Allamaiqbalopenuniversity, Islamabad: Teacher Education in Pakisatan (8626)
Allamaiqbalopenuniversity, Islamabad: Teacher Education in Pakisatan (8626)
Allamaiqbalopenuniversity, Islamabad: Teacher Education in Pakisatan (8626)
Assignment no.2
Name SairaSiddique
Roll NO/
ID 0000475444
Tutor Muhammad Ashraf
Teaching skills are important to the teacher, the learner and the academic
institution. Here are reasons teaching skills are so important for you and
other stakeholders:
• Job satisfaction: Teachers with superb teaching skills are more likely
to achieve learning outcomes for their learners. It's rewarding to see
your students learning new skills, understanding course content and
• Happy learners: Teachers who have excellent teaching skills are well-
equipped to set their students up for success. Learners are happier
in environments where they're given the right tools and resources to
Here are the most important teaching skills to develop for a successful
Communication skills
• Active listening
• Clarity of communication
• Age-appropriate communication
Organizational skills
• Organizing a classroom
• Managing a classroom
• Preparing lessons
• Maintaining records
Critical thinking
Teachers need to react quickly and find solutions to problems that arise in
a classroom or in the institution and confidently answer challenging
questions from students. The need to create lessons, assess learners, and
develop long-term plans means teachers need to develop critical thinking
Creative skills
Showing enthusiasm for your work and the subjects you teach inspires your
students. An enthusiastic teacher makes learning fun and engaging. You
can show enthusiasm by teaching your favorite subjects and introducing
new perspectives when teaching complex lessons.
Technical skills
The initial step is to find out what you're good at and use it as a
springboard to work on your weaker areas. Knowing your strengths boosts
your confidence. Identifying your teaching skills that need improvement
enables you to put excellent strategies in place to improve on them.
• Finding a mentor
Determine how you will measure your progress. Set specific, measurable,
actionable, realistic and timely (SMART) goals. Determine how you will
evaluate each skill. You may also involve your friend or mentor to enable a
more objective assessment
1. List your top skills: Create a list of your strongest skills and feature
them on your resume to capture the reader's attention.
4. Tailor your resume: Craft your resume to use the relevant keywords
listed in the job description for each unique role you apply for.
When you're invited to an interview for a teaching position, you can draw
attention to your teaching skills by:
These training programs are designed to help staff learn different skill
sets to perform their daily tasks efficiently, improve overall performance,
develop efficiency in their job, and avoid violations of laws and regulations.
By providing comprehensive training and support, school can ensure that
teachers are productive and engaged, which leads to greater retention and
job satisfaction over time. From the above, training is an organized
programme designed to improve professional skills and knowledge on the
job on or on a special skills. Training is the process of equipping staff with
skills and knowledge that will aid to improve the job performance in the
Types of Training
2. Orientation Training
3. Onboarding Training
4. Compliance Training
5. Product Training
6. Leadership training
Leadership training for your existing leaders is a way to refresh and reset
their mindset. On the other hand, leadership training for other employees
helps them better understand their current roles and learn what it takes
to become exceptional leaders in the future. Leadership development
training programs have several important benefits, such as: Increase
employee morale and retention; Promote better decision making; Build
better teams; and Improve leadership styles.
7. Technical Training
9. Soft-Skills Training
13. Up-skilling
14. Reskilling
In summary, the need for training staff in the education system is driven by
the imperative to stay current with educational advancements and to
foster a culture of continuous improvement. Academic staff training aims
to enhance teaching effectiveness, while administration staff training
focuses on developing the managerial and organizational capacities
required for the efficient functioning of educational institutions. Ultimately,
a well-trained and motivated staff contributes significantly to the overall
quality and success of the education system
• Formal cooperative learning groups, which last for one class session
or one or more weeks
Personal Interdepence
Pair and group work is usually very well welcomed by students, but the
problem is that it is difficult to check whether students are equally working.
Simultaneous Interaction
Cooperative learning strategies are not only very scalable but most of the
time they require very little to no preparation. And some of them last less
than 5 minutes, having in this short period of time all students in class
being challenged and engaged.
Teachers can start by implementing one single strategy in their own lesson
and then evaluate the outcomes in different school classes.
Strategies like Think-Pair-Share or Circle-The-Sage, for example, are not
time-consuming at all and do not require a long preparation either.
At the end of this activity, the teacher randomly chooses two or three pairs
and asks them to briefly share their answers or responses.
No matter how old students are- I have successfully used this strategy not
only for small children but even in my teacher training courses. it is
astonishing how much mutual interaction deepens their understanding.
Pairs will most of the time succeed where single students would have
probably failed.
The teacher asks a question in class, and then asks every student who can
answer it to stand up. All the other students can now choose a classmate
and listen to the explanation.
Peer tutoring has proven to be very effective for both sides: high achievers,
who are already familiar with content, get the chance to prove it and learn
valuable communication skills at the same time.
And teachers surely don’t need to be told how much you can learn by
teaching! Students who missed a concept get the chance to listen to
another peer explaining.
Communication includes not only speaking, reading and writing, but also
listening. And it is exactly in practising the latter that the next strategy
focuses on.
Timed-Pair-Share is perfect for students to interact and practise the
language, so it can be used in every subject where the context is everything
and it makes sure every student will talk and listen for the same amount of
After having given a topic and some time to think about it, the teacher asks
students to pair up and states how long they will share- one or two minutes
are a good start. In pairs, partner A shares and partner B listens. To rapidly
check if the person who is talking is the one supposed to, partners can hold
a pen while sharing. At the end, partners B provide positive responses, like
“I enjoyed listening to you because…” or “Your most interesting idea was…”
and partner switch roles.[7]
In pairs, students take turns, one student solving problems while talking
through their thinking aloud, while the other listens, coaches where
necessary and provides positive feedback. Roles are then reversed to do
another exercise.
Rally Coach can be used to maximize interaction and feedback when doing
exercises in class. Students learn how to work autonomously when solving
the exercise, but also how to interact, give and receive feedback from a
classmate. Simultaneous interaction is provided, since every student in the
class is active at the same time- either in solving the problem or coaching.
Peer tutoring’s downside is that it implies that some students are weaker
than others and need therefore some help. Using Rally Coach,
low-achievers get the help they need when doing the exercise and learn
from high-achievers when coaching.