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FWB MetaAnalysis

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Manipulating belief in free will and its downstream consequences:

A meta-analysis

Oliver Genschow* (University of Cologne, Germany)

Emiel Cracco* (Ghent University, Belgium)

Jana Schneider (University of Cologne, Germany)

John Protzko (Central Connecticut State University, USA)

David Wisniewski (Ghent University, Belgium)

Marcel Brass (Humboldt University Berlin, Germany)

Jonathan W. Schooler (University of California Santa Barbary, USA)

*shared first-authorship

accepted manuscript at Personality and Social Psychology Review before copyediting

Author Note: Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Oliver Genschow,

University of Cologne, Social Cognition Center Cologne, Richard-Strauss Str. 2, 50931 Cologne,

Germany, E-Mail: oliver.genschow@uni-koeln.de

Coding manual, data, and analysis scripts are open accessible at the Open Science Framework (OSF;


Author contributions: Oliver Genschow developed the research idea; all co-authors gave feedback on

the basic research idea; Oliver Genschow conducted the literature research; Oliver Genschow, Emiel

Cracco, and John Protzko collected unpublished data; Oliver Genschow, Emiel Cracco, and Jana

Schneider screened and coded the data; Emiel Cracco conducted the analyses; Oliver Genschow &

Emiel Cracco drafted the paper, all authors gave feedback on the drafted manuscript.


After some scientists and popular media put forward the idea that free will is an illusion, the

question arose as to what would happen if people stopped believing in free will.

Psychological research has investigated this question by testing the consequences of

experimentally weakening people’s free will belief. The results of these investigations have

been mixed, with successful experiments and unsuccessful replications. This raises two

fundamental questions: Can free will beliefs be manipulated, and do such manipulations have

downstream consequences? In a meta-analysis including 145 experiments (95 unpublished),

we show that exposing individuals to anti-free will manipulations decreases belief in free will

and increases belief in determinism. However, we could not find evidence for downstream

consequences. Our findings have important theoretical implications for research on free will

beliefs and contribute to the discussion of whether reducing people’s belief in free will has

societal consequences.

Keywords: free will; determinism; belief; meta-analysis; morality; cheating; social behavior;


From morality to politics, public policy, intimate relationships, and punishing behavior—

“most of what is distinctly human about our life depends upon our viewing one another as

autonomous persons, capable of free choice” (Harris, 2012; p. 1). Thus, unsurprisingly, most

people believe that they have free will (Baumeister et al., 2009; Nahmias et al., 2005).

Whether free will actually exists, however, has been a longstanding philosophical debate

(e.g., Dennett, 2015; Van Inwagen, 1983). This debate has reached an extremely high level of

sophistication outlining different theoretical positions that span free will skepticism to

complete libertarianism (for an overview see Dennett, 2015). However, these philosophical

arguments have rarely left academic circles and therefore have had limited impact outside


In the last decades, cognitive neuroscientists and psychologists entered the debate by

claiming humans’ perception of free will is nothing more than an illusion (e.g., Crick, 1994;

Harris, 2012; Wegner, 2002) and simply arises from unconscious brain activity (Hallett, 2007;

Libet et al., 1983; Soon et al., 2008). A seminal study supporting this view is the study by

Libet and colleagues (1983), who measured neural activity while participants made voluntary

finger movements. After each movement, participants indicated on a clock the time at which

they perceived their first urge to initiate a movement. Libet and colleagues found an increase

in neural activity several hundred milliseconds before participants reported being aware of

this urge. These and similar findings (Libet et al., 1983; Libet et al., 1993) have often been

used as an argument for the claim that free will does not exist.

Despite criticisms of this argument (Brass et al., 2019; Saigle et al., 2018), anti-free

will viewpoints have become in vogue not only in academia (e.g., Greene & Cohen, 2004),

but also, and perhaps even more so, in popular media (e.g., Chivers 2010; Griffin, 2016;

Racine et al., 2017; Wolfe, 1997). This raises fundamental questions of whether reading anti-

free will viewpoints pushes people towards a deterministic world view and lowers their belief

in free will. Moreover, the question arises as to what impact this has on society.

Some philosophers argue that undermining people’s belief in free will saps the basis

for moral behavior and would therefore have catastrophic consequences (e.g., Smilansky,

2000, 2002). In contrast, other philosophers argue that disbelief in free will might instead

have positive effects, as it would cause people to abandon retribution-based morality and

illusory beliefs in a just world (e.g., Caruso, 2014; Greene & Cohen, 2004; Nadelhoffer, 2011;

Pereboom, 2006). Research in social and cognitive psychology as well as in neuroscience has

empirically tested these theories by experimentally manipulating belief in free will (for an

overview, see Ewusi-Boisvert & Racine, 2018). These studies provided evidence for the idea

that free will beliefs indeed have societal consequences. There have also been a number of

failures to replicate some of these findings, however. As a result, it remains unclear whether

exposing people to anti-free will viewpoints has behavioral and societal consequences. In this

article, we address this controversy. First, we review the literature on belief in free will, its

experimental manipulations, and its downstream consequences. Then, we test meta-

analytically (1) whether beliefs related to free will can be manipulated and (2) whether these

manipulations have downstream consequences.

Belief in Free Will and Determinism

Philosophical definitions regarding the concept of free will are rather diverse and

complex (Carey & Paulhus, 2013). Because of this, researchers often assess laypeople’s

concepts of free will and to which degree laypeople believe in these concepts (e.g., Nichols,

2006). These analyses indicate that laypeople’s free will beliefs are metacognitive judgments

about the extent to which individuals intentionally guide their thoughts and actions (Frith,

2012). Specifically, belief in free will reflects the belief that people are responsible for their

actions (Carey & Paulhus, 2013), because they can decide and control their own behavior

(Paulhus & Carey, 2011).

Although conceptually related to internal locus of control (Rotter, 1966) and self-

efficacy (Bandura, 1977), there are important differences between these constructs that set

free will beliefs apart. Internal locus of control shares the emphasis on internal causal

attribution, but represents a personality dimension, whereas belief in free will reflects an

attitudinal orientation (Waldman et al., 1983). Self-efficacy differs from belief in free will in

that it reflects metacognitive judgments about one’s specific skill or ability (e.g., “Can I

execute this successfully?”). In contrast, belief in free will reflects a much broader belief

about choice and freedom (e.g., “Do I have a choice? Can I freely choose to do otherwise?”).

Related to the belief in free will is the belief in determinism. Previous research has

defined belief in determinism in different ways. On a general level, determinism is typically

interpreted as: given the past and the laws of nature, there is only one possible future at any

moment in time (e.g., Van Inwagen, 1983). Some scholars differentiate between fatalistic

determinism, which captures people’s belief in ‘destiny’ or ‘fate’, and scientific determinism,

which measures belief in genetic determinism (e.g., Paulhus & Carey, 2011) and reflects the

belief that genes are the sole or predominant basis of person characteristics (Keller, 2005).

Irrespective of how determinism is defined, psychologists and philosophers debate

whether free will and determinism are the endpoints of the same continuum or separate

constructs. For instance, incompatibilists see free will and determinism as mutually exclusive.

Such a view suggests that the more a person believes in free will, the less they believe in

determinism (Rakos et al., 2008; Viney et al., 1982). In contrast, compatibilists see free will

and determinism as independent constructs. Based on a compatibilistic view, people believe

that if determinism were true, people could nevertheless be free. Previous research has shown

that belief in free will is not correlated with belief in genetic determinism (Nadelhoffer et al.,

2014) and that a compatibilistic view is more widespread in the general public than

philosophers and psychologists may have traditionally assumed (e.g., Monroe & Malle,

2010a; Murray & Nahmias, 2014; Nadelhoffer et al., 2014; Nahmias et al., 2006; Nichols,

2004, 2006; Nichols & Knobe, 2007; Rose & Nichols, 2013; Shepard & Reuter, 2012;

Shepherd, 2012).

Research on Manipulating Belief in Free Will

To test the consequences of (dis)believing in free will, researchers have developed

various approaches to experimentally manipulate people’s belief in free will. The first

investigations in this respect were carried out by Vohs and Schooler (2008). In one

experiment, participants either read a passage from Francis Crick’s (1994) book “the

Astonishing Hypothesis”, arguing against the plausibility of free will or a passage from the

same book that did not mention free will. In another experiment, the authors followed a

Velten-like technique (Velten, 1968), in which participants either read and pondered anti-free

will or pro-free will statements. In both experiments, participants presented with anti-free will

viewpoints reported lower beliefs in free will and were more willing to cheat on a test than

control participants.

These findings inspired researchers all around the world to start investigating the

consequences of experimentally reducing belief in free will by applying and adopting the

manipulations introduced by Vohs and Schooler (2008). This research suggests that

weakening belief in free will increases anti-social behavior, such as prejudice (Zhao et al.,

2014) or aggressiveness towards others (Baumeister et al., 2009), and decreases pro-social

behavior, such as helping (Baumeister et al., 2009) or cooperation (Protzko et al., 2015). At

the same time, however, exposing people to anti-free will viewpoints can also lead to reduced

retributive punishment (Shariff et al., 2014).

In addition, anti-free will manipulations have been found to increase conformity

(Alquist et al., 2013) and feelings of alienation (Seto & Hicks, 2016), and to decrease causal

attributions of other people’s actions (Genschow et al., 2017a), perceived meaningfulness of

life (Crescioni et al., 2016; Moynihan et al., 2019), perceived gratitude (MacKenzie et al.,

2014), counterfactual thinking (Alquist et al., 2015), and risk taking behavior (Schrag et al.,

2016). Finally, a last line of research suggests that experimentally reducing people’s belief in

free will influences neurocognitive processes such as intentional action preparation (Rigoni et

al., 2011), deliberate motor inhibition (Lynn et al., 2013; Rigoni et al., 2012), and the

processing of performance errors (Rigoni et al., 2015; Rigoni et al., 2013).

In sum, there is a large body of research suggesting that manipulating belief in free

will affects societally relevant behaviors such as cheating (Vohs & Schooler, 2008),

retributive punishment (Shariff & Vohs, 2014), and anti-social behavior (Baumeister et al.,

2009; Zhao et al., 2014), as well as basal neurocognitive mechanisms (Rigoni & Brass, 2014).

Based on this research, it has been argued that care should be used in the manner in which

anti-free will and deterministic viewpoints are presented to society, because it may change the

way people interact with each other. For example, some scholars suggested that encountering

anti-free will viewpoints in the popular press may “move judges and jurors toward being less

punitive and less retributive in general” (p. 1569, Shariff et al., 2014) or “provide the ultimate

excuse to behave as one likes” (p. 54, Vohs & Schooler, 2008).

Failed Replications

Despite the mounting evidence that manipulating belief in free will influences

behavior, a number of studies have reported difficulties in replicating some key results (Crone

& Levy, 2019; Eben et al., 2020; Genschow et al., 2020; Giner-Sorolla et al., 2016; Monroe et

al., 2017; Nadelhoffer et al., 2020; Open Science Collaboration, 2015; Schooler et al., 2014;

Shariff & Vohs, 2014; Zwaan, 2014). For example, Monroe et al. (2017) found no effect of

diminishing participants’ belief in free will on moral behavior, judgments of blame, or

punishment decisions. Similarly, Nadelhoffer et al. (2020) found that manipulating free will

beliefs in a robust way is more difficult than implied by previous work, and that the proposed

link with immoral behavior, such as cheating, for instance, might be similarly tenuous (for

similar findings, see Crone & Levy, 2019; Giner-Sorolla et al., 2016; Zwaan, 2014).

Although these failed replications call into question the societal relevance of belief in

free will, it is not yet clear what caused them. Before we can draw conclusions about the role

of free will beliefs in society, it is imperative to understand why some findings failed to

replicate as well as which mechanisms underlie free will belief manipulations. In principle,

three explanations could account for the replication failures reported in the literature. First, it

could be that the failed replications are false negatives. That is, they were not able to detect an

effect that is actually real. Second, it might be that free will beliefs cannot be manipulated,

and that successful studies in the literature are therefore false positives. Third, it could be that

manipulations of belief in free will successfully affect free will beliefs, but that these

manipulations are not causally related to other behaviors, and thus have no downstream

consequences. In the present article, we investigate these explanations by analyzing all

available evidence in a meta-analysis.

Previous Reviews and Meta-Analyses

To the best of our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive meta-analysis on the

effectiveness of manipulations related to free will beliefs. There are, however, two articles

related to our analysis. First, Ewusi-Boisvert and Racine (2018) published a qualitative review

of the literature on free will belief manipulations. Overall, the authors report a substantial

amount of methodological diversity and a lack of replication studies in the published

literature. Moreover, the review suggests that the studied samples are heavily constituted of

women, students, and younger participants, and contain little information about the

representation of ethnic minorities. This review did not allow the accurate estimation of the

effect size of free will belief manipulations and its downstream consequences, however, as the

researchers provided a descriptive review of the literature and did not include unpublished


Second, Genschow and colleagues (2017a) tested the effectiveness of one specific

manipulation (i.e., the Crick manipulation) in a mini meta-analysis involving 9 published and

unpublished experiments that were conducted in their own research group (N = 625

participants). Overall, the authors found that participants who read the anti-free will text had a

significantly lower belief in free will than participants who read the control text. However,

this analysis did not allow strong conclusions regarding the general effectiveness of free will

belief manipulations, because only one manipulation type, a small number of experiments,

one measure, and data from only one research team were investigated. In addition, this

analysis did not explore potential reasons for why the manipulation sometimes works and

sometimes fails, nor did it investigate whether the manipulation has any downstream


The Present Meta-Analysis

The present meta-analysis aims to build on and considerably extend previous work by

including both published and unpublished evidence and addressing two main research

questions: (1) Can belief in free will be experimentally manipulated, and (2) does this have

any downstream consequences?

