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Healthy Lifestyle

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EL - T01


ID NUMBER : D20111049520
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I would like to express my appreciation to my tutor
Mrs Yusrim binti Abdul Rahman Ior giving guided and
inIormation to make this assignment. She had given me a
lot oI knowledge and inIormation regarding to the English
lesson and also can improve my English Communication

I would also like to thank to my Iriends Ior their co
operations and discussion to produce this meaningIul

To my beloved Iamily a million thanks Ior you all
and keep all the sweet memories in your heart.











Health is the level oI Iunctional and (or) metabolic eIIiciency oI a living being.
In humans, it is the general condition oI a person in mind, body and spirit, usually meaning to be
Iree Irom illness, injury or pain (as in 'good health or 'healthy).
The World Health Organization (WHO) deIined health in its broader sense in 1946 as "a
state oI complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence oI disease
or inIirmity." Although this deIinition has been subject to controversy, in particular as having a
lack oI operational value and the problem created by use oI the word "complete", it remains the
most enduring. ClassiIication systems such as the WHO Family oI International ClassiIications,
including the International ClassiIication oI Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) and
the International ClassiIication oI Diseases (ICD), are commonly used to deIine and measure the
components oI health.
The maintenance and promotion oI health is achieved through diIIerent combination oI
physical, mental, and social well-being, together sometimes reIerred to as the 'health
triangle`. The WHO's 1986 Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion Iurthered that health is not
just a state, but also "a resource Ior everyday liIe, not the objective oI living. Health is a positive
concept emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities." .
Lifestyle is a term to describe the way a person lives, which was originally coined by
Austrian psychologist AlIred Adler in 1929. The current broader sense oI the word dates Irom
A set oI behaviors, and the senses oI selI and belonging which these behaviors represent,
are collectively used to deIine a given liIestyle. The term is deIined more broadly when used
in politics, marketing, and publishing.
A liIestyle is a characteristic bundle oI behaviors that makes sense to both others and oneselI in a
given time and place, including social relations, consumption, entertainment, and dress. The
behaviors and practices within liIestyles are a mixture oI habits, conventional ways oI doing
things, and reasoned actions.


!ublic awareness oI personal health and Iitness has grown tremendously over the last Iew
decades. In generations past the idea oI eating right and being physically Iit was a luxury
reserved Ior a privileged Iew. This concept has matured to embrace the idea that we all need to
regularly engage in pursuit oI our own wellbeing. It seems that every week there is a new diet or
Iitness craze that emerges promising to provide the missing element to help you trim down and
shape up. With all the choices available, it`s no wonder that the majority oI individuals that try to
improve their condition, eventually driIt back into old habits and Iall short oI their goals, Ieeling
discouraged and even more conIused about how to eIIectively begin living a healthy lifestyle.

DeIining the elements that constitute a healthy liIestyle is oIten as challenging as living the
model. Training Ior the body and conditioning Ior the mind serves to address the duality oI our
complex nature. To neglect one in Iavor oI the other, only serves to make your approach one
dimensional and reduces its eIIectiveness. Most Iitness proIessionals agree that there are several
key Iactors that are necessary Ior a well rounded training routine. Each component adds greater
depth to your overall approach to wellness. Here are several things to consider while developing
your approach to healthy living.

A comprehensive model oI healthy living should address physical and mental
training, nutrition, and how to balance these with quality rest and recovery. Resistance training
enhances your capacity to perIorm activities requiring physical strength. This coupled with
cardio-conditioning increases your endurance, or the ability to work longer periods oI time
without overtaxing. Combing strength and endurance with systems oI exercise that increase
Ilexibility, or the range oI motion in a joint, aid in allowing Ior a greater sense oI conIidence and
coordination as you move.

According to a prominent neuro-immunologist and one oI the nation`s leading authorities on
stress reduction, the clinical deIinition oI aging is: 'The bodies declining ability Ior recovery.
Hall Iurther states that this decline is not necessarily linked to our chronology, but is likely the
result oI stress due to the unceasing demands that we place on ourselves. SuIIicient rest when we
Ieel tired or during times that are exceedingly stressIul is essential. Adequate recovery Irom
work or injuries and extra rest when we Ieel illness coming on is our best weapon to aid in the
healing process.

