Digitally Sign A CSEC SBA Cover Sheet
Digitally Sign A CSEC SBA Cover Sheet
Digitally Sign A CSEC SBA Cover Sheet
2. Make sure you have Adobe Reader ( installed on your PC as the
sheets can only be digitally signed without issues using that application
3. The English A cover sheet will be used in this example. Open the sheet in Adobe Reader fill in
the information in the light blue fields as shown. Leave the candidate name and registration
number fields blank since the signed cover sheet will be used to make additional copies
4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click in the Date field
5. A button bearing an arrowhead will appear. Click on it to invoke the date picker
6. Double-click on the appropriate date (13 in this example) to automatically enter the full date
9. This window will pop up. Since we want to create a new Digital IDs, click on the Create a new
Digital ID option and press Continue
10. This window will pop up. Click on the Save to File option and then on Continue
11. The following window will appear. Fill in the relevant fields with your own details as shown
(Organizational Unit can remain blank) and click on Continue
12. The following window will appear. Keep the suggested saving location or click on Browse to
select another folder of your choice. Enter a password and it’s confirmation in the relevant
fields and click on Save
13. The following window will appear. Make sure your Digital ID option is selected Click on Continue
14. This window will appear. Enter the password you created in 13 above and click on Sign. Note,
since copies of this cover sheet will be made of all your English SBA students, DO NOT click in
the Lock document after signing box. This option is recommended for single use sheets
15. This Save As dialog box will appear prompting you to save your signed cover sheet. You can
keep the suggested saving location (Desktop in my case) or choose another of your choice by
selecting one of the locations in the left panel (This PC, Documents, etc). Change the filename (I
simply appended Signed to the original name) to retain your original blank cover sheet. You can
change the name entirely to English A Signed Cover Sheet or anything you wish. After
renaming, Click on Save
16. After clicking on Save, your Digital Signature will appear in the Teacher’s Signature field as
shown below. Make multiple copies of that newly signed sheet – one for each of your students
Additional Notes
1. Reusing Your Digital Signature on Other Cover Sheets
If you teach a different subject and wish to use your newly created digital signature to avoid the
hassle of creating a new one, simply click the Teacher’s Signature field of the new subject’s
cover sheet. The digital signature created above will be listed (along with any other you have
created) allowing you to select whichever your wish to use. If instead you wish to create
another digital signature, click on Configure New Digital ID