C Gfaf
C Gfaf
C Gfaf
Air Canada
Airbus A330-343, C-GFAF
Montréal/Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport, Quebec
25 December 2021
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Transportation Safety Board of Canada, Air Transportation Safety Investigation Report A21Q0138 (released
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Table of contents
Air Canada
Airbus A330-343, C-GFAF
Montréal/Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport, Quebec
25 December 2021
The Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB) investigated this occurrence for the purpose of
advancing transportation safety. It is not the function of the Board to assign fault or determine
civil or criminal liability. This report is not created for use in the context of legal, disciplinary or
other proceedings. See the Terms of use on page 2.
On 25 December 2021, the Air Canada Airbus A330-343 (registration C-GFAF, serial
number 0277) operating as flight number AC901, was conducting an instrument flight rules
flight from Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood International Airport, Florida, United States, to
Montréal/Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport, Quebec. A few seconds after
touchdown on Runway 06L, the bogie beam failed on the right main landing gear. At the
same time, indications of a right main landing gear malfunction were displayed in the
cockpit. The aircraft continued its landing roll, with the right gear shock strut scraping the
runway, and came to rest on the runway.
The crew requested assistance from aircraft rescue and firefighting services. Significant
landing gear damage, which made towing the aircraft impossible, was observed. The airport
authority closed Runway 06L and dispatched assistance vehicles to transport the
passengers and crew members to the terminal. Runway 06L was re-opened the next day,
at 0530 Eastern Standard Time. Damage was limited to the right main landing gear. There
were no injuries.
1.1.1 Background
On 17 December 2021, the Air Canada Airbus A330-343 was preparing to conduct
flight AC864 from Montréal/Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport (CYUL), Quebec, to
London Heathrow International Airport (EGLL), England. Approximately 15 minutes after
leaving the gate, as the aircraft was taxiing toward the take-off runway, the electronic
centralized aircraft monitor (ECAM) displayed a BRAKES HOT message for the No. 3 brake.
The crew followed the appropriate procedures and taxied the aircraft back to the terminal
to have the brake inspected by maintenance personnel. The passengers disembarked, the
flight was cancelled, and the aircraft was removed from service.
The bearings on the No. 4 wheel of the right main landing gear had seized. The front axle
and 1 of the 2 axle bushings were substantially damaged. After the damaged parts of the
main landing gear had been replaced, the aircraft was returned to service on
24 December 2021. It conducted flight AC904 from CYUL to Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood
International Airport (KFLL), Florida, United States. The flight and landing were uneventful.
All times are Eastern Standard Time (Coordinated Universal Time minus 5 hours).
1.6.1 General
Table 2. Aircraft information
Manufacturer Airbus
Type, model, and registration A330-343, C-GFAF
Year of manufacture 1999
Serial number 0277
Certificate of airworthiness date 13 January 2000
Total airframe time 91 282 hours / 14 940 cycles
Engine type (number of engines) Rolls Royce-UK, RB211 Trent 772B-60 (2)
Maximum allowable take-off weight 230 000 kg
Recommended fuel type(s) Jet A, Jet A-1, JP 5, JP 8, No. 3 Jet, TS-1 (GOST)
and RT (GOST)
Fuel type used Jet A-1 Description
The A330 landing gear consists of a dual-wheel nose gear and 2 main landing gear
assemblies with a bogie. 2 Each bogie has 4 wheels in a twin-tandem configuration. The
wheels are numbered from left to right, with 1 to 4 on the front axles and 5 to 8 on the rear
axles (Figure 2).
A bogie is a structural element that connects an assembly of more than 2 wheels to the same shock strut.
Figure 2. A330 main landing gears and wheel numbering (Source: Urs Ryser, with TSB annotations)
When the aircraft is in flight and the landing gear is down, the bogies are inclined such that
when the aircraft lands, the rear tires are the first to touch down on the runway. Therefore,
forces are transferred gradually when the wheels touch down. Additionally, the beam
position is always the same when the gear is selected up.
