UNDP MZ Socioeconomic Impact
UNDP MZ Socioeconomic Impact
UNDP MZ Socioeconomic Impact
The present report reflects over a year of work going into the implementation of the COVID-19
Informal Sector Survey (CISS), a collaboration between the United Nations Development Programme’s
(UNDP) country office in Mozambique and the Ministry of Economy and Finance, involving many
partners and people. In particular, the following people were instrumental in its making:
UNDP Mozambique
Alex Warren-Rodríguez, Senior Economist
Gustavo Novaes, Research Manager
Joana Sampainho, Programme Analyst - Economic and Policy Analysis
Nilifer Anaç, SDG Policy Analyst
Raphael Esteves, SDG Technical Specialist
Marta Lindstrom, Data Analytics and Management Specialist
Vania Come, Programme Associate
IPSOS Mozambique
Jaime Fernandes, National Director
Kathleen Angulo, Senior Research Analyst
Rodolfo Albino, Research Assistant
Maxwell Odhiambo, Director of Operations
Alberto Mesa, Field coordinator
Arnaldo Bombe, Data Specialist
Nércia Magudo, Trainee
The CISS survey would have not been possible without the active engagement of the 600 informal
workers affiliated with ASSOTSI who participated in the various rounds of the CISS surveys. A big
note of appreciation goes to them. It would also not have been possible without the encouragement
and support from Ms. Narjess Saidane and Mr. Francisco Roquette, UNDP Resident Representative
and UNDP Deputy Resident Representative in Mozambique, respectively.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction 4
2. COVID-19 and the informal econ- This share, however, varied significantly, both
omy – an international perspective across income levels and regions, ranging from
15 percent in advance economies in the 2010-
Informality is a prevalent feature in much of 2015 period, to 38.8 percent in low-income coun-
the developing world, with the informal econ- tries, and from 20.2 percent in Europe to 36.2
omy remaining a significant, often the highest, in Sub-Saharan Africa, during this same period
source of employment. The ILO estimates that (see Figure 1 for more detail). However, this
up to two billion people, equivalent to 61.2 per- share has been steadily falling since the early
cent of the world’s employed population, earn 1990s, this being true for all income levels and
their livelihoods in the informal economy, with regions, with the average contribution of the in-
93 percent of these living in emerging and devel- formal economy to global GDP dropping from
oping economies.1,2 In these countries, informal an estimated 35.1 percent in 1991 to 27.8 per-
employment accounts for most jobs, on average cent, in 2015.
69.6 percent, as opposed to only 18.3 percent of
employment in developed economies, with this Even though informal sector workers contribute
share rising to 85.8 percent in the Africa region. significantly to the economy, they usually have
limited access to social protection programmes,
The informal economy is also an important con- as well as to healthcare and medical treat-
tributor to GDP and thus to countries’ wealth. ment. This makes them particularly vulnerable
In their study of the shadow economy, Medina to health and economic shocks, as they have no
and Schneider (2018)3 estimate that informal cushion to fall back on in times of crisis.4,5
economy activities accounted on average for 27.8
percent of GDP in 2015 for the 158 countries The informal economy and COVID-19
considered in their analysis. COVID-19 has exacerbated this situation for
millions of informal sector workers and done so
Figure 1: Contribution of the Shadow Economy disproportionately.6 Without social protection,
to GDP (in %) they have only limited ability to cope with the
economic, social and health impacts of the pan-
demic. In a context where informality is of-
ten associated with limited access to medical re-
sources, as well as sanitation and hygiene facil-
ities, this makes informal workers particularly
vulnerable to the health consequences of the
pandemic. Additionally, because many informal
workers are not registered, they often don’t have
access to government benefits.7
Table 1: Informal economy workers significantly losses and loss of income and livelihoods brought
impacted by lockdown measures (2020) about by the pandemic. A number of reasons ex-
plain this. Women are overrepresented in many
of the industries hardest hit by COVID-19, such
as food services, retail and entertainment. More-
over, as lockdown measures have kept people at
home, the burden of unpaid care and domes-
tic work has increased for women. Women have
also suffered in non-economic terms. Reports
show higher rates of violence against women dur-
ing the pandemic. In addition, women are also
more exposed to the health risks of COVID-19,
as globally women make up for 70 percent of
health and social care workers.10
The pandemic is also having a major impact on In conclusion, the available evidence indicates
unemployment and underemployment among in- that informal sector workers around the globe
formal workers. Many informal workers in food are an especially vulnerable group of the popula-
supply sectors are at risk of losing their liveli- tion to the socioeconomic impacts of COVID-19,
hoods due to lockdowns and restrictions on the workers who have already been severely affected
movement of people. Their vulnerability can in- by the pandemic and continue to suffer its eco-
crease further, as they may have to resort to nomic, social and health consequences.
negative coping strategies, such as sale of house-
hold assets, child labour or predatory loans from
informal moneylenders9 .