The best gauge oI health and Iitness is 'how well you Ieel on a daily basis. At the core oI this
level oI wellness is a liIestyle built around balance and moderation. Take the time to take care oI
yourselI. The results oI your investment will prove to be well worth the eIIort.


In this time oI Iiscal crisis, we should always remember this saying "health is wealth". It
is very diIIicult to be sick nowadays. Hospitalization is very expensive. Even iI you are conIined
in a government hospital, you have to spend Ior laboratory examinations, medicines and
proIessional Iees oI the doctors.
Healthy diets, regular exercise, abstinence Irom smoking and moderate alcohol intake are key
components oI a healthy liIestyle.
With the changing liIestyle oI Filipinos, chronic degenerative diseases such as diabetes, heart
disease and cancer are becoming signiIicant public health problems.
Based on the 2003-2004 National Nutrition Health Survey (NNHeS) conducted by the Food and
Nutrition Research Institute-Department oI Science and Technology in collaboration with the
Department oI Health and 14 medical societies results revealed that 9 in every 10 Filipino adults
have at least one risk Iactor to cardio vascular disease (CVD). The Iollowing risk Iactors listed
Irom highest to lowest prevalence rate include, physical activity, smoking, hypertension,
hypercholesterolemia, and diabetes.
Smoking is the most prevalent risk Iactor oI cardiovascular diseases including heart attack and
stroke among Filipinos. This accounts Ior about 28,694 deaths in 2003 as reported by Dr.
Antonio L. Dans, Chairman oI the NNHeS Technical Committee. In spite oI the anti-smoking
campaign, Filipinos are smoking more (34.8) compared to Singaporeans (24.2) and the
Americans (24.1). Android or apple-shape obesity, a common risk Iactor oI chronic
degenerative disease is another risk Iactor oI hypertension. Android obesity has remained more
prevalent among Iemales (18.3) than males (3.1) using waist circumIerence.
One can attest the importance oI an active and healthy liIestyle. A healthy liIestyle
involves eating and drinking right, sleeping and resting adequately, and avoiding a sedentary
liIestyle by being physically active. Young people oI the modern world may Iind these healthy
habits diIIicult to maintain. However one must stress the Iact that these healthy habits can
prevent certain disease, even degenerating-related one such as osteoporosis. As long as you
practice a healthy liIe style early in liIe, bone strengthening and preventing Iractures as possible
even when your age is pass your prime.


Human beings are very oIten products oI our environments. Whatever habits we are surrounded
with are what we usually pick up as a kid. Our parents set the standard Ior us as kids at an early
age when it comes to our nutritional habits. II people had more knowledge about nutrition and
how to lead a healthy liIestyle we wouldn't have the problem we have today with obesity starting
already at the age oI 5 in our society. Knowledge is power and to have the power to make the
right choices based upon your knowledge is what makes the diIIerence in people's liIe. To make
healthy conscious choices makes you Ieel very powerIul and strong. You are in charge oI your
own healthy and your own liIestyle. Nobody likes to be the victim oI his or her own
Educate Your Family
Educate yourselI and your Iamily. Learn how to cook healthy meals Ior your children and your
Iamily. The more knowledge you have as an adult, the more you can pass on to your children and
give them a healthy start in liIe.
Build a Support Group
II you are starting a strict diet, try to get the support Irom your Iamily and Iriends. The more
inIormed people around you are the more you can count on them to support you in your pursue
oI a healthy liIestyle.
Avoid Temptation
Clean out the cupboards in your kitchen and throughout everything that you shouldn't eat. Create
a new healthy kitchen Ior you and your Iamily. Do not buy anything in the grocery store that is
not on your diet. II you bring it home, you will end up eating it at a weak moment. The rule is
very simple: II you shouldn't eat it, don't buy it!
Top Up On Tap
Bring a bottle oI water with you everywhere you go whether it's shopping, driving in your car,
going to a meeting or just to work. Don't let that water bottle leave your side all day. Keep
drinking your water throughout the day.
Beat The Pavement
Take a walk around the block at night beIore you go to bed to clear your mind and to get some
Iresh air beIore you go to sleep. II you work in the city, take a 20 minutes walk at your lunch. It
will relieve some stress and get your metabolism going. II you have the possibility to take a
power nap nothing will recharge your batteries better then a 20-30 minutes catnap.

