Final Paper Ready To Defend 1
Final Paper Ready To Defend 1
Final Paper Ready To Defend 1
A. Background of study
In five years of studying here in Suarez National High School the researcher
have observed that most of the learners are not serious when it comes to their
academics. Unfortunately learners still don’t know what are the reason why they
come to school. Basically this study will be conducted Suarez National High School
specifically at Grade 7 learners which contains 5 sections namely Quezon, Osmenia,
Laurel, Aquino, and Quirino. The researcher will do our very best to get a good
results. As of now we are still observing how teachers teach their learners and also the
behavior of the students. Though the respondents is only Grade 7 learners their
teacher is a big part to this study because the teachers can be one of the reason why
students come to school regularly. And also learners react on how their teacher give
those lessons activities and anything.Teachers were doing their best in order to give
more knowledge and mold the students to be a better person and to be
educated.Teachers know best what the curriculum should look like. As they work
directly with students who are meant to benefit from their teaching, they play an
integral role in every step of the learning process.In exercising such a tremendous
role, they derive much gratification from being able to impart knowledge to young
minds and to mold their attitudes, which in turn will guide them to become the best
version of themselves that teachers and parents aspire they would become well into
their adulthood. But unfortunately, teachers are not so comfortable with the learners
because as they have observed, Learners are still confused why they come to
school.This phenomenon is very serious, so our team come up to an idea of
conducting a research to this subject/matter. The researcher choose this topic because
aside from it can help us to know what are the reason why students come to school it
is also a big help to our education system. The researcher have decided to have a
further exploration about on what are the reasons why student come to school. The
researcher have decided to have a further explorations about on what are the reasons
why students came to school. Basically, we will be asking question to our respondents
in order to gather data and facts.
B. Statement of problem
This study aims to identify the reasons why the learners come to school.
Specifically, the selected 30 grade 7 learners of Suarez National High School.
1. Gender
The purpose of this study is to better know the students and also to know what
are the reasons why students go to school and what are their reflections that could be
either negative or positive.
Our study is significant because it contribute useful ideas that may help
to enhance/Improve our education system. This study contributes more knowledge
about the behavior of students in their education. This study very important because
aside from it can help the students to know their selves well it can also help our
education system to know nor to adjust what could be the very best appropriate action
to give is the students has a negative reflection. Specifically the one who can benefit
the study our service is the researcher second is the school personal third is the
students.The information from this study can help the future researcher to enhance
their analysis where they can have a little idea why students go to school.
This study will be conducted in Suarez National High School in Iligan City
which is Grade 7 learners because their still in the beginning process of being high
school students and they don’t know yet the importance of studying. In said
respondents which is the grade 7 there are 5 section in Suarez National High School
namely Quezon, Osmenia, Laurel, Aquino, and Quirino we will be selecting thirty
students in the said section but before anything else we will be asking a permission
from our school principal. And also we will be asking a guide from our practical
research 1 advisor so that we will be able to have a successful research.
F. Definition of Terms:
As someone who has spent over half of their life as a student, researcher
can vouch for the importance of school. While new school years are often met with
groans and complaints, it is a civic duty as parents and human beings to educate their
children. School serves a number of purposes from building confidence to teaching
children the importance of teamwork and working with others. School helps guide
youngster through the establishment of a daily routine, which is of utmost importance
as we direct them toward the workplace, and as they become productive member of
the society. Students are provided with access to new ideas, including science and
language, and are given the opportunity to learn more about world cultures,
geography and personal history.
Education has a purpose according to teachers and it is to impart knowledge
about the subject matter they are teaching without much thought to other classes.
While it important for students to have a form grasp of each subject. The one
continuing purpose of education, since ancient times, has been to bring people to a
full realization as possible of what it is to be a human being. Learning how to learn is
one of the key elements of education. School need to teach students how to find the
information they will need once they school. Therefore it is important for future to
success that the student understand how to find answers to any question and problem
that might arise.
B. Negative effects
When a student go to school there are lots of things to be encountered. Lots
of effect to experience, same as the causes. It can be negative or positive. Some
people feels good going to school, while others think not. Don’t always learn what is
needed to learn in life. There may be bullies and unhealthy relationship. Sometimes
not funding for school. So children don’t get the education they deserve. Going to
school and getting a good confidence and mental capacity getting a good education
will give you a better chance of getting into a better college. Going to school usually
helps social skill because people can learn to communicate with other people on daily
basis also it can help you learn how to deal with difficult decision or bad decision.
