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Explore Number 158 March 2013

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Newsletter for the

Association of Applied Geochemists


Determination of Gold in Soils President's Message

and Sediments by Fire Assay or
Aqua Regia Digestion: Choosing The new Association website has
the Optimal Method now been up and running for a few
months. Webmaster Gemma Bonham-
INTRODUCTION Carter indicates that it is running
Although there are a number of analytical smoothly, after a few expected start-up
techniques that are used to measure the content of Au hiccups, mostly involving logging in to
in soils, sediments and rocks, it is not always obvious the Members page. The website includes a banner
to the exploration geochemist which is the optimal of five photographs across the top of the page that
method to use. Some methods are designed to extract show geochemical work in action. Ideally, this group
all of the Au present within the sample, whereas other of photos will be replaced periodically, perhaps
methods only provide, at best, ‘near-total’ abundance, once a year or so. But for this to happen, we need
and some methods are specifically designed to extract contributions from AAG members. Please consider
only Au associated with specific mineral phases. sending landscape-format photographs on this broad
Advances in analytical techniques, instrumental topic with brief captions to Gemma. The captions
sensitivities and demands of the exploration and should include location, date, topic, and photographer.
industrial processing industries have meant that Au As photograph banners are replaced, we plan to
detection limits are continuously being lowered (e.g., archive the older photographs with their captions on
Mladenova et al. 2012). Low detection limits are a future webpage. Also remember that we are always
particularly important for geochemical exploration in looking for new content for the Latest News and
deeply covered terrain, where Au contents of soils, till, What’s New webpages. Few contributions have been
and sediments may be governed by poorly understood received in the last several months. Any irregularities
transport mechanisms, with consequent uncertainties found in the new website should be brought to
in where Au is sequestered (Cameron et al. 2004). Gemma’s attention for remedy (webmaster@
There are a variety of methods that are used appliedgeochemists.org). On a related topic, Ryan
in analysis for Au, including inductively coupled Noble is exploring the possibility of establishing a
plasma emission spectroscopy (ICP-ES), ICP YouTube channel for AAG. For this to happen, he
mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), atomic absorption (Ryan.Noble@csiro.au) will need ideas and video
spectroscopy (AAS), graphite furnace AAS, and content from you, the AAG membership. This avenue
neutron activation analysis (NAA). There is also is being explored to appeal to younger web-savvy
an increase in the use of hyphenated techniques, in geochemists, plus those of us older geochemists who
particular laser ablation ICP-MS, e.g., femtosecond strive to stay abreast of ever-evolving media trends.
laser ablation analysis for Au in fire assay buttons The initiative to document the history of AEG/
(Vanhaecke et al. 2010). Several methods for AAG is moving forward under the leadership of
extracting Au from geological matrices in addition to Beth McClenaghan. Using documents forwarded by
fire assay and aqua regia also exist, including more Beth and Bob Garrett as a start, John Hansuld and
traditional techniques such as cyanide leach (Leduc Eion Cameron are capturing the earliest years of the
& Itard 2003), and newer methods such as activated Association. For long-time members, if you have
carbon microextraction (Hassan et al. 2011) and anecdotal stories or photographs of those early years,
cloud point extraction (Tong et al. 2011; Hartmann & please pass them on to Beth (Beth.McClenaghan@
Schuster 2012). For a recent review see Mladenova et nrcan-rncan.gc.ca) and she will forward them to John
al. (2012). Many of the newer techniques are capable and Eion. It is important that we capture a record
of reaching Au detection limits at the low ppt level, of the Association’s early years now, as many of the
continued on page 2 continued on page 2

EXPLORE NEWSLETTER wishes to thank our Corporate Sponsors for their support

Determination of Gold in Soils and Sediments by Fire Assay or Aqua Regia Digestion…
continued from page 1

but these require time-consuming and complicated used on soils, till and surficial media and provide
extraction and pre-concentration steps not suited to insights into how to determine the optimal method
a production laboratory, and so will not be discussed to use based on the type of exploration or analytical
further. program. To illustrate the utility of both methods,
In this paper we discuss the benefits and we also present a case study where we have analyzed
limitations of two of the major Au analytical more than 2000 soil samples by both fire assay and
methodologies (fire assay and aqua regia digestion) aqua regia digestion.


President’s Message … continued from page 1 Fire assay (FA) is a fusion technique that results
founding Members have passed away. The document in full sample decomposition, followed by a separation
about the early-years should serve as a guide for step to preconcentrate the Au contained within the
subsequent AAG volunteers in capturing the middle sample. There are two major sub-types of fire assay:
and most recent decades of the Association with words Pb and NiS. The NiS-FA method is particularly useful
and photographs. We hope that the final product will where all of the platinum group metals (PGM) are
be rich in content (text, photographs, figures, tables, required in addition to Au (Hall & Oates 2003; Savard
etc.) and we plan to have it available from the AAG et al. 2010; LeFort et al. 2011). However, where Au is
website for inspection and download. Thank you the primary metal of interest, the NiS-FA technique
in advance to all who are working on this important is less widely used, owing to the increased complexity
endeavor. of the method, and because some studies have shown
A new AAG fee structure was approved at the that the method has lower Au recoveries compared to
November 2012 Council meeting. Full membership the Pb-FA method (e.g., Juvonen et al. 2004). Thus,
remains unchanged at $100 USD, but we now have continued on page 4

options and price variations for receiving GEEA

either as digital only or print copies, and for receiving Notes from the Editor
Elements or not. Details on the new fee structure The March 2013 issue of EXPLORE features one
were covered in my annual dues letter sent to all technical article by Matt Leybourne and Sarah Rice of
members and are available on AAG’s website under ALS Geochemistry that reviews the optimal methods for
the Membership tab. determining gold contents in soils and sediments.
The 26th International Applied Geochemistry EXPLORE thanks all contributors and reviewers for
Symposium to be held in November 2013 in in this first issue of 2013: Steve Amor, Graeme Bonham-
Carter, Benedetto De Vivo, Bob Eppinger, Gwendy Hall,
Rotorua, New Zealand is fast approaching. Planning
Rémy Poulin, Dave Smith, Emilie Ruffiange, Pertti Sarala,
details are being finalized under Tony Christie’s
Erick Wieland, and Wang Xueqiu.
stellar leadership. This will be a must-attend meeting,
with an excellent technical program, a variety of Beth McClenaghan
workshops, and some amazing fieldtrip opportunities. Editor
AAG Members, their spouses, and other geoscience
colleagues are encouraged to reserve dates for TABLE OF CONTENTS
attending this meeting. Current information for the Determination of Gold in Soils and Sediments by Fire Assay or
symposium is at http://www.gns.cri.nz/iags/ (or Google Aqua Regia Digestion: Choosing the Optimal Method ................. 1
“26th IAGS”). President’s Message ............................................................................... 1
I ask you to continue your involvement with AAG Notes from the Editor............................................................................ 2
2013-2014 Regional Councillors ........................................................... 11
by renewing your membership as soon as possible,
News from Regional Councillors - China ............................................ 12
encouraging non-member colleagues to join AAG, News from Regional Councillors - Southern Europe ......................... 19
applying for Fellowship status (criteria on the AAG News from Regional Councillors - Northern Europe ......................... 21
website), and becoming more active in AAG by Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the AAG ....................... 23
serving on Council or on a committee. Your active New Association Dues ........................................................................... 24
2012 Student Paper Prize....................................................................... 26
participation in AAG ensures its future success.
AAG Student Support Iniatives ............................................................ 27
Calendar of Events ................................................................................. 28
Bob Eppinger Review of Geochemistry Modular Course........................................... 29
President List of Advertisers .................................................................................. 31

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Determination of Gold in Soils and Sediments by Fire Assay or Aqua Regia Digestion…
continued from page 2

the NiS-FA will not be discussed further. temperature; higher temperatures generally result in
The Pb-FA technique involves mixing of a higher metal recoveries, and more consistent results in
sample with a flux, which includes PbO, Na2CO3, the experience of ALS Geochemistry.
Na2B4O7•10H2O, silica and flour. The precise amounts Aqua regia is particularly useful for Au
of these ingredients commonly need to be adjusted dissolution; neither nitric acid nor hydrochloric
depending on the sample matrix, in particular the acid alone will keep Au in solution. The two acids,
sulfide content. A small amount of Au-free Ag is combined, perform the required steps to dissolve
added and the sample mixture is then fused under Au and keep it in solution. Nitric acid and reaction
reducing conditions at high temperature (~1000 °C); products in combination with HCl (e.g., nitrosyl
the Au, Ag and precious metals form a dense button chloride, NOCl) are strong oxidizers, forming gold
with the Pb. The Pb button is recovered and fused ions (Au3+) in solution following dissolution of Au-
again under oxidizing conditions to separate the Pb bearing minerals. The hydrochloric acid provides
from the Au (see for example, Hall & Oates 2003). the source of Cl- ions, which form strong aqueous
Advantages of the Pb-FA method are that it is chloroaurate (AuCl4−) complexes, removing Au from
a: 1) complete digestion of the sample, so that Au solution and allowing Au dissolution and oxidation
encapsulated within resistive minerals is measured; reactions to progress i.e., (Renner et al. 2000):
2) process that results in a preconcentrated sample Au(s)+3 NO3-(aq)+6 H+(aq)→Au3+(aq)+3 NO2(g)+3 H2O(l)
that is relatively free of the sample and fusion matrix, Au3+(aq) + 4 Cl−(aq) → AuCl4-(aq)
so that minimal sample dilution or matrix-associated The advantages of the aqua regia Au method
interferences are encountered during analysis; and 3) compared to Pb-FA include the following: 1) lower
historically standardized method generally performed detection limits compared to Pb-FA are achieved in
in the same manner by different laboratories such that many laboratories, owing to the ready production
data from different sources are reliably comparable. of ultraclean HCl and HNO3 via distillation and the
By contrast, the limitations of the method include: advances made in ICP-MS instrumentation in recent
1) the detection limit for Au by Pb-FA is controlled years; 2) this relatively simple digestion method
mainly by the impurities in the flux, rather than means that less technical training and experience
instrumentation; 2) flux ingredients commonly need for laboratory personnel is required than is the case
to be modified depending on the nature of the sample for Pb-FA; and 3) small sample sizes (< 1 g) can be
(e.g., high sulfide), requiring more highly skilled analyzed for Au when analyzing the clay size (< 2 μ)
laboratory technicians than is the case for aqua regia fraction.
digestion; 3) the total dissociation of Au-bearing
minerals negates information on how much Au is
available in native form or in sulfide phases versus
encapsulated phases; and 4) large sample aliquot
required (15 or 30 g), although this can also be an
advantage as it reduces the nugget effect.