Each main landing gear includes the following items (Figure 3):
• bogie beam assembly
• shock strut
• side brace link
• brakes
• wheels and tires
Figure 3. A330 main landing gear assembly (Source: Airbus, Aircraft Maintenance Manual [AMM],
Task 32-41-00-210-808-A [01 April 2019], with TSB annotations)
The bogie beam is the longitudinal component whose centre point pivots on the shock strut.
The beam is a 300M 3 steel tube with 3 transverse openings: 1 in the centre, where the joint
axis connects the bogie to the shock strut, and 2 others at the ends, where the 2 axles pass
through. The brake and wheel assemblies are mounted on the axles. Two aluminum-bronze
alloy bushings are installed in each opening where an axle passes through, to protect the
beam and axle base metal.
Various processes and materials are used to protect the bogie beam. The base metal is
covered with a layer of cadmium, which is then coated with a primer. Some parts are
chrome-plated. The outer lower part of the beam is coated with a polysulphide layer to
protect it from gravel. A polyurethane topcoat is then applied to all of it, except the chrome-
plated parts. An Ardrox AV100D corrosion-inhibiting compound is also applied to the inner
surface of the beam.
The right main landing gear assembly had been installed on the aircraft on
15 September 2020 after being overhauled. At the time of installation, the assembly had
300M is a very high strength alloy steel.
accumulated 79 011 hours and 16 062 flight cycles 4 and the bogie beam had accumulated
7715 hours and 1945 cycles. According to the Airbus A330 Airworthiness Limitations
Section, 5 the life limit for the occurrence bogie beam is 75 000 hours and 46 000 cycles,
while the landing gear assembly does not have a life limit.
Aircraft records show that the bearings on the No. 4 wheel failed 2 flight cycles before the
occurrence flight. General
A tapered wheel bearing has 2 main parts: the cup and the cone. The cone itself consists of
the inner ring, rollers and the cage, which holds the rollers on the inner ring (Figure 4). The
bearings do not have a manufacturer-established life limit. They are inspected and replaced
only if a visual inspection reveals a deficiency.
Figure 4. Parts of a tapered wheel bearing (Source: TSB)
After the BRAKES HOT message for the No. 3 brake appeared on the ECAM while the
occurrence aircraft was taxiing on 17 December, maintenance personnel inspected the
No. 3 wheel and did not note anything unusual. However, the personnel did notice that the
No. 4 wheel was completely off-centre, and the wheel hub was broken. The technicians
removed the damaged wheel with the intention of installing another one temporarily, until
the aircraft could be towed to the maintenance hangar. However, given that the associated
brake unit could not be removed on site, the personnel were unable to install a temporary
A flight cycle corresponds to the full take-off and landing sequence.
Airbus, Airbus A330 Airworthiness Limitations Section (ALS), Part 1: Safe Life Airworthiness Limitation Items
(SL-ALI), Revision 11, Issue 02 (16 December 2021).
The aircraft was then towed to the hangar with one wheel missing. Given that the
maintenance personnel were unable to remove enough fuel, the aircraft’s weight was
approximately 190 000 kg, i.e., 18 000 kg more than the maximum towing weight
recommended by Airbus. To determine whether this overweight towing with a missing
wheel could have had an impact on the bogie beam, the exact data were sent to Airbus, who
determined that the forces exerted had not exceeded the design limitations and had not
contributed to the beam failure.
Maintenance personnel had to cut the axle protective sleeve into several pieces to release
the sleeve and remove the brake unit.
No further deficiencies were discovered beyond those already noted during the landing
gear inspection.
The following publications were consulted by the technicians: the aircraft maintenance manual (AMM), the
associated component maintenance manuals (CMM), service bulletins and airworthiness directives.
Airbus, A330 Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMM), Task 05-51-15-200-801, Inspection of the Aircraft after a
Tire Burst or Tread Throw or Wheel Failure, Revision 64 (01 October 2021).
Ibid., Task 05-51-16-200-801-A, Inspection After Brake Overheat, Revision 64 (01 October 2021).
