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Vincent Lalo Feat List

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Vincent Lalo

The Unpredictable Gambler

Made by: Acce
Honorable mention and special thanks to: QTarou, FlamTart

Red - Strategy, Planning, Tactics

Brown - FSIQ
Green - Manipulation, EQ
Blue - Deception
Orange - Observation, Perception, Cold Reading, Hot Reading
Purple - Anticipation, Logical Reasoning, Creativity, Lateral Thinking

ℹ Underlined texts contains a link to a page/images from the Usogui manga that are relevant to it. Each link will
have a number before it.

Vincent Lalo is one of Usogui’s main antagonists. One of his major character themes is violence.
His organization IDEAL and its allies consist of some of the most violent and dangerous people
in the underworld and he uses violent means to expand his syndicate. Lalo specializes in intel
gathering and making strategic moves to take over other organizations.


Hangman: Short selling

The Hangman arc (ch. 38-67) was where IDEAL’s boss, Vincent Lalo’s, first performance in the series
took place. He took advantage of the terrorist Sadakuni’s plans in order to make astronomical profits
through short selling. Sadakuni had planned a revolution, destruction and reconstruction, by
launching a massive missile into one of Japan’s biggest corporations. Judging by the missile’s location
(Mt. Fuji) and its range (300 km), likely targets that would cause great effect to the revolution would
be Tokyo Stock Exchange or Shuei Corporation - two of Japan’s top class corporations that have some
of the highest stocks in Japan. 1Knowing that the terrorists had a high probability of targetting one of
those two corporations to efficiently execute their revolution, Vincent conspired closely together
with the arms dealer Karl Belmont, the dealer Sadakuni gets his missiles from, and planned to use
the terror attack as a means to short sell Japanese stocks.
Short selling: Refers to a method which involves borrowing and then selling assets to later rebuy
them for a cheaper price. Say that apples cost $10, but you suspect that their price will drop in the
near future. You decide to borrow 100 apples and then sell them to gain $1000. When the anticipated
price reduction occurs, in this case let’s say apples price gets reduced to $2, you once again buy 100
apples for $200 so that you can lend them back to the person you borrowed them from. You have
now gained $800 from short selling apples.

Important notes:
You can only short sell if you believe that apples will have their price reduced in the near future.
Also, nobody will lend you any apples if they also think they will get cheaper soon. This is why the
terror attack is an efficient way to make use of short selling, as not many people would know about
it until it’s executed.

Vincent’s details and plans to short sell:

1. Use margin trading to borrow and sell a massive amount of stocks from Sadakuni’s target for
the revolution.
It’s easy for Vincent to find out which corporation would be targeted.
2. Scaring Karl by using Billy Craig’s violence to ensure that he will cooperate. Karl’s
cooperation is a crucial piece to have to make sure that the short selling plan goes smoothly,
and the missiles will be launched regardless if Sadakuni lives to have enough money to pay
for the missiles or not.
Having Karl’s alliance allows easy control and adaptability over the situation - Karl holds a
strong position as Sadakuni’s weapons dealer and can efficiently deceive the terrorists, keep tabs
on the tunnel’s gamble, annihilate the terrorists if necessary and to make sure the missile’s being
launched is guaranteed. Furthermore, 4Vincent had planned to have his right-hand man, Billy
Craig, be Karl’s bodyguard, to protect him which also gives Vincent a huge additional advantage
for the short selling scheme.
3. Wait for the rockets to hit the corporation building, making its stock price plummet.
4. Rebuy the stocks now that their prices have drastically dropped.
5. Lend back the stocks from the one he borrowed them from and successfully profit.

Without any further action needed, Sadakuni’s terrorist group would automatically be made the
culprits of the terror deed, while Karl, Vincent Lalo and IDEAL get a stellar amount of profit off of it.
(Strategy, Planning)

Vincent Lalo had a great introduction by displaying the efficiency of his methods. He easily finds the
best moves that need little effort to pull off but has great effect.
Voja & The Russian “Orphanage”
With the destruction of the USSR one-party sovereign state, underground organizations, under the
disguise of businessmen, came to obtain the rights to the arms industry, energy and mining
resources. 1Vincent Lalo, under the pretense of being a businessman for the mining industry, is
visiting a church that works as an orphanage in Novibirsk. However, this orphanage is just a cover
for the illegal business occurring behind the scenes at the institution. Vincent pretends to be at the
church out of consideration, but is actually scoping the place for information and confirmation
about the crime system and to find the mastermind behind the underground businesses. 2Lalo has
determined that the priest cannot be the mastermind due to him being stupid, and therefore asks
the priest for permission to look around without any issues. Vincent asked the priest because he
knew he wasn’t the mastermind. The mastermind would not allow Vincent to snoop around and
potentially find incriminating information about illegal business. Lalo can therefore freely search the
whole church without drawing any suspicion.

Upon inspecting the group of children he quickly notices a hierarchy that divides the children
into three classes - elite, middle class and slaves. 4He later finds a picture of a young boy and
asks who it is. His name was Popov and had died 3 days before Vincent’s visit. Vincent also gets
to hear about the boy - that he’s a nice person who was generally liked by the others, that he
shared his meals with everyone and that he gave the ones who hadn’t eaten priority to the food
donations. Upon hearing this information, Vincent employs a little plan:
He gathers all children to eat from the food supply he’s donating to the church. The purpose of
this is to reveal if the organizer of the crimes are among them. Vincent had constructed the
plan based on this reasoning:
- The children are in a hierarchy and are divided into three groups - elites, middle class
and slaves. They are brought to the orphanage to do hard work.
- Popov had died several days ago, which means that the children would naturally have
eaten less food than usual for the last days without him sharing it, and they would be
- Upon being presented the food donation, the children would find themselves in a new
situation they haven’t been in before, or is at least very unusual for them, meaning it’s
been a long time since:
1. Popov was dead and couldn’t insist on the starving children being the first to
take from the food.
2. 5The children would be starving much more than usual (due to Popov not being
able to share his food with them), and would instinctively know they can’t
control their hunger anymore.
When they find themselves in a situation they haven’t been in before, such as this one,
they would be uncertain what to do, and their instincts would be triggered by the
immense hunger. Looking from a psychological perspective, there are several reasons
as to why the children in this situation would look around at each other. Due to their
instincts and uncertainty, they would look at the other present children to for example
gauge a reaction, see if others are hesitant as well, if there is a collective response or if
there could be any danger or consequence related to taking the food.
3. The mastermind is the one getting profit. In other words their condition would
be in much better shape compared to the rest, and they would use the
resources for self-care, like any other human. Therefore, if the mastermind is
among the children, they would not look at the others, as they are well-fed and
not in a desperation for food.