In aqua regia digestion, the sample is subjected to
attack by a mixture of concentrated HCl and HNO3
acids. Aqua regia is a widely used in soil, sediment
and rock analysis as a partial digestion. Aqua regia
is the term used to typically describe a 1:3 mixture
of concentrated nitric (HNO3) and hydrochloric
(HCl) acids. Note, however, that this usage is not
consistent, with ratios between the two acids being
variable between different laboratories and research
groups. Because aqua regia is not a total digestion
technique, other factors in addition to the nitric/
hydrochloric acid concentrations and ratio influence Figure 1. Plot of Au content determined by Pb-FA versus Au
metal recoveries. One of the most critical factors is by aqua regia.
continued on page 5

Determination of Gold in Soils and Sediments by Fire Assay or Aqua Regia Digestion…
continued from page 4

Figure 2. Frequency distribution plots for Au content determined by Pb-FA and aqua regia. The Au data are in ppm and show the
highly skewed (i.e., non-normal) nature of Au in geological materials. However, the data for both methods are approximately log
normal (C and D).
By contrast, the limitations of the method include: sample, the total dissolved solids content can be high,
1) for most samples, an aqua regia digest will not as this method does not involve preconcentration and
recover 100% of the Au, in particular, Au occluded separation in the same way as the Pb-FA method.
within most (alumino) silicate minerals; 2) large
sample sizes (25-50 g) for representative analysis CASE STUDY
for Au require special laboratory setup to maintain In order to evaluate the differences between Pb-
consistent heating and mixing across the digestion FA and aqua regia analyses of soil, till and sediment
solution; 3) depending on the mineralogy of the
continued on page 6

Determination of Gold in Soils and Sediments by Fire Assay or Aqua Regia Digestion…
continued from page 5

for Au, we analyzed 2016 samples of soils from Because the number of samples reported as below
northwestern Canada, using both methods, with a detection was small relative to the total number of
nominal weight of 25 g for aqua regia and 30 g for samples, in the figures and for the statistics presented
Pb-FA in most cases (except where sample volumes below, we have reassigned the below detection
were too low, in which case the nominal weights were samples Au values to half the respective method
around 15 g, and 10 g in rare cases). Soil samples detection limit.
were dry screened to -80 mesh (< 0.177 mm) prior For the 2016 samples, Au values by Pb-FA ranged
to analysis. For this dataset, 123 samples were from the detection limit of 0.0005 ppm to 0.18
determined to contain less than detection amounts of ppm (mean = 0.0047 ppm, median = 0.0030 ppm,
Au for one of the two methods (Pb-FA detection limit standard deviation = 0.0090 ppm, skewness = 12.8),
= 0.001 ppm; aqua regia detection limit = 0.0001 whereas aqua regia Au values ranged from 0.0001 to
ppm for most samples, 0.001 ppm for a small subset).
continued on page 7

Figure 3. Cumulative frequency plot for Au by Pb-FA and aqua regia. Both datasets show similar distribution patterns, with a shift to
lower abundance overall for the aqua regia Au.

Determination of Gold in Soils and Sediments by Fire Assay or Aqua Regia Digestion…
continued from page 6

Figure 4. Proportional dot plots of Au by Pb-FA (A, C, E) and aqua regia (B, D, F). The locations were generated randomly within
a randomly selected region of space measuring 1.5° by 1.5° in latitude and longitude, to mimic a typical regional geochemical survey.
continued on page 8

Determination of Gold in Soils and Sediments by Fire Assay or Aqua Regia Digestion…
continued from page 7

0.145 ppm (mean = 0.0032 ppm, median = 0.0020 in resistant minerals. Aqua regia will digest all native
ppm, standard deviation = 0.0065 ppm, skewness = Au, carbonate, sulfide and Fe, Mn oxide minerals,
12.3) (Fig. 1A). The means and medians of the two suggesting that the most likely location of the occluded
datasets are statistically significantly different at the Au is in quartz and/or silicate minerals (Church et al.
99% confidence interval (Students T-test; p < 0.001). 1987). The extent to which an aqua regia digestion will
However, for the log-normalized data, although also extract Au is therefore dependent primarily on sample
statistically significantly different in terms of mean type (both in terms of medium sampled and deposit
and median, both datasets are approximately log- type being targeted) and nature of Au sequestration
normally distributed and have similar log-probability and the grain size of the material being analyzed; a
distributions (Figs. 2, 3). Overall, the two datasets finer sieve fraction or grind (<0.063 mm vs <0.177
show a statistically significant correlation at the 99% mm) exposes more surface area for an aqua regia
confidence interval (Fig. 1A; r2 = 0.768). The strong leach. The much stronger correlation between the
correlation indicates that despite some scatter in the two methods for the ranked data versus the paired
data, both datasets would show similar geochemical data (i.e., Fig. 1B versus 1A) may in part be due to
anomalies. The parallel shapes but shift to lower Au analytical uncertainties, but is probably dominantly
contents in the aqua regia log-probability distribution a function of the nugget effect for Au, even for
compared to the Pb-FA distribution indicates that, on sample sizes as large as the 25-30 g nominal weights
average, about 80% of the Au is recovered by aqua dominantly used in this study.
regia digestion. To test the robustness of both methods for
The difference in Au recovery between the two mineral exploration, we generated a random set of
methods is interpreted to reflect the inability of an locations within a fictional study area and produced
aqua regia digestion to extract Au that is occluded
continued on page 9

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Determination of Gold in Soils and Sediments by Fire Assay or Aqua Regia Digestion…
continued from page 8

proportional dot maps for both Au techniques (Fig. detection limits offset the fact that typically < 100%
4). In Figure 4 there are three scenarios plotted. of the Au is recovered. Furthermore, the conditions
Figures 4A (Pb-FA) and 4B (aqua regia) show the of the aqua regia digestion can be adjusted (i.e., acid
results where the individual samples are assigned strength, HNO3/HCl value, temperature) depending
random locations (although the same location for on the strength of leach desired. As shown by our
both methods). The anomalies produced are therefore case study, it is important to recognize that for
randomly distributed, yet both methods show similar many deposit types (and depending on Au transport
the anomaly patterns, although with slight differences mechanism), the aqua regia digest will not be total
in relative intensity (Figs. 4A, 4B). Figures 4C and for Au. This is not always critical, as in many soil and
4D show the same data, but in this case, the Au data till surveys we are interested in the more labile Au in
were ranked prior to assigning the random locations. any case (Cameron et al. 2004). By contrast, for drill
Again, both analytical methods produce essentially core and rock samples, fire assay is the method of
identical anomaly patterns. Finally, the data were choice because of its ability to liberate essentially all
ranked and the latitude data were ranked (longitude the Au contained within the sample. However, as we
remained randomized; Figs. 4E, 4F). Because of this have shown here, Au anomalies for the case study are
latitude ranking, all of the Au Pb-FA anomalies lie essentially identical, albeit with subtle differences in
along the upper limits of the ‘study area’. The Au aqua anomaly strength, as determined by Pb-FA and aqua
regia anomalies are essentially identical, although regia results.
the mismatches are more evident where plotted this
way, e.g., there is an anomaly in the SW corner of the Acknowledgments
map area (Fig. 4F). For geochemical exploration in We thank the editor of EXPLORE, Beth
glaciated terrain, previous studies have shown that McClenaghan, and reviewers Gwendy Hall and
most of the native Au in till is < 0.177 mm in size (e.g., Graeme Bonham-Carter for insightful comments that
McClenaghan 2001), indicating that the aqua regia improved the manuscript.
digestion method would be a suitable alternative to
Pb-FA, with the advantage of lower detection limits References
(i.e., 0.0001 with a 25 g aliquot, 0.0002 with a 0.5 g CAMERON, E.M., HAMILTON, S.M.,
aliquot). Indeed, a recent study by Ward et al. (2013 in LEYBOURNE, M.I., HALL, G.E.M., &
press) has shown that analysis of the clay sized fraction MCCLENAGHAN, B. 2004. Finding deeply-
(<0.002 mm) of till by aqua regia digestion reduces buried deposits using geochemistry. Geochemistry:
the nugget effect for Au and enhances anomaly to Exploration, Environment, Analysis, 4, 7-32.
background signals for fine-grained Au. Note that the CHURCH, S.E., MOSIER, E.L., & MOTOOKA, J.M.
clay fraction Au would best be analyzed in conjunction 1987. Mineralogical basis for the interpretation of
with a larger size fraction to account for nugget multi-element (ICP-AES), oxalic acid, and aqua
Au; McClenaghan (2001) noted that the greatest regia partial digestions of stream sediments for
abundance of Au in till was in the 0.01 to 0.05 mm reconnaissance exploration geochemistry. Journal
fraction. of Geochemical Exploration, 29, 207-233.
HALL, G.E.M. & OATES, C.J. 2003. Performance of
SUMMARY commercial laboratories in analysis of geochemical
Both the Pb-FA and aqua regia digestion methods samples for gold and the platinum group elements.
are excellent choices for routine geochemical Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment,
exploration soil surveys. The decision as to which Analysis, 3, 107-120.
method to choose will rest primarily on the nature continued on page 10
of the sample medium and requirements of the
exploration program, such as detection limits and
Association of
sizes of sample available. The costs and analytical
turnaround for Ob-FA and aqua regia Au are typically Applied Geochemists
comparable. For soil, till and stream sediment Student Membership
geochemical surveys, aqua regia is an excellent $10 US
method of choice, owing to relative ease of analysis
and ability to achieve low detection limits; the low Encourage a student to join!