Ibid., Task 32-11-00-210-801, Inspection for Discoloration of the Overheat Indication Paint, Revision 64
(01 October 2021).
Maintenance personnel replaced the wheel, the wheel bearings, the brake unit, the axle
protective sleeve, the front axle, and the associated bushings on the bogie beam. These
bushings were located where the beam failed during the occurrence.
The magnetic variation at CYUL is 14° west.
A runway condition code of 5 indicates that braking deceleration and directional control are normal.
1.9 Communications
Not applicable.
Runway 06R/24L was rebuilt and grooved using the wire combing technique in 2004. According to Advisory
Circular (AC) 150/5320-12C published by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) of the United States, “the
wire comb technique uses rigid steel wires to form a deep texture in the plastic concrete pavement.” These
grooves form parallel channels perpendicular to the pavement. (Source: Federal Aviation Administration
[FAA], Advisory Circular [AC] 150/5320-12C: Measurement, construction, and maintenance of skid-resistant
airport pavement surfaces [18 March 1997], subsection 2.13: Wire combing)
Figure 5. Aerial view of the relevant portion of Runway 06L indicating the distance travelled by the
aircraft between the first damage mark and the stopping point (Source: Google Earth, with TSB
The bogie beam was broken in front of the shock strut hinge. The forward part, including
the axle for the No. 3 and No. 4 wheels, was separated completely, and was only held in
place by various hydraulic lines, electrical harnesses, and the pitch trimmer system arm.
The tire on the No. 8 wheel had been perforated by debris produced by the fracturing of the
beam. The lower part of the landing gear strut was abraded up to the hinge. The attachment
points of the brake anti-rotation rods were abraded completely, and the rods were no
longer being held to the strut (figures 6 and 7).
Figure 6. View of the damaged right main landing gear, looking outboard (Source: ADM aircraft rescue
and firefighting services, with TSB annotations)
Figure 7. View of the right main landing gear in good condition, looking outboard (Source: Air Canada,
with TSB annotations)
The preliminary examination of the fracture surfaces drew the investigators’ attention to
the area of the front right bore, where the aluminum-bronze bushing was installed near the
No. 4 wheel. The fracture surface at this location (Figure 8) had a different texture than the
other fractures over approximately 1 cm2.
Figure 8. Diagram of the main fragments from the bogie beam (Source: TSB)
Other than the abrasion caused by contact with the runway, the shock strut was in good
condition and functioning properly.
The wheels and their bearings, along with the brakes, were also in good working order.
1.14 Fire
Not applicable.
Air Canada, AC-Maintenance Control Manual (AC-MCM) – Air Canada/ACrouge.
Air Canada, AC-Maintenance Policy Manual (AC-MPM).
The Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) define the tasks that constitute specialized maintenance and
require that these tasks be performed by an AMO specialized in a category appropriate to the work to be
performed (section 571.04).
Given that bushing replacement is not one of the repairs described in the landing gear
manufacturer’s component maintenance manual (CMM), AAR engineers used the
Disassembly and Assembly sections of the CMM and combined them into one operation on
the process router. This single operation included several actions that could be performed
by a number of technicians at different times, but only required the signature of the
technician to whom the operation had been assigned.
1.17.3 Airbus
The A330 is designed and assembled by the aircraft manufacturer, Airbus. Airbus is
responsible for producing the instructions necessary for the continued airworthiness of the
aircraft, including the aircraft maintenance manual (AMM). These instructions enable AMOs
such as Air Canada to determine which maintenance tasks they can perform under their
AMO certificate.
Safran, Messier-Bugatti-Dowty, Service Bulletin No. A33/34-32-300: Landing Gear – Main Landing Gear –
Bogie and Dressings – Bogie Assembly – Axle Removal Using Enerpac Equipment and Installation Using the
Heat and Freeze Procedure, Revision 1 (22 January 2014).
