The document outlines the key concepts of the C programming language including data types, variables, functions, pointers, memory allocation and file input/output. It discusses topics like operators, program flow control, arrays, structures, unions and linked lists.
The document outlines the key concepts of the C programming language including data types, variables, functions, pointers, memory allocation and file input/output. It discusses topics like operators, program flow control, arrays, structures, unions and linked lists.
The document outlines the key concepts of the C programming language including data types, variables, functions, pointers, memory allocation and file input/output. It discusses topics like operators, program flow control, arrays, structures, unions and linked lists.
The document outlines the key concepts of the C programming language including data types, variables, functions, pointers, memory allocation and file input/output. It discusses topics like operators, program flow control, arrays, structures, unions and linked lists.
o Higher Case and Lower-Case letters are different Standard Keywords o 32 Keywords o These keywords are in lower case Operators o Arithmetic o Relational o Assignment o Logical o Bitwise o Unary o Ternary Data Types o Integer family char short int long long long (Available in GCC) o Float family float double Variables o Name given to a memory location to store data Global Variables static extern Local Variables auto static Constants Standard Input Output (stdio.h) Library o Library Functions getchar() gets() scanf() putchar() puts() printf() o Library functions are in lower case Program Flow Control o Condition based program control if else ladder switch case break default Looping for while do while Arrays o To group and access data of same type o Single Dimension o Multi Dimension Structures o To group and access data of different types o Untagged o Tagged o Padding o Bitfields Unions o Similar to structure with significant difference Structures & Unions Differences Pointers o NULL Pointer o WILD Pointer o void Pointer o Dangling Pointer o Function Pointer o Pointer to a Pointer String Handling o String is a collection (array) of characters (alphanumeric data – Refer ASCII table) o string library functions (string.h) strlen() strcmp() strcat() strrev() strcpy() strlwr() strupr() and more …. o Library functions are in lower case o Also to know how to implement string functionality without string library Command Line Arguments Preprocessor o Labels o Macros o Conditional Compilation User defined functions o Function Prototype Declaration o Function Input Parameters Call by Value Call by Reference o Function Return Value o Function Definition o Function Call o Recursion Storage Classes o auto o register o const o extern o static Special Keywords o sizeof() o volatile Dynamic Memory Allocation Library (stdlib.h) o DMA library Functions malloc() calloc() realloc() free() Memory Layout o Code or Text Segment o Data Segment o Stack Segment o Heap Segment o Command Line Arguments High Level File Input Output o Library Functions (stdio.h) fopen() fread() fwrite() fclose() Compilation Stages (Build Process) o Preprocessing o Compiling o Assembling o Linking o Load/ Execute Linked Lists o Single o Double o Circular