With the further information you get from this reasoning, Vincent prepared this plan
with the purpose of finding the child who does not look at the others. Vincent had
efficiently created a situation where the mastermind among the children would stand
out, due to the famine and psychology of the other starving kids.

With this plan, Vincent unveils the mastermind, Voja. 7He also notices that not only did
she not look at anyone else, nobody looked at her either! Because of this, Vincent
figures out that she is an outsider to the orphanage’s hierarchy. 8When he goes to
confront Voja, he gets further confirmation by noticing that despite her being dressed
like a middle classer, her hands are clean and in good condition, compared to the rest.
Vincent suspects that in Voja’s case, she could organize this complex system, not
because anyone has taught her or is manipulating her, but because her own talents
allowed it. He asks Voja why she was organizing this crime system, and when she gives
him the answer “In order to see how humans live and die without self-awareness” he
figures out that Voja is the one who killed Popov.

Knowing that Voja is talented and not being manipulated by a wirepuller, Vincent
decides to establish a cooperative relationship with her and does research about her.
Among others, he notices a trait of hers where she points at someone to designate a
target, she will stop at nothing to have them killed. 11Thanks to Voja’s memory, the two
of them arrive at the place where Voja’s father lives. Vincent wanted to deliver Voja to
him, 12but when he greets the wife, he notices she’s wearing the oh-so-sinful gem called
diamonds. Enraged, Vincent Lalo kills her in an instant and when turning around and
looks at the husband, he instantly notices that the small gemstone on his ring is also a
diamond. 13Vincent then leaves Voja to her father Lacy for a while. However, he predicts
that Lacy, murdering people on Voja’s command, isn’t something that would last long
and appears in front of Lacy to his aid. Vincent finds them a place in the underground
world where they can keep being father and daughter and get used to killing each other
while still sharing a cooperative relationship with Lalo.
(VSI, Observation, Perception, Deductive Reasoning, Inductive Reasoning, Abductive
Reasoning, Anticipation, Strategy, Emotional Understanding, Fluid Reasoning Index)

This is another part that builds up Vincent Lalo before his reveal. Vincent Lalo expands on his
versatility by showing exceptional reasoning. He was able to connect the information he got to
form an accurate picture of the situation before him, that helped him find the mastermind behind
the orphanage’s operations - because he figured out the differences between the mastermind and
the other orphans that you can’t physically see, but have to use reasoning to know. And in this
case Vincent used very complex abstract reasoning to expand on his information to not only
connect the dots on the current situation, but also to utilize the information to create a situation
where the orphans and the mastermind’s differences would cause the mastermind to stand out.

Lalo also displays great human understanding, both emotionally and psychologically. The tough
environment, the labor, the hunger due to Popov’s death, the hierarchy, Lalo was able to look at the
orphans’ situation as a whole to get a good grip of their mental state.

The Ban Match: War of The Kaiser

Crafts a sextant in order to determine the angles and the observation times of the stars and
the sun in order to compare it with the sight-reduction tables in the outside world, with the
hope of discovering the location of the protopros island, as the use of GPS and other modern
gadgets were prohibited in “protopros”. He then notes down the deviation of the angle of the
stars and the sun, instructing Robert K to compare it with the sight-reduction table in the
outside world. Lalo had managed to engineer a situation where Robert K would be in the
position to do so (as it was quite difficult to leave the ban once you entered) by proposing a bet
of “exiling an ally from the island” against his bet with Baku Madarame(Lalo analyzed the
spontaneous development of the situation prior to proposing this bet. Only the loser’s ally
would be exiled). He had planned this in advance and managed to covertly manipulate Baku
and referee ikon by concealing his real intentions as to his proposal, to further advance his
initial plans. Now, Lalo had already considered the possibility of Kakerou intervening with his
initial plan by assigning a private referee to tail Robert K after his banishment. So, he had
formulated a contingency plan in advance intended to exploit the weak spot that had
manifested betweeen Kakerou and the developers of protopros. The “weak spot” being the
antagonism of Kakerou and the developers, thus leaving a gap for Lalo to exploit. Robert K was
successfully recruited by the developers making it quite difficult for Kakerou to intervene now.
This multifaceted contingency plan had the ability to prevent the interference of Kakerou by
exploiting the weak spot of Kakerou whilst letting Robert K get access to the internet (so that
he could send the deviations recorded by the sextant to Lalo’s allies in the outside world, in
order to unravel the precise location of the island) via the developers' facility at the same time.
Discovering the location of the island was quite crucial in order to send illegal allies into the
island, and as well as to send communication tools like Kakerou did. Moreover, making it also
possible to contact the outside world via satellite phones in order to glean valuable
information about the “key players” on the island. This elaborate and complex deceptive plan
devised by Lalo with multiple scheme and implanted ideas was only to shift and misdirect
KAKEROU into thinking that Robert K was the actual messenger of the deviations from the
VERY BEGINNING, whilst he had already booked his actual messenger as a returning player
from the very beginning. He had completely deceived and outplayed Kakerou by concealing the
existence of his real and actual messenger by misdirecting it to Robert K. Lalo had indirectly
informed and alerted Kakerou, that Robert K’s banishment was solely to leak the location of
the island to the outside world via proposing the bet of exiling an ally from the island against
Baku Madarame. Later on, the recruitment of Robert K by the developers made it quite
difficult for Kakerou to exile and spy on Robert K, thus Kakerou was forced to extract Robert K
from the developers team. Whilst they were busy catching the decoy, Lalo had successfully
managed to book off his real messenger to leave with the astronomical data. All of these
exploits were crafted and forged by Vincent Lalo. Vincent Lalo's strategic play, as described in
the narrative, is an intricate weave of cunning, forethought, deception, and adaptability. Here
are the facets of his maneuverings that stand out as particularly impressive:

1. Deep Foresight: Lalo doesn’t just think one or two steps ahead; he plans multiple steps in
advance, anticipating the moves of other significant players like Kakerou.
2. Resourcefulness: The crafting of the sextant and using astronomical data to locate the island
is a testament to Lalo's ability to use traditional methods innovatively in a restrictive
3. Manipulation and Deception: Lalo's strategy relies heavily on misdirection. He carefully
crafts a narrative to make Kakerou believe that Robert K is the messenger, which showcases a
keen understanding of psychological warfare.
4. Understanding of Stakeholder Dynamics: Lalo’s recognition of the rift between Kakerou and
the developers, and his subsequent exploitation of that rift, indicates a deep understanding of
interpersonal and organizational dynamics.
5. Risk Management: Lalo's entire plan involves considerable risk, especially considering the
high stakes of the game in which he's engaged. Yet, he manages to shift much of the perceived
risk onto a decoy, thereby protecting his actual plan.
6. Contingency Planning: While many strategists may have a primary plan, what sets Lalo apart
is his ability to craft backup plans that are just as intricate and thought-out as the main
7. Adaptability: Lalo reacts to the evolving situation, notably Kakerou's potential interventions,
adjusting his strategy accordingly.
8. Diversion Creation: Lalo creates a diversion so convincing (with Robert K) that the actual
threat (the real messenger) remains undetected.
9. Layered Strategy: Lalo’s plan isn't just about misdirection; it's about layers of misdirection,
making it exceptionally challenging for adversaries to discern his actual intent.
10. Achieving the Ultimate Goal: Beyond the complexity of the strategy, what stands out is that
Lalo's maneuverings lead him to achieve his primary goal: getting the precise location of the
island communicated to the outside world.