Research Question 1: Can Belief in Free Will Be Manipulated?

In the first part of the meta-analysis, we investigate whether it is possible to

experimentally manipulate beliefs related to free will and explore the conditions under which

the manipulations are effective. To this end, we investigated different moderators.


The two most often used measures to test the effectiveness of free will belief

manipulations are belief in free will scales and belief in determinism scales (Ewusi-Boisvert

& Racine, 2018). It is often assumed (without giving explicit explanations) that anti-free will

manipulations should not only decrease free will beliefs but should also increase beliefs in

determinism (for an overview, see Ewusi-Boisvert & Racine, 2018). This assumption,

however, has never been systematically tested. In the present meta-analysis, we tested

whether the applied manipulations decrease the belief in free will, increase the belief in

determinism, or both.


Several validated scales have been developed to measure belief in free will and

determinism. The most frequently used scales are the Free Will and Determinism Scale

(FWD; Rakos et al., 2008), the Free Will and Determinism scale (FAD; Paulhus & Carey,

2011), and the Free Will Inventory (FWI; Nadelhoffer et al., 2014). In addition, researchers

have sometimes also used self-made rating scales (e.g., Baumeister et al., 2009; Moynihan et

al., 2019). Less frequently used scales measuring beliefs related to free will and determinism

include the Belief in Genetic Determinism scale (BGD; Keller, 2005), the Belief in Social

Determinism scale (BSD; Rangel & Keller, 2011), and the Wif scale (Melcher, 2019).

However, while a wide range of scales has been used, it remains unknown whether some

scales are more sensitive in picking up effects of the manipulation than others. To address this

question, the present meta-analysis tests whether the effects of free will belief manipulations

differ across scales. We focus on the FWI and the FAD, as these are the only two scales that

tease apart belief in free will and belief in determinism. Moreover, they are also the two most

commonly used scales and the only scales for which sufficient data is available to reliably

compare them to each other.

In addition to the sensitivity of different scales, little is known about whether free will

belief manipulations specifically affect beliefs in free will and determinism or also influence

other, related beliefs. Therefore, we investigated if the influence of free will belief

manipulations extends to other beliefs that are related to free will and are part of free will

questionnaires, such as belief in dualism, fatalistic determinism, and unpredictability.

Type of Manipulation

Not only the scale but also the type of manipulation differs across studies.

Specifically, four types of manipulations can be distinguished. The first method is to let

participants read a text—either a control text or a text arguing against the plausibility of free

will. Frequently used anti-free will texts include a passage of Francis Crick’s (1994) book

“The Astonishing Hypothesis” (e.g., MacKenzie et al., 2014; Rigoni et al., 2011; Shariff et

al., 2014; Vohs & Schooler, 2008), or articles featuring neuroscientific experiments (e.g.,

Harms et al., 2017; Protzko et al., 2016; Shariff et al., 2014), among others. The second

method is to present participants with several statements using a Velten-like technique

(Velten, 1968). That is, participants are either presented with a variety of anti-free will or

control statements (e.g., Rigoni et al., 2012; Stillman et al., 2010; Vohs & Schooler, 2008).

The third method uses a combination of text and statements (e.g., Seto & Hicks, 2016).

Finally, the fourth method is to let participants watch videos related to (anti-)free will

viewpoints (e.g., Highhouse & Rada, 2015). To reliably manipulate belief in free will, it is

important to know which of these manipulations are most effective. Therefore, we directly

compared them in the present meta-analysis.

Participant Involvement

Whether the manipulation is effective may, however, not only depend on the type of

manipulation but also on participants’ involvement in the manipulation. While some

researchers merely presented participants with anti-free will viewpoints (e.g., Baumeister et

al., 2009; Goodyear et al., 2016; Rigoni et al., 2012; Shariff et al., 2014; Stillman et al., 2010),

others engaged participants more strongly by letting them, for instance, summarize or rewrite

the presented messages (Harms et al., 2017; Highhouse & Rada, 2015; Moynihan et al., 2019;

Rigoni et al., 2011; Seto & Hicks, 2016; Vonasch et al., 2017). Yet other researchers told

participants they had to attend the presented messages carefully as they had to summarize

them at the end of the experiment (e.g., Genschow et al., 2017a). An interesting question is

how deeply participants have to process the provided information for the manipulation to

succeed. To answer this question, we investigated if the effectiveness of the manipulation

depends on whether participants have to engage with the task (e.g., by summarizing or

rewriting presented messages) before free will beliefs are measured.


Baseline Condition

Another factor that may influence the manipulations’ effectiveness is the baseline

condition. Past research has shown that most people believe in free will (Baumeister et al.,

2009; Nahmias et al., 2005). As a result, a tacit assumption in the literature is that beliefs in

free will can only be diminished, but not increased. Yet, some experiments have nevertheless

used not only anti-free will and neutral messages, but also pro-free will messages (e.g.,

Baumeister et al., 2009; Clark et al., 2017; Highhouse & Rada, 2015; Moynihan et al., 2019;

Schrag et al., 2016; Seto & Hicks, 2016; Vohs & Schooler, 2008). This allowed us to test the

effectiveness of anti-free will messages both with respect to control messages and with

respect to pro-free will messages and thereby allowed us to investigate whether belief in free

will can also be experimentally increased, in addition to decreased.

Measurement Moment

A final moderator that may influence the effectiveness of the manipulation is the

moment at which free will beliefs are measured. While some experiments measured

participants’ beliefs directly after the manipulation (Baumeister et al., 2009; Monroe et al.,

2017; Seto & Hicks, 2016; Shariff et al., 2014; Vohs & Schooler, 2008; Vonasch et al., 2017),

others measured them after participants performed a secondary task, often included to explore

potential downstream consequences (Clark et al., 2017; Genschow et al., 2017a; Harms et al.,

2017; Highhouse & Rada, 2015; Protzko et al., 2016; Rigoni et al., 2012; Schrag et al., 2016).

Measuring beliefs at the end of the experiment assumes the manipulation has a relatively

long-lasting effect. This may, however, not necessarily be the case. For instance, it could also

be that free will belief manipulations do not fully change people’s beliefs but rather prime an

anti-free will mindset. Such priming effects may not be as long-lasting, and measuring free

will beliefs at the end of the experiment may therefore make it more difficult to confirm that

the manipulation worked. To test this hypothesis, we investigated if the effect of the

manipulation differs depending on whether beliefs were measured immediately after the

manipulation or at the end of the experiment (i.e., after completing another task).

Secondary Moderator Analyses

In addition to the above-mentioned moderators, we also considered the influence of

participant age, sex, continent in which the study was conducted (US vs. Europe), test

location (i.e., online vs. laboratory), and sample type (students vs. non-students) as secondary


Research Question 2: Do Free Will Belief Manipulations Have Downstream


In the second part of the meta-analysis, we investigate whether experimentally

reducing free will beliefs influences attitudes, behavior, and cognition. An interesting

characteristic of the literature is that a large variety of dependent variables have been studied

(for an overview, see Table 1). While this illustrates the breadth of the field, it also makes it

difficult to quantify the evidence for downstream consequences, because for some dependent

variables only one or a few experiments exist. In this respect, one solution could be to group

the variables into broad categories such as “behavior” or “attitudes”. However, this would

involve pooling together studies with vastly different dependent variables under the same

denominator and would therefore run the risk of making the meta-analysis uninterpretable, a

problem that is well-known as the “apples and oranges” critique of meta-analysis (Carpenter,

2020). To deal with this issue, we proceeded in three steps.

In a first step, we ran a p-curve analysis across all dependent variables. Whereas the

aim of estimating a population effect size makes a meta-analysis unsuited to evaluate diverse

sets of dependent variables, this is not the case for p-curve. Rather than estimating a

population effect size, p-curve investigates if a set of statistically significant findings contains

evidential value by testing if the distribution of p-values is consistent with the existence of a

true effect (Simonsohn et al., 2014). Importantly, if confirmed, this does not mean that all

included studies show a true effect. Instead, it merely implies that at least one study does

(Simonsohn et al., 2014). As such, p-curve can be applied to diverse findings, as long as they

form a meaningful whole (Simonsohn et al., 2015).

In a second step, we ran meta-analyses on internally coherent sets of dependent

variables. Upon reviewing the literature, one clear set arose—namely anti-social vs. pro-social

behavior (for an overview, see Table 1). Hence, we pooled together the studies in this set and

subjected them to a meta-analysis testing whether manipulating belief in free will influences

social behavior. However, pro- and anti-social behavior is still a relatively broad and

unspecific dependent variable. Therefore, in a third and final step, we also ran meta-analyses

on three specific dependent variables that have been used in at least five experiments:

conformity, punishment, and cheating.


Table 1

Overview of All Published Experiments Included in the P-Curve Analysis and/or the Meta-Analyses Assessing
the Influence of Free Will Belief Manipulations on Downstream Consequences
Included in
Included in p-
Experiment DV anti-social
curve analysis
Vohs & Schooler (2008); Exp. 1 cheating yes yes
Vohs & Schooler (2008); Exp. 2 cheating yes yes
Baumeister et al. (2009); Exp. 1 helping yes yes
Baumeister et al. (2009); Exp. 3 aggression yes yes
Stillman & Baumeister (2010); Exp. 1 learning no yes
Stillman & Baumeister (2010); Exp. 2 learning no yes
Rangel & Keller (2011); Exp. 6 in-group preference no yes
Rigoni et al. (2011); Exp. 1 preconscious motor preparation no yes
Alquist et al. (2013); Exp. 2 conformity no yes
Alquist et al. (2013); Exp. 3 conformity no yes
Evans (2013); Exp. 1 willingness to help yes yes
Rigoni et al. (2013); Exp. 1 action monitoring no yes
MacKenzie et al. (2014); Exp. 2 gratitude no yes
MacKenzie et al. (2014); Exp. 3 gratitude no yes
MacKenzie et al. (2014); Exp. 4 gratitude no yes
Shariff et al. (2014); Exp. 2 punishment no yes
Shariff et al. (2014); Exp. 3 punishment no yes
Zhao et al. (2014); Exp. 2 prejudice yes yes
Zhao et al. (2014); Exp. 3 prejudice yes yes
Open Science Collaboration (2015); Exp. 1 cheating yes no
Alquist et al. (2015); Exp. 1 counterfactual thinking no yes
Alquist et al. (2015); Exp. 2 counterfactual thinking and intention
no yes
Plaks and Robinson (2015); Exp. 4 moral judgments no yes
Rigoni et al. (2015); Exp. 1 error detection no yes
Crescioni et al. (2016); Exp. 3 meaningfulness of life no yes
Crescioni et al. (2016); Exp. 4 meaningfulness of life no yes
Goodyear et al. (2016); Exp. 1 assigned moral responsibility no yes
Protzko et al. (2016); Exp. 1 cooperation yes yes
Schrag et al. (2016); Exp. 1 risk behavior no yes
Seto and Hicks (2016); Exp. 1 self-alienation no yes
Seto and Hicks (2016); Exp. 2 reported authenticity no yes
Caspar et al. (2017); Exp. 1 immoral behavior yes yes
Clark et al. (2017); Exp. 4 punitive distress no yes
Genschow et al. (2017a); Exp. 3a correspondence bias no yes
Genschow et al. (2017a); Exp. 3b correspondence bias no yes
Hannikainen et al. (2017); Exp. 4 preference for autonomy vs. welfare no yes
Hannikainen et al. (2017); Exp. 5 approval of paternalistic policies no yes
Monroe et al. (2017); Exp. 1 punishment, cheating, moral
yes no
Monroe et al. (2017); Exp. 3 punishment and moral judgments no no
Vonasch et al. (2017); Exp. 6 addiction and self-control no yes
Ching & Xu (2018); Exp. 1 prejudice yes yes
Moynihan et al. (2019); Exp. 1 meaninglessness no yes
Nadelhoffer et al. (2020); Exp. 3 cheating yes no
Nadelhoffer et al. (2020); Exp. 4 cheating yes no
Genschow & Vehlow (2019); Exp. 1 victim blaming yes yes
Note. Nadelhoffer er al. (2019) and Genschow & Vehlow (2019) were included in the meta-analysis as
unpublished studies but were published later as Nadelhoffer et al. (2020) and Genschow and Vehlow (2021)
after data-analysis had already been completed. Experiments were only included in the p-curve analysis if the
effect of the manipulation on the DV was significant. All experiments that were not included in the p-curve
analysis (included: “no”) are experiments without a significant effect on the DV. Articles were included in the
meta-analyses on anti-social behavior, conformity, punishment, and cheating irrespective of whether the effect
was significant or not.


