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ABP Primer - 230814 - 100610

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Executive Summary���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4
Programme Primer������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8
I. Background���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������9
II. Introduction to Aspirational Block Programme������������������������������������ 10
III. Selection of Blocks����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11
IV. Key Ministries and their role in ABP������������������������������������������������������� 11
V. Capacity Building�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12
VI. Evidence, data, and knowledge management������������������������������������� 13
VII. Partnerships and Networks������������������������������������������������������������������� 13
VIII. Roles and Responsibilities������������������������������������������������������������������� 13
IX. Key Performance Indicators Framework���������������������������������������������� 16
Block Development Strategy����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18
I. Introduction & Objectives of Block Development Strategy����������������� 19
II. Approach to Block Development under the ABP��������������������������������� 19
III. Developing a Block Development Strategy ��������������������������������������� 20
IV. Conclusion�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������38
V. Template for Block Development Strategy����������������������������������������� 39
Annexure-I: List of ABP Blocks������������������������������������������������������������������������� 43
Annexure-II: List of ABP Indicators����������������������������������������������������������������� 55
Annexure-III: List of Indicative Schemes�������������������������������������������������������� 58
Annexure-IV: List of Indicative Interventions������������������������������������������������� 61


India has emerged as an Aspirational Society. At the dawn of “Amrit Kaal”,
every section and strata of our society is brimming with aspirations for
a better tomorrow. The Aspirational Districts Programme (ADP) was
launched in the year 2018 to ensure speedy development of the relatively
backward and remote areas of the country. ADP has had a measurable
and tangible impact on improving key indicators that uplifts the lives of its
Building on the success of the Aspirational Districts Programme (ADP), the
Aspirational Blocks Programme aim for saturation of essential government
services in 500 Blocks across the country across multiple domains such
as health, nutrition, education, drinking water and sanitation, agriculture,
water resources, financial inclusion and basic infrastructure.
Speedy development in rural areas across sectors can be most appropriately
planned taking a compact area like a development block as the unit for
planning. Achievement at speed and scale require detailed and intimate
knowledge of local conditions and local requirements and often envisage
an element of popular participation also. Blocks are best poised to ensure
rapid and effective development ensuring people remain at the centre
of all planning and implementation. The Aspirational Blocks Programme
aims to provide direction, guidance, and support for social and economic
advancement in the most underdeveloped regions in India and at directing
development benefits towards marginalized and vulnerable sections of the
The vision of the programme is to improve the quality of life of citizens
in the most backward blocks of the country. This is to be achieved by
building capacities of Blocks to deliver effective and sustainable services
and instilling a sense of healthy competition among blocks by providing
performance grant and non-monetary incentives to well performing blocks.
NITI Aayog, concerned Central Ministries and Departments, State and Union
Territories’ Governments and Districts would work in tandem to ensure
effective and rapid development of these Blocks by ensuring improved
planning and implementation, capacity building and setting up systems
for improved and sustainable service delivery. The ABP gives flexibility to
the State Governments and administrators to formulate and define their
own strategies that are tailored to their specific geographic areas, while
considering the unique local context, opportunities, and challenges.
ABP identifies Block Level Officials as Leaders of Change. Equipped with


right skills and competencies. It is expected that Block Level Officials leading
the various sectors of the programme will steer and drive the change in
aspirational blocks under the guidance and support of district and state level
The Programme Primer and Block Development Strategy will act as the compass
for Aspirational Blocks Porgramme. A well developed Block Development
Strategy will ensure focused attention on various KPIs and ensure that SDG
goals are localized and achieved in a given timelines.


ABP Aspirational Blocks Programme
ADP Aspirational Districts Programme
ASHA Accredited Social Health Activist
API Application Programming Interface
ATI Administrative Training Institute
ANC Anti-Natal Care
ANM Auxiliary Nurse and Midwife
AWW Anganwadi Worker
BDO Block Development Officer
BEO Block Education Officer
BLO Block Level Officials
BPM Block Programme Manager
CBO Community Based Organization
CHC Community Health Center
CSO Civil Society Organization
CDPO Child Development Project Officer
CDO Chief Development Officer
CEO Chief Executive Officer
DDWS Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation
DM District Magistrate
DPO District Planning Officer
DC Divisional Commissioner
DIET District Institute of Education & Training
FC Finance Commission
JE Junior Engineer
GP Gram Panchayat
GPDP Gram Panchayat Development Plan
iGOT Integrated Government Online Training
ICDS Integrated Child Development Scheme


IEC Information Education Communication
IPHS Indian Public Health Standards
IVRS Interactive Voice Response System
LBSNAA Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration
MIS Management Information System
MLA Member of Legislative Assembly
MLC Member of Legislative Council
MP Member of Parliament
NIRDPR National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj
NRLM National Rural Livelihoods Mission
NGO Non-Governmental Organization
ODF Open Defecation Free
PACS Primary Agricultural Credit Society
PHC Primary Health Center
PHED Public Health Engineering Department
QPR Quarterly Progress Report
PVTGs Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups
PRI Panchayat Raj Institution
RWSS Rural Water Supply and Sanitation
SCERT State Council of Education Research and Training
SDG Sustainable Development Goals
SECC Socio Economic and Caste Census
SHG Self Help Group
SIRD State Institute for Rural Development
SWOT Strength Weakness Opportunities Threats
UT Union Territory
VHSND Village Health Sanitation and Nutrition Day




The Aspirational Blocks Programme was launched by the Hon’ble Prime Minister on January 7, 2023,
during the 2nd National Conference of Chief Secretaries. The Programme focuses on improving
governance to enhance the quality of life of citizens in the most difficult and underdeveloped
blocks of India by converging existing schemes, defining outcomes, and monitoring them on a
constant basis.
An Inter-Ministerial Committee in consultation with States has identified 500 blocks from across
27 states and 4 Union Territories of India. In each of them, the ABP will focus on monitoring
key socio-economic indicators categorized under major sectors namely, Health and Nutrition,
Education, Agriculture and Allied Services, Drinking Water and Sanitation, Financial Inclusion,
Basic Infrastructure and overall Social Development. The Inter-Ministerial Committee also
recommended taking up key indicators across health, nutrition, drinking water and sanitation,
livelihood, education, agriculture & allied services, and basic infrastructure, on which performance
of blocks should be measured. Additionally, since it is expected that blocks in different regions
may have diverse challenges, a provision has been kept for the States to add their own specific
ABP identifies Block Level Officials as Leaders of Change. Equipped with right skills and
competencies it is expected that Block level Officials for Health, Nutrition, Education, Panchayati
Raj, Social Development and Water and Sanitation etc. will steer and drive the change in aspirational
blocks (fig 1) under the guidance and support of district and state level officials.

BLOs as Leaders of Change

Fig 1: Block Level Officials with right attitude, skills and knowledge--BLOs as Leaders of Change


ABP focuses on improving governance to bring about social development in the relatively
difficult and underdeveloped blocks of India by converging existing schemes, defining outcomes,
and monitoring results on a constant basis using digital tools and approaches. Along the lines
of aspirational districts strategy, the aspirational blocks strategy also hinges upon three broad
• Convergence (of Central & State Schemes),
• Collaboration (of NITI Aayog, Central Ministries and Departments, State Governments and
District and Block Administration) and,
• Competition among blocks driven by a spirit of mass Movement.
With States as the main drivers, this program will focus on the strength of each district and block
and identify doable actions for immediate improvement, measure progress, and rank blocks.
Following constitutes the main strategy under the Aspirational Blocks Programme:
i.  evelopment of Block Development Strategy: The ABP would support Blocks to develop
a well thought out Block Development Strategy which would take into consideration Block
specific challenges and opportunities. Blocks would undertake a SWOT analysis and develop
strategies to maximize on the strengths and opportunities while developing methods and
measures to manage weaknesses and threats. Blocks would identify key interventions across
all the sectors of ABP that could help achieve saturation of services and surpass the State
average on key socio- economic parameters.
ii. Flexibility to States: States would have requisite flexibility to choose some indicators based
on their context. This would help States prioritize sectors where concerted action is needed.
ABP has allowed States to have 5 State specific indicators in the indicator’s framework of the
programme which will be monitored by States.
iii. API based data sourcing: The Programme would source data against indicators directly from
Management Information Systems of Ministries and Departments. This is expected to ease the
requirements of reporting at the Block levels in addition to ensuring harmonization of data and
progress reported by Blocks.
iv. Capacity Building of functionaries: ABP would ensure continuous capacity building of Block
level functionaries to ensure effective and accelerated implementation of schemes. Capacity
Building Modules on the focus sectors and creation of master trainers to deliver the capacity
building modules would be a central piece of the ABP Programme. ABP will work with expert
institutions and Ministries to develop training modules and create Master Trainers who would
undertake capacity building across all sectors. All Block level Officials would also benefit from
a Leadership training which shall be organized in the initial phase of the Programme.
v. Knowledge Portal for continuous learning: The Programme would have a knowledge portal
for documentation and dissemination of best practices. All States, Districts and Blocks would
continuously feed to the knowledge portal through documenting what works and what are not
easy to implement. A systematic approach to knowledge management would be adopted for
continuous learning under the Programme.
vi. Ranking of blocks: The Programme would rank all the Blocks every quarter based on their
performance. The financial incentives to Blocks will also be given on a quarterly basis. States
are also requested to provide suitable incentives to high performing blocks so that the process
remains competitive.
vii. Awards and Incentives: ABP will provide awards and incentives for exemplary contribution


Fig 2: ABP Programme Implementation Strategy

towards attainment of ABP Objectives. Each Block will be supported by District and State level
Officials for development of Block Development Strategy in the initial stage of the Programme.
Financial incentives will be provided to Blocks based on the delta ranking. Blocks will also be
provided incentives for exemplary performance/achievement of annual targets across sectors.
Several non-financial incentives will also be provided including training, lunch and learn with
NITI etc.


The 500 Blocks that are part of the Aspirational Blocks Programme were selected by an Inter-
Ministerial Committee in consultation with States. An index of backwardness was developed based
on data set pertaining to health and nutrition, education, basic infrastructure, and a proxy of
poverty using Mission Antyodaya and Socio-Economic Caste Census (SECC) 2011-12. The blocks
were ranked according to this index. The committee recommended that the number of blocks
in a State/UT be based on population (25% weight) and per capita GDP of the State/UT (75%
weight). Further, at least one block has been selected from each of the 112 Aspirational Districts.
As the States/UTs are the main drivers of the Programme, the list of selected blocks was shared
with them for any modifications. The inputs received from the States/UTs were incorporated into
the list of 500 blocks. These 500 blocks are located across 328 districts in 27 States and 4 UTs.
Of these, 160 blocks are from the 112 aspirational districts. The list of 500 blocks and state wise
summary is attached as Annexure-I.