Lots of good effect that students can get such as, confidence. Learning about new
subject and becoming proficient in a skill can help a child grow exponentially.
Socialization, teamwork, preparation, information, inspiration, community. Those are
some of the good effects if a child dare to school to studies. There are also bad effects
that a student can get when they don’t go to school or when a student is a grade
conscious. First is being depressed, if a student get rushed or the students don’t have
enough time to make its project or lessons it gets depression. Lack of sleep, students
always think of school, they forget to sleep to take rest because the time for rest was
spend for making homework’s or more students get citify because of their
intelligence to the point that he/she believes in no one but to itself that he is more
intelligent than anyone.
1. Huge Expenditure
In the present day, students are not dependent on pen and paper. In this
modern era of technology, computers and other devices have substituted the use of
pen and paper. These high tech devices offer many advanced features to the user
which is much more helpful than using pen and paper, but the maintenance of these
devices costs a fortune to the owner. The maintenance requires a huge amount of
money and the update of the outdated software also takes a fair amount of money.
So we can say that technology has made education expensive.
3. Waste of Time
Software and hardware devices are made by human beings, as humans can
make errors, so the technology or devices made by human beings can also have
some errors in it. These errors cause a loss of time. Problems like server issues and
connectivity problems take a huge amount of time to get fixed, hence it disturbs the
normal flow of teaching and causes frustration for both the teacher and the
student.Wasting time due to these kinds of unnecessary problems is not advisable
in any educational institution or in schools where every second is important for the
Research has revealed that more than 60% of schools and colleges in the
world are using modern devices like laptops and tablets as a means of teaching. So
the students are also using the same devices to be on par with the teachings of the
teachers.In the present day, social media has evolved leaps and bounds, with 90%
of the world’s population using social media. So the devices which are provided to
the students for studying are instead used to be active on social media.Students are
not studying with the help of these devices, they are interested in checking the
posts and status updates of their near and dear ones and many other things. This is
how technology is becoming a huge distraction for the learners, thus increasing the
gap between students and educators.
6. Creates Enough Opportunities for Cheating
The advancement of technology is making the student lazy. It gives them the
power and the opportunity to control everything with a few clicks of the mouse.
Cheating is illegal, but technology has made it easy with all the resources contained
in it.There are many situations where the students can cheat very easily without
getting caught, e.g. in an examination hall students can use their smartphones for
cheating.With the advancement of technology, smartphones are provided with
many developed features and with internet accessibility so it becomes easy for the
students to find the answers with the help of the internet .
In the present day, due to the huge advancement of technology, teachers are
educating the students with different online tools instead of physically
communicating with them, hence the students are unable to interact with the
students and also cannot share problems with them. Teachers miserably fail to draw
the attention of the student. It is recommended to use verbal communication with
the students along with using online tools. So the students can learn the topics as
well as they can share their problems with the teacher.
This is one of the major drawbacks of using devices like laptops and
computers for educational purposes. Laptops and computers are devices made by
human beings and these devices can malfunction due to internal or external
causes.In the present day students tend to do all their assignments on their laptops
or computers, even the schools and colleges also want this assignment as soft
copies. E.g. a student completed his or her assignment with a lot of hard work and
patience.If the laptop of the student suddenly malfunctions at the last moment, then
the student will be in great trouble. All the efforts and hard work will go in vain. So
due to the malfunction of a device the entire effort of the student will become a
waste. It is advised to the students to always have a backup or a hardcopy of the
required documents. So we can say that these devices are not fully dependable.
C. Prevention
To those bad effects that have mention there are ways to prevent those
effects. As a student, we have the obligation to have good grades especially when
people around you expected a lot. But we also need to think of our health. Students
need to set their own time to study, like me having a leisure time, free time, when you
have vacant time in school. Student should sleep for more than 8 hours to avoid being
depressed. And to have enough time to sleep. When we have enough time slept, we
can refresh our minds we can think nicely and we can act well. And sometimes we
don’t need to pressure ourselves, just calm and make a project on time. Avoid the
“Maniana Habit.” And we can be intelligent with a good beliefs to the one who’s
higher than us. Instead of believing that you’re the smarter ask help from God for he
knows everything in that way we can avoid those bad effects.
