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Civil Law Role Play Cards

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Student A - Plaintiff Student A - Plaintiff Student A - Plaintiff t

Read the scenario and explain to the lawyer all Read the scenario and explain to the lawyer all Read the scenario and explain to the lawyer all h
the facts of your situation. Use your own the facts of your situation. Use your own the facts of your situation. Use your own e
words: words: words:
I want to file a lawsuit against my landlord. The I want to file a lawsuit against my landlord. I want to file a lawsuit against my landlord. s
reason is that they failed to address serious The reason is that they failed to address serious The reason is that they failed to address serious c
health and safety issues in the rental property I health and safety issues in the rental property I health and safety issues in the rental property I e
was living in. The defendant, my landlord, was living in. The defendant, my landlord, was living in. The defendant, my landlord, n
neglected to fix a leaking roof and mold growth neglected to fix a leaking roof and mold growth neglected to fix a leaking roof and mold growth a
in the bathroom. These issues caused me to in the bathroom. These issues caused me to in the bathroom. These issues caused me to r
suffer health problems and incur medical suffer health problems and incur medical suffer health problems and incur medical i
expenses. I have documentation of multiple expenses. I have documentation of multiple expenses. I have documentation of multiple o
written complaints I sent to the landlord written complaints I sent to the landlord written complaints I sent to the landlord
requesting repairs, as well as photographs and requesting repairs, as well as photographs and requesting repairs, as well as photographs and a
Student B - Lawyer Student B - Lawyer Student B - Lawyer Student B - Lawyer Student B - Lawyer Student B - Lawyer
Listen to the plaintiff and try to Listen to the plaintiff and try to Listen to the plaintiff and try to Listen to the plaintiff and try to Listen to the plaintiff and try to Listen to the plaintiff and try to
get as much information as you get as much information as you get as much information as get as much information as get as much information as get as much information as
can. At the end of the can. At the end of the you can. At the end of the you can. At the end of the you can. At the end of the you can. At the end of the
conversation you must have the conversation you must have the conversation you must have conversation you must have conversation you must have conversation you must have
following elements: following elements: the following elements: the following elements: the following elements: the following elements:
The names of the plaintiff The names of the plaintiff The names of the plaintiff The names of the plaintiff The names of the plaintiff The names of the plaintiff
and defendant. and defendant. and defendant. and defendant. and defendant. and defendant.
The facts of the lawsuit. The facts of the lawsuit. The facts of the lawsuit. The facts of the lawsuit. The facts of the lawsuit. The facts of the lawsuit.
The reasons for starting the The reasons for starting the The reasons for starting the The reasons for starting the The reasons for starting the The reasons for starting the
lawsuit. lawsuit. lawsuit. lawsuit. lawsuit. lawsuit.
The damages or injuries that The damages or injuries that The damages or injuries that The damages or injuries that The damages or injuries that The damages or injuries that
the defendant caused the the defendant caused the the defendant caused the the defendant caused the the defendant caused the the defendant caused the
plaintiff. plaintiff. plaintiff. plaintiff. plaintiff. plaintiff.
What the plaintiff wants What the plaintiff wants What the plaintiff wants What the plaintiff wants What the plaintiff wants What the plaintiff wants

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