Determination of Gold in Soils and Sediments by Fire Assay or Aqua Regia Digestion…
continued from page 9

HARTMANN, G. & SCHUSTER, M. 2012. Species Glaciated Terrain, Geological Society of London,
selective preconcentration and quantification of Special Publication 185, pp. 201-224.
gold nanoparticles using cloud point extraction and MLADENOVA, E., KARADJOVA, I., & TSALEV,
electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. D.L. 2012. Solid-phase extraction in the
Analytica Chimica Acta. determination of gold, palladium, and platinum.
HASSAN, J., SHAMSIPUR, M., & KARBASI, Journal of Separation Science, 35, 1249-1265.
M.H. 2011. Single granular activated carbon RENNER, H., SCHLAMP, G., HOLLMANN, D.,
microextraction and graphite furnace atomic LÜSCHOW, H.M., TEWS, P., ROTHAUT, J.,
absorption spectrometry determination for trace DERMANN, K., KNÖDLER, A., HECHT, C.,
amount of gold in aqueous and geological samples. SCHLOTT, M., DRIESELMANN, R., PETER,
Microchemical Journal, 99, 93-96. C., & SCHIELE, R. 2000. Gold, Gold Alloys, and
JUVONEN, M.R., BARTHA, A., LAKOMAA, T.M., Gold Compounds(ed) Ullmann’s Encyclopedia of
SOIKKELI, L.A., BERTALAN, E., KALLIO, E.I., Industrial Chemistry. Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH
& BALLÓK, M. 2004. Comparison of recoveries & Co. KGaA.
by lead fire assay and nickel sulfide fire assay in the SAVARD, D., BARNES, S.J., & MEISEL, T.
determination of gold, platinum, palladium and 2010. Comparison between nickel-sulfur fire
rhenium in sulfide ore samples. Geostandards and assay te co-precipitation and isotope dilution
Geoanalytical Research, 28, 123-130. with high-pressure asher acid digestion
LEDUC, C. & ITARD, Y. 2003. Low sampling for the determination of platinum-group
density exploration geochemistry for gold elements, rhenium and gold. Geostandards and
in arid and tropical climates: Comparison Geoanalytical Research, 34, 281-291.
between conventional geochemistry and BLEG. TONG, S., JIA, Q., SONG, N., ZHOU, W., DUAN,
Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, T., & BAO, C. 2011. Determination of gold(III)
Analysis, 3, 121-131. and palladium(II) in mine samples by cloud point
LEFORT, D., HANLEY, J., & GUILLONG, M. 2011. extraction preconcentration coupled with flame
Subepithermal Au-Pd Mineralization Associated atomic absorption spectrometry. Microchimica
with an Alkalic Porphyry Cu-Au Deposit, Mount Acta, 172, 95-102.
Milligan, Quesnel Terrane, British Columbia, VANHAECKE, F., RESANO, M., KOCH, J.,
Canada. Economic Geology, 106, 781-808. MCINTOSH, K., & GÜNTHER, D. 2010.
MCCLENAGHAN, M.B. 2001. Regional and Femtosecond laser ablation-ICP-mass
local-scale gold grain and till geochemical spectrometry analysis of a heavy metallic matrix:
signatures of lode Au deposits in the western Determination of platinum group metals and gold
Abitibi Greenstone Belt, central Canada. In in lead fire-assay buttons as a case study. Journal
McClenaghan, M.B., Bobrowsky, P.T., Hall, of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 25, 1259-1267.
G.E.M., and Cook, S.J. (ed) Drift Exploration in WARD, B.C., LEYBOURNE, M.I., SACCO, D.A.,
LETT, R.E., & STRUIK, L.C. 2013 in press.
Drift prospecting for porphyry copper-gold,
volcanogenic massive sulphide mineralization and
precious and base metal veins within the QUEST
African Mineral Standards Project Area, Central British Columbia (NTS
web: www.amis.co.za e-mail: info@amis.co.za 093J). Geoscience BC Open File.
Matthew I. Leybourne and Sarah Rice
tested by laboratories matthew.leybourne@alsglobal.com
around the world
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elements, noble metals, base metals, energy
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elements, platinum, gold, copper, nickel, North Vancouver, B.C.,
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2013-2014 Regional processes. Romy is looking forward to serve for a second

term as an AAG councillor.
Tom Molyneux
1958 Obtained BSc Honours
Patrice de Caritat
Degree in Geology at Trinity
Patrice obtained his university
College Dublin
degrees in geology from Belgium
1964 Obtained MSc in
(Hons) and Australia (PhD).
Geology at Univ. Pretoria,
He first took up a brief industry
South Africa
supported Post-Doctoral
1971 Obtained PhD in
Fellowship at the Australian
Geology at Univ. Pretoria,
National University, working
South Africa
on the geodynamic evolution
1959-1961 Exploration for De
of eastern Australian basins,
Beers Corp. in Tanzania
then a 3-year Post-Doc at the
1961-1991 Geological
University of Calgary, Canada, where he studied water-
exploration for Anglo
rock interaction in the Western Canada Sedimentary
American Corp .
Basin. Subsequently, Patrice took up a Senior Research
1976 Joined Association of Exploration Geochemists
Scientist position at the Geological Survey of Norway,
1991-1993 worked for the South African Council for
working mostly on the Kola Ecogeochemistry project
Geoscience (Geol. Survey) compiling mineral reserves, etc.
(www.ngu.no/kola), which mapped the geochemical
1994-present Geological and geochemical consultant based
distribution of 60+ elements in snow/rain, stream/lake
near Dublin, Ireland
and ground water, moss, lichen, humus, O, B and C soil
2004-2007 From a base at The Univ. Pretoria he compiled
horizons, overbank sediments, till and bedrock, in the
the surface geology of the Eastern Bushveld Complex on
Barents region of northern Norway-Finland-Russia.
1:50 000 scale with an accompanying booklet (ISBN 978-1-
After this, he returned to Australia to take up a Program
Leader position in the Cooperative Research Centre for
2008 Elected Fellow of Geological Society of South Africa
Landscape Evolution and Mineral Exploration (CRC
LEME), where he was particularly involved in developing
Peter Rogers
geochemical and isotopic indicators to improve the
Peter has 40 years+
usefulness of groundwater as a sampling medium for
worldwide experience
mineral exploration in regolith-dominated terrains. He
in economic geology,
currently is Principal Research Scientist at Geoscience
mineral exploration
Australia, where he lead the recently completed National
and environmental
Geochemical Survey of Australia project (www.ga.gov.
au/ngsa). Patrice’s main research interests are regolith
AAG Experience: 2
and groundwater geochemistry, particularly water-rock
Council terms New
interaction, isotope geochemistry and continental-
Membership Committee;
scale geochemical mapping. Patrice is a Fellow of the
Chair of 2001 IGES in
Association of Applied Geochemists (AAG), AAG
Santiago de Chile; AAG
Councillor (2011-12), member of the Editorial Board of
Bibliographic Committee
Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis, and
AAG vision to widen appeal
Society News Editor for ELEMENTS.
in Colombia and S. America
with strengthened industry
Romy Matthies
participation and financing.
Romy is a biogeo-
• 1970 B.Sc. University College London + 1974 Ph.D.
chemist with eight years
University of Leicester fluid inclusions Pennine
of experience in the
mining industry and
• 1970 diamond exploration in South Africa and Botswana
research. She obtained
• 1974 British Geological Survey (BGS)
her Ph.D. from Newcastle
aggregates + Geochemist in Peru, Costa
University, UK, and is
Rica, Economic Geologist to the British
now working as a Marie
Antarctic Survey
Curie Postdoctoral Fellow
• 1982 Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources,
at Waterloo University,
Canada. Her areas of
• 1995 founder of Chavin Consulting Limited, with
expertise encompass mine drainage prediction and passive
specializations in blind prospecting deep prospecting
remediation. As part of her postdoctoral research she
investigates stable metal isotopes and their fractionation continued on page 12

2013-2014 Regional Councillors CSIR in Pretoria. He joined

continued from page 11
Anglo American in 1990
as Geochemical Database
methods in covered areas including deserts, volcanics Manager, followed by
and laterites; vegetation and heavy mineral methods. Geochemical Laboratory
Completed exploration projects in the many different Manager at the Anglo
terrains of the Americas including the Boreal glaciated Research Facilities and
forests of Canada to the Atacama high altitude desert, finally as Manager of the
the high Andes to the Amazon jungles. Recently Geochemistry Department
completed projects in North and South America for in Exploration. Following
Au, VMS, tailings remediation using non-toxic recovery the consolidation of Anglo
methods and dimension stone. American and Minorco in
• Early 2011 Vice President Exploration Colombia for 1999, he became the Regional
Cordillera Gold Limited. Geochemist for Africa, and
subsequently the Regional Geochemist for South American
Cliff Stanley in 2002 based out of Santiago, Chile. In 2007 he returned
Cliff obtained his to South Africa as the Chief Chemist managing metal
bachelors degree in Earth accounting and metallurgical plant auditing. Peter joined
Science from Dartmouth Vale (then CVRD) in 2008, as the Chief Geochemist
College, and his MSc (applied (Exploration) initially based in South Africa and since 2009
geochemistry, economic has been based out of Toronto with a role of enhancing
geology) and PhD and developing best practise geochemistry in exploration,
(mathematical geology) from operations and research and development on a Global
the University of British Basis. He is a Fellow of the AAG.
Columbia. Dr. Stanley
has been a professor in the
Department of Earth &
Environmental Science
at Acadia University,
AAG Regional Councillor Report
Wolfville, Nova Scotia since For China
1998, and beforehand served
seven years as Adjunct Professor with the Mineral Deposit APPLIED GEOCHEMISTRY RESEARCH PROJECTS
Research Unit at UBC. IN CHINA
Dr. Stanley is author of over 50 papers in Economic
Geology, Geochemistry, and Mathematical Geology, has Introduction
supervised numerous bachelors, masters, and doctoral In China, applied geochemistry research is focusing on
students and post-doctoral fellows. His present research geochemical exploration, regional geochemical mapping,
interests are in the field of lithogeochemistry, hydrothermal global geochemical baselines, and environmental geochemi-
alteration, sampling, geochemical quality control, cal survey. Geochemical exploration continues to be the
mathematical applications in geochemistry, and partial strongest in the field of applied geochemistry in China. Most
digestion geochemistry. Dr. Stanley has served five terms on of funds for applied geochemistry research from the govern-
the AAG Council (2000-2004, 2005-2009, and 2010-2012), ment and companies are allocated to regional- and local-
was the AAG distinguished lecturer (2003-2004). He is scale geochemical surveys/exploration for mineral resources.
happy to continue his commitment to the Association by A small amount of funds is allocated to global-scale geo-
serving on council once again. chemistry and environmental geochemistry projects. Some
Dr. Stanley’s recent administrative experience includes large or nation-wide applied geochemistry research projects
service as Acting Chair of the Department (1.5 years), vice- in China are introduced as follows.
chair of the admissions committee for the Association of
Professional Geoscientists of Nova Scotia (12 years), and China Geochemical Baselines Project
the provincial representative from that association on the The China Geochemical Baselines Project (CGB), as a
Canadian Geoscience Standards Board (12 years). part of Global Geochemical Baselines (Darnley et al., 1995),
was initiated in 2008 and was planned to be completed in
Peter Winterburn 2013 (Wang Xueqiu, 2012). The purpose is to document the
Peter was born in the UK in 1962. He completed a abundance and spatial distribution of chemical elements
Geological Sciences B.Sc. (Hons) at the Univ. Aston, across the whole China. The database and accompanying
Birmingham, followed by a Ph.D. at Univ. Edinburgh element distribution maps represent a present geochemical
in 1988 on Geochemistry of Ultramafic Xenolihs in baseline against which can be quantified future chemical
Kimberlites. Thereafter he relocated to South Africa changes and past chemical evolutions. Approx. 1500 grids of
to take up the position of Isotope Geochemist with the
continued on page 13

