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MAZES How2Play23

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zero-prep introduction

to fantasy roleplaying
welcome to fantasy roleplaying

Tear this cover off to make a table tent!

Looking for Players!

No Experience Needed.
A 30 Minute introduction
to Fantasy Roleplaying.
How to play
black crypt of the witch lord
What you have here is a no-prep quick-play version of a Fantasy
Roleplaying Game called MAZES. We’re going to assume
that you know what an RPG is - since you probably got this
booklet from FREE RPG DAY. But you may have never played
one before, or run one before. That’s okay. You don’t need any
experience to play - just follow along, we’ve got your back. If
you are reading this, then you have been chosen to be the Maze
Controller, sometimes called a Game Master or DM. You are
“hosting” the game for the next 30 minutes.

Treat this like you are telling a story - or having a conversation

with the players. You will tell them what they see, and they will
tell you what their character in the story does. Sometimes, you
will have them roll dice. You are going to need a d4, a d6, a d8,
and a d10 to play. You should get them now, and grab some

Read any sections marked with R out loud to the players.

R You are brave wizards and warriors, members of a guild of
treasure seeking adventurers. You have followed an ancient map
to the burial chamber of a long-dead Witch Lord, an evil wizard
who died long ago and was buried in this prison tomb.

Sections marked with L are only for you to read.

Sections marked with M are hazards or obstacles for the
players to overcome. These sections may also call for you to
X which means to have the players roll their Die.
Z Some sections will start with a Z - when this happens, tear
this page out of the pad, flip it over, and lay it on the table for all
of the players to see. Do that now with this page (the Resolver
on the back) and the next four pages (the characters). Z
The Resolver
This is oversimplifying, but, when you want to do something in
MAZES - explain what you want to do, and then the MC, the
Maze Controller, will tell you what to Roll Against. Roll against
BOOKS to use your senses and knowledge. Use BOOTS for
physical activity. Use BLADES for attacking and defending. Use
BONES to resist, be brave, and test your strength.

Roll your die and try to roll the numbers for your target (so 3,4,
or 5 for BOOTS). If you roll a 1, your action succeeds if your
character could do that - we call it “the Key”. In a full game of
MAZES, there is a little more to it - but that’s enough for now.
Welcome to MAZES Fantasy Roleplaying. This is a game
about brave adventurers going down into the DARKNESS to
battle horrible monsters and return with treasure and glory.
In this game, you have chosen to be The Storm Wizard. Your
characters abilities and powers are all controlled by a specific
polyhedral die, for you that is a d4. (It looks like this -).
Since you are the d4, you start the game with 4 Hearts (h) - if
you lose all your hearts, you die! Try to avoid that.
When you want to take an action, you are going to explain to
the Maze Controller what you want to do - then, they will tell
you which MOVE you need to roll against on the RESOLVER.
r When you are trying to do something smart, use your
brains or senses, or dealing with your perception - you are
trying to roll BOOKS - roll your die and try to roll a 2 or a 3.
b For moving, running, jumping, hiding, climbing, and just
about any physical activity - roll BOOTS (3, 4, or 5).
a When you are trying to do violence (including shooting
people with your wand), you are rolling against BLADES (4,5,6,
or 7). When your attack is successful, roll your die again to
determine the damage that you did. If you roll the highest
number on your die (for you a 4) it “explodes” allowing you to
roll it again and add up the result.
d If you are trying to stand strong, be brave, or physically
overpower something - roll against Bones (5,6,7,8, or 9).
k When you roll a 1 (we call it a KEY), if it was an action that
is something you think your character should be able to do, it
succeeds. Fight for your keys!
Give yourself a cool fantasy name, write it on the other side.
Fold this page along the dotted line - making a tent so that
everyone can see your name and picture, and you can see your
info. Get ready to go down into the dungeon!
- storm wizard

I am the
Storm Wizard.
I am educated and quick.
I have a magic wand of
lightning bolts.

roll the d4.