For the ultra-competitive students, scoring the perfect attendance award is a great
honor. Actually, it's a great honor even if you're not competitive. And it's pretty
awesome. Being at school every day means fighting through the days when you have the
blahs, the days when you have tests but didn't study, and sometimes even the days when
you feel under the weather (although not at all contagious with cooties!). Being in class
everyday says a lot about your commitment to education and your belief that showing up
is important. Way to go!
School wouldn't be the same without friends. Not only are they there to walk the
halls with you between classes or keep you up-to-date on the latest and greatest in school
crushes, friends help you cope with life. Good friends are your most loyal fan club
members, there to support you when you try out for cheerleading or take the field in your
first game. They listen to you go on and on about the joys of chemical reactions or help
you make campaign signs for your race for student body president. And when you're
home sick with the flu, your friends take meticulous notes for you so you don't fall
behind in math class. Friends for the win!
F. You're getting prepared for life
It might not seem like school is preparing you for life but it totally is. No, you
might not need to know the exact calculations of pi (3.14) or the three types of rocks
(sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous), or even that there are eight parts of speech
(verb, noun, pronoun, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection) but
you're learning how to show up, work hard, and apply what you've learned . These are
definitely skills that will serve you in college and the workforce. There is an expectation
that you show up for work every single day and that you are prepared. Your thirteen
years of school are helping you master these skills like a true boss!
Go ahead and admit it, school can be fun. Learning new things is fun. Exploring
new ideas is fun. Succeeding in your classes is fun. Excelling in your extracurricular
activities is fun. Even eating school lunch with your friends is fun. We know not all
schools are created equal and for some of you, the buildings and equipment are less than
awesome. But your quest for knowledge goes beyond what happens in the classroom.
You're learning from your teachers, your classmates, and the entire school staff. When
it's all said and done, you'll graduate from high school with a lot of great memories of all
the fun times you had in school.” (DictionaryJanuary 7, 2020)”
H. Problem in education
Discipline Issues
Discipline issues cause distractions, and distractions add up and limit learning
time. Every time a teacher has to handle a discipline issue, she loses valuable
instructional time. In addition, each time a student is sent to the office on a discipline
referral that student loses valuable instruction time. Any discipline issue will result in
the loss of instruction time, which limits a student’s learning potential.Teachers and
administrators must be able to minimize these disruptions. Teachers can do this by
providing a structured learning environment and engaging students in exciting,
dynamic lessons that captivate them and keep them from being bored. Administrators
must create well-written policies that hold students accountable. They should educate
parents and students on these policies. Administrators must be firm, fair, and
consistent when dealing with any student discipline issue.
Lack of Funding
Federal and state mandates are taking their tolls on school districts across the
country. There are so many new requirements each year that schools do not have the
time or resources to implement and maintain them all successfully. Most of the
mandates are passed with good intentions, but the spacing of these mandates puts
schools in a bind. They are often underfunded or unfunded and require a lot of extra
time that could be spent in other critical areas. Schools do not have enough time and
resources to fulfil many of these new mandates.” recovered from the recession of
Poor Attendance
Students can't learn if they aren't at school. Missing just 10 days of school
each year from kindergarten to 12th grade adds up to missing almost an entire school
year by the time they graduate. Some students have the ability to overcome poor
attendance, but many who have a chronic attendance problem fall behind and stay
behind.Schools must hold students and parents accountable for consistent excessive
absences and should have a solid attendance policy in place that specifically addresses
excessive absences. Teachers cannot do their jobs if students are not required to show
up every day. ‘says Todd Warren”
Parents are typically the most influential people in every aspect of a child’s
life. This is especially true when it comes to education. Typically, if the parents value
education, their children will be academically successful. Parental involvement is
essential to educational success. Parents who provide their children with a solid
foundation before school begins and stay involved throughout the school year will
reap the benefits as their children become successful.By contrast, parents who are
minimally involved with their child’s education have a significant negative impact.