Search Strategy

The literature search for published articles was initiated in July 2018 and includes

studies published between January 2008—based on the publication date of the first study that

included ab experimental belief in free will manipulation (Vohs & Schooler, 2008)— and July

2019. To collect published studies, we entered the following search terms in Web of Science,

PubMed, and PsycINFO: (“Free will” AND “belie*”) OR (“Free will” AND “manipulat*”)

OR (“Free will” AND “experiment*”) OR (“Free will” AND “group”) OR (“Free will” AND

“induc*”) OR (“Free will” AND “reduc*”) OR (“Free will” AND “threat*”) OR (“Free will”

AND “undermin*”) OR (“Free will” AND “weak*”) OR (“Determinis*” AND “belie*”) OR

(“Determinis*” AND “manipulat*”) OR (“Determinis*” AND “experiment*”) OR

(“Determinis*” AND “group”) OR (“Determinis*” AND “induc*”) OR (“Determinis*” AND

“encourag*”) OR (“Determinis*” AND “increas*”) OR (“Determinis*” AND “enhanc*”).

In addition to this Boolean search, we also looked for studies that cited the Vohs and

Schooler (2008) paper. Furthermore, we included studies that were cited in the recent review

paper on belief in free will by Ewusi-Boisvert and Racine (2018). Third, unpublished data

were collected by sending requests to authors who had previously published articles using

free will belief manipulations. Fourth, we sent around requests for unpublished data via

different national and international mailing lists, including the mailing list of the German

Psychology Association (DGPs), the mailing list of the Belgian Association for Psychological

Science (BAPS), and the mailing list of the European Society for Cognitive and Affective

Neuroscience (ESCAN). Finally, we asked for unpublished data via Twitter and different

open fora of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP). The search for

unpublished data was terminated on August 15, 2019.


Screening Process

We screened titles and abstracts from 3739 records obtained from the literature search.

In addition, 110 unpublished experiments were included. Studies that were clearly not eligible

based on the criteria described below were excluded (i.e., n = 3570). The remaining studies

were then evaluated in more detail by screening the full-text articles. 279 full-text articles

were assessed for eligibility. This procedure resulted in a database of 84 eligible studies

containing 145 experiments (50 published; 95 unpublished). The criteria used to screen the

search results are described below. The numbers of excluded and included studies can be seen

in the PRISMA flow chart in Figure 1.

1. The studied population had to involve healthy adults.

2. The study had to include an experimental manipulation with the aim of reducing or

increasing belief in free will or belief in determinism.

3. For the research question investigating the influence of free will belief manipulations

on free will beliefs, but not for the research question investigating downstream

consequences, the study had to contain a manipulation check administered after the

manipulation—that is a measure of belief in free will, determinism, or both. We

focused on belief in free will and belief in determinism because these are the two most

commonly measured beliefs. Importantly, we only included measures that considered

free will and determinism as separate constructs and not measures that considered

them as two opposite endpoints of the same scale because the latter approach does not

allow us to distinguish between both beliefs1.

4. Sufficient statistical information had to be available to calculate the necessary effect

sizes. The required information had to be either reported in the paper or obtained from

the authors by e-mail.

Based on this approach we had to exclude only two published and two unpublished experiments.

Figure 1

Flowchart of the Screening Process

Note. The number of included or excluded studies (n) and experiments (m) are denoted. See
text for additional detail.

Coding and Reliability

Research Question 1: Can Belief in Free Will be Manipulated?

The eligible studies were first coded by the first author. To evaluate the reliability of

the coding, the third author was trained to use the coding manual and subsequently recoded 17

randomly selected published studies containing 27 experiments in total. To further identify

errors, the initial coding was also checked by the third author. Disagreements and

inconsistencies that arose during coding were resolved by the first three authors via

discussion. Coding reliability was assessed with intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) for

continuous variables and with kappa coefficients for categorical variables. The reliability for

continuous variables was high (all ICC ≥ 0.99). Likewise, the average reliability for

categorical variables was high (κ = 0.96) and varied from 0.74 to 1.00. The coding manual is

openly accessible at the Open Science Framework (OSF; https://bit.ly/2L69prl). The

following variables were coded:

Publication Status. We coded whether an experiment was published (m = 51) or

unpublished (m = 95). An experiment was considered published when it appeared in an

academic journal or book. Dissertations, preprints (if not published elsewhere), conference

posters, and raw data were all considered unpublished. Experiments that were initially

unpublished but then later published before the meta-analysis was completed remained coded

as unpublished experiments to account for potential differences between the original and

published results (e.g., additional data collection, different exclusion criteria, different

analytical choices).

Beliefs. We coded whether belief in free will or belief in determinism was measured.

Effect sizes obtained with instruments measuring belief in free will and belief in determinism

as opposite ends of a scale (e.g., the FWD) were not included. Effect sizes were coded as

measuring belief in free will when they were obtained with the free will subscales of the FWI,

the FAD-Plus, or the FAD. In addition, we also included self-made scales and individual

items designed to measure belief or disbelief in free will. The disbelief scales were reverse


Effect sizes were coded as measuring belief in determinism when they were obtained

with the following scales: belief in determinism of the FWI (Nadelhoffer et al., 2014),

biological determinism of the WiF (Melcher, 2019), genetic determinism of the BGD (Keller,

2005), social determinism of the BSD (Rangel & Keller, 2011), and scientific determinism of

the FAD-Plus or the FAD scale (Paulhus & Carey, 2011). In addition, as for free will beliefs,

we also included self-made scales and individual items designed to measure either belief or

disbelief in determinism. The disbelief items were reverse coded. We did not include the

FAD/FAD-Plus’ fatalistic determinism subscale, as it does not capture determinism as

construed by the other scales (i.e., the belief that future events are completely determined by

prior events) but rather measures belief in ‘destiny’ or ‘fate’.

Scales. To compare the sensitivity of different scales, we coded which of the

following scales was used to measure belief in free will and/or determinism: the FAD/FAD-

Plus (Paulhus & Carey, 2011), the WiF (Melcher, 2019), the BGD (Keller, 2005), the BSD

(Rangel & Keller, 2011), or self-made scales. The coding indicated that not enough

experiments (i.e., m < 3) had used the WiF, BGD, and BSD to draw reliable conclusions.

Furthermore, the self-made scales did not form an internally coherent cluster. Therefore, we

restricted the scales analysis to the FWI and FAD/FAD-Plus.

For the FWI and FAD/FAD-Plus, we also coded not only the free will and

determinism subscales but also all other subscales to investigate whether the influence of free

will belief manipulations is specific to belief in free will and belief in determinism or also

extends to other, related beliefs. More specifically, we coded the dualism subscale of the FWI

and the fatalistic determinism and unpredictability subscales of the FAD/FAD-Plus.

Type of Manipulation. To compare different types of manipulations, we coded

whether a text, statements, combination of text and statements, or a video was used to

manipulate belief in free will.

Participant Involvement. To test whether the effect of the manipulation depends on

how deeply participant had to process the stimulus material, we coded participant

involvement. For some studies, participants were asked to attend the provided information

carefully so they could summarize it at the end of the experiment. In other studies,

participants had to process the provided information directly after the manipulation by writing

an essay or rewriting the provided messages. Yet in other studies, participants merely

attended the provided information and did not have to reproduce any information. For

participant involvement, we coded whether participants (1) had to summarize or rewrite the

provided information directly after the manipulation, (2) had to summarize or rewrite the

information at the end of the experiment, or (3) simply had to attend the provided

information, such as by merely reading a text or watching a video.

Baseline Condition. To test whether beliefs in free will and determinism can also be

increased, in addition to decreased, we coded whether the baseline condition consisted of

neutral messages or pro-free will messages.

Measurement Moment. To investigate how long-lasting the free will belief

manipulations are, we coded whether belief in free will or determinism was assessed directly

after the manipulation or after the primary dependent variable was assessed.

Secondary Moderators. We also coded several secondary moderators, namely age,

sex, continent, test location, and sample type. Age was coded as the mean age of participants

in the sample. Sex was coded as the proportion of female participants. Continent refers to

whether the sample was collected in the US or on US-based platforms such as MTurk versus

in Europe or on Europe-based platforms such as Prolific (not enough experiments were

conducted on other continents to draw reliable conclusions). Test location refers to whether

the experiment was conducted in the laboratory or online. Finally, sample type refers to

whether the participants were students or panel participants (e.g., MTurk or Prolific).

Research Question 2: Do Free Will Belief Manipulations Have Downstream


In a first step, the first author coded all studies measuring downstream consequences

of manipulating belief in free will. The following variables were coded: the dependent

variable, whether the study included a manipulation check, whether the manipulation check

was significant, and whether the experiment was published. A manipulation check was

considered significant when at least one of the measured beliefs (i.e., free will or

determinism) reached a p-value of p < .05. In a second step, the second author checked the

first author’s coding for errors. Disagreements and inconsistencies that arose during coding

were resolved through discussion between both authors. The pooling of dependent variables

into the clusters described below was done through mutual discussion.

P-Curve. Rather than estimating a population effect size, p-curve investigates whether

there is at least one effect in a set of significant effects that is not zero, by testing if the p-

values corresponding to these effects follow a flat or skewed distribution (Simonsohn et al.,

2014). The p-curve analysis assessing the overall evidence for downstream consequences of

free will manipulations included 35 studies with a total of 49 experiments (see OSF;

https://bit.ly/2L69prl). 39 of these experiments were published in academic journals or books.

The remaining experiments were unpublished datasets. P-values used in the p-curve analysis

were coded according to the guidelines laid out in Simonsohn et al. (2014). If a study reported

multiple relevant tests, we coded only the first test. We also report robustness analyses

checking (1) whether the results changed when we used the second instead of the first test and

(2) whether significant effects still remained after removing the most significant test

(Simonsohn et al., 2015). Note that for this latter robustness analysis, we determined the p-

value using a simulated null distribution to account for the fact that removing the lowest p-

value affects the distribution of the test statistic.

Anti-Social Behavior Meta-Analysis. Upon reviewing the literature on downstream

consequences, one clear set of variables arose—namely anti-social versus pro-social behavior.

Hence, we pooled together the 15 studies (m = 21) in this set and subjected them to a meta-

analysis testing whether manipulating belief in free will influences social behavior. The pro-

social dependent variables were helping and positive attitudes towards minorities. The anti-

social dependent variables were immoral behavior, cheating, prejudice, malicious envy, and

victim blaming. Studies measuring pro-social behavior or pro-social attitudes were reverse


Conformity, Punishment, and Cheating Meta-Analyses. Three dependent variables

were measured in at least five experiments: cheating (n = 5; m = 8), conformity (n = 4, m = 6),

and punishment (n = 3; m = 9).

Meta-Analytic Procedures

Robust Variance Estimation

Analyses were performed in R (v3.5.1) using the metafor (Viechtbauer, 2010) and

robumeta (Fisher & Tipton, 2015) packages. The data were analyzed using random effects

models because we considered heterogeneity to be likely and because random effects models

converge on fixed effects models in the absence of heterogeneity (Field & Gillett, 2010). A

critical assumption of such random effects models is that the included effect sizes are

statistically independent (Lipsey & Wilson, 2001) and violating this assumption is known to

inflate the false-positive rate (Tanner-Smith et al., 2016). In the current meta-analysis,

however, many studies measured multiple dependent variables or included multiple baseline

conditions and therefore yielded more than one relevant effect size. As a result, the included

effect sizes were not independent. To control for this dependency, we decided to empirically

estimate standard errors that do not assume independent effect sizes using robust variance

estimation (RVE; Fisher & Tipton, 2015; Hedges et al., 2010; Tanner-Smith et al., 2016;

Tanner-Smith & Tipton, 2014).

In meta-analyses, effect sizes are typically weighted by their standard error. Within the

RVE framework, two ways to calculate such weights have been proposed: hierarchical effects

weights and correlated effects weights. The former is most appropriate when dependency

originates mainly from effect sizes being nested in larger units (e.g., research groups),

whereas the latter is more appropriate when dependency originates mostly from a single study

providing multiple effect sizes. While RVE provides asymptotically unbiased standard errors

regardless of how the weights are calculated, the choice of weights does influence statistical

efficiency (Hedges et al., 2010). As we expected dependency to arise mainly from studies

providing multiple effect sizes, we used correlated effects weights (Fisher & Tipton, 2015).

