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Dolichandrone falcata Seem synonym Markhamia falcata belonging to family Bignoniaceae.
Malawi, Tanzania, South Africa, and India are all home to the vine. Rajputana, Bundelkhand, Bihar,
Deccan, Mysore, and Maharashtra are among the Indian states where it can be found. The plant
is mainly used for diabetes, anti-inflammatory, anxiolytic, analgesic, antiestrogenic, antimicrobial,
antinociceptive, antibacterial, and immunomodulatory activities. The leaves are also used in the
treat of leukemia and menorrhagia. Dolichandrone falcata Seem contains alkaloids, flavonoids,
sugars, saponins, phenolic, terpenoids, cardiac glycosides, steroids, and amino acids. Therefore, this
survey conducted, present was aimed to study the phytochemical study and pharmacological effects
of Dolichandrone falcata Seem.
Keywords: Dolichandrone falcata; Markhamia falcata Bignoniaceae; Medhshing; Mesasinghi
Taxonomical Classification
Common name: Medhshingi, Meshsa-sringi
Synonym: Bignonia falcata, Bignonia spathacea, Markhamia falcata
Biological source: It is a small dediduous tree.
Family: Bignoniaceae
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Lamiales
Clade: Tracheophytes
Rahul Nimba Patil, Rajgad Clade: Eudicots
Dnyanpeeth’s College of Pharmacy,
Clade: Asterids
Bhor, Pune 412206, India, Tel:
9403058452; Genus: Dolichandrone
E-mail: patilrahul4254@gmail.com Species: D. falcata
Received Date: 10 Mar 2021
Accepted Date: 14 Apr 2021 Parts of plant used: Leave, fruit, root, bark, flower
Published Date: 19 Apr 2021 Geographical region: Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Karnataka
System of medicine used in: folk medicine, ayurveda, siddha, sowa-rigpa
Patil RN, Krishnamurthy, Shete
RV. Phytochemical Study and Substance class: Structurally diverse
Pharmacological Effects of Source: Organism
Dolichandrone falcata Seem. Am J
Pharmacol. 2021; 4(1): 1032. Source material type: Plant
Copyright © 2021 Rahul Nimba Author: (Wall. Ex DC.) SEEM
Patil. This is an open access article
distributed under the Creative
Commons Attribution License, which Record status: Validated
permits unrestricted use, distribution, Introduction
and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly Dolichandrone falcata Seem synonym (Markhamia falcata) belonging to Bignoniaceae [1-3].
cited. The plant is also called ‘medhshingi’ in Hindi and ‘mesasinghi’ in Sanskrit [1-3]. In Ayurveda it is
also used as mesha-shringi [1-3]. Dolichandrone falcata Seem has a parenchymas tissues showed a 9 to 12-layer present at the lower side
long history of use by indigenous and tribal peoples all over the world, having a polygonal shape. Patches of sclerenchymas cells measuring
including India, for medicinal purposes and various pharmacological 10 to 15 × 10 to 15 micrometres were found on the vascular bundle's
effects [1-3]. The medicinal value of leaves and bark is also mentioned outer side. The vascular bundle was arranged in a ring of xylem with
in Ayurveda as meshsa-sringhi [1,2]. The bark decoction is also given phloem surrounding it [1].
in the treatment of nodules [4]. For the treatment of antidote leaves
Crude drug extraction
juice is taken orally [4]. The plant is used to treat liver disorders and
anti-snake venom activity [5]. In Ayurveda Dolichandrone falcata Aerial parts of Dolichnadrone falcata Seem were washed and shade
Seem is used as mesh-shingi for madhuka bite also used as Rasayana dried at room temperature and powdered in the domestic mixer. The
drugs [5]. An aqueous extract of the fruit is used for abortion and coarsely powdered drug was extracted in soxhlet extraction different
bark is used as a fish poison [6]. Infusion of powder is given internally solvent methanol, alcohol, ethylacetate, water, acetone extract, and
in the treatment of acute rheumatism [7]. The bark paste is applied petroleum ether extract. The extracts were concentrated in a rotary
for bone fractures and fruit paste for scorpion [2,3,8]. Leaves are evaporator under vacuum and stored at 2°C to 4°C in the refrigerator.
also used for scrub swelling [2,3,6]. In Ayurveda, the stem bark of Phytochemical screening
Dolichandrone falcata Seem is used to cure ulcers, pain, and epilepsy. 2.0 gm of plant extract was dissolved in 10 ml double D/W and
Menorrhagia and leucorrhea are treated with bark juice [2,3,6]. filtered with Whatman filter paper, as defined in standard reference
Material and Methods books with a minor modification, and then used for phytochemical
screening [9].
Plant Collection and authentication
Physical characteristics
Plant Dolichandrone falcata Seem aerial parts were collected from
Savitribai Phule Pune University, Ganeshkhind Pune. The herbarium The preliminary phytochemical screening of leaf extracts reveals
was produced and authenticated in the botanical survey of India, that alkaloids are present in petroleum ether, ethanol, and water
Pune. extract. Saponins glycosides, flavonoids, ethanol and water extract
also contain carbohydrates and proteins. Petroleum ether extract
contains oils and steroids [10].
