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Journal of Pharmacopuncture 2023;26(1):10-17 Review Article

pISSN: 2093-6966 • eISSN: 2234-6856


A Brief Review on Murraya paniculata (Orange Jasmine):

pharmacognosy, phytochemistry and ethanomedicinal
Deepa Joshi*, Kashmira J. Gohil

Department of Pharmacology, Anand College of Pharmacy, Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India

Received November 2, 2022 Objectives: Murraya paniculata (family-Rutaceae), popularly known as orange jasmine, is
Reviewed January 17, 2023 the most important evergreen plant. The Rutaceae family is economically significant due
Accepted February 8, 2023 to its diverse edible fruits and essential oils.
Methods: Murraya paniculata extracts (MPE) of leaf have been shown to include phenolic
compounds, highly oxygenated flavonoids, flavanones, sesquiterpenoids, polymethoxy
glycosides, and coumarins. Cyclocitral, methyl salicylate, trans-nerolidol, cubenol, isoger-
macrene, -cadinol, and cubeb-11-ene are all abundant in MPE. The usages of various
parts of this plant, such as bark, leaves and flower, as a remedy for a variety of ailments
as widely recorded in the traditional literature. The plant has anti-diabetic, anti-obesity,
antibacterial, anti-implantation, anti-oxidative, cytotoxic, anti-diarrheal, antidepressant and
anti-anxiety properties and many others.
Results: The goal of the review is to reignite interest in this potential plant, encouraging
researchers to continue their research in order to uncover novel therapeutic compounds
*Corresponding Author for the treatment and management of a range of infections. The current review provided a
Deepa Joshi comprehensive overview of this traditional unique plant.
Department of Pharmacology, Anand Conclusion: The review paves a way for exploring its active chemical elements with sub-
College of Pharmacy, Agra, Uttar Pradesh
stantial pharmacological values further for potential benefits of mankind.
282007, India
Tel: +91-783-088-1582
E-mail: deepajoshi390@gmail.com Keywords: herbal plants, murraya paniculata, therapeutic uses

INTRODUCTION rheumatism, skin irritation, and swelling are all treated with
this herb. It is also utilized as a menstrual flow booster and a
Herbal products are gaining popularity in both progressive snake bite treatment [4, 6]. The plant is also utilized for treating
and developing nations [1]. For thousands of years, medicinal toothaches [7]. The reliable databases used for the review were
plants have been used based on traditional and folk treatments, Science Direct, Elsevier, and Research Gate, PubMed, Google
and their importance in treating moderate and chronic ail- Scholar, among others.
ments is growing [2]. Murraya paniculata (MP), often called This review explicitly elaborated on MP, emphasizing on its
honey bush, orange jasmine, and kamini, is a traditional me- recently studied phytoconstituents and pharmacological activi-
dicinal plant from the Rutaceae family. It is primarily found in ties.
India, Sri Lanka, southern China, Thailand, and eastward over
the Malesian region to northeastern Australia and Caledonia DESCRIPTION
[3]. MP is a genus of 12 species and evergreen shrubs [4]. It has
the potential to limit Diaphorina citri migration into commer- The plant can grow to be 8-12 feet tall. MP has a taproot (Fig.
cial citrus orchards, which is critical for better huanglongbing 1), with fragrant white flowers and oval-shaped crimson fruits.
management [5]. Headache, bruises, gastralgia, stomachaches, The fruit length ranges from 5 to 1 inch [8].

Copyright © Korean Pharmacopuncture Institute

This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/)
which permits unrestricted noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
A Brief Review on Murraya paniculata (Orange Jasmine)

Table 1. Botanical classification of Murraya paniculata [10]

Kingdom Plantae
Phylum Charophyta
Class Equisetopsida
Subclass Magnoliidae
Superorder Rosanae
Order Sapindales
Family Rutaceae
Genus Murraya
Species Paniculata

Figure 1. Murraya paniculata plant. ed flavones, namely, 5-hydroxy-6,7,3’,4’,5’-pentamethoxyflavone