The AAR technicians installed the new bushings on 22 December. To do this, the new
bushings were cooled in a liquid nitrogen bath, which made the metal contract, making it
easier to insert the bushings in the bores. They were then inserted using the hydraulic unit,
until the bushing shoulder was perfectly flush with the wall of the beam. To avoid any
shifting of parts, pressure is maintained until all components return to room temperature.
The next day, 23 December, the bushings were bored to the final inner dimension stipulated
in the beam CMM. 18
The AAR technicians then prepared the axle for installation. To do this, the axle is plunged
in liquid nitrogen to make it contract. The bushings and bogie beam are heated to a
maximum temperature of 60 °C. The combined effect of the contraction of the axle and the
expansion of the bushings make it possible to properly position the axle in the bogie beam.
Safran Landing Systems UK Ltd., Document No. 32-12-05, Component Maintenance Manual with Illustrated
Parts List – Bogie Assembly, Revision 42 (10 August 2018).
The axle was then inserted in the beam and held in position until the assembly returned to
room temperature.
Once the AAR technicians had completed their work, the Air Canada technicians
reassembled the bogie beam and landing gear, and the aircraft was returned to service.
As part of the technical examination, the bogie beam fragments were examined in a
laboratory under TSB supervision. Initial visual signs on the beam led investigators to
suspect localized overheating of the base metal near the No. 4 wheel. Safran then performed
a fractographic analysis of the fragments.
The fracture starting point was located at the point of contact between the end of the bogie
beam and the bushing. The forward part of the beam was then cut against the fracture
(approximately 180°) to allow the axle and bushings to be released without risking damage
to critical surfaces.
When a material fractures, the fracture surfaces bear traces that may indicate the cause of
the fracture and how it spread. The fracture surfaces showed chevron-shaped markings,
which are associated with the rapid spread of a fracture. In examining the precise shape of
the chevrons, it was possible to determine the direction in which the fracture spread, as
well as the starting point of the fracture.
A closer examination was carried out with a binocular microscope, using approximately 10X
magnification. An incipient secondary crack was discovered near the main fracture, as well
as discoloration and cadmium clusters on the chamfer, indicating that the cadmium had
reached its melting point 19 after an overheating, and had then resolidified (Figure 9).
Figure 9. Cross-sectional view of the assembly showing the area affected by heat
(Source: Safran, with TSB annotations)
The inner surface of the beam had scoring damage on the protective layers, and the Ardrox
corrosion-inhibiting compound was missing in several spots in the area where the bushings
were replaced. Safran’s Service Bulletin A33/34-32-300 20 has a step that includes the
inspection and repair of the protective layers before installation of the axle.
The beginning of the Assembly section in the CMM 21 states that technicians must ensure
that parts are clean and that the dimensions comply with those stated in the applicable
section. The Assembly section does not provide a specific step for inspecting surfaces to
identify any potential defects in the protective layers or the base metal. The Check section of
the CMM provides criteria for inspecting parts, but this section was not used when the axle
and bushings were replaced.
The protective layer on the beam, where the bushing shoulder contacts the surface, was
blackened over approximately 260° of the circumference, and there was a clear transition
between the blackened area and the intact area. Droplet-shaped cadmium accumulations
Cadmium’s melting point is 321 °C.
Safran, Messier-Bugatti-Dowty, Service Bulletin No. A33/34-32-300: Landing Gear – Main Landing Gear –
Bogie and Dressings – Bogie Assembly – Axle Removal Using Enerpac Equipment and Installation Using the
Heat and Freeze Procedure, Revision 1 (22 January 2014), subsection 3.E.(9), p. 13.
Safran Landing Systems UK Ltd, Document No. 32-12-05, Component Maintenance Manual with Illustrated
Parts List – Bogie Assembly, Revision 42 (10 August 2018), Assembly, section 1: General, p. 701.
were visible on the chamfer, and a second crack was discovered approximately 20 mm from
the main fracture.
It was then decided to conduct 2 different non-destructive tests to determine if overheating
had occurred: the Barkhausen noise analysis and the nital etch test.
