ABP Primer - 230814 - 100610
ABP Primer - 230814 - 100610
ABP Primer - 230814 - 100610
Executive Summary���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4
Programme Primer������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8
I. Background���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������9
II. Introduction to Aspirational Block Programme������������������������������������ 10
III. Selection of Blocks����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11
IV. Key Ministries and their role in ABP������������������������������������������������������� 11
V. Capacity Building�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12
VI. Evidence, data, and knowledge management������������������������������������� 13
VII. Partnerships and Networks������������������������������������������������������������������� 13
VIII. Roles and Responsibilities������������������������������������������������������������������� 13
IX. Key Performance Indicators Framework���������������������������������������������� 16
Block Development Strategy����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18
I. Introduction & Objectives of Block Development Strategy����������������� 19
II. Approach to Block Development under the ABP��������������������������������� 19
III. Developing a Block Development Strategy ��������������������������������������� 20
IV. Conclusion�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������38
V. Template for Block Development Strategy����������������������������������������� 39
Annexure-I: List of ABP Blocks������������������������������������������������������������������������� 43
Annexure-II: List of ABP Indicators����������������������������������������������������������������� 55
Annexure-III: List of Indicative Schemes�������������������������������������������������������� 58
Annexure-IV: List of Indicative Interventions������������������������������������������������� 61
Fig 1: Block Level Officials with right attitude, skills and knowledge--BLOs as Leaders of Change
towards attainment of ABP Objectives. Each Block will be supported by District and State level
Officials for development of Block Development Strategy in the initial stage of the Programme.
Financial incentives will be provided to Blocks based on the delta ranking. Blocks will also be
provided incentives for exemplary performance/achievement of annual targets across sectors.
Several non-financial incentives will also be provided including training, lunch and learn with
NITI etc.
Capacity building is a central component of the ABP with the emphasis on enhancing governance
via capacity building. Capacity building under ABP includes enabling the stakeholders with the
necessary expertise, knowledge, and assets required for effective execution and to sustain the
Programme over time. The ABP capacity building strategy is centred on:
• P
rogramme Orientation and Leadership training: All BLOs and key stakeholders of the ABP
shall undergo a 2-day Orientation Programme in the initial phase of the Programme that would
help them understand the objectives, Programme components, implementation strategy and
support that will be made available from NITI Aayog, Central Ministries and Departments and
State Governments.
• B
uilding domain expertise: The Block level Officials shall be provided training and exposure on
key priority sectors with an aim to build capacity on planning, implementation and monitoring
of progress and outcomes in these priority sectors.
• P
artnership with NIRDPR and SIRDs: NITI Aayog and State Governments shall work with State
Institute for Rural Development and Administrative Training Institutes in States to support
continuous capacity building using the modules and master trainers developed for Block Level
• U
se of iGOT for Capacity Building: All government Officials and functionaries involved in
delivery of ABP shall be imparted capacity building through use of iGOT platform of Government
of India. Modules on Programme Management, Monitoring and Evaluation, Performance
management etc. will be delivered using the iGOT platform.
Develop training modules and Master Trainers for continuous capacity building in conjunction
with NITI Aayog.
Contribute to Knowledge management by documenting and sharing the best practices and
uploading on knowledge portal.
Programme monitoring through field visits and organizing sector specific reviews.
Create enabling environment by issuing guidelines, advisories etc. that support fast tracking
Programme implementation
State Governments:
Following are the indicative responsibilities of State Governments for ABP:
Fill up vacant position in these Aspirational Blocks and post competent and committed officers.
Support and mobilize colleges and schools in District to support Gram Panchayats and villages
in Aspirational Blocks.
Enroll, register, and actively participate in the state/national level training planned by NITI
Apprise District Collector and Chief Development Officer on quarterly progress on the key
initiatives taken, key challenges and gaps in implementation.
Organize, lead, and facilitate fortnightly convergence meeting with all sectors contributing to
Mobilize resources both financial and non-financial, to support sectoral programs in the block.
Explore funding opportunities and collaborate with external agencies to secure resources for
the various sectors
Plan innovations across sectors in partnership with Line Departments and Development partners
Department of Animal 1
Husbandry & Dairying (DAHD)
(1) Identify priority interventions across sectors to accelerate implementatio and achieve
saturation of services across key sectors.
