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AudFall 19HQ

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Fall 2019

Quarterly Newsletter of the Fond du Lac County Audubon Society

Wild Feast Potluck
Wednesday, September 4, 5 pm
Lakeside Park, Denevue Creek Shelter
Our season kicks off with a potluck. Participants bring a dish
made from wild plants, although conventional food is fine, too.
Dinner starts at 5:30 pm. See more information on page 2.

Nature Makes Us Happy

Wednesday, October 9, 7 pm
MPTC, Room O-102
Dr. Amy Knepple-Carney, UW-Oshkosh Professor of Psychology,
will describe how humans gain health and well-being benefits
from interacting with nature over time.

Invasive and Aggressive Plants
Wednesday, November 13, 7 pm
MPTC, Room O-102
David Demezas, PhD, Microbiology and Biology Professor
Visit Us Online at UW-O, Fond du Lac campus, will provide an opportunity
www.fdlaudubon.org to learn about the different mechanisms invasive and aggressive
Bird Seed Sale, October 12 plant species use to impact plant communities.
Pre-order high quality seed.
See brochure or
download the order form online.
Community Shopping Night
December 5
Mark your calendars for this
event which benefits both
Audubon and Just Fare Market.
Follow Us on Facebook

Wild Feast Potluck – September 4 Ken Robl Conservation Park
Our annual Wild Feast Potluck will be held on Saturday, October 19, 9:30 am
Wednesday, September 4, starting at 5 pm. Dedicated in July 2018 after several years of work,
Meet at the Denevue Creek shelter in Lakeside design engineers created a 25-acre park from a former
Park (east end of Harbor View Drive). We plan to be landfill. There are hiking and biking trails, and two
eating at 5:30 pm. Bring your own plate, cup, bowl, ponds from which people can observe nature or fish
utensils, and beverage. Beer and wine is allowed. from an accessible pier made of recycled plastic. Meet
Your contribution of food or drink to the potluck at Menard’s parking lot at 9:30 am to carpool or at
should include some wild ingredients or fresh the park at 10 am.
produce from your garden. This is an opportunity
to experiment and try something new. There are
many edible weeds in your own yard. However, avoid
areas treated with pesticides. Please bring a list of the
ingredients or the recipe, so that people can avoid
foods to which they may have an allergy.
Entrées from the past have included creamed
dandelion greens, savory burdock patties, plantain
casserole, daylily bud salad, garlic mustard pesto,
venison stew, hickory nut cookies, and elderberry pie.
Meet middle school environmental camp attendees
and hear a brief recap on the National Audubon
Convention from our chapter president.
For more information on the Wild Feast Potluck,
call 920-922-7931 or email dianahbeck@gmail.com.


James Ford and Rain Barrels
Inspired at the Audubon National Convention, our
local chapter will be recognizing Audubon members and
prospective members who are integrating sustainability,
biodiversity, and native plants in their yards.
Our local Audubon member chosen to be the
Habitat Hero for this fall newsletter is James Ford.
James lives in Oakfield and has transformed his
yard in recent years to include many native plants
and habitat. Best of all, he gets an A+ for his water
capturing system. His unique rain barrel, which he
built, can hold 2,250 gallons of storm water runoff
from his roof. As James said, “I get the satisfaction of
not turning on my (village water) spigot to provide
daily water for an extensive array of flowers in the
yard and driveway pots. It’s something I like to do as
an individual acting to benefit the environment. A
win-win – exhilarating!”
Fond du Lac County Audubon Society

