
variables, pin modes, begin victimization libraries, etc. The setup operates can solely run
once, once every power up or reset of the Arduino board.

 INPUT: -



 PURPOSE: when making a setup() perform, that initializes and sets the initial values, the
loop() perform will exactly what its name suggests, and loops consecutively, permitting
your program to vary and respond. Use it to actively control the Arduino board.

 INPUT: -


Arduino Data Types:

Data varieties in C refers to an intensive system used for declaring variables or functions of
different varieties. the kind of a variable determines what proportion house it occupies within
the storage and the way the bit pattern hold on is taken.

The following table provides all the data types that you will use during Arduino programming.

The void keyword is employed solely in operate declarations. It indicates that the operate is
expected to come back no info to the operate from that it had been known as.


A Boolean holds one among 2 values, true or false. every Boolean variable occupies one
computer memory unit of memory

A data kind that takes up one computer memory unit of memory that stores a personality
worth. Character literals square measure written in single quotes like this: 'A' and for multiple
characters, strings use
Double quotes: "ABC".
However, characters square measure holds on as numbers. you'll see the precise secret writing
within the computer code chart. This implies that it's doable to try and do arithmetic operations
on characters, in which the computer code worth of the character is employed. as an example,
'A' + one has the worth sixty six, since the ASCII worth of the grapheme A is sixty five.

ASCII Char Table:

Unsigned char
Unsigned char is associate unsigned information kind that occupies one computer memory unit
of memory. The unsigned char information kind encodes numbers from zero to 255.

A byte stores an 8-bit unsigned number, from 0 to 255.

Integers square measure the first data-type for variety storage. int stores a 16-bit (2-byte)
worth. This yields a spread of -32,768 to 32,767 (minimum worth of -2^15 and a most worth of
(2^15) - 1).
The int size varies from board to board. On the Arduino Due, for instance, AN int stores a 32-bit
(4-byte) worth. This yields a spread of -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 (minimum value of -
2^31 and a most worth of (2^31) - 1).

Unsigned int:
Unsigned ints (unsigned integers) ar an equivalent as int within the method that they store a
two computer memory unit value. rather than storing negative numbers, however, they solely
store positive values, yielding a helpful vary of zero to sixty five,535 (2^16) - 1). The Due stores
a four computer memory unit (32-bit) worth, ranging from zero to four,294,967,295 (2^32 - 1).
On the Uno and alternative ATMEGA based mostly boards, a word stores a 16-bit unsigned
range. On the Due and 0, it stores a 32-bit unsigned range.

Long variables area unit extended size variables for range storage, and store thirty two bits (4
bytes), from 2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.

unsigned long
Unsigned long variables are extended size variables for number storage and store 32 bits
(4 bytes). Unlike standard longs, unsigned longs will not store negative numbers, making
their range from 0 to 4,294,967,295 (2^32 - 1).

A short is a 16-bit data-type. On all Arduinos (ATMega and ARM based), a short stores a 16-bit
(2-byte) value. This yields a range of -32,768 to 32,767 (minimum value of -2^15 and a
maximum value of (2^15) - 1).
Data kind for variety|number} may be a number that contains a percentage point. Floating-
point numbers square measure typically wont to approximate the analog and continuous values
as a result of they have bigger resolution than integers. Floating-point numbers will be as
massive as three.4028235E+38 and as low as three. 4028235E+38. They are hold on as thirty
two bits (4 bytes) of data.

On the Uno and alternative ATMEGA based mostly boards, Double exactness number occupies
four bytes. That is, the double implementation is precisely identical because the float, with no
gain in exactness. On the Arduino Due, doubles have 8-byte (64 bit) exactness.
Some operators used in the arduino programming
Chapter 2-Framework
In the early time Arduino used Bluetooth module and other modules to connect with
authorized person of industries. In this framework we discuss about the new generation
module (IOT) which helps to evolve the automation system for industries by using Web.
Authors designed the devices using Arduino to connect authorized persons of industries has
privileges to access data, servers or information from everywhere through Web.

Internet of things (IOT) plays a key role in the new generation of industrial automation system
evolving IOT standards if effectively used may address many challenges in the development of
industrial automation system where frame works are associated with one another through the
web and can speak with one another to take fundamental choices. The authors are designed
the device using Arduino controller instead of raspberry pie.

In the early times Arduino used Bluetooth module but the con in this module is when a person
is in a region on Bluetooth module he or she stays connected with the Bluetooth. Otherwise the
system has no use.