(2) Execution of practical stategy for convergent action to maximize impact of interventions.
(3) Strategy to surpass the State average on key socia-economic parameters and strive to
reach to global best.
(4) Establish a quality check and feedback mechanism to assess the progress and effectiveness
of intervention for continuous improvement
5. Identification of Constraints/Resources
Typical constraints/resources include budget, lack of human capital, legal restrictions
i. Natural Resources – Land, forests, water, air and all natural resources.
ii. Human Resources – Vacancies in departments/offices/positions.
iii. Financial Resources – Funds from Central & State schemes, CSR, DMFT etc.
Social Resources- NGOs operational in the district, other charity organisations, peace
& social harmony/ unity within the communities.
Based on collective responses to above questions for each of the sectoral KPIs found through
Chintan Shivirs and other such discussion forums, the following illustrative strategy may be
developed as shown below.
E.g. Sector: Health
Indicator: Percentage of institutional deliveries to total estimated deliveries
This template may be adapted for other sectors and their respective indicators.
Strengths Weaknesses
Opportunities Threats
Sector : Health
Key Performance Indicators and Key Interventions:
Strengths Weaknesses
Opportunities Threats
Strengths Weaknesses
Opportunities Threats
5 Percentage of elementary
schools having PTR less than
equal to 30
Strengths Weaknesses
Opportunities Threats
Strengths Weaknesses
Opportunities Threats
Strengths Weaknesses
Opportunities Threats
Strengths Weaknesses
Opportunities Threats
Strengths Weaknesses
Opportunities Threats
Strengths Weaknesses
Opportunities Threats
NITI Aayog expects all Blocks to submit a Block Development Strategy by October 2nd , 2023.
The Block Development Strategy document is to act as a guidance to States/UTs, Districts, and
Blocks for developing Block Strategy for each of the Blocks in the Aspirational Blocks Programme.
Furthermore, this document will serve as a ready reference to meet their developmental objectives.
A well-developed Block Development Strategy will ensure focused attention on various KPI’s and
ensure that SDG goals are achieved in a given timelines.
Map of the Block with Road Network and details of Facilities and Institutions
3 Education
4 Agriculture
5 Basic
6 Drinking Water
7 Sanitation
8 Financial
9 Social
Under Aspirational Blocks Programme, 7 health related indicators from Ministry of Health & Family
Welfare and 7 indicators from Ministry of Women & Child Development are being targeted for
monitoring progress at block level.
1 Percentage • Identify the access barriers like social norms, road connectivity and
of ANC service availability in health facilities.
registered • Map all the equipment’s present in each health facility. Each centre should
within the have
first trimester o Nishchay Kit for detection of pregnancy
against o Urine and blood test
Total ANC o Mother Protection Card issued by MoWCD and MoHFW
Registration • Identifying Pregnant Women (PW) in all the villages by coordination
between ASHA, ANM and AWW by tracking eligible couples. Also
estimating pregnancies village wise with the help of ASHA can be taken
• Develop IEC material on importance of ANC Checkups as per local
• Plan for conducting ANC camps and publish the camp calendars.
• Systems should be developed to track pregnant women who have
received less than 4 ANCs, areas where the ANC checkup rate is low and
special initiatives should be taken to increase outreach in cut off areas.
• Develop systems to ensure regular VHSNDs in all the villages by AWCs/
ASHA workers. Monitoring of VHSND should be taken up.
2 Percentage of • Block wise mapping of the areas which have low connectivity and cases
institutional of high mortality rate. In such villages mapping of EDD (Expected Date of
deliveries Delivery) should be done and women should be admitted few days before
against total date of delivery.
reported • Bike ambulance and ambulance service availability should be mapped and
deliveries deficit should be filled.
• Mapping of PHCs and CHCs should be done where 24 hours delivery
services are available. Target to upgrade remaining should be made
considering the resources.
• Creation of Special Health Centres for PVTGs & training for paramedics
amongst tribal people
• Awareness campaigns should be conducted in women SHGs and
Federations on the importance of institutional delivery. Plan of such
campaigns should be made block/village wise with help of Supervisors of
WCD Department.
• An IVRS system can be set on which ambulances can be contacted as well
as mothers can be given counselling on pregnancy as well as new born
baby care.