3. The impact of COVID-19 and the Figure 2: COVID-19 figures for Mozambique,
informal economy in Mozambique daily new cases and cumulative deaths
Figure 3: Mozambique, GDP and GDP growth, first six rounds of the survey, covering the June
1995-2020 to November 2020 period, point towards a sig-
nificant impact on food security, with around
60 percent of households surveyed consistently
reporting having missed a meal as a result of
the crisis, and with up to 37 percent of fami-
lies having gone without eating for a whole day
during the early stages of the pandemic. The
survey also suggests a considerable impact on
(un)employment as a result of the crisis.
Table 2: Impact of COVID-19 on business and matic shocks hitting the country in recent years,
work low commodity prices for some of Mozambique’s
main commodity exports and the hidden debt
crisis, among other factors. It also follows sev-
eral years of falling income per capita, a result of
Mozambique’s weak economic performance and
high population growth, currently at close to 3
percent per year, one of the highest in the world.
INE’s 2005 Survey of the Informal Sector, primary sectors, constituting a very different
INFOR-200524 , provides the most indepth ac- profile to that of informal economy workers in
count of this sector. Based on a nationally rep- urban areas. Thus, data from this survey indi-
resentative sample of 6,900 households, the sur- cates that 97 percent of rural informal workers
vey provides detailed information of both formal were employed in agriculture and other primary
and non-formal employment activities for people activities. In urban settings, however, this share
over the age of seven, generating robust indica- was significantly lower, although still consider-
tors down to the provincial level. Any activity able: 68.9 percent, and was followed by those
in which participants of the survey are engaged employed in trade and services, 24.3 percent,
as employees, self-employed or entrepreneurs is and those engaging in construction activities:
considered part of the informal economy if none 6.9 percent (see Table 3).
of the following two conditions are met:
Interestingly, the INFOR-2005 survey found
1. The activity is registered either with the that a significant share of formal workers, 17
provincial authorities or in the correspond- percent, also engaged in secondary informal ac-
ing Repartição de finanças/local tax office. tivities. This share was particularly high in rural
2. The enterprise is in possession of an official areas, where up to 36.4 percent of formal work-
document, either a license (alvará) or a reg- ers engaged in informal activities, but was also
istration record (Ficha de Registro), or, for significant in urban settings, in both cases most
the case of employees, these hold an official of these formal workers engaging also in informal
work contract. activities in agriculture.
The results of the survey indicate that 75.2 per- Informal sector workers were not particularly
cent of the workforce was employed in the in- young in the INFOR-2005 survey: 42.9 percent
formal economy in Mozambique in 2005, an- of them were 35 years of age or older. Those un-
other 7.9 percent was employed in formal activ- der the age of 25 only represented 31 percent of
ities, while the remaining 17 percent was unem- the total. The survey also found important gen-
ployed. Informality was more prevalent in rural der dimensions to informality, with 58.5 percent
areas, where of 86.9 percent of the workforce was of informal workers in the country being women.
involved in informal activities, with this same These differences were particularly noticeable in
share only reaching 50.4 percent in urban areas. the south of the country, were up to 65.8 per-
cent of informal sector workers were women. In
It is important to note that a very large share terms of employment status, the survey found
of people in the informal rural economy identi- that a large majority of informal economy oper-
fied in the INFOR-2005 survey engaged mainly ators outside agriculture, 73.2 percent, were self-
in subsistence activities in agriculture and other employed or entrepreneurs, the rest (26.8 per-
cent) being employed by others.
See footnote 3.
INE (2006). “Resultados do Primeiro Inquérito Na-
cional ao Sector Informal: INFOR-2005”. Maputo.
