Line Graph Practice
Line Graph Practice
Line Graph Practice
Overall, it is clear that the figure for visitors who went to the Castle and Festival
increased considerably, while the opposite was true for people who visited Aquarium
and Zoo. The highest percentage of tourists was recorded in the Castle site.
In 1980, the tourists of Castle stood at around 25%, this figure rose significantly to 45%
in the period of 15 years. From 1995 to 2000, there was a gradual go down by 10%,
however, this figure increased to 40% afterwards. The percentage of Zoo visitors
fluctuated between 10% and 15%, and went up to 20% in 2010.
The percentage of Festival visitors stood at 30%, 10% higher than the percentage of
Aquarium visitors. In the period of 30 years, this number fell to around 25%. The
percentage of Aquarium visitors experienced an significant decrease to 10%