2008 12 RECORDER Interpolation
2008 12 RECORDER Interpolation
2008 12 RECORDER Interpolation
and Nisku targets in West Central Alberta
Lee Hunt, Scott Reynolds, Scott Hadley, and Mark Hadley
Fairborne Energy Ltd.
Lee Hunt currently consults for Fairborne Energy and Artek Exploration. He graduated from the
University of Alberta with a B.Sc. in geophysics in 1990, after which he started his career working for
PanCanadian Petroleum Ltd. The latter two thirds of his career has largely been at small junior compa-
nies. His experience ranges from interpretation to managing a business unit, but he has always been
interested in working with others to improve his technical abilities to drill successful wells. He and his
co-authors won Best Abstract for the 2008 CSEG convention, and he was also co-recipient of the 2000
CSEG Best Paper Award. Lee has contributed to the CSEG in the past by acting as the 2001 CSEG
Convention Technical Chairman, as well as being one of the co-creators of the CSEG MLA. He is a
supporter of APEGGA, and was one of the participants in the creation of APEGGA’s Q.I. Practise
Jon Downton is currently the Research Manger of the Canadian processing and imaging product line
for CGGVeritas. His research is in the area of estimating rock and fluid properties from seismic data,
including AVO, inversion and controlled amplitude processing. He obtained his Ph.D. from the
University of Calgary in 2005 and his B.Sc. in geophysics from the University of Alberta in 1985. He has
worked for numerous processing and software development companies including ITA, Landmark,
Integra Geoservices, Scott Pickford/Core Lab, Paradigm and now CGGVeritas. He is a member of the
SEG, EAGE, APEGGA and the CSEG for which he is currently the Vice President.
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By illustrating our new interpolation migration method of AVO processing on these two very different targets, we demonstrate the
general importance of stabilizing prestack migration with this kind of support on structured, coarse 3D seismic surveys. These exam-
ples offer some insight into the future direction of other, related methods of analysis such as Azimuthal AVO (AVAz), whose sampling
is much worse and could be expected to benefit from this kind of imaging support.
Introduction: interpretive
Seismic processing and interpretation
is at once a scientific, and a hopeful
endeavour. The presence of noise,
inadequacies of the acquisition
parameters, interpretive or physical
non-uniqueness within the resolution
at hand, and sometimes even the lack
of sufficient geologic sampling to
adequately understand all aspects of
the problem, all serve to add uncer-
tainty to our ability to confidently
interpret seismic data. Our approach
must always be as scientific as the
shortcomings of our data allow, and
constantly engage in the pursuit of
improving our method against these
same limitations. Whenever we
attempt a new technology to attack or
mitigate against the ill-posed nature
of our interpretive pursuit, there is a
certain element of hope that these
efforts can enable us to do better.
Continued on Page 12
Figure 2. 0 to 35 degree AVO models created for Well A (good reservoir) and Well B (absent reservoir), respectively.
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Continued on Page 14
Figure 4a. Old Lambda*Rho versus Mu*Rho cross plot from Pelletier and Gunderson. Figure 4b. New Lambda*Rho versus Mu*Rho cross plot. Each data point in Figure
4b is coloured according to its gamma ray value as illustrated by the colour bar on the right side of the figure.
Continued on Page 15
Continued on Page 16
Figure 5. Ostrander gather at well A (a) & B (b), interpolated Ostrander gather at well A (c) & B (d), PSTM Ostrander gather at well A (e) & B (f), interpolated PSTM
Ostrander gather at well A (g) & B (h). The Viking is at 1790 ms at well A and 1821 ms at well B.
Figure 6. Ostrander gathers at the argillaceous basinal well 10-17. 6a is the 1x1 CDP gather, 6b is the 5x5 CDP gather such as was used by Pelletier and Gunderson. 6c is
a 1x1 PSTM gather. 6d is the interpolated PSTM gather without superbinning, and represents the new method. The Nisku zone is comprised of the trough (in blue) just
above 2.1s, to the base Nisku peak (in red) which is just below 2.1s.
Continued on Page 17
Gather comparisons
Table 3. The versions of the data that the AVO attribute was extracted from and
Let us compare the effectiveness of the new interpolation regressed with Phi-H. CC is the correlation coefficient of that regression.
method on individual gathers first for the Viking, and secondly,
for the Nisku zones. Figure 7 compares a portion of the interpolated PSTM attribute
map to the 5x5 superbinned CDP method, the 1x1 PSTM method,
Figure 5 (a, b, c, d) shows a comparison of the original data at the
and the 5x5 PSTM method. Low ratio values are in green to red.
Viking zone’s well locations A & B versus the interpolated data
Although the CC values are an objective measure of the veracity
at the same locations. The AVO trend of the data has been
of the AVO attribute, they can be hypersensitive to outliers. This
preserved and is similar to the models shown in Figure 2.
is why a comparison of the quality of the map results and even
Similarly, Figure 5 (e, f, g, h) compares the prestack migrated
the gathers are of significant additional value. For example, even
(uninterpolated) data to the PSTM gathers after interpolation.
though the 5x5 CDP method has a similar CC to the 5x5 PSTM
For all the cases the interpolated results have a superior S/N
method, it is clear from the map comparison that the 5x5 PSTM
ratio than the non-interpolated gathers. This is partly due to the
result is superior. In fact, the map comparsion reveals that the
higher fold and, in the case of the interpolated PSTM gathers,
CDP method is grossly inferior to all the PSTM (migrated)
better sampling of the wavefield prior to the migration resulting
results. Wells A and B are also noted, and are discriminated quite
in less migration noise.
