Báo Nư C Ngoài 2
Báo Nư C Ngoài 2
Báo Nư C Ngoài 2
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyze how the relationship between product quality,
packaging design, and price with the reasons why people buy products
simultaneously or sequentially. The method used is a quantitative descriptive
method, or a method that measures the effect of a variable on other variables.
Product quality, packaging design, and price are the main variables. A different
tertiary variable is the purchasing point of view. The majority of respondents to this
survey are Way Kambas Dodol Nanas consumers. There were about 30 responses to
the survey. The selective sampling technique used is called purposive sampling. The
reliability test uses the Cronbach's Alpha formula and the validity test uses the
Pearson Product Moment correlation point.The data analysis technique used in this
study is the Classical Assumption Test, Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Test, T
test and F test at a significant level of 5%. Data collection was carried out by
distributing questionnaires as the main data collection, and supported by interviews
and observations. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that
simultaneously the variables of product quality, packaging design and price have a
positive effect on purchasing decisions for Dodol Nanas Way Kambas products.
Partially the product quality variable has a significant effect on purchasing
decisions, the packaging design variable has a significant effect on purchasing
decisions, and the price variable has a significant effect on purchasing decisions.
1. Introduction
Competitiveness will have a negative impact on consumer demand management. Accepted
or not, the product being sold depends on how consumers feel about the product in question.
Price, packaging design and product quality are three very important factors that can influence
why people buy. Marketing competition is a serious and dangerous problem in the world; as a
result, various actions were taken in an attempt to favor the competition.
Rebollar et al. (2019) acknowledged that certain images used in product design will have a
negative impact on consumer confidence and purchase intention. According to Sousa et al.
(2020), elements such as color and shape in packaging design have a significant impact on
consumer sensory perception, and packaging that fits the product can increase consumer
preferences and purchase intentions. Businesses often face situations where they have to initiate
Business actors often face situations where they have to respond to price changes made by
other business actors and make attractive product packaging designs so that they can invite
International Journal of Economics, Bussiness and Accounting Research (IJEBAR) Page 1
International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR)
Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol-7, Issue-2, 2023 (IJEBAR)
E-ISSN: 2614-1280 P-ISSN 2622-4771
consumers to buy products. After considering the price and packaging design, consumers also
consider the quality of the product (food) they will buy. Consumers expect a match between the
price and the quality of the product they receive.
From previous research conducted by Jasmani (2018) stated that product quality has a
positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. In addition, it was stated in Prihartono's
research (2020) that product quality has a positive and significant effect on perceived buyer
intentions. However, Devi & Theresia (2021) emphasize that product quality is below standard
and has no significant effect on customer satisfaction. Hanum, F., & Perhusip, A. A. (2022)
stated that packaging design has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions.
However, research by Herawati & Muslikah (2019) shows different results where packaging
design does not significantly influence purchasing decisions. The results of Gerin Johansyah and
Kaniawati's research (2019) show that price has a significant effect on purchasing decisions.
Meanwhile, Prilano et al.'s research (2020) states that price has a negative effect on purchasing
Based on previous research and this phenomenon, further research is needed regarding
how the influence of product quality, packaging design and price on consumer decisions to buy
2. Theoritical Review
Buying decision
According to Gunawan (2022), the purpose of buying is a process in which consumers
discuss their problems and seek information about relevant products or services. A purchase
decision made by a consumer is made on the basis of his wants and needs for a product in terms
of product attributes, namely product elements that are considered important by consumers and
are used as a basis for decision making (Rivaldo et.al 2022). Decisions taken by consumers to
make purchases of a product. This variable is measured based on consumer motivation to buy
against company stimuli which can be reflected in product or brand attributes, namely product
quality, promotion and design (Nasution et.al 2022)
Product quality
Product quality is how the product has a value that can satisfy consumers physically or
mentally and shows the attributes, properties contained in an item or result (Schiffman and
Kanuk, 2019). According to Kidane and Sharma (2019), product quality is the physical
condition, function and characteristics of the product concerned which can satisfactorily satisfy
the tastes and needs of consumers in accordance with the value of money that has been issued.
Therefore, product quality plays an important role in sales and has a positive relationship with
consumer buying behavior (Turri et al., 2021).
