Definition : An oscillator is an electronic circuit which produces a
continuous, repeated, alternating waveform without any input.
Oscillators basically convert a DC source into an alternating waveform
which is of the desired frequency, as decided by its circuit components.
Sinusoidal Oscillators can be called as sine wave generators.
Principle of an Oscillator circuit:
(i) The loop gain of the circuit must be equal to (or greater than) unity
(ii) The phase shift around the circuit must be zero. These two
conditions for sustained oscillations are called Barkhausen criteria.
There is no need of an input signal for the initiation of oscillations. In
order to obtain a self-sustained oscillation, the condition β A = 1 must
be satisfied. Initially the value of β A is made greater than unity. As a
result the system starts oscillating by amplifying noise voltage which is
always present in the ckt. An average value of β A of 1 can be obtained
at the saturation level in the practical circuits. In this moment the
waveform becomes steady and sinusoidal. The figure above depicts
how the noise voltage results in a build up of a steady state oscillation
By noting the denominator in the feedback equation, we can see the way
the feedback circuit operates as an oscillator.
Connecting such a three stage RC phase shift network between the input
and output of a common emitter transistor amplifier will result in a
transistor based RC phase shift oscillator. The circuit diagram is shown
In the circuit diagram resistor R1 and the resistor R (close to the base of
Q1 in the diagram) gives a voltage divider bias to the transistor Q1.
Resistor Rc limits the collector current while Re is meant for thermal
stability. Ce is the emitter by-pass capacitor and Cout is the output DC
decoupling capacitor. By using more than three RC phase shift stages (like
4 x 45°) the frequency stability of the oscillator can be further
improved. The frequency of the transistor RC phase shift oscillator
oscillator can be expressed by the equation:
The circuit diagram of Wien bridge oscillator is shown in the figure below.
1. Provides a stable low distortion sinusoidal output over a wide range
of frequency.
2. The frequency range can be selected simply by using decade
resistance boxes.
3. The frequency of oscillation can be easily varied by varying
capacitances C1 and C2 simultaneously. The overall gain is high
because of two transistors.
1. The circuit needs two transistors and a large number of other com-
2. The maximum frequency output is limited because of amplitude and
the phase-shift characteristics of amplifier.
Now the transistor acts as that amplifier. The sine wave generated by the
tank circuit is fed to the base of the transistor through the capacitor CC2.
Since the transistor is configured as common-emitter, it takes the input
from tank circuit and inverts it to a standard sine wave with a leading
positive alteration.
Where Leq is the total inductance of coils in the tank circuit and is given
Leq = L1 + L2 + 2M
fo = 1/ (2π √ (2 L C))
Instead of two separate coils as L1 and L2, a single coil of bare wire
grounded at any desired point can be used.
By using variable capacitor or by varying the inductance ,frequency
of oscillations can be varied.
The amplitude of the output remains constant over the working
frequency range.
Very few components alongwith two fixed inductors or a tapped
coil are needed .
Colpitts Oscillator
The basic configuration of the Colpitts Oscillator resembles that of
the Hartley Oscillator but the difference is that the centre tapping of the
tank sub-circuit is now made at the junction of a “capacitive voltage
divider” network instead of a tapped autotransformer type inductor as
in the Hartley oscillator.
1. It is difficult to design.
If an a.c. voltage is applied across the plates, the crystal will start
vibrating at the frequency of applied voltage.
The resistors R1, R2 and RE are used to provide d.c. bias to the transistor.
The capacitors CE and C are the by-pass capacitors. The secondary of the
transformer provides a.c. feedback voltage that appears across the base-
emitter junction of R1 and R2 is at a.c. ground due to by-pass capacitor C.
In case, the capacitor was absent, a part of the voltage induced in the
secondary of the transformer would drop across R 2 instead of completely
going to the input of transistor.
As the CE configured transistor provides 180o phase shift, another
180o phase shift is provided by the transformer, which makes 360 o phase
shift between the input and output voltages. The following circuit
diagram shows the arrangement of a tuned collector circuit.
Once the supply is given, the collector current starts increasing and
charging of capacitor C takes place. When the capacitor is fully charged,
it discharges through the inductance L1. Now oscillations are produced
with frequency 𝑓 = . These oscillations induce some voltage in
the secondary winding L2. The frequency of voltage induced in the
secondary winding is same as that of the tank circuit and its magnitude
depends upon the number of turns in secondary winding and coupling
between both the windings.
The voltage across L2 is applied between base and emitter and appears
in the amplified form in the collector circuit, thus overcoming the losses
in the tank circuit. The number of turns of L2 and coupling between
L1 and L2 are so adjusted that oscillations across L2 are amplified to a
level just sufficient to supply losses to the tank circuit.
Tuned collector oscillators are widely used as the local oscillator in radio