Welcome to MAZES Fantasy Roleplaying. This is a game about
brave adventurers going down into the DARKNESS to battle
horrible monsters and return with treasure and glory. In this
game, you have chosen to be The Tomb Robber. Your characters
abilities and powers are all controlled by a specific polyhedral
die, for you that is a d6. (It looks like this =).
Since you are the d6, you start the game with 6 Hearts (h) - if
you lose all your hearts, you die! Try to avoid that.
When you want to take an action, you are going to explain to
the Maze Controller what you want to do - then, they will tell
you which MOVE you need to roll against on the RESOLVER.
r When you are trying to do something smart, use your
brains or senses, or dealing with your perception - you are
trying to roll BOOKS - roll your die and try to roll a 2 or a 3.
b For moving, running, jumping, hiding, climbing, and just
about any physical activity - roll BOOTS (3, 4, or 5).
a When you are trying to do violence, you are rolling against
BLADES (4,5,6, or 7). When your attack is successful, roll your
die again to determine the damage that you did. If you roll the
highest number on your die (for you a 4) it “explodes” allowing
you to roll it again and add up the result.
d If you are trying to stand strong, be brave, or physically
overpower something - roll against Bones (5,6,7,8, or 9).
k When you roll a 1 (we call it a KEY), if it was an action that
is something you think your character should be able to do, it
succeeds. Fight for your keys!
Give yourself a cool fantasy name, write it on the other side.
Fold this page along the dotted line - making a tent so that
everyone can see your name and picture, and you can see your
info. Get ready to go down into the dungeon!
= Tomb robber

I am the
Tomb Robber.
I am agile and fast.
I have a shortsword,
many knives

and a crowbar.

roll the d6.

Welcome to MAZES Fantasy Roleplaying. This is a game
about brave adventurers going down into the DARKNESS to
battle horrible monsters and return with treasure and glory. In
this game, you have chosen to be The Monster Hunter. Your
characters abilities and powers are all controlled by a specific
polyhedral die, for you that is a d8. (It looks like this [).
Since you are the d8, you start the game with 8 Hearts (h) - if
you lose all your hearts, you die! Try to avoid that.
When you want to take an action, you are going to explain to
the Maze Controller what you want to do - then, they will tell
you which MOVE you need to roll against on the RESOLVER.
r When you are trying to do something smart, use your
brains or senses, or dealing with your perception - you are
trying to roll BOOKS - roll your die and try to roll a 2 or a 3.
b For moving, running, jumping, hiding, climbing, and just
about any physical activity - roll BOOTS (3, 4, or 5).
a When you are trying to do violence, you are rolling against
BLADES (4,5,6, or 7). When your attack is successful, roll your
die again to determine the damage that you did. If you roll the
highest number on your die (for you a 4) it “explodes” allowing
you to roll it again and add up the result.
d If you are trying to stand strong, be brave, or physically
overpower something - roll against Bones (5,6,7,8, or 9).
k When you roll a 1 (we call it a KEY), if it was an action that
is something you think your character should be able to do, it
succeeds. Fight for your keys!
Give yourself a cool fantasy name, write it on the other side.
Fold this page along the dotted line - making a tent so that
everyone can see your name and picture, and you can see your
info. Get ready to go down into the dungeon!
[ monster hunter

I am the
Monster Hunter.
I kill monsters.
I have a longsword, a
crossbow, and a bad


roll the d8.

Welcome to MAZES Fantasy Roleplaying. This is a game
about brave adventurers going down into the DARKNESS to
battle horrible monsters and return with treasure and glory. In
this game, you have chosen to be The Savage Bugbear. Your
characters abilities and powers are all controlled by a specific
polyhedral die, for you that is a d10. (It looks like this ]).
Since you are the d10, you start the game with 10 Hearts (h) - if
you lose all your hearts, you die! Try to avoid that.
When you want to take an action, you are going to explain to
the Maze Controller what you want to do - then, they will tell
you which MOVE you need to roll against on the RESOLVER.
r When you are trying to do something smart, use your
brains or senses, or dealing with your perception - you are
trying to roll BOOKS - roll your die and try to roll a 2 or a 3.
b For moving, running, jumping, hiding, climbing, and just
about any physical activity - roll BOOTS (3, 4, or 5).
a When you are trying to do violence, you are rolling against
BLADES (4,5,6, or 7). When your attack is successful, roll your
die again to determine the damage that you did. If you roll the
highest number on your die (for you a 4) it “explodes” allowing
you to roll it again and add up the result.
d If you are trying to stand strong, be brave, or physically
overpower something - roll against Bones (5,6,7,8, or 9).
k When you roll a 1 (we call it a KEY), if it was an action that
is something you think your character should be able to do, it
succeeds. Fight for your keys!
Give yourself a cool fantasy name, write it on the other side.
Fold this page along the dotted line - making a tent so that
everyone can see your name and picture, and you can see your
info. Get ready to go down into the dungeon!
] savage bugbear

I am the
Savage Bugbear.
I am the strongest.
I smash my enemies.
I have an axe and

a heavy shield.

roll the d10.

