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Choosing Project Risk Management Techniques. A Theoretical Framework

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Journal of Risk Research

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Choosing project risk management techniques. A

theoretical framework

Anna Corinna Cagliano, Sabrina Grimaldi & Carlo Rafele

To cite this article: Anna Corinna Cagliano, Sabrina Grimaldi & Carlo Rafele (2015) Choosing
project risk management techniques. A theoretical framework, Journal of Risk Research, 18:2,
232-248, DOI: 10.1080/13669877.2014.896398

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Journal of Risk Research, 2015
Vol. 18, No. 2, 232–248, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13669877.2014.896398

Choosing project risk management techniques. A theoretical

Anna Corinna Cagliano*, Sabrina Grimaldi and Carlo Rafele

Department of Management and Production Engineering, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy

(Received 6 November 2012; final version received 6 February 2014)

The pressure for increasing quality while reducing time and costs places particular
emphasis on managing risk in projects. To this end, several models and tech-
niques have been developed in literature and applied in practice, so that there is a
strong need for clarifying when and how each of them should be used. At the
same time, knowledge about risk management is becoming a matter of paramount
importance to effectively deal with the complexity of projects. However, commu-
nication and knowledge creation are not easy tasks, especially when dealing with
uncertainty, because decision-making is often fragmented and a comprehensive
perspective on the goals, opportunities and threats of a project is missing. With
the purpose of providing guidelines for the selection of risk techniques taking into
account the most relevant aspects characterising the managerial and operational
scenario of a project, a theoretical framework to classify these techniques is pro-
posed. Based on a literature review of the criteria to categorise risk techniques,
three dimensions are defined: the phase of the risk management process, the phase
of the project life cycle and the corporate maturity towards risk. The taxonomy is
then applied to a wide selection of risk techniques according to their documented
applications. This work helps to integrate the risk management and the knowledge
management processes. Future research efforts will be directed towards refining
the framework and testing it in multiple industries.
Keywords: project management; risk management; corporate risk maturity;
technique selection; knowledge creation

1. Introduction
Risk is defined as an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has either
positive or negative effects on project objectives (Hillson and Simon 2007; Project
Management Institute 2008). Nowadays sound management of risk is a crucial
determinant of the success of a project due to an increased attention to the variations
in actual quality, time and cost performance compared to the expected ones as a
consequence of a growing pressure on reducing time and costs. It has been
demonstrated that failure to deal with risk is one main cause for exceeding budget,
falling behind schedules and missing performance targets (Carbone and Tippet
2004). In several industries, such as the construction and information and
communication technology ones, this situation is exacerbated because projects
characterised by huge investments, long execution processes, many resources and

*Corresponding author. Email: anna.cagliano@polito.it

© 2014 Taylor & Francis

Journal of Risk Research 233

stakeholders, and instable economic and political environments introduce a high

level of complexity (Guofeng, Min, and Weiwei 2011).
Therefore, there is a strong need for assessing and controlling risk throughout all
the phases of a project. Different perceptions, attitudes and requirements have led to
a variety of definitions and approaches. To be more precise, risk management pro-
cesses and supporting techniques have been extensively developed and implemented
in both literature and practice. The multitude of methods asks for instruments sug-
gesting under what circumstances each of them should be adopted, and the criteria
for choosing among risk techniques have been identified. However, these criteria
usually do not take into account either a comprehensive set of the unique character-
istics of a project and of its surrounding environment or the attitude of an organisa-
tion towards risk.
The present work develops a theoretical taxonomy supporting the selection of
risk management techniques. The classification is based on the significant features
of the context of analysis derived from the study of literature about project and risk
management (Association for Project Management 2004; Chapman and Ward 2003;
Project Management Institute 2008): phase of the risk management process, phase
of the project life cycle and corporate maturity towards risk. This contributes to
enhance the knowledge about how to treat risky events and in turn to improve the
risk knowledge management process in order to allow risk management processes to
give the expected benefits. The research focuses on projects according to their gen-
eral definition provided by the Project Management Institute: ‘A project is a tempo-
rary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result. The
temporary nature of projects indicates a definite beginning and end. The end is
reached when the project’s objectives have been achieved or when the project is ter-
minated because its objectives will not or cannot be met, or when the need for the
project no longer exists’ (Project Management Institute 2008).
After discussing the pertinent literature, a set of dimensions reflecting the mana-
gerial and operational conditions characterising a project are defined. Widely applied
techniques to support project risk management are classified according to such
framework. Finally, implications, ramifications and future research directions are
elaborated and conclusions are drawn.