A total of nine (9) core sectors have been identified and relevant Eleven (11) Central Ministries and
Departments would lead and steer attainment of respective results in their sectors in partnership
with State Governments. The Central ministries shall provide technical assistance and support
for these Blocks to achieve accelerated implementation and surpass the State average on the


concerned parameters.
The Ministries/Departments shall help the Programme to:

Capacity building is a central component of the ABP with the emphasis on enhancing governance
via capacity building. Capacity building under ABP includes enabling the stakeholders with the
necessary expertise, knowledge, and assets required for effective execution and to sustain the
Programme over time. The ABP capacity building strategy is centred on:
• P
 rogramme Orientation and Leadership training: All BLOs and key stakeholders of the ABP
shall undergo a 2-day Orientation Programme in the initial phase of the Programme that would
help them understand the objectives, Programme components, implementation strategy and
support that will be made available from NITI Aayog, Central Ministries and Departments and
State Governments.
• B
 uilding domain expertise: The Block level Officials shall be provided training and exposure on
key priority sectors with an aim to build capacity on planning, implementation and monitoring
of progress and outcomes in these priority sectors.
• P
 artnership with NIRDPR and SIRDs: NITI Aayog and State Governments shall work with State
Institute for Rural Development and Administrative Training Institutes in States to support
continuous capacity building using the modules and master trainers developed for Block Level
• U
 se of iGOT for Capacity Building: All government Officials and functionaries involved in
delivery of ABP shall be imparted capacity building through use of iGOT platform of Government
of India. Modules on Programme Management, Monitoring and Evaluation, Performance
management etc. will be delivered using the iGOT platform.


NITI Aayog along with partner Ministries and State Governments will support Blocks manage data,
evidence, and knowledge in an effective way. Data management will be supported through sourcing data
directly from Management Information Systems (MIS) of Ministries and Departments. This will allow easy
analysis of patterns and timely decisions to improve Programme performance.
Every block will be provided with access to the Programme Portal aiding them in analyzing their situation,
reviewing data and information. Blocks can monitor progress, and compare their performance with the
State average based on key performance indicators. The portal shall also act as the knowledge repository
on know-how, know why and know what on the Programme. All best practices will be made available
using the portal to support knowledge networking and skills to undertake effective programming.


Partnerships to make ABP the next Jan Andolan: India has achieved dramatic results by changing the
development design and making development initiatives a Jan Andolan. ABP will be implemented as a
Jan Andolan with support from people from all walks of life. Blocks will undertake the following to make
ABP a Jan Andolan
• Seek guidance of elected representatives like MPs, MLAs, MLCs, and Panchayat Raj leaders to
support and reinforce ABP priorities. These leaders will be supported to make visits to Aspirational
Blocks and mobilize and motivate functionaries and people for collective action.
• Involvement of College, Universities and Schools in ABP. All Colleges, Universities and Schools
will adopt Gram Panchayats and villages and support them plan and implement programs. Shivirs of
students and teachers will be organized in Aspirational Blocks to leverage the power of Youths and
teachers to inspire change
• SHGs as motivators and instruments of behaviour change: Self Help Groups will be trained and
mobilized to support Gram Panchayats and Villages achieve rapid and sustainable results. SHGs
would also be provided opportunities to work as enterprise and assume role in construction and
management of assets and services under the Programme; and can be leveraged for awareness
raising and facilitation for major schemes and social protection programs.
• I ntensive IEC for community awareness and participation: ABP will undertake intensive IEC activities
using Block, GP, and village level functionaries to inform, educate and empower people to participate
in Programme planning, implementation, and management of services.


Several actors including NITI Aayog, Central Ministries and Departments, State Governments and
District and Block Administration will collaborate to achieve the objectives of ABP. The key roles and
responsibilities of Key actors are delineated below:
NITI Aayog:

Issuing guidelines, strategy, and framework for Aspirational Blocks

Setting up decision support system. NITI Aayog would develop a portal
NITI Aayog which will act as the decision support system for NITI Aayog, Line
Ministries, States, Districts and Block administrations.

Placing a robust monitoring system for the selected indicators.


Ranking of blocks: NITI Aayog would undertake ranking of Blocks every
Quarter based on their performance
Incentives: The purpose of monetary incentives based on their
NITI Aayog performance is for blocks to undertake specific projects to address their
critical developmental gaps.
Capacity Building: Building capacities of Block level functionaries in
partnership with Central Ministries and State Governments

Central Ministries and Departments:

Following are the indicative responsibilities of Central Ministries for ABP:

Support Programme planning, implementation, and setting up of operation and maintenance

arrangements at Block level in their concerned sector.

Develop training modules and Master Trainers for continuous capacity building in conjunction
with NITI Aayog.

Contribute to Knowledge management by documenting and sharing the best practices and
uploading on knowledge portal.

Programme monitoring through field visits and organizing sector specific reviews.

Create enabling environment by issuing guidelines, advisories etc. that support fast tracking
Programme implementation

State Governments:
Following are the indicative responsibilities of State Governments for ABP:

Support Programme planning and implementation in Aspirational Blocks

Nominate Nodal Officers for supporting BLOs of Aspirational Blocks

Undertake field visits and Programme reviews.

Support capacity building of Block level functionaries using SIRDs.

Support Ranking of Blocks and development of annual report cards

Documentation of best practices and dissemination through NITI Knowledge Portal.

Organize learning events

Fill up vacant position in these Aspirational Blocks and post competent and committed officers.


District Magistrates:
Following are the indicative responsibilities of District Collectors for ABP:

Integrate and prioritize ABP in the development agenda of District.

Facilitate Chintan Shivirs in aspirational blocks for development of Block Strategy

Support Block level Programme planning and implementation.

Nominate Officers for dedicated support to BLOs of Aspirational Blocks

Undertake field visits and Programme reviews.

Support capacity building of Block level functionaries

Support and mobilize colleges and schools in District to support Gram Panchayats and villages
in Aspirational Blocks.

Initiate rewards and recognitions for GPs of ABP

Block Development Officer:

Plan and coordinate with the nodal departmental official of the various sectors at the block
level and develop Block Development Strategy

Enroll, register, and actively participate in the state/national level training planned by NITI

Apprise District Collector and Chief Development Officer on quarterly progress on the key
initiatives taken, key challenges and gaps in implementation.

Organize, lead, and facilitate fortnightly convergence meeting with all sectors contributing to

Mobilize resources both financial and non-financial, to support sectoral programs in the block.
Explore funding opportunities and collaborate with external agencies to secure resources for
the various sectors

Promote community participation in various programs by organizing camps for financial

awareness, health and nutrition, social protection awareness raising camps, school enrolment
drives, and other community engagement activities.


Strengthen infrastructure (health facility, Anganwadi centers, training institutions, Schools)
including upgrading centers, ensuring adequate logistics, equipment, resources, and personnel.

Plan innovations across sectors in partnership with Line Departments and Development partners

Disseminate what is working well through case studies/best practices.

Reward/acknowledgement activities for Gram Panchayats or best performing sector in

aspirational block programming


The ABP programme emphasise on the Government’s commitment to improve the quality of life
of citizens, raising the living standards of its citizens and ensuring inclusive growth for all.
In consultation with various stakeholders, 39 key performance indicators (KPIs) have been chosen
to measure progress of the blocks which have grouped into 5 themes. The list of ABP indicators
is attached as Annexure-II.
Following is the abstract of Indicators for monitoring the progress in the Aspirational Blocks.
List of indicators across themes are as below:

S. No. Theme Ministry/Department No of KPI’s Total KPI’s Theme

Weightage (%)

1 Health & Ministry of Health &Family 7 14 30%

Nutrition Welfare (MoHFW)

Ministry of Women & Child 7

Development (MoWCD)

2 Education Department of School Education 11 11 30%

& Literacy (DoSEL)

3 Agriculture and Department of Agriculture & 3 5 20%

Allied Services Farmers Welfare (DAFW)

Department of Animal 1
Husbandry & Dairying (DAHD)

Department of Water Resources 1

4 Basic Department of Drinking Water & 2 5 15%
Infrastructure Sanitation (DDWS)
Department of 2
Telecommunications (DoT)
Ministry of Rural Development 1


5 Social Department of Financial 1 4 5%
Development Services (DFS)
Ministry of Electronics & 1
Information Technology (MeitY)
Ministry of Rural Development 2
TOTAL 11 Ministries/Departments 39 100%




The Block Development Strategy will outline the priorities in each sector of the Block and the
services that will be offered to the public while making the best possible use of the existing
resources at hand. It shall be based on the demands of the local communities and priorities of
It is envisaged that the comprehensive Block Development Strategy developed through Chintan
Shivirs with all stakeholders shall act as a driving factor to enable government programmes reach
towards saturation in the Blocks within a short time by undertaking a mission mode approach.
Block Development Strategy shall be developed with following objectives:

(1) Identify priority interventions across sectors to accelerate implementatio and achieve
saturation of services across key sectors.

(2) Execution of practical stategy for convergent action to maximize impact of interventions.

(3) Strategy to surpass the State average on key socia-economic parameters and strive to
reach to global best.

(4) Establish a quality check and feedback mechanism to assess the progress and effectiveness
of intervention for continuous improvement


The approach for the Block development adopted under the Aspirational Blocks Programme is
as follows.
a) Involvement of State/UT Governments: The ABP is designed keeping the autonomy and
wisdom of the State/UT government at the centre of it. Such ownership of the programme
at the sub-national level will provide Districts and Blocks with an enabling environment to
prioritise programmatic goals, as well as introduce great convergence between Line Ministries’
and State/UT government schemes
b) Continuous and Comprehensive Capacity Building: All relevant Officers at the Block Level
would be supported by NITI Aayog through rigorous and systematic capacity building
programming so that behavioural, functional, and technical skills honed by them lead to
improved implementation on ground.


c) Knowledge Sharing: By facilitating increased interactions between Block and District and State
officers for sharing experience of implementation work, Best Practices emerging in different
parts of the country will be ready for replication and scaling at a very rapid rate.
d) Rigorous Strategy at the Block Level: Under the programme, all Blocks have to develop a
rigorous Block Development Strategy with clear goals and activities linked to the KPIs, and
larger SDG objectives. This Block Development Strategy will serve as a compass for the Block
Officials as well as their District and State counterparts in meeting the targets of the ABP.


1. Suggested Roles and Responsibilities at State/UT, District, and Block Level
Enabling Supportive Environment by States/UTs
States/UTs are encouraged to create an enabling policy eco-system for development of
Aspirational Blocks. This would cover prioritising of Aspirational Blocks in routine Departmental
reviews, ensuring stability of tenure of critical staff through enabling orders from relevant line
Departments, financial and human resources redistribution as per need of sectors and Districts/
Blocks, whereas in some cases the provision of additional resources, as per local needs and context
of the blocks in the domain of the State/UT governments.
Concurrent Hand holding from the District Administration
District Magistrates/Collectors shall facilitate development of Block Strategy along with key Block
level Officials by organising forums such as Chintan Shivirs that would help bring stakeholders
together to analyse the existing situation, identify and prioritise key interventions for key sectors
and agree on strategy for accelerated implementation of schemes.
Steering Committee at District Level
The District Magistrates/District Collectors may set up a Steering Committee. The composition
of the steering committee can be decided by the State Government. However, at a minimum it
must be composed of officers (e.g. Chief Development Officer/Chief Executive Officer of Zilla
Panchayat as per relevance) from the district and key block level officials to develop the Block
Development Strategy.
The Steering Committee may be chaired by the District Magistrate/District Collector or as is
specifically stated by the State Government in its direction. The composition and specific titles
of the committee members may vary depending on the administrative structure and practices
in different States/UTs. It must be as per relevance to the realities and preferences of the given
State/UT. For example, Steering Committees in Blocks which are designated as Tribal Blocks, those
under special provisions such as Schedules V and VI may consist of appropriate representatives as
per local needs and relevance.
Review Meetings & Field Visits for supportive supervision
The Steering Committee must decide upon a pre-decided calendar of systematic data analytics-
based review meetings to guide the field staff on a fortnight or monthly basis, as deemed appropriate
based on local conditions, needs, and preferences. Review Meetings for Block Programme should
adequately account for overlaps in other ongoing reviews to reduce duplication of efforts and
bring about convergence in reviewing, and the District Magistrate/Collector may appropriately
design an efficient review meeting calendar keeping in mind other extant priorities of the district.
The District Administration should develop a schedule of field visits to villages across the Block
in advance of the review meetings so that reviews can take place based on data based analytical
reports from IT systems as well as direct experiential inputs from the field. These field visits may


cover transact walk across hard to reach areas in order to identify challenges in last mile delivery
of services, and for interaction with citizens in remote parts of the block to understand problems
in accessing schemes.
2. Diagnosing Challenges and Scoping Interventions
SWOT is an approach to strategic planning. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities,
and Threats. Blocks may undertake a Sector wise SWOT analysis of all the key sectors under each
theme and identify key interventions and opportunities to achieve accelerated implementation.
While doing the SWOT analysis, Block officials should
a) Refer to the list of indicators given as Annexure-II.
b) Prepare a list of relevant schemes (Central & State schemes) which can improve the
performance of the block vis-a-vis chosen key performance indicators. Refer to Annexure-
III titled as “List of Indicative schemes”.
c) Make a detailed set of interventions for improving the performance of the block. Refer to
Annexure-IV titled as “List of indicative interventions”.
3. Guiding Questions:
To fill up the SWOT matrix, the Steering Committee at the district and block level can use the
following guiding questions to identify SWOT for the respective sectors for the block and develop
their strategy.
Guiding Questions for Block Administration in developing sectoral strategies for identifying key
problems faced in reaching saturation of the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

