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Maths Logarithm

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$1. Definitions. Let there be anumber a >0
and 1
al. A nunber xis called the logarithm of 4 log, a. log, b=1 or log, a=
another number y>0 to the base a if a=y. log, b
We first observe that the Let log, a=x:. a= b5, log, b=y .. b= '
logarithm of a number
satisfying the conditions of the definition is Putting the value of b, we get a =(@'y=
unique. For if a and B are two distinct
logarithms of the number y to base a, then by xy=1 or
the above definition, we have
5. Base changing formula
a=y and d =y
whence ...(1)
log, a = log, a log, c
But, by the properties of powers with positive log, a = (log, a)/(log, b), by (4)
base different from 1, we conclude from (1) that
a=B. Let log, a=x :. a=b, ..(1)
Thus, if the number y has a logarithm to base a, log. a=y .2)
then this logarithm is unique. We denote it by and log, c=z
the symbol log, y. Thus by definition c=b' .3)
x=log, yif d =y. a=c= (by' = b by (2) and (3) ...(4)
Characteristic and mantissa. The integral par or a=b= . x=yz by (1), (4)
of a logarithm is called the characteristic and In general log, a= log, alog, c log, d.... log, k
the decimal part is called mantissa. Logarithms 6.
to the base 10are called common logarithms. |log, mn=log, m+ log, n,
The characteristics of common logarithms can log, (m/n)= log, m- log, n
be written down by inspection by the following Let log, m=x m=,
rule. (V. Imp.)
Rule. The characteristic of the logarithm (base log, n=y n=a'
10) of a number greater than lis less by one than mn =a.a=d+y
the number of digits in the integral part, and is
log, mn =I+y=log, m+ log, n.
positive. The characteristic of the logarithm of
a positive decimal fraction less than 1, is greater m a =

by unity than the number of consecutive zeros n

immediately after the decimal point, and is

$2. Properties of Logarithms.
loga n =X-y log, m- log, n.
The students should commit to memory the 7. log, m" =nlog, m or in particular log,, a' =n
following. (Imp.)
We assume a>0, a#1, m> 0, n>0. Let log, m=x : m=¢ and m"= (ay =au
1. a=y then I=log, y log, m"=nx=n log, m ...A)
L.H.S, is called exponential form whereas
R.H.S. iscalled corresponding logarithmic form. Particular case. Putting m=a in (A), we get
2. a=a, b =betc. .. log, a = log, b = 1. log, a =nlog, a =n.l=n, by (2)
3. a=1, B'=1 ete. e.g. log, 3'=2, log, 64 =log,4=3,
log, 1=0, log, 1 = 0 etc. log, V8 = log, 2/2 = 3/2.
8. log,r-(p/) log, n In particular, (i) log, 32 =5, (ii) log, =-5.
log,n =p/q (Imp.) () logs\s 5= (iv) logico 0l=
Let z=log,, (ay =n 3. Using the identity d", =n, find
or ...(B) (i) 3log,9
Let y= log, n a'=n or (a'Y =n (ii) (a) 22-log,5 8 2loaá, 15
(ii) (5-8)oB,, 10+1 (iv) gloa, i2T
a=by (B) and (C) (v) 10oBin m+logon
q2= yp or z=(p/g) y. 4. Compute without using tables.
or log, =(p/q) log, n. ) log tan (0- 25 n)
Particular case. Putting a = n, we get (ü) log, (log, 81)
log.,r= log, n=.1=2, by (2) (ii) 81(Mog, ) +27log, 36 434/1og, 9
iv) 2log,5-glog, 2
9. og, " = n (V. Imp.) (v) log, 5 logzs27
Let p= dog, n (vi) log, 27- logz79
Rewriting the above exponential form to logari (vii) logotan 40° logo tan 41°... logio tan 50",
thmic form, we get
log, p = log, n i. p=n.
(Vi) log,o tan 1° + log1o tan 2°
+.... logotan 89°
e.g. 3o81=5, 10o8io =m, fix) log, 4 log, 5 log, 6 log, 7log, 8 log, 9
5-2 log, 3= slog, 3
10. If a>1, then 0<a<B
=3= ) log, 2log, 3 log, 4...logs 14 log16 15
2-(log, 13)/(2 log, 9) 1
log a< log, B
11. If0 <a<l, then 0<a<B
log, a > log, B (xii) Evaluate log (216V6) to the base 6.
12. If a> 1,a>1, then log, a>0 (Roorkee 1971)
13. If 0<a<l,0 <a<l, then log, a> 0 5 Compute :
14. If O<a<l, a> 1, then log, a<0 i) log 16 if log,, 27= a.
15. If a>1,0<a<1, then log, a<0 (i) logzs 24 if log, 15 =a and log,18 =B
16. If a>l,a>1, and a>a,then log, a> 1
(ii) log30 8 if log0 3 = a and log, 5 = b.
6. If log12 18 =a and log,4 54 = B.
17. If a> 1,a>Iand a<a, then 0< log, a< 1
prove that aß +5 (oa- B) =1.
18. If 0<a<l,0<a<1 and a>a,
then 0 < log, a< 1
7 Simplify
7 logl6 +5 log 2+3 log 81
19. If0<a<l, 0<a<l and a<a, 15 24 80
then log, a> 1. (Roorkee 1980; Dhanbad 1972)
(a) If log1o 2=030103, determine how
Problem Set (14) many zeros there are between the decimal
1. Rewrite the following equations in the logarithm point and the first significant digit in
form :
(i) 42=8 (i) s°= 1
(ii) (2V2) 2= (b) Given log02 =0:30103,
logo 3 = 0-47712.
2. Rewrite the following equalities in the exponen
tial form. Find the number of digits in 32 x 2.
Logarithms 1053
(e) Find the least integer n such that 19. Show that
7> 10, given that log,o 343 =2-5353 .
(LIT. 1975) log, n log, n log43 n logas
Determine b satisfying (I.IT.1975)
20. Ifn=1983 !, compute the sum
(a) logg b=3 (Roorkee 1985) 1 1
(b) log, 2log, 625= logo 16 log, 10. +
log, n log, n logn log19g3 n
(Roorkee 1986) 21. If y=al-log, *) and z=aVl- log, ).
10. Without using tables prove
prove that aV- log, 2)
log, log, T 22. If log a_log b_log c prove that
b-c c-a a-b
11. Prove that log, 17 log1s 2 log,>2. a.b.c=1 (I.I.T. 1974)
12. Prove that 23. If log x log y logz prove that
q-r r-p p-9
llog, a+ log, bl>2
where aand b are positive numbers not unity. t.ytP.Pt9=.y..
13. (a) Prove that log1o 2 lies between
24. IF x(y+z-) _yetx-)_z(ty-2)
and. log x log y log z
prove that ry=z'y'=t.
(b) Prove that <log,o 3< 25. Prove the following identities.
14. Prove that log,3 is an irational number. log, n
i) =1+ log, b,
15. Which is greater logab n
) log,3 log1n5
or log, x log, x
(iü) logah X=
(iü) log, 5 or log1/16 (1/25). log, x+ log, x
(iii) log, 11 or logg 5. 26. If a'+b'=Tab, prove that
(iv) log, 3 or log, 11. log - (a +b) =}(log a+log b].
(v) log1/s of logi/231 27. Prove the identitiy
16. (i) If a, b, c are in G.P., prove that log, n, log, n log, n + log, n log, n + log, n log,n
log, n, log n are in H.P. log, n log, n log, n
logabe n
(i) If log, 2, log, (2--5)and log, (2-7/2) 28. If a, b, c are distinct positive numbers each dif
are in arithmetic progression, then find the ferent fróm 1 such that
value ofx. (ILIT. 1990)
(log, a log, a - log a) + (log, b log, b- log, b)
17. (a) Given that log,x, logm Xand log, x are
in arithmetic progression. Note that +(log, c log, c- log,c) =0,
then prove that abc = 1. (LI.T. 1976)
x*1. Then prove that
29. Find the least value of the expression
n'= (ln)log, m (Roorkee 1982)
2 logjox-log, 0- 01 for x> 1.
(b) Find the sum of (IIT. 1980)
30. Ifn is a natural number such that
n=pf-p-p . . .
and determine the values of a and x for which it and Pi P2 ...... Pk
is valid. (Roorkee 1993) are distinct primes, then show that
18. Show that log n > k log 2. (LIT. 1984)
(a) log, alog, b log, c log, d =1. 31. If a>0, c> 0, b= Nac, a#1,
(b) log, alog, b log, c =1. (M.N.R. 1979) c#1, ac +1 and n>0,
log, n log, n- log, n 3log,7=7=49
prove that
log. n log, n - log, n Sum =625 + 216+49 = 890.
32. If a and b are the lengths of the sides and c the oMs We have 2log, 5 =2lo8,=slog,
5log, '=2 (2l8, Sylog, 2
length of the hypotenuse of a right angled tri .(1)
angle, c-b#1 and c+b 1, prove that 2lo8,5slog, 2 =glog,25log= 0, by ()
loge+ ba+log,-,a=2 logc+ha loge-ba. (v) log, 5 logzs 27 = log, 5 log 3*
33. Given a geometric progression
=log,5 xlogs 3 [See (8) of $2]
and an arithmetic progression -log, 5 log,3 = (See (4) of $2)
b, b,, bz, b,, (vi) log, 27- log827 9 = log,? 3 - log: 32
with positive terms. The common difference of 2