2. Literature review
With the aim of understanding the context of the work, this section presents the
main processes for dealing with risk in projects together with the techniques they
rely on and the available criteria for selecting such techniques. Also, the risk knowl-
edge management process is introduced highlighting the necessity to improve it so
that it can support an effective risk management.

2.1. Processes for project risk management

Several contributions have developed systematic project risk management processes
since the 90s.
Project Uncertainty Management (del Caño and de la Cruz 2002), Risk Analysis
and Management for Projects (The Institution of Civil Engineers & The Faculty and
Institute of Actuaries 2005), the Two-pillar Risk Management Process (Seyedhoseini
and Hatefi 2009), the Active Threat and Opportunity Management Process (Hillson
234 A.C. Cagliano et al.

and Simon 2007) Shape, Harness and Manage Project Uncertainty (Chapman and
Ward 2003), and Project Risk Analysis and Management (Association for Project
Management 2004) have very similar structures and common goals. In fact, they
could be summarised into three macro-phases. The first steps of these processes are
aimed at understanding the characteristics and objectives of the project at issue and
planning the risk management effort by deciding its level, scope and purpose. The
intermediate steps are intended to identify risks together with their causes, effects
and how they relate to each other, assess their probabilities of occurrence and
impacts, prioritise them, devise risk response strategies and establish contingency
plans. The final steps are in general dedicated to carrying out the identified
responses to risk, monitoring and refining them, identifying, evaluating and treating
new emerging risks as well as to communicating the results of the risk management
process and recording all the knowledge, experience and lessons learned during its
However, there are also processes, such as the Multi-party Risk Management
Process (Pipattanapiwong and Watanabe 2000) and the risk management process
developed by the Project Management Institute (Project Management Institute
2008), that just include activities related to risk identification, qualitative and quanti-
tative analysis and response and do not present phases specifically aimed at clarify-
ing project goals or formalising the knowledge acquired during risk management.

2.2. Risk management techniques and their classification criteria

Each risk management process requires specific tools to be applied. To this end, a
great variety of techniques have been developed in literature: the most widely
adopted ones are presented in Table 1.
The reviewed techniques have different goals. For example, some of them are
aimed at evaluating multiple scenarios, depending on which risky events occur, such
as decision tree analysis, expected monetary value, strengths, weaknesses, opportu-
nities, and threats (SWOT) analysis, SWIFT Analysis and what-if analysis. Other
techniques, instead, focus on the investigation of origins and implications of risky
events in order to establish chains of causes and consequences. They include cause
and effect diagram or cause consequence analysis, event and causal factor charting,
the 5 whys technique, event tree analysis (ETA), fault tree analysis (FTA) and
human reliability assessment among others.
Multiple aspects may be taken into account when choosing among techniques
for managing risk in a project.
A commonly used criterion looks at the nature of information that is available.
Qualitative techniques require qualitative information and present results in the form
of descriptions and recommendations, while quantitative techniques rely on quantita-
tive information and numerically analyse the occurrence and effects of risks (Project
Management Institute 2008). Another criterion suggests selecting techniques accord-
ing to the subject of the information needed by a project (Association for Project
Management 2004).
Also, the nature, size, complexity, degree of innovation and phases of the life
cycle of a project determine which techniques should be used. In particular, risk
management is crucial in the planning stage of a project and its scope and depth
increase as the project moves towards the execution phase, while they decrease in
the termination phase (Chapman and Ward 2003).
Journal of Risk Research 235

Table 1. Risk management techniques.

No. Technique Reference
1 Brainstorming Chapman and Ward (2003)
2 Cause and effect diagram or Cause Consequence Project Management Institute
Analysis (CCA) (2008)
3 Change Analysis (ChA) Mullai (2006)
4 Checklist Project Management Institute
5 Decision Tree Analysis Lyons and Skitmore (2004)
6 Delphi Project Management Institute
7 Event and Causal Factor Charting (ECFCh) Mullai (2006)
8 Event Tree Analysis (ETA) Mullai (2006)
9 Expected Monetary Value (EMV) Project Management Institute
10 Expert Judgement Project Management Institute
11 Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) Eidesen, Sollid, and Aven
12 Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) Bouti and Kadi (1994)
13 Failure Mode and Effects Criticality Analysis Bouti and Kadi (1994)
14 Fuzzy Logic Bellagamba (1999)
15 Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) Kletz (1999)
16 Hazard Review (HR) Mullai (2006)
17 Human Reliability Assessment (HRA) Lyons et al. (2005)
18 Incident Reporting (IR) Cinotti (2004)
19 Interviews Project Management Institute
20 Monte Carlo Project Management Institute
21 Pareto Analysis (PA) or ABC analysis Rebernik and Bradač (2008)
22 Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA) Adler et al. (2003)
23 Risk Breakdown Matrix (RBM) Hillson, Grimaldi, and Rafele
24 Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS) Hillson (2002a)
25 Risk Mapping, Risk Matrix, Probability and Impact Project Management Institute
Matrix (2008)
26 Risk Probability and Impact Assessment, Risk Ranking/ Project Management Institute
Risk Index (2008)
27 Sensitivity analysis Chapman and Ward (2003)
28 Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats Emblemsvåg and Kjølstad
(SWOT) (2002)
29 SWIFT Analysis Mullai (2006)
30 What-if Analysis Mullai (2006)
31 ‘5 Whys’ Technique Mullai (2006)