1. Terrain and connectivity challenges

For example, in some Blocks the terrain and connectivity challenges may be more important
to solve to reach saturation in institutional delivery, whereas in some blocks social norms
would have to be addressed on priority basis in order to improve service delivery

2. Which villages and/or communities are most affected by the problem?

a. It is expected that in many of the blocks the affected communities may be from historically
marginalised groups e.g. as Scheduled Tribes and especially PVTGs or
b. Within the Aspirational Block, certain pockets show deprivation or backwardness. For
example, if a Block has 143 Villages, there may be 20-30 villages where SAM children are
very high. This may be due to a combination of factors such as absence of government
infrastructure, manpower or poor quality

3. Availability of Financial and Human Resources to meet the targets

a. It is expected that as part of the Block Strategy, the Block Administration will take into
account financial and human resources available to execute the strategy. For example, if
CHOs have yet to be deputed to the HWCs in the Block/District/Division/State, the issue
would be required to be raised with the competent authority. Similarly, in case of delays
in fund disbursals in applicable centrally sponsored and state schemes, appropriate steps
would have to be taken.


b. Block Administration may report all existing vacancies in the relevant departments to
the competent authority at the District/State level for seeking support as per applicable
context of the State/UT

4. External organisations/local influencers/community leaders to support

Make a list of the credible and reputed organisations that could amplify the government

5. Identification of Constraints/Resources
Typical constraints/resources include budget, lack of human capital, legal restrictions
i. Natural Resources – Land, forests, water, air and all natural resources.
ii. Human Resources – Vacancies in departments/offices/positions.
iii. Financial Resources – Funds from Central & State schemes, CSR, DMFT etc.
Social Resources- NGOs operational in the district, other charity organisations, peace
& social harmony/ unity within the communities.

Based on collective responses to above questions for each of the sectoral KPIs found through
Chintan Shivirs and other such discussion forums, the following illustrative strategy may be
developed as shown below.
E.g. Sector: Health
Indicator: Percentage of institutional deliveries to total estimated deliveries
This template may be adapted for other sectors and their respective indicators.

Key Current State Completion Date Key challenges currently

Performance Status Average being faced and
Indicators interventions proposed to
address them to surpass
State average
Percentage of 48 75
deliveries to
total estimated





Sector: Health

Strengths Weaknesses

Opportunities Threats

Sector : Health
Key Performance Indicators and Key Interventions:

S No Key Performance Current State Completion Date Key

Indicators Status Average interventions
proposed to
surpass State
1 Percentage of ANC
registered within the first
trimester against Total
ANC Registration
2 Percentage of institutional
deliveries to total
reported deliveries
3 Percentage of low-birth
weight babies (less than
4 Percentage of
Tuberculosis (TB) cases
treated successfully
against TB cases notified
a year ago
5 Percentage of NQAS
certified facilities in block
6 Percentage of person
screened for hypertension
against targeted
population in the block
7 Percentage of person
screened for diabetes
against targeted
population in the block


Sector: Nutrition

Strengths Weaknesses

Opportunities Threats

Key Performance Indicators and Key Interventions:

S No Key Performance Current State Completion Date Key

Indicators Status Average interventions
proposed to
surpass State
1 Percentage of
pregnant women
taking Supplementary
Nutrition under the ICDS
programme regularly
2 Percentage of children
from 6 months to 6 years
taking Supplementary
Nutrition under the ICDS
programme regularly.
3 Measurement efficiency
of children enrolled at
Anganwadi Centres
during the reporting
4 Percentage of children
under 5 years with Severe
Acute Malnutrition (SAM)
5 Percentage of children
under 5 years with
Moderate Acute
Malnutrition (MAM)
6 Percentage of operational
Anganwadis Centres with
functional toilets
7 Percentage of operational
Anganwadis Centres with
drinking water facilities





Sector : Education

Strengths Weaknesses

Opportunities Threats

Key Performance Indicators and Key Interventions:

S No Key Performance Indicators Current State Completion Date Key

Status Average interventions
proposed to
surpass State
1 Transition Rate - Percentage of
boys transitioned from Upper
Primary to Secondary level
2 Transition Rate - Percentage of
girls transitioned from Upper
Primary to Secondary level
3 Transition Rate - Percentage
of boys transitioned from
Secondary to Higher Secondary
4 Transition Rate - Percentage
of girls transitioned from
Secondary to Higher Secondary

5 Percentage of elementary
schools having PTR less than
equal to 30

6 Percentage of schools having

adequate no. of girls’ toilet
facilities against the total
number of schools

7 Percentage of schools having

trained teachers for teaching
child with special needs (CwSN)


8 Percentage of boys with 60%
and above marks in Class X
board exam
9 Percentage of girls with 60%
and above marks in Class X
board exam
10 Percentage of boys with 60%
and above marks in Class XII
board exam
11 Percentage of girls with 60%
and above marks in Class XII
board exam





Sector : Agriculture

Strengths Weaknesses

Opportunities Threats

Key Performance Indicators and Key Interventions:

S No Key Performance Indicators Current State Completion Date Key
Status Average interventions
proposed to
surpass State
1 Percentage of FPOs formed
in the block against total
2 Percentage of beneficiaries
under PM Kisan with land details
and AEPB Seeded against Total
no. of beneficiaries with land
details seeded
3 Percentage of Soil Health Cards
generated against the soil
sample collection target
4 Percentage of Bovine Animals
Vaccinated (FMD)
5 Percentage of Ground Water
Extraction at Block Level





Sector : Basic Infrastructure

Strengths Weaknesses

Opportunities Threats

Key Performance Indicators and Key Interventions:

S No Key Performance Indicators Current State Completion Date Key

Status Average interventions
proposed to
surpass State
1 Percentage of Gram Panchayats
with BharatNet
2 Percentage of Gram Panchayats
with Live BharatNet connection
against total Gram Panchayats
with BharatNet
3 Percentage of Households
(HHs) constructed under
PMAY-G against cumulative


Sector : Drinking Water

Strengths Weaknesses

Opportunities Threats

Key Performance Indicators and Key Interventions:

S No Key Performance Indicators Current State Completion Date Key

Status Average interventions
proposed to
surpass State
1 Percentage of Households
(HHs) with functional tap water
connection (FHTC) against total
number of HHs in the block


Sector : Sanitation

Strengths Weaknesses

Opportunities Threats

Key Performance Indicators and Key Interventions:

S No Key Performance Indicators Current State Completion Date Key

Status Average interventions
proposed to
surpass State
1 % of villages declared Open
Defecation Free (ODF) plus






Sector: Financial Inclusion

Strengths Weaknesses

Opportunities Threats

Key Performance Indicators and Key Interventions:

S No Key Performance Indicators Current State Completion Date Key

Status Average interventions
proposed to
surpass State
1 No. of banking touch points
(bank branch/BC/IPPB centre)
located in the block


Sector : Social Development

Strengths Weaknesses

Opportunities Threats

Key Performance Indicators and Key Interventions:

S No Key Performance Indicators Current State Completion Date Key

Status Average interventions
proposed to
surpass State
1 Percentage of Gram Panchayats
with at least 250 beneficiaries
digitally certified under PM
Digital Saksharata Abhiyaan
2 Total number of eligible
Households (HHs) added to
3 Percentage of SHGs that have
received Revolving Fund against
total SHGs in the block


4. Designing Interventions for going beyond State Average

NITI Aayog expects all Blocks to submit a Block Development Strategy by October 2nd , 2023.
The Block Development Strategy document is to act as a guidance to States/UTs, Districts, and
Blocks for developing Block Strategy for each of the Blocks in the Aspirational Blocks Programme.
Furthermore, this document will serve as a ready reference to meet their developmental objectives.
A well-developed Block Development Strategy will ensure focused attention on various KPI’s and
ensure that SDG goals are achieved in a given timelines.


For the Block -


Name of Rural Development Block (LGD Code)

Name of District (LGD Code)
Name of State (LGD Code)

Map of the Block with Road Network and details of Facilities and Institutions




Basic Details of Block
Sl. No. Particulars Details
1 Name of Block, District, State
2 Nearest Police Station with Contact No.
3 Nearest Tehsil office
4 Post office
5 Pin Code
6 Lok Sabha Constituency and name of Hon’ble MP
7 Assembly Seats & names of Hon’ble MLA(s)
8 Number of Gram Panchayats
9 Number of Village Committees
10 Distance of District HQ from Block
11 Total area of Block (km2)

Demography of Block (as per Socio Economic and

Caste Census 2011)
1 General Households
2 OBC Households
3 SC Households
4 ST Households
5 Minority Households


S.No. Sector Problem/Challenge area Intervention that Block will take up
1 Health
2 Nutrition
3 Education
4 Agriculture
5 Basic Infrastructure
6 Drinking Water
7 Sanitation
8 Financial Inclusion
9 Social Development


S.No Sector Responsible Intervention in Intervention in Intervention in
Department (s) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
1. Health


2. Nutrition

3 Education

4 Agriculture

5 Basic

6 Drinking Water

7 Sanitation

8 Financial

9 Social



IEC – List key interventions proposed for behavior

change and social mobilization

Capacity Building- Interventions proposed for

capacity building of field functionaries

Other interventions proposed


State wise Distribution
500 Aspirational Blocks
Aspirational Blocks Programme (ABP)
1 Andaman And Nicobar Islands 1 2
2 Andhra Pradesh 7 15
3 Arunachal Pradesh 3 3
4 Assam 13 20
5 Bihar 27 61
6 Chhattisgarh 17 20
7 Dadra & Nagar Haveli And Daman & Diu 2 2
8 Gujarat 10 13
9 Haryana 5 7
10 Himachal Pradesh 4 6
11 Jammu & Kashmir 10 10
12 Jharkhand 24 34
13 Karnataka 7 14
14 Kerala 4 9
15 Ladakh 2 2
16 Madhya Pradesh 28 42
17 Maharashtra 15 27
18 Manipur 2 3
19 Meghalaya 3 3
20 Mizoram 3 3
21 Nagaland 3 3
22 Odisha 16 29
23 Punjab 7 10
24 Rajasthan 27 27
25 Sikkim 3 3
26 Tamil Nadu 16 16
27 Telangana 9 10
28 Tripura 2 3
29 Uttar Pradesh 42 68
30 Uttarakhand 6 6
31 West Bengal 10 29
Total 328 500