A.P. and common ratio of G.P. are both positive. log,

2 3 -log, 3 [See (8) of $2]
Show that there always exists a system of
logarithms for which
log a, - b, = log a -b (for any n).
(vii) We have log1o tan 45° = log1o l =0.
Find base B of the system. Since logio tan 45° is one of the factors of the
Solutions to Problem Set (14) product, we get
logo tan 40° logio tan 41°
1. (i) log4 8 =2 (ii) log, I=0
logotan 50° = 0.
(ii) logzvz (viii) (log1o tan 1°+ logo tan 2° +
32 =25 3-5 + logo tan 89°)
2. (i) (i) 243
= logo (tan 1° tan 2° ...... tan 44° tan 45° tan 46º
(ii) 5= (5V5)/3 (iv) 0.1= 100 /2
3log,9-3log, 9 n tan 89°)
3. (i) =9 12= = log,o[(tan 1° tan 89°) (tan 2° tan 88°)
(ii) (a) 22.2-log, 5 4 zlog, 5 ([an 44° tan 46") tan 45°)
=4.5-l= by (9) of $2 =log1o [(tan 1° cot 1°) (tàn 2° cot 2)
(tan 44° cot 44°) tan 45°)
(b) (15)s =V(225) =logo I=0
(ii) (5.8)logs.10.(5.8)' = 10 (5. 8) =58 [: tan 1° cot 1° = tan 2° cot 2° =
by (9) of $2
(iv) giog, VI21+23 [log, 121* = tan 44° cot 44° = | and tan 45° = 1]|
=2log, 121 +1 =2log, 1212= 121.2=242.
(ix) The given expression by (5) of $ 2 is
=log, 9 = log, 3 =2, by (7) of $ 2
(v) 1olo8i0 m+ logjo " = 10l°810 n=mn.
(x) The given expression by (5) of § 2 is
4. (i) log, tan (0.25 n) = log, tan () log,, 2 =log, 2 =log, 2 = by (8) $2.
= log, l =0 (xi) Given expression
-(log, 13)/(2 log, 9)
(1) log, (log, 81) = log, (log, 3*) = log, 4
= log, 2'=2 by (7) of $2
(iii) lst term = 34 log, 5 = 3log, 5 =5=625 1

2nd term = 273 log, 6 =3 (log, 6)

=3log,6' =6 =216 =3-V2y (3) log, 13=3- 32 31 log, 13
=3-V2 (3loz, 13,VI6
3rd term = 34 log,7=34log,7 =3 3/2 x 13/16
Logarithms 1055

(xi) log, 216v6 =log, 62=1/2. 1

S. 0 log, 16 =log, 2= 4log, 4 aß + a-2ß+1

log, 2=x= aß +2-B
a-2B + 1
log, 2+log, 3 1+log, 3 ..(1)
and log, 3=y= 2ß-1
and a=log 27 =logp3' aß +a-2ß + 1
Substituting these values of log,2 and log, 3,
3 we get
=3 log,)3 =
log, 3x 4 5-B
3 logs 24 =
3 2aß +2a-4ß +2
log, 3 +log, 4 1+2 log, 2 (iii) Ans. 3(1-a-b).
Hint: log 8=3 log32
a+2a log, 2=3 or log, 2 =2a a
=3 lo830 305=3[1 - log 3- log 5]
Hence log, 3= 3-a =3(1-a-b).
Substituting this value of log, 3 in (1), we get 6 a=log, 18= log 18_ log (3.2)
4 log 12 log (3.2)
log, 4(3-a)
l6=1+2a/(3 - a)
(i) We change all the logrithms to base 5.
3+a 2log 3+log 2
log 3 +2 log 2' by (5) of $2
Thus log,s 24 =log (2x3) B=log,4 54 = log 54 log(3'.2)
=log (2) +log (3) log 24 log (3.2)
3log 3 +log 2
-log, 2+} log, 3 ..(1)
log 3+3 log 2
x=log 2 and y= log 3, then
log, 15 log, 3+ 1
Now a =log, 15 = at2y
log, 6 log, 2+log, 3 2r +y'B= x+3y
log, 5= 1 ..2) aß +5 (a -B)
(x+ 2y) (x +3y)
B=log, 18 = log, 18 logs (3.2) (2r +y) (3x+ y)
log, 12 log,(2.3) 5((x+2y) (3r+y) -(r+3y) (2r+y))
2 log, 3+ log, 2
...(3) (2r+y) (3r +y)
2 log, 2+ log, 3
Now putting log, 2=X and log, 3 =y, we get
d+ Ssy +6j) +5(-y)
from (2) and (3)
6r+ 5xy +y'
6r' +Sy +y' =1.
6r+ 5xy +y
7. Given expression
Lr +(a- )y- 1=0 .(4)
2 34
B= 2y +x =7 log +5 log
+3 log
(2B- 1) x-(2-B) y +0 =0 ...5)
=7[4 log 2-log 3-log 5]
Solving (4) and (5), we get +5 (2 log 5- log 3-3 log 2]
+3 [4 log 3- log 5 - 4log 2]
-(2-B) - (2ß- 1) = log 2.
8. (a) Laz=)m,
- (a(2-B) +(a- )(2B-I) y () Then log0 X=- 1000 log 2 =- 1000 x 30103

301- 03 =302 97.

Since A.M. of two
positive quantities is Algebra
Hence the number of zeros in ()0 between the
than their G.M., we get greater
Tlog, al+Ilog, bl
decimal point and the first significant digit is 2 >Vlog, alog, b=1,
(302 - 1) = 301. (See the rule in §1).
by (4)of $2.
(b) Let x=32x 2 Then Hence from (1) and (2) we obtain ..2)
logo X= 12 log 3 + 8 log 2 Jlog, a +log, bl>2.
= 12x 47712 +8x30103
=5 72544 + 2. 40824 8 13368. 13. (a) log1o 2> if 2> 104
Hence the number of digits in 3x 2° is or 2> 10 which is true.
Again logi02 < if 2< 10", i.e. if 2' < 10
(c) log0 343 = log 7 =3 log 7=2- 5353.
which is again true.
log 7=(2 5353). Now 7"> 10 if
n log 7> 5 logio 10
Hence < og1o 2<
n25353) >5 (b) 2 log103 =logio9<1.:. log10 3 <
or n (2- 5353) > 15. ...(1) <logo3
5 if 2<5 log10 3 =logo3*
Clearly there can be infinite values of n or logio 243 > 2. It is true because
satisfying the above inequality but there is only
one least value of n which is clearly 6. logo 243 > log,o l0 =2
9. (a) Writing in exponential form we get 14. Suppose, if possible, that log, 3 is rational.
Note. According to question given in the paper So we assume, log, 3 =2
the solution is as follows.
where p and q are positive integers having no
loggb =3b=(V8y factor in common. Then

=(V2)3xas =(V2j 3=24 or 34 =2P.

