LAS ENG10 Q1 Week5
LAS ENG10 Q1 Week5
LAS ENG10 Q1 Week5
Quarter 1: Week 5
Learning Activity Sheets
Name of Learner: Grade Level: 10 Q1 Week 5
Section: Date :
Let us have an example. There is a person who says, “You can do it!”. The statement itself shows
a friendly approach, but the way he said it could convey different meanings. Through analytical
listening, you might notice that there is a problem existing between you and that person. After analyzing
the ideas,therefore, you will do something to solve them.
Analytical listening is the ability not only to understand what may be heard from people or things,
but also to analyze the simple and complex ideas to reach the logical connection. This skill is one of the
ways to solve a problem. Today, due to the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, people choose to hear
the news so that they will be updated with the safety precautionary measures given by the Department
of Health (DOH), total case of people infected by the virus total number recovered from the virus,
actions from the government on how they deal with the pandemic, economic stability of the country
amid the health crisis, and so on. Aside from the news, people try to use music to relax since it gives a
feeling that may help them from the pressure caused by the pandemic, such as encountering
challenges in finding a job, coping with online or modular learning, and building positive thinking amid
the tough circumstances.
According to a study conducted by Niveditha (2014), 72% of people in Karnataka, India prefers
to listen to the Frequency Modulation (FM) radio at their homes. In addition, the study came up with a
result that people in nature used to be alone listening to FM radio. The researcher evolution was
enhanced in 1934 due to the great depression experienced in every part of the world. Moreover, it was
stated in the study that unemployment and many businesses became tremendous struggles to the
people. In line with this study and with the current pandemic everyone is dealing with, analytical
listening is a great help to people staying at homedue to the present community quarantine to think of
the solutions to their problems. Being alone while listening to a song or news can bring brilliant ideas
and cope with depression.
In this lesson, a song is used since it actively engages someone’s analytical listening skills. A
songis a literary piece wherein we use our sense of hearing to understand its meaning. The message of
the song may be a great help for you to widen your point of view, which can maximize the ideas in
solvinga problem.
Aside from the song, one of the additional techniques employed in this lesson is news. After
hearing news, the students can clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of analytical listening in solving a
problem by answering the given questions.
Learning Competency with Code:
Employ analytical listening in problem solving (Quarter 1 Week 5 EN10LC-IIe-13.2)
Directions/ Instructions
Read carefully the directions indicated in the following exercises then provide what is needed or
asked in each item. Use a separate sheet of paper if the space provided for the writing of your answers
is not enough. A writing rubric is provided below for you to be guided accordingly.
A. Discuss the important terms, such as analytical listening, problem-solving, and analytical listening in
problem solving found in this lesson using your own words, phrases, or sentences to show your
understanding about the lesson.
Analytical Listening
Problem Solving
B. Listen to the song for two times or more and go over the lyrics to understand its message. After that,
analyze the situations provided below, then make solutions by citing the line from the song and
elaborating your ideas. Go to for the song.
John Lennon
Situations Solutions
3. Profiteering is being monitored by the
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI),
especially for the online sellers who are
not registered.
C. Aside from the song, you will hear news about the Filipinos who became successful in building their
business amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Then, answer the following questions statedbelow. Use the
ideas you will encounter from the news to come up with your own. Visit the link
1. Looking at your situation now, how do you see yourself recovering from the challenges caused
by the COVID-19 pandemic?
2. Based on the news you heard, how do you see business in your life to overcome financial
challenges amid the COVID-19 pandemic?
3. In making actions to overcome difficult experiences during the pandemic, such as the Filipinos
who made business as an opportunity to recover from being unemployed due to the health crisis,
how useful it is in terms of psychological, mental, and emotional aspects of a person?
Writing Rubric
5 = The written work contains strong composition skills including a clear and thought-provoking thesis,
although development, diction, and sentence style may suffer minor flaws. Shows careful and
acceptable use of mechanics. The writing effectively accomplishes the goals of the assignment.
4 = The written work contains above average composition skills, including a clear, insightful thesis,
although development may be insufficient in one area and diction and style may not be consistently
clear and effective. Shows competence in the use of mechanics. Accomplishes the goals of the
assignment with an overall effective approach.
3 = The written work demonstrates competent composition skills including adequate development
and organization, although the development of ideas may be trite, assumptions may be unsupported
in more than one area, the thesis may not be original, and the diction and syntax may not be clear
and effective. Minimally accomplishes the goals of the assignment.
2 = Composition skills may be flawed in either the clarity of the thesis, the development, or
organization. Diction, syntax, and mechanics may seriously affect clarity. Minimally accomplishes the
majority of the goals of the assignment.
1 = Composition skills may be flawed in two or more areas. Diction, syntax, and mechanics are
excessively flawed. Fails to accomplish the goals of the assignment.
Source: “Writing Rubric”, Napa Valley College, accessed August 21, 2020,http ://www.napavall
Make a pledge by completing the statement below.
Now that I have learned the value of analytical listening in solving problems. I will
JMC Academy. “Critical Listening vs. Analytical Listening.” Accessed August 19, 2020.
Niveditha, V. “An analytical study of FM listening practices and exposure to FM programs among FMlisteners
in Karnataka.” IOSR Journal of Humanities And Social Science
Accessed August 30, 2020. 10587294/ An_analytical_study
Answer Key
A. 3 possible answers
Analytical listening is the ability not only to understand what may be heard from peopleor
things, but also to analyze the simple and complex ideas to reach the logical connection.
It helps to solve a problem.
Analytical listening is a skill that is helpful in solving a problem.
Greed makes people so selfish. For me, just buy enough supplies for your family. Think of others whoneed
medical supplies as well. Do not panic in these trying times instead continue to pray that everything will be alright