This can be extremely frustrating for teachers and makes for a continuous uphill
battle. Many times, these students are behind when they start school due to a lack of
exposure, and it is extremely difficult for them to catch up. These parents believe it is
the school’s job to educate and not theirs when in actuality there needs to be a dual
partnership for the child to be successful
Poverty has a significant impact on student learning. There has been much
research to support this premise. Students living in affluent, well-educated homes and
communities are far more academically successful, while those living in poverty are
typically behind academically.Poverty is a difficult obstacle to overcome. It follows
generation after generation and becomes the accepted norm, which makes it almost
impossible to break. Though education is a significant part of breaking the grip of
poverty, most of these students are so far behind academically that they will never get
that opportunity. “We are truly in a state of crisis,” says Noah Karvelis
I. Research design
In our study we use qualitative research design. It is a descriptive method of
gathering data wherein a questionnaire was used to gather information from
respondents in SNHS students. This is a type of informal conversation so that the
respondents can speak and express spontaneously without being pressured.
II. Study area
The study was conducted at SNHS and it was located at Zone Orchids
Suarez, Iligan City. Suarez has 48 barangays with an approximates population of
16,044. Iligan City has 44 barangay and Suarez is one of those barangay. SNHS
has more than 11 buildings that thrive on a simplified organizational structure.
1.How much does your parent earn 1. Yes, financial affects their studies
Reasons every month? 2. Yes, they come to school for a reason
why student 2. Why student go to school? 3. Yes, they reason why they focus to
go to school 3 .What make student focus to their their study.
Study Title
1. To know what are the reasons why students come to school.
2. To know the most counted gender who focus to schooling.
3. To know if the respondent is committed to their studies.
4. To know what make students make them focus to their study.
Qualitative analysis
Recommendation on the common reaons why student come to school and to improve education
system among Suarez National High School student.
Figure 2: The researcher process involved in the study in relation to issues, problems,
hypothesis and objectives of the study.
Preliminary Protocol: of the office of the Principal of Suarez National High School.
Visitation Phase: the Office of the Principal of Suarez National High School
Administering of survey questionnaire, and conducting personal interviews, and focus group
discussion to respondents of Suarez National High School Iligan City
N= 30 respondents
Recommendations on the common causes why students go to school and their implications
to be in school among Suarez National High School students.
Figure 3: The flow chart of methods involved in the conduct of the study.
IV. Research instrument
We will use survey questionnaire as a research instrument in our study. This
survey questionnaire can consist of statement on why students go to school in order to
achieve the objectives. The research instrument can be test to assume the strength of
your study.
Part 1
The instrument was the Personal Data Sheet. This can provided the personal
information of the respondents that included their name, age, gender, educational
attainment, and monthly family income. The instrument was constructed with due
consultation with the Research Adviser.
Part 2
The survey questionnaire was the research instrument used in the study.
This questionnaire conduct a statement of why students go to school and was prepared
to achieve group discussion and conduct the respondents to secure the knowledge of
why students go to school
V. Data collection
Primary data collection
Primary data was secure by using a survey questionnaire, which is the
research instrument used in the study, written in English and translated in vernacular
or Cebuano. This data focused on: (1) the socio-economic profile of the respondents:
age, gender, monthly family income, and educational attainment; and (2) the
perceptions on why students go to school.
Secondary data collection
Secondary information on why students go to school as the socio-economic
aspects of the senior high school students were gathered from relevant offices of
SNHS and were synthesized.
VI. Data gathering procedure
The individual interview
I. Demographic Profile
Table1. Gender of the Respondents
Male 13 43%
Female 17 57%
Total 30 100%
Table 1, 43% of the respondents are male and only 57% are female, in total
of 30 respondents. Therefore, most of our respondents are female where it got 57%
out of 30 respondents. Basically the remaining 43% are male. Female dominated
because school were toke more serious by female.
Table 2, 93% of the respondents are 12-13 years old, while 7% are the 14-15
years old. We conclude that most of our respondents aged 12-13 years old who got
93% out of 30 respondents therefore the remaining 7% are aged 14-15 years old.
Table 3. Family Monthly Income
Table 3, 33% of the respondents earned 1,000 – 3,000 every month and 27%
of respondents earned 3,001 – 8,000 every month while 40% earned 8,001 – 10, 000
every month. Therefore we conclude that the family of our respondents who earned
8,001-10,000 dominated who got 40% out of 30 respondents and 33% of them earned
1,000 – 3,000 a month and lastly the family who got the lowest percentage is the
family who earned 3,001- 8,000.
II. Discussion
60% Yes
40% Sometimes
Table 4, 97% attend school regularly while 0% who don’t attend school
regularly and 3% who attend school regularly. We conclude that most of the
respondents come to school regularly where it got 97% out of 30 respondents and to
these who came to school sometimes got 3% only.