The Barkhausen noise analysis is based on variations in the magnetic flux of ferromagnetic
material such as 300M steel, which was used to fabricate the bogie beam. These variations
indicate that the base metal has been altered, but a more thorough examination is needed to
determine the exact nature of this alteration.
This type of testing can be performed using a hand-held device, without having to remove
the protective layers of the surface being analyzed.
This test revealed a significant difference in the readings between the healthy area and the
blackened area, which is a sign that the metal was altered.
A second non-destructive test was then performed: the nital etch test. Nital is a
nitric acid and alcohol solution, which, when applied to carbon steel, has a different effect
on areas where the steel is healthy compared to areas where the molecular structure has
been altered, especially by heat.
Nital must be applied to steel that has no protective layer such as paint, a coating, or a
primer, which makes the test complicated to perform as part of a maintenance activity other
than a complete part overhaul.
The nital etch test determined that the temperature of the bogie beam base metal had
exceeded 850 °C in some places.
When a molten metal comes into contact with a solid metal that has a higher melting point,
the molten metal may be absorbed into the structure of the base metal. The base metal loses
its ductility in the affected area, making it more fragile. Grains of base metal may also
separate. These separations are the beginnings of cracks that can spread and progress very
quickly. This phenomenon is called liquid metal embrittlement.
On the occurrence bogie beam, the presence of cadmium within the base metal granular
structure was identified using a scanning electron microscope. The temperature reached by
the beam’s base metal allowed the cadmium protective layer to liquify (melt) and spread
between the grains of 300M steel by capillary action, making the steel fragile and resulting
in the formation of 2 cracks (Figure 10).
Figure 10. Diagram illustrating the spread of molten cadmium (bold line) between the grains of
steel and the formation of cracks (Source: TSB)
One of these cracks was the cause of the complete fracturing of the bogie beam. Cadmium
was also discovered in the cracks, indicating that the cracks formed when the cadmium was
still in a liquid state.
The axle that was removed and replaced following the incident on 17 December was
examined. Signs of overheating were observed in several spots on the No. 4 wheel side, not
only in the form of discoloration of protective layers, but also in the form of molten metal
transferred from the protective sleeve (figures 11 and 12).
Figure 11. The No. 4 wheel axle damaged during the incident on 17 December (Source: Safran)
Figure 12. Friction marks on the No. 4 wheel axle damaged during the incident on
17 December (Source: Safran)
To identify exposure to high heat, axles are equipped with orange indicator strips
containing heat-sensitive paint. These strips are placed on the axle at the 2 locations most
likely to be exposed to high temperatures in the event of overheated brakes. The colour
changes from orange to brown at a temperature of 250 °C, from brown to light grey at
300 °C, and, finally, to off-white when the temperature exceeds 320 °C. The indicator strip
closest to the beam at the No. 4 wheel on the axle that was replaced after the incident on
17 December was still its original colour (Figure 12). The strip closest to the nut showed
abrasion marks but was still its original colour on most of the remaining surface.
To test whether the indicator strips were working properly, a portion of the axle that had an
indicator strip was placed in a temperature-controlled oven. The strip turned grey after
20 minutes of exposure at 320 °C.
The protective sleeve that was removed after the occurrence on 17 December was fractured
at the shoulder. The sleeve had to be cut into 6 pieces when it was still on the axle so that it
could be removed. The contact surfaces between the sleeve and the beam bushing had
rotational marks, which indicated that the sleeve had rotated around the axle. Furthermore,
metal from the beam bushing had transferred to the sleeve at the contact surfaces, possibly
due to the friction generated during the sleeve rotation.
These observations determined that the seizure of the wheel bearing had exerted enough
rotational force to move the sleeve. The friction between the rotating sleeve shoulder and
the beam bushing caused the temperature of the parts that were in contact to increase.
1.18.2 Technical examination of the wheel bearings damaged during the incident
on 17 December
The bearings removed after the incident on 17 December were sent to the wheel
manufacturer, Goodrich-Messier, for a technical examination. The parts were so damaged
that it was impossible to determine with certainty what had caused the failure. A damaged
or worn cage would be the most likely cause. Fragments of this cage could have gotten
lodged between the rollers and bearing surfaces, and caused a rapid seizure of the parts.