These weights are inverse variance weights, where the denominator of the weight assigned to

each effect size in an experiment is determined by the average variance in the experiment

multiplied by the number of effect sizes provided by that experiment. Importantly, this

ensures that the total weight of each experiment does not depend on the number of effect sizes

it provides (e.g., Cracco et al., 2018). Of note, to estimate variability, a parameter ρ

representing the correlation among the effect sizes has to be specified (Fisher & Tipton,

2015). This parameter is assumed to be the same for all experiments and typically has a

negligible influence on the results. In the current meta-analysis, we used the default value of

the robumeta package (i.e., ρ = 0.80), but also report sensitivity analyses where we vary this


Importantly, one problem with RVE is that it has an inflated false positive rate when

the number of studies is moderate to small or when skewed or unbalanced moderators are

included (Tipton, 2015; Tipton & Pustejovsky, 2015). As a solution, small-sample corrections

(i.e., small number of studies within a meta-analysis) have been proposed for both t tests

(Tipton, 2015) and F tests (Tipton & Pustejovsky, 2015). As it is difficult to know when these

corrections should be implemented and when they should not, it has been recommended to

implement them for all RVE analyses, regardless of the meta-analytical sample size (Tipton,

2015). In the current meta-analysis, we follow this recommendation. Importantly, corrections

to the t test are only valid when df ≥ 4 (Tipton, 2015). As a result, we only report t tests with

more than 4 degrees of freedom. In addition, for continuous moderators (e.g., age), we

removed outlier values exceeding the weighted mean by more than 3 SDs because such

outliers strongly reduce the available degrees of freedom and hence statistical power (Tanner-

Smith et al., 2016). Weighted means were calculated by dividing a weight of 1 equally among

the different values provided by the same experiment.

Effect Size Estimation


All included studies used a between-subjects design to test the effect of the

manipulation. Hedge’s g was used as a measure of effect size. Effects were coded so that

positive effect sizes corresponded to stronger beliefs in free will/determinism (research

question 1) and larger values on the outcome measures (research question 2) in the anti-free

will condition than in the reference condition. Hedge’s g was calculated by first calculating

Cohen’s d and then correcting these values using the escalc function of the metafor package

in R (Viechtbauer, 2010). When means and standard deviations were reported, Cohen’s d was

calculated as:

%&'() * %,-.
"# = 6 6
/ &'()
12345&'() 78',-. 12945,-. (1)
'&'() 7',-. 16

With anti referring to the anti-free will condition and ref referring to the reference (i.e.,

baseline) condition. When standard errors were provided instead of standard deviations, these

were transformed to standard deviations and Cohen’s d was calculated using (1). When

insufficient information was reported to use (1), we instead calculated Cohen’s d from the t or

F-value as:

< < < <

"# = :;= += or √@ ;= += (2)
&'() ,-. &'() ,-.

When we could not retrieve sufficient information to calculate an effect size, we contacted the

corresponding author for the necessary information. Nevertheless, despite our efforts, we

could not calculate the effect size for all coded studies. Specifically, for the first research

question, we could not calculate any of the effect sizes for 4 experiments from 3 studies and

only part of the effect sizes for 3 experiments from 3 studies. For the second research

question, we were not able to code 5 experiments from 5 studies. Effects for which we could

not calculate an effect size were not included in the meta-analysis.


Outliers were defined as effect sizes exceeding the weighted mean effect size,

calculated as before, by more than 3 SDs. For the first research question, this procedure

identified 1 outlier for free will beliefs (g = -2.89) and 1 outlier for determinism beliefs (g =

4.00). These outliers were replaced by the effect size 3 SDs above the weighted mean effect

size for free will beliefs (g = -1.63) and determinism beliefs (g = 2.09). There were no outliers

for the second research question. In addition to replacing outliers, we also tested the influence

of each individual effect size on the average effect size using a leave-one-out cross-validation

procedure. This indicated that leaving out individual effect sizes did not strongly influence the

average effect size and mostly influenced it similarly in both directions for both the first (free

will beliefs: Δgmin = -0.01, Δgmax = 0.01; determinism beliefs: Δgmin = -0.02, Δgmax = 0.01)

and the second research question (anti-social behavior: Δgmin = -0.03, Δgmax = 0.04; cheating:

Δgmin = -0.11, Δgmax = 0.12; conformity: Δgmin = -0.04, Δgmax = 0.11; punishment: Δgmin = -

0.05, Δgmax = 0.05).

Moderator Correlations

To control for confounded moderators (Field & Gillett, 2010; Lipsey & Wilson, 2001),

we computed the weighted associations, calculated as before, between the different

moderators included in the analysis of the first research question with r for continuous–

continuous and continuous–dichotomous pairs, with multiple R for continuous–polytomous

pairs, and with Cramér’s V for dichotomous–dichotomous, dichotomous–polytomous, and

polytomous–polytomous pairs (Cracco et al., 2018). For all these measures, 0 means no

relationship and 1 means a perfect relationship. When two moderators correlated > 0.50, we

tested whether the moderator effects (if any) remained after controlling for the confounded

moderator. When the contingency table of two confounded moderators did not contain empty

cells, we controlled for their confounding influences by including both moderators in the

same meta-regression model. Using sum coding, this allowed us to test the average effect of

each moderator across the levels of the other moderator (for categorical moderators). When

the contingency table did contain empty cells, we controlled for confounding by restricting

the analysis of moderator A to the level of moderator B where the levels of moderator A were

most balanced, to maximize statistical power (Tipton, 2015; Tipton & Pustejovsky, 2015).

Table 2

Weighted Correlations Among Moderator Variables

Published Scale Type Involvement Moment Baseline Age Sex Continent Location Sample
Published 1.00 0.43 0.32 0.25 0.06 0.00 0.16 0.16 0.25 0.08 0.03
Scale 0.28* 1.00 0.40 0.31 0.52* 0.15 0.27 0.38 0.29 0.28 0.26
Type 0.20 0.36*** 1.00 0.59*** 0.55** 0.75*** 0.23 0.27 0.51*** 0.10 0.27
Involvement 0.19 0.37*** 0.42*** 1.00 0.39* 0.69*** 0.14 0.25 0.50** 0.21 0.36*
Moment 0.08 0.42*** 0.42*** 0.43*** 1.00 0.01 0.11 0.04 0.38** 0.06 0.05
Baseline 0.13 0.25 0.66*** 0.59*** 0.18 1.00 0.05 0.20 0.24 0.07 0.09
Age 0.04 0.30 0.34* 0.10 0.17 0.01 1.00 0.42** 0.25 0.84*** 0.75***
Sex 0.09 0.18 0.39** 0.23 0.10 0.08 0.55*** 1.00 0.36** 0.43** 0.66***
Continent 0.26** 0.21 0.29* 0.26* 0.02 0.11 0.24* 0.43*** 1.00 0.42** 0.69***
Location 0.02 0.19 0.18 0.18 0.08 0.07 0.82*** 0.44*** 0.42*** 1.00 0.86***
Sample 0.15 0.23 0.33* 0.45*** 0.05 0.13 0.81*** 0.63*** 0.50*** 0.72*** 1.00
Note. The lower half of the matrix shows correlations for free will beliefs and the upper half of the matrix shows correlations for determinism
beliefs. Relations between continuous–continuous variables and between continuous–dichotomous variables were assessed with Pearson’s r.
Relations between continuous–polytomous variables were assessed with multiple R. Relations between dichotomous–dichotomous, dichotomous–
polytomous, and polytomous–polytomous variables were assessed with Cramér’s V. Correlations > 0.50 are indicated in bold font. These
correlations were controlled for whenever one of the two involved moderators produced a significant effect. * p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001.

Publication Bias

For both research questions, we tested for publication bias and other small study

effects using a hierarchical Egger’s regression test (Sterne & Egger, 2005). More specifically,

we ran an RVE meta-regression predicting effect sizes from their standard error (Rodgers &

Pustejovsky, 2020). Publication bias leads to a positive relationship between effect sizes and

standard errors because only large effect sizes are statistically significant in studies with a

large standard error (small N). To correct for potential publication bias, we used the PET-

PEESE approach (Stanley & Doucouliagos, 2014) because unlike other popular approaches,

such as three-parameter selection models (3PSM), it is easily implemented within the RVE

framework (Rodgers & Pustejovsky, 2020). Moreover, simulation studies have shown that

PET-PEESE performs reasonably well under most circumstances (Carter et al., 2019). In

PET-PEESE, a bias-corrected effect is calculated by taking the intercept of two RVE meta-

regressions that respectively regress the effect sizes onto their standard error (PET) and

variance (PEESE). PET and PEESE have complementary strengths and weaknesses: whereas

PET tends to be overly conservative when there is a true effect, PEESE tends to be overly

liberal when there is no true effect (Stanley & Doucouliagos, 2014). Therefore, we report both

measures, as has recently been recommended (Carter et al., 2019). Importantly, in some cases,

PET and PEESE overcorrect effect sizes, reversing their sign. Because these overcorrections

are not meaningful (Carter et al., 2019), we report the corrected effect size as 0 when this

occurs. Finally, in addition to using bias correction methods, we also compared published

with unpublished studies and tested if the effects remained significant when only unpublished

studies were considered.

Sensitivity Analyses

To explore the robustness of our main results, we conducted four sensitivity analyses

investigating how variations to our analysis procedure influenced (1) the effect size of the

manipulation and (2) the estimated publication bias. First, we repeated the analyses while

varying the ρ parameter of the RVE models from 0 to 1 in steps of 0.2. Second, we repeated

the analyses after computing effect sizes preferentially from the reported statistics instead of

from the means and standard deviations, as sometimes studies reported both. Although these

two types of information should in principle lead to the same effect size, this is not always the

case. Therefore, we decided to test how changing the type of data used to calculate the effect

sizes influenced the results. Third, we repeated the analyses without replacing outlier values.

Finally, we used a multilevel meta-analytical approach (Cheung, 2014) instead of RVE, to

test whether different methods of dealing with dependent effect sizes yielded similar effect

sizes. A sensitivity analysis was considered to produce results identical to the main analysis as

long as the difference between the corresponding estimates was ≤ 0.01.


Research Question 1: Can the Belief in Free Will Be Manipulated?

Effect on Belief in Free Will and Belief in Determinism

We first tested the overall effectiveness of the manipulation for both free will and

determinism beliefs. This indicated that exposing participants to anti-free will manipulations

decreased belief in free will (g = -0.29, t(111) = -8.74, p < .001, 95% CI = [-0.35, -0.22], m =

119, k = 148), and increased belief in determinism (g = 0.17, t(46.5) = 4.33, p < .001, 95% CI

= [0.09, 0.24], m = 53, k = 61). Next, we compared the influence of the manipulation on these

two beliefs by reverse-coding the determinism belief effect sizes and comparing them with

the free will belief effect sizes. This revealed a borderline non-significant difference, with the

manipulation having a slightly stronger effect on free will beliefs than on determinism beliefs

(t(66) = -1.87, p = .066, m = 124, k = 209). Finally, we looked at the I² coefficients, which

indicated that a substantial portion of the variance for both belief in free will (I² = 79%), and

belief in determinism (I² = 67%), was due to heterogeneity in the effect sizes2. In sum, these

Note that RVE uses a simplistic method to estimate I² and that this should therefore be seen as a rough
indicator of heterogeneity rather than as a precise estimate (Tanner-Smith et al., 2016).

analyses indicate that anti-free will manipulations reduce the belief in free will and increase

the belief in determinism.

Publication Bias and Small-Study Effects

A visual inspection of the funnel plots (see Figure 2) revealed a largely symmetrical

effect size distribution for both free will and determinism beliefs. In line with this visual

inspection, a hierarchical Egger test found no relationship between the standard error and the

effect size for either free will (t(41.3) = 0.58, p = .565) or determinism beliefs (t(19.4) = 0.76,

p = .457). Importantly, however, this does not necessarily mean that there is no publication

bias in the literature. Indeed, our analysis included a large number of unpublished studies both

for the free will (m = 93, k = 116) and for the determinism analysis (m = 39, k = 44),

potentially masking the presence of publication bias. In support of this hypothesis, an analysis

including publication status as a moderator showed that the effect of the manipulation was

larger in published than in unpublished studies for both belief in free will (t(36.8) = -3.43, p =

.002; see Table 3), and belief in determinism (t(18.9) = 2.14, p = 0.046; see Table 4).

Importantly, however, the effect size of both free will beliefs (t(86.4) = -6.58, p < .001), and

determinism beliefs (t(34.6) = 2.73, p = .010), remained significant even when only

unpublished studies were included in the analysis. Similarly, correcting the free will belief

effect size with PET (gz = -0.33, p < .001) or PEESE (gz = -0.31, p < .001) revealed that the

effect size was still significant. Correcting the determinism belief effect size with PET made

the effect disappear (gz = 0.06, p = .617), but correcting it with PEESE did reveal a significant

effect (gz = 0.13, p = .040).

Taken together, we find evidence for publication bias, but also find that publication

bias is unlikely to explain the effect of the manipulation on free will beliefs. Although the

effect on determinism beliefs disappeared after applying PET correction, it was still

significant after applying PEESE correction, and an analysis including only unpublished

studies likewise revealed a significant determinism effect. Given that PET is known to be

overly conservative when there is a true effect (Stanley & Doucouliagos, 2014), the combined

evidence suggests that not just belief in free will but also belief in determinism is affected by

the manipulation, even after accounting for publication bias.

Figure 2
Funnel Plots for Belief in Free Will (Left) and Belief in Determinism (Right)

Note. Effect sizes from the same study are plotted in the same color with the same symbol.