The COVID-19 Informal Sector Survey (CISS) 11
A study on informality in Mozambique by Byiers between 17 and 19 times less profitable than for-
(2009) using data from INE’s INFOR-2005 sur- mal companies. A significant part of these dif-
vey and focusing only on non-agricultural self- ferences can be explained by differences in firm
employed entrepreneurs, finds that 57.7 percent and ownership traits that exist between formal
of these operators could be classified as involun- and informal enterprises. But even after control-
tarily informal, with 44.1 percent of them citing ling for these differences, informal firms are still
a lack of salaried employment opportunities as between 2 to 3 times less productive than formal
the main reason for operating an informal busi- micro enterprises. Despite these differences, Aga
ness, and an additional 13.6 percent explicitly et al (2019) find that few informal firms tran-
citing survival-related reasons. According to this sition into the formal sector, with very few of
same study, the estimated effect of being for- them having even considered this move. Mostly,
mally registered on labour productivity for this because these firms see no benefit of registering
particular segment of the informal sector was of their businesses, with 33.5 percent of surveyed
between 31.6 to 34.5 percent, controlling for all firms citing this as the main reason for not do-
other possible firm characteristics, with the im- ing so, although other factors such as the time,
plied average annual value-added premium for fees and paperwork involved in formalizing (26.1
a microenterprise registering reaching between percent) or the lack of information (18.6 per-
US$513 and US$560 per year. cent) were also important.
The World Bank’s recent 2018 Mozambique En- Despite these findings regarding the structural
terprise Survey, which includes a specific mod- differences that exist between formal and in-
ule on informal enterprises, also provides useful formal enterprises, Aga et al (2019) find that
insight into the country’s informal economy.25 there is significant heterogeneity among infor-
Based on a sample of 554 informal firms operat- mal firms. In fact, some of these present firm
ing in Beira, Maputo and Nampula26 , the sur- characteristics and levels of performance that
vey finds that informal firms tend to be smaller very much resemble those of formal enterprises.
and younger than formal enterprises, employing These are firms, they argue, that could poten-
on average 1.6 employees, as opposed to 14.1 tially become formal enterprises with the ade-
employees for formal enterprises, and having an quate support (training and skills development,
average age of 4.7 years, against 8 years for mi- formalization assistance, market and technology
cro formal enterprises and 14.9 years for larger access support, etc.). The rest, representing
formal companies. Informal enterprises in these close to 60 percent of surveyed firms are, how-
locations are also more likely to be owned by ever, unlikely to be able to make this shift to-
women and mostly operate in the retail sector, wards formalization.
with an estimated 72 percent of them involved
in retail activities, against 52 percent of formal
4. The COVID-19 Informal Sector
enterprises included in the survey.
Survey (CISS)
Beyond these descriptive traits of the informal
sector, the results coming out of this 2018 enter- 4.1. Background and objectives
prise survey indicate that informal firms sell less,
From the outset, the urban informal sector in
are less productive and are less profitable than
Mozambique has been identified as one of the
micro formal firms. Hence, Aga et al (2019) find
potentially most vulnerable and at greater risk
that informality for firms in this survey is associ-
groups of the population to the socioeconomic
ated with selling 25 times less than formal firms
impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.27 Three
and selling 15 times less than formal firms with
main reasons underlie these concerns.
fewer than 5 employees. Informal firms are also
See Aga et al (2019) for an analysis of main results
coming out of this survey. 27
Firms were considered as informal if they lacked ei- See for instance UN (2020) “Unpacking the potential
ther an operating license, a business registration certifi- socioeconomic impact of the Coronavirus pandemic in
cate, or a taxpayer’s identification number (NUIT). Mozambique” a United Nations situation analysis and
policy recommendations. Maputo, March 30th.
The COVID-19 Informal Sector Survey (CISS) 12
on similar pandemic-related work done in other obviously does not include in its membership all
countries, as well as on work in emergencies set- informal sector operators in the city of Maputo,
tings, adapting these to the context of informal least so of Mozambique. The history of AS-
sector workers in Maputo. SOTSI and, in particular, of its creation, closely
tied to the privatization process Mozambique
The CISS questionnaires were designed around underwent in the 1990s, which saw the layoff of
five broadly defined areas deemed relevant for thousands of SOE employees, most likely builds
the purpose of the study: certain biases into the survey, with an overrep-
resentation of older and female informal work-
(1) Individual, business and household charac- ers and businessowners operating in particular
teristics – this module was only adminis- activities of the informal economy in Maputo.
tered in the initial baseline survey. Therefore, the conclusions of this study need to
(2) Evolving general business conditions in the be interpreted with caution and not necessarily
informal economy. extrapolated to the population of informal ur-
(3) Impacts on employment, revenue, earnings, ban workers in Maputo and Mozambique as a
savings and intra-household nutrition. whole.