AAG Regional Report for China

continued from page 12 The data show greatly intersting results for understand-
ing the past geological events dispalyed by rock samples
China Geochemical Baselines Networks were designed to and for quantifing the chemical changes displayed by soil
cover the whole China's land (9.6 million km2). Each grid samples. For example, iridium anomalies were discovered
is 1°(lng.) x 40′(lat.) (approx. 80kmx80km) (Fig. 1). Soil in the Cretaceous and Tertiary (K-T) boundary in Yun-
(overbank/floodplain/catchment sediments) samples and nan, southwestern China, where the Lufengosaurus fossils
rock samples were collected. At each soil sampling site, two were located. The concentrations of Ir range from 0.2-0.8
samples are taken from surface horizon (0-25 cm) and deep ppb, average value is 0.41 ppb in the boundary tufaceous
horizon (>100 cm or C horizon). Typical rock samples, limestone and tufaceous claystone, whereas Ir concentra-
representing different geological times, are simultane- tions in Cretaceous sandstone and Tertiary mudstone are
ously collected in order to interpret the geogenic sources of less than 0.02 ppb (Wang, 2012). It may imply that Iridium
soil geochemical patterns and to understand the chemical in the boundary is extraterrestrial origin, providing us with
evolution during the past geological time from Archaeozoic understanding dinosaurs extinctions due to the impact of
to Quaternary. Approximately 18 000 rock samples and 6 an earth-crossing asteroid (Alvarez et al.1980). Soil geo-
000 soil samples have been collected until 2012. 81 geo- chemical baselines can be quantified the chemical changes.
chemical parameters including 78 chemical elements are For example, dramatic changes of CaO concentrations and
determined by ICP-MS/AES following 4-acid digestion and distribution deminsion were quantified in the past 15 years
XRF following fusion as backbone methods combined with by comparing sampling in 1994 and 2009 in southern China.
other 10 methods. Analytical quality is under strict control Floodplain sediments or catchment overbank sediments
by using standard reference samples to obtain harmonious have been collected by the Environmental Geochemical
high-quality data. A Internet-based software named Digital Monitoring Network Projec (EGMON) in 1994 (Xie and
Chemical Earth was developed for managing the database Cheng 2001) and by the China Geochemnical Baselines in
and maps, and allow people to access vast amounts of geo- 1999 (Wang, 2012). The average concentration decreases
chemical data and maps through the Internet. from 0.53% to 0.41%, distribition area of concentrations

Figure 1. Sampling progress of China Geochemical Baselines (colour areas finished). continued on page 14

AAG Regional Report for China

continued from page 13 al. 2007). Some large ore deposits have been discovered by
follow-up exploration at the targets.
<1% CaO extends from 872 000km2 to 1073 000km2, The developed sampling method is being applied in
increasing 23% compared to that in 1994, due to leaching China-Mongolia Boundary Geochemical Mapping Project
of CaCO3 by acid rains influenced by human activities in at a scale of 1:1,000,000 since 2006. 10532 samples have
southern China (Wang 2012). Increase of acid rain precipi- been collected across the boundary area of approximately
tatio are mainly due to coal, oil and gas burning, because 1 million km2 at a sample density of 1 per 100 km2. Geo-
the duration of the past 15 years is the fastest increase chemical Atlas of 69 elements were produced and provided
phase of industralization and urbanization in the history. to Mongolia (Fig. 2). The results shows that (i) regional
We could predict or quantify future changes by using the geochemical patterns were firstly identified at the world’s
present geochemical baselines. largest REE ore deposit in China; (ii) regional patterns
of Cu-Au-Mo have a good correlation with the porphyry
Regional Geochemical Survey/Mapping Projects metallogenic province in Mongolia. (iii) regional patterns
The Regional Geochemistry- National Reconnaissance of Ag-Pb-Zn have a good correlation with the polymetal-
Project (RGNR) mainly using stream sediment sampling lic province. Four China scientists were awarded for the
has covered all the hilly and mountainous regions in China Mongolian Medal of Honour, which is the highest-ranking
approx. 6 million km2, where the stream sediment samples honour for geologists who have made a great contribution
are available since 1978 (Xie 1997). The project has made to Mongolian Geology and Mineral Resources.
great contributions to mineral discoveries in China. How-
ever, the sampling methods continue to be refined for the Environmental Geochemical Survey Projects
remaining regions including basins, desert, elion and grass- Regional Multi-purpose Geochemical Survey Project
land terrains, where stream sediments are not available. The China eastern agriculturally and industrially developed
Recently, the good research progress is that development of regions located in Quaternary plains were not mapped
effective sampling methods for the north and northwestern by the RGNR project. The China Geological Survey and
China Gobi desert, desert basins, and semi-desert grassland provincial governments have jointly implemented multi-
landscapes. Sampling of catchment basin sediments in semi- purpose geochemical survey projects since 2002 (Xie et
desert terrains and fine fraction of regolith samples (-120 al. 2008). The projects will provide geochemical data for
mesh) from the weakly cemented clay-rich horizon at a environmental assessment, land use planning, agricultural
depth of 10-40cm in desert terrains are effective for delin- production increase.
eation of regional targets. Geochemical survey at a density Soils are taken as the general sampling media. Other
of one sample per 100 km2 in an area of approximately 150 media such as lake sediments, sea sediments, water and
000 km2 in southern Xinjiang desert has delineated regional vegetables (crops) are collected in some regions for some
targets of Au, Cu, Pb, Zn and U from 1999-2002 (Wang et continued on page 15

Figure 2. China geochemists presenting the Geochemical Atlas to Mongolia.


AAG Regional Report for China

continued from page 14 per 4km2 and one deep soil sample per 16km2. Samples
were ground to -200 mesh for analysis.
specific purposes. Soil samples were collected from two lay- Fifty two parameters (Ag, Al, As, Au, B, Ba, Be, Bi, Br, C,
ers: surface (0-20cm) and deep (150-200cm) horizon. The Ca, Cd, Ce, Cl, Co, Cr, Cu, F, Fe, Ga, Ge, Hg, I, K, La, Li,
surface samples indicate anthropogenic influence and the Mg, Mn, Mo, N, Na, Nb, Ni, P, Pb, Rb, S, Sb, Sc, Se, Si, Sn,
deep samples indicate natural environments. The sampling Sr, Th, Ti, Tl, U, V, W, Y, Zn, Zr), organic carbon(Org.C)
density for the surface sample is 1sample/ km2 and for the and pH were determined. Approx. 1 million km2 has been
deep sample is 1 sample/4km2. Four samples are composed covered up to 2011. A series of geochemical atlas have been
into one analytical sample, i.e. one analytical top soil sample published (China Geological Survey 2010; 2011a; 2011b).

Figure 3. Nanoparticles of crystal crystal structure Cu-Ti metals in gases, soils and ores at Zhouan Cu-Ni deposit, Nanyang, Henan,
China: A) nanoparticles of Cu-Ti in soil gases; B) nanoparticles of Cu-Ti in soils; C) nanoparticles of Cu-Ti in ore rocks.

continued on page 16

AAG Regional Report for China

continued from page 15 shaped like a grape cluster. The particles are composed
of native copper, compound metals of Cu-Fe, Cu-Fe-Mn,
Mining Contamination Geochemical Survey Project Cu-Ag Cu-Cr, Cu-Ni, and compound metals with Si, Al, Ca,
The project is designed to carry out orientation geo- O, P from the copper-nickel deposit and Au, Cu-Au, Cu-Fe,
chemical survey at selected 10 large mines in China. Cu-Ti from the gold deposit. The facts of nanoscale particles
Samples of tailings, stream sediments, soils, river water, with crystal structure (Fig. 3) show that nanoscale particles
underground water, and cones at each mining area are col- both in gases and soils originate from the ore deposit. The
lected. The project began in 2011 and the results have not findings of nanoscale particles of mineralization metals pro-
published. vide direct observation evidence that the nano-particles of
metals could penetrate through sedimentary, metamorphic
Deep-penetrating geochemistry and soil covers to the surface. A new method for separation
Exploration geochemistry research activities have cen- of nanoscale particles from soils was developed to search
tered on transport mechanism and development of methods for concealed deposits.
for concealed deposits in covered terrains. Deep-penetrat-
ing geochemical methods such as selective leaching, geogas, SYMPOSIUM, WORKSHOPS AND TRAINING COURSES
electrical extraction have revealed that anomalies do exist at The 4th Natinal Applied Geochemistry Symposium
surface overlying mineral deposits covered by transported The 4th China National Applied Geochemistry Sym-
overburden. We do not yet fully understand the dispersion posium took place in Chengdu, China, November 26-28,
processes though many researchers recently have given dif- 2012. The symposium was sponsored by the China Associa-
ferent migration models. Recent years, a great progress on tion of Applied Geochemistry and hosted by the Chendu
deep-penetrating geochemistry has been made in findings of University of Science and Technology. Approximately 350
evidences of nano-particles of metals over the covered ore participants attended the sympsium. Student paper prize
deposits. was awarded for 10 students selected from 100 student par-
Nanoparticles of metals were observed in gases, soils ticipants in the symposium.
and ore rocks at the copper-nickle, gold, copper-gold-silver
deposits using a transmission electron microscope (TEM) CCOP-CGS-IUGS Seminar on Geochemical Mapping
equipped with an energy dispersive spectroscope (Wang & A seminar on geochemical mapping was held in
Ye 2011; Wang et al. 2012, Ye et al. 2012). Particle diam- Nanjing, China, on 28-29 March, 2012. The seminar was
eters range from 10 to 200 nm. Most of them are generally sponsored by the China Geological Survey and hosted by
tens of nanometers in diameter with ordered crystal struc- the Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Explora-
ture observed by the TEM. The particles tend to assemblage
continued on page 17

Figure 4. Group photograph of CCOP Geochemical Mapping Seminar in Nanjing, China.


AAG Regional Report for China

continued from page 16 ● Environmental geochemical survey and its applications
tion and the the Coordinating Committee for Geoscience ● Laboratory analysis for 76 elements used in geochemical
Programmes in East and Southeast Asia (CCOP) and 55 mapping
participants from 14 CCOP countries attended the seminar
(Fig. 4). Dr. Wang Xueqiu and Dr. David Smith, co-leaders ● Geochemical data management and map generation.
for IUGS/IAGC Global Geochemical Baselines, Dr. Alecos
Demetriades, treasurer for the IUGS/IAGC Global Geo- Implementation proposals for global-scale, national/re-
chemical Baselines gave presentations on the following gional-scale geochemical mapping in African countries were
topics: discussed in the training course. Professor Wang Xueqiu,
Dr. Zhou Guohua and Mr. Zhang Qin from the Institute of
● History and Accomplishments of the IUGS/IAGC Task Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration (IGGE), Dr. Liu
Group on Global Geochemical Baselines Dawen and Dr. Xiang Yunchuan from the Develpment and
Resaecrh center of the China Geological Survey gave the
● Global-scale Geochemical Baselines Mapping above-mentioned lectures.