Primary Moderators

Scales. We first investigated if the effectiveness of the manipulation depends on

whether free-will and determinism were measured using the FWI scale or using the FAD

scale. This revealed no significant difference between both scales for free-will beliefs (t(74.9)

= 1.53, p = 0.130; see Table 3), but a stronger effect when belief in determinism was

measured with the FAD than with the FWI (t(21.8) = 2.29, p = 0.031; see Table 4). However,

scale correlated highly with measurement moment for determinism beliefs (see Table 2). In

particular, studies that used the FWI tended to measure beliefs at the end of the experiment

rather than right after the manipulation, whereas studies using the FAD were more balanced

with respect to measurement moment. To control for this confound, we fitted a model

including both scale and measurement moment. This revealed that the difference between the

FWI and FAD for determinism beliefs was no longer significant (t(15.8) = 1.43, p = .172),

when measurement moment was controlled, even though the numerical pattern went in the

same direction as before.

Next, we investigated whether free will manipulations also influenced the other

subscales of the FWI and FAD. The FWI analysis indicated that the manipulation influenced

not only belief in free will (t(25.9) = -3.73, p < 0.001), and belief in determinism (t(26.9) =

2.27, p = 0.031), but also belief in dualism (t(25.8) = -6.56, p < 0.001). More specifically, it

indicated that belief in free will and belief in dualism decreased, whereas belief in

determinism increased following anti-free will manipulations. A direct comparison of the size

of these three effects revealed a significant main effect of subscale (F(2, 31.6) = 4.43, p =

.020), with significantly larger effect sizes for dualism than for determinism (t(27.7) = 2.87, p

= .008), but no significant difference between free will and determinism (t(34.4) = 1.86, p =

0.072), or between free will and dualism (t(33.9) = 0.57, p = 0.571; see Table 5).

The FAD analysis likewise showed that the manipulation changed not only belief in

free will (t(33) = -2.88, p = 0.007), and belief in scientific determinism (t(7.8) = 5.26, p <

0.001), but also belief in fatalistic determinism (t(5.3) = 3.10, p = 0.025). More specifically,

belief in free will decreased and belief in scientific and fatalistic determinism increased

following anti-free will manipulations. No effect was found on belief in unpredictability

(t(8.3) = 0.67, p = 0.522). Comparing the effectiveness of the manipulation across subscales

again revealed a significant main effect (F(3, 9.8) = 6.51, p = .011). Post-hoc tests showed

that the effect on scientific determinism was stronger than on all other subscales (all ps ≤

.007), and that the effect on unpredictability was significantly weaker than the effect on the

other subscales (all ps ≤ .045; see Table 5).

In sum, the analysis comparing the different scales indicated that anti-free will

manipulations have similar effects irrespective of whether belief in free will and belief in

determinism are measured with the FWI or with the FAD. Interestingly, the results also

showed that the effects of the manipulation are not specific to belief in free will and belief in

scientific determinism, but also extend to belief in dualism and belief in fatalistic

determinism, albeit not to belief in unpredictability.

Type of Manipulation. We first compared the effectiveness of the different

manipulations (i.e., text, statements, text and statements combined, or video). This revealed a

significant effect of manipulation type on free will beliefs (F(3, 26.3) = 6.70, p = .002; see

Table 3), but not on determinism beliefs (F(2, 15.7) = 1.83, p = .193; see Table 4).

A further analysis of the free will belief effect showed that manipulations combining a

text with statements were more effective than manipulations only presenting statements

(t(11.4) = -3.26, p = 0.007), only presenting a text (t(9.5) = -4.17, p = 0.002), or only showing

a video (t(14.6) = -2.14, p = 0.050). None of the other conditions differed significantly from

each other (all ps ≥ .057; see Table 3). Next, we also compared the effectiveness of the Crick

text, which has been used most often in the literature, with the effectiveness of other texts that

have been used. This revealed no difference for free will beliefs (t(13.2) = -0.71, p = 0.493;

see Table 3). The determinism analysis did not have enough degrees of freedom (i.e., df =

2.15) to interpret.

Importantly, however, manipulation type correlated strongly with baseline condition

for free will beliefs (see Table 3). In particular, a closer look at the coding revealed that

studies combining a text with statements and studies using videos always had a pro-free will

baseline. Therefore, to test if this could explain the effect of manipulation type, we did a

control analysis restricting the analysis to those studies using a pro-free will baseline. While

this changed the main effect of manipulation type from significant to marginally significant

(F(3, 21.9) = 2.86, p = .060), it did not substantially change the pattern of results. In

particular, manipulations combining a text with statements were still significantly more

effective than manipulations only using statements (p = 0.016), and manipulations only using

a text (p = 0.016), and were marginally more effective than manipulations using a video (p =


Taken together, attempts to manipulate beliefs in free will are most effective when

combining texts arguing against free will with statements that help strengthen the message.

They are more effective than only using statements, texts, or videos.

Participant Involvement. For participant involvement, there was a significant main

effect on free will beliefs (F(2, 69.5) = 10.9, p < .001; Table 3), but not on determinism

beliefs (F(2, 29.3) = 0.61, p = .549; see Table 4). A further analysis of the free will effect

showed that the manipulation was more effective when participants had to report on the

content of the manipulation immediately after the manipulation compared with when they had

to report on the content at the end of the experiment (t(63.8) = -4.67, p < 0.001), or not at all,

(t(61.9) = -2.79, p = .007). The latter two conditions, however, did not differ, (t(58.5) = 1.19,

p = .240). Importantly, like manipulation type, participant involvement also correlated highly

with baseline condition for free will beliefs. Visual inspection showed that most studies

requiring participants to report on the content of the manipulation immediately after the

manipulation also used a pro-free will baseline, whereas other studies tended to use a neutral

baseline. To control for this confound, we fitted a model including both participant

involvement and baseline condition, which revealed that participant involvement remained

significant (F(2, 50) = 4.71, p = .013).

In conclusion, anti-free will manipulations have the strongest effects when

experimental procedures are rehearsed or verified directly after the manipulation, suggesting

that participant involvement increases its effectiveness.

Measurement Moment. For measurement moment, anti-free will manipulations had a

larger influence on free will beliefs (t(92.3) = -2.32, p = .022; see Table 3) when the belief

was assessed before compared with after the primary dependent variable was measured

(i.e.,downstream consequences). The same statistical test was not significant for determinism

beliefs (t(33.2) = 0.95, p = .349; see Table 4).

In sum, anti-free will manipulations have the strongest effects when free will beliefs

are measured directly after the experimental manipulation instead of at the end of the study.

This suggests the effects of the manipulation fade over the course of the experimental session.

Baseline Condition. Anti-free will manipulations had a larger effect on free will

beliefs when the baseline was a pro-free will condition than when it was a neutral condition,

(t(106.7) = -4.11, p < .001; Table 3). A similar effect was also apparent for determinism

beliefs, but did not reach statistical significance (t(25) = 1.05, p = .304; see Table 4). As

discussed above, however, baseline condition correlated highly with manipulation type and

manipulation task. Since there were no studies in some cells of the baseline condition x

manipulation type cross-table, we decided to control for manipulation type by looking at the

effect of baseline condition for the manipulation type where baseline condition was most

balanced (i.e., statements) to optimize power (Tanner-Smith et al., 2016). This revealed that

even when restricting the analysis to those studies using statements, anti-free will messages

were more effective when the baseline condition was a pro-free will condition than when it

was a neutral condition (p = .032). To control for participant involvement, we fitted a model

including both baseline condition and participant involvement, which did not change the

results (p = .024).

Taken together, comparing anti-free will messages with pro-free will messages results

in larger effect sizes than comparing anti-free will messages with neutral messages. This

suggests that belief in free will cannot only be reduced but can also be increased by

experimental manipulations.

Secondary Moderators

Age. The mean age of the sample did not influence the effectiveness of the

manipulation for either free will beliefs (t(28.2) = 0.27, p = .793; see Table 3), or determinism

beliefs (t(19.1) = 0.21, p = .838; see Table 4).

Sex. The proportion of female participants in the sample did not influence the effect of

the manipulation on either free will beliefs (t(31.5) = 0.53, p = .598; see Table 3), or

determinism beliefs (t(17.3) = -0.14, p = .893; see Table 4).

Continent. The manipulation had a stronger effect on samples collected in the US or

on US-based platforms (e.g., MTurk) than on samples collected in Europe or on Europe-based

platforms (e.g., Prolific) for free will beliefs (t(101) = -2.50, p = .014; see Table 3), but not for

determinism beliefs (t(45.2) = 0.99, p = .329; see Table 4).

Test Location. Whether the experiment was conducted in the lab or online did not

influence the effect of the manipulation on either free will beliefs (t(77.2) = 0.45, p = .655;

see Table 3), or determinism beliefs (t(42.6) = -0.55, p = .586; see Table 4).

Sample Type. The effectiveness of the manipulation did not differ between student

samples and samples collected via online platforms for either free will beliefs (t(62.6) = 0.81,

p = .422; see Table 3), or determinism beliefs (t(28.7) = 0.62, p = .543; see Table 4).

Sensitivity Analyses

To test the robustness of our main results, we ran four sensitivity analyses

investigating how changing the analysis procedure influenced (1) the effect size of the

manipulation and (2) the evidence for publication bias. First, we varied the ρ parameter

between 0.1 and 1.0 in steps of 0.2. This resulted in identical effect sizes for both free will

beliefs and determinism beliefs. Second, we calculated effect sizes preferentially from the test

statistics instead of from the means and standard deviations. This again resulted in identical

estimates for both free will beliefs and determinism beliefs. Third, we repeated the analysis

without replacing outlier values. This led to slightly larger effect sizes for determinism beliefs

(gz = 0.19) but identical effect sizes for free will beliefs. Finally, we conducted a multilevel

meta-analysis instead of using RVE. This resulted in identical effect sizes for both free will

beliefs and determinism beliefs. Thus, none of the four changes to our analysis procedure had

a notable influence on the manipulation’s effect size. Similarly, the same four changes also

did not have a notable influence on the publication bias results, except that the PEESE-

corrected effect size for determinism beliefs was no longer significant when outliers were not

replaced (gz = 0.12, p = .201). For a full overview of the results of the different sensitivity

analyses, see OSF: https://bit.ly/2L69prl.

Summary of the Effectiveness of Free Will Belief Manipulations

In sum, our analyses indicate that anti-free will manipulations are able to successfully

influence belief in free will and related beliefs. The strongest effects occur when anti-free will

texts (e.g., the Crick text) are paired with anti-free will statements. Manipulation effects are

strongest when measured directly after the manipulation, and group differences are largest

when the anti-free will condition is compared to a pro-free will condition. However, we found

no moderation by the demographics investigated here.


Table 3

Free Will Moderator Statistics

Moderator g/β SE 95% CI m k F/t (df) p

Publication Status 3.43 (36.8) .002
Unpublished -0.23a 0.04 [-0.30, -0.16] 93 116
Published -0.51b 0.07 [-0.66, -0.36] 26 32
Questionnaire 1.53 (74.9) .130
FWI -0.23a 0.04 [-0.31, -0.14] 39 40
FAD -0.13a 0.04 [-0.22, -0.05] 46 59
Manipulation Type 6.70 (3, 26.3) .002
Text -0.18a 0.03 [-0.24, -0.12] 58 63
Statements -0.29a 0.06 [-0.41, -0.17] 35 54
Text and Statements -0.79b 0.14 [-1.12, -0.45] 8 9
Video -0.41a 0.11 [-0.64, -0.17] 12 12
Text Type 0.71 (13.2) .493
Crick -0.17a 0.03 [-0.23, -0.11] 48 51
Other -0.22a 0.06 [-0.35, -0.08] 10 12
Involvement 10.90 (2, 69.5) <.001
None -0.22a 0.06 [-0.34, -0.10] 33 43
Report Before -0.46b 0.06 [-0.59, -0.34] 44 53
Report After -0.14a 0.03 [-0.20, -0.09] 32 39
Measurement Moment 2.32 (92.3) .022
Before -0.38a 0.07 [-0.52, -0.25] 51 68
After -0.21b 0.03 [-0.27, -0.15] 49 58
Baseline 4.11 (106.7) <.001
Control -0.18a 0.03 [-0.23, -0.12] 72 80
Pro-Free Will -0.42b 0.06 [-0.53, -0.31] 64 67
Age 0.04 0.14 [-0.25, 0.32] 64 80 0.27 (28.2) .793
Sex (% Female) 0.09 0.16 [-0.24, 0.42] 66 82 0.53 (31.5) .598
Continent 2.50 (101.0) .014
Europe -0.19a 0.05 [-0.29, -0.09] 54 62
USA -0.36b 0.05 [-0.45, -0.27] 62 83
Test Location 0.45 (77.2) 0.655
Lab -0.29a 0.05 [-0.40, -0.18] 42 49
Online -0.26a 0.05 [-0.36, -0.15] 57 69
Sample 0.81 (62.6) 0.422
Students -0.30a 0.05 [-0.39, -0.21] 50 63
Panel -0.37a 0.08 [-0.53, -0.21] 29 32
Note. Different subscripts indicate p < .05. g/β = Hedge’s g/beta coefficient; SE = standard
error; 95% CI = 95% confidence interval; m = number of experiments; k = number of effect
sizes. All statistical tests are unsigned.