Furthermore, every single phase of a risk management process implies a different

level of information and detail, thus requiring proper techniques (Hillson 2004).
The goal of the risk analysis, for instance monitoring economic and financial
outcomes, checking quality variance or tracking time delays, may also be a criterion
for identifying appropriate risk management techniques (Kmec 2011).
Finally, techniques supporting risk management need appropriate levels of
corporate maturity in order to yield the expected benefits and this may constitute a fur-
ther criterion according to which they can be selected (del Caño and de la Cruz 2002).
236 A.C. Cagliano et al.

2.3. The risk knowledge management process

Besides the processes presented in Section 2.1, a further one is acquiring promi-
nence in risk management, namely the knowledge management process (Botet 2012;
Macgillivray et al. 2007).
Nowadays, creating, maintaining, transferring and increasing knowledge are of
paramount importance to efficiently deal with the complexity of projects (Disterer
2002). This is even more relevant when addressing risks because of the high vari-
ability and the scarce available information.
Nevertheless, managing data, information and in general the knowledge gener-
ated during the life cycle of a project is a difficult task and an inappropriate way of
doing that may be a cause of failure. In particular, projects are often organised in
ways that create information disconnects, thus leading to a very poor communication
about risk, in the same way as it happens in many other fields (Smillie and Blissett
2010; Tah and Carr 2001; Thompson and Bloom 2000).
Several techniques exist in literature to assist in extracting information and data
from multiple and heterogeneous sources and organising them to increase risk
knowledge. The most common example is given by expert judgement elicitation,
where the term expert refers to those people to whom special knowledge about spe-
cific issues is attributed and from whom it is possible to obtain information that is
useful for risk investigation. They are also named ‘specialists’, opposite to ‘general-
ists’ who collect and integrate the information from the specialists (Le Coze, Salvi,
and Gaston 2006). Elicitation of implicit expert knowledge is a core component of
qualitative risk assessment by means for instance of Delphi or SWOT analysis,
where it is used to define probability distributions for the occurrence and the impact
of risky events.
However, in order to support an effective management of risk (Karadsheh,
Alhawari, and Talet 2012), the knowledge management process should go beyond
gathering and structuring information. One crucial aspect is the ability of this
process to guide the choice of the techniques that should be applied in different
contexts depending on both the project itself and the maturity towards risk of the
company that carries it out, which is in turn a function of the amount of
available information.
The review of literature reveals the existence of a great amount of diverse risk
management processes whose implementation can be supported by different tech-
niques, leading to the need for providing guidelines on when each of them should
be used. However, the classifications of techniques proposed by the contributions
discussed in Section 2.2 focus on just one single or few aspects and there is a sub-
stantial lack of taxonomies that simultaneously look at all the key issues that should
be taken into account when choosing an appropriate means of treating risk. Such
kind of classifications enable a better decision-making about the specific tools to be
adopted, thus improving the risk knowledge management process and stimulating a
more comprehensive view on the factors affecting risk management and the perfor-
mance of the associated activities. In order to contribute to fill the identified gap, the
developed framework puts forward a categorisation of techniques founded on the
most significant elements characterising the scenario in which project risk is
Journal of Risk Research 237

3. Defining dimensions for selecting project risk management techniques

In order to identify the relevant aspects to take into account when choosing among
project risk management techniques, the features of such tools and of the available
criteria for their classification were considered. It is widely proved and accepted that
no risk management technique fits every phase of the risk management process but
each gives its best results if applied to one or few phases (Project Management Insti-
tute 2008, Chapter 11). Also, according to the Association for Project Management
(2004), risk management should be defined within the context of its application: the
life cycle is to be considered in the case of a project. The studies of Chapman and
Ward (2003) reveal that moving from one project life cycle stage to another implies
more detailed and quantitative information available, leading to a different degree of
uncertainty. Thus, the focus of any risk analysis and the adopted risk management
techniques need to vary with the phases of the project life cycle. Finally, the Associ-
ation for Project Management (2004) recommends considering the risk maturity of
the staff of a company carrying out a project when selecting risk management tech-
niques in order to ensure that the approach taken is appropriate to the people that
will apply it and analyse its results.
Based on this analysis, the following three dimensions are proposed:

 the phase of the risk management process;

 the phase of the life cycle of a project;
 the corporate maturity towards risk.