Getting Started
R Everyone needs to select one of these 4 characters.
Read it over, and then fold it into a tent - with your name facing
the party. Depending on the character you each have a different
die (make sure you have one that matches).
You are all long time companions and partners. You each have
a reason to have come on this adventure. The Storm Wizard
is smart and perceptive. The Tomb Robber is agile and fast.
The Monster Hunter is good at combat. The Savage Bugbear is
strong and likes to smash things.

R The map led you deep into an old mountain range. It took
several days of careful exploration and excavation of a few
passageways to find the hidden entrance to the ancient Witch
Lord’s burial chamber.
A crumpled skeleton - the last adventurer to seek out this
mysterious maze - lies across the doorstep into the crypt, his
armor pierced through the heart with a spear that must have
popped out of the wall when he opened the door. On the
remains, you find a TREASURE - a useful token that can be
spent to aid the party in the future. Perhaps its a piece of gear,
magical or mundane that will help you in a time of need.
You lift your lamps and torches and delve into the Black Crypt
of the Witch Lord. Welcome to your first Maze!

L The party has a TREASURE. They can spend it at any

time for a piece of magical or mundane gear to overcome an

L There is a dangerous trap in this corridor, let’s hope that the

party spots it. The descriptions are all on the next page.

Z After reading this page, tear off this sheet, flip it over, and
place the map of the Corridor where everyone can see it. Z
The Crooked Corridor
R It is likely no one living has traversed this narrow passage
since they entombed the Witch Lord here. The walls are close
together, and you can only proceed in a single file. In what order
are you walking down the corridor?

L The players need to choose the order they are moving

through the Corridor. You can explain to them that the
corridors are very narrow, and covered in dust and cobwebs. As
they are walking they will face two sharp turns, each time they
take a turn, have them make BOOKS rolls (see below).

X Ask the player in front to roll BOOKS as they lead the way
carefully down the passage. They need to roll their die and
consult the RESOLVER. If they are the SCOUT (D6), they are
good at this - so they can roll with Advantage (which means
they roll two dice and keep the most successful result.)

L On the first turn, it doesn’t matter if they succeed of fail -

there is nothing there. Regardless of the roll, pretend to read
this and shake your head thoughtfully. At the second twist, have
them roll again - this time it matters:

R FAIL! Someone’s foot step pulls a tripwire, you hear a twang

as a crossbow trap shoots arrows down the hall!

R SUCCESS! With a hiss of warning, the party is alerted as the

rusty crossbows fire!

L All players except the last in line, now need to make a

BOOTS SAVE to avoid taking DAMAGE (roll their die and
get a BOOTS Result on the Resolver). If the BOOKS roll was
successful, they may roll with Advantage (roll twice and it
succeeds if either results is BOOTS).
Anyone that fails loses 2 H (takes 2 HEARTS of Damage).

Z Tear off this sheet, flip the page, and place the map of the
Guardian Beast Chamber where all the players can see it. There
is a fight and a puzzle in this room. Z

Dread Guardians
R The corridor opens into a strange chamber. Six stout pillars
line the walls. Flanking a bronze door on the far side of the
room are two monsters - the animated skeletons of giant cats
wrapped in decaying bandages. They advance with an eerie hiss!
L When adventurers M Dread Guardians
encounter Hazards in Dread Guardians are animated
Mazes, the obstacle will have skeletons of giant cats who
a Name, a Danger value stalk prey on four feet, but can
D (how much damage it just as easily stand upright and
does), a Hearts value H attack. They defend a passageway
(how much damage it can or burial chamber with their
take), and a Description. wickedly sharp bone claws. The
The Description tells you Dread Guardians are covered in
what the monster does. As ancient burial wrappings and are
the Maze Controller you afraid of fire.
never roll dice - you just tell
the players what the hazard
does, and they act against it.
2D 7H
L As the MC you are the narrator and referee in the fight
that is about to happen. Explain that each player has a turn to
describe what their character does. Then you will decide what
they need to roll (books for thinking, boots for moving around,
blades for fighting, and bones for defending). The Warrior (d8)
is good at fighting and Attacks with Advantage. When all the
players have gone, you narrate the Guardians attacking back.