In sum, Vincent Lalo's strategies and actions in this narrative exemplify the pinnacle of
strategic gameplay, combining a deep understanding of human behavior, an ability to forecast
potential challenges, and the craftiness to weave multiple plans into one seamless operation.
His achievements in this context are a testament to intellectual prowess, tactical mastery, and
exceptional adaptability.
(VSI, Crystallized intelligence, Fluid intelligence, stratagem, tactic, Deceit, Misdirection,
Emotional manipulation, Group manipulation, Observation, Anticipation.)

Vincent Lalo, surprisingly, from the very first day that he had arrived on the island, he had
managed to completely see through and deduce the perfect strategy within the game itself. By
affirming these two known facts of the game, which being the “armor of indomitability” and
the initial HP limit of the slave players, he had deduced that he would be able to create
immortal slaves due to the nature of “armor of indomitability” being proced at 2 HP. (Slaves’
initial HP’s are 2. The armor of indomitability procs whilst being attacked at 2 HP, thus
generating full HP each time). Having unraveled this stratagem, Lalo begun to drop and demote
multiple amount of “Azura'' citizens through gambling, and using the “outlaws'' to legally take
down the inhibitants of the “Azura'' kingdom by instructing his ally, Floyd Lee to monitor and
assist the outlaws by providing them with vests from other kingdoms, and with their entrance
to the “Azura'' kingdom. (players within the same kingdom cannot take down each other, in
order to legally take down players, each player must be from a different kingdom). Shockingly,
a single “armor of indomitability” costs 100,000 BIOS. Vincent Lalo, had already prepared in
advance a way to maximize his net outcome, through monopolizing the food rations and
intervening with the food supplies that were being delivered to the “developers”, thus
destroying the availability of food ration within the island itself and restocking it back again to
earn BIOS. Fortunately enough, Baku had a similar scheme, and had become easier for Lalo to
further push his plans. By using the dire situation that has followed from the food drought, and
the inflation that arose from it, Lalo restocks the market with food rations, thus farming the
needed bios to purchase the “armor of indomitability” for the demoted citizens in the “Azura”
kingdom. Now, the restocking of the food rations was multi-faceted, it was not only to farm
BIOS for the “armor of indomitability” but to also intoxicate the players within the island. Yet
again, the intoxication was multifaceted as well(the drugs were injected in the restocked food).
It halted and intoxified the players within the island in order to produce an ample amount of
time for Lalo’s kingdom to prepare for the upcoming war, whilst it also had the effect of
triggering the “Azura” slaves and to put them in a fight mode, so that they would continuously
and restlessly attack the other two kingdoms like brainless zombies. Lalo having learned that
an “arranged battle” between “shoudo” and “Tipa” was being hosted, he deliberately instructs
his troops to launch a surprise attack on the kingdom of “shoudo” as most of the Shoudo
warriors were not present at the kingdom that time. Though, his real intention behind this
surprise attack was not to weaken the kingdom of “shoudo” whilst it was at its weakest, but to
to check out if the “armor of indomitability” truly worked. He did this, by mixing the slaves
within the “Azura'' troop, and to see if the armor actually protected at 2HP. Lalo, to not reveal
his true intentions behind this surprise attack, instructs his troops to retreat before the “king”
of “shoudo” descends to fight (the damages dealt by King’s are extremely high, so if the King’s
attacks were observed to be negated by the “Azura” troops, his stratagem would have been
revealed). His stratagem was flawlessly executed, without a single individual suspecting what
he was up to the whole time! Vincent Lalo's actions and planning, as described in the narrative,
are undeniably a testament to his sheer strategic genius. The following aspects of his plan
underscore its brilliance:

1. Deep Insight into Game Mechanics: Lalo's understanding of the game's mechanics allowed
him to identify the possibility of creating "immortal slaves" by exploiting the interaction
between slaves' initial HP and the "armor of indomitability". Recognizing and utilizing such a
game mechanic indicates a level of analytical prowess that's beyond the average player.
2. Long-term Vision: Lalo didn't just have a strategy for the present moment; he meticulously
planned for the long run, starting from the very first day.
3. Economic Acumen: Monopolizing essential resources, especially in a controlled environment
like a game, demonstrates a profound grasp of economic principles. Lalo leveraged the
principles of supply and demand, manipulating both to his advantage.
4. Complex Interactions: Lalo's plan wasn't linear. He had a multi-pronged approach that
involved multiple strategies functioning simultaneously: demoting citizens, manipulating food
rations, intervening with food supplies, and controlling the market.
5. Subtlety and Secrecy: Lalo managed to operate under the radar, ensuring that his plans
weren't detected by other players. His move to test the armor without revealing his intentions
speaks volumes about his ability to maintain secrecy and subtlety.
6. Utilization of Distraction: The use of intoxicants to control and influence players adds
another layer to his strategy. Not only did this provide him with more time to prepare, but it
also turned potential threats into assets for his plan.
7. Understanding of Human Behavior: Lalo's actions weren't just rooted in understanding the
game; they were rooted in understanding human behavior. The intoxication strategy turned
players into aggressive assets, indicating his mastery over behavioral manipulation.
8.End-to-End Execution: Beyond the planning and intricacy of the strategy, Lalo succeeded in
its flawless execution, which is often the hardest part.

Vincent Lalo's strategic maneuverings in this scenario combine a deep understanding of game
mechanics, human psychology, and economic principles. The interconnectedness and intricacy
of his plans, coupled with their successful execution, make this narrative a masterclass in
strategy, deception, and foresight.
(Creativity, Lateral Thinking, Quick thinking, deductive reasoning, logical reasoning,
decision-making, Stratagem, Tactics, planning, Cunningness, Deception, fluid intelligence,
behavioral manipulation, mass manipulation).