● Regional-/National-scale Geochemical Mapping in The field sampling trip to Beijing suburb focused on
China stream sediments and overbank sediments sampling in
mountainous terrains, and soil sampling in plain terrains.
● Geochemical Atlas of Europe: Techniques and Manage- Field sampling trip to inner Mongolia focused on grassland
ment sampling.
● European Ground Water Geochemistry Atlas Using
Bottled Water as a Sampling Medium,

● European Geochemical Atlas of Agricultural and Graz-

ing Land Soil

● Continental-scale Soil Geochemical Survey in North


Training Course on Geochemical Mapping and Environ-

mental Geochemical Survey for African Countries
A training course on Geochemical Mapping and Envi-
ronmental Geochemical Survey for African Countries took
place in Beijing, August 13 to September 12, 2012. This is
the 3rd training course on geochemical mapping for Africa
given by China, after the first course in 2004 and 2011. The
training course was sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce
of the People’s Republic of China and organised by the
Academy for International Business Officials (AIBO) of the Figure 5. Photo showing overbank sediment sampling training
Ministry of Commerce and the China Geological Survey for geochemists from African countries.
(CGS). Twenty three geoscientists from 12 African coun-
tries (Eritrea, Ethiopia, Guinea, Liberia, Malawi, Nigeria, continued on page 18
Sierra Leone, South Sudanese, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda
and Zimbabwe) participated in the course. The training
course comprised 2-week lectures, 1-week field sampling
training (Fig. 5) and 1-week excursion. Lectures covered the

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● Application of geochemical mapping data for mineral
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AAG Regional Report for China

continued from page 17 ments, Anhui Province, China. Geological Publishing
House, Beijing.
Training Course on Geochemical Mapping for Asian Coun- China Geological Survey. 2011b Multi-purpose Regional
tries Geochemical Atlas: Hainan Island, China. Geological
A training course on Geochemical Mapping for Asian Publishing House, Beijing.
Countries are taking place in Beijing from October 22 to Darnley, A.G., Bjoklund, A., Bolviken, B., Gustavsson, N.,
November 20, 2012. A total of 46 participants from 12 coun- Koval, P.V., Plant, J.A., Steenfelt, A., Tauchid, M. &
tries (Armenia, Cambodia, East Timor, Kazakhstan, Kyr- Xie Xuejing. 1995. A global geochemical database for
gystan, Malasia, Mongolia, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Thailand, environmental and resource management[R]. Final
Vietnam) participated in the course. The lecture topics are report of IGCP Project 259, Earth Sciences, 19. Paris:
the same as those of the Training Course on Geochemical UNESCO Publishing, 1-122.
Mapping and Environmental Geochemical Survey for Afri- Wang, X. 2012. Global Geochemical Baselines: understand-
can Countries. ing the past and predicting the future. Earth Science
Frontiers, 19, 7-18.
References Wang, X. & Ye, R. 2011. Findings of Nanoscale Metal
Alvarez, L. W., Alvarez, W., Asaro, F. & Michel, H.V. 1980. particles: evidence for deep-penetrating geochemistry.
Extraterrestrial cause for the Cretaceous-Tertiary ex- Acta Geoscientia Sinica. 32, 7-12 (in Chinese with Eng-
tinction. Science, 208, 1095-1108. lish abstract).
China Geological Survey. 2010. Multi-purpose Regional Wang, X., Chi Qinghua, Liu Hongyan, Nie Lanshi & Zhang
Geochemical Atlas: Poyang Lake and Its Surrounding Bimin, 2007. Wide-spaced sampling for delineation of
Economic Zones, Jiangxi Province. Geological Publish- geochemical provinces in desert terrains, northwestern
ing House, Beijing. China. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analy-
China Geological Survey. 2011a. Multi-purpose Regional sis, 7, 153-161.
Geochemical Atlas: Yangtz and Huaihe River Catch- Wang, X., Zhang Bimin & Liu Xuemin. 2012. Nanogeo-
chemistry: Deep-penetrating geochemical exploration

continued on page 19

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AAG Regional Report for China

continued from page 18 Xu. 2008. Multi-scale Geochemical Mapping in China.
Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis, 8, 1-9.
through cover. Earth Science Frontiers, 19, 101-112 (in Ye Rong, Zhang Bimin, Yao Wenssheng & Wang Yong.
Chinese with English abstract). 2012. Occurrences and formation of copper nanopar-
Xie Xuejing & Cheng Hangxin. 2001. Global geochemical ticles over the concealed ore deposits. Earth Science
mapping and its implementation in the Asia-Pacific Frontiers, 19, 120-129 (in Chinese with English ab-
region. Applied Geochemistry, 16, 1309-1321. stract).
Xie Xuejing, Mu Xuzhan & Ren Tianxiang. 1997. Geo-
chemical mapping in China. Journal of Geochemical Wang Xueqiu
Exploration, 60, 99-113. Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration,
Xuejing Xie, Xueqiu Wang, Qin Zhang, Guohua Zhou, CAGS, China
Hangxin Cheng, Dawen Liu, Zhizhong Cheng & Shanfa Email: wangxueqiu@igge.cn

AAG Regional Councillor Report for Southern Europe

The EuroGeoSurveys Geochemistry Expert Group Activities of the GEMAS and URGE Project Teams
(which has succeeded the FOREGS Geochemistry Working for 2013-14 include publication of (1) a European Atlas
Group) is very active in continental-scale applied geo- on the geochemistry of agricultural and grazing land soil,
chemical projects. Since, the publication of the FOREGS reporting data elaboration and geochemical maps for 68
Geochemical Atlas of Europe (http://weppi.gtk.fi/publ/ determinands, covering almost the entire European territory
foregsatlas/) the group has completed two projects con- until the Urals, and (2) case studies on urban geochemical
cerned with (a) European ground water geochemistry using mapping projects carried out in 10-12 European cities using
bottled mineral water as the sampling medium, and (b) the a common sampling, sample preparation and analytical pro-
publication of a book on urban geochemistry. This work can tocols.
be found in the following publications: Results of both GEMAS and URGE projects will be
presented in a Session organised at the Goldschmidt Confer-
1) Reimann, C. and Birke M., Eds + 79 others, 2010. ence in 2013 in Florence. A selection of papers presented
Geochemistry of European Bottled Water. Borntraeger in this Session will be published in a Special Issue of the
Science Publishers, Stuttgart. 268 pp. URL: http://www. Journal of Geochemical Exploration.
schweizerbart.de/publications/detail/isbn/9783443010676/ A significant contribution to European regional geo-
Geochemistry-of-European-Bottled-Water; chemistry in 2012 is the publication of the regional soil
geochemical atlas of Spain (URL: http://www.igme.es/IN-
2) Birke, M., Demetriades, A. & De Vivo, B. (Guest Edi- TERNET/actividadesIGME/lineas/CartoGeo/geoquimica/
tors), 2010. Mineral Waters of Europe. Special Issue, geoquimicaIng.htm). About 40,000 soil samples were col-
Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 107(3), 217-422. lected and analysed for 63 elements.
This volume includes 15 contributions from national Another significant contribution to European urban
teams of Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia (2), Hellas (2), Slo- geochemistry in 2012 is the completion of the surface soil
vakia, Hungary, Italy (2), Fennoscandia, Germany (2), geochemical project in Dublin in Ireland (URL: http://www.
Portugal and Estonia; gsi.ie/surge).
Publications by EuroGeoSurveys Geochemistry Expert
3) Johnson, C.C., Demetriades, A., Locutura, J. & Ot- Group members on different aspects of European ground
tesen, R.T. (Editors), 2011. Mapping the Chemical water geochemistry, and the GEMAS project:
Environment of Urban Areas. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford,
UK, 616 pp. Avalaible online at: http://eu.wiley.com/ Birke, M., Reimann, C., Rauch, U., Demetriades, A., De
WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0470747242,descCd- Vivo, B., Klos, V., Gosar, M., Ladenberger, A. & GE-
description.html), MAS Project team. Cadmium distribution in cropland
and pasture soils of Europe. GEMAS Volume (in press).
In Europe, two large projects are presently being carried de Caritat P., Reimann C., NGSA Project Team & GEMAS
out Project Team, 2012. Comparing results from two con-
tinental geochemical surveys to world soil composition
(1) the Geochemistry of European Agricultural and Graz- and deriving Predicted Empirical Global Soil (PEGS2)
ing Land Soil (GEMAS – URL: http://gemas.geolba. reference values. Earth and Planetary Science Letters,
ac.at/) and 319-320, 269-276.

