Algebra - DPP 02 - MBA Elite 2024
Algebra - DPP 02 - MBA Elite 2024
Algebra - DPP 02 - MBA Elite 2024
Linear Equation - 2
−5 + ax = 3x − 9(1 − x) (D) 10
Q2 Solve the simultaneous equations and write the Q6 Solve the following equation
value x + y . 3x
− x = −1 −
5 10
x − (2x + 1) = 8 − (3y + 3), x −
(A) 10 (B) 11
(2y + 1) = 8 − (3x + 3) (C) 12 (D) 13
Q3 Clint Barton, while preparing for his role in the Q7 A barrack is currently home to some soldiers
next Avengers movie, takes part in an archery and the food supply there will last them for 90
contest where he shoots 298 arrows. According days. After 12 days, a platoon of additional 600
to the rules of the contest, soldiers arrives without any food supplies. Now
(i) He wins 5 coins every time he hits the Bull’s the food supplies will last for 72 days. How many
eye. soldiers were there originally at the barrack?
(i) Every time he misses the target completely, (A) 2400 (B) 7200
he loses 3 coins and (C) 3600 (D) 9600
(iii) If he hits the target but not the Bull’s eye, he
loses 1 coin. Q8 x, y and z are three coins of different
At the end of the game, it is found that Clint denominations in rupees which satisfy the
has 202 coins, then the number of times he following three equations:
would have missed the target completely 100x + 50y + 25z = 87. 5
questions is 50 . Albert scored 36 marks in the Q24 Bulbul, Ashwani, Sahev and Sounak who went
test. What is the minimum number of questions to a watch a movie Pathan. They found that
that he can answer incorrectly if a correct there were only two tickets available at the
answer, an incorrect and un-attempted counter and they bought them. For purchasing
question fetches him +1, − 1/3 and −1/4
the remaining two tickets, they had to pay Rs
marks respectively? 40 more than the actual price for each ticket.
(A) 2 (B) 3 At the end, they found that each person, on an
(C) 5 (D) 7 average, had spent Rs 100 for the ticket as
Q21 Even though the local gems shop owner his/her share. Find the actual price (in Rs) of
guard one by one. To each, he gave 50% of the Q25 If a + 2b + 3c + 4d + 5e = 30; where
gems he had then, and 4 more besides. He ran a, b, c, d, e are distinct natural numbers.
away with two valuable gems. How many did Then, find the number of solutions.
he steal originally? (A) 2 (B) 3
(A) 32 (B) 72 (C) 1 (D) 0
(C) 148 (D) 152
Q26 For an India vs Pakistan T20 match tickets are
Q22 The ratio of age of Nipen and Bhupen 10 years getting distributed from the ticket counter in
back is 2 : 3. After 10 years the ratio becomes 6 : front of Eden Garden. People started queuing
7. Bhupen had his first child at the age of 24 up from 4 AM for the tickets and 100 people
years, then what will be Nipen's age when joined the queue every minute from 4 AM till 4
Bhupen's son will be as old as Bhupen's present PM. After 4 PM no one is allowed to line up in
age (in years)? the queue. The counter which distributes tickets
(A) 40 (B) 41 opens at 11:30 AM closes by 5:30 PM. In the
(C) 42 (D) 44 ticket counter there are some BCCI officials who
Q23 The average age of Mr. & Mrs. Kim (when they distribute tickets to the people who are in the
have just married) was 24 years. After their 1st line. Each official can distribute 2 tickets per
and 2nd children (twins) were born, the average minute. How many BCCI officials need to be
stationed to make sure that all the people who
age of the family became times the average
are in the line get tickets?
age of their parents while marriage. The
(A) 60 (B) 80
average age of the family just after 3rd child
(C) 100 (D) 120
was born becomes 22
times the average age
Answer Key
Q1 12 Q16 (A)
Q2 6 Q17 (B)
Q3 2 Q18 (C)
x =
Multiply both sides of (ii) by 3 we get
(a − 12)
3x − 6y = 6 … … (iii)
at a = 12 the system of equations becomes
From equation (i) and (iii) we get
8 = 6, which is a false statement.