The Ban Match: Protopros Nightmare

Despite being put in a vortex without no exploitable holes and tasting a crushing defeat by
Baku’s well plotted trap, Vincent Lalo manages to make a comeback by exploiting all the
possibilities that existed within his caliber. Vincent Lalo, quickly improvised with his current
situation and devised two stratagems that could very well alter the flow of the current
situation and bend it to his favor. As the protopros game rule states, a Kaiser can not be a king
in the reallocation. Lalo was already in a very disadvantageous position as Baku’s trap
specifically aimed to make him the Kaiser on the 23rd( the requirement to win the ban match
was to be the Kaiser until the 31st. Until the end of the ban match, that is. However, as soon as
a kaiser is crowned, a festival known as the “kaiser festival” takes place for a week. Since
Vincent became the kaiser on the 23rd, and factoring in that the festival would end on the
30th, Lalo would not be able to become the kaiser on the 31st,due to not being able to become
a king in the reallocation phase, as the protopros game rule states. Thus making it
infinitesimally difficult for him to win this ban match, after all). Vincent Lalo, had already
figured out the two possibilities that could very well work in his favor, those “two” possibilities
either being able to change the game system of protopros through sheer violence and rewrite
it as to make the Kaiser crown stay until the 31st or to capture the King’s candidates vests and
sabotage Usogui’s goal of becoming the Kaiser in one day, so that it would enable him to
request a special Kakerou match for the Kaiser crown itself, to settle this once and for all.
Vincent Lalo, was simultaneously operating these stratagems at once, creating havoc and
distortion within the protopros island. Fortunately, Lalo’s prior action of leaking the
geographical placement of the protoporos island, was incredibly crucial for his scheme. Lalo’s
allies infiltrated the island, and started working upon the instructions they were given by
Vincent Lalo. However, it was not so easy for Vincent’s allies to operate peacefully. Kakerou
had set its eyes upon Vincent’s allies, as illegal allies nor infiltrators were not allowed to enter
the ban match itself, and were tasked with purging them. Lalo had anticipated such a
development, and prepared decoys of his real allies in advance, and deliberately instructed
them to take down the Kakerou referees in order to shift Kakerou’s attention towards them.
Kakerou, not knowing this, had fallen for Lalo’s decoy bait and started to take down the decoys
whilst Vincent’s real allies were successfully operating in an abandoned area with the hope of
rewriting the game system. This Decoy bait trap was multi-faceted, it allowed Vincent’s allies
to operate in a short amount of borrowed time whilst it also had the effect of lowering
Kakerou’s defense as they were manipulated to think that they INDEED took down Vincent’s
real allies. Torpes, Vincent’s ally, was responsible for coordinating Vincent’s instruction’s.
Though this short borrowed time had come to an end, when the location of Vincent’s allies
were noticed by the developers tablet, Bai Long, one of Vincent's allies, successfully eliminates
the coordinators sent by the developers and retrieves the developers tablet from them. Torpes,
after getting his hand on the developers tablet, it became relatively easier for him to ping
Usogui, champ, and Ryuusei’s location( usogui, champ, and Ryuusei are the king’s candidates. If
Vincent manages to capture one of them, and their vest, Usogui’s plan of becoming the Kaiser
in one day, would totally be in vain). Torpes, acting upon Vincent’s instruction, sends the
players that were affected from the food drought, to tackle down these three specific targets,
by telling them that they would be fed and well kept if they did so. Vincent lalo had succeeded
in forming insurgents for this particular problem, and was sending them one by one to usogui’s
hideout location. And was deliberately instructing Torpes to send the insurgents to his
location so that he would be able to misdirect Kakerou into thinking that Lalo himself was not
the inciter of the insurgents and to eliminate Referee Amen in the process as
well.Unexpectedly, a lvl. 100 vest was suddenly activated under the name of “arata” on the
developers tablet. Vincent Lalo, after confirming that his ally, Fukurou had managed to sneak
in the developers HQ, and that he already attained Richard Arata’s password, Lalo gets
confidential information regarding Richard Arata’s real intention, from Fukurou. Vincent Lalo,
upon hearing this, quickly devises a scheme to take down Richard Arata, and acquire his lvl.
100 vest. Lalo, somewhat thought of a possibility that Usogui’s allies might acquire Richard
Arata’s vest and sabotage it in order to eliminate the hindrance of being the Kaiser in one day,
and decided to quickly act upon retrieving Richard Arata’s vest in order to cause the hindrance
of Usogui’s Kaiser plan( 4 king candidates would undoubtedly hinder Usogui’s plan of becoming
kaiser in one day). Lalo, being followed by a kakerou referee, in order to monitor him and
prevent him from escaping the island so that he would not be able to dodge his “life collection”,
Referee Amen was tasked with this specific task. Lalo, crafts the most optimal stratagem, by
using his own force to tackle down Usogui, whilst he used Kakerou’s referee Amen to take
down the force of Arata, so that he would be able to secure Richard Arata’s vest at last. Vincent,
approaches Arata whilst looking defenseless, and threatens to wipe out his force if needed to.
Vincent, concealing his real intentions, asks Richard Arata to help him with rewriting the game
system. However, Richard calls Vincent’s threat as a bluff, and confirms is by the fact that none
of Vincent's allies appear despite being held aimed at from all angles, and threatens him that
he would be able to silence him from leaking his real intentions if he killed him. Vincent Lalo,
being put in this situation and a knife placed on his throat, starts acting as if he was truly
scared and tells Richard Arata that he would remain silent from now on, if he spared his life.
Richard Arata, not knowing that he was being manipulated, cluelessly falls into Vincent’s trap,
and decides to load Vincent on his ship, to reassure and guarantee Vincent’s silence from
leaking his real intentions of protoporos. Referee Amen, after observing this from a close
distance decides to act upon her instruction of preventing Lalo from leaving this island, and
purges the allies of Richard Arata. Richard Arata being the only survivor at last, was killed by
Vincent Lalo, thus letting Vincent acquire the lvl.100 vest. Richard Arata was vaguely and
emotionally manipulated by Lalo so that he would load him to his ship, in order for referee
Amen to notice this, and purge Richard Arata’s crew. Lalo successfully managed to craft a
complex and manipulative psychological strategy for both sides in such a short time, and
accomplished his desired objective of acquiring Richard Arata’s lvl.100 vest’s in order to bring
hindrance to Usogui’s kaiser plan, whilst also eliminating the possibility of Usogui’s allies
sabotaging the vest. At last, Vincent succeeded in forcing Baku to accept a kakerou match for
the Kaiser’s throne, as his other stratagem of rewriting the game system was prevented by
Hal’s intervention. Vincent Lalo, thought of and generated these counter plans in such a short
time and managed to execute them FLAWLESSLY, by simultaneously running two stratagems
with the intention of exploiting the two possibilities that aided him with turning the situation
around.Vincent Lalo's maneuverings, showcase an array of cognitive and strategic abilities.
Here's what makes his actions particularly impressive:
1. Strategic Foresight: Vincent's capability to think multiple steps ahead, as seen in his optimal
plan involving Amen and Usogui, showcases his ability to predict multiple possible outcomes
and weave a strategy around them.
2. Manipulation and Deception: Convincingly presenting himself as defenseless and afraid to
Richard Arata, even when he wasn't, displays an acute understanding of human psychology. He
used this understanding to manipulate Richard's actions, drawing him into a trap.