IOT is the most ideal method for interfacing mechanical hardware’s and sensors to one another
over the web. Only the authorized person of the organization has privileges to access data from
these gadgets to process the information and analysis the organizations complete data in the
servers. [1, 2]
FRAMEWORK: (Biometric Security System using Arduino and Fingerprint Sensor)
Security may be a major concern in our day to day life, and digital locks became a part of these
security systems. There are measure many varieties of security systems in the market to secure
our place. Some examples are: (PIR based Security System, RFID primarily based Security
System, Digital Lock System, bio-matrix systems, physical science Code lock. During this post,
we'll build a Fingerprint detector Module with Arduino and can build a Fingerprint based
Biometric Security System with door protection. Finger Print is considered one in all the safest
key to lock or unlock any system because it will acknowledge any individual anyone and can’t
be traced simply.

Home/Office/Industry security is one of the growing concerns in Pakistan. Safeguard of place

against theft is one of the major issues confronting developing countries. Varied techniques
have been tried and tested to protect and secure the places. In 2013 Radiofrequency
Identification (RFID) cards were designed for unlocking doors[3]. However the chances of losing
the cards or it being stolen led to the failure of system.

Kulkarni et al. proposed a face detection subsystem with GPS and GSM module[4]. Digital camera was
used to capture the video which was continuously uploaded into the web server using the ARM9
processor. Ada Boost algorithm Face detection was adopted in a security system to identify the person
who is trying to unlock door.

Fingerprint recognition is an ideal biometric technology as it offers an accurate digital identification

solution[5,6,7] . With high-speed matching algorithms and fast integration, this technology has been
widely exploited to safeguard vehicles and identity fraud. “In 2012, Karthikeyan et al. used a fingerprint
sensor, (Fingerprint module 3030) along with microcontroller AT89c52 to validate the user[8].”
Circuit Explanation:

The circuit of this Arduino Fingerprint Security System is extremely straightforward that
contains Arduino that controls whole the method of the project, electric switch, buzzer, and
LCD. Arduino controls the entire processes.

The electric switch is directly connected to pin D14(ENROL),D15(DEL), D16(UP) and D17(DOWN)
of Arduino with relevance ground And Yellow diode is connected at Digital pin D7 of Arduino
with relevance ground through a 1k electrical device and inexperienced diode is connected to
D6 of Arduino with an equivalent methodology. Finger Print Module’s Rx and American state
directly connected at software system Serial or Digital pin D2 and D3 of Arduino. 5v offer is
employed for powering finger print module taken from Arduino board and Servo motor is
additionally connected to PWM pin D5 of Arduino. A 16x2 LCD is designed in 4-bit mode and its
RS, EN, D4, D5, D6, and D7 square measure directly connected at Digital pin D13, D12, D11,
D10, D9, and D8 of
Arduino. Note: here D14,
D15, D16, D17 are A0, A1, A2,
A3 severally
Program Explanation:
In a program, we have used Ad fruit Fingerprint Sensor Library for interfacing fingerprint
module with Arduino board. You can check the complete Code below, it can be easily
understood. Here we are explaining main functions of the Arduino Program. Below piece of
code is used to take Finger Print as input and take action according to validation of finger. If
finger will be validated gate will be open otherwise remain closed.

for(int i=0;i<5;i++)


lcd.print("Place Finger");


int result=getFingerprintIDez();


digitalWrite(openLight, HIGH);

digitalWrite(closeLight, LOW);




lcd.print("Gete Opened ");




digitalWrite(closeLight, HIGH);

digitalWrite(openLight, LOW);


lcd.print("Gate Closed ");

1. Attendance report generation using Lab VIEW.
2. One of the most blessings related to biometric technology is high individual identification
accuracy. bioscience depends on the employment distinctive physical traits, like a fingerprint,
associate degree iris pattern, or facial characteristics rendering biometric technology a really
correct technique of authenticating finish users. Superior accuracy is why plenty of corporations
use bioscience for his or her security functions.
3. Since biometric characteristics can't be conjectured or purloined, biometric systems gift a
superior level of security than usual suggests that of authentication.
4. Biometric technology is a smaller amount exposed to break and sharp changes. The behavioural
and physical components accessed for biometric verification like iris/retina, voice, pulse, DNA,
vein, etc. area unit less at risk to break and sharp changes
5. User friendly (Lab VIEW graphical interface)
6. High speed
7. Efficient and low cost embedded platform
8. Low power consumption

Biometric/RFID technology is incredibly helpful for ID verification in an exceedingly vary of presidency
organizations, banks and monetary establishments, and high security areas. Biometric systems area unit
capable of recognizing individuals fleetly, systematically, and faithfully.