Table 4

Determinism Moderator Statistics

Moderator g/β SE 95% CI m k F/t (df) p

Publication Status 2.14 (18.9) .046
Unpublished 0.12a 0.05 [0.03, 0.21] 39 44
Published 0.30b 0.07 [0.15, 0.44] 14 17
Questionnaire 2.29 (21.8) .032
FWI 0.11a 0.04 [0.02, 0.19] 30 31
FAD 0.30b 0.07 [0.14, 0.47] 16 18
Manipulation Type 1.83 (2, 15.7) .193
Text 0.09a 0.04 [0.02, 0.17] 30 32
Statements 0.26a 0.08 [0.08, 0.43] 15 20
Video 0.26a 0.15 [-0.12, 0.64] 7 7
Involvement 0.61 (2, 29.3) .549
None 0.23a 0.07 [0.08, 0.37] 16 19
Report Before 0.18a 0.11 [-0.05, 0.41] 14 17
Report After 0.14a 0.04 [0.06, 0.22] 21 22
Measurement Moment 0.95 (33.2) .349
Before 0.22a 0.08 [0.05, 0.39] 18 22
After 0.13a 0.05 [0.03, 0.23] 28 29
Baseline 1.05 (25.0) .304
Control 0.13a 0.03 [0.06, 0.20] 40 43
Pro-Free Will 0.25a 0.10 [0.02, 0.47] 18 18
Age 0.03 0.13 [-0.25, 0.30] 42 49 0.21 (19.1) .838
Sex (% Female) -0.03 0.19 [-0.43, 0.38] 45 52 0.14 (17.3) .893
Continent 0.99 (45.2) .329
Europe 0.13a 0.06 [0.01, 0.25] 30 35
USA 0.21a 0.05 [0.10, 0.31] 23 26
Test Location 0.55 (42.6) .586
Lab 0.19a 0.06 [0.07, 0.32] 27 33
Online 0.15a 0.05 [0.04, 0.26] 22 23
Sample 0.62 (28.7) .543
Students 0.19a 0.06 [0.07, 0.31] 31 37
Panel 0.15a 0.05 [0.03, 0.26] 14 15
Note. Different subscripts indicate p < .05. g/β = Hedge’s g/beta coefficient; SE = standard
error; 95% CI = 95% confidence interval; m = number of experiments; k = number of effect
sizes. All statistical tests are unsigned.

Table 5

FWI and FAD Statistics

Moderator g/β SE 95% CI m k F/t (df) p

FWI 4.43 (2, 31.6) .020
Free Will 0.25a,b 0.07 [0.11, 0.38] 39 40
Determinism 0.11a 0.05 [0.01, 0.21] 30 31
Dualism 0.29b 0.05 [0.20, 0.39] 28 29
FAD 6.52 (3, 9.8) .011
Free Will 0.12a 0.04 [0.04, 0.21] 46 59
Scientific Determinism 0.40b 0.08 [0.22, 0.57] 16 18
Fatalistic Determinism 0.13a 0.04 [0.02, 0.23] 13 14
Unpredictability -0.03c 0.05 [-0.13, 0.07] 12 13
Note. Different subscripts indicate p < .05. g/β = Hedge’s g/beta coefficient; SE = standard
error; 95% CI = 95% confidence interval; m = number of experiments; k = number of effect
sizes. Effect sizes are coded such that larger effects in the expected direction lead to more
positive effect sizes. All statistical tests are unsigned.

Research Question 2: Do Free Will Belief Manipulations Have Downstream


P-Curve Analysis

A p-curve is considered to contain evidential value if the null-hypothesis that a zero

true effect size underlies all effect sizes can be rejected. This null-hypothesis can be rejected

if the half p-curve, considering only p-values < .025, is significantly right skewed at p < .05,

or if the full p-curve, considering all p-values < .05, and half p-curve are both right-skewed at

p < .10. Similarly, a p-curve is considered to signal the absence of evidential value if the half

p-curve is significantly flatter than the curve expected with 33% power at p < .05 or if both

the full and half p-curve are flatter than 33% power at p < .10 (Simonsohn et al., 2015).

A first p-curve analysis with 49 experiments testing the influence of anti-free will

manipulations on behavior, attitudes, and cognition revealed that both the full (zfull = -3.54,

pfull < .001), and half p-curve (zhalf = -1.38, phalf = .084), had a p-value < .10, and hence that

the set of studies contained evidential value. However, a visual inspection of the p-curve

revealed that it was almost entirely flat (see Figure 3). Although the flatness test did not find

evidence for the absence of evidential value (zhalf = 5.86, phalf > .999), a robustness check, as

recommended by Simonsohn et al. (2015), indicated that removing the single most significant

p-value across all included studies (i.e., Ching & Xu, 2018) was sufficient to render the test of

evidential value non-significant (zhalf = -0.70, phalf = .128). A second robustness check

indicated that evidential value was stronger (zfull = -4.57, pfull < .001, zhalf = -2.49, phalf = .006)

when the second rather than the first result was used from studies reporting multiple relevant

results, and this was still true even after removing the most significant test.

A potential explanation for why the main analysis did not find clear evidence for

downstream effects could be that some of the included studies were not able to confirm that

their manipulation changed participants’ belief in free will. That is, a study cannot be

expected to have downstream consequences if it did not successfully manipulate the belief in

free will in the first place. To test this hypothesis, we ran a second p-curve analysis including

only those studies with a statistically significant manipulation check (i.e., p < .05). Across 23

tests, this revealed no evidence for either the presence (zhalf = -1.09, phalf = .138) or absence

(zhalf = 3.66, phalf = .999) of evidential value (Figure 3). A robustness check using the second

instead of the first reported test in studies with multiple relevant tests indicated the presence

of evidential value (zfull = -1.87, pfull = .031, zhalf = -1.48, phalf = .069), but removing the single

most significant test was again sufficient to make this evidence disappear (zhalf = -0.71, phalf =


Taken together, the p-curve analysis finds only little evidence for the hypothesis that

manipulating belief in free will has downstream consequences on behavior, attitudes, and

cognition. That is, although some analyses provided weak evidence for downstream

consequences, this evidence disappeared in all but one case when the single lowest p-value

was excluded (Simonsohn et al., 2015). At the same time, there was also no conclusive

evidence for the absence of an effect. Hence, the p-curve found no clear evidence for, but also

not against, the hypothesis that free will belief manipulations have downstream consequences.

Figure 3

P-curve on the Entire Dataset (Left) and on the Studies with a Significant Manipulation
Check (Right)

Note. See the OSF folder (https://bit.ly/2L69prl) for the evidence tables.

Anti-Social Behavior

A random effects meta-analysis with robust variance estimation indicated an effect

size of g = 0.33 for the influence of anti-free will manipulations on anti-social behavior,

(t(21.1) = 3.10, p = .005, 95% CI = [0.11, 0.55], m = 23, k = 33)3. However, a visual

inspection of the forest plot (see Figure 4) suggested that this significant effect was mostly

driven by studies with smaller sample sizes, whereas studies with larger sample sizes tended

to report null results. This was confirmed by a hierarchical Egger test, indicating a significant

positive relationship between the effect size and the standard error (β = 3.01, t(12.8) = 3.52, p

= .004). In other words, while the meta-analysis suggested an effect of the manipulation on

anti-social behavior, additional analyses indicated that this effect may have been driven by

Note that after data collection had already been completed, Many Labs 5 was published, containing 5
replications of Vohs and Schooler’s (2008) Experiment 1 (Buttrick et al., 2020). While these 5 experiments are
not included in the meta-analysis, we did check whether adding them changed the results. For anti-social
behavior, the estimated effect size with these 5 experiments included was g = 0.29 (m = 28, k = 38, p = .004).
For cheating, it was g = 0.27 (m = 13, k = 14, p = .082). In both cases, a hierarchical Egger test found evidence
for small study bias (both p = .004) and both PET and PEESE indicated that the corrected effect size was g = 0.
In other words, the anti-social behavior and cheating meta-analyses yielded very similar results with and without
these 5 experiments.

small-study bias. Correcting the effect size for this bias using PET (g = 0.00) or PEESE (g =

0.00) resulted in substantially reduced and non-significant effect sizes. Likewise, even though

there was no significant difference between published (g = 0.50) and unpublished (g = 0.15)

studies (t(19.6) = 1.76, p = .095), the effect was descriptively larger for published studies and

was no longer significant if only unpublished studies were included in the analysis (t(8.6) =

1.16, p = .279). Taken together, this indicates that there is insufficient evidence that anti-free

will manipulations influence anti-social behavior.

However, including all studies in a meta-analysis of this sort may be problematic

because studies that did not change belief in free will (e.g., failed at the manipulation check)

could not hope to have downstream consequences on anti-social behavior. That said, a

moderator analysis comparing effect sizes in studies with a significant manipulation check (g

= 0.30, m = 10, k = 13) to effect sizes in studies with no manipulation check or a non-

significant manipulation check (g = 0.37, m = 13, k = 20) revealed no significant difference

(t(19.4) = -0.34, p = .736). If anything, the effect size was even numerically smaller in the set

of studies reporting a successful manipulation check, and this effect size was not significant

(t(8.7) = 2.11, p = .065, 95% CI = [-0.02, 0.61]).

In sum, the analysis showed that the effect of anti-free will manipulations on anti-

social behavior was no longer significant after controlling for publication and small sample

biases, which was true even when we only included studies that found a significant effect of

the manipulation on belief in free will. This indicates that there is insufficient evidence for the

idea that manipulating belief in free will influences anti-social behavior.


Figure 4

Forest Plot of the Effect of the Manipulation on Anti-Social Behavior.

Note. Pro-social effect sizes are reverse coded. Published studies are annotated with “+” and
unpublished studies with “-”. Nadelhoffer er al. (2019) and Genschow & Vehlow (2019) were
included in the meta-analysis as unpublished studies but were published later as Nadelhoffer
et al. (2020) and Genschow and Vehlow (2021) after data-analysis had already been

Cheating, Conformity, and Punishment

No effects of anti-free will manipulations were found on either cheating (g = 0.39,

t(6.8) = 1.81, p = .114, 95% CI = [-0.12, 0.91], m = 8, k = 9), conformity (g = 0.26, t(4.7) =

1.63, p = .168, 95% CI = [-0.16, 0.68], m = 6, k = 9), or punishment (g = -0.15, t(7.5) = -1.60,

p = .151, 95% CI = [-0.36, 0.07], m = 9, k = 9). In line with the anti-social behavior meta-

analysis, visual inspection of the forest plots (see Figures 5-7) indicated that studies with

smaller sample sizes tended to report significant effects, whereas studies with larger sample

sizes tended to report null effects. This was confirmed by a hierarchical Egger test, showing

significant relationships between the effect size and the standard error for all three dependent

variables (all p ≤ .014). Correcting the effect sizes for these small-study biases using PET (all

g = 0.00) or PEESE (all g = 0.00) eliminated all possible evidence. However, the Egger and

PET/PEESE results should be interpreted with care, as the limited dfs (all ≤ 4.1) likely led to

an inflated false positive rate (Tipton, 2015). Similarly, for cheating and conformity, there

were not enough studies to reliably test if the effect remained significant when including only

the unpublished studies (both df ≤ 3.9), but in both cases, effect sizes were numerically

smaller for unpublished (gcheating = 0.23, gconformity = 0.04) than for published studies (gcheating =

0.69, gconformity = 0.90). For punishment, effect sizes were also numerically smaller for

unpublished studies (g = -0.10) than for published studies (g = -0.23), but this difference did

not reach significance (t(6.1) = -0.61, p = .563).

Finally, we investigated if the effect was modulated by whether a significant

manipulation check was reported and if it was significant when including only those studies

reporting a significant manipulation check. However, for cheating and conformity, there were

insufficient studies to test either of these two hypotheses (all df ≤ 3.77). Although the cheating

effect size was descriptively larger for studies reporting a significant manipulation check (g =

0.94, m = 3, k = 4) than for studies not reporting a significant manipulation check (g = 0.02, m

= 5, k = 5), this difference should not be taken at face value, given the limited number of

studies and given that 3 of the 4 included effect sizes with a significant manipulation check

came from the same paper (i.e., Vohs & Schooler, 2008). The conformity effect size was

descriptively smaller for studies reporting a significant manipulation check (g = 0.10, m = 3, k

= 4) than for studies not reporting a significant manipulation check (g = 0.49, m = 3, k = 5).

For punishment, the difference between studies that did or did not report a significant

manipulation check was not significant (t(6.0) = 0.24, p = .821). There were not enough

studies to test if the effect remained significant when only including studies reporting a

significant manipulation check (df = 3.9). However, if anything, the effect was numerically

smaller in studies that reported a significant manipulation check (g = -0.13, m = 5, k = 5) than

in studies that did not report a significant manipulation check (g = -0.18, m = 4, k = 4).

In conclusion, after controlling for small-study biases, the effect sizes of free will

belief manipulations on cheating, conformity, and punishment became statistically

indistinguishable from zero.