500 Aspirational Blocks

Aspirational Blocks Programme (ABP)
NITI Aayog, Government of India
1 Andaman And Nicobar Islands Nicobar Car Nicobar
2 Andaman And Nicobar Islands Nicobar Nancowrie


3 Andhra Pradesh Alluri Sitharama Raju Gangavaram
4 Andhra Pradesh Alluri Sitharama Raju Maredumilli
5 Andhra Pradesh Alluri Sitharama Raju Y. Ramavaram
6 Andhra Pradesh Annamayya Kodur
7 Andhra Pradesh Annamayya Kurabalakota
8 Andhra Pradesh Annamayya Lakkireddipalle
9 Andhra Pradesh Kurnool Chippagiri
10 Andhra Pradesh Kurnool Holagunda
11 Andhra Pradesh Kurnool Maddikera (East)
12 Andhra Pradesh NTR Ibrahimpatnam
13 Andhra Pradesh NTR Penuganchiprolu
14 Andhra Pradesh Parvathipuram Manyam Bhamini
15 Andhra Pradesh Prakasam Yerragondapalem
16 Andhra Pradesh Y.S.R. Chintakomma Dinne
17 Andhra Pradesh Y.S.R. Jammalamadugu
18 Arunachal Pradesh Kra Daadi Tali
19 Arunachal Pradesh Longding Pongchau
20 Arunachal Pradesh Namsai Chowkham
21 Assam Baksa Tamulpur
22 Assam Barpeta Mandia
23 Assam Cachar Lakhipur
24 Assam Darrang Pub-Mangaldai
25 Assam Dhemaji Murgkongselek
26 Assam Dhubri Birshing-Jarua
27 Assam Dima Hasao Diyang Valley
28 Assam Dima Hasao Diyungbra
29 Assam Dima Hasao Jatinga Valley
30 Assam Dima Hasao New Sangbar
31 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur
32 Assam Hailakandi South Hailakandi
33 Assam Karbi Anglong Nilip
34 Assam Karbi Anglong Rongmongwe
35 Assam Karbi Anglong Samelangso
36 Assam SS Mankachar Fekamari
37 Assam Udalguri Bhergaon
38 Assam West Karbi Anglong Amri
39 Assam West Karbi Anglong Chinthong
40 Assam West Karbi Anglong Socheng
41 Bihar Araria Palasi
42 Bihar Aurangabad Deo
43 Bihar Aurangabad Kutumba
44 Bihar Aurangabad Madanpur
45 Bihar Aurangabad Nabinagar
46 Bihar Banka Chandan
47 Bihar Banka Katoria
48 Bihar Banka Shambhuganj
49 Bihar Begusarai Bhagwanpur


50 Bihar Begusarai Mansurchak
51 Bihar Begusarai Samho Akha Kurha
52 Bihar Begusarai Teghra
53 Bihar Bhagalpur Jagdishpur
54 Bihar Bhagalpur Pirpainti
55 Bihar Bhagalpur Sabour
56 Bihar Bhagalpur Sonhaula
57 Bihar Bhagalpur Sultanganj
58 Bihar Bhojpur Behea
59 Bihar Bhojpur Sandesh
60 Bihar Bhojpur Shahpur
61 Bihar Buxar Brahmpur
62 Bihar Buxar Chakki
63 Bihar Gaya Fatehpur
64 Bihar Gaya Imamganj
65 Bihar Gaya Konch
66 Bihar Gaya Wazirganj
67 Bihar Gopalganj Uchkagaon
68 Bihar Jamui Barhat
69 Bihar Jamui Khaira
70 Bihar Jamui Laxmipur
71 Bihar Jamui Sono
72 Bihar Kaimur (Bhabua) Bhagwanpur
73 Bihar Kaimur (Bhabua) Chand
74 Bihar Kaimur (Bhabua) Kudra
75 Bihar Kaimur (Bhabua) Ramgarh
76 Bihar Kaimur (Bhabua) Rampur
77 Bihar Katihar Balrampur
78 Bihar Katihar Kursela
79 Bihar Katihar Manihari
80 Bihar Khagaria Parbatta
81 Bihar Lakhisarai Surajgarha
82 Bihar Madhepura Chausa
83 Bihar Munger Bariyarpur
84 Bihar Munger Dharhara
85 Bihar Munger Jamalpur
86 Bihar Munger Tarapur
87 Bihar Muzaffarpur Mushahari
88 Bihar Nawada Kashichak
89 Bihar Nawada Pakri Barawan
90 Bihar Purbi Champaran Kalyanpur
91 Bihar Purbi Champaran Kesaria
92 Bihar Purnia Baisi
93 Bihar Purnia Srinagar
94 Bihar Rohtas Tilouthu


95 Bihar Samastipur Hasanpur
96 Bihar Samastipur Khanpur
97 Bihar Sheikhpura Sheikhopur Sarai
98 Bihar Sitamarhi Bairgania
99 Bihar Siwan Andar
100 Bihar Supaul Basantpur
101 Bihar Vaishali Lalganj
102 Chhattisgarh Balrampur Shakargarh
103 Chhattisgarh Bastar Tokapal
104 Chhattisgarh Bijapur Usoor
105 Chhattisgarh Dantewada Kuwakonda
106 Chhattisgarh Gariyaband Gariyaband
107 Chhattisgarh Gariyaband Mainpur
108 Chhattisgarh Gaurella-Pendra-Marwahi Gaurella-2
109 Chhattisgarh Kabirdham Bodla
110 Chhattisgarh Kanker Durgukondal
111 Chhattisgarh Kanker Koilebeda
112 Chhattisgarh Kondagaon Makdi
113 Chhattisgarh Korba Korba
114 Chhattisgarh Korba Podi Uproda
115 Chhattisgarh Korea Baikunthpur
116 Chhattisgarh Mahasamund Pithora
117 Chhattisgarh Mohla-Manpur- A Chowki A. Chowki (Td)
118 Chhattisgarh Narayanpur Orchha
119 Chhattisgarh Sukma Konta
120 Chhattisgarh Surajpur Pratappur
121 Chhattisgarh Surguja Lakhanpur
122 Dadra & Nagar Haveli And Daman Dadra And Nagar Haveli Dadra Nagar Haveli
& Diu
123 Dadra & Nagar Haveli And Daman Daman Daman
& Diu
124 Gujarat Banas Kantha Tharad
125 Gujarat Chhotaudepur Kawant
126 Gujarat Chhotaudepur Naswadi
127 Gujarat Dang Subir
128 Gujarat Dohad Garbada
129 Gujarat Kachchh Lakhpat
130 Gujarat Kachchh Rapar
131 Gujarat Narmada Nandod
132 Gujarat Panch Mahals Ghoghamba
133 Gujarat Patan Santalpur
134 Gujarat Surendranagar Sayla
135 Gujarat Tapi Kukarmunda
136 Gujarat Tapi Nizar
137 Haryana Bhiwani Behal


138 Haryana Bhiwani Loharu
139 Haryana Charkhi Dadri Badhra
140 Haryana Nuh Nuh
141 Haryana Nuh Punhana
142 Haryana Palwal Hathin
143 Haryana Rewari Nahar
144 Himachal Pradesh Chamba Pangi
145 Himachal Pradesh Chamba Tissa
146 Himachal Pradesh Kinnaur Pooh
147 Himachal Pradesh Kullu Nirmand
148 Himachal Pradesh Shimla Chhaohara
149 Himachal Pradesh Shimla Kupvi
150 Jammu & Kashmir Kishtwar Marwah
151 Jammu & Kashmir Poonch Mankote
152 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Khwas
153 Jammu & Kashmir Ramban Khari
154 Jammu & Kashmir Bandipora Tulail
155 Jammu & Kashmir Baramulla Singhpora
156 Jammu & Kashmir Kulgam Manzgam
157 Jammu & Kashmir Kupwara Keran
158 Jammu & Kashmir Pulwama Ichegoza
159 Jammu & Kashmir Reasi Thakrakote
160 Jharkhand Bokaro Gomia
161 Jharkhand Chatra Mayurhand
162 Jharkhand Deoghar Devipur
163 Jharkhand Deoghar Karown
164 Jharkhand Deoghar Sarath
165 Jharkhand Deoghar Sarwan
166 Jharkhand Dhanbad Govindpur
167 Jharkhand Dumka Jarmundi
168 Jharkhand Dumka Ramgarh
169 Jharkhand East Singhbum Musabani
170 Jharkhand Garhwa Manjhiaon
171 Jharkhand Giridih Jamua
172 Jharkhand Godda Sundarpahari
173 Jharkhand Gumla Dumri
174 Jharkhand Hazaribagh Chouparan
175 Jharkhand Hazaribagh Katkamdag
176 Jharkhand Jamtara Fatehpur
177 Jharkhand Jamtara Karmatanr Vidyasagar
178 Jharkhand Khunti Karra
179 Jharkhand Koderma Jainagar
180 Jharkhand Koderma Markacho
181 Jharkhand Latehar Mahuadanr
182 Jharkhand Lohardaga Kisko


183 Jharkhand Pakur Littipara
184 Jharkhand Palamu Hariharganj
185 Jharkhand Ramgarh Patratu
186 Jharkhand Ranchi Mandar
187 Jharkhand Sahebganj Mandro
188 Jharkhand Saraikela Kharsawan Gamharia
189 Jharkhand Saraikela Kharsawan Kukru
190 Jharkhand Saraikela Kharsawan Seraikella
191 Jharkhand Simdega Bansjore
192 Jharkhand West Singhbhum Gudri
193 Jharkhand West Singhbhum Tonto
194 Karnataka Ballari Kampli
195 Karnataka Bidar Aurad
196 Karnataka Bidar Chittaguppa
197 Karnataka Bidar Humnabad
198 Karnataka Bidar Kamalanagara
199 Karnataka Kalburgi Afzalpur
200 Karnataka Kalburgi Kalagi
201 Karnataka Kalburgi Shahbadha
202 Karnataka Raichur Maski
203 Karnataka Raichur Sirivara
204 Karnataka Uttara Kannada Mundgod
205 Karnataka Uttara Kannada Supa
206 Karnataka Vijayapura Thalikoti
207 Karnataka Yadgir Vadagera
208 Kerala Idukki Azhutha
209 Kerala Idukki Devikulam
210 Kerala Kasargod Parappa
211 Kerala Palakkad Attappadi
212 Kerala Palakkad Kollengode
213 Kerala Wayanad Kalpetta
214 Kerala Wayanad Mananthavady
215 Kerala Wayanad Panamaram
216 Kerala Wayanad Sulthanbathery
217 Ladakh Kargil Karsha
218 Ladakh Leh Rupsho
219 Madhya Pradesh Alirajpur Kattiwada
220 Madhya Pradesh Alirajpur Udaigarh
221 Madhya Pradesh Anuppur Pushprajgarh
222 Madhya Pradesh Barwani Pati
223 Madhya Pradesh Bhind Gohad
224 Madhya Pradesh Chhatarpur Buxwaha
225 Madhya Pradesh Damoh Tendukheda
226 Madhya Pradesh Dhar Tirla
227 Madhya Pradesh Dindori Bajag


