Additively Manufactured Guide Vane With Integral Measurement System For Validation On Engine
Additively Manufactured Guide Vane With Integral Measurement System For Validation On Engine
Additively Manufactured Guide Vane With Integral Measurement System For Validation On Engine
In general, there are four basic measurement techniques
used for thermal validation of the gas turbine components:
thermal paint, thermal crystal, high-speed infrared (IR)
monitoring system and thermocouples.
o Qualitative comparative cooling test rig (CCTR) platform going from internal cavity to outside, Figure 5. This
and quantitative IR-camera testing of printed once again demonstrates the flexibility of AM technology which
components. CCTR test is used to check if the “in- in this case helps to easily take pressure measurements. Good
wall” cooling channels are blocked. The IR-camera agreement between measured and predicted values of internal
test is used to validate heat transfer characteristics pressure, received during the test, (within ± 2%) indicates that
The fact is that the TBC conductivity value depends on the 6. CONCLUSION
exposure time and exposure temperature. At the beginning, the Thermal tests described in this paper was performed on a
conductivity is low due to the porosity level and stable newly developed component where cooling system is unchanged
microstructure, there are no microcracks. During engine therefore without affecting of the component lifetime. TC
operation, the sintering process reduces porosity, and cycling application on component has been performed without special
The authors would like to thank Siemens Energy for the
FIGURE 17: TBC CONDUCTIVITY VS. EXPOSURE TIME opportunity being involved to so innovative work and to all the
people involved in this work.
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