Feasibility Study
Feasibility Study
Feasibility Study
Feasibility report is prepared to present a in-depth techno commercial analysis carried out on the
project idea for consideration of financial institutions and other authorities empowered to take
investment decision. It’s prepared during the definition phase of a project.
Feasibility study
Generation of ideas
Plan Feasibility Analysis
Conduct Financial Analysis
Is the project worth while
Prepare Funding Proposal
Potential Market
Market Analysis
Market Share
Technical viability
Technical Analysis
Sensible choices
Financial Analysis
Environmental damage
Ecological Analysis
Restoration measures
● Annual report of Association of Indian
Automobile manufacturers.
● Electric India
Industrial Machinery
● Build machine Build India
● Iron and steal control bulletin
● Steal Furnace
● Indian Textile Bulletin
The reliability, accuracy and relevance for the purpose under consideration must be carefully examined.
⮚ Key Stages in Market and Demand Analysis and their inter- Relatioship
Collection of
secondary Bio monal
information forecasting
Analysis and
of the market
specification of
Conduct of market Planning
⮚ Sample survey- A sample of the population is contacted. Censes survey are employed
principally for intermediate goods used by small number of firms. They are costly and
SAMPLE SURVEY OVERCOME THESE LIMITATIONS:- The information may relate to:-
⮚ Total demand and rate of growth of demand.
⮚ Multiplicity of languages.
⮚ Design of Questionnaires.
1. Effective Demand in the past and present:- Consumptions = Production + Import – Export –
Change in stock level
2. Breakdown of demand:- The aggregate market demand may be broken down into demand
for different segments of the market. On the basis of:-
a. Nature of product
b. Consumer groups
c. Geographical division
4. Methods of distribution and sales promotion:- vary with the native of the product
a. Domestic
b. Foreign
1. Qualitative Method:-
b. Delphi method
f. Econometric method
● The local conditions including availability and cost of capital, raw material and labour, the size of
market and present and potential plant capacity.
● The technology may often have to be reduced in complexity to fit the capability of local
institutions or the socio-cultural traditions of the beneficiaries.
● The range of choice is very wide; from sophisticated, high technology for long distance
telecommunications even in the least developed countries.
3. Product mix
4. Plant capacity
9. Work schedule
Materials inputs and utilities may be classified into the following categories:-
o Agricultural products
o Mineral products
o Marine products
o Base Metals
o Semi-Processed Material
o Manufactured parts
o Components
o Sub-Assemblies
o Chemicals, Additives, Packaging Materials, Paints, Oil, Grease, Cleaning Materials, Etc.
Utilities :- Power, Water, Steam, Fuel, Etc.
1. Plant Capacity
2. Principal Inputs
5. Product Mix
6. Plant Capacity
Acquiring Technology
● Technology Licensing:- A popular method of acquiring technology, gives the license the right to
use potential technology and get related know- how on a manually agreed basis.
o There is hardly any need for technological support from the seller of technology
Appropriateness of Technology
Those methods of production which are suitable to local, economic, social and culture conditions.
Product Mix :- Influenced by Market requirement, variation in size quality etc. to satisfy a broad range
and customers. While planning the production facilities, some flexibilities must be sought that enables
the firms to alter its product mix in response to changing market conditions and enhances the power of
the firm to survive and grow.
Plant Capacity:- Volume of no. of units that can be manufacture during a given period. Factors affecting
capacity decisions:-
Technological requirement Certain minimum economic size is specified for a particular task
Input constrains. Raw material, foreign exchange, skilled labour
Market conditions :- if the market for a product is very strong than a plant of higher capacity is required.
● Location:- Fairly broad area like a city, an individual zone or a coastal area
Government Policies
To determine the kind of machinery and equipment required may be calculated as follows:-
4. Select machinery and equipment required for each functional. The types of equipment required
may be classified as:-
a. Plant(process) equipment
b. Mechanical equipment
c. Electrical equipment
d. Instruments
e. Controls
g. Others
● Difficulty in transporting
● Inefficient workers
● Outdoor works
● Transport layout
● Plant layout
● Anticipate problems
● Economic efficiency
● Income Distribution
● Revenue generation
● Cost of project :- represents the total of the outlay associated with a project which are
supported by long-term funds:-
● Means of finance :-
▪ Assumptions for capacity utilisation should be low in the first year and rise
gradually to reach the maximum level in 3rd or 4th year of operation.
▪ Material Cost
▪ Labour:- Wages
▪ Factory Overhead
o Working Capital requirement and It’s financing
2. Trade credit
o Break Even Point :- Th level of operation at which the project neither makes profit nor
incurs losses.
o Cash dividends
Liabilities Assets
● To measure adequately social benefits and social cost. Under this in developing economics
are set low despite there economic importance while prices of less essential goods are set high
thus projects which appear profitable are unattractive from view point of national economy.
● To suitably adjust the actual recei+pts and expenditure so that differences between them will
reflect the social gain.
⮚ Estimates of cost and benefits which will approve to the project implementing body.
⮚ Estimates of cost and benefits which will approve to individual mentors of society as consumers
or as suppliers of factor input.
⮚ The cost and benefit which will occur to the national ex. Chequer
⮚ Discounting the cost and benefits which occur over a period of time to determine the feasibility
of the project.
Social Cost and Benefits tends to differ from the monetary cost and benefits. The principle sources of
differences are :-
⮚ Market Imperfection:- Under perfect competition the monetary cost and benefits reflect social
values which are rare the common market imperfection are:-
o Rationing
⮚ Externalities:- A project may have beneficial external effects and harmful external effects these
externalities are relevant in Social Cost Benefit Analysis.