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ISSN : 2249- 5746

International Journal of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicine 8:3 (2018) 3256–3264

Journal homepage : http://www.interscience.org.uk
Impact Factor: 4.415

Dravyaguna Vidhyan –Jivaniya Mahakashaya: Review Article

Nilofar Shabbirkha Tadvi ,2Namdeo K Dorkhande ,3Sunita Paradkar
Department of Dravyaguna Vidhyan, Bhausaheb Mulak Ayurved Medical College, Nandanwan ,
Nagpur, Maharashtra,India.

Jivaniya Mahakashaya signified drugs beneficial for life.Charaka enlist this ten such medicament which can
be used as Jivaniya. All of these herbs have their natural habitats basically in Himalaya region hence these
drugs occur only in small pockets. Jivaniya ganas being very essential in functioning of the body in terms of
providing energy, sustaining life activities and rebuilding can be compared to nutrients and immunity
booster. Although some work has been done on identification of medicinal herbs mentioned under Jivaniya
Mahakashaya, but still there is a need to identify the true representatives of this Jivaniya gana. The present
article deals with taxonomical and medicinal properties of these Jivaniya Mahakashaya.

Keywords – Jivaniya Mahakashaya; Ayurveda; Medicinal plant; Herbs.

 Ayurveda is consciousness based science for health and healing and it’s simply states that in order for
us to feel good and healthy. Group based classification of Dravya is well describe specially in
Samhita i.e Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita ,two separate chapters C.Su.4 and S.Su.38
respectively grouping .[1],[2]
 The herbs listed in the group Jivaniya Mahakashaya those herbs that have life promoting action .
All of these plants have their natural habitats in Himalaya particularly the north-west Himalaya in J
& K, Uttarakhand & Himachal Pradesh between elevations of 1500 and 4000m as. Their natural
habitats are specific in ecological environment.
 Jivaniya Dravyas are based on their excellence in providing energy and strength.

Jivan + iya(pratyaga) = Jivaniya (Life) + (for the benefit)

 The Jivaniya Mahakashaya signified drugs beneficial for life.

 Jivaniya gana is important ingredient of various Ayurvedic formulations although some work has
been done on identification of medical plant mentioned under Jivaniya gana but still their need to
identify the true representatives of this Jivaniya Group.
 The present communication deal with the taxonomical and medicinal properties of this herbal
medicinal plant each with common action.


Each drugs mentioned under Jivaniya Mahakashhaya was reviewed from Bhavaprakash nighantus
and Charaka Samhita. All information was critically analyzed discussed and concluded.[3]

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OBSERVATION- Jivaniya Mahakashya-


Botanical name: Malaxis acuminate D. Don, syn. Microstylis wallichii Lindl, syn.Malaxis wallichii Deb.

Botanical Description: A terrestrial herbs, up to 25 cm high. Leaves: 3-5, elliptic acuminate, sheathing at
base, flower: deep pink, terminal dense to lax racemes. Bulbs of different orchids like.[4]

Upyuktaanga: Pseudo bulb

Chemical constituents: Alcohol ( ceryl alcohol), Glucose, Rhamnose and Diterpenes.

Therapeutically uses: Raktapitta, Daha,Ksaya, Raktavikara,Karsya,Svasa, Kasa, Sosa.

Dose: 5-10gm


Botanical name: Microstylis muscifera Ridley

Family: Orchideaceae

Taxonomical identification

 Kingdom Plantea
 Sub kingdom - Viridaeplantae
 Phylum - Tracheophyta
 Class - Magnoliopsida
 Subclass - Lilidae
 Order - Asparagales
 Genus - Microstylis
 Species - Microstylis muscifera

Botanical Description: Herb 30-50 cm. Leaves; ovate, lanceolate. Flowers: yellowish green.[5]
Upyuktaanga: Psedo bulbs
Therapeutically uses: Seminal weakness, burning and emaciation.


Botanical name: Polygonatum verticillatum L

Family: Aliaceae

Taxonomical classification
 Kindom - Plantae
 Clade – Angiosperm
 Clade -Monocots
 Order -Asparagales
 Family -Asparagaceae

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 Subfamily-Nolinoideae
 Genus -Polygonatum
 Species - Polygonatum verticillatum

Botanical Description: Polyagonatum verticillatum is a plant species of genus polygonatum. It is

widespread in the Himalaya region.[6] It’s a perennial growing to 0.45-1.2 m. Leaves: four to eight in a
whorl. Flowers: 2-3 in bunch, in axils of the leaves, Fruits are red when ripe and remain hanging after the
leaves have fallen.