The manufacturer provided the following recommendations on best practices for proper
bearing maintenance in its technical report:
• Ensure proper cone assembly inspection occurs to identify cage wear, cage
damage and excessive looseness, even if bearings are new
• Ensure proper inspection of roller ends and large rib face to identify scoring
damage […]
• Always handle cone assemblies with care when processing, cleaning, and
installing. The cage is softer than the other bearing components and is subject to
wear or deformation from sharp contact or pressure
• Always ensure the proper nut torque procedure [recommended by the
manufacturer] is followed […]
• Always use a properly calibrated torque wrench when installing the nut
• Always apply fresh, clean grease to the bearings within four hours of inspection
• Clean old grease from nut and axle threads
• Ensure the nut rotates easily on axle threads
• Ensure fresh grease is applied to the nut threads and nut face […]
• Ensure the wheel is installed all the way against the inboard axle sleeve
• Ensure the wheel rotates smoothly during all nut torque operations
• Use a wheel dolly [to raise and align the wheels during installation]
• Ensure the bearing seats are to specification and are clean and free from nicks,
dents, and wear. 22
Goodrich-Messier, Inc., Engineering Report ER-14511, Air Canada A330 Main Wheel Bearing Fracture
Investigation (28 June 2022), pp. 29–30.
The bearings are inspected at every tire change. Tire life limit varies, but it is approximately 300 flight cycles
for Air Canada’s fleet of A330s.
The removed bearings were sent to the manufacturer (Timken). Examination of the bearings led to some
observations, but it was impossible to determine with certainty what had caused the previous failures.
During the landing on 25 December 2021, the bogie beam on the right main landing gear
fractured in front of the hinge point. A crack spread all around the beam, causing the
forward part to fracture and several parts to fall onto the runway.
The fractographic analysis of the fragments revealed that the fracture starting point was the
No. 4 wheel bore, which had undergone maintenance 2 flight cycles before the occurrence.
This analysis will focus first on the bogie beam fracture, then on the maintenance
performed previously, to identify the causes and contributing factors as well as the risk
factors associated with the occurrence.
had exceeded 850 °C in some places around the bushing shoulder. The weakened steel then
led to the formation of 2 cracks.
The investigation determined that the area of overheating was not a result of the
occurrence flight. A review of past occurrences was then carried out and it was discovered
that brake overheating and a bearing failure had occurred on 17 December on the same
bogie. It was then deemed necessary to further study this overheating.
Findings as to causes and contributing factors
Two cracks emanated from a previously undetected area of overheating under the bogie
beam bushing. One of the 2 cracks spread and caused a fracture of the No. 4 wheel bore.
Upon landing on 25 December 2021, the fracture emanating from the No. 4 wheel bore
spread rapidly and resulted in the bogie beam breaking into several pieces. No longer
supported by the wheels, the shock strut scraped the runway until the aircraft came to rest.
Finding as to risk
If the brake temperature sensor leads are reversed on the landing gear bogie, the brake
overheating indication in the cockpit will be associated with the wrong wheel. Maintenance
personnel might then inspect the wrong wheel, and damage could be missed.
As a result of the observed damage, the technicians determined that the unscheduled
inspection after brake overheat procedure, described in the aircraft maintenance
manual (AMM), needed to be carried out. One of the steps in this procedure requires the
inspection of the axle overheat indicator strips.
The indicator strip closest to the beam at the No. 4 wheel on the damaged axle was still its
original colour, which led the technicians to believe that the assembly had not been exposed
to a temperature greater than 250 °C, at which point the strip paint colour begins to change
from orange to brown.
Brake overheating generally produces heat that is transmitted to the axle through radiation
over a large surface for a relatively long period. In the 17 December occurrence, the
considerable mechanical energy produced by the sleeve rapidly rotating around the axle
and rubbing against the beam bushing was converted into high localized thermal energy at
the friction points. Although the temperature had exceeded 850 °C in some places, the
significant metallic mass of the axle rapidly dissipated the heat, which explains why this
heat had no effect on the indicator strip closest to the beam.