Stetter Environmental Education Funds Preventing Bird Window Collisions

Support Boys & Girls Club Field Trip Researchers estimate that over one billion birds
Through the Dave Stetter Environmental Education die in North America annually from window
funds, 43 second to fifth graders from Fond du Lac collisions. If you find a bird that has hit a window,
Boys & Girls Club enjoyed an outing to Marsh record the incident on the Global Bird Collision
Haven Nature Center on July 10. Although the Mapper, a citizen-science global mapping database at
day was hot, the children participated in a morning birdmapper.org.
and an afternoon nature hike through the woods You can take effective measures to keep birds safe:
and around the pond of the Marsh Haven property. draw patterns on the outside of your windows with a
Indoor activities included a bingo scavenger hunt bar of soap or window paint; hang ribbons or strings
through the museum exhibits, insect exploration, on the outside of your window about four inches
and making milkweed seed balls to help monarch apart; apply bird-deterrent film or decals; or install
butterflies survive. A highlight of the day was meeting externally mounted window screens and leave the
two of the resident owls and hearing Marsh Haven screens up year round.
Director Renee Wahlen explain their individual
stories and tell fun facts about owls. Scholarship Winners at Sand Lake
Thanks to Director Renee Wahlen and the other Conservation Camp
volunteers who helped make the day a success. Scholarship winners Macy Myers, Molly Fellenz,
From Marsh Haven, Dawn Harmsen led six hikes and Joey Coleman attended Sand Lake Conservation
on an especially warm July day and maintained her Camp in Crivitz at Camp Bird, June 19–21. The
enthusiasm throughout. Also from Marsh Haven, scholarships were made possible through the Dave
Shirley Bachhuber introduced the children to Stetter Environmental Education Fund. The students
activities with insects. From Fond du Lac County learned about the importance of conservation and
Audubon, James Ford, Judy Hollis, LouRea Kenyon, natural resources, and enjoyed the outdoors while
and Kathleen Stetter helped with activities. learning new skills.
Dave Stetter was a long-time member of Marsh This year’s camp had 77 students representing
Haven Nature Center, so use of the funds there was 25 Wisconsin counties and one Upper Michigan
especially fitting. The Dave Stetter Environmental county, and 22 dedicated staff from local and state
Education Fund was established in honor of Dave conservation agencies, as well as volunteers.
Stetter, long-time Fond du Lac Audubon member The students will spend a few minutes at our
and local science teacher who highly valued youth Wild Feast Potluck to tell us the highlights of their
outdoor education activities for developing an experiences.
understanding and appreciation of the natural world.
Those wishing to contribute to the fund to support
this activity and others like it may send checks
payable to Dave Stetter EE Fund to Mike Sweney,
Audubon treasurer at N5545 Winnvue Court, Fond
du Lac, WI 54937. Fond du Lac County Audubon is
a 501c(3) nonprofit tax-exempt organization.
Fond du Lac County


P.O. Box 84
Fond du Lac, WI 54936-0084

Submit articles for the Audubon newsletter

via e-mail to evelyn@mcleancowan.com

Fond du Lac County Buckthorn Removal Sessions 2019

N Our birds and wildlife are in trouble and loss of
habitat is the leading cause.
Fall is the time to work on Buckthorn, which is
a big problem in our area. These small trees become
so dense that nothing can grow beneath, resulting
❏ Yes! I want to become a member or renew my
membership to the National Audubon Society, and in bare soil and erosion. The habitat that Buckthorn
the Fond du Lac County Chapter. The annual offers to birds is considered to be of poor quality
membership dues of $40 entitle me to six issues of and nests suffer more predation. The fruit offers little
the Audubon magazine, and all local chapter benefits. nutrition because of the laxative effect on the birds.
I am enclosing a check payable to Fond du Lac No experience is necessary. This will be a great
County Audubon. opportunity to learn to identify the plant and how
❏ I am only interested in being a member and to control its spread. Wear a long-sleeved shirt and
supporting the programs of the Fond du Lac County long pants. Bring work gloves. All equipment will be
Audubon. The annual local membership dues of $20 supplied. All sessions are from 9–11 am. Cancelled in
entitle me to receive the chapter newsletter and all the event of steady rain.
chapter benefits. I am enclosing a check payable to
Fond du Lac County Audubon. Lallier Park
Meet at the southern end of Lallier Park on National Avenue.
❏ I am a new member.
❏ Save trees. Please send the newsletter to me via email. Saturday, October 5; Tuesday, October 8;
Friday, October 11; and Monday, Oct. 14
Name Peebles Trail (Prairie Road)
Meet on Prairie Road at the junction with the trail (about 1/4 mile
Address Cancelled in the event of steady rain. south of Winnebago Drive).
Thursday, October 17; Tuesday, October, 22;
City State Zip
Thursday, October 24; and Saturday, October 26
Phone Email
For more information call 920-922-7931 or email
Mail this form with payment to: dianahbeck@gmail.com
Fond du Lac County Audubon, Membership Services
N5545 Winnvue Court, Fond du Lac, WI 54937

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