(2) Urban Geochemistry (URGE). The first will be com-

pleted in 2013, and the second in 2014. continued on page 20

AAG Regional Report for Southern Europe

continued from page 19
Petrović, T., Mandić, M.Z., Veljković, N., Papić, P. &
Cicchella, D., Lima, A., Birke, M., Demetriades, A., Yao, Stojković, J., 2012. Geochemistry of Bottled Waters of
W., Xie, X. & De Vivo, B., 2013. Mapping geochemi- Serbia. Chapter 19, In: F.F. Quercia and D. Vidojevic
cal patterns distribution at large scale using composite (Editors), Clean Soil and Safe Water. NATO Science for
samples to reduce the analytical costs. Journal of Geo- Peace and Security Series. C: Environmental Security.
chemical Exploration, 124, 79-91. Springer, Dordrecht, 247-266.
Cicchella, D., Albanese, S., Birke, M., Demetriades, Reimann, C., de Caritat, P., GEMAS Project Team & NGSA
D., De Vivo, B., De Vos, W., Dinelli, E., Lima, A., J. Project team. 2012. New soil compositional data for
O’Connor, P. J., Salpeteur, J., Tarvainen, T. & GEMAS Europe and Australia: Demonstrating comparability,
Project Team, in press. Uranium, thorium and potassium identifying continental-scale processes and learning les-
concentrations in agricultural and grazing land soils of sons for global geochemical mapping. Science of The
Europe. Journal of Geochemical Exploration. Total Environment, 416, 239-252.
Cicchella, D., Albanese, S., Birke, M., Demetriades, A., De Reimann, C., Flem, B., Fabian, K., Birke, M., Ladenberger,
Vivo, B., De Vos, W., Dinelli, E., Lima, A., O’Connor, P. A., Negrel, P., Demetriades, A., Hoogewerff, J. & The
J., Salpeteur, I., Tarvainen, T. & GEMAS Project Team. GEMAS Project Team, 2012. Lead and lead isotopes in
In press. Distribution of radioelements in European agricultural soils of Europe – The continental perspec-
agricultural soils. GEMAS Volume. tive. Applied Geochemistry, 27, 532-542.
Demetriades, A., Reimann, C., Birke, M. & EGG Team, Reimann, C., Filzmoser, P., Fabian, K., Hron, K., Birke, M.,
2012. The geochemical atlas of European ground water Demetriades ,A., Dinelli, E., Ladenberger, A. & The
with Emphasis on Hellas. Bulletin of the Geological GEMAS Project Team, 2012. The concept of compo-
Society of Greece. sitional data analysis in practice - Total major element
Demetriades, A., Reimann, C, Birke, M. & Eurogeosurveys concentrations in agricultural and grazing land soils of
Geochemistry EGG Team, 2012. European Ground Europe. Science of The Total Environment, 426, 196-
Water Geochemistry Using Bottled Water as a Sampling 210.
Medium. Chapter 10, In: F. F. Quercia and D. Vidojevic Reimann, C., Birke, M. & Filzmoser, P. 2012. Temperature-
(Editors), Clean Soil and Safe Water. NATO Science for dependent leaching of chemical elements from mineral
Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security. water bottle materials. Applied Geochemistry, 27, 1492-
Springer, Dordrecht, p. 115-139. 1498.
Dinelli, E., Lima, A., Albanese, S., Birke, M., Cicchella, D., Reimann, C., Demetriades, A., Eggen, O. A., Filzmoser P.
Giaccio, L., Valera, P. & De Vivo, B. 2012. Comparative and the EuroGeoSurveys Geochemistry Expert Group.
study between bottled mineral and tap water in Italy. 2011. The EuroGeoSurveys geochemical mapping of
Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 112, 368-389. agricultural and grazing land soils project (GEMAS).
Dinelli E., Lima A., Albanese S., Birke M., Cicchella D., Gi- Evaluation of quality control results of total C and S,
accio L., Valera P. & De Vivo B., 2012. Major and trace total organic carbon (TOC), cation exchange capacity
elements in tap water from Italy. Journal of Geochemi- (CEC), XRF, pH, and particle size distribution (PSD)
cal Exploration, 112, 54-75. analysis. NGU Report 2011.043. ISNN 0800-3416. Geo-
logical Survey of Norway.
Dinelli, E., Reimann, C., Birke, M., Demetriades, A., De
Vivo, B., De Vos, W., Flight, D., Albanese, S., Cicchella, Sadeghi, M., Petrosino, P., Ladengberger, A., Albanese, S.,
D., Lima, A., Valera, P. & GEMAS Project Team. In Andersson, M., Morris, G., Lima, A., De Vivo, B. & GE-
press. Aqua Regia extraction of chemical elements in MAS Project Team. 2012. Ce, La and Y concentrations
agricultural soils in the European GEMAS project, com- in agricultural and grazing-land soils of Europe. Journal
pared to XRF total content. Applied Geochemistry. of Geochemical Exploration.
Disla, J.M.S., Janik, L., McLaughlin, M.J., Forrester, S., Wcislo, E., Korcz, M., Dlugosz, & Demetriades, A. 2012.
Kirby, J., Reimann, C. & GEMAS Project Team. 2012. Risk-based approach to contaminated land and ground-
The use of mid-infrared spectroscopy for the prediction water assessment: Two case studies. Chapter 5, In: F.F.
of the concentration of chemical elements extracted by Quercia & D. Vidojevic (Eds), Clean Soil and Safe
aqua regia. Geoderma. Water. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C:
Environmental Security. Springer, Dordrecht, p. 51-64.
Petrosino, P., Sadeghi, M., Albanese, S., Andersson, M.,
Lima, A. & De Vivo, B. 2012. The REE content in solid
media and stream waters from different geological con- Benedetto De Vivo
texts: comparison between Italy and Sweden. Journal of AAG Regional Councillor for Southern Europe
Geochemical Exploration. Email: bdevivo@unina

AAG Regional Councillor Report for Northern Europe

The mineral exploration and mining boom continues uses of pXRF analyzers are in bedrock mapping and boul-
to be strong in Fennoscandia. Numerous companies (both der prospecting. GTK has also done testing for the use of
foreign and local) are working in the region looking for pXRF on till and pre-glacial weathered bedrock samples in
not only gold, PGE and base metal deposits that used to exploration, and the results seem to be promising.
be the main targets, but also for so-called high technology Tekes – the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology
elements such as In, Li, the REE, Sc and Y. A primary and Innovation - launched a year ago a new five year pro-
reason for the broader focus on a wider range of elements gram called Green Mining (2011-2016; http://www.tekes.fi/
and metals is the mineral strategy of the European Union programmes/GreenMining) .The programme creates new
that emphasizes increased European self-sufficiency and business that requires new, specialised expertise alongside
import independence of strategic metals. the growing field of traditional mining. The central content
One of the key characteristics of current mineral of the programme consists of two thematic areas: 1) Intel-
exploration in Fennoscandia is the application of applied ligent and minimum-impact mines, and 2) new mineral
geochemistry. Much of the exploration is in glaciated resources. The programme offers funding for projects
terrains and till geochemistry is still considered the most within the topic of the programme, networking events and
beneficial tool for tracing potential source rocks for target service expertise processes as well as the promotion of
metals and minerals. Regional and target-scale till geo- international cooperation. Advances are also being looked
chemical data are the basic datasets for exploration, and for in applied geochemical and indicator mineral analysis
new sampling projects are on-going for mapping new areas and sampling methods in glaciated terrains.
or condensing older datasets. For example, in Sweden the
SGU has launched a new regional till geochemical map- Pertti Sarala
ping project focusing on the northern part of the country. Geological Survey of Finland
Recently, the use of portable XRF analyzers has Email: pertti.sarala@gtk.fi
increased significantly in mineral exploration. The primary

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Minutes of the 2012 Annual General Meeting of the

Association of Applied Geochemists
Held at the 34th International Geological Congress (IGC), Council for future AAG symposia.
Brisbane, Australia, 8 August 2012 As Chairman of the Awards and Medals Committee,
Paul Morris, with the help of fellow committee members, re-
I. Call to Order – Establishment of Quorum vised the guidelines for nominating, approving, and present-
AAG Secretary D. Smith, in the absence of President ing Gold and Silver Medals to deserving geoscientists. The
Eppinger, called the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to revised guidelines were approved by Council this Spring and
order at 7:00 PM local time and determined that more than forwarded to Jamil for posting on AAG’s website.
the necessary 15 AAG Fellows required for a quorum were Speaking of the website, we are close to finalizing the
present. Sixteen AAG Fellows attended. new AAG website. Most of the content had been transferred
by Gemma in 2011, but we were stymied in moving forward
II. President’s report (D. Smith for B. Eppinger) by the need for specialized programming for the Members
D. Smith presented the following report from President Area part of the website. Gemma and Jamil sought help
Eppinger: from a website development service and Council approved
the expenditure for this work in June. We should have a new
AAG Membership, website up and running by this Fall. Andrew Ransom, our
Please accept my apologies for not attending AAG’s An- former Webmaster, has moved on from this volunteer posi-
nual General Meeting at the 34th International Geological tion. Thank you, Andrew, for many years of service to AAG.
Congress. A family emergency—my Mother’s last days—has In June, Ravi Anaand was unanimously approved by
precluded my IGC attendance. Dave Smith has graciously Council as AAG’s Distinguished Lecturer for 2013-2014.
offered to present this short summary of AAG activities for Ravi is an excellent choice, having a broad background in ap-
the first 7 months of 2012. Thank you, Dave. plied geochemistry and in being a dynamic speaker. Ravi has
First, I want to thank the AAG Executive, Matt Ley- a varied list of titles on which he will be speaking. He is also
bourne, Gwendy Hall, and Dave Smith, and our Past Presi- embarking in 2013 on a CSIRO-funded world tour, which
dent, Paul Morris, for easing my transition in the Presidency, will facilitate his giving presentations to AAG Membership
and for their sage advice. Also, thank you to all AAG and other geoscientists. Please contact Ravi (ravi.anand@
Regular and Regional Council Members for participating in csiro.au) to help facilitate his presentations in your part of
the running of our society. Thanks to Gwendy and to Beth the world. Both Rob Bowell and Scott Long are thanked for
McClenaghan for their editorship responsibilities for GEEA jointly serving as AAG Distinguished Lecturers in 2011-2012.
and EXPLORE, respectively, and to Sarah Lincoln as EX- With Erick Weiland leading the charge, AAG now has a
PLORE’s Business Manager. Thanks also go to Jamil Sader new student funding opportunity—the In-Kind Student Sup-
as AAG’s Website Coordinator and to Gemma Bonham- port Initiative, approved by Council this last Spring. With
Carter for administering the website. Finally, Betty Arse- this program, AAG serves as a broker in linking students to
neault deserves a huge thank you for her day-to-day running various analytical laboratories (currently ALS, Becquerel,
of AAG as our Business Manager. Without Betty, I fear that Genalaysis, and Ultratrace) who work directly with the stu-
all would fall apart! dents in providing analytical support. Erick is actively seek-
The 26th International Applied Geochemistry Sympo- ing students, so spread the word! Another on-going student
sium will be held on 18-21 November, 2013 in Rotorua, New funding program, the ioStipend (ioGlobal and AcmeLabs)
Zealand. Planning, under the stellar leadership of Local provides in-kind analytical research funds for BSc, MSc, and
Organizing Committee Chairman Tony Christie, is well PhD students. Finally, the Distinguished Applied Geo-
underway. This is promising to be a must-attend meeting, chemists fund provides travel money for students to attend
with an excellent technical program, a variety of workshops, AAG-sponsored symposia. Criteria for all three programs
and some amazing fieldtrip opportunities. I encourage all are found on AAG’s website. Students are required to pres-
AAG Members to attend, and encourage your geoscience ent at the meetings and to write articles in either GEEA or
colleagues to attend as well! You can get to the symposium EXPLORE. Please, let students know of these funding op-
website by Googling “26th IAGS”. portunities—they are the future of our organization.
When I began my term as President, a major concern We presently are discussing a restructure of AAG mem-
was in securing proposals for the 27th IAGS in 2015. At bership fees. Currently, we charge $100 US, but our cost for
the Rovaniemi, Finland meeting, there was some discussion GEEA, Elements, and office expenses totals $115 per mem-
about having this meeting return to the USA. AAG Coun- ber, assuming 520 full-paying memberships. However, we
cillor Erick Weiland is leading the charge in developing a essentially give away student memberships at $10 each, which
strong proposal for having the meeting in Tucson, Arizona. results in an even larger spread. When we absorbed the cost
Stay tuned as this develops further. I can’t leave the IAGS of Elements a few years ago we said that we would revisit the
discussion without sincerely thanking Pertti Sarala for lead- economics of that decision and now is that time. Your input
ing a remarkable 25th IAGS in Rovaniemi, Finland. Simply on this is needed, as we will be making a decision in Septem-
outstanding! Finally, David Cohen has revised and updated ber for the fee structure for 2013 and beyond.
the AAG Code of Practice for Symposia and an associated
Guidelines document that were approved this Spring by continued on page 24