Finding as to causes and contributing factors
Given that the overheat indicator strip closest to the beam at the No. 4 wheel on the axle
was its original colour, applicable procedures allowed for the replacement of the axle and
the bogie beam bushing without a thorough damage assessment.
The bogie beam axle bushing showed friction marks on its face, which is normally in static
contact with the sleeve. The Safran laboratory report showed that seizure of the wheel
bearing had caused the sleeve to rotate and that friction between the sleeve shoulder and
the bushing had caused wear and melting damage to the bushing.
Finding as to causes and contributing factors
On 17 December 2021, while the aircraft was taxiing for takeoff, for an undetermined
reason, one of the bearings on the No. 4 wheel seized and caused the protective sleeve to
rub against the bogie beam bushing, causing localized overheating of the bogie beam base
technicians could not perform the task themselves. They had to use the services of the
maintenance organization AAR Landing Gear Services (AAR), which was approved to
perform this task.
AAR technicians replaced the axle and bushings using the process router created by their
engineering department and based on existing approved documentation, i.e., the CMM.
However, given that bushing replacement is not one of the repairs described in the CMM,
AAR engineers used the Disassembly and Assembly sections of the CMM and combined
them into one operation. As a result, this single operation included several actions that
could be performed by a number of technicians at different times, but only required the
signature of the technician to whom the operation had been assigned. This situation thereby
undermined the inherently rigorous process routers and ran counter to the purpose of
using them.
Finding as to risk
If maintenance actions that can be carried out by a number of technicians at different times
are combined into a single operation on a process router, an action could be omitted or not
checked, creating a risk that the maintenance performed will not be safe.
During the examination of the beam assembly at Safran’s laboratory, scoring damage was
found on the protective layers of the beam’s inner surface. It is likely that this scoring
damage was caused when the AAR technicians removed the bushing from the axle. The
Disassembly section of the CMM does not provide a specific procedure or the tools required
to remove bushings. AAR technicians generally use an adaptor plate placed against the
bushing and a long aluminum punch that the technicians hit with a hammer. The punch’s
length and weight make it difficult to manoeuvre within the limited space of the beam bore
and increase the risk of damage to surrounding surfaces.
In addition to the scoring damage, the examination of the beam assembly conducted for the
purposes of the investigation revealed that the Ardrox corrosion-inhibiting compound was
missing in several spots in the area where the bushings were replaced.
Safran’s Service Bulletin A33/34-32-300 has a step that includes inspection and repair of
the protective layers before installation of the axle. The beginning of the Assembly section
in the CMM states that technicians must ensure that parts are clean and that the dimensions
comply with those stated in the applicable section.
The Assembly section of the CMM does not provide a specific step for inspecting surfaces to
identify any defects in the protective layers or the base metal. The Check section of the CMM
provides criteria for inspecting parts, but this section was not used when the axle and
bushings were replaced.
Although the scoring damage and missing Ardrox were not considered to be contributing
factors to the failure, metal on untreated surfaces is susceptible to premature corrosion,
which can reduce a part’s life limit.
Findings as to risk
If scoring and other damage to the inner surface of a bogie beam are not detected during
visual inspections, there is a risk that cracks will develop.
If spots of missing corrosion-inhibiting protective layer inside a bogie beam are not
identified during visual inspections, there is an increased risk of corrosion.
Examination of the beam assembly revealed signs of localized overheating on the axle.
Despite the presence of these signs on the axle, the technicians who assessed the damage
ruled out the possibility that the beam metal had overheated. They focused on the following
points to arrive at this conclusion:
• The overheat indicator strip closest to the beam on the axle was intact.
• The blackened area showed a clear transition, contrary to what would be expected
for the usual spread of heat in metal.
• The surface of the paint immediately around the bushing did not show any signs of
excessive heat, such as blistering or gradual discoloration.