3.Utilization of Resources: Lalo doesn't rely solely on his own capabilities but effectively
utilizes external resources, like referee Amen, as part of his strategy. This shows an ability to
understand and exploit the strengths and roles of other players in the scenario.
4. Emotional Control: Even under extreme pressure (having a knife at his throat), Lalo
maintains his composure, thinking clearly and continuing with his deceptive act.
5. Understanding of Stakeholder Motivations: Lalo is not just manipulating events, but he's also
influencing people by understanding their motivations and intentions. He predicts Arata's
need for reassurance, Amen's duty as a referee, and Usogui's ambitions.

6.Multilayered Strategy: Lalo is juggling multiple plans and contingencies simultaneously. The
intricacy of running dual stratagems while ensuring they don't conflict with one another
demonstrates profound cognitive complexity.
7. Flawless Execution: Thinking of a plan is one thing, but executing it without hitches is
another challenge altogether. Lalo's ability to flawlessly execute his strategy, given all the
moving parts and potential points of failure, is commendable.
8. Risk Management: Every decision Lalo makes carries inherent risks. However, his actions
suggest he's always calculating these risks, trying to minimize them, or using them to his
9. Outcome Achievement: Ultimately, the measure of a strategy's success is in its outcomes.
Lalo achieves his objective of acquiring Richard Arata’s lvl.100 vest and setting up the kakerou
match, signifying the effectiveness of his plans.

In essence, Vincent Lalo's actions are impressive because they reflect a symphony of cognitive
abilities, emotional intelligence, and strategic prowess, all executed in a high-pressure
environment with multiple adversaries and variables to consider.
(Emotional Manipulation, Mass Manipulation, Emotional Engagement, Emotional Management,
Thought Manipulation, Direct Manipulation, Indirect Manipulation, improvisational thinking,
strategy, Deception, misdirection, Anticipation, Quick Thinking, Abstract Thinking, Planning,
creativity, Decision making, fluid intelligence, Acting skills)

The Ban Match: Air Poker

After successfully negotiating with Baku to hold a match, the two Ban Match players gather at
the panopticon prison to hold a final match that would determine everything. Vincent has
managed to come back from his supposed checkmate and is now going to battle Baku on equal
ground. Referee Manabe Takumi and referee Nowa Shion has prepared a deathmatch in the
form of poker - whoever loses will drown and lose. The game is called Air Poker.

Poker (Reading is optional):

Poker can be described as a battle between weapons - whoever has the strongest weapon will
win. A weapon is made up of 5 cards and are called pokerhands. Different combinations of
cards will create different weapons, one being stronger than another. The player who holds the
strongest poker hand at the end of the round wins.

The game starts with the players placing an ante, which is a forced bet that they cannot avoid
paying. After that, it’s one player’s turn to place a bet. When playing you have four options to
choose from:
1. Check (Don’t bet)
2. Bet/Raise (Bet more chips)
3. Call (Matching a bet or a raise)
4. Fold (Give up your cards and chips and forfeit the game. Even if you have the strongest
hand, you cannot win if you fold)

A betting round ends when all active players have bet an equal amount. At that time, whoever
hasn’t folded and holds the strongest hand wins all the chips in the pot and the next round

Poker hand rankings (Strongest to weakest):

● Royal Straight Flush: Made up of a 10, Jack, Queen, King and Ace, all of the same suit.
● Straight Flush: Made up of 5 consecutive cards, all of the same suit.
Example: 4 ♠️ ♠️ ♠️ ♠️ ♠️
5 6 7 8 = Straight Flush

● 4 of a kind: Made up of 4 cards of the same rank and a fifth card of any rank.
Example: 7 ♦️ ❤️ ♠️ ♣️ ❤️
7 7 7 3 = 4 of a kind

● Full House: Made up of 3 matching cards of 1 rank and 2 matching cards of another
Example: Q ♦️ ❤️ ♣️ ❤️ ♠️
Q Q 2 2 = Full House

● Flush: Made up of any 5 cards of the same suit.

Example: A ♣️ ♣️ ♣️ ♣️ ♣️
3 4 8 K = Flush

● Straight: Made up of 5 cards of consecutive rank but from more than one suit.
Example: 5 ♣️ ❤️ ❤️ ♠️ ♦️
6 7 8 9 = Straight

● 3 of a kind: Made up of 3 cards of the same rank plus two unmatched cards.
Example: A ♦️ A❤️A♠️ 9❤️ J♣️ = 3 of a kind
● 2 Pair: Made up of 2 cards of one rank, 2 cards of a different rank plus one unmatched
Example: 9 ♠️ ❤️ ♣️ ❤️ ♠️
9 J J 3 = 2 Pair

● Pair: Made up of 2 cards of the same rank and three unmatched cards.
Example: 6 ♣️ ❤️ ♠️ ♦️ ❤️
6 2 A J = Pair

● High Card: The lowest ranking hand. A hand that can’t achieve a rank.
Example: 4 ❤️ ♦️ ♦️ ♣️ ❤️
5 8 J K = High Card

What if two players hold the same kind of hand and how do tiebreakers work
for each hand?

Note: Suits don’t matter in tiebreaks. Hearts aren’t necessarily stronger than clubs for

● If two players tie with a Royal Straight Flush, the pot is equally divided between them.
● If two players tie with a Straight Flush, the one who has the top card wins. If they tie
the top card, the pot is split between the two.
♠️ ♠️ ♠️ ♠️ ♠️
Player 1: 4 5 6 7 8
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Player 2: 7 8 9 10 J
Top card = J = Player 2 wins

● If two players tie with a 4 of a kind, the winner is determined by the one who holds the
highest quad (4 cards of the same rank).
♦️ ❤️ ♠️ ♣️ ❤️
Player 1: 3 3 3 3 5
♦️ ❤️ ♠️ ♣️ ❤️
Player 2: 6 6 6 6 9
Player 2 has the higher quad (6>3) and wins.