AAG Annual Meeting Minutes… • 26 new regular

continued from page 23 • 1 new Fellow

Financial Statistics from February Council Meeting

Finally, I want to encourage AAG Members and Fel- • Developing Countries Membership Fund, $15,725.00 US
lows to become more involved in running our organization. • Distinguished Applied Geochemists fund, $19,863.00 US
Without everyone’s volunteer efforts, the various activities of • CIBC US $82,784.90
AAG would not move forward. If you have not been active, • CIBC CAN $7,510.23
it is your time to step forward. Members should consider • TD Investment Account, $586,400.55
upgrading their membership to Fellow. And Fellows should
consider becoming more involved in Council and in serving III. Other business
on committees. We need your help and we need new blood No other business matters were brought forward at the
to keep our association vital and relevant. Also, write up AGM.
your research and submit it to our journal GEEA—we need
more content to fill issues for 2013. IV. Adjournment
After a short discussion among AGM participants on the
Membership Statistics from June Council Meeting current status and future of the Association, D. Smith de-
• 516 paid members for 2012 clared the 2012 Annual General Meeting adjourned at 7:30
• 15 new student PM local

New Association Dues Options in 2013

The Association annual dues provide membership to the longest-serving association focussing on the application of explo-
ration and environmental geochemistry (42 years and counting!), as well as options for receiving the Association’s quarterly
journal Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis (GEEA), its EXPLORE newsletter, and the thematic magazine
Elements. GEEA continues to grow in terms of its circulation and measurable scientific impact, whereas EXPLORE is a forum
for circulation of new ideas and discussion. We now have options for receiving GEEA either as digital only or print copies,
and receiving Elements or not. The various tiered options for Association annual dues are:
Membership Type Options
EXPLORE GEEA print GEEA digital Elements Cost (USD)
Regular or Fellow yes yes yes yes $100
Regular or Fellow yes yes yes -- $85
Regular or Fellow yes -- yes yes $85
Regular or Fellow yes -- yes -- $70
Senior Member or Fellow yes -- -- yes $40
Senior Member or Fellow yes -- -- -- $20
Student yes -- yes yes $10
Subsidized Developing Country Member yes yes yes yes $10

Dues can be paid on AAG’s new and improved website (www.appliedgeochemists.org). This website is easier to navigate,
has increased functionality, better security measures, and highlights the work of the AAG and its members. For Members
Area access, all AAG members must log in to the new AAG website and establish a new password as follows:
• Go to www.appliedgeochemists.org
• On the left hand side of the page under 'Member Login', click "forgot password" The next screen should ask for an email
address. Enter the email address that is associated with your AAG membership.
• Go to your email inbox and you will receive an email with verification code to choose a new password. Please follow the
instructions in this email. Usernames will be the first letter of your first name and last name, all one word and lowercase, as
in: "barseneault". If this username does not work, click on “forgot username” to have it sent to you.
• IMPORTANT: When renewing your membership, please be sure to tick 'YES' on the boxes at the bottom of the form to
ensure that your name is put on the AAG mailing list and to show up in member's searches. Your contact information will
not be distributed outside of the AAG and will only be visible to AAG members.
Please submit all questions about on line dues payment to our Webmaster, Gemma Bonham-Carter at: webmaster@applied-

Career Opportunity in
Mineral Exploration Geochemistry
UBC-Industry Exploration Geochemistry Initiative

The Mineral Deposit Research Unit (MDRU) in the Department of Earth,

Ocean and Atmospheric Science (EOAS) at The University of British Columbia
(UBC), Vancouver, Canada has launched a new industry-sponsored research
and training venture in Exploration Geochemistry. We are seeking a
candidate to take the position of Research Chair to lead this unique, exciting,
and well-funded Exploration Geochemistry Initiative. The successful
candidate will have the opportunity to provide leadership and innovation to
develop a robust research program building new foundations in the field of
Exploration Geochemistry.

In this position, the Chair will launch a major research initiative to advance
collaborative, industrially-relevant research. To achieve this goal, the
successful candidate will bring an innovative perspective to the field of
geochemistry, as well as experience in conducting and managing applied
research projects. The Chair will also play a lead role in providing an
enthusiastic environment to train young researchers to contribute to the
production of the next generation of exploration geochemists.

Key research objectives will include contributing to the understanding of

processes of element transport in the surficial environment, and advancing
the development of new mineral exploration techniques. These objectives
will be accomplished with a fully-funded research team to be established by
the successful candidate, which will consist of Post-Doctoral Fellows, PhD
and MSc level graduate students, and industry support and collaboration.

The Exploration Geochemistry Initiative will operate in the supportive MDRU research environment and will also benefit
from the support of various industry partners and the large exploration geochemical community in Vancouver. In addition,
the initiative will benefit from interactions with other UBC geochemical expertise and infrastructure such as the Pacific
Centre for Isotopic and Geochemical Research, the Multidisciplinary Applied Geochemistry Network (MAGNET) which is a
new NSERC–Collaborative Research and Training Experience Program that supports training in applied geochemistry, and
the newly created Canada Research Chair in Applied Geochemistry.

Core funding for the Exploration Geochemistry Initiative has been provided by generous industry grants from Acme
Analytical Laboratories Ltd with the potential for additional support from the National Science and Engineering Research
Council (NSERC) to establish an Industrial Research Chair. This Chair is designed to attract the best candidate who
demonstrates collaborative research strengths and has the ability to collaborate across discipline boundaries. The position
is a five-year term with opportunities for extension. The position may carry an academic appointment within UBC.
Preference will be given to candidates with industry experience. A PhD, teaching experience, and publication record are
preferable but not required. Salary and benefits will be competitive with industry.

For further information on the MDRU Exploration Geochemistry Initiative, contact Dr. Craig Hart, MDRU Director, at
chart@eos.ubc.ca or Dr. Peter Bradshaw, Chairman of the Search Committee, at pbradshaw@firstpointminerals.com.
Additional background information is available on the MDRU website at http://www.mdru.ubc.ca. Expressions of interest
consisting of a CV and a one-page cover letter should be sent by email, from which a shortlist of suitable candidates will be

UBC hires on the basis of merit and is committed to employment equity. UBC is strongly committed to diversity within its
community and especially welcomes expressions of interest from visible minority group members, women, Aboriginal persons,
persons with disabilities, persons of any sexual orientation or gender identity, and others who may contribute to the further
diversification of ideas. However, Canadians and Permanent Residents of Canada will be given priority.


MDRU-Mineral Deposit Research Unit

Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, 2207 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z4
Tel: +1-604-822-6136 Fax: +1-604-822-6088 E-mail: mdru@eos.ubc.ca

The Association of Applied Geochemists

announces the

2012 AAG
The AAG announces the 9th biennial Student Paper Competition. The paper must ad-
dress an aspect of exploration geochemistry or environmental geochemistry related to
mineral exploration and be based on research performed as a student.
The student must be the principal author and the paper must have been published in
Geochemistry: Exploration, Envirnoment, Analysis no more than three years after
completion of the degree. All eligible papers in 2011 and 2012 volumes of GEEA will
be reviewed by the selection panel.

The winner will receive:

• A cash prize of $1000CAD generously donated by SGS Minerals Services;

• A 2-year membership of AAG, including the society’s journal (GEEA);
EXPLORE newsletter, publication of an abstract and CV of the winner;
• a certificate of recognition; and
• $500US towards expenses to attend an AAG-sponsored meeting, courtesy of AAG.

The results of the 2012 competition will be announced at the 26th IAGS in Rotorua,
New Zealand. Details are available from the Chair of the committee or the AAG
Students’ page (http://www.appliedgeochemists.org/).

David Cohen
Chair, Student Paper Competition
School of BEES
The University of New South Wales
UNSW NSW 2052 Australia
Email: d.cohen@unsw.edu.au

AAG Student Support Initiative

Analytical Support for BSc (Hons), MSc and PhD Students
in Applied Geochemistry

In 2011, AAG implemented a coordinated program with analytical laboratories to provide In-Kind
Student Support for applied geochemical research projects. We are off to an exciting start with several
students currently being assisted, multiple laboratories participating, and the first student paper
published in EXPLORE #157: “Particle size fractionation and chemical speciation of REE in a lateritic
weathering profile in Western Australia”. Ms. Xin Du is from University of Western Australia with
Genalysis Laboratory Services (Intertek) sponsoring the analyses. The latest Student/Laboratory match-
up is Markham Phillips from the University of Otago in New Zealand who is being supported by ALS
Geochemistry in Vancouver, Canada on his research into “Granite host and it’s alteration suites as well as
geochronology of gold bearing sulphide minerals” in New Zealand.

Investment in Applied Geochemistry

The AAG Council believes that securing both the future of the Association and that of applied
geochemistry requires attracting more students to the science. As an investment in the future, the AAG
wishes to encourage and support students whose area of study is Applied Geochemistry. For students of
applied geochemistry, a major cost component in any research is the geochemical analyses. AAG believes
that by identifying appropriate students, using a set of simple criteria, and coordinating with analytical
laboratories that are willing to offer support in terms of geochemical analyses, high quality research and
training in fundamental geochemical principles can result. The research is then published through the
AAG journal (Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis) or the EXPLORE newsletter.

Laboratories Participating in the In-Kind Student Support Initiative

Four laboratories generously signed on to provide the analytical support to students during 2012;
committing over $35,000 in terms of analytical support:
• Becquerel Laboratories Inc., Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
• ALS Geochemistry, North Vancouver, BC, Canada
• Genalysis / Intertek, Gosnells, Western Australia
• Ultratrace / Bureau Veritas, Canning Vale, Western Australia

If your laboratory or student is interested in being a part of this program, please contact the chair of
AAG’s Education Committee, Erick Weiland (education@appliedgeochemists.org), who can provide you
with details of this program. Student applications and instructions may also be found on the AAG web
site: http://www.appliedgeochemists.org/ student’s page under the Student Support link.

Education Committee
Eric Grunsky, Ray Lett, Ryan Noble, Nigel Radford, Erick Weiland (Chair)

CALENDAR OF 17-19 June 2013. Mineralogical Society Annual Meeting:

EVENTS Minerals for Life. Edinburgh UK. Website: www.minersoc.