New Role Models
II you are trying to change old habits and create new healthy ones it can sometimes be hard to do
it all alone. Try to Iind other people that are going through the same experience and share your
thoughts with them. Join a community group or participate in an online health and Iitness
message board.
New Activities
!ick up a new activity involving the whole Iamily such as hiking, group exercise and outdoor
activities in the park on the weekends. There is a lot oIIered iI you just look around you a little.
Change Your Mind
!ut little notes oI motivational thoughts and other supporting words in your home in places
where you will walk by them constantly. Changing your liIestyle takes discipline, energy,
determination, motivation and will power but it can be done and the sooner you start to take that
Iirst step towards a healthier you the sooner you get to reap the rewards.
Get Personal
Join the nearest Iitness center and book yourselI a couple oI sessions with a personal trainer. You
will not only push yourselI to go iI you have an appointment with somebody but you will also
learn so much more Irom a Iitness proIessional then just how to use the exercise equipment. A
personal trainer can answer a lot oI your health related questions and help you put a weekly
liIestyle schedule together that would work Ior you. Starting out with a personal trainer also help
you get to know more people at the Iitness center that are trying to do the same thing as you are.
Prepare for New Environment
II you have never been to a health club it can be intimidating the Iirst time. Go online and Iind
out as much inIormation you can beIore you go there or call them up and ask all the questions on
Iorehand. That way you will be a little bit prepared once you step Ioot inside the Iitness center

Eat Right and the Right Amount
How many calories you need in a day depends on your sex, age, body type, and how active you
are. Generally, active children ages 2 to 8 need between 1,400 and 2,000 calories a day. Active
teenage girls and women can consume about 2,200 calories a day without gaining weight.
Teenage boys and men who are very active should consume about 3,000 calories a day to
maintain their weight. II you're not active, you calorie needs drop by 400 to 600 calories a day.
The best way to know how much to eat is to listen to your body, says Donald Novey, MD, an
integrative medicine physician with the Advocate Medical Group in !ark Ridge, Ill. '!ull away
Irom the table when you`re comIortable but not yet Iull. Wait about 20 minutes, he says.
'Usually your body says, That`s good.` II you`re still hungry aIter that, you might want to eat a
little more.

Exercise Is Part of the Plan
At the bottom oI the new USDA Iood pyramid is a space Ior exercise. Exercise is an important
component oI a well-balanced diet and good nutrition. You can reap "Iabulous rewards," says Dr
Novey, just by exercising and eating 'a healthy diet oI Ioods that nature provides.
Simple Ways to Move Your Body
You can start the process oI weight loss now by adding a little more activity to your liIe. II
you're not ready Ior a structured program, start small. Every little bit counts and it all adds up to
burning more calories.
Turn off the TV. Once a week, turn oII the TV and do something a little more physical with
your Iamily. !lay games, take a walk...almost anything will be more active than sitting on the
Walk more. Look Ior small ways to walk more. When you get the mail, take a walk around the
block, take the dog Ior an extra outing each day or walk on your treadmill Ior 5 minutes beIore
getting ready Ior work.
Do some chores. Shoveling snow, working in the garden, raking leaves, sweeping the
Iloor...these kinds oI activities may not be 'vigorous' exercise, but they can keep you moving
while getting your house in order.
Pace while you talk. When you're on the phone, pace around or even do some cleaning while
gabbing. This is a great way to stay moving while doing something you enjoy.
Be aware. Make a list oI all the physical activities you do on a typical day. II you Iind that the
bulk oI your time is spent sitting, make another list oI all the ways you could move more--getting
up each hour to stretch or walk, walk the stairs at work, etc.
Learn about more ways to Iit in exercise.
Eating Well
Eating a healthy diet is another part oI the healthy liIestyle. Not only can a clean diet help with
weight management, it can also improve your health and quality oI liIe as you get older. You can
use the new My !late to determine how many calories you need and what Iood groups you
should Iocus on or, iI you're looking Ior smaller changes, you can use these tips Ior simple ways
to change how you eat:
Eat more fruit. Add it to your cereal, your salads or even your dinners
Sneak in more veggies. Add them wherever you can--a tomato on your sandwich, peppers on
your pizza, or extra veggies in your pasta sauce. Keep pre-cut or canned/Irozen veggies ready Ior
quick snacks.
Switch your salad dressing. II you eat Iull-Iat dressing, switch to something lighter and you'll
automatically eat less calories.
Eat low-fat or fat-free dairy. Switching to skim milk or Iat Iree yogurt is another simple way to
eat less calories without having to change too much in your diet.
Make some substitutes. Look through your cabinets or Iridge and pick 3 Ioods you eat every
day. Write down the nutritional content and, the next time you're at the store, Iind lower-calorie
substitutes Ior just those 3 items.