● If two players tie with a Full House, the winner is determined by the one who holds the
highest trio (3 cards of the same rank).
♦️ ❤️ ♣️ ❤️ ♠️
Player 1: 10 10 10 4 4
♦️ ❤️ ♣️ ❤️ ♠️
Player 2: 5 5 5 7 7
Player 1 has the highest trio (10>5) and wins.
● If two players tie with a Flush, the player who holds the top card wins. If theis highest
card is the same, the winner is determined by the 2nd highest card and so on. If they
still tie after that, the pot is equally split between the winners.
♣️ ♣️ ♣️ ♣️ ♣️
Player 1: 2 4 5 9 Q
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Player 2: 3 5 6 8 Q
Both players have the top card (Queen) but player 1 wins due to having the second
highest card apart from the queens.

● If two players tie with a Straight, the player who holds the top card wins.
❤️ ♠️ ♠️ ❤️ ❤️
Player 1: A 2 3 4 5
♣️ ♣️ ♣️ ❤️ ♠️
Player 2: 5 6 7 8 9
Player 2 wins due to having the top card (9 ), even though player 1 holds an Ace it
counts as 1.

● If two players tie with a 3 of a kind, the winner is decided by the highest-ranking trio (3
cards of the same rank)
♠️ ♣️ ❤️ ♦️ ♠️
Player 1: 6 6 6 3 5
♣️ ♦️ ❤️ ♣️ ♦️
Player 2: 4 4 4 7 10
Player 1 wins due to having the highest ranking trio (6>4).

● If two players tie with a 2 pair, the person with the larger top pair will win. If both
players have the highest pair (both having a pair of Queens for example) the winner is
determined by the 2nd pair. If they both have the exact same pairs the winner is
determined by the kicker (fifth card).
♦️ ❤️ ♣️ ❤️ ♠️
Player 1: 8 8 Q Q 10
❤️ ♣️ ♣️ ♠️ ♠️
Player 2: 4 4 K K 3
Player 2 would win due to them holding the highest pair (K>Q).

● If two players tie with a Pair, the player who holds the highest-ranking pair wins. If they
have the same pair, the highest kicker will decide the winner (if the two players both
have the highest kicker they look at the 2nd highest kicker etc). If the two players have
the exact same Pair and kickers (same hand) they split the pot.
♦️ ❤️ ♠️ ♠️ ♣️
Player 1: A A Q 8 4
Pair = Aces Kickers = Q 8 4
♣️ ❤️ ♣️ ❤️ ♦️
Player 2: A A 10 5 3
Pair = Aces Kickers = 10 5 3
Both players have a pair of the same rank, but player 1 holds the highest kicker and will
therefore win.

● If two players tie with a High Card, the winner is determined by the player who holds
the top card. If they both tie with the same top card, the one who holds the 2nd highest
card wins etc.
❤️ ♦️ ♣️ ♦️ ♣️
Player 1: A 7 6 4 2
♠️ ♠️ ♦️ ❤️ ❤️
Player 2: K 9 8 5 4
In this case, Ace ranks higher than a King and the winner is therefore player 1.

Pot: All chips that the players wage during a game.

Top card: Highest card in the hands. Ace is the strongest card but can also be used as a low
card with the value of 1.
Kicker: Side card, doesn’t take part in determining the rank of the hand, but can be used as a

Air Poker: Rules & Explanation


Lalo’s cognitive ability

Lalo, after discovering the “law” of the game, the “law” being a poker hand that formulated the
numbers engraved on the metal cards, by quickly visualizing and storing 52 cards of a deck on
his mind, starts to calculate and abduct 5 poker hands that could formulate each of the
remaining 3 metal cards on his hand, whilst also accounting the previous two rounds that were
played, and abducting the best possible poker hands that were made for the previous 4 cards of
the last two rounds whilst eliminating the cards that were used to make those poker hands for
the previous 4 cards, in order to abduct and not miscalculate whilst making the possible poker
hands for his last 3 remaining metal cards in his hand, whilst being submerged in water where
thinking is not free. Lalo, surprisingly, ran all of these intricate and complex calculations that
demanded high cognitive flexibility in seconds, and induced his “ace card” out of the remaining
3 metal cards.

What makes this an insane CPI feat is:

1. Memory Recall: Lalo needs to recall the 52 cards of a deck, their order, and their specific
values. This demonstrates an impeccable short-term memory.
2. Complex Calculations: Lalo isn't just remembering cards, but he's formulating poker hands,
which requires strategic thinking and mathematical proficiency.
3. Elimination and Updating: On top of recalling and formulating, he also needs to eliminate
cards used in previous hands and update his calculations accordingly. This requires dynamic
thinking and adaptability.
4.Time Constraint: Performing these cognitive tasks within seconds means Lalo's brain
processes this information at a very high speed.
5. Stressful Environment: The added challenge of being submerged in water increases the
difficulty of the task. The stress and potential lack of oxygen can hinder cognitive function, yet
Lalo manages to think clearly and quickly.
6. Multitasking* While running these calculations, Lalo also needs to manage his physical state
(e.g., breathing, dealing with the pressure and discomfort of being submerged), making the feat
even more impressive.
7. Cognitive Flexibility: This feat shows that Lalo can rapidly shift between different types of
cognitive tasks, from recall to calculation to strategy.
8. Outcome Prediction: In poker, you don't just think about the current hand but also potential
future hands. Lalo's ability to predict and plan for multiple outcomes shows a high level of
foresight and strategic thinking.

In essence, Lalo's feat is not just about knowing cards but about demonstrating an array of
cognitive skills rapidly and under pressure. It would be an insane CPI feat because few
individuals would possess such a combination of skills and be able to deploy them in such a
challenging environment.
(CPI, VSI, WMI, PSI, FRI, FSIQ, Critical thinking, Prediction, abduction).

