2008 Dietary Treatment of Nephrolithiasis
2008 Dietary Treatment of Nephrolithiasis
2008 Dietary Treatment of Nephrolithiasis
Like other “well-being diseases” such as obesity, hypertension, The urine volume plays a huge role on the saturation of litho-
atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction and type 2 diabetes, genic salts. We used the computer program Equil (14) to simu-
nephrolithiasis is progressively on the increase in rich countries late the changes of the relative saturation for calcium oxalate,
(1, 2), being now a very common condition affecting in the USA calcium phosphate and uric acid when the urine volume in-
10% of the population (3) with an economic burden of about 2 creases from 0.5 to 3.0 L/day, while keeping constant all the
billion dollars per annum (4). other urinary parameters involved in the calculation of satura-
Only in extremely rare cases it is a result of hereditary or well- tion point. By this way, we saw that with diuresis below 1 L/day,
Clinical Cases in Mineral and Bone Metabolism 2008; 5(2): 135-141 135
A. Nouvenne et al.
even the urine of a normal subject reaches extremely high su- forming stones (8,9) a response not shared by the females of
persaturation levels, certainly high enough to promote sponta- the Nurses’ Health Study (6). Indeed, in younger women, ani-
neous crystallization of the lithogenic salts. If, on the other mal proteins exerted, if anything, a moderately protective ac-
hand, the volume is maintained over 2.5 L/day, the urine be- tion (7). However, in a nation-wide survey in the UK (32), vege-
comes undersaturated for calcium phosphate and uric acid and tarians showed a prevalence of urinary stone formation about
only slightly supersaturated for calcium oxalate, making spon- half that found in a sample taken from the general population
taneous crystallization impossible. Given that, in the context of matched for age, sex and social class.
these physiological variations in diuresis, ion excretion is large- As to the urinary stone risk factors, most studies found that ani-
ly independent of urine volume, this example simulates very mal proteins (meat, fish and poultry) have an unfavorable effect
closely what actually happens when water intake is high. because they increase calciuria, uricuria, and phosphaturia,
It could be argued that the increase in urine volume would di- while reducing citrate and urine pH (33). It has been estimated
lute the crystallization inhibitors, and thus offset its positive ef- that in normal subjects for every 25 g increase in dietary animal
fects on lithogenic salts. However, observations made on both protein, urinary calcium rises 32 mg (34). When overweight
normal subjects and idiopathic calcium stone formers dispel subjects (35) increased their habitual protein intake, from about
this argument because (a) the level of supersaturation required 90 g/day to approximately 170 g/day of largely animal proteins
to cause spontaneous calcium oxalate nucleation in diluted (Atkins diet) for 6 weeks, their calciuria rose by about 90
urine is greater than that required in the non diluted urine of the mg/day (2.25 mmol), uricuria by about 130 mg/day (1.3 mmol),
same subjects (15); (b) the oxalate amount one has to add to phosphaturia by about 620 mg/day (20.2 mmol), while their cit-
the diluted urine to produce calcium oxalate crystallization in raturia decreased by about 180 mg/day (0.9 mmol) and the
vitro is higher than that required in non diluted urine (16), and urine pH from 6.09 to 5.67. Some studies have reported that
(c) the inhibitory power of the macromolecules extracted from animal proteins also produce an increase in oxaluria (36). With
non diluted urine is not quantitatively different from that of the urine volumes kept unchanged, the final outcome of a high ani-
macromolecules extracted from non diluted urine (16). Finally, mal protein intake is an increase in supersaturation for both
studies in progress in our laboratory in both normal subjects calcium oxalate and uric acid. Even more relevant is the fact
and calcium stone formers show that the number and quantity that, at parity of animal protein load, these urinary effects seem
of calcium oxalate crystals and crystalline aggregates pro- more marked in stone formers, as though these subjects had a
duced with an oxalate load in vitro are markedly lower in dilut- sort of genetic hypersensitivity towards such foods (37).
ed urine than in non diluted urine. The mechanisms by which animal proteins produce these ef-
Increased urine volume might exert its antilithogenic effect also fects are only partially understood. The increases in uricuria
by reducing the transit time of renal intratubular fluids, thereby and phosphaturia are directly related to the high purine and
favoring the expulsion of the crystals (17) and inhibiting the for- phosphorus content of animal proteins. The increase in calci-
mation of Randall’s plaques (18). uria and the reduction in citraturia and urine pH are mainly at-
By converse, low urine volume is a lithogenic risk factor (19), tributed to the high content of sulphurated amino acids (methio-
as shown by cohort studies in which subjects consuming less nine and cysteine) which, by producing high quantities of hidro-
than 1.5 liters of fluid per day had about a 50% increase in inci- genions, cause a metabolic shift towards a state of subclinical
dence of kidney stone as compared to those consuming over acidosis (38). The mechanism of the increased oxaluria is less
2.5 L of fluid per day (6-9). clear. According to a widely quoted view, the oxalate precur-
Two trials are to be quoted about the beneficial effects of wa- sors present in animal proteins, such as the amino acids tyro-
ter. The first (20) showed that the incidence of kidney stones in sine, tryptophan, phenylalanine and hydroxyproline, cause an
a community living in warm climate and that had been educat- increase in endogenous oxalate production (39).