Figure 5. Response on why you go to school.
For allowance For fun For learning Encourage
Figure 5, 7% answered for allowance, 87% who says for learning, and 7%
who answered because of encouragement. Therefore we conclude that the respondents
go to school to learn based on the result we have where it got 87% and 7% says they
attend school because of allowance and 6% says they were encouraged.
Figure 6, 67% says yes while 33% who says no. We conclude that most of
the respondents says that dreams affect their studies where it got 67% out of 30
respondents and 33% says no.
Figure 7. Response on do parents support them in their study.
60% No
50% Yes
Yes No
Figure 7, 93% who says yes their family supported them while 7% who says
no. Therefore we conclude that the respondents parents support them in their study
where it got 93% and 7% says that their parent didn’t support them in their study.
Figure 8, 63% says yes their friends influence them while 37% says no. We
conclude that most of the respondents says yes that their friends influence them in
their studies where it got 63% and the remaining 37% says no.
Figure 9. Response on what makes you focused on your study.
Achieve dreams Forced Friends Good grades
Figure 9, 63% answered they focused so that they’ll achieve their dreams and
17% who says they were forced by family and 20% who answered to get good grades.
We conclude that most of them answer that achieving their dreams make them
focused on their study where it got 63% and 17% says that they were forced by their
family and 20% answered to get good grades.
Figure 10, 87% says that school is their second home while 13% says no.
Therefore we conclude that 87% of our respondents says that they considered the
school as their second home and 13% of them are not.
Figure11. Response on do they find school helpful in developing skills.
60% No
50% Yes
Figure 11, 93% says yes school helps to develop their skills while 7% who
says no. We conclude that 93% of our Grade 7 respondents says that the school helps
their skills and 7% of them says no.
Figure 12, 77% syas yes that the school met their ecpectations especially in
learning while 23% says no. Therefore we conlcude that 77% of our Grade 7
respondents sayas that they met their expectations and 23% of them says no.
Figure13. Response on going to school is important.
60% No
50% Yes
Figure 13, 100% says yes that going to school is important.We conclude that
100% of our Grade 7 respondents says that school is important.
The object of the research is to know the reasons why students go to school.
This research had thirty (30) respondents used in the research who are Grade 7
learners of Suarez National High School in Zone Orchids Suarez, Iligan City.
Here are the answers of the thirty (30) respondents of Grade 7 learners in Suarez
National High School.
2. 87% of the respondents answered that they come to school for learning.
3. 67% of the respondents answered yes that their dreams affect their study.
4.93% of the respondents answered yes that their parents support them in their study.
5. 63% of the respondents answered yes that their friends influence them in their
6. 63% of the respondents answered achieve dreams is what makes them focused on
their studies.
7. 87% of the respondents answered yes on do they considered school as their second
8. 93% of the respondents answered yes on do they find school helpful in developing
9. 77% of the respondents answered yes that the school met their expectation
especially in learning.
10. 100% of the respondents answered yes that going to school is important.
From the findings of the study. The following conclusions were drawn.
2. The parent’s income ranges from 8.001 - 10,000 only and this affects the study of
the study of the respondents.
5. The respondents considered the school as their second home and they met their
expectation in the school.
6. We conclude that going to school is very important to develop their skills and
1. Teachers must give time to meet their students and have a heart to heart talk to
avoid absents
2. Parents must show support to their son/daughter, rot just financially but also to
show support vocally.
3. Students should know their reasons why they were sent to school.
The undersigned are Grade 11 students of Suarez National High School who are
currently taking up Project Research 1 and will be conducting a study entitled
ENHANCEMENT EDUCATION PROGRAM”. This study is to be done as a partial
fulfilment of the requirements for the subject. It uses the survey questionnaire as the
research instrument along with the observation, personal interview and focus group
discussion involving 30 respondents who are select students from Grade 7. The result
of the study shall benefit the school since it could provide baseline information on the
study why students go to school. This eventually would lead to possible formulation
of intervention programs in your school.
Respectfully yours,
Noted by:
Approved by:
Principal III
Personal Information
Age : 18
Citizenship : Filipino
Occupation : Contractor
Personal Information
Age : 17
Citizenship : Filipino
Occupation : Driver