Figure 5

Forest Plot of the Effect of the Manipulation on Cheating

Note. Published studies are annotated with “+” and unpublished studies with “-”. Nadelhoffer
er al. (2019) and Genschow & Vehlow (2019) were included in the meta-analysis as
unpublished studies but were published later as Nadelhoffer et al. (2020) and Genschow and
Vehlow (2021) after data-analysis had already been completed.

Figure 6

Forest Plot of the Effect of the Manipulation on Conformity

Note. Published studies are annotated with “+” and unpublished studies with “-”.

Figure 7

Forest Plot of the Effect of the Manipulation on Punishment

Note. Published studies are annotated with “+” and unpublished studies with “-”.

Sensitivity Analyses

To test the robustness of our main results, we used the same approach as for the first

research question. That is, for all four dependent measures, we investigated how changing the

analysis procedure influenced (1) the effect size of the manipulation and (2) the evidence for

publication bias. In contrast to the first research question, however, we now ran only three

instead of four sensitivity analyses, because there were no outlier values in the data of the

second research question.

First, we varied the ρ parameter from 0.1 to 1.0 in steps of 0.2. This led to identical

effect sizes for all four dependent measures. Second, we calculated effect sizes preferentially

from the test statistics instead of from the means and standard deviations. This led to a

slightly larger effect size for conformity (gz = 0.28, p = .138), but did not change the effect

sizes of the other dependent variables. Finally, we conducted a multilevel meta-analysis

instead of using RVE. This resulted in slightly higher effect sizes for anti-social behavior (gz

= 0.35, p = .004), cheating (gz = 0.43, p = .093), and conformity (gz = 0.33, p = .128), but did

not change the effect size for punishment. Thus, in line with the first research question,

varying the analysis strategy did not have a notable influence on the results. The same was

also true for the publication bias results, both in the sense that all sensitivity analyses

indicated evidence for such a bias and in the sense that correcting the bias made the effects

disappear regardless of the analysis approach. For a full overview of the sensitivity analysis

results, see OSF: https://bit.ly/2L69prl.


Past research has shown that reducing individuals’ belief in free will affects societally

relevant behaviors such as cheating (Vohs & Schooler, 2008) and other anti-social behaviors

(Baumeister et al., 2009; Zhao et al., 2014). These and similar results have been used by some

scholars as an argument that anti-free will and deterministic viewpoints should be kept away

from society, because they may change the way people interact with each other. However, a

number of studies reported difficulties in replicating some of the key results in the field

(Genschow et al., 2020; Giner-Sorolla et al., 2016; Monroe et al., 2017; Open Science

Collaboration, 2015; Schooler et al., 2014; Shariff & Vohs, 2014). While these failed

replications call into question the societal relevance of belief in free will, it is not yet clear

what caused them. In this article, we tested three possible explanations that may account for

the failed replications. First, it could be that the failed replications are false negatives. That is,

they were not able to detect an effect that is actually real. Second, it could be that the

manipulations commonly used in the literature do not alter individuals’ belief in free will and

thus have no impact on other behaviors. Third, it could be that free will belief manipulations

reduce belief in free will, but that this does not have any downstream consequences.

Our meta-analysis favors the third explanation. That is, we found that beliefs related to

free will can effectively be manipulated by commonly used experimental manipulations,

although the effects were rather small, with g = -0.29 for free will beliefs and g = 0.17 for

determinism beliefs. However, we did not find evidence for downstream consequences on

attitudes, behavior, or cognition. In the remainder of this article, we discuss the implications

of our results for the processes underlying free will belief manipulations, the potential reasons

for why these manipulations did not have downstream consequences, the societal implications

of the meta-analysis, possible steps for future research, and the limitations of the present


Processes Underlying Free Will Belief Manipulations

The analysis of our first research question on the effectiveness of free will belief

manipulations indicated that beliefs related to free will can be influenced by experimental

manipulations. Although we found evidence for publication bias, we also found that this

cannot explain the effect. To investigate the conditions under which these manipulations were

effective, we conducted several moderator analyses. The results of these analyses further the

understanding of free will belief manipulations manifold.

First, previous research indicated that most people believe that they have free will

(Baumeister et al., 2009; Nahmias et al., 2005). Based on this finding, it has been assumed

that free will beliefs can only be decreased (for an overview, see Ewusi-Boisvert & Racine,

2018). While this assumption has never been systematically investigated, the present meta-

analysis allowed us to test whether experimental manipulations can also increase the belief in

free will. The results demonstrate that belief in free will can be reduced as well as increased

by experimental means.

Second, the changes in the beliefs were relatively weak. An open question is whether

the conceptualization of free will underlying these manipulations influences the magnitude of

the effects. Indeed, definitions regarding free will are rather diverse and complex (Carey &

Paulhus, 2013) and may thus be impalpable for laypeople. If true, free will belief

manipulations relying on these definitions are unlikely to have a strong impact on laypeople’s

beliefs. To mitigate this problem, future research could investigate whether manipulations that

focus more specifically on laypeople’s concepts of free will produce stronger effects.

Third, from a methodological point of view, it is important to know which

manipulations are most effective to reliably alter belief in free will. By comparing all the

different manipulations used in previous research, our analysis suggests that an approach in

which participants have to both read a text and reproduce statements produces the largest


Fourth, an interesting and open question was how deeply participants have to process

the stimulus information for the manipulation to succeed. To answer this question, we

investigated whether the effectiveness of the manipulation depended on the degree to which

participants had to engage with the task (e.g., by summarizing or rewriting presented

messages). Manipulations worked best when participants had to summarize the stimulus

information directly after the manipulation. In other words, actively processing the provided

information (e.g., by summarizing it) increased the effects of the manipulation. This indicates

that participants’ involvement in the task strengthens the effect of free will belief

manipulations—a finding that is in line with previous research on the self-generation effect

(Slamecka & Graf, 1978) where self-generated information increases memory performance of

that information.

Fifth, past research left unanswered the question of how long the effects of free will

belief manipulations last. Measuring beliefs at the end of the experiment assumes the

manipulation lasts through the duration of the experiment; this is not necessarily the case,

however. For instance, it could also be that free will belief manipulations do not fully change

people’s beliefs but merely activate an anti-free will mindset for a brief moment. To test how

long-lasting the effects of free will belief manipulations are within the span of an experiment,

we investigated if the effect of the manipulation differed depending on whether beliefs were

measured immediately after the manipulation or at the end of the experiment (i.e., after

completing another task). At least for belief in free will, the effect reduced over time. While

the same was not true for belief in determinism, it is important to note that deterministic

beliefs were generally less influenced by moderators. This could mean that determinism

beliefs are more robust than beliefs in free will, but there are also several alternative

explanations. For example, the meta-analysis included fewer studies measuring belief in

determinism than belief in free will and the determinism moderator analyses may therefore

have had less statistical power to detect such effects (Hempel et al., 2013). Alternatively, it

could be that because belief in determinism was less influenced by the manipulation as such,

there was a floor effect, making it difficult to further reduce the effect of the manipulation.

Sixth, the meta-analysis yielded a borderline non-significant trend indicating that

belief in free will manipulations influenced beliefs in free will slightly more strongly than

beliefs in determinism. Given that this effect was not very strong and not significant based on

conventional levels of significance, it should be interpreted with care. Nevertheless, if

confirmed by future research, a potential explanation could be that common free will belief

manipulations influence beliefs in free will more strongly than beliefs in determinism. As

beliefs in free will are typically not correlated with belief in determinism (Nadelhoffer et al.,

2014), it is not surprising that manipulations have different effects on both beliefs. The

stronger effect of anti-free will manipulations on free will beliefs could thus indicate that they

specifically influence the belief in free will and only influence other beliefs to a lesser degree.

However, in contrast to this view, the results of our meta-analysis suggest that the influence

of anti-free will manipulations tends to be rather unspecific. For example, we found that the

effect of anti-free will manipulations is at least equally strong, if not stronger, on belief in

dualism as on belief in free will. Similarly, we found that belief in free will manipulations

influence not only belief in free will and belief in scientific determinism but also belief in

fatalistic determinism. There are different possible explanations for these unspecific effects.

Some of the beliefs are correlated with each other and are thus quite unspecific themselves.

For example, belief in free will positively correlates with belief in dualism (Nadelhoffer et al.,

2014; Wisniewski et al., 2019). In addition, it is likely that the manipulations affect not only

beliefs related to free will, but also other psychological and cognitive factors. For, instance, it

is conceivable that challenging the fundamental belief that free will exists leads to a general

feeling of confusion and uncertainty about the world.

Insufficient Evidence for Downstream Consequences and its Potential Reasons

While we found clear evidence that beliefs related to free will can be experimentally

manipulated, there was insufficient evidence these free will manipulations have downstream

consequences. That is, p-curve analyses across all dependent variables and meta-analyses on

internally coherent sets of dependent variables found either no evidence for downstream

consequences or weak evidence that, in all but one instance, disappeared when correcting for

extreme values or small-sample effects. This remained true even if only studies with

significant manipulation checks (i.e., significant effects on belief in free will and/or

determinism) were used in the analyses. This indicates that there is currently insufficient

evidence for downstream consequences.

How can this be reconciled with the fact that some primary studies did find

downstream consequences? The results of our meta-analysis suggest that one likely candidate

is publication bias. Indeed, the results of the Egger test indicated that studies with larger effect

sizes tended to be studies with higher standard errors. This is a typical sign of publication bias

because studies with small samples or noisy measurements only reach statistical significance

if the effect size is large (Sterne & Egger, 2005). Hence, a potential reason for why we could

not confirm previous studies finding downstream consequences is that these studies are false


Nevertheless, it is important to note that absence of evidence does not equal evidence

of absence. Indeed, the p-curve analysis lumped together a variety of different variables and

the meta-analysis focused only on a limited subsample of outcomes for which there were

enough data points. Thus, we cannot rule out that there are other specific single variables that

are influenced by free will belief manipulations. For example, we did not have enough data to

investigate the influences of free will belief manipulations on neurocognitive processes

(Rigoni et al., 2012; Rigoni et al., 2011; Rigoni et al., 2015), feelings of alienation (Seto &

Hicks, 2016), attributions of other people’s actions (Genschow et al., 2017a), perceived

meaningfulness of life (Crescioni et al., 2016; Moynihan et al., 2019), perceived gratitude

(MacKenzie et al., 2014), counterfactual thinking (Alquist et al., 2015), or risk taking

behavior (Schrag et al., 2016). For these and potential other variables that have not been

studied yet, it remains open to what degree they are influenced by free will belief

manipulations, although one of the effects on neurocognitive processes recently failed to

replicate (Eben et al., 2020).

It is also possible that the failure to find robust evidence for previously reported

downstream effects of free will belief manipulations has to do with subtle differences in the

manner in which the experimental protocols were implemented by the research teams that

were versus were not successful in finding such effects. Differences in experimental outcomes

between labs might reflect variations in the implementation of effective experimental

procedures (e.g., ensuring that participants were sufficiently motivated, believed the

experimental ruse, and followed the protocol) could be due to the inclusion of artefacts that

produced false positive effects (e.g. introducing experimenter demands characteristics), or

driven by the belief of the research teams to find an effect (Doyen et al., 2012). Future

studies, perhaps by research teams that have previously been effective in finding downstream

effects, might profitably examine whether procedural differences can be identified that

reliably differentiate between when such effects are versus are not observed.

Even if currently employed manipulations do turn out, as the present findings suggest,

to not produce robust downstream effects, this does not necessarily mean that such effects

cannot happen. It might be that existing manipulations are not suited for this purpose. In other

words, it might well be that experimentally reducing beliefs in free will has downstream

consequences, but that established free will belief manipulations are not able to produce them.

There are several reasons why this might be the case. As mentioned above, the manipulations

are rather unspecific and do not only affect belief in free will and determinism, but also other

beliefs. This is problematic for at least two reasons. On the one hand, an unspecific

manipulation may be detrimental in finding downstream consequences, because the different

factors influenced by the manipulation may counteract the influence of free will beliefs on the

dependent variable. On the other hand, an unspecific manipulation opens the question of to

which degree downstream consequences (if any) are actually driven by free will beliefs or

rather by other beliefs and psychological variables.

In addition, existing manipulations of free will beliefs have only weak effects on free

will (g = -0.29) and determinism (g = 0.17) beliefs. Given that any effect of anti-free will

manipulations on attitudes and behavior is likely smaller than their effect on the beliefs they

purport to change, this makes finding evidence for downstream consequences particularly

challenging. Indeed, research on the relationship between behavioral intentions and actual

behavioral change shows that the influence of behavioral interventions on behavior is roughly

twice as small as their influence on behavioral intentions (Webb & Sheeran, 2006). The same

problem is likely true for belief in free will and its downstream consequences. In this sense, it

may be helpful to relate our findings to the idea of “attitude strength” (Petty & Krosnick,

2014). Attitude strength is defined “as the extent to which attitudes manifest the qualities of

durability and impactfulness” (Petty & Krosnick, 2014; p. 3). Durability refers to the degree

to which an attitude can be changed over time and how strongly it resists attacks (e.g.,

persuasion attempts). Impactfulness relates to how strongly an attitude influences information

processing, judgments, and behaviors. Applying the idea of attitude strength to beliefs in free

will may help to explain why we did not find evidence for downstream consequences. That is,

free will beliefs are most likely to influence attitudes, behavior, and cognition when they are

strong. However, people with strong beliefs are least likely to be influenced by the

manipulation. Moreover, even if people were influenced by the manipulation, our meta-

analysis indicates that these new beliefs are likely to be weak. Given that weak beliefs are less

likely to influence behavior, this might explain why we did not find evidence for downstream

consequences in the current meta-analysis.