(4) Business and household coping strategies.
(5) Impact of support measures.
5. Characteristics of the sample – a
Interviews for the CISS surveys were conducted highly vulnerable segment of the
in Portuguese and Changana, depending on the population
preference of participants, and took an average
of 40 minutes, in the case of the baseline survey,
5.1. Individual characteristics
and of 20 minutes, for the three follow-up waves.
As noted in the previous section, a total of 600
In order to comply with COVID-19 social dis- informal sector workers took part in the CISS
tancing measures, interviews were conducted by surveys. This is a largely female, middle-aged
means of telephone calls, which limited the scope group of people, with basic levels of education.
of topics that could be inquired and the preci- Hence, 64 percent of them are women, a share
sion of some of the more complex information significantly higher than for self-employed work-
gathered. To address these concerns and min- ers residing in Maputo reported in the 2017
imize any form of bias or inaccurate collection National Census – taken here as the reference
of data, quality checks were conducted on every sample population – 48.8 percent of which were
round of data collection. These involved having women.
16 percent of interviews monitored by a supervi-
sor, reviewing 24 percent of interview recordings The average age of informal sector workers par-
for the more complex questions included in the ticipating in the survey is of 39.8 years, with the
survey, and reviewing an additional 5 percent of median and modal ages both at 38. Women are
interview recordings in their entirety. On the somewhat older than men: 42.3 years of age, on
other hand, to deal with issues of attrition typ- average, as opposed to 35.3 years for men. The
ical of longitudinal studies, interview substitu- youngest person was 19 years old at the time
tions of the original 500-person sample gener- of the survey. The oldest, was 70. Compara-
ated for each round were only made after 3 days tively, the CISS sample is slightly older than the
attempting to contact the selected interviewee, relevant group of the population in the 2017 Na-
with at least two calls made per day. tional Census, for which the average age is 39.5.
It is important to note that the design of the sur- Most informal workers in the CISS survey live
vey carries a series of limitations that need to be in the greater Maputo metropolitan area, either
taken into account in interpreting results. Chief in Maputo city (42.7 percent of the sample), in
among these is the fact that the survey draws the neighbouring city of Matola (43.9 percent)
exclusively from a sample of Maputo-based reg- or in Marracuene district (2.4 percent), north
istered members of ASSOTSI, association that of Maputo. There is, however, a sizeable 9.2
The COVID-19 Informal Sector Survey (CISS) 14
Table 6: Type of activity of participants There are also considerable gender differences in
business and occupational characteristics in the
sample, especially with regards to the type of
activities that male and female informal workers
engage in. Women are more likely to operate fix
market stalls, selling fresh and dry food prod-
ucts, and also to be unemployed. Men, on the
other hand, are more active as street hawkers,
selling clothes and accessories, and in the pro-
vision of services, such as plumbing, carpentry,
shoe repair, etc. Many of them also reported to
be unemployed, but less so than women.
This sharp decline has been felt from the out- Table 8: Changes in market conditions
set and has continued to affect informal econ-
omy operators in Maputo throughout the crisis,
as captured in successive waves of the CISS sur-
vey. Mostly, this deterioration can be attributed
to the sharp decline in economic activity regis-
tered in Mozambique since the beginning of the
pandemic, as well as to the restrictions imposed
by the government as part of the COVID-19 re-
sponse. Yet, other factors not related to the
pandemic have also played a role.
Informal operators saw the hours they Figure 6: Impact on hours worked
worked significantly drop because of the
This deteriorating business environment faced
by informal workers in Maputo since the begin-
ning of the pandemic has had a direct impact
on their activity, as captured in various perfor-
mance indicators monitored for the CISS study.
This impact has been felt from the outset, with
no significant improvement experienced since.
Figure 7: Earnings in the CISS sample (MZM) participate. Xitiques are a form of rotating sav-
ings and credit associations (ROSCA) very pop-
ular among informal workers in Maputo. Partic-
ipants in such schemes, typically informal work-
ers operating in the same market or street, or in
the same line of business, regularly contribute
funds to a given Xitique, for instance, on a on a
daily, weekly or monthly basis. They are then al-
lowed to draw the full amount pooled by all par-
ticipants into the Xitique every so often. Typ-
ically, the contributions are in a fixed amount.