The future of Biometric system is so wide. When Biometric System invents its only use for door
unlocking in homes/banks/organization. Some of the authors are working on Biometric car
ignition system which helps people to save their car from thief. Some of the countries decided
to use Biometric system in Election Polling.[10]


There has been associate rising demand for quick and simple payment of bills in supermarkets.
This Project describes a way to build an automatic and time saving system for the globe of retail
which can create searching experience impetuous, client friendly and secure. In this paper,
good cart is projected which will be capable of generating a bill from the cart itself. The client
can create the payment in no time through a chargeable MasterCard which will facilitate to
take care of information and introduce schemes and offers in stores consequently. The
designed cart eliminates the hassle of self-packaging, makes the most effective use of cart
space for storing and involves security mechanism for stealing Control. The sensible cart uses
RFID technology for searching and payment, AVR microcontroller for peripheral interfacing and
inventory management. This innovative system can facilitate the stores to envision an increase
in their sales alongside delighting customers[13].
The past 2 years have witnessed AN explosion of interest in RFID and supporting technologies
primarily because of their quickly increasing use to trace product through the grocery offer
chain. Such applications monitor Storekeeping Units (SKU) instead of individual product things,
since item-level tagging wasn't however sensible because of the relatively high value of RFID
preparation and also the terribly low profit margin of grocery store product. However
decreasing economic and alternative technical considerations to an oversized extent, one can
simply envision a scenario wherever every item in a supermarket is labelled with associate RFID
label, searching carts feature RFID readers and probably on board computers that recognize
product place within the cart, and show info and promotions retrieved wirelessly/wired from
the system backend.

RFID technology also help in quick checkout for customers. Shopping within the present day
typically involves waiting. In line to induce your things scanned for checkout. this will result in a
deal of wasted time for purchasers. moreover, the technology presently utilized in checkouts
barcodes - is from another era, developed within the Seventies. nowadays barcodes area unit
found on nearly each item. Barcodes area unit a universal technology in that they're the norm
for retail products; stores that own a barcode reader will method barcodes and imprint it on
the products. the most necessary issue that's concerned in barcode scanning is that the
merchandise should be within the Line of Sight (LOS) of the reader so as to induce the barcode
imprinted on the merchandise scanned.

Public awareness of RFID was heightened in recent years when the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)
and retail giant Wal-Mart required their suppliers to use RFID technology. “In January of 2005 Wal-
Mart’s CIO stated that using RFID has resulted in a 26 percent reduction in out of stocks in the stores
with RFID capabilities, and out of stock items that are replenished three times faster than those items
not RFID tagged[9]”.

The modules included in the system architecture are as follows:

1. Microcontroller

2. RFID Reader

3. LCD

4. Buzzer

6. MAX232

7. Cart Lock Mechanism


The payment of bill by standing
in a long queue is one of the most
hectic thing when people
want to purchase any product
from marts. What if people
can pay instantly using electronic
money facility, therefore people
don’t have to wait in a long
queue for longer time. The
combine effects of this
implementation secures account
information, and offers so many
benefits for all. It will save time,
energy & manpower of customer, owner & supplier.
Smart cart will associate with wireless technologies to make a completely portable in future.
Payment of bills using mobile phone can be deployed. A low cost RFID scanner use to scan
multiple tags of products for faster processing and lesser resources. Pay scheduling will be the
new trend in the upcoming years because of e-commerce websites.



In the early time Arduino used Bluetooth module and other modules to connect with
authorized person of industries. In this framework we discuss about the new generation
module (IOT) which helps to evolve the automation system for industries by using Web.
Authors designed the devices using Arduino to connect authorized persons of industries has
privileges to access data, servers or information from everywhere through Web.

Internet of things (IOT) plays a key role in the new generation of industrial automation system
evolving IOT standards if effectively used may address many challenges in the development of
industrial automation system where frame works are associated with one another through the
web and can speak with one another to take fundamental choices. The authors are designed
the device using Arduino controller instead of raspberry pie.

In the early times Arduino used Bluetooth module but the con in this module is when a person
is in a region on Bluetooth module he or she stays connected with the Bluetooth. Otherwise the
system has no use.