which is impossible since 34 is odd and 2P is
(b) Clearly R.H.S. = log, 16, by (5) of $2. even. Hence log, 3cannot be rational, that is, it
Hence the given relation can be written as is irrational.
log, 625 = log, 16/log, 2 15. (i) Since log, 3=x .:. 2=3:. x>1
=log, 16 =log, 2*= 4, by (5) &(7) of $2 and log1/n5=y
625 = b or 5=b . b= 5.
10. We have to prove that or
log, 3 +log, 4> 2 ..(1) we conclude that x>yor log,3 > logn5
L.H.S. =log, 3.4 =log, 12 >log, T 1
as 12 >
(ii) logi/16 25 = log-2 5-2
-2 log, T=2 ...2) -og, S= log, S.
Hence proved.
Hence log,5 and log,/16 are equal.
11. Clearly L.H.S.= log, 17 >log, 9= log, 3=2.
(iii) Since log, 11 >1. [See (16) of $2]
12. Sincea # 1, b+ 1, a>0, b>0, it follows from
properties (12) to (16) of $2 that log, a and and 0< log, 5 < 1. (See (17) of $2)
log, b are both positive or both negative. Hence we conclude that
Ilog, a+ log, bl=| log, al +l log, b| .(1) log, 11> log, 5.
(iv) By (l6) of $2, we have
log, 3> 1 expansions
log, 3<log, 4=log, 2 =2. are valid only when
Thus I<log, 3<2.
Again log, l1 > log, 9 =log, 3²=2. -I <a'sl and -I<s1
1<log, 3<2 and log ll >2. . ds lals I.
we conclude that log, Il >log, 3. Again

Lar=logalog, 2<log, 3=1 Note : Actually this is a question on
series of supplement for Roorkee andlogarithmic
3> log, 2=| 18. (a) LHS. = log, a= 1. M.N.R
(b) Prove yourself.
Hence y> r or log1n> log1a 19. Do yourself.
16. ) log, n, log, n, log, n are in H.P. 20. Since log, a= 1

Taking reciprocals log, b' theexpression

log, a, log, b, log, care in A.P. = log, 2+ log, 3 + log, 4 +
..... + log, 1983
2 log, b=log, a +
log, C (2.3.4......1983)
= log, n =1.
=log, 1983 !
log, b = log, ac :. b'= ac [ 1983!=n]
21. Writing the given relation in
Hence a, b, c are in G.P.
logarithmic form,
(iü) We have,
log)-log Xand log,,Z=
We want a relation in z and x T1-logu y
2log, (2- 5) =log, 2+
log, (2* -1/2)
=log, (2*!-7) by putting the value of log, y hence eliminate y
from lst in 2nd.
’ (2-5 =2r+1 -7
log, z=
2- 10.2 +25 =2.2"-7 1-
22-12.2+32 =0 1- log, x
(2- 8) (2-4) =0. = 1-log, x
-log, x +1
2=2 or 2=2 =3 or x=2. log, x
But x=2 is ruled out 1
since in that case log, x-=|-log, Z
.. Ans x=3. or logux1-log Z
17. (a) Taking reciprocals, we get 1
log, I, log, m, log,n are in or r=a-log,2
2log, Ilog, n
log, m og, I+ 22. Let log a log b_ log c
log, n b-c C-a a-b =k.
or log, m/log, l= log, Then log a=k(b-c), log b=k
n²/log, In and log c=k (a-b). (c- a)
log, m=log, n', by (5) Now a log a+ b log b+c log c
Writing the above in
exponential form, we
n'= (lnlog,m get =a.k(b-c) +b.k(c -a)
log Bc=0 or b +c.k(a--b)
f= 1.

Note that here it is understood that 28. Changing all the logarithms to base
a>0, b>0, c>0, a(a>0, a1), the given equation yields
a1, ba 1, cl.
23. Proceed as in problem 22.
s-1=0 where x= log, aetc.
24. Let
x(y+z-x)_ y(z+x-)
yz L=3 xy
log x log y or
P+y+- 3xyz =0
log z
(x+y+2)(+y +t- y- yz- zn =0.
Then log x= kr (y+z-x), Since x #y*z, we have
log y= ky (z+x- y)
and log z=kz (x+y- ), +y+-y- yz-u
Hence ylog x+x log y= 2k xyz -(x-y' +(-a'+(e-x)20.
y log z+z log y = 2k xyz Hence we conclude from (1) that
and z log x+x log z =2k xyz. X+y+z=0
It follows that that is, log, a + log, b+ log, c =0
y log x +x log y y log z+zlog y or log, abc=0 or abc = 1.
=z log x+xlog z
29. 2 logi0 X- log, 0.01
log (r y) =log (2.y) =log (r.z). logo 0.01
y=y.2'=.. =2 log1o X
log, n log, ab 1og, a + log, b
25. (i) logo 10-2
logah log, a log, a =2 logo X
log, b logi0*
log, a =1+log,b.
(ii) logh X=
1 1 l0g10X* log1o X 1
log, ab log,a + log, b
1 log, x log, x
=2|1o8x*+ log1o X ..(1)
Since x >1, logox>0.
log, x+log, x
log, x log, x But
26. From a +b'=7ab, we have logoX
(a+ b)=9ab or
ab 2VlogioXX log10
Taking logarithms of both sides, we get [: A.M.2 G.MJ
2log (a t+ b) =log a+log b. logo x +
>2. ...2)
27. L.H.S. Thus 2 logi0x log, 0.01 2 4.by (1), (2)
1 1 1
+ 4 Hence the minimum value of
log, a log, b log, b log, c log, c log, a 2 logoX-log, 0.01 is 4.
log, c+ log, a + log, b log, abc
30. Since n is a natural number and p's are primes,
log, a log, b log, c log, a log, b log, c it follows that a;'s are also natural numbers.
log, n log, n log. n = R.H.S. Taking logarithms of both sides of given
logabe n relation, we get

nlogg nd =0
[; smallest prime number is 2)
logg r=d or r=B
2klog 2, since each a I and p, 2. that is, B=
Hence there exists asystem of logarithms to base
31. RHS.= (/log, a) - (1/Mog, b) such that
(/Mog, b) -(1/og, c) log a, - b,= log, a -b.
log, b- log, a log, c
log, c-log, b log, a Problem Set (15)
log, (b/a) log, c 1. 160%, 5equals
log, (c/b) log, a (a) 5 (b) 16
log, c og, n (c) 25 (d) none of these.
2 In ab -In |b|=
log, a log, --L.H.S. (a) In a
: (b) In lal
b=Nac ’ b= ac ’ b/a =c/b] (c) -In a (d) none of these.
32. From the property of right [Note that In x stands
+b=c or a=(c- b)triangle
we get for log, x].
(c +b) ..(1) 3
L.HS. = log. -ha+ log,-, a (a) True (b) False
4 3 log, 7=7vog, 3
log, (c +b) log, (c - b) (a) True
log, (c - b) +log, (c+b) 5. log, 5log, 9 log 2 (b) False
log, (c + b) log, (c b) (a) 2
simplifies to
(b) 1
log, (e -b) (c) 5 (d) none of these.
log, (c +b) log, (c-b) 6. The value of Vlog s4 is
(a) -2 (b) \-4
log, a (c) 2
log, (c +b) log, (c- b) (d) none of these.
2 log, a 7. The value of 1
is greater than 2.
log, T log, t
log, (c + b) log, (c -b) (a) True
=2logc+h alogc-b) a 8
The value of log, a log b log,False.
c is
: log, a=|and 1 (a) 0
(b) log abc
log, x=log, y (c) 1 (d) 10
(M.N.R. 1979)
33. Let r be the 9 If a = b, ' =c, c=a,
common ratio of G.P. and d the then the value of xyz is
common difference of A.P. (a) 0 (b) I
Then (c) 2 (d) 3
b, = b+nd.
...(1) 10. Iflogoa (x- 1)< logoos (M.N.R. 1983)
(- 1), then xlies in the
Taking logarithms of both sides of (1) to ...(2) interval
(B1, B>0), we get base (a) (2, ) (b) (-2, -1)
logg 4, = logg a+n logg r (c) (1,2) (d) none of these
i: logg 4,-b,=logg a+n
logg r-b- nd. 11. The equation log, x+
(L.IT. 1985)
(1+x) =0can be
Now in order that the right by (2) .(3) Written as
reduces to hand side of (3) (a) +r-l=0
logg a- b, we must have (c) +-e=0
(b) +x+l=0
(e) none of these.
(d) +te=0
(M.N.R. 1980)

12. The number log, 7 is =-2 log, 2 =-2 Algebra

(a) an integer we have Vlogos 4 = (-2)' = V4 =2
(b) a rational number 7. Ans. (a)
(c) an irrational nuraber
log, 2+ log, 6 = log, 26
(d) a prime number. (LLT. 1990)
13. IfA= log, log, log, 256 +2 logyg 2then A= =log, 12 >log, t'=2
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 5 (d) 7
14. Which is the correct order for a given number
=(314) <12.
a in increasing order:
Given expression is greater than 2.
8. Ans. (c).
(a) log, oa, log, a , log, a, log1o a 9. Ans. (b).
(b) logo a, log, a, log, a., log, 0. 10. Ans. (a).
(c) log1oa, log, a, log, a, log, a
(d) log, a, log, a, log, a, logio
logo3 (*- 1) <logos (x- 1)
15. Ifa+ 4b = 12ab, then log (a + 2b) = =}logos (r-I)
(a) 2
(log a + log b -log 2) ;logo3(r-1)<0
(b) log + log 2 logoa (x- 1) <0=log l
. (x-1) > l or x>2as base is less than 1the
(c) (log a+ log b+4 log 2) inequality is reversed. Now X>2 xlies in
(2, oo).
(d) (log a- log b + 4 log 2) 11. Ans. (a).
(EAMCET 1987) 12. Ans. (c).
16. Ifx = log, 5,y= log,, 25, which one of the follo
Suppose, if possible, log, 7 is rational say
wing is correct :
p/q where p and q are integers prime to each
(a) x<y other.
(b) x=y
(c) x>y Then p/q =log, 7 =7=24P=74, which
(J.E.E.,W.B. 1993) is false since left hand side is even and right hand
17. The sum of the series
side is odd.
log, 2- log, 2 + logi62
[Obviously log, 7 is not an integer and hence not

(a) e? (b) log, 2 + 1 a prime number.]