This makes these contributions a particularly ro-
bust indicator, in this case of savings or business
surplus, as survey participants are likely to re-
call in greater accuracy the money they have put
into Xitiques.
As with hours worked, earnings for workers in
the CISS sample experienced a very sharp drop Prior to the pandemic, close to 70 percent (69.6)
between March 2020, prior to the pandemic, and of informal workers in the CISS study regularly
the baseline survey, in September 2020. For the participated in Xitiques. This share was simi-
sample as a whole, earnings fell by 63.1 percent, larly high across all groups, including those who
from an average of 15,108 Meticais per month in were unemployed at the time of our baseline sur-
March 2020, to only 5,568 Meticais in September vey. The only outlier were informal providers of
2020. This drop was particularly felt among par- services, for whom this share was even higher:
ticipants in the survey who are multidimension- 79.3 percent. Many workers participated in
ally poor, who saw their earnings drop by 71.7 more than one Xitique before the pandemic: 20
percent during this same period, as well as by percent did so in two of Xitiques, 6.8 percent in
women participating in the CISS study, whose three and 1 percent in up to four Xitiques.
earnings fell by 66.2 percent, a drop higher than
the sample average. Before the pandemic, informal workers in the
CISS study contributed on average 5,625 Met-
As depicted in Figure 7, from the baseline sur- icais per month to Xitiques. This amount was
vey to the second wave, in October 2020, aver- significantly higher for men (7,606 MZM) than
age earnings continued to drop for the sample for women (4,472 MZM) and than for informal
as a whole, although more moderately and with workers who are multidimensionally poor (3,140
earnings of the multidimensionally poor expe- MZM). Workers would use the money that they
riencing a slight increase. Average sample earn- regularly draw from Xitiques for a variety of pur-
ings then stabilized in the following round of the poses. Some used these funds to buy equipment
CISS survey – although they fell for the group of or merchandise for their business. Others used
multidimensional poor – and then subsequently them to purchase household durable goods, such
fell again for the final wave of the CISS study, as fridges or stoves. Xitiques were also used for
in March 2021. Again, this coincides with the savings, or for family and religious ceremonies.
tightening of COVID-19 restrictions taking place
in early 2021, following the spike in COVID-19 The pandemic has had a dramatic impact on
infections and deaths experience at the time. the use of Xitiques by informal workers, severely
hampering their ability to operate and invest in
Measures of business surplus and savings their businesses and acquire basic household as-
also show a sharp decline sets. To start, a very large number of infor-
In order to get a better sense of how the pan- mal workers have stopped participating in Xi-
demic was affecting business surplus and sav- tiques altogether. Hence, by September 2020
ings, data was collected for the CISS survey on only 30.5 percent of survey participants were
Xitiques in which informal workers in Maputo contributing to Xitiques, down from 69.6 per-
The COVID-19 Informal Sector Survey (CISS) 21
survey to only 203 by the time the third wave of Figure 9: Unemployment in the CISS sample
the CISS study of March 2021, equivalent to a
16.8 percent drop.
their houses, tending family plots (machambas), wave. This is a sign of the magnitude of the
or taking care of family members, typically chil- impact that the COVID-19 crisis had on the in-
dren not able to go to class due to the closure formal economy during its initial months of the
of schools decreed as part of the government’s pandemic. Yet, these numbers have increased
COVID-19 restrictions. over time: 99 informal workers reported growing
earnings in the October wave, 94 in the Decem-
When asked why they were not able to go back ber wave and 106 in the final follow-up survey
to do their usual work in the Maputo informal conducted in March 2021 (see Table 10). It is
economy, most of these informal workers claimed important to note that not all workers have done
not having enough money to buy products to well throughout the pandemic. In fact, only 18
sell, with 71.6 percent of unemployed workers reported growing earnings over all four waves of
citing this as a major factor. Similarly, an ad- the CISS study.
ditional 10 percent mentioned the high cost of
buying products to sell. Many, however, around Men in the sample seem to have done better by
30 percent, cited the fact that they had been this metric, although the share of women and
forced to relocate, with no alternative location poor informal workers reporting positive growth
offered in which to operate, or that they had had in earnings throughout the surveys was still sig-
their goods seized by the local authorities leav- nificant. Both average and median growth in
ing them with nothing to sell, reason cited by earnings for this group of workers was also sig-
11.9 percent of these workers. nificant; i.e. the few who did well in terms of
growth in earnings from one wave to the next,
Some informal workers have actually did significantly well.