IOT is the most ideal method for interfacing mechanical hardware’s and sensors to one another
over the web. Only the authorized person of the organization has privileges to access data from
these gadgets to process the information and analysis the organizations complete data in the

Using internet of Things (IOT), we are able to manage any equipment in homes and industries.
Moreover, you are able to browse an information from any sensing element and analyse it
diagrammatically from anyplace within the world. Here, we are able to scan temperature and
humidity information from DHT11 sensor and transfer it to a ThingSpeak cloud victimization
Arduino Uno and ESP8266-01 module. Arduino Uno is MCU, it fetch an information of humidity
and temperature from DHT11 detector and work on it and provides it to a ESP8266
Module.ESP8266 could be a WLAN module, it's the best leading platform for Internet of
Things(IOT). It transfers a information to IOT cloud.

 Arduino Uno
 ESP8266-01
 DHT11
 AMS1117-3.3V
 9V battery

Software Requirements:
 Arduino IDE
First make the connection as shown in fig.The 2nd pin is of DHT11 is a data pin, it can send a
temperature and humidity value to the 5thpin of Arduino Uno.1st and 4th pin of DHT11 is a Vcc
and Gnd and 3rd pin is no connection. The Arduino Uno process a temperature and humidity
value and send it to a ESP8266 WiFi module. The Tx and Rx pin of ESP8266 is connected to the
2nd (Rx) and 3rd (Tx) of Arduino Uno. Make sure that input voltage of ESP8266 must be 3.3V,
not a 5V (otherwise it would damage a device).For that, we are using AMS1117 Voltage
regulator circuit. It can regulate a voltage from 9V to 3.3V and will give it to Vcc pin of
ESP8266.The Ch_Pd is a chip enable pin of ESP8266 and should be pullup to 3.3V through 3.3KΩ
resistor. For reset the module pull down the RST pin of ESP8266 to Gnd.ESP8266 have 2 GPIO
pins GPIO 0 and GPIO 2.
IPv6 has become a necessity to cope up with trends in internet technologies.

IOT is the expected technology for mobile 5th generation.

IOT is easy to implement with cheap price.

Now a days IOT technologies make gadgets completely portable and easy to use. The main thing is that
IOT technology is cheap, User friendly and easy to use. It comes with so many features like data
handling, security services, server optimizer, server management, database management, Temperature
controller and many other services. In future this IOT will be in every of the gadgets which uses web.

Heartbeat sensor is a device that's use for measure heart rate i.e. speed of the heartbeat.
Monitor temperature, heartbeat and pressure of blood are the essential things that we have to
do in order to stay healthy.

Heart rate, temperature and pressure monitoring observation are important parameters of
physical body. Doctors use so many types of medical equipment like measuring device for
checking fever or temperature, BP monitor for pressure measuring and pulse rate monitor for
pulse rate measuring. In that project, we've designed Arduino based heartbeat monitor that
counts the number of heartbeats of every minute. Here we've used a heartbeat device module
that senses the heartbeat upon pressing a finger on the device.

The simpler way to monitor the heartbeat is to use a Heartbeat sensor. It comes in different
shapes and sizes and allow a fast way to measure the heartbeat.

Heartbeat Sensors are available in market in Watches (Smart Watches), smart Phones, chest
straps, etc. The heartbeat is measured in beats per minute that indicates the quantity of times
the heart is beating in a minute

 Arduino
 Heart Beat sensor module
 16x2 LCD
 Push button
 Bread board
 Power
 connecting wires


A pulse sensor that consider as nursing infrared device that gives response to variations in light.

The key objective of developing this project with the help of Android Open Source platform is to
immediately alert Medical Emergency and the patient’s emergency contacts about the health condition
of patient.

1. In future this Arduino based heartbeat monitoring system will be more efficient. People
are working on the project in which they add a buzzer and if the heartbeat rises or if
there is any chance for heart attack it also generates a message with the help of gsm
2. They also make an application in which doctors and patients to interact with each other.
3. Record data received from heartbeat monitor via Bluetooth and send it to doctors.
Arduino Based Digital Thermometer:


Thermometer is used to measure temperature. There is different method to

measure temperature like thermal expansion of solids or liquid, pressure of gas,
etc. Th6ermometer is used in industry and measuring temperature is an
important application. Maintaining temperature in storage rooms, laborites, etc.
is of high priority. There are many different type of thermometer are available for
different purposes. The most common type is a medical or clinical thermometer.
Which is mercury in glass type of thermometer. In the project, an Arduino based
digital thermometer is designed that can be used to measure and monitor the
temperature of room.