(c) log, 3-2 (d) 1- log, 2 13. Ans. (c). log, 256 =log, 4=4=2:. T=1
(M.N.R. 1994) and 2 log/z 2 = 2.2 log, 2 = 4 . T,=4
18. The value of (0.2)logs (1/4 +1/8 +1/6 t...*) js 4
19 If 7log, (í -4r +5) =-1 then x may have values A=1+4 =5.
14. Ans. (b).
a is a number .. a>I
Solutions to Problem Set (15) Now 10 >3>e>2
1. Ans. (c). log, 10> log, 3> log, e> log, 2
2. Ans. (b).
Taking reciprocal and changing the sign of
3 Correct value is In 7. inequality
4. Ans. (a). Hint: Write Vlog, 7 as log, 7/Nlog, 7. log1o < log, < log, a< log, a
Vr=x/N* (increasing order
then L.H.S. = 71/Nlog,7 =7log, 3=RHS. 15. Ans. (c). a + 4b + 4ab = 16ab
5 Ans. (b.) (a+ 2b)' = \6ab
6 Ans. (c). Hint : Since logos 4 =log,2 2 log (a +2b) = 4 log 2+ log a +log b
Logarithms 1061
16. Ans. (C). y=2 logn5
log, 17 log (l+x)=r-t..
2 3 4
Putting x=1, S=1-log, 2
I=log, 3=log, 18. S_=2
Clearly LHS,=(5lyos, (a')
y x
17. Ans (d).
=sog, =4
log,"r= log, xand log, x= 1
19. Ans. 2, 3.
dos, =x.: -5x+6=0
or x=2,3
Miscellaneous Equations
Problem Set (16) 17. () log, x+ log, 5=22
Solve the following equations for real roots : (iü) sloB,o= 50 -xo8105
Note : In log, x bothx and a are + ive. (ii) logo X+ logox+log1ox+..=.
Also a # 1and x# 0, a°s, "=n (V. Imp.)
and 1+3+5+...+ (2y -1) 20
1 (a) 2:22=8: I. (LLT. 1972) 4+7+ 10+ ....+ (3y +1) 7 logox
(b) 32 - 3r+13-+1=0. (Roorkee 1987)
(c) Solve for x: 18. (a) log6X+ log, x+log, x=7.
(0-125). 42r-8 (b) log(zr+ 3) (6x +23x +21)
2. a(a+ I) =(a +a') a. =4-logr+) (4x +12r+9)
3 3* 8r+2) = 6. (I.I.T. 1987)
4 4 +6 = 9.
19. (a) 4-3i=3*;-22-1 (I.I.T. 1978)
(b) If log 2=030103, log 3 =0- 4771213,
5 3* + 4 = 5. log 7 =08450980, then solve :
6 22r+2-6-2x32r+2 =0. (i) 21=22r+g
7 2x 81= 36* +3 x 16*. (ii) 3+x=72 (Roorkee 1975)
8. () 16 sin' x 16 cos = 10. 20. (a) x+ log1o (1 + 2) =x logio 5 + log1o 6.
(i) 5(1/25)in' + 4x 59os 2r =25(sin 2:)/72 (b) x log1o (10/3) + logio 3 = log1o (2 +3) +x
9. logologolog,10 X=0. 21. log, (ax) log, (ax) = log,? (/a) (a>0, a# l).
10. log, (3 + 10x) =3. 22. (a) 6 (2/3)-3.2**-8.3-'+ 24 =0,
xy =2. (I.I.T. 1976)
11. log,o [98 + Vx--12x+ 36]=2. (b) Ifx, ye R, then solve the equations :
(Roorkee 1975)
12. (a) For a> 0, solve for x the equations (i) 3 . = 4 and +=6
2 log, a + loga, a +3 logd a =0 (ü) (3y+ 1) log, x=land +10 27
(I.IT. 1978) (c) Solve for x and y the equations
(b) 40g, + glog, 4= 10og, 83 (ILLT. 1977) V52- 2x
(c) Solve for x the following equations :
log, x logg 4x and
(i1) ;logs (x-y) - log1a(x-y)=5
log, 2x logg 8x
23. 3'5 =75, ,3'5=45.
(i) log,, X= logg, x. 24. (a) Solve the equations:
13. logio 2+*-1xlog 5- 1) log, x + log, y =2 + log, 2
logz, (x h÷) =
14. logjo (-x-6) x= logo (x+2) - 4,
(b) log, x+ log, y=2, +y= 12.
15. (i) x=x (i) =(a.
16. (a) log, x+log 3= 1 25. log, xy=5, log1n w)=1.
26. 5 (log, *+log, y) =26, xy=64.
(b) sl+log4* +slo8 zs*-20
27. 2* =6, 3=3.2*1,
Miscellaneous Bquations 1063

28. log +log, y+log, e=2, (c) Ifx be real then solve the following
cquations :
log, y+ log, t+ log, k= 2.
Ö) 4-2-4,2--242 =0
log, 2+ log+logey =2.
29, Show that (i) (144)4-2(12)+a=0
36. Solve the equation
(a) The equation k-in 4=0
has no real solution. (L.IT. 1982) log,4 (a+2-3= log,y4 (4 -o
(b) The equation +log,ýa (r +6).
x-2/(-1)] =|-(2/r-)) 37. Solve the equation
has no roots. T or F (LI.T. 1984) xlx+11+a=0 for every real number a.
(c) The number of real roots of the equation 38. Solve the system of equations.
sin (e) =5+5-* is 0. Tor F I-2rl+y=1, +lyl=1.
(L.IT. 1990)
39. The equation
30. (a) Find all solutions of lx-X-6|=x+2.
Note that x is a real variable.
2cos' (;) sin' =ttr
(Roorkee 1982) 0<xsT/2 has
(b) L+4r +3 | +2x +5=0 (LT. 1988) (a) no real solution
-Sr +4L (b) one real solution
(c) Solve =1.
-4 (C) more than one real solution. (L.I.T. 1980)
40. Solve the equations
() If theexpressionV lo8i2 2_1 is real, (i) sin x=r++1 (ii) 70-*=+2.
41. Solve the equation
then determine the values of x for which
this will hold. 2 cos2=+2
(e) Iflx-6l> |r-5x+91, then 1<x<3. 42. Solve for x:
() IfI6r-Sx-1|= 5r -6x-1,then () (5+2V6)-+(5-2V6-=10.
determine x. (EAMCET 1992; I.IT. 1985)
31. Solve the equation (ii) Solve the following equation for x
(r+ 1) (x1- 1)= (15+4V14)'+ (15 4V14)= 30
where t=-2lxl. (Roorkee 1991)
32. Find all numbers x such that
Ix+l |-1xl+3|x-1I|lx-2|=x+2 (i) [V5+ 2v(6)]" +(N5-2N(6)]'= 10.
(LIT. 1976) (iv) (3+2)y +(V3 -v2j= 10
(J.E.E., W.B. 1989)
33. (a) Solve: -2 lx|-3 = 0. 43. For as0determineall real roots of theequation,
(b) i) The number of solutions of the equation -2alx-al-3a =0. (L.IT. 1986)
Ix-31xl+2 =0 is 4. (IIT. 1982)
(i) The real roots of the equation 44. 6

R+5lxl+4=0 are none. =g8yng*+log,2 (Roorkee 1988)