Packaging Design
According to what customers say, design is an all-encompassing feature that influences the
appearance and functionality of current products (Kotler in Pasaribu, 2020). According to Ezar &
Kohardinata (2018), product design is the single most important factor among shapes, types of
materials, colors, warnings, illustrations, and graphics which are defined as key factors to ensure
that the product is truly appropriate. Wu (2018) adopts the theory of neuro-cognitive science to
analyze the scientific style, emotional content, and connotation of folk art illustrations in
packaging design, facilitating consumers' understanding of products more comprehensively.
Price is the amount of money that is owned to pay wages or part of the compensation for
goods or services as a result of transactions carried out by both parties so that they mutually
agree, including prices set by the company and prices received by consumers (Rivaldo et al.
2022). According to Mardia et al. (2021), price is the amount of money paid for certain goods or
services, certain licenses, or the amount of money paid by consumers to use certain goods or
services. In addition, there are other factors that affect price fluctuations, such as economic
conditions, demand and supply, demand elasticity, production costs, business objectives and
government regulations, business mission, and others (Private, 1997; Risnawati, Sumarga, &
Purwanto, 2019).
Influence of product quality, packaging design and price on purchasing decisions
Table 1 Previous Research Analysis of Product Quality, Packaging Design and Price on
Purchasing Decisions
Researcher & Year Research result
No Method
1 Ginting, O. S. B., & Multiple Product image, product selling price and product
Affandi, A. A. Regressio packaging design together have a significant
(2022). n effect on purchasing decisions
Product image and product packaging design
have a partially significant effect on the
purchasing decision of the VCO Herbal
Medicine while the selling price of the product
does not have a significant effect on the
purchasing decision of the VCO Herbal
Product Quality
Packaging Buying Decision
Design (X2) (Y)
Price (X3)
Perceived Price is the consumer's obligation to use price in determining the proper benefits of the
product. The valuation of the benefits of a product (say expensive, cheap or moderate) by each
individual is not based on individual perceptions based on the individual's own environment and
H3 : There is a price effect on the purchasing decision of Dodol Nanas Way Kambas
The company will continue to increase its market share by continuing to provide satisfaction for
consumers. In general, the quality, design and price of products are continuously evaluated
whether consumers are satisfied with the quality, design and price of products offered by the
company. the results of research conducted by Chana (2020) stated that product quality affects
consumer satisfaction through purchasing decisions.
H4 : There is an influence of product quality, packaging design, and price on purchasing
decisions of Dodol Nanas Way Kambas
3. Research Method
According to Pandjaitan & Ahmad (2017), the research method is an attempt to find,
develop and test the truth of a knowledge using scientific methods. This is a quantitative
methodology used as an approach in this study. In carrying out statistical analysis of the data
used quantitative approach method.
Data and Data Sources
Primary data is data obtained directly through in-depth interviews by asking several
questions directly to respondents and the processed data is in the form of numbers obtained from
a questionnaire scale that the researcher distributes to respondents who buy Dodol Nanas Way
Kambas products. These primary data are as follows: Direct interviews with respondents,
questionnaires, observations at research locations. Secondary data is data obtained in the form of
data that has been processed and obtained directly from the research site, namely the Dodol
Nanas Way Kambas production site, as well as data derived from literature, books and journals
dealing with research issues. The secondary data are: books, documents, and journals.
Population, Sample and Sampling Technique
Handayani (2020) states that the population is the totality of each area to be surveyed
which has the same characteristics, which can be individuals from a group, events, or other
things to be surveyed. The population in this study were consumers of Way Kambas Dodol
Pineapple products. In determining the population size, the authors determine consumers who
buy Dodol Nanas products at production sites so that they can assess their purchasing decisions
on Way Kambas Dodol Nanas products. According to Sugiyono (2018), the number and
characteristics of the population concerned are represented by the word "sample". In contrast,
sample size is a useful tool for determining how large a sample is when conducting a particular
Sampling Technique
Handayani (2020) claims that the sampling technique or also known as random sampling is
the process of selecting a representative sample from a population to be sampled and studying
the various characteristics or characteristics of the sample subject that can be generalized from
the sample as a whole. The sampling technique used in this study uses non-probability sampling,
which does not give each population unit or individual member of the sample the same time or
opportunity to become a sample (Sugiyono, 2018). While the type of non-probability sampling
used is a purposive sampling approach. The definition of purposive sampling is a sampling
technique with certain considerations, namely users who have already made a purchase.
Respondents who were sampled in this study were consumers at the Way Kambas Dodol
Pineapple production site with the following criteria:
1. People who have previously purchased Dodol Nanas Way Kambas products within the
last one year
2. Age over 17 years. With this in mind, it is hoped that respondents will be able to carry
out an objective analysis of the statements made in the questionnaire related to the
variables used in the analysis.