After being psychologically forced into using his newly discovered Ace card by Baku
madarame’s well plotted psychological trap, Vincent Lalo was put at such a disadvantageous
situation, and was forced to make a strong counterattack to cancel out what he had already
lost. After Baku Madarame’s metal card “45” for the 3rd round was revealed, Lalo quickly and
scaringly induced what triggered the calamity after abducting the possible poker hands that
could formulate Baku’s “45” whilst he was simultaneously comparing to his own “47”. Whilst he
was calculating the cards, Vincent Lalo had seen through and deduced Baku’s plan of forfeiting
in the 5th after betting 5 bios, by running a hypothetical scenario of the 4th and 5th round, all
at once, within mere dozen of seconds, and coated his trap with a 2 air bios bet (the ante for
the third round is 3 air bios, and a 2 air bios bet makes the pot a total of 5 air bios. The
maximum bet for the 3rd round was 3 air bios, though Vincent Lalo deliberately proposed a 2
air bet, so that Baku would not fold for this round. If Vincent had bet 3 air bios, the pot would
eventually increase to 6 and it would diminish Baku’s plan of forfeiting in the 5th round with 5
air bios, as he would waste 6 air bios in this round ). Lalo had calculated this far ahead, whilst
deducing what triggered the calamity, and abducting the possible poker hands that formulated
his and Baku’s metal card, and simultaneously running them to check for overlapping cards,
whilst running a hypothetical scenario, and calculating two rounds in advance, in order to
forge a deceptive and manipulative trap to lure Baku to this bet whilst being submerged in
water. Lalo had successfully manipulated Baku into making him bet for this round, even though
Baku knew quite well that Lalo’s metal card was stronger than his. The 2 air bios bet aroused
Baku’s curiosity, and locked him in a loop of trying to entangle the mystery behind it. Vincent
Lalo's feat in this scenario is impressive for a variety of reasons:

1. Rapid Cognitive Processing: Lalo was able to quickly deduce a vast array of possibilities,
strategies, and outcomes in mere seconds. This indicates exceptional cognitive processing
speed and analytical capability.
2. Depth of Strategy: Not only was he able to consider the immediate round, but Lalo also
projected two rounds into the future, considering potential outcomes, strategies, and
counter-strategies that might unfold.
3.Psychological Manipulation: Lalo's calculated bet of 2 air bios was specifically chosen to
arouse Baku's curiosity and ensure his participation in the round, even when Baku's instincts
might have suggested a different course of action. This showcases a profound understanding
of his opponent's psychology.
4. Multitasking: Lalo wasn't just focused on one task. He was evaluating the metal cards,
deducing their potential origins, running hypothetical scenarios, and planning his betting
strategy all simultaneously. This level of multitasking, especially under pressure, is rare and
5. Adaptive Thinking: Being put at a disadvantage, especially after being psychologically
trapped, can easily fluster many players. However, Lalo adapted to the situation swiftly,
turning the tables on Baku.
6. High-Stakes Environment: All this strategizing wasn't done in a calm, relaxed environment.
Lalo was submerged in water, adding a physical and psychological layer of pressure to the
situation, making his rapid analysis and strategic decisions even more commendable.
7. Prediction: Lalo not only strategized for his own actions but also predicted Baku's potential
reactions and plans. Predicting an opponent's moves multiple steps ahead is a hallmark of
grand strategy, often seen in masters of games like chess.
8. Decision Making: Lalo's choice of betting an amount to ensure his desired outcome
(ensuring Baku doesn't fold) is a classic maneuver in game theory, where decisions are made
not just on immediate outcomes, but also on influencing an opponent's subsequent decisions.

In essence, this feat showcases Lalo's exceptional skills in strategy, psychology, rapid
decision-making, and adaptability, all executed in a high-pressure environment. It paints a
picture of a master strategist at work.

(Strategy, Tactics, Emotional Manipulation, Emotional Management, EQ, Emotional

understanding, CPI,WMI,PSI, FRI, abduction, adaptive thinking, Deception, Decision making,
cognitive reasoning.)

Lalo deducing Hal and Fukurou being on top:

Lalo’s thought process started at the very beginning of the 4th round, when each player had 2
cards left. He started by raising the question of “How are the cards made?”. By answering the
question he proposes to himself, Lalo had to consider some of the important components and
events that happened in the game thus far. Firstly, Lalo noticed an inconsistency regarding the
time interval of when the bet was first set, and the reveal of the cards. Albeit subtle, this
insight of his requires acute observation and the recognition of errors within the system of the
game. Being able to search for irregularities within chaos despite the plethora of complex
variables and the interplay between those variables is impressive within itself. If we were to
dive further into Lalo’s thought process at this point, he made the remark that this
‘inconsistency’ was bothering him. Attempting to solve this problem, Lalo considered other
possibilities as he proceeds to “think from another angle”. We He came up with the possibility
that “what if the process of judging the winning cards didn’t start after this bet was set, but
after the cards are shown?”. This is not only an example of hypothesis testing which is a facet
of reasoning, but also an important process in critical thinking and cognitive flexibility. To
elaborate further, this is when the individual reached a dead end in their thought process and
had to consider alternative perspectives and generate other possibilities. In this case, Lalo was
stuck with the ‘inconsistencies’ he noticed, and thus immediately changed the way he views
the problem by raising a ‘what if’ question. Then, after upon observing a ladder that led to an
upper floor from his place, and then after quickly connecting it to the two referees that hosted
this game, and they themselves being the private referees of Fukurou & Hal, Lalo induced that
Fukurou & Hal were responsible for making the hands of the selected metal cards on the upper
floor, whilst being submerged in water.Vincent Lalo's deduction regarding Hal and Fukurou
being on top is an exemplary display of cognitive prowess for several reasons:

1.Observational Acuity: Not everyone possesses the sharpness to notice subtle inconsistencies
in a system, especially under stressful conditions. Recognizing the irregularities between the
bet placement and card reveal demands a keen attention to detail.
2. Recognition of Anomalies: Beyond just observing, understanding that the inconsistency
holds significance shows a deep understanding of systems and processes. This is critical for
problem-solving, as anomalies often lead to insights about the underlying situation.
3. Hypothesis Testing: Creating and then mentally testing a hypothesis (in this case, the
possibility that the judgment process starts after the card reveal) is a fundamental aspect of
scientific reasoning. This is a structured approach to making sense of unknown or confusing
4. Cognitive Flexibility: When faced with a mental roadblock, Lalo's ability to pivot and
consider the problem from a different angle is an indicator of cognitive flexibility. This
adaptability in thought processes is crucial for solving complex problems.
5. Connecting Disparate Information: Lalo uses the presence of the ladder and the knowledge
about the referees' affiliations to draw conclusions about the entire system. The capacity to
link seemingly unrelated data points to generate a coherent understanding is a sign of
advanced reasoning prowess .
6. Intuition and Gut-Feeling: Some decisions or insights are not just based on linear reasoning
but also on an individual's intuition. The fact that the 'inconsistency' bothered Lalo suggests he
has a well-developed sense of intuition, guiding him to delve deeper.
7. Spatial Awareness: Recognizing the ladder and making the connection to an upper floor
showcases Lalo's spatial intelligence, allowing him to make connections based on the physical
layout of the environment.
8. Understanding Human Behavior: Beyond the purely analytical, Lalo's deduction also hinges
on understanding the motivations and possible actions of Fukurou & Hal. This blend of
analytical thinking with insights into human behavior and psychology makes his deduction
more comprehensive.