(M.N.R. 1993) 45. Find the values ofx satisfying the equation,
(üi) The number of real roots of the equation lr-1o8,-2 log, 9=(x-1!.
lzl-7lxl+ 12 =0is 4. (Roorkee 1990)
(M.N.R. 1995)
46. Solve the following equation for x
34. Solve the equation It-91+1-4|=5. 23 (log, s)+log,- 5/4) =
35. (a) Find the solution to the equation 47. Solve the following equation for x.
(b) Solve 2lz+11_2=|2-11+1. (LIT. 1989; M.N.R. 1992)
(Roorkee 1989)
48. Let (x) and [x] denote the fractional and integral
part of a real number x respectively. Solve 2
4 (x)+[x]. (LLT. 1994)
x (log1o 2- logo 3] =logjo(V5 - 1)
Solutions to Problem Set (16) -log1o2
1 The given cquation can be written as or
logo (V5-1)- log,0 2
logo 2- log1o 3
2 8 or 2-2r=3 5. By trial, x=2is a root of the equation. Dividing
the equation by 5, we get
Hence x- 2x=3 or -2r-3 =0
or (r-3)(+ l) =0; x=3, - 1. -.(1)
(b) Ans. x=t1. If x<2, then (3/5) >(3/5)
1 ( =(2-S4 and (4/5 > (4/5)²
and so on
or 24r- 16- 3= 2(5/2) r
2(4x 19)= 5x or x=38/3.
(3/5 +(4/5) > (3/5) + (4/5)2= 1.
Hence (1) is not satisfied for any value ofx<2.
2. Ans. x=t1. Similarly, for x >2, we will always have the
Hint : d=t then t (t- a) (at - 1) =0 inequality (3/5) + (4/5) < 1.
a'=a, al Thus x =2 is the only root of the given equation.
Note that it is immaterial how we found a root,
t=d#0 as exponential function is always butit is necessary to show that there are no ot her
+ ive.
3. By trial, we see that X, = 1is a solution of the
6. The equation can be written as
given equation. Now taking logarithms to base
10, we get 4.22 2.3 18.32r=0
3x Dividing by 2 .3. we get
x logo 3 + logo 2 = log1o 6
x+2 4(G-1- 18 )=0.
or x logo3+ (3 logo2+ 2 logo 3 Put G=t. Then 4/t- I- 181= 0
-log1o 6) x-2logio 6 =0
or 18 +1-4=0 or (2t +1) (9t4) =0
Let x, X, be its roots. Then
t=4/9 or 1/2
Xy =-2 log1o 6/logo3.
or 1.x=-2 log, 6.
Hence the original equation has two roots
X=1, x, =-2log, 6.

giving =-2.
Note that here we reject t=G = since
Remark. Students must not think that the
solution found by trial x = 1is the only solution. exponential function can never be negative.
Hence the only solution is x=-2.
So it is useful to be able to guess a root, but never
consider the guessing as the whole solution. 7. Do yourself. Ans. x=
4. 4*+ 6 =9 8. 16sin'x 16os= 10.
4* 6*
32r or
+-l=0 or 16sinx+16! -sin' 10
16sin' +16. 16-sin 10
2 2 Put 16in =t.
Since exponential function is always positive, Then t+ 16/t=10 or P- 10t+ 16 = 0
we have or (t-2) (t - 8) = 0, giving t= 2 or 8.
Miscellaneous Equations 1065

Hence 16in =2 or 2an'=2, which gives 24I3

4 sinx=1 y 1+y' 2+y
sin x==sin' (/6) or 2(1+y) (2 +y) +y (2+y) +3y (1 +ty) =0
.() or 6y'+ lly+ 4 =0
Solution of ()is, x=nrt or 6y+8y + 3y +4=0
where n= 0, ±1, #2, +3, .... or (3y +4) (2y +1I)=0, : y=
Again t=8 gives 2t sin" =8=2} Hence log, x=-or
or 4sinr=3 ie. sinx==
sinI .2)
or x=a or 2
(b) Since log, 3=log 3=;
The solution of (2)is, x=ntt
where n=0, #1, #2, +3,
log, 4=log, 2' =2
The given equation can be written as
(i) Hint : The equation will reduce to
sl+cos 2r = ssin 2r 42+9²= 10°%, 83
Ans. x = nt+ T/4, x=nT+ T/2, ne I. 83 =(10°%, 8)
9 log1o log1o log1o X=0. logo 83 =log, 83
Hence x = 10.
Taking anti-logarithm, logo logox= 10= 1. (c) (i) Put log, x=t
Again anti-logarithm, logiox= 10'= 10.
Hence x= 100. log, 2r= log, 2+log, *) =(1 +)
10. The domain of xisx > 0, x*1. The given equa Hence the given equation is
tion is equivalent to I2(2+)
or 3a+ 10x= or x- 3x- 10x=0 1+t 3(3 +1)
or x(x-5) (x+ 2) =0 or
Sincex =0 and x=-2 do not lie in the domain t=1,-4=log, x
of x, the only solution of the given equation is X=2 or 2
11. The equation can be written as (ii) logs, X= logo, X=k, say.
98+V-t-12x+ 36 = 10= 100 :: (30)= (9x)'=x ..1)
Above is possible only when k=0, and in that
or V--12x+ 36 =2 case x = 1, from (1).
or -t- 12x +36 =4 13. L.H.S, =x [logo 5- log1o 10]
or - - 12x+32 =0 =x logo (5/10) =x log1o )=log10
Now(-64- 16) +(48 +32) =0
x=-4 satisfies above. The given equation can be written as
or (r+4) - Sx+ 8) =0 1
X=-4. logio
or 5t V25 -32_5t\-7 1
2 2 2+x-1 2
Note. If we consider only real roots, then the or 2+X- | =2. . x-1 =0 or x=|
only solution is x =-4.
Hencex = l is the solution of the given equation.
12. (a) The given equation can be written as 14. The equation can be written as
2 3
log, x log, a +log, x 2log, a +log, x -x-6
Now put log, x=y. Then log1o| x+2
(ii) Sum of G.P.
logio (r-3)(+2)-4
2 8
or logo (* - 3) =*-4
or 3=10-4 ..(1)
By trial, =4 is the solution of (1) which is, Sum of A.P. = la+1=y' for N
therefore, the solution of the given equation.
Observe that x> 4 or x< 4 does not satisfy (1). and (3y + 5) for D'
Hence x =4is the only solution of the original The given equations can be re-written as
15. () =x logiox=y or 2log1o X y ...(1)
Taking logarithm to the base 10, we get and
2y2 20

x logo lx|= log1olxl y (3y + 5) 7 log10 X

(x-1) logio lx l= 0 2y 40 40
by (1)
Hence x=1 3y+57.2 logo X 7y
logjo Ixl=0 which gives 7y = 60y + 100
|xl=1 or x=t1. 7y-70y +10y- 100 =0
Hence the solution of the given equation is (y-10) (7y +10)=0
X=t1. - 10
(i) The equation can be re-written as y= 10,7
= Since y is a + ive integer as it represents the
By trial, X= 1is a solution. number of terms of A.P. . y= 10
2 logio x= 10 by (1)
Now equating the exponents, we have
logox 5 . x= (10).
or x= or x r - 4) =0.
18. (a) The given equation can be re-written as
Since x =0does not satisfy the given equation,
we getx=4. log, x + log,? x + log, x=7
Hence the roots of the given equation' are
X=1, 4.
log, x+log, x + log, x=7
16. (a) Ans. X=3. or
log, x=7 or log, x=4.
(b) If log x = t, then
Hence x= 2 = 16.
log 25 X= log, x =- log4 x=-t
(b) The given equation can be re-written as
5!++5 (l +=26 5 log(2r+3) (2x +3)(3x + 7)
Put 5 +D=z
+ logar+n(2x+3) = 4
log2r+3) (2x + 3) + log2r+3) (3x +7)
or 52-26z + 1=0.. z=5, 1/5 or = 5
+2 logax+) (2x+3) =4
s!+=5' or5 . . 1+1=l or -1
Hence, t=0 or -2 or y+2.=3
: log, a =log, b
log4 x=0 or- 2.. x=4° or 4-2 where y=log(2+3) (3x+ 7)
or x=1, 1/16.
Ans. x= 25, V5.
or y-3y +2=0 . y= 1, 2
17. (i) logzx+ 3) (3x + 7) =1 or 2
(ii) Ans. x= 100.
3x+7=2x+3 or 3x+7= (2x + 3)
We have 2. 5loBo* = 50 or 5loB i0* =52 x=-4, and 4x +9x+2 = 0
log,oX =2 or x= 10 = 100 or x=-2, -
Miscellaneous Bquations 1067