Data collection technique
The author does various things to get the data the author needs. This is shown so that this
research can be accounted for its validity. The ways that the author means are: Questionnaires,
interviews, documentation
The table above shows that the multiple linear regression equation obtained from the
results of the analysis is Y = 36,729 + 0,274X1 + 0, 381X2 + 0, 319X3 the regression equation
that the price α1 = 0,274 is marked positive, α2 = 0,381 is marked positive, α3 = 0,319 is marked
positive. Thus there is a positive relationship between X1 and Y, a positive relationship between
X2 and Y, and a positive relationship between X3 and Y.
Partial Test Results (t Test)
Table 7 Partial Test Results (t)
Model Unstandardized Standardized t Sig.
Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 36.729 7.477 4.912 .000
X1 .274 .183 .371 2.572 .026
X2 .381 .167 .410 2.279 .031
X3 .319 .183 .296 2.726 .044
a. Dependent Variable: Y
Source : Developed for this research
1. The product quality variable has a significance value of 0.026 (<0.05) so it is concluded
that the product quality variable has a significant effect on the purchasing decision
2. The packaging design variable has a significance value of 0.031 (<0.05), so it is
concluded that the packaging design variable has a significant effect on the purchasing
decision variable.
3. The price variable has a significance value of 0.044 (<0.05), so it is concluded that the
price variable has a significant effect on the purchasing decision variable
From the table above it can be seen that there is a moderate relationship between the
independent variables (product quality, packaging design and price) to the dependent variable
(purchasing decision) as evidenced by the R square value of 0.335.
4.2 Discussion
Discussion of Research Analysis Results
Effect of Product Quality on Product Purchase Decisions
The results of testing the effect of product quality on product purchasing decisions show a
t-count value that is greater than the t-table, namely 2.572> 2.055, so at a 5% error rate it is
decided to accept H1. Then the results of Channa's research (2020) have also proven that product
quality has a positive effect on increasing purchasing decisions.
The Influence of Packaging Design on Product Purchasing Decisions
The results of testing the effect of packaging design on product purchasing decisions show
a t-count value that is greater than the t-table, namely 2.279> 2.055, so at a 5% error rate it is
decided to accept H2. Research by Huang Jing et al. (2018) show that color also plays an
important role in product packaging design, and explains the mechanism of action of color on
Effect of Price on Product Purchasing Decisions
The results of testing the effect of price on purchasing decisions show that the t-count
value is greater than the t-table, namely 2.726> 2.055, so at the 5% error level it is decided to
accept H3. Research by Amirullah (2002); Cuong, (2021) explains that purchasing decisions are
a process of assessing and choosing various alternatives according to certain interests by
determining an option that is considered the most profitable, in this case price is the most
influential element.
The Influence of Product Quality, Packaging Design and Price, on Product Purchasing
The results of testing the simultaneous effect of product quality, packaging design and
price show that the F-count value is greater than the F-table, namely 4.374> 2.98, so at a 5%
error rate it is decided to accept H4. Based on the data above, this proves that the variable
product quality, packaging design and price contribute a joint effect of 33.5% to the purchasing
decision variable and the remaining 56.5% is influenced by other variables outside this study.
Meanwhile Childs et al., (2020) proved that product quality, design and price influence
purchasing decisions. The variables present are clearly correlated.
5. Research Limitations
There are a number of things that can go wrong during the research process, and these
include: There were problems with study time, tenacity, and research subjects. It is possible that
the results will not be accurate due to the limited ability of the respondent to understand the
speaker's utterances and the underlying motivation when interacting with the speaker. This study
only has a limited number of respondents, namely consumers of Way Kambas pineapple dodol
6. Conclusion
Conclusions And Recommendations
Based on the results of the analysis and discussion in chapter IV, it can be concluded that
variable X1 (product quality) has a significant effect on variable Y (purchasing decision).
Variable X2 (packaging design) significantly affects variable Y (purchasing decision). Likewise,
variable X3 (price) also significantly influences variable Y (purchasing decision).
To further improve consumer purchasing decisions for Dodol Nanas Way Kambas
products, it is better if these three things must be improved together, especially in the product
quality variable, because according to research the quality variable has more influence on
purchasing decisions than the other two variables. The quality of the product offered must have a
better advantage and be in line with consumer expectations compared to competing products. As
in the development of product innovations that always pay attention to consumer needs.
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