(umhengerin), 5-hydroxy-6,7,8,3’,4’,5’-hexamethoxy flavone
MP leaves are egg-shaped, and are 2-11 cm long and 1-1.5 (gardenin A), 6,7,8,4’-tetra-methoxy-5,3’,5’-trihydroxyflavone
cm wide. The leaves have a fragrant aroma, a bitter, spicy flavor, (gardenin E), 5,3’-dihydroxy-6,7,8,4’,5’-pentamethoxyflavone
and a brownish green color. They are smooth and shiny on the (gardenin C), 6,7,8,3’,4’,5’-hexamethoxyflavone, 5-hydroxy-
surface. Leaves can be detected in the mesophyll, or the epider- 6,7,8,3’,4’-pentamethoxyflavone (5-O-desmeth-ylnobiletin),
mis without stomata, and the epidermis. Anticlinal cell walls, a 5,3’-dihydroxy-6,7,4’,5’-tetramethoxyflavone, and 5,3’,5’-trihy-
lower epidermis covered in hair and rosette-shaped stomata are droxy-6,7,4’-trimethoxyflavone, were found in CHCl3 extracts
all characteristic of MP leaf powders [9]. of MP leaves [16]. Two flavonoids, 5,6,7,8,3’,4’,5’-heptamethoxy-
MP is popularly cultivated in tropical countries, and under flavone and 3,5,7,8,3’,4’,5’-heptamethoxyflavone, were isolated
glass in temperate ones. The ideal altitude is about 200 meters from MP leaf extracts and showed inhibitory activity against
as MP is grown on basalt or calcareous soils. Between March human carbonic anhydrase isozyme II (hCAII) at doses of 10.8
and June, the flowers are harvested (Table 1) [10]. MP’s chloro- and 21.5 M, respectively [17]. Moreover, leaf and shoot extracts
plast genome is 160,280 bp long, with large and small single-co- contain two glycosides of flavone methyl ethers (5,8,3’- trihy-
py regions measuring 87,605 and 18,609 bp, respectively, which doxy-6,7,4’-trimethoxy flavone 8-O-beta glucopyranoside and
are separated by two IR regions of 27,033 bp. The sample has 5,8-dihydoxy-6,7,3’,4’-tetramethoxy flavone 8-O—beta-gluco-
a GC percentage of 38.61%. De novo assembly and annotation pyranoside [18]. Polymethoxylated flavonoids were withdrawn
indicated the presence of unique genes and revealed the pres- from the leaf extracts, and interpreted by the HPLC-DAD-
ence of 85, 29, and 8 protein-coding, tRNA, and rRNA genes, ESI-MS/MS analytical method [19]. A total of 14 secondary
respectively [11]. metabolites showed abundance in the leaf and twig extracts
[20]. Alanditrypinnone, alantryphenone, alantrypinene-B, and
PHYTOCONSTITUENTS OF DIFFERENT PARTS alantrylewnone are spiroquinazoline alkaloids isolated from
OF MP Eupenicillium spp. leaves [21]. 2-O-ethylmurrangatin, a sec-
ondary leaf metabolite, inhibited lipoxygenase and had moder-
Various phytoconstituents have been discovered, including ate respiratory burst inhibitory activity [22].
flavonoids, alkaloids, carbohydrates, phenolic compounds, ami-
no acids and proteins [3, 12-14]. Various chemical compounds 2. Root
have been isolated from several parts of the plant.
MP root extracts contain indole alkaloid derivatives, such as
1. Leaves, shoots and twigs paniculidines (D-F) with six known analogs, and the HRESIMS,
UV, IR, and NMR spectroscopic techniques were used to elu-
Extracts from MP leaves contain coumarins compounds such cidate the compounds [23]. Coumarins derivatives named
as murrayanone and murraculatin [15]. Eight highly oxygenat- panitins A-G with 34 known analogs were also identified [24].

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Deepa Joshi, Kashmira J. Gohil

Acetone extraction of root bark extracts have shown the levels Table 2. Major phytoconstituents of MP leave oil [33]
of coumarins like minumicrolin isovalerate, murralonginol iso- S.No. Chemical Structure with IUPAC name Chemical constituent
valerate, murrangatin isovalerate, chloculol, and an indole alka- 1. CH3 Caryophyllene oxide
loid called paniculol. The structures of coumarins were identi- H3C O

fied on the basis of H NMR (270 MHz) spectroscopic method H3C

[25]. Yuehchukene, a new dimeric indole alkaloid produced
from root extracts, has also been identified and displays anti- H
implantation activity [26].
2. CH3 H Beta-caryophyllene

3. Flowers H3C CH3

Coumarins like (-)-murracarpin, omphalocarpin, murraya-

carpin-A and -B along with known coumarins like scopoletin,
scopolin, murracarpin, 5,7-dimethoxy-S-(3’-methyl-2’-oxo-
butyl)coumarin, mupanidin, 3,5,7,3’,4’,5’-hexamethoxytlavone 3. H

(a flavonoid), and murrayaculatine (an indole alkaloid) were

extracted from flower extracts [27, 28].
4. Aerial parts H3C

The aerial parts of MP contain coumarins like murrmer-
4. CH3 CH3 Beta-elemene
anzin, murralonginal, minumicrolin, murrangatin, meranzin
hydrate, and hainanmurpanin. Minumicrolin compounds H2C

were discovered to have anti-cholinesterase actions [29]. GS &

GS-MS were used to identify the 48 categories of volatile com- CH2
pounds found in ethanolic extracts [30]. 5. CH3 Germacrene-D