In fact, the focus of the analysis is on ‘risks’ that occur in ‘projects’ which are in
turn run by ‘companies’(Grimaldi, Rafele, and Cagliano 2012).
The next sections discuss the three proposed dimensions in depth.

3.1. Phases of the risk management process

Any risky event unfolds through an escalation process composed of causes, an
occurrence and consequences (Hillson 2004) which are addressed by the phases of
the risk management process, namely planning, identification, analysis, response,
and monitoring and control.
Risk management planning identifies the objectives, the approach and the
resources to carry out risk treatment activities. Risk identification defines the causes
of the risks to which the project is exposed. Risk analysis determines the probabili-
ties of occurrence and the associated impacts on project outcomes in terms of cost,
schedule, scope and quality variance. Risk response develops actions to increase
opportunities and decrease threats. Finally, the risk monitoring and control phase is
the ongoing identification and management of new risks that become known during
a project, the tracking of already identified risks, the implementation of planned
responses and the review of their effectiveness, the development of additional
actions, if needed, and the formalisation of lessons learned about risk (Project Man-
agement Institute 2008).
The different goals and levels of detail of each phase of the risk management
process require the application of appropriate techniques, also according to the level
and nature of information, that will increase as the risk management process
238 A.C. Cagliano et al.

3.2. Phases of the project life cycle

The notion of life cycle allows to structure projects into a number of phases that
assure better management control. For the kinds of projects this work refers to, such
phases can be defined as conceptualisation, planning, execution and termination
(Chapman and Ward 2003; Project Management Institute 2008).
In the conceptualisation phase, an opportunity or a need is identified, the purpose
of the project is defined and its feasibility is assessed. The planning phase includes
undertaking the basic design of the project, defining targets and milestones, develop-
ing performance criteria and allocating internal and external resources to achieve the
plan. The main tasks of the execution step are coordinating and controlling the per-
forming of the project, monitoring progress and changing targets, milestones and
resource allocation as required. The termination phase involves commissioning and
handover, reviewing the lessons learned during the project, and assuring the neces-
sary support to the product of the project until it is discarded or disposed.
Different risk management activities can be associated to each phase of the life
cycle of a project (Chapman and Ward 2003). For instance, identification of sources
of uncertainty takes place in the conceptualisation phase, while managing foreseen
risks and monitoring changes in the risk profile of the project are typical tasks of the
execution phase. Moreover, the degree of information accuracy is heterogeneous
along the project life cycle. The still scarce level of information associated with the
feasibility study makes the probability of risk occurrence difficult to be evaluated.
By contrast, in the following phases, when risks are mainly related to the conse-
quences of decisions made in the previous steps of the project or are the effects of
risks already manifested, their sources, occurrence and impacts can be characterised
in a more accurate way due to the more pieces of information available.
These considerations support the need to enable project managers to focus on
each stage of a project by means of suitable techniques to identify, assess and treat
risks in order to meet cost, schedule and performance requirements (Tah and Carr
2001). Also, a project life cycle-oriented view of risk management techniques helps
to avoid compartmentalisation, which occurs when each participant approaches risks
with a perspective exclusively based on his own goals, irrespective of the other pro-
ject parties (Walewski and Gibson 2003).

3.3. Corporate maturity towards risk

Maturity towards risk is achieved through awareness, the consideration that risk
management is on the same level as cost, time and scope management tasks, com-
mitment to high quality of data, systematic implementation of instruments to deal
with risk, development of responses and assessment of the obtained results (Hulett
2001). A scarce awareness towards risk drives occasional applications of informal
risk management techniques to specific projects and problems are dealt with only
when they occur. Understanding the relevance of risk, instead, allows to proactively
manage uncertainty (Hopkinson 2011). The degree of maturity towards risk of an
organisation depends on its risk culture, which is stimulated by the available infor-
mational context and the type and size of the organisation itself.
Several models to assess risk maturity exist in literature (Hillson 1997;
Macgillivray et al. 2007). Among them, Hillson (1997) proposes four stages: naïve,
novice, normalised and natural. Naïve means that an organisation does not feel the
Journal of Risk Research 239

