PG 0005
PG 0005
PG 0005
The stopping time t can be found by canceling out the length dimension. If t ∝ (b/m)α v β ,
α(1 − n) + β = 0 α(−2 + n) − β = 1
Solving yields
mv 1−n
α = −1 β = 1 − n, t∝ .
The distance x traveled has dimensions of vt, so
mv 2−n
x∝ .
(b) The results don’t seem to make sense. At n = 1, it appears that the time it takes to stop
no longer depends on v, which doesn’t seem correct since the stopping time should always
increase with velocity. And for n > 1, the stopping time decreases with velocity, which is even
worse. Similar issues happen for the stopping distance for n ≥ 2.
The resolution is that in these cases, the stopping time/distance are actually infinite, as you
can check explicitly. In other words, dimensional analysis worked, but the hidden dimensionless
prefactor was infinity.
Idea 2
Dimensional analysis applies everywhere. The argument of any function that is not a mono-
mial, such as sin x, must have no dimensions. The derivative d/dx has the opposite dimensions
to x, and the dx in an integral has the same dimensions as x.
Example 3
In the first equation, x must be dimensionless, so both sides are dimensionless. The second
equation would also be consistent if both x and a were dimensionless, but we can do better.
Suppose we arbitrarily assign x dimensions of length, [x] = m. Then to make the argument
of the exponential dimensionless, a must have dimensions [a] = m−2 . The dimensions of the
left-hand side are [dx] = m. In order to make the dimensions work out on the right-hand
side, we must have Z ∞
2 1
e−ax dx ∝ √ .
−∞ a
To find the value of the constant, treat x and a as dimensionless again. Then we know the