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|Easy ConceL

[Easy Concept)

lime llowcd: 3Hors Marimum Marks: 70
General Instruetions:
) Thee ate 33 qucstions in all. All questions are compulsory
() This qestion paper has five sections: Seetiom A. Section B,Section C. Section f) and Section E.
) All he soctons are compulsory.
(3) Section Aontains siteen questions, twelve MCO and four Aserticon Reasoning basedof Imark cach.
Section B contains five qucstions of two marks cach, Section C contains seven questions of three
marks cach. Section D containstwo casestudy based qucstions of four marks each and Section E
contains three long answeT qucsions of five marks cach.
() There is no overallchoice. However, an internalchoice has been provided in one question in Section
B. one question in Section C, one question in cach CBO in Section Dand all three questions in
Section E. You have to attempt only one of the choices in such questions.
(6) Use of calculators is not allowed.
() You may use the following values of physical constants wherever necessary.
()c= 3 x 10 m/s
(7) m, = 9.1 x 10 kg
(iüi) e = 1.6 x 109 C
(n) Ho 47 X 10 Tm4-!
(v) h = 6.63 × 104 Js
(vi) E, = 8.854 x 10-12 CN-'m-2
(vii) Avogadro's number = 6.023 × 10 per gram mole


1. Aparticle of mass 1.96 × 10 kg remins suspended between two horizontal metallic plates, kept
800 V. The charge
one above the other 2 cm apart, when the potential difference between them is
on the particle is:
(a) 2e (b) 3e
(c) 4e (d) Se
2. Ametallic hemisphere of radius r is placed in a region having a uniform electric field E perpendicular
passing through the hemisphere is:
to its cross-section. The electric flux
(b) uE
(c) 2urE
(d) 2ru'E

Sample Papers
the given
the points Pand in
effective resistance
3. Find the 32


(d) 6 2
(c)15 2
20 (b) magnetic
required to turn a
magnctic ncedle lying parallel to0 a
field by 6F
4. Wunits of work are maintain the same position of the
required to
angle. Find the torque (c) /3 W
(d) W
(a) W
(b) 2W
magnetic material
Identify the type of the
magnetic material is 0.9853. (d) Data insufficient
5. The susceptibility of a (c) Ferromagnetic
(a) Diamagnetic (b) Paramagnetic magnetic field p.
rectangular coil is A and it is kept in a unitorm
6. The cross-sectional area of magnetic flux attached to the coil.
shown in the figure. Find the

Rectangular Coil

-Area of coil, A

(a) BA sin a (b) BA cos a (c) BA (d) Zero

7. A bar magnet is falling down with its N-Pole downwards towards a closed metallic ring as shown
below. Find the direction of induced current flowing through the ring.

(a) Clockwise
(b) Anticlockwise
(c) First clockwise and then anticlockwise
(d) First anticlockwise and then clockwise
g The peak value of an alternating current 1S 14.14 A. If the
frequency of the current is S0 Hz. find
the time the current takes in reaching its maximum value from zero
1 1
(a) Sec (b sec (c) 1
50 100 (d) Sec

72 ogether witk EAD Physics12

9. Which of the following statements is not corect albout
interference ol light?
(a) The amplhtudes of two interfering wave trains should bc equal or very nearly cqua.
(b) In interference of }ight, the two soutces should be
very narrow,
(c) T0 avod he interference bands to bc verv clse. the two sources should he far away.
() None of the above.
10. Onc a.m.u, is cqual lo
(a) 931 MeV. (b) 1.49x 0 ". (e) L66 x I) kg. (d) all of the ahove.
11. The wavelcngth of series limit in Balmcr Series is:
R SR 36
(a) (b) (c) (d)
4 36 5R
12. Amonochromatic light of frequcncy 6.0 x I0" Hz is produced by a laser. The power emitted 1s
2.0 x10 W. The approxinmate number of photons cmittcd per seCond by the source is :
(a) 5x10 photons/sec (b) 6.6x 10" photons/scc
(c) 5.8x10" photons/scc (d) None of the above
For Q.13 to l6, two statements are given-one labelled Assertion (A) and the other labelled Reason (R).
Select the correct answer to these questions from the codes (a). (b), (c) and (d) as given below.
(a) lf both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is correct explanation of Assertion.
(b) If both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
(c) If Assertion is true but Reason is false.
(d) If both Assertion and Reason are false.
moving in circular
13. Assertion (A): Aproton and an alpha particle having the same kinetic energy are
paths in auniform magnetic field. The radii of their circular paths will be equal.
Reason (R): Any two charged particles having equal kinetic energies and entering a region of
describe circular trajectories of
uniform magnetic field B in a direction perpendicular to B, will
equal radi.
reflectors of light in optical instruments.
14. Assertion (A): Right-angled isosceles glass prisms are used as against about 80% for a
of light is reflected
Reason (R): In total internal reflection, almost 100%
silvered mirror.
potential given to anode at which photoelectric
15. Assertion (A): The minimum negative
becomes zero is called cut-off voltage. photoelectrons
minimum frequency of incident radiation below which no emission of
Reason (R): The
takes place is calledthe threshold frequency. with trivalent or
An extrinsic semiconductor is a doped semiconductor either
16. Assertion (A):
pentavelant impurity. semiconductor.
conductivity is low in intrinsic
Reason (R): The electrical