need for managing risk and does not use structured approaches for this purpose.
Novice defines an organisation that recognises the benefits of managing risk and is
implementing some form of risk governance but it lacks a formalised process to per-
form this task. Normalised is the degree of maturity characterised by a formalised
risk process included in routine business activities whose benefits, however, are not
consistently achieved in every project. Finally, the natural maturity level refers to an
organisation that is completely aware of risk and proactively manages opportunities
and threats through consistent risk information.
Moving from one level to the upper one in a maturity scale implies that an orga-
nisation is willing to perform a more thorough and systemic analysis of the escala-
tion processes of project risks with more sophisticated and detailed techniques
(Hopkinson 2011; Hulett 2001). In particular, a high level of risk awareness together
with an appropriate availability of knowledge makes it possible to obtain that objec-
tive information allowing the quantification of risk. Based on this, it can be stated
that the more mature an organisation towards risk, the more the phases of the risk
management process it will implement. Companies with a low maturity degree only
perform risk identification or qualitative risk analysis, while organisations with a
high level of maturity deal with all the stages of the risk management process.

4. Classifying techniques supporting project risk management

The three defined dimensions guiding the choice of project risk management prac-
tices are applied to the techniques discussed in Section 2.2. The techniques are
matched with the dimensions based on the existing literature and on the different
level of information availability required by each tool. The amount of information
increases as the risk management process and the project life cycle progress and as
the corporate maturity towards risk grows, making possible the use of more detailed
and quantitative risk management techniques (Association for Project Management
2004; Chapman and Ward 2003; Project Management Institute 2008). Thus, the
mapping between risk management techniques and the three defined dimensions pre-
sented in Table 2 can be defined.
In order to be as general as possible and allow the potential application to a wide
range of projects, the classification is based on the project definition given by the
Project Management Institute (2008, 5).
During the project life cycle and in every stage of the risk management process,
the nature and the quantity of available information determine which techniques
should be applied. In the conceptualisation phase, decision-makers have a high
degree of freedom in defining project goals. However, owing to the lack of specifi-
cations about how to meet the set objectives, all the necessary information for a
complete investigation of risk is not always available in this stage of the project.
Thus, decision-makers face either an uncertain scenario characterised by a limited
amount of information or a context where the source of information is subjective.
Such situation requires the building of a systematic framework to obtain subjective
judgements from experts in a clear and straightforward way. Extractors
of information like interviews or the so called ‘group techniques’, such as brain-
storming, Delphi and expert judgement, can be applied for this purpose. At the same
time, experts should be trained so that they can make good judgements. Moreover,
this context may just allow to define the strengths and weaknesses of the project and
the decision-makers may stop their risk investigation at the identification phase
240 A.C. Cagliano et al.

Table 2. Classification of project risk management techniques.

Project life Level of
No. Technique Risk management phase cycle phase corporate maturity
1 Brainstorming I (Gupta 2011; Project Conceptualisation Novice (Grubisic
Management Institute (Grubisic et al. et al. 2011),
2008), QlA (Berg 2010) 2011), planning, Normalised,
execution Natural
2 Cause and effect I (Dey and Ogunlana Planning, Normalised,
diagram or Cause 2004; Project Management execution Natural
Consequence Institute 2008), QlA (del
Analysis (CCA) Caño and de la Cruz 2002)
3 Change Analysis I, QlA, R (Mullai 2006) Planning, Normalised
(ChA) execution (Mullai 2006),
4 Checklist I (Association for Project Conceptualisation, Novice (Mullai
Management 2004; Lyons planning 2006),
and Skitmore 2004), QlA (Grubisic et al. Normalised,
(del Caño and de la Cruz 2011) Natural
5 Decision Tree QtA(del Caño and de la Conceptualisation, Normalised,
Analysis Cruz 2002; Hillson 2002b; planning Natural
Project Management
Institute 2008), R (Dey
6 Delphi I (Dey and Ogunlana Conceptualisation Novice (Grubisic
2004; Project Management (Grubisic et al. et al. 2011),
Institute 2008), QlA (Berg 2011), planning Normalised,
2010; Macgillivray et al. Natural
7 Event and Causal I (Mullai 2006) Planning Normalised
Factor Charting (Mullai 2006),
(ECFCh) Natural
8 Event Tree I, QlA (del Caño and de la Conceptualisation, Normalised,
Analysis (ETA) Cruz 2002), QtA (Mullai planning Natural (Mullai
2006) 2006)
9 Expected Monetary QtA (Lyons and Skitmore Planning, Natural
Value 2004), R (Dey 2001) execution
10 Expert Judgement I, QlA, QtA (Macgillivray Conceptualisation, Normalised,
et al. 2007; Project planning Natural
Management Institute
2008), R (Dey 2001)
11 Fault Tree Analysis I (Dey and Ogunlana Conceptualisation Normalised,
(FTA) 2004), QlA (del Caño and (Grubisic et al. Natural (Mullai
de la Cruz 2002), QtA (del 2011), planning 2006)
Caño and de la Cruz 2002;
Mullai 2006)
12 Failure Mode and I, R (Bouti and Kadi 1994; Conceptualisation Normalised
Effects Analysis Sinha, Whitman, and (Grubisic et al. (Mullai 2006)
(FMEA) Malzahn 2004) 2011), planning