Thus we have three values of x namely Hence 2 (1 +2) =6 or 22+2-6=0

-4,-2, ..(1) or (2+3) (2- 2) =0
Now by definitions of logarithms as on P. 10S1 Since 2'>0, 2'=-3 is impossible. So we have
2r+3>0, 2r+3* 1 or 2r-2 2=2 or x=1.
.(2) Hence x=| is the only root of the given
and 3r+7>0 and 3x+7*1 or 3x*-6 equation.
(b) x[logo 10- log1o 3] +logo 3
>-x*-2 ..(3) =logo (2 +3) +x
Clearly from (1), (2) and (3) x=-4, x=-2 are or (1-x) log03 =logo (2 +3)
rejected and the only solution left is x = 1/4.
19. (a) The given equation can be re-written as or 3-=2+ 3
22+22r-=3- I243+ 1/2 P=2+tort+2t-3=0 where t=3
((+3) ( -1) =0 . t=3=-3 or1
or 3.22-l=4.3- 2 3=1=3 or x=0. (3=-3 rejected)
21. The roots must satisfy the condition x>0,
or 22-3=3-12 x#1. (why ?)
Now by trial, x= 2 is one solution. The equation can be written as
Now taking logarithim to the base 10, we get [log, a +log, x] [log, a + log, x] =log a
(2x-3) 1 or
(1+log, x)
(2 log 2-log 3) x= (2 log 2- log 3) Now put log, x=y. Then
This also gives x= (l+) or 2y + 5y +2=0
Hence x=is
2 the only solution. or (y+2) (2y +1) =0.
(b) We write the given equation as This gives y=-2 or-, that is,
(7x3}' =2r*.(10/2) log, x=2 or
Taking logarithim of both sides, we have
x(log 7+ log 3) = (2x +1) log 2 Hence x =a or aln
+x (log 10 - log 2) 22. (a) Hint:
or x(log 7+ log 3-2 log 2-log 10 2".3".()-3.2*-8.3*+24 =0
+ log 2] = log 2
x[log 7+log 3- log 2- 1]=log 2 2+y,3--3.2K+y-8.3-)+24 =0
or x [0-8450980 + 0-477 1213 or (2*- 8)(3-3)=0
-0-3010300 - 1]= 0-30103 Hence 2r+)=2' or 3-=3
x(0-0211893) =030103 xty=3 .(1)
X= 14-207 (approx.) x-y=1
or .2)
20. (a) The given equation can be writen as Also second given equation is
x+ logo (1 +2) -x log0 5=logo 6 xy =2 ..3)
xlogo 10+ logo (1 +2) Now solve (1) and (3); and (2) and (3).
-x logo5=logo6 Ans. x=2, y=1 or x=1, y=2
or xlogo (10/5) +logo (1 +2) =log,o 6
or x=-1, y=-2.
or logo2+logo (1 +2) =log1o6 (b) ) 3.l=4 3.2y+)-3 =4.
or logo 2 (1+2) =1logo 6
ISt*= 15 Algebra
or 3.36=4 e7 orx3 Hence xty=3
=6 y+l=log, 6 =log, (3.2) Solving (1) and (2), we get
or y+1=|+logy 2 y= log, 2. x=1, y=2
Hence x= 3, y=log, 2. Note : By trial method x= 1, y=2 satisfy both
the equations.
(i)) By definitionx> 0andx0
(3y+ 1) log, x= | ..(1) 24. (a) log,=2 from Ist
and (2y + 10) = log, 27 =3 log,3= )=3
or xy= 18
log, X
or (2y+ 10) log, x=3 ..2) x+y= (3'=9 from 2nd
Dividing (1) and (2), we get x,y are roots of -9t + 18 =0
2y' +10_3 ((-6) (t-3) =0
3y² +1I (x, y)= (3, 6) or (6,3).
or 2y' + 10 =9y' +3 (b) The first equation can be written as
. y=land from (1), 4log, x= l
log, x og, x =2
log, x= or x=3l/4
(log, x)'-2 log, x+ 1=0
x=3,y=t 1. (log, x 1)=0 i.e. log, x= 1
(c) The second equation on making the base 2
can be written as This gives x=y (x>0, y >0, x*1,y* 1).
3 1 Then the second given equation gives
log, (x -y) - 1(-2) log, (* -y) =5 +x-12 = 0 or (+4) (-3) = 0
Since x =-4 is not in the domain of x, the only
+2] og, (x-)=s solution is x=y=3.
log, (x - ) = 2 x-y= 2'=4.
The first equation can be written as 25. By definition, xy and are both + ive and hence

(r+ y)r-y.(*-y)4 =(52 2x)/2 they can be written as Ixy land

Put x-y=4 or x4=y Thus we have the following equations.
(2x-4)4 44 = (52 -2r)/2 Ixy l=lx||y| =29, ...(1)
or (2r-4). 4= [2 (26 -)]'
or 2x-4= 676 - 52x+
or t-54x+ 680 = 0 Multiplying, lxP= 2 = 16
(x-34) (r-20) = 0 . 680 = 34 × 20 lxl=4only, as mod is +ive.
x=20, 34 .. x=t4,y=t8.
But when x =34, 26 -x= -ive and x=4, y =8 or x=-4, y=-8 only.
hence V(26-x) becomes imaginary. Therefore as both xy and (x/y) have to be +ive.
we choose x= 20 and hence y=x- 4=16. 26. We first observe that x> 0, y> 0, x*l and
23. Dividing the given equations, we get
The first equation can be written as
3-y.s-*= 45 or 1
Hence X-y=-1 ..(1)
s| 1og, x*Iog, x = 26.
Againmultiplying the equations, we get Putting log, x = u, this becomes
(3x 5) (3'x 5) = 75 x 45 5u-26u +5=0 or (u-5) (5u - 1) =0.
15T*= 15'
Hence xty =3 ..2)
=6 y+l= log, 6=log,(3.2) Solving (1) and (2), we get
or y+l=|+log, 2 y=log, 2. X=1, y=2
Note : By trial method x=1,y=2 satisfy both
Hence x=3, y =log, 2. the equations.
() By definition x> 0 and x*0
(3y' +1) log, x= 1 ..(1)
24. (a) log,=2 from ist
and (2y + 10) =log, 27 =3 log, 3 =: or xy = 18
log, x
or (2y' + 10) log, x=3 ...2) xty=(3)=9 from 2nd
Dividing (l) and (2), we get x, yare roots ofr-9t+ 18 = 0
2y' +103 (-6) (t- 3) = 0
3y'+1 1 (. y)=(3, 6) or (6, 3).
2y' +10 =9y'+3 (b) The first equation can be written as
.. 1
y= l and from (1), 4log, x=1 log, x+ -=2
or or x=3l/4 log,x
(log, x) -2 log, x+ 1=0
x=3y=t1. or (log, x- 1y =0 i.e. log, x= 1
(c) The second equation on making the base 2
can be written as This gives x=y (x>0, y>0, x*1,y*1).
log, (x-y) - 1(-2) log, (x- y) =5 Then the second given equation gives
+x-12 =0 or (x+4) (r-3) =0
Since x =-4 is not in the domain of x, the only
log, (x- y) =2 : x-y=2 =4.
solution is x=y=3.
The first equation can be written as 25. By definition, xy and are both + ive
and hence
(u+y)x-y. (u-y=(52 -21)2 they can be written as Ixy land
Put x-y=4 or x-4=y
(2r- 4) 4=(522r/2 Thus we have the following
(2r-4).4 =(2 (26-x]' Ixyl=lxllyl=2, ..(1)
or 2r-4=676 -52x + ...(2)
or -54x + 680 = 0
Multiplying, lx=2= 16
(x-34) (- 20) =0: 680 =34 x 20 .. lxl=4 only, as mod is +ive.
x= 20, 34 x=t4, y=t8.
But when x= 34,26 -x= -ive and
hence (26-x) becomes imaginary. Therefore x=4,y=8 or x=-4, y=- 8only.
as both xy and (x/y) have to be +ive.
we choose x= 20 and hence y=x-4=16. 26. We first observe that x> 0, y> 0,
23. Dividing the given equations, we get y*1.
The first equation can be written as
Hence x-y=- 1 = 26.
Again multiplying the equations, we get Putting log, x = u, this becomes
(3x 5) (3'x 5) =75 x45 5u'-26u+5 =0 or (u-5)(5u )0
Miscellaneous Equations 1069