The documentation in effect allowed for the replacement of the damaged parts without a
thorough assessment of the bogie beam damage. The technicians were focused on what they
had to do, which was to replace the axle and bushings using the documentation available at
the time to return the occurrence aircraft to service.
Finding as to causes and contributing factors
Given the intact indicator strip, the clear transition between the blackened area and the
adjacent protective layer, and the intact paint on the beam around the bushing, the
technicians who performed the visual inspection during the replacement of the damaged
bushing concluded that the beam was in good condition, even though the bogie beam base
metal had overheated.
The report for the laboratory examination conducted by Safran determined that the
structure of the 300M steel used to fabricate the beam had been altered, and 2 cracks were
present when the axle and bushings were replaced. Some non-destructive tests, such as the
Barkhausen noise analysis and the nital etch test, would have identified these deficiencies.
Finding as to causes and contributing factors
Given that the CMM does not provide any specific repair for a bushing replacement, the
Disassembly and Assembly sections were used as references. Consequently, the inspection
criteria during bushing replacement focused on ensuring the correct dimensions rather
than detecting damage, which eliminated the requirement for non-destructive tests.
1. On 17 December 2021, while the aircraft was taxiing for takeoff, for an undetermined
reason, one of the bearings on the No. 4 wheel seized and caused the protective sleeve
to rub against the bogie beam bushing, causing localized overheating of the bogie beam
base metal.
2. Given that the overheat indicator strip closest to the beam at the No. 4 wheel on the axle
was its original colour, applicable procedures allowed for the replacement of the axle
and the bogie beam bushing without a thorough damage assessment.
3. Given that the component maintenance manual does not provide any specific repair for
a bushing replacement, the Disassembly and Assembly sections were used as
references. Consequently, the inspection criteria during bushing replacement focused
on ensuring the correct dimensions rather than detecting damage, which eliminated the
requirement for non-destructive tests.
4. Given the intact indicator strip, the clear transition between the blackened area and the
adjacent protective layer, and the intact paint on the beam around the bushing, the
technicians who performed the visual inspection during the replacement of the
damaged bushing concluded that the beam was in good condition, even though the
bogie beam base metal had overheated.
5. Two cracks emanated from a previously undetected area of overheating under the bogie
beam bushing. One of the 2 cracks spread and caused a fracture of the No. 4 wheel bore.
6. Upon landing on 25 December 2021, the fracture emanating from the No. 4 wheel bore
spread rapidly and resulted in the bogie beam breaking into several pieces. No longer
supported by the wheels, the shock strut scraped the runway until the aircraft came to
1. If the brake temperature sensor leads are reversed on the landing gear bogie, the brake
overheating indication in the cockpit will be associated with the wrong wheel.
Maintenance personnel might then inspect the wrong wheel, and damage could be
3. If scoring and other damage to the inner surface of a bogie beam are not detected during
visual inspections, there is a risk that cracks will develop.
4. If spots of missing corrosion-inhibiting protective layer inside a bogie beam are not
identified during visual inspections, there is an increased risk of corrosion.
4.1.1 Airbus
Following this occurrence, Airbus modified the tasks below in the A330 maintenance
manual, requesting that operators contact them if damage to the bogie beam or bushings is
• 05-51-15-200-801 – Inspection of the Aircraft after a Tire Burst or Tread Throw or
Wheel Failure
• 32-41-00-210-808 – Detailed Inspection of the Axle and Axle Sleeve after a Wheel
Bearing Failure
This report concludes the Transportation Safety Board of Canada’s investigation into this
occurrence. The Board authorized the release of this report on 13 September 2023. It was
officially released on 04 October 2023.
Visit the Transportation Safety Board of Canada’s website (www.tsb.gc.ca) for information
about the TSB and its products and services. You will also find the Watchlist, which
identifies the key safety issues that need to be addressed to make Canada’s transportation
system even safer. In each case, the TSB has found that actions taken to date are
inadequate, and that industry and regulators need to take additional concrete measures to
eliminate the risks.