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Itt 542

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Lecturer : Rafiza Ruslan

Room No. : HEA (B1-66)
Contact No. : 04-988 2681 (0194744225)
Email Address : rafiza.ruslan@uitm.edu.my/rafiza310@gmail.com
Consultation Hours :

Course Description : This course will cover an in-depth knowledge of layered network architectures,
protocols, and standards of TCP/IP, including their relationship with the OSI layer.
Emphasizing on the underlying concepts of TCP/IP, this subject will include
detailed bottom-up description of the TCP/IP protocols, from the network-related
layers through the session-related layers to the upper protocol layers.

Course Objectives : At the end of the course, students should be able to:
1. Describe the role of each layer of the OSI and TCP/IP protocol stack, the
development of TCP/IP protocol and its functionalities, including their
relationship with the OSI.
2. Exemplify issues related to the TCP/IP in the networking environment.
3. Demonstrate a network that consists of a proper governance of protocols
for an effective operation.
4. Determine the cause of errors using protocols in a network environment.

Reference : Behrouz A. Forouzan, TCP/IP Protocol Suite, 4, Mcgraw-Hill, 2010, ISBN: 0073376043

Teaching Methodology : Blended learning, lectures & tutorials

Assessments : Test 1 20%

Group Project 20%
Case Study 30%
Total continuous work 70%
Final Assessment 30%
Total marks 100%
*Final Assessment – 30% out of 60. Passing Mark: 20
*A mixture of multiple choices, short structured and long structured

Assessment Policy : No make-up test/quiz/assignments. Late test/quiz/assignments are not accepted.

Please adhere to the lesson plan.

Extension Policy : Extension on test/quiz/assignments is granted only for the following reasons:
1. Medical (must give MC)
2. Compassionate grounds (death, natural disasters etc)

Plagiarism & Dishonesty : This course regards most seriously any acts of plagiarism and dishonesty relating
to assessment. Any such acts will result in a mark of zero for the assessment and
may lead to disciplinary action.

LESSON PLAN ITT542: OCT 2023 (*subject to change)

WK1 1. The OSI • Introduction to protocols and standards. F2F /Tutorial

2/10 Model and • Introduction of standard organizations.
TCP/IP • Internet Standards.
Protocol Suite • The OSI Model and the TCP/IP protocol suite.
• Addresses using the TCP/IP protocols on the internet.
WK 2 2. IP • IP addresses in classful addressing F2F /Tutorial
9/10 Addresses: • Address space, notation and classes.
Classful and • Network addresses, Subnet masks and CIDR.
WK 3 Classless • Special Addresses F2F /Tutorial
16/10 Addressing • Subnetting and Supernetting
• VLSM and Address Allocation
WK 4 3. Delivery, • Delivery and connection types Group Project F2F /Tutorial
23/10 Forwarding • Forwarding techniques with classless and classful (20%) (Due on Week 13)
and Routing of addressing.
IP Packets • Address Aggregation and longest mask matching
• Routing, static and dynamic tables.
• Structure of a router.
WK 5 4. Internet • IP in the TCP/IP protocol suite. Case Study F2F /Tutorial
30/10 Protocol (IP) • IP datagram (30%) (Due on Week 10)
• Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
WK 6 • Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP)
6/11 • Fragmentation
• Checksum calculation
• Analysis of an IP datagram
(13 – 19/11/2023)
7 5. User • Process-to-process Communication Test 1 (20%) Test 1: Topic 1 – 4
20/11 Datagram • UDP Features
Protocol (UDP) • UDP Header Fields
and • TCP Features
Transmission • TCP Header Fields
Control • TCP Connections F2F /Tutorial
Protocol (TCP) • Flow Control
• Error Recovery
• TCP and UDP Functional Comparison
• Popular TCP/IP Applications
9 6. Dynamic • Distance Vector Protocol: Routing Information F2F /Tutorial
Routing Protocol (RIP)
Protocols Link State Protocol: Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)

10 7. Domain • Name Space and DNS F2F /Tutorial
11/12 Name System • Distribution of Name Space
(DNS) • DNS in the Internet
• Resolution
• DNS Messages
• Types of Records
11 8. Next • Overview of IPv6
18/12 Generation: • IPv6 Address Space Assignment
IPv6 • Packet format and features
• Transition from IPv4 to IPv6
• IPv6 Projects
(25/ - 31/12/2023)
13( Submission of Group Project and Presentation
22 – 28.01.2024

29.01 – 18.02.2024

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