1) Arduino UNO
2) LM35 temperature sensor
3) 16X2 LCD Display.


LM35 temperature sensor used in the project. The output of the LM35 sensor is
directly proportional to the temperature but in analogue form. Hence the output
of LM35 sensor that is pin 2 is connected to analogue input A0 of Arduino.

Because of digital thermometer, we need to convert the analogue values into

digital and display the result on like LCD, in the project 16X2 LCD are used. Pin 1
and Pin 2 of LCD are connected to ground and supply respectively.
To control the contrast of the display , Pin 3 of LCD is connected to the wiper of
10k0 POT. The other terminal are connected to supply and ground . Pins 15 and
pin 16 of LCD are used to manage backlight of LCD.

They are connected to supply and ground respectively. To display the information
on LCD, we need 4 data pins of the LCD. Pins 11-14 (D4-D7) are connected to Pins
5-2 of Arduino. Pins 4,5 and 6 (RS,RW and E) of LCD are control pins.

Pins 4 (RS) of LCD is connected to pin 7 of Arduino. Pin 5 (RW) is connected to

ground. Pin 6 (E) is connected to pin 6 of Arduino.

A high precision digital thermometer is designed in the project. It’s constructed

with simple component like Arduino, LM35 sensor temperature and LCD display.
The working of a module is very simple.

The temperature sensor i.e LM35 monitors the room temperature and gives an
analogue voltage that is directly proportional to the temperature.

Analogue data is given to Arduino through A0. As the code written, the arduino
converts analogue voltage into digital temperature readings. The value is display
on the LCD.

The rate of change of temperature capture can be programmed in code. the

output which display on LCD is an accurate reading of room temperature in


LiquidCrystal lcd(7,6,5,4,3,2)

Const int srnsor = A0;

Byte degree_symbol[8]=










Void steup()





lcd.print(“ Digital “);


lcd.print(“ Thermometer “);



Void loop()

Flot temp_reading=analogRead(Sensor);

Flot temperature=temp_reading*(5.0/1023.0)*100;




Lcd.print(“ Temperature in C”);






Home Security System are important for modern residential and office setups.
Home security system must be effective, reliable and affordable.

Modern complex home security involves several security features like fire,
intruders electronic door lock, heat, smoke, temperature etc.

With all this features and complexity it’s not affordable and not easy to handle.

In the project we build simple but very efficient home security that has a function
of calling the owner of the house in case of an intruder alert.

The project is based on Arduino , PIR motion detection sensor and GSM Module.
1) Aurdino UNO
2) PIR Motion Detection Sensor
3) SIM 900A(or any other ) Module with SIM inserted.


As project is based on an Arduino , the connection is simple . the sensor which we
used is PIR motion detection , it has a digital output pin . This is connected to any
of the digital to any of the digital I/O pins of the arduino.

The communication between Arduino and GSM module is in serial manner. It has
an Rx and TX pins on the board. These pins are connected to the TX and Rx pins
of the Arduino.

While uploading the program to Arduino its important to note that, the GSM
module must be disconnected as it might interfere with the serial communication
with the Arduino IDE [15].


Home Security Alarm System is very important in present day society, where
crime ratio is increasing. With the technological advancement modern security
system provided enough security from burglars, fire, smoke etc. They also
provided immediate notification (massage alert) to homeowner.

The working of project is discussed below.

PIR senor detects motion by sensing the different in unfired or radiant heat levels
emitted by surrounding objects. The output of sensor detection goes high. The
range of a typical PIR sensor is almost 6 meters or like 30 feet.

For proper operation of PIR sensor, it requires a warm up time almost 20 to 60

seconds not more than that. The PIR sensor has a settling time during which it
calibrates its sensor according to the environment and stabilizes the infrared

By the time , there should be very little to no motion to the sensor. If the sensor is
not given proper detection, the output of the PIR sensor may not be reliable.

When sensor detects any motion the output generate high sense. Those are
detected by Arduino then communicates with the GSM module through serial
communication to generate a call to the preprogrammed number.

An important point to be noticed when PIR sensors output is high when its
detects motion. The outputs sensor goes down by the time, even when there is
no motion which may mislead the microcontroller into considering that there is
no motion detects.

This issue is deal in programming of arduino by ignoring the low output signals
that have a shorter duration than a predefined time. This can be done by
assuming that motion in front of PIR sensor is present continually.

int LED1=12;

int GND 1=13;

int LED 2=8;

int pirOutput=5;

void setup()

Serial begin (9600);












Void loop()






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