228 Madhya Pradesh Dindori Karanjia
229 Madhya Pradesh Dindori Mehndwani
230 Madhya Pradesh Guna Bamori
231 Madhya Pradesh Jhabua Meghnagar
232 Madhya Pradesh Jhabua Rama
233 Madhya Pradesh Jhabua Ranapur
234 Madhya Pradesh Jhabua Thandla
235 Madhya Pradesh Katni Rithi
236 Madhya Pradesh Khandwa (East Nimar) Chhaigaon Makhan
237 Madhya Pradesh Khargone Bhagvanpura
238 Madhya Pradesh Khargone Ziranya
239 Madhya Pradesh Mandla Mavai
240 Madhya Pradesh Mandla Narayanganj
241 Madhya Pradesh Morena Pahadgarh
242 Madhya Pradesh Niwari Prithvipur
243 Madhya Pradesh Panna Ajaigarh
244 Madhya Pradesh Rajgarh Zirapur
245 Madhya Pradesh Ratlam Bajna
246 Madhya Pradesh Rewa Hanumana
247 Madhya Pradesh Rewa Jawa
248 Madhya Pradesh Rewa Sirmour
249 Madhya Pradesh Satna Majhgawan
250 Madhya Pradesh Satna Rampur Baghelan
251 Madhya Pradesh Shahdol Pali 1 (Gohparu)
252 Madhya Pradesh Sheopur Karahal
253 Madhya Pradesh Sheopur Sheopur
254 Madhya Pradesh Sheopur Vijaypur
255 Madhya Pradesh Shivpuri Kolaras
256 Madhya Pradesh Shivpuri Pichore
257 Madhya Pradesh Singrauli Devsar
258 Madhya Pradesh Tikamgarh Baldeogarh
259 Madhya Pradesh Umaria Manpur
260 Madhya Pradesh Vidisha Basoda
261 Maharashtra Amravati Chikhaldara
262 Maharashtra Amravati Dharni
263 Maharashtra Beed Wadwani
264 Maharashtra Chandrapur Jiwati
265 Maharashtra Gadhichiroli Aheri
266 Maharashtra Gadhichiroli Bhamragarh
267 Maharashtra Gadhichiroli Sironcha
268 Maharashtra Hingoli Hingoli
269 Maharashtra Jalna Badnapur
270 Maharashtra Jalna Partur
271 Maharashtra Nanded Kinwat
272 Maharashtra Nandurbar Akkalkuva


273 Maharashtra Nandurbar Akarani
274 Maharashtra Nandurbar Navapur
275 Maharashtra Nandurbar Taloda
276 Maharashtra Nashik Surgana
277 Maharashtra Osmanabad Paranda
278 Maharashtra Palghar Dahanu
279 Maharashtra Palghar Jawahar
280 Maharashtra Palghar Talasari
281 Maharashtra Palghar Vikramgad
282 Maharashtra Solapur Akkalkot
283 Maharashtra Solapur Sangola
284 Maharashtra Wardha Karanja
285 Maharashtra Washim Malegaon
286 Maharashtra Yavatmal Pusad
287 Maharashtra Yavatmal Zari Jamni
288 Manipur Chandel Chakpikarong
289 Manipur Churachandpur Lamka South
290 Manipur Churachandpur Tuibong
291 Meghalaya Ngh (Garo Region) Resubelpara
292 Meghalaya Ri Bhoi Umling
293 Meghalaya Wjh (Jaintia Region) Amlarem
294 Mizoram Lunglei Lungsen
295 Mizoram Mamit Reiek
296 Mizoram Saitual Ngopa
297 Nagaland Kiphire Khonsa
298 Nagaland Noklak Thonoknyu
299 Nagaland Zunheboto Akuhaito
300 Odisha Balangir Gudvella
301 Odisha Balangir Puintala
302 Odisha Bargarh Paikmal
303 Odisha Dhenkanal Kankadahad
304 Odisha Gajapati Gumma
305 Odisha Gajapati R. Udayagiri
306 Odisha Kalahandi Madanpur Rampur
307 Odisha Kalahandi Thuamul Rampur
308 Odisha Kandhamal Phiringia
309 Odisha Kandhamal Tumudibandh
310 Odisha Keonjhar Banspal
311 Odisha Keonjhar Harichandanpur
312 Odisha Koraput Lamtaput
313 Odisha Koraput Laxmipur
314 Odisha Malkangiri Chitrakonda
315 Odisha Malkangiri Khairput
316 Odisha Malkangiri Mathili
317 Odisha Mayurbhanj Jashipur


318 Odisha Mayurbhanj Thakurmunda
319 Odisha Nabarangapur Dabugam
320 Odisha Nabarangapur Tentulikhunti
321 Odisha Nayagarh Daspalla
322 Odisha Nuapada Boden
323 Odisha Nuapada Komna
324 Odisha Raygada Muniguda
325 Odisha Raygada Padmapur
326 Odisha Sambalpur Naktideul
327 Odisha Sundargarh Balisankara
328 Odisha Sundargarh Nuagaon
329 Punjab Amritsar Ajnala
330 Punjab Amritsar Harshe Chhina
331 Punjab Ferozpur Makhu
332 Punjab Gurdaspur Dera Baba Nanak
333 Punjab Gurdaspur Kalanaur
334 Punjab Jalandhar Shahkot
335 Punjab Kapurthala Dhilwan
336 Punjab Kapurthala Sultanpur Lodhi
337 Punjab Moga Nihal Singh Wala
338 Punjab Sangrur Dhuri
339 Rajasthan Alwar Neemrana
340 Rajasthan Banswara Sajjangarh
341 Rajasthan Baran Kishanganj
342 Rajasthan Barmer Ramsar
343 Rajasthan Bharatpur Weir
344 Rajasthan Bhilwara Kotri
345 Rajasthan Bikaner Kolayat
346 Rajasthan Bundi Keshoraipatan
347 Rajasthan Chittorgarh Nimbhahera
348 Rajasthan Churu Rajgarh
349 Rajasthan Dausa Ramgarh Pachwara
350 Rajasthan Dholpur Baseri
351 Rajasthan Dungarpur Jothari
352 Rajasthan Hanumangarh Sangaria
353 Rajasthan Jaisalmer Fathegarh
354 Rajasthan Jalore Ahore
355 Rajasthan Jhalawar Khanpur
356 Rajasthan Jodhpur Shergarh
357 Rajasthan Karauli Masalpur
358 Rajasthan Nagaur Jayal
359 Rajasthan Pali Rani Station
360 Rajasthan Pratapgarh Peepal Khoont
361 Rajasthan Rajsamand Bhim
362 Rajasthan S. Madhopur Gangapur City


363 Rajasthan Sirohi Abu Road
364 Rajasthan Tonk Peeplu
365 Rajasthan Udaipur Kherwara
366 Sikkim Gyalshing Arithang Chongrang
367 Sikkim Namchi Namchi
368 Sikkim Soreng Chumbong Chakung
369 Tamil Nadu Ariyalur Andimadam
370 Tamil Nadu Kallakurichi Kalvarayan Hills
371 Tamil Nadu Karur Thogaimalai
372 Tamil Nadu Perambalur Alathur
373 Tamil Nadu Pudhukottai Thiruvarankulam
374 Tamil Nadu Ramanathapuram Thiruvadanai
375 Tamil Nadu Ranipet Timri
376 Tamil Nadu Sivaganga Thirupathur
377 Tamil Nadu The Nilgiris Kothagiri
378 Tamil Nadu Tenkasi Melaneelithanallur
379 Tamil Nadu Thiruvannamalai Jawathu Hills
380 Tamil Nadu Tiruchirappalli Turaiyur
381 Tamil Nadu Tirunelveli Nanguneri
382 Tamil Nadu Vellore K.V.Kuppam
383 Tamil Nadu Villupuram Thiruvennainallur
384 Tamil Nadu Virudhunagar Tiruchuli
385 Telangana Adilabad Narnoor
386 Telangana Bhadradri-Kothagudem Gundala
387 Telangana Jayashankar Bhupalapally Mutharam (Mahadevpur)
388 Telangana Jayashankar Bhupalapally Palimela
389 Telangana Jogulamba Gadwal Ghattu
390 Telangana Kumuram Bheem -Asifabad Tiriyani
391 Telangana Mahabubabad Gangaram
392 Telangana Mulugu Kannaigudem
393 Telangana Narayanpet Narva
394 Telangana Nirmal Pembi
395 Tripura Dhalai Ganganagar
396 Tripura North Tripura Damcherra
397 Tripura North Tripura Dasda
398 Uttar Pradesh Aligarh Gangiri
399 Uttar Pradesh Ambedkar Nagar Bhiti
400 Uttar Pradesh Ambedkar Nagar Bhiyawn
401 Uttar Pradesh Ambedkar Nagar Tanda
402 Uttar Pradesh Amethi Jagdishpur
403 Uttar Pradesh Amethi Jamo
404 Uttar Pradesh Amethi Shukul Bazar
405 Uttar Pradesh Bahraich Huzoorpur
406 Uttar Pradesh Ballia Bansdih
407 Uttar Pradesh Ballia Chilkahar


408 Uttar Pradesh Balrampur Shriduttganj
409 Uttar Pradesh Banda Baberu
410 Uttar Pradesh Banda Bisanda
411 Uttar Pradesh Barabanki Nindaura
412 Uttar Pradesh Barabanki Puredalai
413 Uttar Pradesh Bareilly Baheri
414 Uttar Pradesh Bareilly Fatehganj (West)
415 Uttar Pradesh Bareilly Damkhauda
416 Uttar Pradesh Basti Harraiya
417 Uttar Pradesh Basti Kudaraha
418 Uttar Pradesh Bijanaur Kotwali
419 Uttar Pradesh Bijanaur Najibabad
420 Uttar Pradesh Budaun Ambiapur
421 Uttar Pradesh Budaun Asafpur
422 Uttar Pradesh Chandauli Chahniya
423 Uttar Pradesh Chitrakoot Ramnagar
424 Uttar Pradesh Deoria Gauri Bazar
425 Uttar Pradesh Etah Awagarh
426 Uttar Pradesh Etah Jaithra
427 Uttar Pradesh Farrukhabad Nawabganj
428 Uttar Pradesh Farrukhabad Rajepur
429 Uttar Pradesh Fatehpur Hathgaon
430 Uttar Pradesh Ghazipur Varachakwar
431 Uttar Pradesh Ghazipur Virno
432 Uttar Pradesh Gonda Rupaideeh
433 Uttar Pradesh Gonda Babhanjot
434 Uttar Pradesh Gonda Pandari Kripal
435 Uttar Pradesh Gorakhpur Bansgaon
436 Uttar Pradesh Gorakhpur Brahmpur
437 Uttar Pradesh Hardoi Sandila
438 Uttar Pradesh Jalaun Jalaun
439 Uttar Pradesh Jalaun Rampura
440 Uttar Pradesh Jaunpur Machhali Sahar
441 Uttar Pradesh Jaunpur Ram Pur
442 Uttar Pradesh Kasganj Amanpur
443 Uttar Pradesh Kasganj Ganj Dundwara
444 Uttar Pradesh Kaushambi Kaushambi
445 Uttar Pradesh Kaushambi Manjhanpur
446 Uttar Pradesh Kheri Bankeyganj
447 Uttar Pradesh Kheri Dhaurhara
448 Uttar Pradesh Kushi Nagar Vishunpura
449 Uttar Pradesh Lalitpur Mandawra
450 Uttar Pradesh Mahoba Kabrai
451 Uttar Pradesh Maharajganj Mithaura
452 Uttar Pradesh Mirzapur Hallia
453 Uttar Pradesh Mirzapur Patehra