Journal of Risk Research 241

Table 2. (Continued).
Project life Level of
No. Technique Risk management phase cycle phase corporate maturity
13 Failure Mode and I, QlA (Macgillivray et al. Conceptualisation Normalised
Effects Criticality 2007), QtA, R (Bouti and (Grubisic et al. (Mullai 2006),
Analysis (FMECA) Kadi 1994; Sinha, 2011), planning, Natural
Whitman, and Malzahn execution
14 Fuzzy Logic QtA (Bellagamba 1999) Planning Natural
15 Hazard and I (Berg 2010; Kletz 1999), Planning Normalised
Operability R (Mullai 2006) (Mullai 2006),
(HAZOP) Natural
16 Hazard Review I (Mullai 2006) Planning Novice,
(HR) Normalised
(Mullai 2006),
17 Human Reliability I, QlA,QtA, R (Mullai Planning, Normalised,
Assessment (HRA) 2006) execution Natural
18 Incident Reporting I, QtA Planning Normalised,
19 Interviews I (Dey and Ogunlana Conceptualisation, Novice,
2004; Gupta 2011), QlA, planning, Normalised,
QtA (Project Management execution Natural
Institute 2008), R
(Association for Project
Management 2004)
20 Monte Carlo QtA (Hillson 2002b; Planning Natural
Macgillivray et al. 2007;
Project Management
Institute 2008)
21 Pareto Analysis QtA (Mullai 2006) Planning Natural
(PA) or ABC
22 Preliminary Hazard I (Adler et al. 2003), QlA Planning Novice,
Analysis (PHA) (Adler et al. 2003), P Normalised
(Adler et al. 2003) (Mullai 2006),
23 Risk Breakdown I (Cagliano et al. 2012), Planning Normalised,
Matrix (RBM) QlA (Cagliano et al. 2012), Natural
QtA (Hillson, Grimaldi,
and Rafele 2006)
24 Risk Breakdown I (Hillson 2004) Conceptualisation, Normalised,
Structure (RBS) planning Natural
25 Risk Mapping, I, QlA (del Caño and de la Planning Normalised,
Risk Matrix Cruz 2002; Project Natural
Probability and Management Institute
Impact Matrix, 2008)
26 Risk Probability QlA (Project Management Planning Normalised
and Impact Institute 2008), QtA (Mullai 2006),
Assessment, Risk Natural

242 A.C. Cagliano et al.

Table 2. (Continued).
Project life Level of
No. Technique Risk management phase cycle phase corporate maturity
27 Sensitivity analysis QtA (Hillson 2002b; Lyons Planning, Natural
and Skitmore 2004; execution
Project Management
Institute 2008), R
28 Strengths, I (Gupta 2011), QlA (Berg Conceptualisation, Normalised,
Weaknesses, 2010; Macgillivray et al. planning Natural
Opportunities, and 2007), R
Threats (SWOT)
29 SWIFT Analysis I, R (Mullai 2006) Planning Normalised,
30 What-if Analysis I, R (Mullai 2006) Conceptualisation, Normalised
planning (Mullai 2006),
31 ‘5 Whys’ I (Mullai 2006) Planning Natural

using a SWOT analysis. However, in the case of repetitive projects, the greater
availability of information allows the use of detailed tables like Failure Mode and
Effects Analysis (FMEA) (Grubisic et al. 2011) and makes it possible to define
occurrence probabilities and economic and/or time impacts for every alternative
event. In this situation, decision-makers could move on to a quantitative analysis of
risks through the use of Failure Mode and Effects Criticality Analysis (FMECA)
tables, Decision Trees and ETA. Therefore, the quantity and kind of information in
the conceptualisation phase usually allow risk identification and they seldom enable
also risk analysis. The ways and means to achieve the project objectives become
clearer in the planning phase thanks to a considerable increase in the available infor-
mation, which allows a complete investigation of risks. All the techniques for risk
management can be used in this project stage based on the phases of identification,
analysis and response to risk and on the type of information available. In general,
the degree of knowledge and the ability to influence the course of a project are
inversely proportional to each other as the project develops. Thus, in the execution
phase, there will be a high level of knowledge about project constraints but a low
ability to influence events because all the most important project and risk manage-
ment decisions have been already made in the previous phases. In this stage, the
time and economic performance resulting from the project choices and the actions
undertaken to either mitigate or exploit risk can be mainly controlled and monitored.
Therefore, in the execution phase, the results of the techniques applied in risk identi-
fication, analysis or response will be revised and the outcomes of the implementa-
tion of designed actions will be monitored by means of careful and sensible human
action. In addition, the risk management techniques used in the planning phase can
be applied again to identify new risks that have not emerged before. The termination
phase is not considered by the classification in Table 2 because the risk management
effort is more relevant in the previous stages of the project life cycle. Also, the risk
management planning phase is not included being less operational in nature than the
Journal of Risk Research 243

