Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing
(Duration: Six Months)
Sambalpur University
Jyoti Vihar, Burla – 768019, Odisha
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Scheme of the Course
Total Credit 32
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Regulation for Certificate Programme in Digital Marketing (CPDM)
1. The certificate programme in Digital Marketing (DM) is a six months full
time certificate programme. After successful completion of the programme
certificate will be provided to the qualified students.
2. Duration: The duration of the programme shall be six months with one
semester. There will be two session in a year i.e. July to December and
January to June.
3. Eligibility Criteria: the candidate should have passed the +2 examination of
CHSE, Odisha or its equivalent board / council in any discipline with
minimum 40% marks in aggregate. The selection will be based on the marks
obtained in +2 examinations.
4. Number of Papers: During the course the student has to cover six papers
each with 04 credits and 01 project with 08 credits. There will be
approximately 10 classes of 01 hour duration for each one credit of a paper.
5. Attendance: A candidate shall be required to attend 75% of class during a
Semester. Consolation may be granted by the principal only to the extent of
15% in exceptional cases i.e. Serious Illness &Hospitalization, Accident,
Mishap in the family, Deputation by the college for any specific work. The
candidates falling short of required attendance percentage will not be
allowed for form fill up for the university examination. The candidate will
appear the examination in the next batch.
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7. External Examination (50% external marks) :
The external examination will be conducted by the university; the
examination will be conducted tentatively in the month of December and
8. Passing Criteria: Each of the paper will carry 100 marks and the project
will carry 200 marks. The marking will be based on numerical score. The
candidate remaining absent in either internal examination or university
examination in any paper will be considered as absent in that paper inspite of
securing marks in any one of the components.
13. Question paper setting: The question paper should be set in such a manner
that the question paper should cover all the units.
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Certificate Programme in Digital Marketing
Course Structure:
5 Web Analytics 4
7 Project 8
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Introduction to Digital Marketing
Objective- To understand the basic Concepts of Digital marketing and the road
map for successful Digital marketing strategies.
Total Credit-4
Module-I Fundamentals of Digital marketing & Its Significance, Traditional marketing Vs Digital
Marketing, Evolution of Digital Marketing, Digital Marketing Landscape, Key Drivers,
Digital Consumer & Communities, Gen Y & Netizen’s expectation & influence wrt
Digital Marketing.
Module-II The Digital users in India, Digital marketing Strategy- Consumer Decision journey,
POEM Framework, Segmenting & Customizing messages, Digital advertising Market in
India, Skills in Digital Marketing, Digital marketing Plan.
Module-III Terminology used in Digital Marketing, PPC and online marketing through social media,
Social Media Marketing, SEO techniques, Keyword advertising, Google web-master and
analytics overview, Affiliate Marketing, Email Marketing, Mobile Marketing
Module-IV Display adverting, Buying Models, different type of ad tools, Display advertising
terminology, types of display ads, different ad formats, Ad placement techniques,
Important ad terminology, Programmatic Digital Advertising.
Suggested Books
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Social Media Marketing
Total Credit-4
Module-I Fundamentals of Social Media Marketing& its significance, Necessity of Social media
Marketing, Building a Successful strategy: Goal Setting, Implementation.
Module-II Facebook Marketing: Facebook for Business, Facebook Insight, Different types of Ad
formats, Setting up Facebook Advertising Account, Facebook audience & types,
Designing Facebook Advertising campaigns, Facebook Avatar, Apps, Live, Hashtags
Module-III LinkedIn Marketing: Importance of LinkedIn presence, LinkedIn Strategy, Content
Strategy, LinkedIn analysis, Targeting, Ad Campaign
Module-IV Twitter Marketing:- Basics, Building a content strategy, Twitter usage, Twitter Ads,
Twitter ad campaigns, Twitter Analytics, Twitter Tools and tips for mangers. Instagram
& Snapchat basics.
Case Study-1:- ICICI Bank: Building India’s Most Social Bank on facebook
Suggested Books-
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Search Engine Optimization
Module-I Introduction to SEO, How Search engine works, SEO Phases, History Of SEO, How
SEO Works, What is Googlebot (Google Crawler), Types Of SEO technique, Keywords,
Keyword Planner tools
Module-II On page Optimization, Technical Elements, HTML tags,, RSS Feeds,
Microsites, Yoast SEO Plug-in
Module-III Off page Optimization- About Off page optimization, Authority & hubs, Backlink, Blog
Posts, Press Release, Forums, Unnatural links.
Module-IV Social media Reach- Video Creation & Submission, Maintenance- SEO tactics, Google
search Engine, Other Suggested tools
Suggested Books-
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Advertising Tools & Its Optimization
Module-I Advertising & its importance, Digital Advertising, Different Digital Advertisement,
Performance of Digital Advertising:- Process & players, Display Advertising Media,
Digital metrics
Module-II Buying Models- CPC, CPM, CPL, CPA, fixed Cost/Sponsorship, Targeting:- Contextual
targeting, remarking, Demographics , Geographic & Language Targeting.
Module-III Display adverting, different type of ad tools, Display advertising terminology, types of
display ads, different ad formats, Ad placement techniques, Important ad terminology,
ROI measurement techniques, AdWords & Adsense.
Module-IV YouTube Advertising:- YouTube Channels, YouTube Ads, Type of Videos, Buying
Models, Targeting & optimization, Designing & monitoring Video Campaigns, Display
Suggested Books-
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Website Hosting using Word Press
Objective- How to createwebsite using Word Press
Total Credit-3
Module-I Website Planning & Development- Website, Types of Websites, Phases of website
development, Keywords: Selection process
Module-II Domain & Web Hosting:- Domain, Types of Domain, Where to Buy Domain,
Webhosting, How to buy Webhosting
Module-III Building Website using Word press-What is Word press, CMS, Post and Page
Module-IV Word press Plug-ins- Different Plug-ins, social media Plug-ins, page builder plug-ins:
the elementor, how to insert a section, how to insert logo, Google Micro sites
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Web Analytics
Objective- Web analytics focuses on optimizing an organization's digital
ecosystem by collecting, analyzing and enabling the making of data-informed
Total Credit- 4
Hours/Week- 4
Module-I Introduction- What's analysis?, Is analysis worth the effort?, Small businesses, Medium
and Large scale businesses, Analysis vs intuition, Introduction to web analytic
Module-II Google Analytics -Getting Started With Google Analytics, How Google Analytics
works?, Accounts, profiles, and users navigating Google Analytics, Basic metrics, The
main sections of Google Analytics reports Traffic Sources Direct, referring, and search
traffic Campaigns AdWords, Adsense.
Module-III Content Performance Analysis- Pages and Landing Pages, Event Tracking and
AdSense, Site Search. Visitor Analysis- Unique visitors, Geographic and language
information, Technical reports, Benchmarking.
Module-IV Social Media Analytics- Facebook insights, Twitter analytics, Youtube analytics, Social
Ad analytics /ROI measurement. Goals and E-Commerce Tracking- Setting up goals
Goal reports, Ecommerce tracking. Actionable Insights & The Big Picture- Recap of
Google Analytics reports and tools, Finding actionable insights, Getting the organization
involved, Creating a data-driven culture, Resources Common mistakes analysts make
Additional Web analytics tools.
Suggested Books-
1. Practical Web Analytics for User Experience, How Analytics Can Help You Understand
Your Users, By Michael Beasley · 2013
2. Advanced Web Metrics with Google Analytics By Brian Clifton · 2010
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