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STS 10 Act3

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A. What is happiness?
 PERSON 1- Happiness when the person feels the happy moment and
 PERSON 2-Happines is an emotional that is being characterized by
the person who feel the satisfaction, joy and excitement
 PERSON 3-Happiness as an emotion and recognize the multifaceted
nature of this conception
 PERSON 4- happiness results from comparison
 PERSON 5-Happiness on how we make our life fulfilling, more
productive, and more enjoy.
 PERSON 6-Happines decreasing a negative thought and thinking of
 PERSON 7-Happines on how we change through we act and how we
 PERSON 8-When after the struggles there is happiness. Trust the
process and don’t give up
 PERSON 9-Happiness when you feel your success
 PERSON 10-Happiness when I feel comfortable
B. What is/are your goal/s in life?
 I want to finished my studies
 I want to become a professional someday
 I want to help my parents someday if I become a teacher
 I want to become a nurse someday because I want to help people with a
complicated disease
 To find a better work someday
 To have a stable job
 To find someone and good work
 I want to become professional someday
 I want to have my own business
 I want to have my own store and ukay ukay
C. How can you achieve your goal/s?
To study hard
Through more effort and determination
To have a perseverance and determination
Through the hardship facing challenges
To commit that everything
To pursuing a self determination
To have an more patience everyday
To prioritize our goals
To sacrifice everything
To have an advance thinking
D. Who are the people you need to achieve your goal/s with?
 Family
 Family
 Friend
 Family
 Family
 Friend
 Friend
 Mother
 Family
 Mother/Father

Gather all the answers of the respondents. What are the top 3 most frequent

A. What is happiness?

1.-When after the struggles there is happiness. Trust the process and don’t give up

2. -Happiness when you feel your success

3. -Happiness when I feel comfortable

B. What is/are your goal/s in life?

1. I want to become a nurse someday because I want to help people with a

complicated disease
2. To find a better work someday
3. I want to have my own business

C. How can you achieve your goal/s?

1. Through more effort and determination

2. To have a perseverance and determination
3. Through the hardship facing challenges

D. Who are the people you need to achieve your goal/s with?

1. Family
2. Mother/Father
3. Friend

What is happiness from the data you’ve gathered from different respondents?

To my respondent there a lots of meaning “HAPPINESS” according them

happiness is when the person feels an excitement, enjoy, decreasing negative
thoughts, and fulfilling a more productive. And happiness when after the struggles
there are process.


Do the following to ensure mastery of the big ideas presented in this module.

1. Meaning of human flourishing

 A concept that we articulate through embodied creative methods of inquiry.

2. Were we successful so far in trying to tie down technology with what we

conceive as

human flourishing?

 Yes, we success to tie down the technology because now we developing a


3. Differentiate Eastern and Western Philosophy in terms of human flourishing.

Eastern philosophy HUMAN Western philosophy

is related to FLOURISHING deals with individualism


(Source: Prieto et al,2019 . Science, Technology, and Society (OBE and PPST

AFT Project write. LORIMAR PUBLISHING, INC. and Source: Serafica, et al,

Science, Technology, and Society (1st Edition). Rex Bookstore, Inc)


To check your understanding, give one modern technology and examine its role in

human flourishing.

The modern technology is the “Cellphone/Gadgets” because it is world wide

technology that we use daily lives. Everything what we need technology is always
there. Even we cook, we transport money, we order food, we shoppee always we
refer or always technology involves.



State the reason that brought about the invention, the advantage, disadvantage and



A. TELESCOPE Elaborate view of the Galaxies, Long focal ratios Lyman

Planet, Stars and other heavenly can mean that the Spitzer
bodies is possible instrument is
B. TELEVISION It helps alleviate depression of Overstimulated John Logie
mentally suffering patients. brains Baird
C.MICROSCOPE It simple to set up and can be The main Hans
operated by anyone with advantages are cost, Janssen
minimal training and size, maintenance,
knowledge, portable microscope researcher training
is accessible to any user and image antifacts
D.RADIO It can be used to advertise, Like any other Nikola Tesla
geographic location, channel and medium, radio too
program has certain
E. GUNS It can help you feel safer Gun can control Song
legislation would dynasty of
likely create a black China
F. INTERNET Connectivity, communication, Pornographic and Vinton Cerf
and sharing… violent image
G. CELLPHONE Education Social disruption Martin
H. CARS Performing medical procedures Expensive to buy Andre
I.COMPUTER Connects you to the internet Lock of intelligence Charesh


a. What did you notice in the two (2) images?

 Year 1979 the hard drive is 250 MB only but in 2013 not hard drive but
microSD card with 16 GB.
b. What is the most striking difference between them?
 The capacity or the storage of it
c. What could have affected the development of the storage size of computers?
 The affect of developing storage size of computers is on how they use the
storage capacity
d. How has this particular development affected society in return?

Answer the questions in an essay form.

Nowadays, society is becoming too dependent on computer and technology.

For functioning in every life to perform different task. The computer has been one
of man’s influential inventions. They have been necessary in one’s life that is
difficult to believe that they are relatively recent invention the internet computer
and other device are used almost everywhere.


Evaluate the artwork, its aesthetics, and message based on Heideggerian thought.

 Heideggerian thinking to eco-psychology to a number of contemporary

philosophical analysis.

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