5. Fruits

MP fruits were used to isolate a water-soluble gum poly- CH2

saccharide. The polysaccharide was highly branched using

hydrolytic assays, methylation analyses, periodate oxidation re- H3C CH3

search and NMR data [31]. Essential oils from the fruit contain 6. Cyclotene,
α-copaene, -zingiberene, β-caryophyllene, germacrene D, and 4-methylene-6-
α-humulene [32]. A chemical component called paniculacin
has been identified from an ethanolic MP extract in the form
of a colorless oil [4]. The 58 identified components were vali- C
dated through phytochemical investigation of the essential oil.
Caryophyllene oxide, -elemene, -caryophyllene, spathu-lenol,
germacrene D, cyclo-octene, and 4-methylene-6-(1-propenyli-
dene) were the main compounds (Table 2) [33]. PHARMACOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES

1. Analgesic activity

The analgesic activity of MP bark extracts was evaluated on

12 https://doi.org/10.3831/KPI.2023.26.1.10
A Brief Review on Murraya paniculata (Orange Jasmine)

Swiss albino rats, which were elicited from doses of 200 and 400 5. Antibacterial activity
mg/kg body weight [34]. Other studies found that leaf extracts
exhibited antinociceptive activities in rats and mice [35, 36]. The MP leaf extracts exhibited an antibacterial activity on
Gram-positive and Gram-negative through the disc diffusion
2. Anti-diarrheal, bronchodilator, and vasodilator activity and micro-dilution methods. The extracts contained phenols
and flavonoids in high amounts, which contribute to the anti-
In rabbit tissue preparations, the aqueous ethanolic extracts bacterial activity [43]. There is notable inhibition of growth of
of MP leaves displayed calcium channel blocking actions, all bacterial strains [44]. Another study found that the flower
which is effective for treating diarrhea. The spasmolytic action extract showed a zone of inhibition of bacteria which was mea-
of the extract was discovered at a dose of 0.01-0.3 mg/mL, with sured by high-media scales [45]. An essential oil of MP also
an EC50 of 0.03610 mg/mL for anti-diarrheal activity. The leaf possessed antibacterial properties [46]. One study found that
extract also exhibited bronchodilator and vasodilator activity ethanolic leaf extract exhibited antibacterial activity against
in rabbits from utilizing isolated tissue preparations [37]. In extended-spectrum β-lactamase Klebsiella pneumoniae , which
another study, when the ethanolic MP extract was compared causes nosocomial infections and is resistant to beta-lactam an-
to castor oil, it showed potential anti-diarrheal activity, with a tibiotics [47].
significant reduction in the incidence and severity of diarrhea
in an experimental mice model [38]. 6. Anticancer activity

3. Anti-inflammatory activity The isolated sterol from MP leaves exhibited antitumor ac-
tivity against cancer cell lines. The cytotoxic actions of sterols
The three types of flavonoids extracted from MP were were determined by an MTT assay [48]. In one investigation,
5,7,3’,4’,5’-pentamethoxyflavone (P1), 5,7,3’,4’-tetramethoxyfla- the cytotoxic effect of ethyl acetate extracts of MP leaves was
vone (P3), and 5-hydroxy-6,7,8,3’,4’-pentamethoxyflavone (P8), investigated on human gingival fibroblasts and monocytes [49].
which possesses anti-inflammatory action upon nitric oxide Different bark extracts according to solvents were tested using
inhibition at the dose of 3µM. Ethanolic leaf extracts exhibited a brine shrimp lethality bioassay [50]. In a different study, a
anti-inflammatory activity, which was evaluated by using dif- flavonoid glycoside isolated from MP twigs was able to inhibit
ferent anti-inflammatory screening models [35, 38, 39]. In one adherence, movement, and invasion of lung adenocarcinoma
study, the anti-inflammatory activity of total flavonoids of MP A549 cells [51].
(TFMP) was investigated on high glucose-induced H9c2 cells.
TFMP exhibited various inhibitory activities on oxidative stress, 7. Antifungal activity
inflammation, and apoptosis [40].
Ethanolic and aqueous MP extracts possess antifungal activ-
4. Antioxidant activity ity against the Trichophyton rubrum [45]. One recent study
suggested that MP leaf extracts can potentially inhibit fungal
Utilizing DPPH scavenging and other techniques, the growth [52].
antioxidant activity of a methanolic extract of leaves was as-
certained. The antioxidant capacity of MP methanol extract 8. Anthelmintic activity
was shown to be greater than that of the standard antioxidant
(trolox) [41]. Another study looked at the antioxidant activity In vivo anthelmintic activity was dramatically increased after
of MP extracts in water, ethanol, and hexane. According to the MP leaves were fed in one study, indicating that gastrointesti-
data, ethanol extracts at 500 g/mL had a 67.77% antioxidant nal nematodes, growth rates, and hematological abnormalities
activity when compared to the standard reference (500 g/mL of in goats were reduced [53]. In another study, MP leaf extracts
alpha tocopherol), which had a 72.24% antioxidant activity [42]. showed anthelmintic activity against Tricho strongylus sp.,
Haemonchus sp., and Cooperia sp., and the infusion of 7% leaf
extracts reduced larval development, infective larvae and adult