Continued on Page 18
Figure 8. Lambda rho versus Mu rho cross plot comparison for the Nisku zone, between the old method and new method respectively.
Continued on Page 19
Conclusions successful noise attenuation and static Goodway, B., 2001, AVO and Lamé constants for rock
parameterization and fluid detection: CSEG RECORDER,
corrections. Therefore, the existence of Vol. 26, No. 6, pp. 39-60.
The new interpolation migration method efficient interpolation tools does not Hunt, L., H., Hadley, S., Hadley, M., Downton, J.,
of AVO analysis yielded superior results diminish the importance of acquiring Durrani, B., 2008, Interpolation, PSTM, AVO, and a
in our comparative work on the Viking, data with the best possible sampling. In Thin Gas Charged Viking Shoreface in West Central
and the Nisku. In both cases, the signal-to- Alberta, CSEG Annual Convention.
fact, interpolation could be taken into
noise ratio of the new method was illus- Li, Y., Downton, J., and Xu, Y., 2007, Practical aspects of
account during acquisition not to save AVO modeling: TLE, March, 26, No. 3, pages 295-311.
trated by a variety of methods. The Viking acquisition costs, but to acquire addi- Liu, B. and Sacchi, M., 2004, Minimum Weighted Norm
zone had the most well control, and was tional data that can be used by interpola- Interpolation of Seismic Records, Geophysics 69, 7.
compared more rigorously than the tion to infill areas where shots or Pelletier, H., and Gunderson, J., 2005, Application of
Nisku. The well control on our 3D receivers cannot be deployed. It is better rock physics to an exploration play: A carbonate case study
allowed us to validate our method for the from the Brazeau River 3D: TLE 24, No 5, 516-519.
to acquire actual data whenever possible
Viking objectively, including a quantita- (and economic) due to potential non- Reynolds, S., Hunt, L., Hadley, S., Hadley, M.,
Downton, J., Durrani, B., 2008, Are key technological
tive measure of the relationship between uniqueness, than to rely too heavily on changes of the last three years enough to warrant repro-
Phi-H and an AVO attribute. Of the many interpolation. cessing? Interpolation and AVO Inversion for the Nisku at
variations of the seismic data that we Brazeau, CSEG Annual Convention.
compared, the interpolated PSTM gathers Future work is focused on using interpo- Trad, D., 2007, A Strategy for wide-azimuth Land Data
lation to precondition the data for Interpolation: 77th Annual International Meeting,
without superbinning were unequivo- SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 946-950.
cally the best. Interestingly, the variations azimuthal migrations and analysis (e.g.
Wen, R., 2004, 3D Modeling of Stratigraphic
that had PSTM were consistently superior azimuthal AVO and velocity analysis). Heterogeneity in Channelized Rservoirs: Methods and
to those which were not migrated. Despite This will place greater demands on the Applications in Seismic Attribute Facies Classification,
interpolation and seismic data acquistion. CSEG RECORDER, Vol 29, No. 3, pp. 38-45.
our original opinion that imaging would
R Geomodeling Technology Corp, 2006, VisualVoxAt
be important, we were nevertheless training manuals, Introduction to VisualVoxAt.
surprised by how important it was on this
data. Interpolation was also shown to be a Acknowledgements
better method of stabilization than simply
superbinning the PSTM gathers. In fact, We thank Scott Cheadle, Kendall Rogers,
despite giving the map views a cleaner Xiaowei Luo and John Zhang
appearance, the net effect of super- (CGGVeritas), Cameron Demmans, Brad
binning did not consistently help our Molnar (Fairborne) for their work on this
cross correlations- a result that surprised project, CGGVeritas Library Canada and
us. Comparisons of gather quality are Fairborne Energy Ltd for allowing us to
consistent with the quantitative measures, show this information.
and support the interpolation PSTM flow
that we advocate. Cross plot comparsions References
of Lamé parameters for the Nisku zone Barnes, A. E., 2001, Seismic Attributes in your facies,
also appeared to physically indicate the CSEG RECORDER, pp. 41-47, September Issue.
superiority of the new method. Boreen, T. and Walker, R.G., 1991, Definition of
allomembers and their facies assemblages in the Viking
AVO attributes are generally of great Formation, Willesden Green area, Alberta; Bull. Can.
Petrol. Geol., v39, p123-144.
fundamental importance in seismic inter-
Chambers, Richard, and Yarus, Jeffrey, 2002,
pretation, but their accuracy limits their Quantitative Use of Seismic Attributes for Reservoir
wider use. This new interpolation Characterization, CSEG RECORDER, Vol. 27, No. 6,
pp. 14-25.
method yields measurable improvements
to the fidelity of AVO extractions on two Chopra, S, and KJ. Marfurt, 2006, Seismic Attributes for
Prospect Identification and Reservoir Characterization,
zones in related 3D data, and appears to SEG publication.
be an important step in enabling wider Downton, J., and Lines, L., 2001, AVO feasibility and
use of AVO attributes in exploration and reliability analysis: CSEG RECORDER, Vol. 26, No 6, p
Gidlow, P.M., Smith, G.C., and Vail, P.J., 1992,
It is important to point out that successful Hydrocarbon detection using fluid factor traces, a case
study: How useful is AVO analysis?: Joint SEG/EAEG
interpolation requires the capability of summer research workshop, Technical Program and
detecting data coherency across spatial Abstracts, 78-79.
dimensions, which heavily depends on