II you are what you eat, it Iollows that you want to stick to a healthy diet that`s well balanced.
'You want to eat a variety oI Ioods, says Stephen Bickston, MD, AGAF, proIessor oI internal
medicine and director oI the InIlammatory Bowel Disease Center at Virginia Commonwealth
University Health Center in Richmond. 'You don`t want to be overly restrictive oI any one Iood
group or eat too much oI another.

The Building Blocks

The best source oI meal planning Ior most Americans is the U.S. Department oI Agriculture
(USDA) and U.S. Department oI Health and Human Services Food !yramid. The pyramid,
updated in 2005, suggests that Ior a healthy diet each day you should eat:

6 to 8 servings of grains.
These include bread, cereal, rice, and pasta, and at least 3 servings should be Irom whole grains.
A serving oI bread is one slice while a serving oI cereal is 1/2 (cooked) to 1 cup (ready-to-eat). A
serving oI rice or pasta is 1/2 cup cooked (1 ounce dry). Save Iat-laden baked goods such as
croissants, muIIins, and donuts Ior an occasional treat.
2 to 4 servings of fruits and 4 to 6 servings of vegetables.
Most vegetables are naturally low in Iat, making them a great addition to your healthy diet. Fruits
and vegetables also provide the Iiber, vitamins, and minerals you need Ior your body`s systems
to Iunction at peak perIormance. Fruits and vegetables also will add Ilavor to a healthy diet. It's
best to serve them Iresh, steamed, or cut up in salads. Be sure to skip the calorie-laden toppings,
butter, and mayonnaise, except on occasion. A serving oI raw or cooked vegetables is equal to
1/2 cup (1 cup Ior leaIy greens); a serving oI a Iruit is 1/2 cup or a Iresh Iruit the size oI a tennis
2 to 3 servings of milk, yogurt, and cheese.
Choose dairy products wisely. Go Ior Iat-Iree or reduced-Iat milk or cheeses. Substitute yogurt
Ior sour cream in many recipes and no one will notice the diIIerence. A serving oI dairy is equal
to 1 cup oI milk or yogurt or 1.5 to 2 ounces oI cheese.

2 to 3 servings of meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs, and nuts.
For a healthy diet, the best ways to prepare beeI, pork, veal, lamb, poultry, and Iish is to bake or
broil them. Look Ior the words 'loin or 'round in cuts oI meats because they're the leanest.
Remove all visible Iat or skin beIore cooking, and season with herbs, spices, and Iat-Iree
marinades. A serving oI meat, Iish, or poultry is 2 to 3 ounces. Some crossover Ioods such as
dried beans, lentils, and peanut butter can provide protein without the animal Iat
and cholesterol you get Irom meats. A / cup cooked beans or 1 tablespoon oI peanut butter is
equal to 1 ounce oI lean meat.
Use fats, oils, and sweets sparingly.
No diet should totally eliminate any one Iood group, even Iats, oils, and sweets. It`s Iine to
include them in your diet as long as it`s on occasion and in moderation, Bickston says
Creating a healthy liIestyle doesn't have to mean drastic changes. In Iact, drastic changes almost
always lead to Iailure. Making small changes in how you live each day can lead to big rewards,
so Iigure out what you can to be healthy today.