Q2 Text Solution: Hence, the system has no solution.
x − (2x + 1) = 8 − (3y + 3) … . . (i)
Thus, option (A) is correct.
x − (2y + 1) = 8 − (3x + 3) … …
Q5 Text Solution:
The given equations are
Solving the equation (i) for x, we get
5x − 2y = m … … (i)
x = 3y − 6 … … (iii)
− 15x + ny = − 4 … … . (ii)
Using (iii) in (ii) we get
Multiply the equation (i) by -3 we get
3y − 6 − (2y + 1) = 8 −
−15x + 6y = − 3m
[3(3y − 6) + 3]
− 15x + ny = − 4
y − 7 = − 9y + 23
Since these two equations are equivalent and
Further solving for y, we get
have the same coefficient of x , the coefficients
y = 3
of y and the constants on the right-hand side
Hence, from (iii), we get
must also be the same. Thus, n = 6 and
x = 3
−3m = −4
Hence, x + y = 3 + 3 = 6.
Therefore, the value of m is .
⇒ + − x = −1
Total shots were taken = 298 shots 5 10
6x + 3x − 10x
⇒ = −1
According to Question: P + Q + R = 298 ------ 9x−10x
⇒ = −1
(1) 10
⇒ − = −1
Given, Total score= 202 points 10
15x + 27y + 39z = 3(195) ………….. (iv)
Hence, Option B is correct.
Subtracting (iv) from (iii), we get
Q10 Text Solution: 13x + 13y + 13z = 299
Let the present age of the father be x years. or, x + y + z = 23
Rani Father Smita 10 (x + y + z) = 10(23) = 230
Present Age x4 x 12
Q13 Text Solution:
8 years later x + 8 20
Let the initial number of coins with Anushka be
Now according to the given condition in the 2x.
question We can tabulate the transactions as:
450x = 40500
x = 90
Hence, he fails (110 - 90) = 20 times.
Or, x = 35
Q17 Text Solution:
Thus, the initial number of coins
Let the number of students who received 3 and
= 2x
4 chocolates be m and n respectively.
= 2(35)
We need to maximize m + n
= 70
We have 3m + 4n + 3 = 1000 , 3m + 4n = 997
Therefore, the initial number of coins with
3m +3n + n = 997
Anushka is 70.
3(m+n) + n = 997
Q14 Text Solution: If n = 1 , then 3(m + n) will have the maximum
Let the number of balls be 2x. possible value (996)
White + Red + Black + Green = 2x ...... (1) So, the maximum possible value of (m + n) = 996
Green Balls = x ÷ 3 = 332
Also, Red
= Black
..... (2)
2 3 Q18 Text Solution:
2(Red + Black) = 3(Black) + 4 .... (3)
The total number of students in the four
= Green
3 sections
So, White = ..... (4)
3 = 42 + 48 + x + 80
Solving (2) and (3) we get = 170 + x
Red = 8, Black = 12. Let the number of boys and girls in the class be
Now, from (1) and (4) we get B and G respectively i.e., B + G = 170 + x.
+ 8 + 12 + x = 2x
slot x times. of G
Given Bf = Gf, = → =
B G B 3
Then, he misses the target (110 - x) times. 6 4 G 2
So, AQT, B−G
= 5 (componendo and dividendo)
150x – (110 - x)300 = 7500 But B - G = (Bp + Bf) - (Gp + Gf) = Bp - Gp
450x - 33000 = 7500 (Since Bf = Gf) = 46
Let us assume that Nipen's age 10 years back is
x 6
1 2x.
xy 6
So, Bhupen's age 10 years back is 3x.
6y + 12x = xy 2x + 20
So, =
xy – 12x – 6y = 0 3x + 20 7
Equation (i) × 3 + Equation (ii) × 12 gives When the twins were born total age of the
family is = 4 × (24 × ) = 54 years.
3x + 3y + 3z = 150 16
54 − 48
12x – 4y – 3z = 432
So, the twins were born after 2
= 3 years of
15x – y = 582 … (iii)
their parents' marriage.
y = 15x – 582
When the 3rd child was born the average age
Now, we need to find the multiple of 15 just of the family
= (24 + 3) = .
22 66
above 582 i.e., 585 45
Thus, y = 3 The total age of the family when the 3rd child
Hence, option B is the correct answer. was born = ( 5) = 66 years
Let the number of gems the burglar has before the twins were born.
he approaches the fourth guard is x. When the fourth child was born the average
x - x ×50% - 4 = 2 age of the family
x −
− 4 = 2
= (24 × 2
) = 16 years
⇒ x = 12
The total age of the family when the fourth
Number of gems before met with third guard is, child was born
(12 + 4) × 2 = 32 = 16 × 6 years = 96 years.
Number of gems before second guard is