• Refresher courses should be done for ANMs/Staff Nurse to conduct home
• Sensitisation workshops should be done for staff of PHC/CHCs. The staff
can be trained on some basic words of the native language to build an
environment of trust and comfort.
• Strengthening of PHC/CHC as per IPHS, Certification of Labour Room
4 Percentage of • Find all TB cases (Drug Sensitive & Drug Resistant) including TB patients
Tuberculosis (TB) seeking care from private providers and undiagnosed TB in high-risk populations
cases treated » Systematic screening of high-risk populations
successfully » Scale-up diagnostic tests & algorithms, private provider engagement
against TB cases approaches
notified a year » Universal testing for drug-resistant TB
ago • Initiate appropriate anti-TB treatment with patient friendly systems and social
» Prevent the loss of TB cases in the cascade of care with support systems
» Free TB drugs for all TB cases
» Patient-friendly adherence monitoring and social support to sustain TB
» Elimination of catastrophic costs by linkages of eligible TB patients with
social welfare schemes including nutritional support
• Focus on awareness generation and prevention of TB in susceptible
» Scale-up airborne infection control measures at health care facilities
» Treatment for latent TB infection in contacts of bacteriologically confirmed
» Adopt inter sectoral approach to address social factors of TB
5 Percentage of • Map the total number of health facilities in a block
National Quality • Formation of Quality Assurance Team at Facility Level to undertake Quality
Assurance Assurance activities based on NQAS and other checklists (like Kayakalp,
Standards LaQshya etc.).
(NQAS) certified • Collate critical data from the departments and monitor key performance
facilities in Block indicators on regular intervals.
• Identify the gaps through periodic internal assessment and prepare an action
plan with resource allocation, responsible person, time frame etc.
• Arrange fort External Quality Assurance of measuring equipment and
• Prepare competency and performance assessment checklist for clinical &
para clinical staff.
• Periodic assessment of facilities by District & State Quality Assurance
• Send the application along with the required documents to NHM, Ministry of
Health and Family Welfare, GOI requesting for the national assessment.
1. Percentage
of pregnant
women taking
Nutrition under the • In all Anganwadi Centre’s, an evaluation should be done of supply of
ICDS Programme Supplementary Nutrition and gaps should be filled. For this estimation of
regularly pregnancies can also be done in advance.
• Prioritizing severely malnourished women identified by ground level
2. Percentage of workers in village.
children from • Plan should be made to use SHGs as a base and awareness camps
6 months to 6 should be organised on importance of having nutritious diet at home
years taking especially during pregnancy.
Nutrition under the
ICDS Programme
3. Measurement • Regular screening of children with inadequate height and weight for a
efficiency of particular age should be done and they should be referred to Nutritional
children enrolled at Rehabilitation Centre (NRC).
Anganwadi Centres • A system should be formed to ensure that the NRC functions at full
during the reporting capacity.
month • Post discharge from NRC, regular follow-ups should be done by AWC
workers, school teacher and ANMs.
4. Percentage of • Blocks with high incidences of malnutrition in children should be
children under 5 identified. In such blocks, awareness camps should be organized to
years with Moderate promote dietary diversification for a balanced diet. In these camps
Acute Malnutrition following should be focused on
(MAM) » Exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months
» Diet initiation after 6 months
5. Percentage of » Proper immunization, iron folic acid and vitamin A supplementation
children under 5 » Deworming
years with Severe » Taking measures for preventing seasonal diseases
Acute Malnutrition » Focus on taking nutritious food by adolescent girls and pregnant
(SAM) women
» High nutritious food items which are traditionally being used by
people should be included in diet by including them in Public
Distribution System.
6. Percentage • Identify the number of Anganwadi Centres in existence and the number
of operational of them without functional toilets and work with GPs to leverage XVFC
Anganwadi Centres resources for maintenance of Anganwadi toilets.
with functional toilet
7. Percentage • Identify the number of Anganwadi Centres in existence and the number
of operational of them having drinking water facilities.
Anganwadi Centres • Explore the options for accomplishing work through provision of
with drinking water drinking water facilities under Jal Jeevan Mission, utilizing funds of
facilities Central Finance Commission, MGNREGS etc.