Following a sedentary liIestyle is more dangerous Ior your health than smoking, says a
new study reported in the South China Morning !ost, and carried out by the University oI
Hong Kong and the Department oI Health. In the study, researchers looked at the level oI
physical activity in people who died and were able to correlate their level oI physical
activity with their risk oI dying.
The results are Iascinating: 20 oI all deaths oI people 35 and older were attributed to a
lack oI physical activity. That's more deaths than can be attributed to smoking. Looking
at speciIic diseases, the risk oI dying Irom cetin creased 45 Ior men and 28 Ior
women due to lack oI physical activity. The risk oI dying Irom respiratory ailments was
92 higher Ior men and 75 higher Ior women. The risk oI dying Irom heart disease
was 52 higher Ior men and 28 higher Ior women, all due to a lack oI physical
activity. It turns out that being a couch potato can kill you, literally.
This is really no surprise to naturopathic physicians, holistic healers, holistic nutritionists, and
other people in the natural healing Iields: physical activity is absolutely critical Ior the health oI
the human body. In Iact, it's Iair to say that the human body was designed to be used. There are a
lot oI misleading metaphors in modern medicine that compare the human body to an automobile.
These metaphors propose the idea that the body wears out with use. !eople say their knee joints
have worn out, Ior example, and that's why they have knee pain. But I have news Ior you on this:
joints don't "wear out" like car parts, and the human body actually gets healthier with use --
unlike your automobile.
In Iact, the more you use your body, the healthier it gets -- up to a point oI course; you
don't want to overexert yourselI and cause injury, but very Iew people run the risk oI
actually doing too much exercise in modern society. Sadly, in today's world, a lot oI
people just sit around. They spend endless hour watching TV, and they hold jobs that
require them to sit behind a desk Ior 8 or 9 or 10 hours a day engaging in virtually no
physical movement at all. As a result, they are being diagnosed with chronic diseases like
cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and respiratory ailments -- all related to a lack oI regular
physical exercise.
These diseases can be prevented and even Irequently reversed through physical exercise
alone. Looking at why physical exercise makes individuals so much healthier gives us an
interesting perspective on how the human body really works. The human body is designed to
move around. And by moving the muscles, ligaments and limbs, you actually massage the
tissues and organs oI the body, bringing them oxygen and enhancing their Ilexibility. You
also move lymph Iluid around the body, and lymph must be moved through physical activity
alone since there is no "lymph heart" to circulate lymph Iluid regardless oI your physical
activity like there is with your cardiovascular system. (In other words, your heart pumps
your blood even iI you're sitting in a chair. But there's nothing to pump your lymph Iluid
other than sloshing your body around through regular movement.)
!hysical activity gets everything moving in your body -- the blood, the oxygen, the
nutrients, the cellular respiration, the nervous system, and so on. Sweating is good Ior you as
well -- you sweat out toxins and replace the lost liquids by drinking Iresh, clean water.
!hysical exercise, iI done outside, also exposes you to the healing eIIects oI natural sunlight,
an essential nutrient Ior the human body that is deIicient in most people. Getting enough
sunlight on your skin can prevent and even reverse an astounding number oI chronic
diseases such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, osteoporosis and more.
II you put all oI this together, you see that physical exercise is extremely beneIicial to the
human body, and in Iact the body won't live nearly as long without it. Studies also show that
it doesn't take an enormous amount oI physical exercise to achieve health-enhancing results.
A mere 30 minutes a day oI walking, swimming, jogging, cycling or other cardiovascular
exercise can have astounding positive health eIIects.
But exercising seems to remain a low priority Ior many. !eople ask, how can I avoid all oI
these diseases without actually having to do the exercises? Is there a way that I can get the
beneIits oI this physical exercise without having to move my body? And the answer to that
is simply, no. You have to actually do it iI you want to get the beneIits Irom it. No one can
do it Ior you, no prescription drugs can give you the same eIIects, no surgical procedure can
create the health that your body would create on its own when you engage in regular
physical exercise. This is something you must pursue on your own iI you desire to
experience the positive health results it oIIers.


Web site
1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health

Mohammad Aziz Shah Mohamed Arip, Aslina Ahmad & Hazalizah Hamzah (Editor).
2011. Pengenalan Pembangunan Sahsiah. Tanjong Malim: Emeritus Publication.
Cattell, R.B. (1982). The Inherintance of Personality and Ability. New York: Academic

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