Related to this idea, another potential reason for the difficulty to find downstream

effects could be that that the effect of the manipulation on free will beliefs fades over time, as

our results indicate. As a result, it is possible that in some experiments, the effect of the

manipulation had already disappeared when the dependent variable was measured. From this

perspective, downstream consequences may be visible only when they are measured directly

after the manipulation. Future research should test this hypothesis more directly.

Finally, it is possible that some participants are not committed to a particular belief

about free will, but nevertheless have strong moral convictions about behaviors like cheating

(see e.g., Dubljević, 2013), for instance. In this case, manipulating belief in free will may

influence beliefs in free will without having downstream consequences, because moral beliefs

are held separate from their other beliefs. Future research could try to test this hypothesis in

more detail.

Taken together, many possible explanations exist for why we could not find evidence

for downstream consequences in this meta-analysis. An important task for future research will

be to investigate these explanations and to determine whether and under which circumstances

free will belief manipulations influence attitudes, behavior, and cognition.


Societal Implications

Whether free will exists is part of a longstanding philosophical debate (e.g., Dennett,

2015; Van Inwagen, 1983). However, after cognitive neuroscientists and psychologists started

claiming that humans’ perception of free will is nothing more than an illusion (e.g., Crick,

1994; Harris, 2012; Wegner, 2002), anti-free will viewpoints have become in vogue not only

in academia (e.g., Greene & Cohen, 2004), but also in popular media (e.g., Chivers 2010;

Griffin, 2016; Racine et al., 2017; Wolfe, 1997). When psychological research found that

presenting individuals with such anti-free will viewpoints influences fundamental behavior,

cognition, and attitudes, the question arose of whether the public press should publish anti-

free will viewpoints. While some philosophers argue that undermining people’s belief in free

will would have catastrophic consequences, as free will forms the basis for moral behavior

(e.g., Smilansky, 2000, 2002), other philosophers argue that disbelieving in free will might

also have positive effects, because it could lead to abandoning retribution-based morality and

illusory beliefs in a just world (Caruso, 2014; Greene & Cohen, 2004; Nadelhoffer, 2011).

The present research adds to this debate by suggesting that confronting individuals with anti-

free will viewpoints might not have as strong consequences as this has been previously


Although these manipulations affect people’s beliefs in free will, we did not find

evidence for effects on behavior, cognition, or attitudes. This is in line with recent findings

indicating that although professional judges’ beliefs in free will are influenced by reading

anti-free will texts, reading these viewpoints does not influence their judgments (Genschow et

al., 2020). However, it is important to keep in mind that all these findings only speak to the

effect of presenting individuals with a single anti-free will viewpoint. While such a short

exposure may not have downstream consequences, it remains an open question as to whether

more concentrated and repeated presentations of anti-free will messages, as may happen in

real-life, could nevertheless have important consequences. Indeed, preliminary support for

this possibility comes from the results of the present meta-analysis, demonstrating that a

combined manipulation of presenting participants with a text and statements has the strongest

impact on individuals’ belief in free will. It would be interesting to test to what extent

repeated exposure to anti-free will messages may have stronger effects on individuals’ belief

in free will and thereby also lead to downstream consequences.

In the same vein, although we did not find sufficient support for the idea that

conventional belief in free will manipulations have downstream consequences, it is important

to note that we do not necessarily argue that belief in free will itself has no impact. That is, on

an interindividual level, belief in free will may well contribute to societally relevant behaviors

such as retributive punishment and anti- or pro-social behavior—to name just a few examples.

Indeed, several studies could robustly replicate the link between belief in free will and

retributive punishment on a correlational level (Genschow et al., 2017a; Martin et al., 2017).

Similar strong correlations were also found between belief in free will and job satisfaction

(Feldman et al., 2018), intentional attributions (Genschow & Lange, in press; Genschow et

al., 2017a; 2019a) as well as between free will beliefs and just world beliefs, religious

worldviews, and a conservative world view (Carey & Paulhus, 2013; Genschow & Vehlow,

2021). This suggests that on a correlational level, belief in free will may well be connected to

societally relevant behaviors.

Taken together, there is a debate about whether anti-free will viewpoints should be

discussed in the public media. Our findings suggest that the influence on society may be

weaker than previously assumed. In this respect, we would like to argue that discussions

about the implications of believing in free will should distinguish between scientific facts and

philosophical speculations (Schooler, 2010) as well as acknowledge methodological

limitations of the cited research (Racine et al., 2017).


Limitations of the Present Meta-Analysis

There are a few limitations to this meta-analysis that call for a careful discussion.

First, all publication bias correction methods have downsides (Carter et al., 2019; Stanley,

2017) and should hence be interpreted with care. We used PET and PEESE because they are

easily incorporated within the RVE framework (Rodgers & Pustejovsky, 2020) and have been

shown to retain reasonable false positive rates across a wide range of scenarios (Carter et al.,

2019). However, PET-PEESE can suffer from low power, especially when sample sizes are

small, heterogeneity high, or when there is either very little or very heavy use of questionable

research practices (Carter et al., 2019; Rodgers & Pustejovsky, 2020). As a result, absence of

evidence for publication bias cannot be taken as evidence of absence. Therefore, in addition to

using bias correction methods, we also compared published with unpublished studies and

tested if the effects remained significant if only unpublished studies were considered. While

no single method is perfect by itself, we believe that by combining these different methods,

we were able to get a clearer overview of the underlying true effects and the degree to which

they were inflated by publication bias.

Second, the current meta-analysis included a large number of unpublished studies.

This approach is consistent with recent calls to include unpublished research in meta-analyses

as a means to counter publication bias (Polanin et al., 2016). However, a potential downside is

that the unpublished studies may have been of inferior quality to the published research. One

way to rule this out is to code study quality. Existing tools focus strongly on clinical

intervention studies, however, and are therefore not easily applied to the research synthesized

here (Armijo-Olivo et al., 2012; Higgins et al., 2019). Instead, the main indicators of study

quality in research on free will belief manipulations (and other experimental social

psychological research) are blinded and random assignment, sample size, and the use of

validated manipulations and scales. With respect to blinded and random assignment, we had

initially planned to include a moderator coding whether the experimenter was blind to the

manipulation. However, after completing the coding, it was clear that this variable was almost

completely confounded with study location, such that online studies were blinded, whereas

papers on studies conducted in the lab did not provide information about this variable. Indeed,

experimenter blindness could only be coded for 7 studies conducted in the lab, of which 3

were our own unpublished studies. A similar problem exists for random assignment. While

random assignment is standard in the field, whether or not group assignment was indeed

random is often not explicitly reported in the paper, making it difficult to code.

The three other indicators of study quality (i.e., sample size, manipulation, and scale)

were explicitly addressed in the meta-analysis. With respect to sample size, the mean sample

per group was slightly larger in unpublished (N = 96) than in published studies (N = 85). With

respect to the manipulation, the best validated method to manipulate belief in free will is the

Crick text. Of the 55% published and 45% unpublished studies using a text to manipulate

beliefs in free will, 59% of the published and 91% of the unpublished studies used the Crick

text. Finally, with respect to the scale, 53% of the published and 74% of the unpublished

studies used a validated scale. Hence, a deeper analysis of the study quality indicates that, if

anything, unpublished studies were of higher quality than published studies. More generally,

methodological differences between published and unpublished studies in the current meta-

analysis were small. This was also confirmed by our analysis of moderator correlations (see

Table 2), which found no evidence for substantial correlations between publication status and

any of the coded variables.

Third, although no correlations were observed with publication status, large

correlations were observed for other moderators. Such confounding of moderators is

inevitable in meta-analytic research (Lipsey & Wilson, 2001) and was addressed by

performing control analyses analyzing confounded moderators together. Whereas most effects

remained even after controlling for these confounds, truly controlling for moderator overlap is

difficult and these findings should hence be tested more directly in future empirical work.

Finally, meta-analytical moderator analyses are known to often be underpowered

(Hempel et al., 2013). It is therefore possible that some of the non-significant moderator

effects found here could be explained by a lack of power. However, it is worth noting that at

least for the meta-analysis on beliefs in free will and determinism, most analyses included a

relatively large number of studies (see Tables 3 and 4). While we are not aware of research

that has systematically assessed the statistical power of RVE meta-analyses under different

conditions, previous simulation work using regular meta-analytical approaches suggests that

given the parameters of the current meta-analysis, many of the moderator analyses were, in

fact, well powered to detect even fairly small effect sizes (Hempel et al., 2013).

How to Move Forward? Possible Steps and Recommendations for Future Research

Our results offer several promising routes for future research. First, future research

should continue investigating the exact underlying mechanisms of free will belief

manipulations to further increase the understanding of these manipulations. For example,

recent research suggests that it is important to consider not just beliefs but also attitudes

towards free will (Cracco et al., 2020). From this perspective, a potential avenue for future

research could be to investigate whether attitudes towards free will alter the effect of anti-free

will manipulations.

Second, to better test the downstream consequences of free will belief manipulations,

researchers should aim to develop manipulations that (1) more specifically manipulate belief

in free will and determinism, but not other factors and (2) lead to larger effect sizes, for

example, by using dual-approach manipulations where participants read and repeat the

presented messages. Implementing these changes may allow testing whether belief in free will

manipulations have a meaningful societal relevance.

Third, future research could also investigate the somewhat surprising results obtained

in this meta-analysis. For example, an interesting finding is that anti-free will manipulations

appeared to have stronger effects in the US than in Europe. A potential explanation for this

effect might be that individual responsibility and personal agency is more central to US

culture than to European culture. Indeed, even though previous investigations suggest that

irrespective of culture, most people belief in free will (Sarkissian et al., 2010; Wisniewski et

al., 2019), there is an extensive literature showing cross-cultural differences on how

individuals construe agency and choice (e.g., Furnham et al., 1994; Markus & Kitayama,

2003). In line with a recent call for cross-cultural replications in social psychology

(Genschow et al., 2021), an interesting avenue for future research could therefore be to

explore the influence of the manipulation in different continents and cultures. Such research

could test not only if there is a different influence of free will belief manipulations on the

beliefs themselves but also whether cultural differences moderate the degree to which these

manipulations have downstream consequences.

Fourth, besides cultural differences and the moderators investigated in our meta-

analysis, there might be other factors that moderate the influence of free will belief

manipulations on beliefs, attitudes, behavior, and cognition. Indeed, there is a discussion

regarding the degree to which hidden moderators and high context sensitivity influence

psychological effects and account for the success of replications (e.g., Stroebe & Strack,

2014; Van Bavel et al., 2016). Future research should investigate hidden moderators and test

how context dependent free will belief manipulations are.

Fifth, an interesting question that we did not investigate in this meta-analysis is the

extent to which the dependent measures investigated here can be influenced by other

variables. For example, it could be that psychological variables related to free will such as

locus of control (Rotter, 1966) or self-efficacy (Bandura, 1977), for example, have stronger

downstream consequences. Directly comparing the effects of these different variables would

be interesting, because there are subtle differences between them that could tell us exactly

what determines the studied behavior. For example, whereas belief in free will can be defined

as an attitude, locus of control is a personality dimension (Waldman et al., 1983). Hence, if


locus of control is associated more strongly with cheating than belief in free will, this could

indicate that internal attribution traits are more important for cheating than internal attribution

attitudes. While such an analysis goes beyond the scope of the present meta-analysis, future

research could investigate for selected downstream consequences whether free will belief

manipulations relate to different behaviors, attitudes, and thoughts in comparison to other

psychological variables.

Finally, even though we did not find sufficient support for the hypothesis that free will

belief manipulations have downstream consequences, it might still be that on a correlational

level, free will beliefs relate to individuals’ behavior, cognition, and attitudes. Future research

could, thus, (1) test to which degree previous findings reported in the literature can be

replicated on a correlational level and (2) investigate whether other relevant societal factors

are modulated by individuals’ belief in free will.


The present meta-analysis finds support for the idea that beliefs related to free will can

be experimentally manipulated. These effects are stronger when participants are presented

with a combination of texts and statements, when they have to report on the content of the

manipulation, and when belief in free will is measured directly after the manipulation.

Moreover, beliefs related to free will can be experimentally increased as well as decreased.

However, the used manipulations produce rather weak effects and are rather unspecific in the

sense that beliefs and concepts other than belief in free will are also affected. Although we

find support for the idea that individuals’ belief in free will can be experimentally

manipulated, the meta-analysis did not find evidence for the idea that these manipulations

have meaningful downstream consequences. These findings call into question prior claims of

a causal relationship between belief in free will and attitudes, behavior, and cognition (a

number of which were made by authors of this article). Further research is warranted to

determine whether free will beliefs are related to attitudes, behavior, and cognition on an

interindividual (correlational) level, or by applying stronger and more specific manipulations.



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