and 'b' carrying currents , and i, along the same direction

conductors 'a' between them. A third wire 'c' Find
17. Two long straight parallel force of attraction
d. Explain the parallel conductors.
are separated by a distance direction is situated in the middle of these
a current i, in the the middle.
force acting on the wire kept in placed coaxially in
the resultant
of focal lengths f, and t, respectively are show the image
lenses L, and L, lens L. Draw a ray
diagram to
18. Two thin convex beyond the focus of length of the combined
contact. Anobject is placed and hence derive the expression for the focal
formation by the combination versus the
system. showing the variation of fringe width What does
graph same.
slit experiment, plot a the slits keeping other parameters the
I, InYoung's double from the plane of
distance of the screen
the slope of the curve Sample Papers
20. When four hvdrogen nuclei combinc to form a helium nucleus, calculate the amount of energy

in theprocess of fusion. Given
MeV relcascd
1.007825 u MeV/e
() Mass of H= 4.002603u and I u= 931
helium mucleus =
(n) Mass of region is formed in ajunction diode.
a depletion
Z1. Explain howdoes
vice versa in the igurc given below?
fromB to A or
Does anv current ow D,
10 V

22. Two parallel plate capacitors X and Y have the same area
has air
of plates and same separation between them. X
between the plates while Y contains a dielectric medium
E, = 4.
(i) Calculate the capacitance of each capacitor if equivalent
capacitance of the combination is 4 uF.
(iü) Calculate the potential difference between the plates
15 V
of X and Y.
(iü) Estimate the ratio of electrostatic energy stored in X and Y.
23. Derive an expression for the magnetic field due to a solenoid of length 2> radius 'a' having n
number of turns per unit length and carrying a steady current T at a point on its axial line, distance
r away from the centre of the solenoid. How does this expression compared with the axial magnetic
field due to a bar magnet?
24. Find the expression for magnetic field intensity along the equitorial position of a bar magnet. Show
that for asmallbar magnet the intensity of magnetic field in equitorial position is half in magnitude
of axial position.
25. (a) State the principle of working of a transformer.
(b) Define the efficiency of a transformer.
(c) Calculate the current drawn by the primary of a 90% efficient transformer which steps down
220 V to 22 V, if the output resistance is 440Q.
26 (a) Arrange the following electromagnetic waves in the order of their increasing wavelength.
(i) Microwaves
(iü) X-rays
(iiil) Radio waves
(iv) y-rays.
What is the role of infrared radiation in
(b) How are infrared waves produced?
() physical therapy?
(ü) maintaining the Earth's

RAD Physics-12
27. The following graph shows the variation of photocurrent for a photosensitive metal.


(a) ldentify the variables Nand Aon the horizontal axis.

(6) Draw this graph for three values of frequecies of incident radiation v,, v, and v, (y, > , > V)
for the same intensity of incident beams.
(c) Draw this graph for three different values of intensities of incident radiation I,, I, andI,
((, >,> ) having the same wavelengths.

Plot a graph showing the variation of photocurrent with intensity of light.

The work function for the given metals Na and Mo are 2.75 eV and 4.17 eV respectively. Which
of these will not give photoclectronicemission from a radiation of wavelength 3300 Áfrom a
beam. What happens when the source is brought closer?
a function of
28. (a) Draw a plot showing the variation of potential energy of a pair of nucleonsandas (iü)
their separation. Mark the regions where the nuclear force is (i) attractive repulsive.
(6) In this nuclear reaction,
n + 235U ’ t Sr + 2n
determine the values of a and b.