Hence um5, 5 or log, x= 5, S. (b) Ans. False. First note that for x= 1, the
Hence the solution of the given equation to be cquation becomes meaningless and so the
found among the system of equations solution x=l is ruled out. Now when
log, =5, y= 64 y, y=64 x*1, cancelling 2/(x-1) from both sides,
we get x=1, which is false since x# 1.
.y=64, y=2 x=32 Hence the given equation has no solution.
and of the system
(c) Ans. True. L.H.S. =sin (e) s1
log, x=y=64 x=ys and R.H.S, =5+5*22
or y=, y=64 =64 [Use A.M. > GM]
=2, y= 32. Hence the equation has no real roots.
27. Taking log we have 30. (a) We consider two cases
(r+y) log 2=y (log 2+ log 3), by Ist () -x-6<0. or (u-3) (* +2) <0
xlog 2=y log 3 ..(1) or [x-(-2)][x-3]<0ie. -2 <I<3...1)
x log 3 = log 3 + (y+ 1) log 2 by 2nd ..(2) In this case, the given equation reduces to
Now solve (1) and (2) for x and y. -(-x-6) =x+2
Ans. X=
log1o 3 or x=4
logo 3-log1o 2' which gives x =2. So in this case x =2 is the
only root of the given equation which satisf :s
logo 2 (1)
logo 3-logo 2 (ü) -x-620.
28. Hint : First equation can be written as i.e. xs-2 or x3 ...(2)
log, x+ log y+log, z=2 In this case, we obtain the equation
log, r+log,y+; log, z=2 x--6=x+2 or -2r-9 =0.
The roots of this equation are x=4, x=-2.
or log, rVyz =2 or rVyz =2'=4 Since both these values satisfy condition (2),
or 'yz= 16. ..1) both 4 and -2 are the roots of the original
Similarly y'x=81 ..2) equation.
and 'y= 256 Hence the original equation has three roots :
..3) -2, 2 and 4.
The cquations (1 ), (2) and (3) can now be easily
solved. This is left for the students. (b) +4x +3=(x+ 3) (* +1)
Ans. x= 2/3, y= 27/8, z =32/3. =(r-(-3)} k- (- 1)
The above expression is + ive when x does not
29. (a) Put en=y, Then the given equation lie between - 3 and-1 and is - ive when x
reduces to
lies between- 3 and -1
y--4=0 or y' -4y - 1=0 Case I. x does not lie between -3 and -1
4tV16+4 -= 2tv5 +4x+3+2x +5=0
y= or +6x +8=0
esin x=2+5. (x+2) (x +4) =0 or x=-2 and -4
Since exponential function is always positive, Case II. x lies between -3 and - 1
we cannot have
esin =2-V5 -(+ 4x+ 3) + 2r +5=0
And foren = 2 + V5, we have x+2r-2 =0.
.:. x=-l+3 and -1-v3.
sin x=log, (2 +5) > 1, But - 1+ V3 does not lie between -3 and - 1
[:: e>1 and 2+ V5 >e and hence -1-V3 is the required root lying
which is impossible. between -3 and - 1.
Hence the equation can have no real solution. Ans, -4,(-|-N3).

(0) Wehavele-5r+4l=le-4lx*t2 The required region will

I(-4)11(-1)l=la+ 2)ll (x-2) 1.1)
The values of xare -2, 1,2, 4
satisfy both the
Now (2)
es (1)s)tandof h(o2se)x. Alge
-t- LHs:
Again (1) X
(-0) -I)>
I-+1 S0
(-x-) (+ 1)
(x+ 1) («-I0
Ist case
:x<-2. L.H.S. is + ive, R.H.S. is +ive (r+ 1' «-1(*-l),
-Sr+4=4. x= 8/5 rejected or (-x- 1) (*+ 1)
as x<2 The values of x are given(*-
1) 0
-ive Case:-2<x1. L.H.S. is +ive, R.H.S. is
-1,-}s -1), 1,}(N5 +I)
Mark them on real
.-5x + 4=-(-4) shown below : line in
ascending order as
2x-5x =0 or x=0,5/2
X=0is the only solution in this case.
3rd Case : 1sx< 2. L.H.S. is -1
-ive -ive, R.H.S. is
-( - 5x +4) =- -1
5x =8 (-4) -s-n0
It is in the
orx 8/5
4th Case:2 <x< 4. Fig. 628
L.H.S. is -ive, R.H.S. +ive We have to take the
(a-5x+ =x-4 .:. 2r- 5x=0
x=0, 5/2
4) intersection
region marked in figures i.e., common
(a) and (b), i.e., +ive.
5/2 in the
5th Case: x4.only solution in the domain.
Both L.H.S. and R.H.S.
x2(V5 + ),-5-1) sx<0.
+ive (e) Herex-5x
as A = 25 36 = +9 is
are always
x-5x+ 4 =x-4 . as that of Ist term.-ive and hence its sign is same
but it does not lie in
x=8/5 to Hence the equation reduces
Hence the required values
5/2. of x are 0, 8/5
and x-5x +9<lx-61
(d) For reality, we must Now consider two
have casesx>6 and
Ist Case:-5x+9<x-6, x>6x<6.
log1n x-6x +15 <0
L.H.S. is always +ive as its Ais -ive and its
1s same as that of Ist term. sign
..(1) out as +ive cannot be <0 Hence this is ruled
(. base is less 2nd Case:
Also by definition
of log,, x, x must be
than I) or x-5x+9<-«-6),
4x +3<0
+0. +ive, or
(x-1)(«- 3) <0
...(2) () 6x-5x-1 = (r-1) (6x +1)
.x=-I/6, 1
Miscellaneous Equations 1071

Consider two cases Hence there is no solution in this case. Finally

incase (e), the original equation reduces to
LHS, =+ ive
x+1-x+ 3(r-1) ( -2) =x+2
or ()-srsl. LHS., =-ive 3r-10r+ 5 =0.
Ans. (-1*V5). As in case (c), the roots are x=
31. Ans. Since the root (5-V10)/3 does not satisfy the
condition (c) whereas the root (5+ V10)/3
32. Consider five cases : satisfies it, the only root of the original equation
(a) x<-1 is at x =(5 +V10)/3.
(b) -1s<0
Thus from the above discussion, we see that the
(c) 0sr<I (d) Isx<2. 5tV10
(e) x22. roots of the given equation are at x = 3
In case (a), the given equation reduces to
33. (a) We can solve this problem as in problem
-I-1+x+3 (1 -x) (2-x) =x+2 30, 31 or 32 by considering two cases (a)
or 3a- 10r+3 =0 or (r-3) (3x- 1)=0 x<0 (b) x20.
Another method to solve this equation is as given
x=3 or 3 below :
Since these values of x do not satisfy condition
Put xl=y. Then a =1x=y'.
(a), the original equation has no solution in this
Hence the given equation can be written as
In case (b), the original equation reduces to y-2y -3=0 or (-3) (y +1I) =0
This gives Ixl=y=3 or -1 of which
x+l+x+3 (1-x) (2 -x) =x+2 Lxl=-lis meaningless.
3r-&x+ 5=0 or (r- 1) (3r- 5) =0 and lxl=3 gives x=t3,
x=1, which is the required solution of the original
Since these values of x do not satisfy the (b) (i) lxl=2,1 . x=t2, ±1
condition (b), the original equation has no (i) Put-lx.xl=-l,-4not possible
solution in this case also.
as moi is always positive.
Incase (c), the equation is : (iii) lxl=3,4.. x=t3,t 4
x+1-x+ 3(1 -x) (2 -x) =x+2 34. We consider three cases
or 3x-10x+5 =0 (a)r<4 (b) 4<ts9
10+V100- 60 10+ 2V10 (c) 9
6 6 In case (a), the equation reduces to
9-+4-=5 or '=4
5-V10 satisfies the condition (c) Since both these values of x do not satisfy
The root x=
3 condition (a), there is no solution in this case.
5+ V10 In case (b), the equation reduces to
whereas the rootx =
does not satisfy the
9-+-4=5 or 5=5.
condition. Hence is the only root of the So in this case the original equation reduces to
an identity. It means that any value of x which
original equation in this case. satisfies the condition 4 Sxs9 is solution of
In case (d), the equation becomes the given equation. Now the double inequality
x+1-x+3(x-1) (2-x) =x+2 4Sxs9 is equivalent to two inequalities
2sx<3 and - 3 <x s-2
or 3r- 8x +7=0
In case (c), the equation becomes
which gives imaginary values of x.
-944=5 or '=9 or 2x+l=2+, which is an identity.
or xt3. Hence (ii) implies that all real values of
Since these values of x do not satisfy the constitute the solution in this case. Fromx>0the
condition (c), there is no solution in this case. above discussion, the required solution is
From the above discussion, we conclude that the x=-2 and x0.
solution sets of the given equation are : Note: You may choose
2sxs3 and -3Sxs-2 ()xs-1, (ii)- 1<x<0 and (iii) x>0 and you
35. (a) We consider two cases : will get the same result as formed above.
(i) x+ 220. (c) (i) Let us put 2Ix- 2 =t
In this case, the equation reduces to Since base 2 is +ive and exponential function /s
2+2-|2+-||=2r++1 +ive. Also t= 2l*-2 SI