17-20 June 2013. Conference on Mathematical and Compu-

tational Issues in the Geosciences. Padova, Italy. Website:
International, national, and regional meetings of interest to www.siam.org/meetings/gs13
colleagues working in exploration, environmental and other
areas of applied geochemistry. These events also appear on 30 June – 4 July 2013. 12th International Estuarine Bio-
the AAG web page at: www.appliedgeochemists.org geochemistry Symposium. Plymouth, UK. Website: www.
2013 3-5 July 2013. 8th International Conference on the Environ-
mental Effects of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials. Aix-en-
7-12 April 2013. European Geosciences Union General As- Provence France. Website: www.nano-environment2013.org
sembly. Vienna, Austria. Website: www.egu2013.eu
5-13 July 2013. 11th ICAM International Congress for
23-25 April 2013. 7th International Conference on the Applied Mineralogy. Mianyang China. Website: www.
Impact of Environmental Factors on Health. Budapest, icam2013.org
Hungary. Website: http://tinyurl.com/cf2yp73
8-12 July 2013. 29th European Conference of the Society
24-28 April 2013. Basalt 2013 - Cenozoic Magmatism in for Environmental Geochemistry and Health. Toulouse,
Central Europe. Goerlitz, Germany. Website: http://tinyurl. France. http://segh2013.sciencesconf.org/
20-24 July 2013. American Crystallographic Association
5-8 May 2013. Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy, (ACA) Annual Meeting. Honolulu HI USA. Website:
and Petroleum 2013 Conference and Exhibition. Toronto http://tinyurl.com/aruja56
ON, Canada. Website: http://web.cim.org/toronto2013beta
28 July-2 August 2013. 11th International Conference on
12-16 May 2013. 13th European Workshop on Modern De- Mercury as a Global Pollutant Edinburgh UK. Website:
velopments & Applications in Microbeam Analysis. Porto, www.mercury2013.com
Portugal. Website: http://tinyurl.com/8jp48zr
28 July – 2 August 2013. Gordon Research Conference: At-
19-22 May 2013. AAPG 2013 Annual Convention & Exhibi- mospheric Chemistry. West Dover VT USA. Website: http://
tion. Pittsburgh PA, USA. Website: www.aapg.org/pitts- tinyurl.com/8ashaoc
4-8 August 2013. Microscopy & Microanalysis 2013. India-
22-24 May 2013. Geological Association of Canada/Miner- napolis IN USA. Website: www.microprobe.org/events
alogical Association of Canada Annual Meeting. Winnipeg
MB Canada. Website: http://gacmacwinnipeg2013.ca 12-15 August 2013. 12th SGA Biennial Meeting. Uppsala,
Sweden. Website: www.conference.slu.se/sga2013
26 May – 2 June 2013. PEG 2013: Sixth International Sym-
posium on Granitic Pegmatite. Bartlett NH USA. Website: 18- 23 August 2013. EnvironMetal Isotopes EMI 2013.
http://tinyurl.com/8b5fhnu Ascona Switzerland. Website: www.ibp.ethz.ch/events/con-
9-14 June 2013. Water-Rock Interaction XIV Symposium.
Avignon, France. Website: www.wri14-2013.fr 25-30 August 2013. Goldschmidt 2013. Florence, Italy. Web-
site: www.goldschmidt.info/2013
15-16 Jun 2013. 5th European Gemmological Symposium.
Leiden, The Netherlands. Website: http://tinyurl.com/ 25-29 August 2013. ECM 28 - XXVIII European Crystallo-
b5c97q5 graphic Meeting. Warwick UK. Website: http://ecm28.org
16-20 June 2013. 12th International Conference on the 1-7 September 2013. International Conference on Gas
Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. Athens GA USA. Geochemistry 2013. Patras Greece. Website: http://conf12.
Website: http://tinyurl.com/ca39d7g ic-gg.org
16- 21 June 2013. Catchment Science: Interactions of 2-10 September 2013. 10th International Eclogite Confer-
Hydrology, Biology & Geochemistry. Andover NH USA. ence. Courmayeur, Italy. Website: www.iec2013.unito.it
Website: http://tinyurl.com/ah27v26 continued on page 27

CALENDAR OF Review of Exploration

EVENTS Geochemistry Modular Course
continued from page 28
Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

2-6 September 2013. 15th Conference of the International From December 6 to 16, 2012, I had the opportunity
Association for Mathematical Geosciences. Madrid Spain. to participate in the biennial Exploration Geochemistry
Website: http://tinyurl.com/9wo8kmo Modular Course (GEOL5806) offered by the Department
of Earth Sciences at Laurentian University (LU) in
22-27 September 2013. 10th Applied Isotope Geochemistry Sudbury, Ontario, Canada as part of their Applied M.Sc.
Conference. Budapest Hungary. Website: www.aig10.com in Mineral Exploration program (http://earthsciences.
laurentian.ca). This course was organized by Dr. Michael
24-27 September 2013. SEG Conference: Geoscience for Lesher (DES/MERC) and consisted of 11 days of lectures
Discovery. Whistler BC, Canada. Website: www.seg2013.org and laboratory exercises given by speakers from academia
and government.
13-18 October 2013. International Symposium on Envi- The first five days was an intensive review on
ronmental Biogeochemistry. Wuhan China. Website: www. geochemical theory and background, including analytical
isebiogeochemistry.com methods, lithogeochemistry, alteration indices, mass
balance, and radiogenic and stable isotopes. The following
27-30 October 2013. GSA 2013 Annual Meeting. Denver four days focused on lithogeochemistry and exploration
CO USA. Website: www.geosociety.org/meetings/2013 techniques implemented for a variety of mineralization
styles. Some of the topics covered included hydrothermal
29-31 October 2013. 9th Fennoscandian Exploration and sediments and applications, exploration geochemistry
Mining Meeting. Levi, Finland. Website: http://fem.lappi.fi/ of SEDEX deposits, VMS systems, Au-deposits, and
en U-deposits. The final two days of the course we covered
soil geochemistry, regional surficial geochemical exploration
18-21 November 2013. 26th International Applied Geo- techniques in Ontario, till sampling methods in glaciated
chemistry Symposium, Rotorua, New Zealand. Website: terrain and ice flow indicators and glacial dispersal trains.
www.gns.cri.nz/iags A total of 45 people attended the course this year,
including graduate students from: LU, Lakehead
University, University of Western, University of Ottawa,
2014 Carleton University, and University of Waterloo. Attendees
also included industry geoscientists from Hudbay Minerals,
1-5 September 2014. 21st General Meeting of the Inter-
Goldcorp, HTX, Stillwater, Caracle Creek and government
national Mineralogical Association. Johannesburg South
professionals (Ontario Geological Survey). Despite the
Africa. Website: www.ima2014.co.za
diverse backgrounds and specialties amongst the attendees,
everyone managed to keep up with the fast pace lectures
Please let us know of your events by sending details to:
and assignments.
Participants benefitted from a number of guest lecturers
Steve Amor
with various backgrounds; professors Michael Lesher,
Geological Survey of Newfoundland and Labrador
Daniel Kontak, Harold Gibson (LU/MERC) and Kurt
P.O. Box 8700, St. John’s, NL, Canada. A1B 4J6
Kyser (Queen’s University), Geological Survey of Canada
Email: StephenAmor@gov.nl.ca
geoscientists Jan Peter, Eric Grunsky, Wayne Goodfellow
Phone: 709-729-1161
and Beth McClenaghan, and Ontario Geological Survey
geoscientists Marcus Burnham, Jennifer Hargreaves, Stew
Hamilton, Richard Dyer and Dave Crabtree.
Overall the course was very intensive and covered
a wide range of geochemical theory and application.
Support Your Laboratory exercises provided a practical application for
our newly gained geochemistry knowledge.
Association Rémy S. Poulin
M.Sc. Student
Advertise in Laurentian University
Email: RY_Poulin@laurentian.ca

EXPLORE Magazine

In-kind Analytical Research Fund for BSc(Hons),
MSc and PhD students
Much has been said and written about the It is envisaged that three or four of these awards
broadening gulf between the demand for qualified will be made each year.
explorationists and the supply coming out of our Applications are reviewed by an expert group of
colleges, technical institutes and universities. One ioGlobal’s geochemists
merely has to attend any geo-conference and gaze
out over the sea of grey to fully grasp the situation Eligibility Criteria
our industry faces. This is all the more evident in the Preference will be given to:
field of exploration geochemistry whose members
• students with no other source of funding
have always been in short supply.
As consultants and service industries, we owe • students working on exploration geochemistry
our livelihood to mining and exploration and thus projects
have a vested interest in its development. We believe • projects no or very minimal confidentiality
that any aid to promote fresh faces into our sector is requirements
helping to secure our future.
Acme Analytical Laboratories Ltd. and ioGlobal The ioStipend is international. Applications are
are taking the bold initiative of directly aiding welcome from qualified institutions globally.
students in the geosciences via the ioStipend. The
ioStipend is a grant available to students conducting Some technical input may be provided by
exploration-related geochemical studies at a ioGlobal on request.
recognized educational institution. The grant is in
the form of analytical services using any package Requirements for receiving the ioStipend
provided by Acme Analytical Laboratories Ltd. Firstly, there are minimal strings attached.
Students and/or their teachers/advisors can apply for Recipients would have to agree to
the grant by submitting the application to ioGlobal 1. Have their project promoted on the ioGlobal web
who will vet the proposals. site in an area devoted to R&D carried out under
The grant is intended to promote the collection of the program (couple of passport photo shots,
high quality, base-line data for comparison with more brief description)
“esoteric data” (eg, isotopic data, partial digests,
non-standard sample media) generated during the 2. Acknowledge ACME Labs and ioGlobal for
course of research, and to promote broad training support in technical and public presentations of
in fundamental geochemical principals across the results
geosciences. 3. Write a short article for Explore describing the
The ioStipend allows for amounts of project outcomes, and allow this to be published
approximately $5,000 (AUD, CAD or equivalent) for on the ioGlobal web site.
in-kind analytical work. Successful applicants will
also be provided with 3 academic licences of ioGAS,
the new exploratory data analysis software package David Lawie, John Gravel
available from ioGlobal.
The application form is available at www.ioglobal.

P.O. Box 26099, 72 Robertson Road, Ottawa,
Ontario K2H 9R0 CANADA • Telephone (613) 828-0199
Newsletter No. 158 MARCH 2013 www.appliedgeochemists.org

Editor: Beth McClenaghan (beth.mcclenaghan@NRCan-RNCan.gc.ca) OFFICERS

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EXPLORE Publication Schedule Nigel.Radford@newmont.com ErickWeiland@Terra-Technology.com
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Deadlines for submission of articles or advertisements: Nigel Radford, Ryan Noble,
Nigel.Radford@newmont.com Ryan.Noble@csiro.au
March newsletter: January 15 Ray Lett,
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Information for Contributors Pertti Sarala
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Manuscripts should be double-spaced and submitted in digital format d.cohen@unsw.edu.au
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submitted as separate digital files and as high resolution jpeg or PDF files. AAG COORDINATORS
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authors GEEA
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Submissions should be sent to:
Beth McClenaghan, Geological Survey of Canada, 601 Booth Street, Betty Arseneault, Business Manager
Ottawa, ON, CANADA K1A 0E8 Email: beth.mcclenaghan@NRCan- P.O. Box 26099, 72 Robertson Road, Ottawa, ON K2H 9R0 CANADA,
RNCan.gc.ca TEL: (613) 828-0199 FAX: (613) 828-9288,
e-mail: office@appliedgeochemists.org

Acme Analytical Laboratories, Ltd. ..............................................18 IO Stipend........................................................................................30
Activation Laboratories Ltd. ..........................................................21 Maxwell Geoservices.........................................................................3
ALS .....................................................................................................3 Olympus Innovx.................................................................................8
AMIS ................................................................................................10 Rocklabs ...........................................................................................17
Becquerel Laboratories, Inc...........................................................18 SGS ...................................................................................................32
Career Opportunity in Mineral Exploration Geochemistry .......25 26th IAGS Symposium 2013 ..........................................................22



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