done quite well during the pandemic
Despite the very challenging socioeconomic en- Informal workers positing growing earnings be-
vironment faced by the informal economy in tween waves tend to be somewhat younger, bet-
Mozambique during the COVID-19 crisis and ter educated, less deprived and to live in house-
the negative impact it has overall had on infor- holds with more income earners than the rest.
mal workers livelihoods, some of them have ac- But these differences are not major, and, in
tually fared relatively well during the pandemic. many instances cases, they are not statistically
The number of informal workers in the sam-
ple reporting positive growth in earnings was Despite the very challenging outlook, in-
very small for the September baseline survey, formal workers overall remain optimistic
only 26, representing 5.8 percent of workers for Despite the difficulties that informal workers
which data on earning was collected during that in Maputo have faced since the beginning of
the COVID-19, they have remained overall op-
Table 10: Informal workers that did better timistic about their situation. This has been
the case even recognizing, wave after wave, that
these positive expectations have consistently not
been met. However, over time, their optimism
has dropped.
Figure 10: Expectations vs. assessments ing to cut back on their food intake and also on
the number of daily meals they take. While the
share of those families going through this situa-
tion has dropped over time, it still remains high.
were not only having to cut on food. Up to 16.8 Table 12: Share of participants that tried to
percent also reported not having sufficient water sell assets
during the month of February to meet house-
holds’ basic water needs.
Households are being forced to sell home Households have resorted to savings and
assets and miss key payments credits to mitigate the impact of the crisis
In addition to cutting back on meals, informal With business slowing down and both sales and
workers and their families have sold household earnings dropping, many informal workers have
assets to generate cash. The sale of assets has had to borrow money or use their savings to
been a recurrent feature in the CISS surveys, make ends meet at home and in their businesses.
reaching a high in September 2021 when 21.3 In this regard, figures for participants in the var-
percent of the CISS sample reported having tried ious waves of the CISS study show worrying pat-
to sell household assets during the past month. terns.
This share dropped significantly during subse-
quent waves of the CISS survey, to between 8 Thus, by September 2020, almost half of infor-
and 11 percent (see Table 12). Overall, 32.2 mal workers in the sample (44.4 percent) re-
percent of participants in the CISS study had ported to have used up all their savings since
had at some point since the beginning of the the beginning of the pandemic, in March 2020.
pandemic to sell household assets to generate Another 41 percent did not even have any sav-
additional income. In general, men in the sam- ings to start with, while only 5 percent stated
ple engage more in this type of coping strategy not having used their savings. This points to
than women, but this could simply reflect that a situation of generalised financial stress among
fact that ownership of durable goods and other informal workers in Maputo and their families.
household assets in the households is skewed and
tends to lie with men in Mozambique.31 By groups, it was those most vulnerable or most
affected by the socioeconomic impact of the pan-
Households have not only engaged in the sale of demic, including the unemployed and street ven-
durable goods as a way of coping with the neg- dors, who have resorted to greater extent to us-
ative income shocks brought about by the pan- ing their savings. This is likely to have increased
demic. They have also missed important pay- their vulnerability, as without savings they find
ments, such as rents. Hence, of the approx- it harder invest or purchase merchandise for sale
imately one fifth of informal workers in Ma- and, therefore, to sustain their livelihoods.
Data from the 2017 National Census of Mozambique On the other hand, there seems to have been a
helps illustrate this. Hence, that year, up to 30.8 percent
of men owned a mobile phone and 12.2 percent had a surge in borrowing among informal workers in
bank account. For women, these percentages were of Maputo, especially during the initial phases of
22.4 and 6.6 percent, respectively. the crisis, with CISS study participants claim-
The COVID-19 Informal Sector Survey (CISS) 26
Table 13: Share of CISS participants that Figure 11: Children’s support in income
borrowed activities
Table 14: Assistance to CISS participants The analysis considers as possible predictors
or explanatory variables key individual, house-
hold, business and employment characteristics
discussed throughout this report. These include
gender, age and level of education of participants
of the CISS study. The size and levels of depriva-
tion they face. The number of people earning an
income in their households. The type of activ-
ity they engage in. The number of years they’ve
been working or running businesses in the in-
formal economy. Their employment status, the
location in Maputo in which they operate and
whether they participate or not in Xitiques.