Dolichandrone falcata Seem synonym Markhamia falcata
belonging to family Bignoniaceae. It is medium size tree 0.15 cm high The presence of alkaloids in methanol, alcohol, and ethyl acetate
with dense foliate and profuse flowering. It is highly scented, creamish extracts is revealed by preliminary phytochemical screening of bark
white flowers it is highly scented, creamish white flowers bloom in extracts. Saponins are present in aqueous and alcohol extract. The
the evening and falls in the morning ripe fruits of the previous year terpenoids are obtained in aqueous, methanol, acetone, and ethyl
remain on the tree when the flowers of next year are in bloom. Leaflets acetate extracts. Tannins are found in aqueous, methanol, alcohol,
are opposite, 1.3 to 3.8 by 1.1 cm to 3.8 cm, suborbicular or obovate, and ethyl acetate extracts. Steroids are absent in all extracts. Cardiac
punscent or glabrous, base cuneate or rounded, generally unequal- glycosides are present in all extracts except water. Flavonoids are
sided, main nerves around pairs, prominent beneath; petiolules of found in aqueous, methanol, alcohol, and acetone extracts [10]. The
lateral leaflets 0-w.5 mm long. Flowers in terminal few-flowered presence of alkaloids in methanol and alcohol extracts is revealed
racemes; pedicels 1.3 cm long. Calyx is pubescent and has a short stout by preliminary phytochemical screening of fruit extracts. Aqueous,
mucro at the apex. Corolla white, 2.5 cm long or longer; tube very tobacco, and ethyl acetate extracts all contain saponins. Aqueous
narrow at the base, about 2.5 mm wide, gradually widening upwards; and ethyl acetate extracts also contained terpenoids. Tannins can
limb lobes obovate oblong with crisped undulate margins. Flat, falcate be extracted from plants using methanol, alcohol, or ethyl acetate
curved capsules, 25 cm to 45 cm long by 2 cm high, glabrous. Seeds extracts. Methanol and acetone extract both contain steroid
are rectangular and winged at both ends, measuring 2.5 cm long by 6 compounds. Except for water, all extracts contain cardiac glycosides.
mm wide. The bark is dark brown in color and very high in length. It Aqueous, methanol, and acetone extracts all contain flavonoids [10].
is cylindrical and used as the treatment of fish poison and snake bite. Medicinal Uses
The bhil tribes of Rajasthan use a bark decoction to treat nodules. It is
the most powerful part of the plant [1]. 1. The plant has numerous medicinal uses like antiallergic, anti-
inflammatory, antioxidant, antiestrogenic, anxiolytic, anticonvulsant,
Microscopy antiparasitic [2-4].
The epidermis lined with cuticle was visible in the transverse
2. The plant is also used in curing anemia, bloody diarrhea,
section of a Dolichandrone falcata Seem leaflet. A dorsiventral
anthelmintic, analgesic, antiviral, and antifungal agents [2-4].
structure was visible in the transverse region. The epidermal cell was
observed in a single layer covered with a thick cuticle. Unicellular 3. The plant is used to treat snake venom and also used in the
trichomes interrupted the epidermis. Amphistomatic stomata is treatment of liver disorder [2-4].
included in anomocytic stomata. The cuticle upper epidermis was
Pharmacological Actions
made up of spherical cells measuring 15 to 22 22 to 30 micrometers
in diameter. Spherical cells measuring 15 to 22 22 to 30 micrometers Anxiolytic
in diameter made up the cuticle upper epidermis. Palisade cells and Anxiolytic effects were studied by elevate pulse maze test and
spongy tissues are present in the mesophyll. Palisade cells were thin- marble burying test assay in animals. The DFBM and DFBEA crude
walled elongated cells with a diameter of 22 to 30 52 to 220 micrometers dried extracts were prepared in doses of 100, 200, and 400 mg/kg,
that were found just beneath the upper and lower epidermis in respectively, and the DFB compound was prepared in doses of 50,
a single layer just beneath the upper and lower epidermis. Spongy 100, and 200 mg/kg and administered orally to mice for anxiolytic
activity evaluation various Dolichandrone falcata extracts and isolated extracts [14].
compounds The stem-bark extract appeared to have substantial
anxiolytic effects, while the DFBA extract had extremely significant
activities [8]. The present study was undertaken to analyze the antifertility
and estrous cycle effect of Dolichandrone falcata Seem leaves. The
Antioxidant alcoholic and aqueous leaf extracts had a high abortifacient effect at
The aqueous extract of Dolichandrone falcata Seem to possess doses of 200 mg/kg and 400 mg/kg body weight, respectively. The
significant antioxidant activity when investigated by using the DPPH leaf extract of Dolichandrone falcate Seem was found to significantly
scavenging test and reducing powder method. Chrysin found in plant prolong the estrous cycle, especially the diestrous period [15].
have shown to have antioxidant in laboratory animals [11].
Antimicrobial The hepatoprotective function of an aqueous extract of
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus subtilis, Candida albicans, Dolichandrone falcata Seem's stem-bark against a Carbon Tetra
Vibrio cholerae, and Salmonella typhi were tested in an antimicrobial Chloride-intoxicated hepatitis model. At doses of 200 mg/kg and 400
assay using Dolichandrone falcata Seem leaf, fruit, and bark extracts. mg/kg of aqueous extract, CCL4 caused a P=0.01 increase in serum
The fruit extract is active against Vibrio cholerae, Candida albicans, SGOT, SGPT activity, and bilirubin level, indicating hepatotoxicity to
and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, but not against Salmonella typhi and be able to afford aqueous extract of Dolichandrone falcata stem-bark
Bacillus Albicans, according to the findings. Salmonella typhi, Vibrio Seem [16].
cholera, Candida albicans, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were all killed
by the bark extract, but Bacillus subtilis was not. Only Salmonella
typhi and Candida albicans are susceptible to the leaf extracts. Except It can be concluded that with its vast and diversified phytochemical
for Bacillus subtilis, the fruit and bark extract demonstrates a strong constituents and pharmacological potentials Dolichandrone falcata
zone of inhibition against all test species [10]. Seem has a strong future in the world market. The plants are now well-
acclimatized in different parts of the country and enjoy the strong
export potential for the phytochemical constituent extracted from
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