29. Case study

questions that follow.
Read the following paragraph and answer the into the
of obstacles or apertures and spreading aperture
The bending of light waves around the corners of the obstacle or
diffraction of light. The size
regions of geometrical shadow is called used. Interference is the superposition of light
should be of the order of wavelength of the lightfrom the same source, while the diffraction is the
waves from two different wavefronts
of the same wavefront.
interaction of light waves from different parts aperture
condition for diffraction of light to occur is that the size of the
(i) The essential
to the wavelength of light.
(a) must be less when compared
compared to the wavelength of light.
(b) must be more when
wavelength of light.
(c) must be comparable to the
the wavelength of light.
(d) should not be compared to immersed in water without changing any other parameter.
(ii) Single slit diffraction is central maximum affected?
How is the width of the (c) Decreases (d) Becomes zero
(b) Increases
(a) Insignificant interference and diffraction is
difference in interference is
(üi) The main
interaction of light from the same wavefront whereas
(a) diffraction is due waves from two isolated sources. interference is
the interaction of
interaction of light from the wavefront, whereas
(b) diffraction is due to waves derived from the same source.
the interaction of
Sample Papers 75
(c) diffraction is due to the interaction of waves derived from the same sOurce, wherea
bending of light from the same
interference is the and diffraction. 32
diference between interference
(d) there is no based 0n
of interfercnce is
(n) The phenomenon momentum. (b) conservation of
of momentum and
(a) consevation of (d) conscrvation
( ) quantum nature of
of the obstacle
( ) oobserve diffractionthe size
(a) should be x/2, where ais the
(b) should be of the order of wavelength.
() bas no relation to wavelength.
(d) should be much larger than the
30. Case study
questions that follow.
Read the following paragraph and answer the
acceptor impurity into the othe
If a donor impurity is diffused into one side of a crystal and an diffusIon, free electrons of <
the boundary between thosc regions is called ap-n junction. Due to
section combine with holes of p' scction. This produces an electric field and prevents the electrone
and holes from crossing the junction. The small region in the vicinity of p-n junction is called
depletion layer.
(i) In an intrinsic semiconductor,
(a) there are no free electrons. (b) there are only holes.
(c) free electrons are thermally produced. (d) None of these.
(ü) What causes the barrier layer in a p-n junction?
(a) Doping (b) Recombination (c) Barrier potential (d) Ions
(iüü) When a diode is forward biased, the recombination of the free electrons and holes may produce
(a) heat. (b) light. (c) radiation. (d) all of these.
(iv) When the reverse voltage increases from 5 Vto 10 V, the depletion layer
(a) becomes larger. (b) becomes smaller. (c) is unaffected. (d) breaks down.
(iv) If the temperature of a piece of germanium increases its
(a) increases
(b) decreases (c) remains unchanged(d) becomes zero
31. (a) Derive an expression for
electrical energy density In electric field of a parallel plate
(b) Using Gauss's law, find the electric
field intensity due to a linear charge capacitor.
length at apoint r distance away from it. distribution of infinite
(a) How would you connect four capacitors, each of capacitance
1 uF to
of 0.75 uF? Draw a diagram to show the combination. obtain a net capacitance
(b) Find the charge on the capacitor in the given circuit.


10S2 20 S2


76 ogcther wck EAD Physics-12

32. (a) Show that when a current is divided bctwcen two tesistances in accordance with Kirchhotf s
laws, the heat produced is minimum.
(b) Why is the long distance power transmision carried ot at
high veltage
(c) Calculatethe cUITent in cach pat of the eiteuitshewn helw Ako find the potential difference
bctwecn points A and B
W Ww
18 V


(a) ldentical cells cach of emf Eand internal resistance»r are arranged in a mixed grouping. One
rOw in the combination has 'n' cclls and there arc m' rows in parallel. An external resistance
R is joined with this combination. Find the cxpression for the total current in the circuit.
(b) Show that in theabove case the current in the external circuit will be maximum when the total
internal resistance of the battery cquals to the joined external resistance of combined cells.
Find its value.
33. (a) A ray of light incident on face AB of an equilateral glass prism, shows minimum deviation of
30°. Calculate the speed of light through the prism.


Equilateral glass prism

the emergent ray grazes along the face AC.
(b) Find the angle of incidence at face AB so that
reflecting telescope.
(c) Drawaray diagram for the formation of image by a
A point object is placed onthe principal axis of a convex spherical surface of radius of diagram
(a) indices n, andn, (n, > n). Draw the ray radius of
R, which separates the two media oftherefractive
object distance 'u', image distance v and the
and deduce the relation between from rarer
the convex spherical surface light going
curvature R for refraction to take place at
to denser medium. index
focal length of 20 cm in air. It is made of a material of retractive
(b) A converging lens has a refractive index 1.3, find its new focal
1.6. It is immersed in aliquid of

to get Answers

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