On the other hand, factors negatively associated Factors with statistically positive association
with unemployment, for which their occurrence with participating in a Xitique include having
or magnitude decreases the chances of becom- a greater number of members in the household
ing unemployed, include the number of members earning an income, running an informal business
earning an income in the household. In other for more than 5 and 10 years, as opposed to a
words, the larger the number of members of the year or less, which is the comparator age of the
household earning income the less likely an in- firm.
formal worker is to become unemployed. This
could perhaps be explained as the result of “net- The first of these associations is self-evident: the
work effects”, by which informal workers are able greater the number of income earners in a house-
to tap into family business and work networks hold the more savings or surplus cash they are
to remain employed. It also includes participat- likely to be able to generate and, hence, the like-
ing in a Xitique. The likely explanation behind lier it is that these households continue to put
this negative association is that, if people are part of these savings into a Xitique. The sec-
participating in a Xitique, it’s because they are ond of these associations is perhaps the result
still earning an income or have money saved that that older businesses are likely to be more es-
they don’t need and, therefore, they can put into tablished in the line of business in which they
a rotational savings scheme, meaning that they operate and hence they perhaps perform better
are unlikely to be unemployed. Another factor and are better able to withstand business shocks
that lowers the probability of unemployment is such as that caused by COVID-19.
having a primary education level compared to
no formal education at all. Factors negatively associated with participating
in a Xitique include age of informal workers,
Finally, the non-significant coefficients for the the number of deprivations faced by households
Wave dummy variables presented in Table 15 in the sample, as well as being unemployed.
would confirm that, on average, we cannot ob- In other words, the older an informal worker
serve any trend in unemployment vis-à-vis the and the more deprived is his/her household, the
baseline survey. lower the chances of participating in a Xitique.
The same happens to those unemployed. These
Overall, the above results underscore the fact results make sense, considering that participat-
that it is the most vulnerable who are more ing in a Xitique can be taken as a proxy of being
exposed to the unemployment phenomena de- relatively well off.
tected in the Maputo informal sector during the
COVID-19 pandemic. It is women, deprived and Finally, the negative and statistically significant
multidimensionally poor households and families coefficients found for all three CISS follow-up
with fewer income earners that are likelier to be- surveys (Wave 1, 2 and 3) confirms that Xitique
come unemployed during COVID-19. participation has followed a downward trend
throughout the pandemic. That is, the situa-
Xitiques Participation tion has consistently worsened over time on this
As indicated in previous sections, Xitiques are a particular performance metric.
popular form of rotating savings scheme among
informal workers in Maputo and are widely Altogether these findings point to the fact that
used to manage surplus, savings and investment it is the more vulnerable – deprived households
needs. As with the analysis of unemployment, with fewer income earners or the unemployed –
the pooled regression analysis of Xitique partici- who have been more affected by the impact of
pation yields statistically significant associations the pandemic and less able to continue partici-
in both directions, both positive and negative, as pating in Xitiques which, in the context of the
in decreasing or increasing the changes of infor- Mozambican informal economy, is a key invest-
mal workers participating in Xitiques during the ment and cashflow management mechanism.
pandemic (see Table 15, column 2).
The COVID-19 Informal Sector Survey (CISS) 29
age of the worker show no statistically significant Finally, it is important to note that the positive
impact on the probability of borrowing. and statistically significant coefficients found for
all three CISS follow-up surveys (Wave 1, 2 and
Importantly, two of the coefficients for the 3) in this logistic regression confirms that the
dummy variables capturing each of the three sale of household assets has followed an upward
follow-up surveys done for the CISS study, those trend throughout the pandemic. That is, the
for Waves 2 and 3, are negative and statistically situation has consistently worsened on this par-
significant, meaning that over time, and espe- ticular duress metric, with the sale of assets be-
cially since December 2020, problems of nutri- coming more common over time among informal
tion and lack of food in informal workers’ house- workers.
holds have, on average, become less of an issue.
wards the last quarter of 2020, on many ac- the way for post-pandemic recovery in the infor-
counts the overall situation of informal workers mal economy.
has continued to deteriorate, albeit at a slower
pace. This, of course, doesn’t mean that all in- 7.2. Policy recommendations
formal workers have been negatively impacted
by the pandemic. A few have managed to see The findings coming out of the various rounds
their earnings increase at some point during of the CISS survey point to a number of areas
the pandemic, with these numbers growing over where action could contribute to ameliorate the
time – but still remining small in comparison to situation of informal workers in Maputo in the
those negatively affected by the COVID-19 cri- context of the pandemic. It also provides useful
sis. Against this background, informal workers findings that can help inform how best to sup-
in Maputo remain surprisingly optimists about port informal workers and their families going
future business prospects. However, this opti- forward and how best to respond to crisis such as
mism has waned over time. the COVID-19 pandemic. This section outlines
some of these findings and recommendations.