Chemical constitutes: Steroidal Saponins (Diosgenin), Protein and Resins.

Therapeutically uses:
Dose: 3-6 gm curna

Botanical name: Polygonatum cirrhifolium (Wall) Rolye
Family: Aliaceae

Taxonomical identification
 Kindom - Plantea
 Division - Cycadophyta
 Class - Liliopsida
 Order - Asparagales
 Family - Asparagaceae
 Genus - Polygonatum
 Species - Polygonatum cirrhifolium

Botanical Describtion : The polygonatum cirrhifolium covered kahenera polygonatum relatives

Asparagaceae. [8]

Chemical constituents: Glucose, Sucrose

Upyuktaanga: Rhizome,Root

Therapeutically uses: Jvara,Raktavikara,Ksaya,Daha,Raktapitta,Balroga,Kamala,Ksrisna.[9]

Dose :3-6gm.


Botanical name: Roscoea purpurea Smith

Family: Zingiberaceae

Taxonomical identification

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 Kingdom - Plantea
 Clade -Angiosperm
 Clade - Monocots
 Order _Zingiberales
 Family - Zingiberaceae
 Genus _ Roscoes
 Species Roscoea purpurea

Botanical Description: A perennial rhizome herbaceous plant occurring in the Himalayas particularly
Nepal.[10] Sometimes grown as an ornamental plant in garden. It can grow to over 50 cm tall with wide
leaves although the height varies. The leaf sheaths are pale green or may have a dark reddish purple
tinge. Forming clumps of thick, fleshy leaves from where fat stem arises topped by 1-2 purple hooded
flowers in summer.[11]

Upyuktaanga: Tuberous root

Therapeutically uses: Raktapitta, Sosa,Jawara, Swasa,Kasa, Ksaya,Daha.[12]

Dose: 3-6gm


Botanical name: Lilium polyphyllum D.Don.


Taxonomical identification
 Kingdom - Plantea
 Division - Cycadophyta
 Class _Liliopsida
 Family - Liliaceae
 Genus - lilium
 Species – Lilium polyphyllum

Botanical Description: It is a perennial, herbaceous plant that reaches heights of growth between 60 and
120 cm. occasionally up to 240 cm. In Himalayas at altitudes from 1800 to 3700m endemic. The leaves are
narrow and lanceolate. They are distributed around the stem.[13] Flowers: greenish-white, in cymes.
Follicle: woody, turgid.

Therapeutic use: Seminal weakness.[14]


Botanical name: Phaseolus trilobus Ait

Family: Fabaceae

Taxonomical identification
 Kingdom - Plantea
 Phylum -Tracheophyta
 Class - Magnoliopsida
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 Order - Fabales
 Family -Leguminosae
 Genus -Phaseolus
 Species - Phaseolus trilobus[15]

Botanical Description : Phaseolus trilobus is 30 to 60 cm long herbs spreading on the ground, Roots
sprouts from each node on the stem. Leaf oblong, Flowers 0.5 cm long yellow.

Upyuktaanga: Whole plant

Chemical constituent: Sterols
Therapeutically uses: Daha,Jwara,Vatarakta,Pittadaha,Musikavisa,Ksaya,Krimi,Pradara,Kustha.[16]
Dose: 3-5gm.


Botanical name: Teramnus labialis Spreng.


Taxonomical identification
 Kingdom - Plantea
 Division - Cycadophyta
 Class - Magnoliopsida
 Family -Fabaceae
 Genus -Teramnus
 Species -Teramnus labialis

Botanical Description: Teramnus labialis is creeper resembling that of masha, Leaf having three leaflets
compound 5 to 10 cm long oval, Fruit 2 to 5 cm long, cured pods with fur contains 8 to 10 seeds.