subsequent phases and more focused on the strategy to deal with risk and the project
The level of maturity is connected to the level of communication in the organisa-
tion and the availability of data/information about the project. The higher the matu-
rity towards risk management of the project team, the more common the use of
various techniques, especially the quantitative ones, during the entire risk manage-
ment process. For example, the Monte Carlo simulation technique is usually applied
by companies with a high level of maturity towards data and information manage-
ment and hence project risk. The last column of Table 2 refers to the maturity levels
proposed by Hillson (1997): the naïve stage is not taken into account because it does
not imply the use of any risk management technique. Also, Table 2 is based on the
following notation: I = ‘risk identification’, QlA = ‘qualitative risk analysis’, QtA
= ‘quantitative risk analysis’, and R = ‘risk response’.
Table 2 does not succeed in providing a global view of how the analysed tech-
niques fit into the three proposed dimensions. In order to overcome this limitation,
two bi-dimensional charts are built. Figure 1 places the techniques on a Cartesian
plane according to the phases of the project life cycle (x-axis) and the phases of the
risk management process (y-axis). Figure 2 compares the same techniques but
against the levels of corporate maturity towards risk (x-axis) and the risk manage-
ment phases (y-axis).
These charts are intended to stimulate knowledge creation about risk. They may
be used by an organisation to focus on a set of techniques, discuss when they are
appropriate, decide which of them could be used in which part of the project and

Phase of the risk management process

Revision of the outputs obtained
Monitoring from the techniques
and Control previously used

Risk 5 9 10 12 13 15
5,9,10,12,13,15, 2, 3
1, 2
1 3, 9
Response 17,19,22,27,28,29,30 19, 27

Quantitative 5 8 9 10 11 13 14
5, 8,
Risk 13 17,18,19,20,21,23,26,27

Risk 8, 10, 1,2,3,4,6,8,10,11,13,17,18,
13, 28 19,22,23,25,26,28

1, 4, 6, 10, 11,12, 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,10,11,12,15,16,17

19, 24,28,30 18,19,22,23,24,25,28,29,30,31

Conceptualisation Planning Execution

Phase of the life cycle of a project

Figure 1. Risk technique mapping: project life cycle and risk management phases.
244 A.C. Cagliano et al.

Phase of the risk management process Figure 2

Risk Limited revision of the outputs Usual revision of the outputs
Monitoring obtained from the techniques obtained from the techniques
previously used previously used
and Control

Risk 3,5,10,12,13,15,17,
3 5 10 12 13 15 17 3 5 9 10 13 15 17
Response 19,22,28,29,30 19,22,27,28,29,30

Quantitative 5,8,9,10,11,13,14,
Risk 17,18,19,20,21,23,26,27

Risk 1,2,4,6,8,10,11,13,17,18, 1,2,4,6,8,10,11,13,17,
19,22,23,25,26,28 18,19,22,23,25,26,28

1, 4, 6, 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,10,11,12,13,15,16, 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,10,11,13,15,16,17
16, 19, 22 17,18,19,22,23,24,25,28,29,30 18,19,22,23,24,25,28,29,30,31

Novice Normalised Natural

X Usual application Limited application Corporate maturity towards risk

of x technique of x technique

Figure 2. Risk technique mapping: corporate maturity levels and risk management phases.