ed to drink more water was ten times lower than that detected It is important to point out that the vegetable proteins produce
in a matched community that had not been educated to do so; urinary effects different from those of the animal proteins. An
the second (21), a randomized-controlled study, showed that experiment was carried out on normal subjects in which 75
the calcium stone formers who increased their water intake in g/day of exclusively animal proteins were first replaced by an
order to increase their urine volume, from approx. 1 to approx. equal quantity of mixed ovo-vegetable proteins, then by exclu-
2 liters per day, during 5 years had a recurrence rate of 12 % sively vegetable proteins (40). The data show that with an ex-
as compared to 27% who had not changed their water intake. clusively vegetarian intake the urine contains less calcium, less
Whilst there is no doubt that the quantity of water consumed is phosphorus, more oxalate, more citrate and fewer acids. These
important for both the primary and secondary prevention (re- differences may be explained by the different content of
currences) of stone formation, it is still controversial whether purines, oxalates, sulfates and fibers. On the whole, these data
hard waters, i.e. rich in calcium and other minerals, are as ef- clearly indicate that vegetable proteins have a much lower lith-
fective as light waters (22). ogenic potential, particularly with regard to uric acid stone dis-
As to the fluids other than water, some reports (23-31) suggest ease.
that coffee, tea, beer, wine, orange juice, lemon juice and Only two randomized-controlled trials have been carried out to
blackcurrant juice can reduce the risk of stone formation, while evaluate the hypothesis that a reduction in animal proteins
grapefruit juice, apple juice, soda and cola drinks increase it. could prevent recurrences in idiopathic calcium stone disease.
In conclusion, the evidence currently available shows that a One showed that after a period of over 4 years the group treat-
water intake sufficient to increase urine volume to at least 2 ed with low animal protein and high fiber diet had a higher re-
liters/day exerts an antilithogenic effect. Some fluid such as or- currence rate (12/50 = 24%) than the control group (2/49 = 4%)
ange juice or lemon juice might elicit some additional benefits. treated with high fluid and a usual calcium intake (41). It should
be, however, pointed out that this trial had several major limita-
tions: a) the water intake in the control group was higher; b)
The role of proteins compliance with the low protein diet was actually very poor; c)
there may have been differences between the two groups as
As regards the effect of animal proteins, the findings from co- regards the intake of dietary calcium and fiber, both of which
hort studies are conflicting. The male subjects from the Health influence stone formation.
Professionals Follow-up Study, whose intake of animal proteins The other trial compared a low calcium diet (i.e., free of milk
exceeded 75 g/day (upper quintile) had the highest risk of and dairy products) with a low-animal protein, low-salt and nor-
136 Clinical Cases in Mineral and Bone Metabolism 2008; 5(2): 135-141
Dietary treatment of nephrolithiasis
mal calcium diet (42). After 5 years, the recurrence risk in the drate consumption, insulin resistance, diabetes mellitus and
first group was higher (23/60 = 38%) than in the other group obesity, the overall results of these studies enables us to con-
(12/60 = 20%), but it should be pointed out that, in this experi- clude that excessive consumption of carbohydrates, especially
ment, it was not possible to distinguish the protective effect of simple ones, should be considered as a risk factor for renal
the low animal protein intake from that due to the higher calci- stones, even if no prospective randomized trials exist on the re-
um and lower salt intake. al possibility of preventing stone recurrences by imposing a
All in all, the aforementioned dietary studies favor the view that suitable low glucide, low calorie diet on patients with such char-
subjects at risk for calcium or uric acid stone disease should acteristics.
avoid consuming large quantities of animal proteins.
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A. Nouvenne et al.
sodium bicarbonate and sodium citrate, were compared with 60 mg/day in the normocalciuric stone former, and as much as
sodium chloride on an equimolar basis, they did not increase 160 mg/day in the hypercalciuric stone former with a specific
urinary calcium (65, 66), leading to the conclusion that the cal- hypersensitivity to calcium intake. However, viewed in terms of
ciuria-producing effect of kitchen salt is due to its chloride con- urine supersaturation, the implication of the changes in oxalate
tent (67). excretion are anything but trivial: changing from the low calci-
There is substantial agreement that the salt increases calciuria um diet to a normal calcium diet does not increase calcium ox-
through its inhibiting effect on the tubular reabsorption of calci- alate supersaturation, but actually reduces it by approx. 10%.
um (68). Thirdly, when we recommend the dietary limitation of milk and
Additionally, it should also be pointed out that the increase in dairy products, patients are likely to increase their animal pro-
sodium chloride in the diet is also accompanied by a significant tein intake in the form of meat, fish and poultry, leading to all
decrease in urinary citrate (69), which on its own increases the the potential unfavorable consequences mentioned earlier.