454 Uttar Pradesh Pilbhit Puranpur
455 Uttar Pradesh Prayagraj Baharia
456 Uttar Pradesh Prayagraj Koraon
457 Uttar Pradesh Rampur Saidnagar
458 Uttar Pradesh Sambhal Asmauli
459 Uttar Pradesh Sambhal Gunnaur
460 Uttar Pradesh Shravasti Jamunaha
461 Uttar Pradesh Siddharth Nagar Khesraha
462 Uttar Pradesh Sitapur Biswan
463 Uttar Pradesh Sonbhadra Chatra
464 Uttar Pradesh St Kabir Nagar Baghauli
465 Uttar Pradesh St Ravidas Nagar Aurai
466 Uttarakhand Almora Syaldey
467 Uttarakhand Bageshwar Kapkote
468 Uttarakhand Haridwar Bahadrabad
469 Uttarakhand Pauri Garhwal Duggada
470 Uttarakhand Udam Singh Nagar Gadarpur
471 Uttarakhand Uttar Kashi Mori
472 West Bengal Bankura Indpur
473 West Bengal Bankura Khatra-1
474 West Bengal Bankura Onda
475 West Bengal Birbhum Khoyrasol
476 West Bengal Birbhum Mayureswar-1
477 West Bengal Birbhum Nanoor
478 West Bengal Dinajpur Dakshin Kumarganj
479 West Bengal Jhargram Binpur-1
480 West Bengal Jhargram Binpur-2
481 West Bengal Jhargram Gopiballavpur-1
482 West Bengal Jhargram Gopiballavpur-2
483 West Bengal Maldah Chanchal-1
484 West Bengal Maldah Habibpur
485 West Bengal Maldah Harishchandrapur-2
486 West Bengal Murshidabad Bhagabangola-1
487 West Bengal Murshidabad Lalgola
488 West Bengal Medinipur West Keshiary
489 West Bengal Medinipur West Salbani
490 West Bengal Purulia Balarampur
491 West Bengal Purulia Hura
492 West Bengal Purulia Kashipur
493 West Bengal 24 Paraganas South Magra Hat-2
494 West Bengal 24 Paraganas South Thakurpukur Mahestola
495 West Bengal Dinajpur Uttar Chopra
496 West Bengal Dinajpur Uttar Goalpokher-1
497 West Bengal Dinajpur Uttar Goalpokher-2
498 West Bengal Dinajpur Uttar Hemtabad
499 West Bengal Dinajpur Uttar Islampur
500 West Bengal Dinajpur Uttar Itahar


S.No Theme Line Ministry Indicator No Indicator Periodicity
1 Health & MoHFW 1.1 Percentage of ANC registered Monthly
Nutrition within the first trimester against
total ANC registrations
2 Health & MoHFW 1.2 Percentage of institutional Monthly
Nutrition deliveries against total
reported deliveries
3 Health & MoHFW 1.3 Percentage of low-birth weight Monthly
Nutrition babies (less than 2500g)
4 Health & MoHFW 1.4 Percentage of Tuberculosis Monthly
Nutrition (TB) cases treated successfully
against TB cases notified a year
5 Health & MoHFW 1.5 Percentage of National Quality Monthly
Nutrition Assurance Standards (NQAS)
certified facilities in Block
6 Health & MoHFW 1.6 Percentage of person screened Monthly
Nutrition for Hypertension against
targeted population in the
7 Health & MoHFW 1.7 Percentage of person screened Monthly
Nutrition for Diabetes against targeted
population in the Block
8 Health & MoWCD 1.8 Percentage of pregnant women Monthly
Nutrition taking Supplementary Nutrition
under the ICDS programme
9 Health & MoWCD 1.9 Percentage of children from Monthly
Nutrition 6 months to 6 years taking
Supplementary Nutrition under
the ICDS programme regularly
10 Health & MoWCD 1.10 Measurement efficiency of Monthly
Nutrition children enrolled at Anganwadi
Centres during the reporting
11 Health & MoWCD 1.11 Percentage of children under Monthly
Nutrition 5 years with Severe Acute
Malnutrition (SAM)
12 Health & MoWCD 1.12 Percentage of children under Monthly
Nutrition 5 years with Moderate Acute
Malnutrition (MAM)
13 Health & MoWCD 1.13 Percentage of operational Monthly
Nutrition Anganwadis Centres with
functional toilets
14 Health & MoWCD 1.14 Percentage of operational Monthly
Nutrition Anganwadis Centres with
drinking water facilities
15 Education DOSEL 2.1 Transition Rate - Percentage of Annual
boys transitioned from Upper
Primary to Secondary level


16 Education DOSEL 2.2 Transition Rate - Percentage of Annual
girls transitioned from Upper
Primary to Secondary level
17 Education DOSEL 2.3 Transition Rate - Percentage Annual
of boys transitioned from
Secondary to Higher
Secondary Level
18 Education DOSEL 2.4 Transition Rate - Percentage Annual
of girls transitioned from
Secondary to Higher
Secondary Level
19 Education DOSEL 2.5 Percentage of elementary Annual
schools having PTR less than
equal to 30
20 Education DOSEL 2.6 Percentage of schools having Annual
adequate no. of girls’ toilet
facilities against the total
number of schools
21 Education DOSEL 2.7 Percentage of schools having Annual
trained teachers for teaching
child with special needs
22 Education DOSEL 2.8 Percentage of boys with 60% Annual
and above marks in Class X
board exam
23 Education DOSEL 2.9 Percentage of girls with 60% Annual
and above marks in Class X
board exam
24 Education DOSEL 2.10 Percentage of boys with 60% Annual
and above marks in Class XII
board exam
25 Education DOSEL 2.11 Percentage of girls with 60% Annual
and above marks in Class XII
board exam
26 Agriculture & DA&FW 3.1 Percentage of FPOs formed Half Yearly
Allied Services in the block against total
27 Agriculture & DA&FW 3.2 Percentage of beneficiaries Every 4 months
Allied Services under PM Kisan with land
details and AEPB Seeded
against total no. of beneficiaries
with land details seeded
28 Agriculture & DA&FW 3.3 Percentage of Soil Health Cards Half Yearly
Allied Services generated against soil sample
collection target
29 Agriculture & DAHD 3.4 Percentage of Bovine Animals Half Yearly
Allied Services Vaccinated (FMD)
30 Agriculture & DoWR 3.5 Percentage of Ground Water Annual
Allied Services Extraction at Block Level
31 Social DFS 4.1 No. of banking touch points Monthly
Development (bank branch/BC/IPPB centre)
located in the block


32 Social MeitY 4.2 Percentage of Gram Monthly
Development Panchayats with at least 250
beneficiaries digitally certified
under PM Digital Saksharata
33 Social MoRD 4.3 Total number of eligible Monthly
Development Households (HHs) added to
34 Social MoRD 4.4 Percentage of SHGs that have Monthly
Development received Revolving Fund
against total SHGs in the block
35 Basic DDWS 5.1 Percentage of Households Monthly
Infrastructure (HHs) with functional tap water
connections (FHTC) against
total number of HHs in the
36 Basic DDWS 5.2 Percentage of villages declared Monthly
Infrastructure open Defecation Free (ODF)
37 Basic DoT 5.3 Percentage of Gram Monthly
Infrastructure Panchayats with BharatNet
38 Basic DoT 5.4 Percentage of Gram Monthly
Infrastructure Panchayats with Live BharatNet
connection against total
number Gram Panchayats with
39 Basic MoRD 5.5 Percentage of Households Monthly
Infrastructure (HHs) constructed under
PMAY-G against cumulative


The tentative list of central schemes and ministries associated with each sector are mentioned
below. In addition to the Central Sector/Central Sponsored Schemes mentioned below, State/
Union territories have their own state specific schemes with allocation of additional resources for
social development in these blocks. The identification and mapping of such state specific schemes
to KPI’s shall help the District Magistrate/Block Level Officials in effective utilization of these

Sector Name of the Ministry/ Indicative List of Scheme(s)

1.LaQshya’ programme (Labour Room Quality
Improvement Initiative)
2. Dakshata
3. Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan (PMSMA)
4. Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram (JSSK)
5. Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY)
6. Mother’s Absolute Affection (MAA) Program
7. Navjaat Shishu Suraksha Karyakram (NSSK)
8. Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram(RKSK)
9. Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK)
10. Facility Based Integrated Management of Neonatal &
Childhood Illness (F-IMNCI)
11. Facility Based New Born and Child Care (FBNC)
Ministry of Health and Family 12. Home Based New Born Care (HBNC)
Welfare 13. Home Based Young Child Care (HBYC)
14. Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF)
15. Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques
16. National Iron Plus Initiative (NIPI)
17. Weekly Iron Folic Acid Supplementation Program
18. Intensive Diarrhoea Control Fortnight (IDCF)
19. Nutritional Rehabilitation Centres (NRC)
20. Ayushman Bharat
21. National Health Mission (NHM)
22. National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme (NTEP)
23. Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme
Nutrition Ministry of Education 24. Pradhan Mantri Poshan Shakti Nirman (PM POSHAN)
25. Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana (PMMVY) –
Mission Shakti
26. Beti Bachao Beti Padhao – Mission Shakti
27. National Creche Scheme – Mission Shakti
Ministry of Women and Child
28. Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS)
29. Poshan Abhiyan (Mission Saksham Anganwadi &
Poshan 2.0)
30. Anganwadi Services – (Mission Saksham Anganwadi &
Poshan 2.0)


Department of Drinking Water & 31. Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM)
Ministry of Rural Development 32. MGNREGA
33. Samagra Shiksha
34. Pradhan Mantri Poshan Shakti Nirman (PM POSHAN)
35. PM SHRI Schools
36. Inclusive Education for the Disabled at Secondary
Stage (IEDSS)
37. Integrated Education for Disabled Children (IEDC)
Ministry of Education
38. Right to Education Act
39. STARS Project
40. PM e-Vidya
41. NISHTHA (National Initiative for School Heads’ and
Education Teachers’ Holistic Advancement)
42. DIKSHA (Digital Infrastructure for Knowledge Sharing)
Ministry of Drinking water and 43. Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM)
Ministry of Finance 44. Swachh Bharat Kosh
45.Pre-Matric Scholarship Scheme for ST students
46. Strengthening Education among ST Girls in Low
Literacy Districts
Ministry of Tribal Affairs
47. Eklavya Model Residential Schools
48. Grants u/Article 275(1)
49. Special Central Assistance to Tribal Sub Plan
50. Atal Pension Yojana

Social 51. Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY)

Ministry of Finance
Development 52. Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY)
53. Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY)
54. Formation and Promotion of 10,000 Farmer Producer
Organizations (FPOs)
55. National Agriculture Market (e-NAM)
56.Agri-Market Infrastructure Fund (AMIF)
Agriculture and Ministry of Agriculture and 57. Integrated Scheme on Agriculture Marketing (ISAM)
Allied Services Farmers Welfare
58. Market Intervention Scheme
59. Pradhan Mantri Annadata Aay Sanrakshan Abhiyan
60. Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana


61. ATMA Scheme
62. Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN)
63. Interest Subvention Scheme
64. Kisan Credit Card Scheme
65. Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana
66. Soil Health Card Scheme
67. Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana
68. National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture
Ministry of Agriculture and
Farmers Welfare 69. National Mission for Oil Seeds and Oil Palm
70. M
 ission for Integrated Development of Horticulture
71. National Food Security Mission (NFSM)
72. Mission Organic Value Chain Development for North
Eastern Regions (MOVCDNER)
73. Sub Mission on Seeds and Planting Material (SMSP)
74. Seed Village Program
Agriculture and
Allied Services 75. Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY)
76. National Livestock Mission
77. Rashtriya Gokul Mission (RGM)
78. Livestock Census and Integrated Sample Survey
79. Livestock Health and Disease Control (LH and DC)
Department of Animal
Husbandry and Dairying 80. N
 ational Animal Disease Control Programme (NADCP)
for FMD and Brucellosis
81. National Program for Dairy Development (NPDD)
82. A
 nimal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund
83. Atal Bhujal Yojana
84. Command Area Development & Water Management
85. National Water Mission
Department of Water Resources
86. Integrated Watershed Management Programme
87. Information, Education and Communication (IEC)
Ministry of Rural Development 88. MGNREGA
Ministry of Communication 89. Bharat Net
(Department of

Department of Drinking Water 90. Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM)

and Sanitation 91. Swachh Bharat Mission - Gramin
Infrastructure Ministry of Electronics and 92. Common Service Centre Scheme
Information Technology (Meity) 93. Digital India
Ministry of Home Affairs 94. Special Central Assistance
95. Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gramin Jyoti Yojana
Ministry of Power 96. Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana


Note: This document may be used as a reference. The schemes are mapped and compiled based on
the relevance to Aspirational Blocks Programme’s monitoring indicators. Therefore, the information
provided may not be comprehensive but can be used as reference document for preparing Block
Develop Strategy.