risk management processes, and determine the correct sequence in which they
should be applied. Furthermore, the proposed risk technique mapping may help in
combining together multiple tools to address the complexity and multidimensionality
of risk with proper solutions (Wilkinson and Elahi 2003). Such characteristics make
the present framework a valid enabler for the creation of a structured risk knowledge
management process.
Also, the two representations suggest further considerations about the appropri-
ateness of each technique. Figure 1 highlights that numerous techniques can be used
in the planning phase of a project. In fact, in this stage more time can be spent on
strategic issues such as risk management than in the conceptualisation stage, which
has usually a quite limited duration, and in the execution stage, which is mainly
focused on the achievement of the project objectives from an operational point of
view. Figure 2 graphically proves the relationship between the maturity towards risk
and the phases of the risk management process that are carried out by a company. A
novice level of maturity usually implies performing just risk identification. A norma-
lised maturity also involves a qualitative risk analysis and, in some limited cases,
risk response and monitoring and control. Finally, a natural maturity is associated
with undertaking the complete risk management process, from identification to
monitoring and control, including the quantitative risk analysis. Therefore, the
quantitative analysis of risk distinguishes companies with a natural maturity level
from companies having a normalised maturity level. Additionally, in the natural
maturity level, there is a complete integration between the project management and
Journal of Risk Research 245

the risk management processes that allows a regular revision of the outputs of the
applied risk techniques.

5. Discussion
Knowledge is a fundamental element for an attitude towards project risk management
that goes beyond an informal approach limited to qualitative investigation. A system-
atic acquisition and organisation of information is a necessary step in order to move
from a subjective knowledge about risk, that has to be elicited from experts, to an
objective and easily accessible knowledge forming the condition for a quantitative
risk analysis (Al Khattab et al. 2011). This work aims to help such transition by pro-
posing a framework providing structured information about the potentiality of appli-
cation of widely diffused project risk management techniques, thus stimulating the
integration between the risk management and the knowledge management processes.
The present taxonomy assists in understanding how the risk management tech-
niques are related to the phases of the risk management process that are undertaken
in a project, the phase of the life cycle the project is in, and the maturity towards
risk of the organisation performing such project. Also, the suggested scheme over-
comes the limitations of the existing criteria to classify techniques by providing a
comprehensive set of dimensions that cover the most important aspects that should
be taken into account in a risk management process. This generates knowledge
based on the degree of maturity towards risk of the organisation running the project
and such knowledge in turn increases the level of corporate awareness towards the
instruments to tackle risk. The relationship between organisational culture and
knowledge is critical to an effective risk management system (Yaraghi and Langhe
2011). Furthermore, the developed framework benefits from being quite general and
flexible, so that it can be easily adapted to reflect the requirements of different indus-
tries and projects, from those that are particularly unique in scope to those that have
many repetitive elements. Finally, it is suitable to both small-scale and large-scale
projects and can support the selection of operational means to carry out various steps
of the risk management processes proposed in literature.
A number of advantages can be derived from the application of the framework.
From a decision-making perspective, it contributes to gain an improved understand-
ing of projects, giving as a consequence a better control over resources, provides a
support to develop and implement monitoring strategies, and stimulates a better use
of means to identify and assess risk with an inherent positive impact on the evalua-
tion of contingencies. The framework also facilitates a rational risk taking by
improving communication about how to manage uncertainty (Klinke and Renn
2001; Strydom 2008). Additionally, the developed taxonomy of techniques encour-
ages a more proactive approach to risk as a result of a well-planned management
process. All these characteristics ultimately promote the integration between project
and risk management.
However, the criteria and the classification of the techniques to support risk man-
agement have been derived exclusively from the available literature. An empirical
test of the outcomes of this study is needed to validate and refine the framework.
Therefore, future research efforts will be directed towards the implementation of
the framework in multiple project settings in representative industries. Enhancing
the taxonomy by introducing further dimensions such as the level of complexity of a
project and the degree of innovation of its product will be considered. The degree of
246 A.C. Cagliano et al.

innovation of the product of a project is particularly interesting because it may be

connected with the phases of the project life cycle. In fact, the more innovative the
outcome, the more the risk management process will be concentrated in the planning
phase. Conversely, the less innovative the product, the more the focus on risk in the
execution phase. An additional evolution will be concerned with extending the
framework to include new techniques to support risk management. Finally, a further
research line could deal with the integration of the proposed framework into a global
project management process with the aim of overcoming the traditional separation
between running a project, and identifying, assessing and controlling the associated

6. Summary
A multitude of project risk management processes and supporting techniques have
been proposed in the last decades, thus leading to the need for understanding under
what circumstances each of them should be applied and for improving the risk
knowledge management process in order to obtain the expected benefits from such
The present work develops a theoretical framework classifying techniques based
on the phases of the risk management process, the phases of the life cycle of a pro-
ject and the corporate maturity towards risk. The aim is assisting in the selection of
the appropriate risk management technique by considering all the relevant aspects
characterising the context of analysis. This enhances knowledge about the most
appropriate operational ways to implement risk management processes. The pro-
posed scheme is general and can be applied to projects in numerous industries.

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