2*+1=12+-1| 0<Is1 ..(1)
Now ly l=y ify is + ive The given equation can be written as
Hence above equation is satisfied for P-41+2 =0.. t=2±V2,
2*+1-10,or 2+>I which is the same thing But =2+ V2 being > 1 is rejected by (1)
as x+ 1l20, that is ,x-1. These values of x t=2-lx-21= 2 - V2
satisfy condition (a) also and so they constitute
roots of the original equation. 2l-21= 1 2 + V2
(iü) x+2<0. Thus 2-V2 2
Now we shall condsider two cases :
lx+2|=-x-2 and x+1<-1
so Ifx2 then 2-2_2+V2
that 2*< Hence the given equation in 2
this case reduces to
(2+ V2
2-2-(1-2*l)= 2r++1 x=2+ log, 2 .(2)
2-2=2. Ifx< 2 then 2- (*-2) = 2+ V2
Hence -x-2=l x=-3. 2
Since this value of x satisfies (b) also, it is a root (2+ V2
of the given equation. Combining the solutions
of cases (a) and (b), we get the answer
From (2) and (3)
2 2 ...(3)
and x -1.
(b) We consider three cases (2+ V2
x=2+log 2
(i) xs-1 (ii) -1 <xs0
(iii) x > 0. (ii) x=t log, [1 +I a] if as 1
In case (i), the equation takes the form If a> 1, then there is no
2-(+)- 2= 1- 2+ 1 36. Since log/ (x+ 2) = 2
2-(x+)=2, .-(x+ 1) =1

Hence x=-2.
log,/a(4 -x)'=3 log va(4-x)
Since x=-2 satisfies (ii), it is a solution of the and, log/4x+ 6)° =3 log,4(r+ 6) ;
given equation. the given equation can be written as
In case (ii), the equation reduces to 3 log/4 lx+ 2|-3=3
logvA (4-x)
2**12=1-2 +I +3 loga(x+
or 2x+1=2 or x+l=1 or x=0
log/4lx+2 |+ logi/4 4
Since x=0satisfies (ii), it is a solution of the =log4(4-x)(* +6) [logiv4
given equation. In case (i) the equation 4=-1
becomes or log,/a 4lx+2 |= log1/a (4 -)46
2x+1-2=2- 1+1 or
Hence 4|x+2|= (4 - x) (+).
2+=2.2 We nowconsider two cases :
Miscellaneous Equations 1073
(a) +2<0 (b)x+2 20 -1+VI+4d
In case (a), the equation (1) becomes 2
-4 (r+2)= (4-) (r+6) and 4a
or x-2x- 32 =0 2
|tv33 The first inequality reduces to
2 1+1+ 4a <0,
The root l+\33 does not satisfy
and so it is not a root of (1). condition (a) which does not hold for values of a2
But I-133 is a root of (1) since it satisfies The second inequality reduces to
condition (a) . VI+ 4a >1
In case (b), the equation (l) becomes and is valid for a > 0as can be easily seen.
4 (*+2)= (4 -*) (r+ 6) Hence, for a>0, the origianl equation has one
real root at
or *+6r16 =0
(a+8) (-2) =0.
This gives =-8,2. that satisfies the condition x<-1 and for
The rootx=-8 does not satisfy condition (b), as0, it has no such root.
so it is not a root of (1). Hence x = 2 is the only
In case (b), the given equation takes the form
root of (1) in this case. Combining cases (a) and
(b), we see that the roots of equation (a) are x+x+a=0.
Discussing as in case (a), we will see that the
X-2 and x,=1-33
We must now check whether these roots satisfy given equation has two real roots for 0sas
the original equation or not. It is easily seen that -1+V1-4a and -1-V1-4a
all theexpressions under the sign of logarithm in 2 2
the given equation for x=x and x=x, are For a< , the equation has the root at
positive and so both these numbers lie in the rEltVI-4a
domain of x and are therefore roots of the given 2
For a>, the equation has no roots in the
Thus we get the answer
=2,x=|-v3. domain x>-1.
Combining the cases (a) and (b), we get the final
37. We consider two cases
(a) x<-1, (b) x2-1. For a<0. rel+VI-4a
In case (a), the equation reduces to the form 2
x(-I-1) + a= 0 For 0sas!. rel-VI-4a
or +x-a =0 ..) 2
We are interested in finding real roots of (1) -1+1-4a
which satisfy the condition (a). 2
Now the condition for (1) to have real roots is
and for a>;,
4 the equation has no root.
1+4a20 or a 38. We consider four cases :
[Note that for real roots, the discriminant of (1)
(a) -2r 20,y20
must be non-negative]. (b) -2r 20, y<0
The roots of (1) are
-1+\1 +4a -l-VI+ 4a (c) -2r<0, y20
2 2 (d) -2r <0, y<0
In case (a), the equations are
Outof these roots, we have to take those which
satisfy the condition x<-1. P-2r+y=1, rty=1.
To do this, we have to solve the inequalities Solving these equations, we get x=0, y=1.

This pair satisfies condition (a) and so is a

solution of the given equations.
39. It is evident that the function Algebra
In case (b), the given equations reduce to the
f)=2 cos? () sin' x<2

-2x+y=1 .(1)
in the
interval o. Atx=f9=1,
At x=T/3,f (*) =9/8
-y=l .2) Thus we have 2 cos? x sin x<2.
Substracting 2x = 2y or x=y ...3)
Adding, 2x-2r =2 Again since ariíthmetic mean of two positive
numbers is greater than or equal to their
Or --1 =0 .4) geometric mean, we have
From (3), x= 1±V144
V'.' ie. +x2 2
2 2
Now from (3) and (4), we get Thus the left hand member of the given equation
y=x=(1#\5)/2 is <2 whereas the right hand member is 2
Hence the solutions in this case are It follows that the equation has no real solution.
1+ V5 21+V5 Hence alternative (a) is correct.
2 2 40. (i) x+xx(x+ 1) =+ive for x<-I and
2 2 x+x+ 1= sin x> 1.
Since y >0, the pair (x,y) does not satisfy This is not possible. Hence the given equation
the condition (b) and it must be rejected. Now has no solution for x<-1 andx>0. However,
since y <0andx2x,>0, the pair ( , y2) when 1Sxs0 then +x is - ive lying
satisfies (b). between 1and 0 and xis also - ive.
Hence in this case, the solution is .+x+l=+ive and sinx=-ive as x is
X=y=(1 V5)/2.
(c) In this case, the given equations take the .+x+1= sin xhas no solution in this case
form also as L.H.S. =+ive and R.H.S. = ive.
(iü) By trial, we see that x=5 is a solution.
Solutions of these equations are easily found to There can be no other solution since the
be function 7°* decreases monotonically
whereas the function x+2 increases
X=0,y= 1 or =1, y, =0. monotonically so that the graphs of these
The pair (x y) does not satisfy condition (c) functions cannot intersect more than once
and (x,, y) satisfies it.
41. Since the value of cos2 *tx cánnot exeeed1
Hence the solution in this case is: 2
X=1,y =0 for any real x, we have
(d) Here the equations are 2cos?+x
-+2x+y=1, x-y=1 On the other hand, we have
Adding, 2x =2 or x=1 and y=0. 2+2x
Since this pair does not satisfy (d), there is no 2
V2.27* =1 [ A.M. 2 GM)
solution in this case.
Combining the cases (a) to (d), the given system or 2+27>2 (2)
of equations has the following three solutions From (I) and (2), we see that the left and right
members of the given equation are equal if and
* =0,y =1;,=y,= 2 only if they are both equal to 2. In other words.
the following system of two equations in one
X3 1,y, =0. unknown must hold

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