The results of this study suggest that informal
workers and their families were already consid- • One of the main findings coming out of the
erably vulnerable group of the population going study is that there is a significant number
into the pandemic. The COVID-19 crisis, if any- of informal workers who have become
thing, seems to have exacerbated these vulnera- unemployed coinciding with the pandemic.
bilities. It is important to note, in this regard, Many of these find themselves in this situa-
that our analysis indicates that it is those who tion after being relocated from their regular
were already more vulnerable who have fared places of work by the local authorities in
worse during the pandemic. It is women and Maputo without being provided alternative
informal workers in families with fewer income locations. The situation of these people
earners and suffering from greater deprivations could be improved by providing new spaces
who have been harder hit by unemployment. for them to operate, for instance, in the
It is older people, the unemployed and, again, new market area in Laulane or in other lo-
those suffering from greater deprivations, who cations in existing markets around Maputo.
are not able to save or borrow and, therefore,
to invest in a way out of crisis. It is the most • Consistently, throughout the various
deprived families and those with fewer bread- rounds of the CISS survey, informal
winners who are having to cut back on meals workers in Maputo have identified rising
and the amount of food they bring to the plate. prices for the merchandise they sell as
And it is these same families who are finding one of the main difficulties they’ve faced
themselves selling household assets. Against this throughout the pandemic. This finding
highly challenging context, very few of the infor- is consistent with that of other studies.32
mal workers taking part in the CISS study have It is unclear what might be driving these
received any support or help, whether from gov- price dynamics. During the initial stages
ernment, relatives or local NGOs and charities. of the COVID-19 crisis global supply chain
This has been the case since the first baseline disruptions might have been behind these
survey was undertaken in September 2020, all dynamics, but these disruptions seem
the way to the last wave, in March 2021. to have now been solved. The relevant
government authorities could perhaps
Over time, as the pandemic unfolds and contin- investigate this issue further.
ues to affect informal workers and their families
in Maputo in the coming months, these dynam- • The impact of the pandemic has resulted
ics carry the risk of chronifying these people’s in reduced earnings for informal workers
vulnerability, making it harder for them to over- and has forced many of them to use their
come this situation. In this sense, action is re- 32
See, for instance, TechnoServe (2020). “COVID-19
quired to mitigate the situation currently faced Impacts on Micro-Retail Businesses”. Women in Busi-
by informal workers in Mozambique and pave ness (WIN) Programme. Maputo, April.
The COVID-19 Informal Sector Survey (CISS) 32
savings and, in the extreme, sell household • More generally, the experience of the infor-
assets. This has left them with no working mal sector in Maputo suggests there might
capital with which to purchase merchan- be a need to rethink how best to assist, from
dise, or with which invest, for instance in a social protection perspective, those in
in new workspaces (e.g. in building new need in emergency situations. Hence, estab-
market stalls). The very sharp decline lished social protection schemes typically
in Xitique participation attests to this. address the needs of “standard” vulnera-
In this respect, part of the COVID-19 ble groups: the elderly, single parent fami-
response could go to provide liquidity or lies, people with disabilities, etc. However,
subsidized loans to informal workers, for emergency situations may give rise to new
instance through local microcredit schemes. groups of vulnerable people, people whom,
moreover, might require urgent assistance.
• Given the difficulties faced by informal In this context, existing social protection
workers in accessing the government’s cash- programmes may not be best suited to ad-
based social protection scheme that has dress these needs, especially if requirement
been established to support the pandemic complex administrative processes and logis-
response, alternative support approaches tics (bank accounts, mobile phones, etc.).
could be considered. For instance, soup or Other social protection approaches might,
community kitchens could be established in this regard, provide a more effective way
in partnership with local CSOs, CBOs or to respond to these emergency situations.
charities targeting specific residential areas
where the more vulnerable segments of the
population in Maputo live. This could help
mitigate some of the difficulties identified
in the CISS study that families in the
informal sector face in regularly having the
recommended three meals per day.