3 Transition Rate • Prepare a list of students who have passed out of class X but have not taken
- Percentage of admission in class XI.
Boys transitioned • Discuss this with the DC/DM/CEO-ZP and the Education Secretary, identify
from Secondary the further action that can be taken to encourage the students to re-join in
to Higher class XI.
Secondary level • Identify the colleges/schools where necessary steps need to be taken to
meet the unique requirements of students at this age, so that they are
4 Transition Rate encouraged to continue in class XI and beyond, such as safety of girls while
- Percentage of travelling to colleges/schools, adequate facilities to handle menstruation,
Girls transitioned introduction of vocational skills etc. and make efforts to ensure these.
from Secondary At the Higher secondary level also, it is required that subject specific teachers
to Higher are available in all schools. Teachers should be recruited as per the norms
Secondary level prescribed by NCTE/appropriate authority and the terms and conditions of the
respective State and UTs. Samagra Siksha scheme visualises a minimum of 6
subject specific Post Graduate (PG) teachers and 1 Principal for every new /
Upgraded higher secondary school/section and addition of teachers depending
on combination of subjects.
5 Percentage • Identify the elementary schools having shortage of teachers as per Right
of elementary to Education norms
schools having • Identify the elementary schools having excess of teachers as per Right to
PTR less than Education norms
equal to 30 • Redeploy teachers within the district from schools identified with excess
teachers to schools identified with shortage of teachers, if it is within your
• Provision of biometric/online attendance should be developed to ensure
that there are no proxy teachers and attendance is regularly monitored.
7 Percentage • Initiate a special survey to identify the existing children of this category.
of schools • List out the facilities not received under the Inclusive Education of
having trained Disabled at Secondary Stage and actually needed under RMSA (Samagra
teachers for Siksha) to enhance the performance and learning level.
teaching child • Appoint two resource persons at the Block Resource Centre under Sarva
with special Shiksha Abhiyan (Samagra Siksha) to provide support.
needs (CwSN) • Teacher training:
» Intensive teacher training should be undertaken to sensitize regular
teachers on effective classroom management of children with special
» This training should be recurrent at district/DPO levels and integrated
with the on-going in-service teacher training schedules in RMSA.
» All training modules at SCERT, DIET and district level should include a
suitable component on education of children with special needs.
• Resource support:
» Resource support could be given by teachers working in special
schools. Where necessary specially trained resource teachers should be
appointed, particularly for teaching special skills to children with special
» Wherever this option is not feasible, long-term training of regular
teachers should be undertaken
• Setting up of redressal Centre for learning disabilities.
2 % of villages declared Open Defecation • Support Gram Panchayats initiate Solid and liquid
Free (ODF) plus waste management interventions using SBM and
XVFC funds.
• Monitor progress along with all GP Heads to Fast-
track implementation
• Engage Swachhagrahis as per the guideline, for
identification of beneficiaries, motivating, assisting
in IEC and construction, maintaining
Department of Telecommunications
S No Indicator Indicative Steps
1 Percentage of Gram Panchayats with • Identify the Model being followed by respective
BharatNet State i.e. Pvt. Model, State Led Model, BSNL or PPP
2 Percentage of Gram Panchayats with Model.
Live BharatNet connection against total • Study the geographic location (latitude & longitude)
number Gram Panchayats with BharatNet and terrain for Gram Panchayats to decide
which GPs should be fibre connected or wireless
connected or satellite based.
• Lay the OFC cable from Block to all unconnected
Gram Panchayats through the Implementing
Agency and corresponding model followed in the
• Service providers and Govt. agencies to provide
connectivity through Bharat Net Project to extend
their services from Block to Gram Panchayats and
to individual households.
• Monitor the progress and ensure that the Block &
Gram Panchayats in it are Service ready with Bharat
Ministry of Rural Development
S No Indicator Indicative Steps
1 Percentage of HHs constructed under • Identify the targets households allocated to the
PMAY-G against cumulative target Block & Gram Panchayats
• Issue of Sanction Order to beneficiaries &
Orientation to them. Map village level functionary to
the beneficiary.
• Ensure availability of trained mason, raw material
for the construction of houses
• Monitor the progress of house construction and
timely release of instalments to the beneficiary
• Review the progress of construction of houses as
against target.