Under Aspirational Blocks Programme, 7 health related indicators from Ministry of Health & Family
Welfare and 7 indicators from Ministry of Women & Child Development are being targeted for
monitoring progress at block level.


Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW):

S No Indicator Indicative Steps

1 Percentage • Identify the access barriers like social norms, road connectivity and
of ANC service availability in health facilities.
registered • Map all the equipment’s present in each health facility. Each centre should
within the have
first trimester o Nishchay Kit for detection of pregnancy
against o Urine and blood test
Total ANC o Mother Protection Card issued by MoWCD and MoHFW
Registration • Identifying Pregnant Women (PW) in all the villages by coordination
between ASHA, ANM and AWW by tracking eligible couples. Also
estimating pregnancies village wise with the help of ASHA can be taken
• Develop IEC material on importance of ANC Checkups as per local
• Plan for conducting ANC camps and publish the camp calendars.
• Systems should be developed to track pregnant women who have
received less than 4 ANCs, areas where the ANC checkup rate is low and
special initiatives should be taken to increase outreach in cut off areas.
• Develop systems to ensure regular VHSNDs in all the villages by AWCs/
ASHA workers. Monitoring of VHSND should be taken up.

2 Percentage of • Block wise mapping of the areas which have low connectivity and cases
institutional of high mortality rate. In such villages mapping of EDD (Expected Date of
deliveries Delivery) should be done and women should be admitted few days before
against total date of delivery.
reported • Bike ambulance and ambulance service availability should be mapped and
deliveries deficit should be filled.
• Mapping of PHCs and CHCs should be done where 24 hours delivery
services are available. Target to upgrade remaining should be made
considering the resources.
• Creation of Special Health Centres for PVTGs & training for paramedics
amongst tribal people
• Awareness campaigns should be conducted in women SHGs and
Federations on the importance of institutional delivery. Plan of such
campaigns should be made block/village wise with help of Supervisors of
WCD Department.
• An IVRS system can be set on which ambulances can be contacted as well
as mothers can be given counselling on pregnancy as well as new born
baby care.
• Refresher courses should be done for ANMs/Staff Nurse to conduct home
• Sensitisation workshops should be done for staff of PHC/CHCs. The staff
can be trained on some basic words of the native language to build an
environment of trust and comfort.
• Strengthening of PHC/CHC as per IPHS, Certification of Labour Room


3 Percentage of • Identify high risk mothers early during the course of pregnancy and refer
low-birth weight them to appropriate health facility.
babies (less than • Plan should be made to encourage mothers to take nutritious food during
2500g) pregnancy. AWC Centres and Supplementary nutrition should be strengthened
in all the blocks. Plan should be made with worst blocks in highest priority.
• Assessment of Special New Born Care Facilities in the Block should be done.
• An estimate should be made block wise of estimated number of deliveries
expected in a block.
• An assessment should be done of the Mobile Medical Units, Sick New Born
Units, New Born Stabilization Units and New Born Care Centres present in
blocks and districts.
• Ensuring that community members know about the facilities available
in PHCs, CHCs and District hospitals so that they can seek medical help by

4 Percentage of • Find all TB cases (Drug Sensitive & Drug Resistant) including TB patients
Tuberculosis (TB) seeking care from private providers and undiagnosed TB in high-risk populations
cases treated » Systematic screening of high-risk populations
successfully » Scale-up diagnostic tests & algorithms, private provider engagement
against TB cases approaches
notified a year » Universal testing for drug-resistant TB
ago • Initiate appropriate anti-TB treatment with patient friendly systems and social
» Prevent the loss of TB cases in the cascade of care with support systems
» Free TB drugs for all TB cases
» Patient-friendly adherence monitoring and social support to sustain TB
» Elimination of catastrophic costs by linkages of eligible TB patients with
social welfare schemes including nutritional support
• Focus on awareness generation and prevention of TB in susceptible
» Scale-up airborne infection control measures at health care facilities
» Treatment for latent TB infection in contacts of bacteriologically confirmed
» Adopt inter sectoral approach to address social factors of TB
5 Percentage of • Map the total number of health facilities in a block
National Quality • Formation of Quality Assurance Team at Facility Level to undertake Quality
Assurance Assurance activities based on NQAS and other checklists (like Kayakalp,
Standards LaQshya etc.).
(NQAS) certified • Collate critical data from the departments and monitor key performance
facilities in Block indicators on regular intervals.
• Identify the gaps through periodic internal assessment and prepare an action
plan with resource allocation, responsible person, time frame etc.
• Arrange fort External Quality Assurance of measuring equipment and
• Prepare competency and performance assessment checklist for clinical &
para clinical staff.
• Periodic assessment of facilities by District & State Quality Assurance
• Send the application along with the required documents to NHM, Ministry of
Health and Family Welfare, GOI requesting for the national assessment.


6 Percentage of • Define the monthly target population to be screened in the block
person screened • Targeted screening at community level of high-risk groups like the elderly
for Hypertension (>60 years), obese, those with diabetes, cardiovascular diseases
against targeted • Opportunistic screening of all adults above age of 18 years by healthcare
population in the providers during visit to health facilities or as requested by person
Block • Increase awareness of Hypertension as widely prevalent but asymptomatic
disease with adverse outcomes.
7 Percentage of • Fix monthly target population to be screened in the block for Diabetes
person screened • Arrange for targeted screening at community level/healthcare facilities for
for Diabetes target population with priority to high-risk groups
against targeted • Increase awareness/education on prevention of diabetes at primary,
population in the secondary and tertiary levels.


Ministry of Women & Child Development (MoWCD):

S No Indicator Indicative Steps

1. Percentage
of pregnant
women taking
Nutrition under the • In all Anganwadi Centre’s, an evaluation should be done of supply of
ICDS Programme Supplementary Nutrition and gaps should be filled. For this estimation of
regularly pregnancies can also be done in advance.
• Prioritizing severely malnourished women identified by ground level
2. Percentage of workers in village.
children from • Plan should be made to use SHGs as a base and awareness camps
6 months to 6 should be organised on importance of having nutritious diet at home
years taking especially during pregnancy.
Nutrition under the
ICDS Programme

3. Measurement • Regular screening of children with inadequate height and weight for a
efficiency of particular age should be done and they should be referred to Nutritional
children enrolled at Rehabilitation Centre (NRC).
Anganwadi Centres • A system should be formed to ensure that the NRC functions at full
during the reporting capacity.
month • Post discharge from NRC, regular follow-ups should be done by AWC
workers, school teacher and ANMs.
4. Percentage of • Blocks with high incidences of malnutrition in children should be
children under 5 identified. In such blocks, awareness camps should be organized to
years with Moderate promote dietary diversification for a balanced diet. In these camps
Acute Malnutrition following should be focused on
(MAM) » Exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months
» Diet initiation after 6 months
5. Percentage of » Proper immunization, iron folic acid and vitamin A supplementation
children under 5 » Deworming
years with Severe » Taking measures for preventing seasonal diseases
Acute Malnutrition » Focus on taking nutritious food by adolescent girls and pregnant
(SAM) women
» High nutritious food items which are traditionally being used by
people should be included in diet by including them in Public
Distribution System.

6. Percentage • Identify the number of Anganwadi Centres in existence and the number
of operational of them without functional toilets and work with GPs to leverage XVFC
Anganwadi Centres resources for maintenance of Anganwadi toilets.
with functional toilet

7. Percentage • Identify the number of Anganwadi Centres in existence and the number
of operational of them having drinking water facilities.
Anganwadi Centres • Explore the options for accomplishing work through provision of
with drinking water drinking water facilities under Jal Jeevan Mission, utilizing funds of
facilities Central Finance Commission, MGNREGS etc.


Under this theme, 11 Education & related infrastructure indicators from Department of School
Education & Literacy are being targeted for monitoring progress at block level.


Department of School Education & Literacy:
S No Indicator Indicative Steps

1 Transition Rate • Work with the teachers to

- Percentage » Identify the secondary school where every class VIII student shall be
of Boys automatically admitted into class IX
transitioned from » Inform the parents about the school where their child is being
Upper Primary to automatically admitted in class IX
Secondary level • Supervise the transition of the students, and remove all hurdles in the
2 Transition Rate • Prepare a list of students who have joined ITI or any vocational course after
- Percentage of passing out of class VIII
Girls transitioned • Prepare a list of students who have passed out of class VIII but have not
from Upper taken admission in class IX or joined any vocational course in spite of all the
Primary to above efforts
Secondary level • Discuss this with the DC/DM/CEO-ZP and the Education Secretary, identify
the further action that can be taken to encourage the students to re-join in
class IX or initiate necessary steps to introduce technical/vocational courses
at class IX level.
• Identify the schools where necessary steps need to be taken to meet the
unique requirements of students at this age, so that they are encouraged
to continue in class IX and beyond, such as safety of girls while travelling to
school, adequate facilities to handle menstruation, introduction of vocational
skills etc. And make efforts to ensure these
Note: For transition of students of Std VIII to Std IX in the same school/ the
nearby school, the key role is played by the teachers. However, if the Secondary
school is too far/ there is no nearby school, there is a provision under Samagra
Siksha scheme to upgrade the school

3 Transition Rate • Prepare a list of students who have passed out of class X but have not taken
- Percentage of admission in class XI.
Boys transitioned • Discuss this with the DC/DM/CEO-ZP and the Education Secretary, identify
from Secondary the further action that can be taken to encourage the students to re-join in
to Higher class XI.
Secondary level • Identify the colleges/schools where necessary steps need to be taken to
meet the unique requirements of students at this age, so that they are
4 Transition Rate encouraged to continue in class XI and beyond, such as safety of girls while
- Percentage of travelling to colleges/schools, adequate facilities to handle menstruation,
Girls transitioned introduction of vocational skills etc. and make efforts to ensure these.
from Secondary At the Higher secondary level also, it is required that subject specific teachers
to Higher are available in all schools. Teachers should be recruited as per the norms
Secondary level prescribed by NCTE/appropriate authority and the terms and conditions of the
respective State and UTs. Samagra Siksha scheme visualises a minimum of 6
subject specific Post Graduate (PG) teachers and 1 Principal for every new /
Upgraded higher secondary school/section and addition of teachers depending
on combination of subjects.