Upyuktaanga: Seed

Chemical constituent: Seed of watersoluble Gallactomannan Bioassayguided fractionation of aqueous and

Alcoholic extract of Teramnus labialis yielded fraxidin[17]


Botanical name: Leptadenia reticulate W& A

Family: Asclepiadaceae

Taxonomical identification

 Kingdom - Plantea
 Sub kingdom – Tracheotionta
 Division - Magnoliophyta
 Class - Magnoliopsida
 Subclass - Asteridae
 Order - Gentinales
 Family -Apocynaceae

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 Genus -Leptadenia
 Species - Leptadenia reticulate

Botanical Description: A Twining climber shrub with branches numerous, younger ones, glabrous. Stem:
yellowish, corky, deeply cracked bark. Leaves: coriaceous, ovate, acute, glabrous above finely pubescent;
base cordite. Flower: greenish-white or yellow in lateral or sub-axillary. Fruit: follicles, sub woody 6-9 cm
tapering seeds 6mm [18].
Upyuktaanga: Root
Chemical constituents: Hentriacontanol, Alpha-Beta Amyrin, Stigma sterol, Beta- Sit sterol and
Flavonoids-Diosmetin and Luteolin.[19]

Therapeutic uses :Atisara,Daha,Jawara,

Ksaya,Kasa,Sosa,Mukharoga,Naktandhya,Netraroga,Raktaoitta,Trsna,Urahksata, Vrana.
Dose: 3-6g

Botanical name: Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn.
Family: Fabaceae

Taxonomical identification
 Kingdom - Plantea
 Subkingdom - Tracheobionta
 Sub division -Spermatophyta
 Division - Magnoliophyta
 Class -Magnoliopsida
 Subclass - Rosidae
 Order - Fabales
 Family -Fabaceae
 Genus - Glycyrrhiza
 Species -Glycyrrhiza glabra
Botanical Describtion : Glycyrrhiza glabra is a herbaceous perennial, growing to 1m in height
distributed in subtropical and warm temperate region with pinnate leaves about 7-5 m long, with 9-
17 leaflets. Flowers are 0.8-1.2 cm long, purple to pale whitish blue produced in loose inflorescence.
Fruit is an oblong pod, 2-3cm long containing several seeds. Roots are stoloniferous [20][21]

Upyuktaanga : Root

Chemical constituent: Glycyrrhizin, Glycyrrhizin acid, Glycyrrhetinic acid, Asparagines, Sugars, Resin and

Therapeutic uses: Kasa,Svarabheda,Ksaya,Varna,Vatarakta.[22]

Dose: 2-4g Churna


According To Modern-
 The herbs listed in the group Jivaniya gana are those herbs that have life promoting actions. The
major aspect that sustains life is Prana; the essence of oxygen that revitalizes the body’s energy and
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Dr Maganti Anuradha*, International Journal of Ayurvedic & Herbal Medicine 8(3) May.-June. 2018 (3253-3255)

feeds the mind. The tissues of the body are sustained by oxygen the gross aspect of Prana, but at the
level of cell it is Prana that nourishes the cellular function. When there is no Prana or a stagnation
of Prana disease or death occurs. Hence to sustain life one must maintain the function of breath that
takes in Prana, the circulation that transport Prana and the digestive tract that absorbs Prana as part
of the digestive function. (23)a
 According To Doshas- The Doshas must also be balanced as the Doshas according to Charaka are
the ultimate cause of death, as it is the doshas having been aggravated that gives rise to decay of the
tissues. To promote the longevity of the tissues the properties to Kapha that are nourishing and
strengthening are utilized to counter the catabolic effect of Vata. The effect of the herbs in the groups
Jivaniya are anabolic in their nature, having the quality of Kapha , hence they are building,
nourishes and strengthening. (23)b
 According To Dhatu -In order to strengthen the tissue of the body one must first sustain Rasa
Dhatu, the first tissue in the body that nourishes all other tissue establishing tissue strength and
proper tissue formation Rasa Dhatu has similar qualities to Kapha and as such agent that increase
Kaphain the body nourish and strengthen Rasa Dhatu .By strengthen and promoting strong Rasa
Dhatuthe other tissue that are nourished by Rasa Dhatu will also be strengthen.(23)c

The common feature of the herbs listed in Jivaniya Mahakashaya is their Kapha promoting action nutritive
qualities and Shukra increasing effect upon body.