X If a hero attacks a Guardian, they need to roll BLADES. If

they succeed, they roll their die to determine how many H the
Guardian loses. After all of the players go, each Cat attacks. The
player attacked loses 2 H unless they save against BLADES.

Z When the Guardians are out of HEARTS, they are defeated.

Flip this page over and reveal it. Z
Z Remove this page.
Tear along the dotted
lines and place the
“skulls” to the side until
instructed to use them.

Unlocking the Door
R With the Dread Guardians slain, you can finally search
around the room. Around the outside walls of the room are six
stout pillars, one is empty and five hold human skulls!

On the far wall is a set of large heavy oak and brass doors. The
doors are hung between pillars of carved stone, and the pillar to
the right side has five shelves or trays attached to it.

L The party can try to force the door (let them make Bones
rolls). but they cannot move the door at all - its magically sealed.

L If they examine the skulls, tell them that there are old runes
written under each skull. Then tear off one of the five skulls
from the previous page and give it to them. Each time they pick
up a skull, sharp spikes extend from the ceiling with a heavy
clunk and start to get lower. Advance the spikes to scare the
players into action! For example, if they put the items in the
wrong order, advance the spikes.

L Any character may try to roll BOOKS to get a hint (The

Wizard character is Advantaged in this activity). If they succeed,
tell them the runes explain that each of these skulls belonged to
an acolyte of the Witch Lord buried here, and were executed for
their crimes, but not before a tooth was pulled for each elf they
had wronged.

L When the skulls are placed on the shelves in tooth order:

R As the last skull slots into its ossuary tray, the spikes retract
and the door slowly ratchets open. A cold stairway of dark cut
stone descends deeper into the final chamber of the tomb.

Z Tear off this sheet, flip the page, and place the map of the
Final Chamber where all the players can see it. Z
black crypt of the witch lord
R As you descend the stone stairs, the air becomes colder and
colder. A low mist clings to the floor of this chamber, obscuring
it from view. A large obsidian sarcophagus set on a stone plinth
dominates the room. When you reach the base of the stairs, a
glowing blue form floats out of the top of the sarcophagus and
confronts you!

L The sight of an undead spectre is terrifying. Everyone in the

party must roll a BONES save to resist the wave of fear. Anyone
who fails loses 1 Heart and must make all of their rolls against
the creature with Disadvantage (they roll two dice and select the
worst result).

L If the party needs help, they could always use a TREASURE

to have some kind of magical or mundane gear. Remind them.

M Witch Lord’s Spectre

The ghost of the Witch Lord is offended by the intrusion.
He flies about the room, and his attacks are both physical
(have the players save vs Blades or take 3 Hearts Damage
from his spectral sword) and spiritual (have the ghostly
apparition roar and strike fear into everyone’s heart as
above). The spectre is prideful, and can be appeased with
praise or similar acts. While appeased, it will not attack if
not provoked.

3 D 14 H
Z When the party succeeds in defeating the Witch Lord’s
Spectre, flip this page to reveal the Epilogue to the party. Z
With the Witch Lord vanquished, the unnatural
mist within the chamber falls away. The ominous
feeling of dread lifts. Although heavy, the lid of
the sarcophagus yields after a few minutes of
work. Within, the party finds four TREASURE.

Each of you can claim one of these relics. What is

it, what did you find? What have you taken away
from this lost and forgotten place?

Treasures in hand, you return to the surface and

the light of day. This Maze is behind you, but
there may be others in your future. Or will you
spend your days retelling the tale of how you
defeated the Black Crypt of the Witch Lord.

Welcome to the wonderful world of Fantasy

Roleplaying. If you liked this game, this was just a
taste - we invite you to get a copy of the complete
fine local game and hobby
shop, or direct from 9th
Level Games using this
mystical rune.
A modern take on the
classic fantasy dungeon RPG.
With a single polyhedral die and the
power of your imagination can you
defeat the Maze Controller with swords,
sorcery, and shadow? Lightning fast
and easy to master, Mazes
returns us to the dungeons where
we first battled dragons with an
award-winning, unique approach
to fantasy roleplaying.

fantasy roleplaying reforged

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