lithogenic risk. The mechanism by which salt reduces urinary The pathophysiological considerations reported so far agree
citrate is uncertain. According to a widely-shared view, it is re- with the results achieved in large follow-up studies (6-9). Ac-
lated to the bicarbonaturic effect of the salt intake elicited by cording to these studies, the risk of becoming a stone former,
extracellular volume expansion causing a decrease in the ex- for men and women alike, is much lower in those who habitual-
tracellular pH. ly consume relatively high quantities of calcium (> 1000
Although there are no randomized studies testing the capacity mg/day) than in those who consume lower quantities (< 600
of a low salt diet to reduce kidney stone formation on its own, mg/day). Finally, a 5-year randomized study conducted on
there is evidence suggesting that a low salt intake may improve male hypercalciuric calcium stone formers showed that a low
the beneficial effects of a low animal protein intake (42). calcium diet, achieved through the elimination of milk and dairy
A balanced diet for the prevention of renal stones should con- products, is less efficacious in the prevention of stone recur-
tain no more than 6 g/day of sodium chloride, an amount also rences than a normal-calcium, low-animal protein, low-salt diet
fulfilling the recommendations provided in the updated report of (42).
the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evalua- In conclusion, in the light of current knowledge, idiopathic stone
tion and Treatment of High Blood Pressure (70). To this end, it formers should not be deprived of normal quantities of milk and
is important to inform the patient about the “hidden sources” of dairy products.
138 Clinical Cases in Mineral and Bone Metabolism 2008; 5(2): 135-141
Dietary treatment of nephrolithiasis
and sodium chloride, a high content in potassium and magne- 2. Advise patients to drink enough water to bring the urinary
sium, and a moderate alkalinizing potential deriving from an- volume up to at least 2 liters /day. It is extremely important to
ions such as bicarbonate and citrate. This peculiar composition instruct patients to drink the water a little at a time, and to con-
may explain some favorable effects of fruit and vegetables on sume a water load of approx. 500 ml before going to bed. An-
some of the most important urinary stone risk factors. It has other essential aspect is to show patients how to measure uri-
been shown that high potassium intake, inherent in the large nary volume by themselves periodically, e.g. once a month.
consumption of fruit and vegetables, is associated with a re- Other fluids may be consumed but not in substitution of water.
duced stone risk (6-9). It has also been shown that these foods If the patient consumes regular quantities of milk and dairy
can increase citrate excretion in patients with idiopathic calci- products, the water should not contain high quantities of calci-
um stone disease, up to curing conditions of pronounced um, e.g. not more than 100 mg/L, in order to avoid excessive
hypocitraturia in some cases (24, 25, 85). Moreover, they can calcium loads, especially between meals.
increase the excretion of magnesium (85), another calcium 3. Advise patients to limit animal protein intake, by reducing
crystallization inhibitor, and they can decrease calcium excre- above all the consumption of meat and its derivatives; the total
tion (86). Finally, they can increase the urine pH (85, 87) with of proteins deriving from meat, fish, chicken, eggs, milk and
favorable effects on the solubility of uric acid. cheese should not exceed 50-60 g/day.
By converse, the elimination of fruit and vegetables from the di- 4. Advise patients to avoid excessive carbohydrates. Refined
et of normal subjects causes unfavourable changes in stone ones, in particular, should not exceed 20 g per day. It might be
risk due to the significant increase in the supersaturation for useful to replace sucrose with sweeteners such as saccharine
calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate (85). or aspartame.
Give the above considerations, we encourage physicians to 5. Advise patients to avoid excess of saturated fats, shifting the
advise their patients to consume fruit and vegetables regularly, calorie requirement to foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such
regardless if they are calcium or uric acid stone formers, pro- as olive oil, anchovies, sardines and mackerel.
vided that they exercise moderation in the consumption of 6. Advise patients to limit sodium chloride consumption to no
foods known to elicit a marked hyperoxaluric effect. more than 6 g/day. To this end, it is extremely important for pa-
tients to be aware of the “hidden sources” of salt and to avoid
the use of mixed prepacked foods which tend to be very salty.
The role of vitamins 7. Advise patients to consume milk, yogurt and cheese regular-
ly, but not excessively and to avoid cheeses containing large
The vitamins most implicated in stone risk are vitamin D (cal- quantities of sodium chloride.
citriol), vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). 8. Advise patients to consume fruit and vegetables daily, taking
A recent follow-up study did not find any association between care to avoid foods containing very high quantities of oxalate.
vitamin D intake and stone risk (9). It has been known for many 9. Do not give patients vitamin D supplements; allow, if re-
years, however, that some idiopathic hypercalciuric subjects quested, vitamin C supplements of not more than 1500 mg/
have an excess of calcitriol in the blood or, in any case, an day; avoid vitamin B6 deficiencies.
overregulation of its receptors, leading to hyperabsorption of in- 10. Advise patients to use, as far as possible, fresh or frozen
testinal calcium (88). Except in special cases, therefore, it is products, not prepacked or precooked foods. If this is not pos-
not advisable to give vitamin D supplements to stone formers, sible advise them to purchase products bearing a label on
especially in association with pharmacological calcium supple- which the content of sodium chloride and other nutrients are
ments. listed.
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