In summary, Lalo's deduction is impressive due to the combination of his observational skills,
reasoning abilities, intuition, adaptability, and understanding of human behavior. These
attributes come together in a symphony of thought, enabling him to navigate and make sense
of a complex situation.

(Logical reasoning, connecting the dots, lateral thinking, creativity, cognitive flexibility,
induction, VSI, Intuition.)

Deducing the trap of Usogui:

Being triggered and suspicious of Usogui’s fold im the 4th round, Lalo proposes a 1 air bios bet
in the 5th round to further gauge out, and scan the current situation for any underlying traps
that may have been weaven without his awareness, and as well as to observe usogui’s reaction
as to his bet in order to get a definite read on him. Usogui’s action of suddenly raising the bet,
and not calling 1 bios, led Vincent Lalo, from a psychological and logical perspective, to believe
that Usogui was rather against calling the bet and fighting it off until the end, even THOUGH,
it would have gained him an additional 2 air bios, enough to make him endure a resilience
battle of oxygen, , if Vincent’s ally, Fukurou made a mistake on the upper floor in making the
hands. Lalo, further interpreting usogui’s action of raising the bet, led him to believe that
USOGUI was indeed trying to make him fold for unknown reasons, which he had to figure out
himself. Despite, being submerged in water, where cleal visual perception, is unbelievably
difficult, Vincent manages to spot a broken glass shard and quickly induces that USOGUI was
reserving additional air bios secretly from the very beginning of the first round after observing
the remnants of the glass shards on Usogui’s oxygen regulator, in order to win the resilience
battle of oxygen at last. Lalo was now clearly aware of the reason why Usogui was trying to
make him fold, and decides to call the bet, with the intention of sabotaging his plan. Lalo,
reflecting back to the 2nd round, where usogui lost his consciousness, decides to abandon this
line of thinking, as it was PHYSICALLY impossible for someone to deliberately neglect the
reserved oxygen tank’s despite suffering from drowning. Though, as he was about to abandon
his theory, his experience of USOGUI’s trickery and deceitful tactics, led him to believe that
USOGUI was indeed deliberately avoiding the consumption of the oxygen tanks despite
drowning, in order to make him believe that he was not saving any remaining air bios at all.
Even though this psychological trap was indeed plotted by USOGUI to alter his thought and
manipulate it, Vincent Lalo was smart enough to deduce USOGUI’s psychological trap, and
realize it, even if Usogui wanted it that way. Vincent Lalo's deduction of Usogui's trap
underscores several facets of Lalo's intellectual and observational capacities, making it
remarkably impressive:

1. Deep Psychological Insight: Lalo's ability to interpret and predict Usogui's intentions through
mere betting actions exemplifies his profound understanding of human behavior. Instead of
simply taking the surface value of Usogui's move, Lalo delves deep into the psychology behind
2. Analytical Acumen: Lalo's decision to propose a small bet to gauge Usogui's reaction reflects
strategic probing. By doing so, he provides himself a low-risk opportunity to test his
hypothesis and gather more information.
3. Exceptional Observational Skills: Despite the challenging environment — being submerged
in water where clear visual perception is hampered — Lalo noticed the remnants of broken
glass shards on Usogui's oxygen regulator. Such a keen eye for detail, especially under stress, is
a testament to his heightened sense of awareness.
4. Recall and Synthesis: Lalo's ability to reflect on past events, like Usogui's apparent loss of
consciousness in the 2nd round, and weave that into his current understanding is a showcase
of his memory and integrative thinking.
5. Critical Thinking: Lalo didn’t simply take his first deduction at face value. He questioned his
own theory, evaluating its plausibility based on logical and physical parameters, revealing a
meticulous and self-reflective thought process.

6.Emotional Control: Despite the physical discomfort and potential panic from being
submerged, Lalo maintained his composure. The ability to think clearly, deduce, and make
decisions under such conditions points to a strong emotional resilience.

In totality, what makes this situation so impressive is Lalo's masterful blend of analytical
thinking, psychological insight, observational prowess, and emotional stability, all executed in
a challenging and high-pressure environment.
(Logical reasoning, induction, Lateral thinking, observation, perception, cold reading,
psychological insight.)

In conclusion:
Vincent Lalo stands as a paragon of intellectual prowess, evident through a series of intricate
stratagems and keen deductions across different scenarios, both in poker and in the kingdom
In the poker game, Lalo's nuanced understanding of human psychology was demonstrated by
his ability to read the intentions behind even the subtlest of moves. Rather than being swayed
by surface-level actions, Lalo consistently delved deep into the underlying motivations, as
evident in his interactions with Usogui. His keen observational skills, even in the challenging
environment of being submerged underwater, showcased an almost superhuman attention to
detail. This, coupled with his strategic probing and his capacity to reflect on and integrate past
events, epitomizes a mind that's always two steps ahead.

On the island of kingdoms, Lalo's long-term strategic thinking was manifest. The masterful
deception he employed to ascertain the island's location was layered with contingencies,
displaying an ability to account for various potential outcomes. Furthermore, Lalo's deducing
of the game mechanics, like the "armor of indomitability," and his innovative use of them,
showcased both his analytical acumen and creative thinking. The multi-faceted schemes he
implemented, from manipulating food supplies to intoxicating players, were both broad in
vision and meticulous in execution.

Moreover, his overarching strategy was not just about winning but was designed to obscure
his true intentions, consistently keeping adversaries in the dark. By misdirecting focus, he was
able to operate unobstructed, executing plans that, to most, would seem impossibly complex.

Whether it was in a high-stakes poker game or the dynamic and shifting landscape of the
kingdoms, Lalo demonstrated emotional control, critical thinking, and a deep understanding of
human nature. He wasn't just playing the game; he was rewriting its rules.

In conclusion, Vincent Lalo's intellectual feats across varying scenarios highlight him as a
master strategist, keen observer, and a psychological maestro. His ability to weave intricate
plans, deduce hidden traps, and stay consistently ahead of his adversaries sets him apart as
one of the most formidable minds in any competition. Unfortunately, Vincent Lalo had to face
the joint forces of two intellectual monsters, which resulted in his defeat. Nevertheless, he was
a freak of nature and a being with exceptionally developed cognitive and psychological

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