5 Percentage • Identify the elementary schools having shortage of teachers as per Right
of elementary to Education norms
schools having • Identify the elementary schools having excess of teachers as per Right to
PTR less than Education norms
equal to 30 • Redeploy teachers within the district from schools identified with excess
teachers to schools identified with shortage of teachers, if it is within your
• Provision of biometric/online attendance should be developed to ensure
that there are no proxy teachers and attendance is regularly monitored.


6 Percentage of • Identify schools with no functional girls’ toilets or inadequate number of
schools having girls’ toilets
adequate • Take up the matter with the DC/DM/CEO-ZP for convergence of services
no. of girls’ and funds for construction, repair and maintenance of toilets.
toilet facilities • Involve Parent-Teacher Associations and School Management Committees
against the to make sure the toilets are functional and are cleaned regularly
total number • Request the DM/DC/CEO-ZP to encourage Public Sector Undertakings,
of schools Corporates, etc. to donate funds for this.
Note: Under the Samagra Siksha Scheme, there is provision of fund for
strengthening school infrastructure. Toilets can be constructed using the
fund. Further, under Swachh Bharat Kosh, there is provision for construction
of toilets in elementary, secondary and senior secondary Govt. schools.
Proposal may be submitted to the Ministry of Education for placing it in the
Governing council of the Swacch Bharat Kosh.

7 Percentage • Initiate a special survey to identify the existing children of this category.
of schools • List out the facilities not received under the Inclusive Education of
having trained Disabled at Secondary Stage and actually needed under RMSA (Samagra
teachers for Siksha) to enhance the performance and learning level.
teaching child • Appoint two resource persons at the Block Resource Centre under Sarva
with special Shiksha Abhiyan (Samagra Siksha) to provide support.
needs (CwSN) • Teacher training:
» Intensive teacher training should be undertaken to sensitize regular
teachers on effective classroom management of children with special
» This training should be recurrent at district/DPO levels and integrated
with the on-going in-service teacher training schedules in RMSA.
» All training modules at SCERT, DIET and district level should include a
suitable component on education of children with special needs.
• Resource support:
» Resource support could be given by teachers working in special
schools. Where necessary specially trained resource teachers should be
appointed, particularly for teaching special skills to children with special
» Wherever this option is not feasible, long-term training of regular
teachers should be undertaken
• Setting up of redressal Centre for learning disabilities.


8 Percentage of • Facilitate preparation of School Development Plan in coordination with
Boys with 60% Block/cluster resource persons, SMC/SMDC Head Masters, teachers etc.
and above • Coordinate and Conduct workshops & trainings with subject teachers
marks in Class • Provide active coordination in teacher’s re-deployment and infrastructure
X board exam utilisation
• Monitor the work of Block Resource Persons (BRP) and Cluster Resource
Persons (CRP)
9 Percentage of • Ensure regular updation of U-DISE+ and carrying out data analysis.
Girls with 60% • Conduct review and performance meetings with BRCs, CRCs, SMC/SMDC
and above and teachers regarding students’ academic performance and special
marks in Class training needs of the children
X board exam • Use available performance outcome data to continually document and
communicate student academic progress and develop interim learning
10 Percentage of
• Improve learning levels of all students by providing Learning
Boys with 60%
Enhancement/Enrichment Programme through a process of continuous
and above
improvement in teaching and learning.
marks in Class
a) Classroom based interventions (within school hours) for enhancement
XII board
of learning outcomes especially for classes located in areas where
students have low performance under National Achievement Survey
b) Academic enrichment in classrooms aimed at engaging students
11 Percentage of beyond classrooms through various interventions, such as, group
Girls with 60% research, group work, portfolios, presentations by students, debates,
and above quizzes, library books, extra reading, project work, etc.
marks in Class c) Academic enrichment beyond classrooms – Topic centered and Project
XII board based Clubs and Circles
exam d) Individualized learning interventions for children with special needs,
and identified slow learners, especially with the help of peer learning,
parental/volunteer involvement, etc.
Samagra Siksha provides financial support for learning enhancement/
enrichment programmes.


Under this theme, 5 indicators from 3 Ministries/Departments have been identified for monitoring
progress at block level.


Department of Agriculture & Family Welfare:
S No Indicator Indicative Steps
1 Percentage of FPOs formed in the block • Organize farmers into informal groups (FIG)
against total sanctioned • Train members and leaders in matters relating to
group functioning, group norms and systems.
• Formation of FPOs.
2 Percentage of Soil Health Cards generated • Identify lead farmers in each village to help
against soil sample collection target collection of soil samples.
• Ensure that all Soil Testing Laboratory (STLs) are
• Engage technical personnel in STLs on priority.
• Ensure engaging private laboratories for analysis of
soil samples, if Government STLs are inadequate.
• Improve supply of water and electricity in soil testing
Awareness generation/Motivation:
• IEC methods and word of mouth techniques can be
used to encourage farmers to get soil health cards.
• Awareness camps and visits can be designed to
aware farmers about successful cases of soil health
• Organize field day in SHC based demonstration plot
to motivate farmers to ensure soil testing in alternate
two year and use of soil health card for apply of
3 Percentage of beneficiaries under PM •P  repare database of eligible beneficiary land holder
Kisan with land details and AEPB Seeded farmer families in the villages
against Total no. of beneficiaries with land • Publish lists of eligible beneficiaries at the village
details seeded level
• Provide opportunity to Farmers’ families who are
eligible but have been excluded to represent their

Department of Animal Husbandry

S No Indicator Indicative Steps
1 Percentage of Bovine Animals Vaccinated • Prepare Village wise vaccination plan for FMD
(FMD) in each block and assess the requirement of vaccines
with veterinary department.
• Consider schemes and available funds to deal
with issue of animal vaccination.
• Ensure availability of vaccines to block and
sub-block units of veterinary hospitals.
• Process improvement: proper cold storages
maintenance, sero-monitoring, maintain schedule of
• Ensure linkage with BAIF and other agencies
for field level delivery.
• Identification of target animal by ear-tagging,
registration and issuing Animal Health Cards
• Awareness Camps/programme at block
and village level: To spread knowledge about the
significance of prevention, possible transmission
of diseases to humans, common misconceptions
about vaccination like vaccination decreases milk
production, reproductive ability etc.


Department of Water Resources
S No Indicator Indicative Steps
1 Percentage of Ground Water Extraction at • Identify the present status of ground water
Block Level extraction (Safe/Critical/Semi-Critical/Over-exploited)
for assessment unit under which particular block is
falling into.
• Analyze the sectors with major extraction
of ground water & sources of ground water recharge
(rainfall, surface sources like water bodies/tanks/lakes,
rain water harvesting structures etc.)
• Plan for integrated water resource


Under this theme, 5 indicators from 3 Ministries/Departments are being targeted for monitoring
progress at block level.


Department of Drinking Water & Sanitation
S No Indicator Indicative Steps
1 Percentage of HHs with functional tap • Develop of in-village piped water supply
water connections FHTC against the total infrastructure to provide tap water connection to
number of HHs in the block every rural household
• Provide functional tap connection to Schools,
Anganwadi Centres, GP buildings, Health Centres,
Wellness Centres and community buildings, every
Rural Household
• Review the progress of projects completed as
against the target.

2 % of villages declared Open Defecation • Support Gram Panchayats initiate Solid and liquid
Free (ODF) plus waste management interventions using SBM and
XVFC funds.
• Monitor progress along with all GP Heads to Fast-
track implementation
• Engage Swachhagrahis as per the guideline, for
identification of beneficiaries, motivating, assisting
in IEC and construction, maintaining

Department of Telecommunications
S No Indicator Indicative Steps
1 Percentage of Gram Panchayats with • Identify the Model being followed by respective
BharatNet State i.e. Pvt. Model, State Led Model, BSNL or PPP
2 Percentage of Gram Panchayats with Model.
Live BharatNet connection against total • Study the geographic location (latitude & longitude)
number Gram Panchayats with BharatNet and terrain for Gram Panchayats to decide
which GPs should be fibre connected or wireless
connected or satellite based.
• Lay the OFC cable from Block to all unconnected
Gram Panchayats through the Implementing
Agency and corresponding model followed in the
• Service providers and Govt. agencies to provide
connectivity through Bharat Net Project to extend
their services from Block to Gram Panchayats and
to individual households.
• Monitor the progress and ensure that the Block &
Gram Panchayats in it are Service ready with Bharat
Ministry of Rural Development
S No Indicator Indicative Steps
1 Percentage of HHs constructed under • Identify the targets households allocated to the
PMAY-G against cumulative target Block & Gram Panchayats
• Issue of Sanction Order to beneficiaries &
Orientation to them. Map village level functionary to
the beneficiary.
• Ensure availability of trained mason, raw material
for the construction of houses
• Monitor the progress of house construction and
timely release of instalments to the beneficiary
• Review the progress of construction of houses as
against target.

Note: For construction of PMAY Houses, the Labour

component is funded under MGNREGS.


Under this theme, 4 indicators from 3 Ministries/Department are being targeted for monitoring
progress at block level.


Ministry of Rural Development:
S No Indicator Indicative Steps
1 Total number of eligible Households • Undertake house to house survey in the village
added to SHGs • Identify BPL households & validate through existing
data (if any) and interact with households
• Explain the advantages of community-based
approach for getting out of poverty
• Mobilise BPL households into affinity based SHGs
• Promote Bank linkage sub-committees in each
Village Organization and Cluster federation; and
Community cadres like – ‘Bank Sakhis
• Impart training and capacity building to community
institutions, active women, Bank Sakhis/ Mitra’s etc.;
2 Percentage of SHGs that have received • Facilitate opening of savings accounts for all
Revolving Fund against Total SHGs in the beneficiaries, SHGS and SHG federations through
block banks
• Establish linkage between SHG and Bank with help
• Ensure that Banks treat the SHGs as business clients
& extend credit support
• Coordinate with banks for extending credit to SHGs
on the basis of Rating Index (like the one developed
• Coordinate with banks for mobilizing finances for
Micro Investment Plan.
• Provide support to SHGs in developing terms of
partnership with borrowing members
• Disburse revolving fund to SHGs

Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (Meity)

S No Indicator Indicative Steps
1 Percentage of Gram Panchayats with at • Select, liaise & coordinate with various training
least 250 beneficiaries digitally certified agencies (in consultation with CSC-SPV) for
under PM Digital Saksharata Abhiyaan implementation of scheme in Panchayats.
• Facilitate mobilization of candidates to the nearest
Digital Literacy Training Centres
• Set up Training Centres in the selected Gram
Panchayats with the appropriate manpower and
requisite and infrastructure.
• The Training Partners/Centres would encourage
and mobilize selected beneficiaries to their training
Centre and ensure successful completion of the
training as per norms prescribed in this regard.
• Certification of the trained beneficiaries would
be carried out through online remotely proctored

Department of Financial Services

S No Indicator Indicative Steps
1 No. of banking touch points (bank branch/ • Identify the number of bank branches/Banking
BC/IPPB centre) located in the block Correspondents/IPPB Centre’s located in the block
• Locate villages where such facilities do not exist
and coordinate with concerned officials to make
such villages financially inclusive.





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