 An incredible body energizer that improve body’s endurance and immunity.
 Support and maintains healthy systemic adequacy for physical performance and fight fatigue.
 Promotes healthy circulation and oxygen rich blood flow to all system in the body and eliminating
the toxins which leads to a more balanced hormonal system.
 Promotes routine cellular health and support defense against pathogens.
 Contain nature’s richest source of vitamins, iron, calcium, magnesium, folic acid, potassium and
aluminum in small traces along with antioxidants. Pratinidhi Dravya of Jiviniya Mahakashaya

It is difficult for a person to procure their genuine drugs from Himalayan habitat. Now a day there are
listed under endangered plant. Therefore the tradition of suitable substitutes had started
Table 1. Pratinidhi Dravya of Jivaniya Mahakashaya

Drugs Bhavprakasha Nighantu

Jivaka Vidari ( Pueraria tuberose DC.)

Rhishabhaka Vidari (Pueraria tuberose DC.)

Meda Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus Willd.)

Mahameda Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus Willd.)

Kakoli Ashvagandha (Withania somnifera Dunal.)

Ksheerakakoli Ashvagandha (Withania somnifera Dunal.)

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Table 2. Properties and Actions of the Dravya of Jivaniya Mahakashaya

S.No. Name Rasa Guna Veerya Vipaka Doshkarma

1. Jivaka Madhura Guru, Snigdha Sheeta Madhura V-P↓

2. Rishabhaka Madhura Guru, Snigdha Sheeta Madhura V-P↓

3. Meda Madhura Guru, Snigdha Sheeta Madhura P-R-V ↓

4. Mahameda Madhura Guru, Snigdha Sheeta Madhura P-R-V ↓
5. Kakoli Madhura Guru, Snigdha Sheeta Madhura V-P↓

6. Kshirakakoli Madhura Guru, Snigdha Sheeta Madhura V-P↓

7. Mudgaparni Madhura Guru, Snigdha Sheeta Madhura Tridosha↓

8. Mashaparni Madhura Guru, Snigdha Sheeta Madhura V-P↓

9. Jivanti Madhura Laghu, Sheeta Madhura V-P↓

10. Madhuka Madhura Guru, Snigdha Sheeta Madhura V-P↓

V=Vata, P=Pitta, K=Kapha, R=Rakta, ↓=Decrease


 In the emerging scenario the health policies in India and across the globe have been emphasizing on
reproductive and child health care and also exploring the flasibility of introduction traditional
systems of medicine such as Ayurveda, to achieve better health care.
 Ten vegetable drugs are mentioned in Jivaniya Mahakashaya. Among them eight drugs are
enumerated as Astavarga in nighantus period. Natural habitat of most of the herbs (Major source of
the drugs present in Jivaniya Mahakashaya) is in the Himalaya region,which compled with their
short life span makes their avability difficult, therefore bringing into existence the tradition of
Pratinidhi Dravyas.
 Drugs of Jivaniya Mahakashaya are predominantly of Madhura rasa,Madhura vipaka, Sheeta virya
and Snigdha guna, Jivaniya karma of these drugs seems to due to Dravyaguna Prabhava. Further the
jivaniya guna shows to the Oja.
 Jivaniya karma of some of the drugs is good Rasayana with rejuvenating and further, these drugs are
useful in promoting body fat, healing fractures, seminial weakness and works as antioxidant in the

 Now the world is moving towards the plants base medicine or phytochemical medicine that
strengthening bodily systems (especially the immune system or Oja which can fight foreign bodies)
and help to destroy against pathogen without toxic side effect.
 The drugs of Jivaniya Mahakashaya enhance Oja thereby increasing vitality and strength. Because
of this benifical effect those drugs can be used to promote health i.e ‘ Swasthasya swasthya
rakshnama” which is the foremost aim of Ayurveda.
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Dr Maganti Anuradha*, International Journal of Ayurvedic & Herbal Medicine 8(3) May.-June. 2018 (3253-3255)

 All the drugs of this Mahakashaya have not been evaluated scientifically till date only a few
researchers were conducted on the drugs of this group. Therefore studies regarding phytochemicals
and pharmacological properties are the need of time.
 The above discussion clearly indicates that Jivaniya Mahakashaya are one of the important
ingredients of increase vitality of life according to Ayurveda which has become endangered .The
special laws must be planned by the government to plan it is cultivation and collection in order to
protect it from getting loss from our planet.

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23. a,b,c Vaidya Aterya Smith Author Brenden Skudder vitalizing Herbs Jivaniya www.aterya.com

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