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Deepa Joshi, Kashmira J. Gohil

trichostronglidae the most effectively [54]. phological changes in the liver, pancreas, and kidney were also
decreased. Fructosamine and glycated hemoglobin levels were
9. Antianxiety and antidepressant activity reduced as well [61].

The anti-anxiety and anti-depressant properties of several 13. Toxicity studies

solvent extracts of MP leaf were also recorded. The extract
boosted the number of animals entering the anti-anxiety model The plant was traditionally utilized as a folk medicine. There
and decreased immobility in mice in the anti-depression model, were no deaths or CNS or ANS toxicity after an acute oral ad-
according to previous findings [55]. ministration of the extract (2,000 mg/kg and 5,000 mg/kg single
dose) [62, 63]. In rats, subacute oral administration (100, 200,
10. Gastroprotective and renoprotective quality or 400 mg/kg for 28 days) revealed no effects on body weight,
food intake, or water intake [63].
The ethanol extract of MP significantly inhibited ethanol
HCl induced gastric lesions and decrease the levels of hormones CONCLUSION
and cytokines, such as TNF-α, IL-6, IL-1β, MTL and GAS at
the high dose. The result suggested that MP protected the gas- MP holds considerable therapeutic potential for conven-
tric mucosa by the expansion of inflammation, and preventing tional and pharmacological management of diseases. Signifi-
the ethanol-HCl-induced necrosis and apoptosis [56]. Another cant research has not yet been conducted on phytoconstituents
study found that the extracted total flavonoids from the ethanol from MP extracts. Identified phytochemicals should also be
extract of the leaves had a protective effect on the kidneys in subjected to pharmacological investigation to shed light on the
rats that were hyperlipidemic and had diabetes that had been molecular processes of these unreported secondary metabolites
induced by streptozotocin [57]. for the protection human and animal populations from diseases
and other health issues. Literature showed that methanol and
11. Anti-obesity activity hydroalcoholic extracts of MP had shown high pharmacologi-
cal activity. Moreover, a large body of pharmacological research
Pancreatic lipase activity was inhibited by the ethanolic and has demonstrated that MP is useful against cancer, diabetes,
aqueous extract of MP leaves, indicating anti-obesity activity hyperlipidemia, infections, free radicals, and other diseases.
[58]. Additionally, no harmful effects have been established by pre-
clinical data. More investigations into the pharmacological and
12. Anti-hyperglycemic activity toxicological characteristics of the phytochemicals in MP are
required to completely comprehend them. This review suggests
The anti-diabetic action of hydro alcoholic extract of MP further pharmacological investigation into MP to ascertain its
leaves was studied in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats. therapeutic potential against particular deadly illnesses. Future
Reduced blood glucose levels in diabetic rats, which varied de- studies are also required to assess its pharmacological proper-
pending on the dose, were used to corroborate this effect. The ties, including its toxicity to plants, environmental effects, and
findings revealed that 400 mg/kg of extract was equal to the ref- other potential uses. Additionally, we anticipate that this review
erence dose of glibenclamide [59]. Another study used an allox- will benefit researchers for their further studies.
an-induced diabetes model to scrutinize the effects of MPE on
blood glucose levels in diabetic and non-diabetic rats. After 14 CONFLICT OF INTEREST
days of treatment, glucose levels in diabetic rats had decreased.
After 21 days of therapy, non-diabetic rats displayed a reduc- The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest, fi-
tion in blood glucose levels [60]. A hydro-alcoholic extract was nancial or otherwise.
given to alloxan-induced diabetic rats at doses of 100, 200, and
400 mg/kg for 60 days. Glycemic, cholesterol, and triglyceride
levels were all reduced by the extract. Diabetes-induced mor-

14 https://doi.org/10.3831/KPI.2023.26.1.10
A Brief Review on Murraya paniculata (Orange Jasmine)

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